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PART-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Define the term transition capacitance CT of a PN diode? What is thermal runaway? What is MOSFET?Mention its types. What is a TRIAC?Draw its symbol. What are the salient features of hybrid parameters? Classify the power amplifiers based on its biasing conditions. What are the disadvantages of negative feedback? State the Barkhausen criterion? Draw the response of highpass RC circuit to a pulse input? What is the need for filters in power supplies? The reverse saturation current in a silicon diode is 100na at 27c. Find the current through the diode if the applied forward voltage is 1 volt What is the difference between DC load line and AC load line in a CE amplifier having voltage divider bias and external load resistance RL? Why FET is called voltage divider bias? What is meant by holding current in a SCR? Compare input impedance and voltage gain of CE and CC amplifiers? What is meant by crossover distortion? What are the advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers? In Weins bridge oscillator,write the expression for oscillator frequency for oscillation frequency and minimum value of gain needed for sustained oscillation. In the following circuit,find the waveform of the output voltage. Assume the diode to be ideal.

20. 21. 22. 23.

What is meant by switched mode power supplies? What is the diffusion current in PN junction diode? What is LED? Which material is used for LED? Why is collector region wider than emitter region in BJT?

24. In a BJT,the emitter current is 12mA and the emitter current is 1.02 times the collector current. Find the base current. 25. What are the special features of FET? 26. define a) Pinch off voltage b) Amplification factor in JFET. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. What is meant by Common Mode Rejection Ratio? Mention some applications of UJT? What is a multivibrator? Explain Avalanche breakdown and Zener breakdown. What is thermal runaway? How it can be avoided? Define the parameters transconductance(gm),drain resistance(rd),and amplification factor() of a JFET. Establish the reletion between them. Explain the terms a) Peak Point Voltage(VP) and b) Valley point voltage(Vv) of a UJT Compare the performance of a BJT as an amplifier in CE,CB&CC configurations. Explain cross over distortion. How it can be minimized. What are the different types of negative feedback? Explain how the input and output impedance of amplifier are affected by the different types of negative feedback State and briefly explain Barkhausen criterion for oscillation. Explain LOWER and UPPER threshold voltages in a Schmitt Trigger. Define line regulation and load regulation in a voltage regulator? Define KNEE voltage of a diode? What is peak inverse voltage? Name the operating mode of a transistor? What are hybrid parameters? Draw the high frequency model of JFET. Write the Ac input impedance of a Darlington Transistor. Mention the operating modes of MOSFET. Mention any two high frequency LC oscillators. Write the frequency equation of an Astable multivibrator. What is Schmitt trigger? State the Barkhausen criterion?

34. 35. 36.

37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

PART-B 1. Show that reverse biased PN junction can be used as a variable capacitor. 2. From the energy band diagram explain the V-I characteristics of a tunnel diode. 3. Draw the circuit diagram of NPN junction transistor CE configuration and describe the static input and output characteristics. Also define active ,saturation and cutoff regions and saturation resistance of Ce amplifier. 4. Draw a voltage divider bias circuit and derive the expression for its stability factor. 5. Assuming that the saturation drain current IDS given by the parabolic relation IDS=IDSS (1Prove that the transconductance gm is given by gm=gmo(1-




where gmo is the

value og gm for VGS=0 6. Explain the biasing of JFET and MOSFET with circuit diagram.
7. Describe the working principle of SCR with V-I characteristics. Explain why it is operated only in the forward biased condition. 8. Derive the equations for voltage gain,current gain,input impedance,output admittance for a BJT using low frequency h-parameters model in CE configuration. 9. A CE amplifier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs=1000 and load impedance of 1200. The h-parameters of the transistor are hie=1.2k,hre=2 x 10-4,hfe=60,hoe=25A/V. Compute the current gain(Ai),input resistance(Ri),voltage gqain(Av) and output resistance (Ro) using exact analysis. 10. Draw the circuit diagram of a class-B push-pull amplifier and explain its working. Derive the equation for efficiency. 11. Derive the equation for maximum value of efficiency of class-A transformer coupled amplifier. 12. Describe with necessary derivations the effect of negative feedback on the band width and distortion in an amplifier. 13. An amplifier with 2.5k input impedance and 50 k output impedance has a voltage gain of 100. The amplifier is now modified to provide 5% negative feedback in series with the input. Calculate a. The voltage gain b. The input resistance and c. The output resistance with feedback 14. Derive the expression for the frequency of oscillation and the minimum gain required for sustained oscillations of the rC phase shift oscillator using BJT. 15. Draw the circuit of Hartley oscillator and explain its working. Derive the expressions for frequency of oscillation and condition for starting of oscillation. 16. With the help of a neat circuit diagram and relevant waveform describe the operation of two level diagrams. 17. With a neat figure,explain the working of an astable multivibrator. Derive the expression for output frequency. On what factors does the frequency of the output wave depend?

