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LORMA Colleges Chapter 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Background of the Study Hospital Information System (HIS) is vital to decision making

and plays a crucial role in the success of the


Computerization of the medical records and

documentation has resulted in efficient data management and information dissemination for the users. Managers,

Clinicians and other healthcare workers can now access the information without delay or errors. Present study reveals, the existing system of feel requires up gradation and the to meet the

requirements Participants medical

the HIS

managers assists in

clinicians. making, existing and HIS

decision that the




resulted in longer time for OPD consultation and delay in investigation results. Majority of the participants feel that HIS helps in education and research (Praveen, 2006). Hospital Information System (HIS) is one of the most widely adopted Its information definition systems varies in the hospital different



studies, but in general it is regarded as an integrated information system designed to manage administration,

financial and clinical activities of the hospital. It is believed that HIS is able to offer benefits such as

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges increased operational efficiency, improved patient care

quality, improved diagnostic decision making and reduced operational cost etc. (Maia, 2004). In Nova Scotia, Canada, a Hospital Information System was introduced last November 20, 2006 by Health Minister Chris d'Entremont, improved the way patient information is stored, used, and disclosed by Nova Scotia health-care

providers. that allow

Electronic patient records are software tools health-care providers to easily look through

their patients' medical histories. With this system, clinic charts will be stored electronically, instead of on paper. Electronic patient records minimize errors, efficiently

generate referral letters, complete forms much quicker, and easily bill and code diagnoses. Connecting primary healthcare settings with hospital information systems allows care providers to access lab, diagnostic imaging, and other

patient information quickly and accurately. With this webbased electronic patient record, all patient health

information is stored at the Department of Health's data centre, which is also used to store patient information for the majority is of hospitals and in Nova is Scotia. only Patient given to




providers who have a registered login and security code (Hawkesworth, 2006). Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges In the province System of Bulacan, was a District The Hospital DHIS was




piloted in Rogaciano M. Mercado Memorial Hospital (RMMMH) in Sta. Maria, Bulacan in the year 2003. To date, all the other district hospitals (Emilio in G. Baliuag Perez (Baliuag Memorial District District



Hospital), Bulacan (Gregorio Del Pilar District Hospital), Calumpit (Bulacan Maternity and Children's Hospital), and San Miguel (San Miguel District Hospital), are starting to utilize the the system in their of daily the operations. district DHIS




under the Provincial Health Office from manual to digital. The system automates transactions, linking data entered at the Admission Section or OPD Department, the Pharmacy,

Laboratory, X-Ray, Billing, Collection and Records Section. Inventory and supplies data are entered at the Supply

Section. Because the system uses an integrated database, it reduces separate the volume of redundant the makes The paper files kept in The to the more

locations database

within also

District it easier

Hospitals. for users

centralized process hospital and

retrieve to



thus faster

enables in a




organized manner, more accurately, and more conveniently. They can now process data and provide feedback to clients. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges The automation has also decreased the time spent by staff on their routine work (Rivera, 2005).

Company Profile The dream and aspirations of the people of Bacnotan to have a hospital of their own was realized when the Bacnotan Emergency Hospital was inaugurated on September 16, 1975. It was spearheaded by then late Gov. Juvenal K. Guerrero who hails from Bacnotan and Dr. Juan Mabutas Jr., then the Chief of the La Union Provincial Hospital and with the leadership of the late Mayor Francisco Fontanilla. It was temporarily housed in a prefab Marcos building located

beside the Municipal Hall with a manpower complement of 10. The hospital kept abreast with progress when after two (2) years in the service, 2.7 hectares lot at Barangay Bulala and Barangay Poblacion, Bacnotan La Union was donated for the construction of a new two-storey building under the leadership of the late Mayor Zosimo Cargamento, though it was only half of the planned main building of the hospital. Over the years, the Province of La Union has been doing well its part in providing comprehensive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care to the populace. However, because of some factors like inadequate resources, insufficient number of training of personnel, inadequate Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges equipment, etc., services should further be improved in

order to make it more responsive to the present demands. The hospital serves an average of 150 patients a day, an average of 1,250 patients in a week and an average of 52,000 patients in a year. The hospitals manpower is 50 regular, 20 casuals, 33 contractual or job-orders, 1 contractual physician and 3 part time medical specialists. Common cases that are reported in the hospital are Acute Gastroenteritis, Fever, Acute Pneumonia, Tonsilo Tuberculosis, Pharyngitis, Dengue



Hypertension and Cardio vascular accident.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges Research Paradigm Figure 1 Research Paradigm of Bacnotan District Hospital Information System




Patient Records Patient Charts Patient Billing Statements

1. 2. 3. 4.