18. Derive the expression for Rectification efficiency,Ripple factor,Transformer utilization factor,form factor & peak factor of a full wave rectifier with a resistive load. 19. Compare the linear and switched mode power supplies. Explain the operation of a switched mode power supply in detail with a neat block diagram. 20. Draw the two transistor modes of SCR and explain its breakdown operation. Explain how triggering of the SCR can be controlled by gate signal supplied? 21. Explain the working of FWR with centre tap transformer. Also derive the following for this transformer. i. Dc output voltage ii. Dc output current iii. RMS output voltage 22. Explain the following regulator circuits i. Transistorized shunt regulator ii. Zener diode shunt regulator. 23. Describe the static input & output characteristic of a CB transistor with neat circuit diagram. 24. Derive the expression for current gain,input impedance and voltage gain of a CE Transistor Amplifier. 25. Explain the construction of N channel JFET. Also explain the drain and transfer characteristics of the same. 26. Describe the operation of common drain FET amplifier and derive the equation for voltage gain.(12) 27. In the common drain FET amplifier of above Let Rs=4k:=50;rd=35k. evaluate the voltage gain Av.(4) 28. Derive the equation for differential mode gain and common mode gain pf a differential amplifier. 29. Draw and explain the operation of a Hartley oscillator. Derive the equation for fr and hfe 30. Explain the working of UJT as a relaxation oscillator with necessary waveforms and equations. 31. Draw the circuit of a monostable multivibrator and explain.(14) 32. What are the applications of monostable multivibrator(2) 33. Draw and explain the VI characteristics of a PN junction diode(6) 34. Explain the operation of a FULL wave rectifier & derive its Ripple factor.(10) 35. Explain the working of a zener diode as a regulator(8) 36. Discuss the working principle,characteristics and applications of LED in detail.(8) 37. Draw and explain the input and output characteristics of a BJT in CE configuration. 38. Draw the Hybrid model of CE configuration and also derive the expressions for its Input and output Impedance current and voltage gain 39. Write a note on optocouplers(4) 40. Explain the switching characteristics of a transistor(4) 41. Explain in detail about the construction,working principle of depletion MOSFET. Also explain how DEPLETION MOSFET acts both in enhancement and depletion mode. 42. With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of a common source amplifier(6)

43. From the low frequency model,determine the input and output impedances and the voltage gain of a JFET. 44. Discuss the various topologies of feed back amplifier 45. Discuss the operation of a Colpitts oscillator in detail 46. Explain the effects of negative feed back in amplifiers 47. Describe the operation of a typical voltage shunt feedback amplifier 48. What is a clipper and clamper? Explain the concept of a positive clipper and a clamper 49. Distinguish between astable and bistable multivibrators. Mention some applications 50. What is Schmitt Trigger? Discuss any two applications of Schmitt Trigger 51. Explain the application of UJT as a Sawtooth oscillator 52. Explain the capacitance in diode under forward biased and revaerse bias condition. 53. Describe the V-I characteristics of Schottky diode 54. In the following circuit shown in diagram. Find the values of IBQ,ICQ and VCEQ.. Also draw the DC load line and AC load line for the circuit

55. Draw the V-I characteristics of Zener diode and explain its operation 56. With neat circuit diagram and characteristics ,explain the operation of Varactor Diode. 57. Draw the collector to base bias circuit of a transistor and derive an expression for the stability factor. 58. Explain the construction and operation of N-channel JFET with its characteristics 59. Briefly explain the construction of DC and Ac load lines on the output characteristics of the CE transistor amplifier. 60. Define the characteristic parameters of the JFET and derive the relation ship among them 61. Describe the working principle of an SCR with V-I characteristics 62. Draw the V-I characteristics of a DIAC and explain its working. 63. Derive the equation for power output and maximum conversion efficiency of class A series fed amplifier. 64. Explain the operation of class-B complementary symmetry push-pull amplifiers. State its advantages and disadvantages. 65. Derive the expression for Input and Output resistances of a voltage series negative feedback amplifier. 66. Voltage-series negative feedback amplifier has a voltage gain without feedback of A=500,input resistance(Ri)=3K.Output resistance R=20 K and feedback ratio()=0.01. calculate the voltage gain AF,input impedance(Rif) and output resistance (Rof) of amplifier with feedback.

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