Planning Design Coding Test

Bacnotan District Hospital Information System


Figure Hospital



the It

Research inputs

Paradigm patient






charts and billing statements then process it by sorting, storing, displaying and calculating the bills of the

patient and output is the Hospital Information System.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges Significance of the Study The development of the Hospital Information System

(HIS) of Bacnotan District Hospital is beneficial to the following entities: To Bacnotan District Hospital. The HIS is of benefit to one of the hospitals goal of providing its patients the best quality health care and service. To Doctors and Nurses. The HIS will make the task of managing patients easy and fast. To knowing Patients. that The HIS would are make kept patients safely relieved and in



confidentiality. To the Researchers. specialize which would This their study skills their shall in make web the based and

researchers programming



capabilities in creating a computerized system. To the Future Researchers. The study shall serve as a formal basis and reference to their study.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges Statement of the Problem The main aim of this study was to design and develop a Hospital Hospital Specifically, it sought to answer the following: 1. What are the problems encountered in the existing Information System of the hospital along the areas on: a. storage; b. access; and c. security? 2. What are the problems encountered by the hospital in updating the patients record and charts? 3. What features would be incorporated in the proposed Hospital Hospital? Information System of Bacnotan District Information System for the Bacnotan District

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview

LORMA Colleges Objectives of the Study General Objectives The main aim of this study was to design and develop a Hospital Information System (HIS) for the Bacnotan District Hospital. Specific Objectives Specifically, it aims: 1. To implement a better way in filing patients records through the use of computer based

applications 2. To eliminate numerous paper works for the

nurses and staffs who manages the records 3. To make the service of the hospital to the

patient faster and accurate

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview


LORMA Colleges Scope and Delimitation The study aimed to design and develop an efficient and reliable Hospital Information System for Bacnotan District Hospital. The interface connection. The proposed system developed would be able to prove a computer based management of patient profile, management of patient medical records, automatic retrieval of proposed which system would shall run on have an a web-based user



patients medical history, Out-Patient records, diagnosis and treatment, tracking of patients record while being

admitted and summarization of records needed by the Out Patient Department, In-Patient Service, Records Department and Billing Department. However, the Hospital Information System does not

include the medical inventory of medicines and equipment, patients laboratory results coming directly from the

laboratory, patients X-Ray results coming directly from the Radiology Department, patients records in Pharmacy, report and charts generation and Billing transaction. The respondents are the Out-Patient Department Nurses, In-Patient Service nurses, Records Department staffs, the Billing Department staffs and patients. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview


LORMA Colleges Definition of Terms To provide clear understanding of the terms used in the study, the following are operationally defined: Admitting. A patient is in process of admitting of the patient to the In-Patient Department. Admission. A patient is currently in the In-Patient Department Bacnotan District Hospital. It is the name of the

hospital which the researchers chose to conduct a study. BP. It is an acronym for blood pressure which is taken for checking of the patients vital signs. BPM. It is a unit of measurement for respiration rate and an acronym for breathes per minute. CR. It is an acronym for circulation rate which is taken for checking of the patients vital signs. Doctor. diagnosis patient. Hospital Information System. It is an automated system to automate the existing process of Bacnotan District to It the is the person who examine patients, treat do the





Hospital. In-Patient Service. It is one of the services of

Bacnotan District Hospital which serves the patients who are admitted at the hospital. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Project Overview


LORMA Colleges mmHg. It is a unit of measurement for blood pressure. Out-Patient Department. It is one of the departments of Bacnotan District Hospital which caters walk-in

patients. Patient. It is a recipient of the healthcare services of the hospital. PPM. It is a unit of measurement for circulation rate and an acronym for pulse per minute. RR. It is an acronym for respiration rate which is taken for checking of the patients vital signs.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

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