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Balochistan Public Service Commission Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.


Q.NO.1. Write Note on any TWO of the following: (20 Marks) (1) Pak-Iran gas pipeline and American response. (2) American Withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014 and its repercussions for the region. (3) Vladimir Putin and the future of Russia in world politics. (4) Optimism in life and literature. Q.NO.2. Explain any TEN of the following: (20 Marks) (a). Avalanche (b). Equinox (c). Ocean of storms (d). Twilight (e). Zenith (f). Aristocracy (G). Balfour Declaration. (h) Confederation (i). Extradition (j). Inquest (k). Absolute Zero (L). Pessimism (M). Buffer state Q.NO.3. Answer ant TEN of the following: (20 Marks) 1. why does it not hurt when we cut our nails ? 2. why does a clock loose time in summer ? 3. why a siphon cannot work in vacuum ? 4. why when a gun is fired within a visible distance, the sound is heard a little after the smoke is seen ? 5. explain why moisture gathers on the outside of a glass tumbler ? 6. what is aerodynamics? 7. why are cloudy nights generally warm ? 8. why is rain water soft but river water hard ? 9. why a small space is left at the joint between two rails ? 10. why does fanning produce a sense of coolness in the body ? 11. at what speed does the earth revolve round the sun ? 12. what is mirage ? 13. how much blood does a normal person have in his body ? Q.NO.4. Identify any TEN of the following: (10 Marks)

1. Edmund spenser 2. Christopher marlow 3. paradise regained. 4. Dr. Samuel Johnson 5. Child Harold 6. Maxim Gorky 7. Canterbury Tales. 8. Hugo Chavez 9. Colin Powel 10. Tansu Cillar 11. Pete Samprass 12. Malik Feroz khan noon 13. Dr. Shamshad akhter. Q.NO. 5. Abbreviations: Do any TEN: (10 Marks) 1. A.N.C 2. A.w.a.c.s 3. B.C.C.I 4. C.B.R 5. A.P.E.C 6. C.P.N.E 7. C.T.B.T 8. G.A.T.T 9. G.C.C 10. M.C.O 11. M.O.U 12. N.U.S.T 13. P.N.S.C Q.NO.6. Name authors of any TEN of the Following Books: (10 Marks) 1. Emma 2. The Prince. 3. Das Capital. 4. Ben hur 5. Brother Karamazov 6. The Confessions 7. David Copperfield 8. Doctor's Dilemma 9. Faerie Queen 10. Anchal 11. Dast-e-Saba 12. Khak-o-Khun 13. Sirat-un-Nabi. Q.NO.7. Mention the capitals and currencies of the following countries: (10 Marks) 1. Rwanda 2. Somalia 3. South Africa

4. Uganda 5. Qatar 6. Finland 7. Yugoslavia 8. Hungary 9. Haiti 10. Colombia

Balochistan Public Service Commission Combined Competitive Examination for the posts of BCS (EB) /Section Officers B-17 in the S&GAD Govt. of Balochistan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Time Allowed: 03 Hors. . . . July 12, 2010 . . . . Total Marks: 100 __________________________________________________ ___ Q-1. Write notes on any two of the following: (16) i. Reduction of subsidies for stabilization of economy its affects. ii. The role of UNO under the shade of the Super Powers iii. The Spoil System and the Good Governance iv. Policy option for withdrawal of America from Afghanistan v. The deteriorating standards of Education in Balochistan. Q-2. Differentiate between any six of the following. (12) a. Centriole and Centrosome b. Smog and Smoke c. Isotopes and Isobars d. Autopsy and Biopsy e. Pisciculture and Sericulture f. Epidemic and Endemic g. Cohesion and Adhesion h. Stress and strain in the context of elasticity i. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn Q-3. Explain any ten of the following: (15)

a. Cosmic Rays b. Thermal Vents c. Entropy d. Elastic Limit e. Solar Constant f. Ozone Hole g. Escape Velocity h. Acid Rain i. Rocky Planets j. Solfataras k. Radioactive dating l. Genetic Counseling m. Renewable Sources of Energy n. Mass Energy Equivalence Formula Q-4. Answer any ten of the following: 15 1. How does juice rise in a pipe? 2. Why distance objects look smaller? 3. Why motorists use convex mirror? 4. What is the function of radiator in a car? 5. How can bats fly in dark? 6. Why milk is called a complete diet? 7. What is the role of fat in an animal? 8. How does a Jewellers cut diamond sparkle? 9. What are conducting tissues in plants? 10. What sort of mirror is used in search lights? 11. How does water get cooled in an earthen ware? 12. Why is there a constriction in a clinical thermometer? 13. Why places on sea shore are cooler in summer but warm in winter? 14. Why is Nichrome used in heaters, irons and radiators? 15. Name one unicellular animal and plant each. Q-5. Identify any ten of the following. (15) a. Sir Robert Francis Moody b. Sir Ambrose Dandas Flux c. General Sir Frank Messerry d. Allan Octavian Hume e. Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas f. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi g. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

h. Mikhail Gorbachev i. Ban Ki Moon j. Rabindranath Tagore k. Abdul Sattar Edhi l. Ardeshir Cowas Jee m. Sir Chandra Sekhara Raman n. Dr. Ahmad Mohammad Ali Al-Madni o. Al-Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Q-6. What do these abbreviations stand for (any ten): (10) a. WUKO d. WADA c. FIFA d. ABC e. JCSC f. IRBM g. FOFA h. ZETA i. XGS j. WWW k. WIPO l. UPI m. UNITAR n. TCP o. SONAR Q-7. Discuss the general performance of the Football Teams in the 2010 FIFA, specially, in the couple of Semi Finals and Final. Who was the best scorer on the whole and who scored in the Semi Finals and Final? GENERAL KNOWLEDGE INCLUDING EVERY DAY SCIENCE Total Marks: 100...........Tuesday, January 27, 2009...........Time Allowed: 03 Hours Q-I. Write note on any Two of the following: (20) Gaza Truce Energy Crunch- It solution Global Financial Crisis Is American hegemony on the decline? Politics- a rough and tumble business. Q-II. Answer any Ten of the following questions: (20)

What causes earthquakes? What is galaxy? Where is the deepest ocean and how deep? What is tornado? Where are the Worlds Rains Forests? What is an anemometer? How does photosynthesis work? What is paleontology? What are scavengers? What is a barograph? Which are the smallest plants? How far away is the Sun from the Earth? How many vertebrae does a giraffe have? How much of the Earths surface is covered by Sea? What was the first living creature to travel in space? Q-III. Write meaning of any Ten of the following Terms: (10) Lithography Macroeconomics Iron Curtain Silt Mafia Malnutrition Bigotry Chauvinism Mantra Lay-offs Lobbying Nemesis Somnambulism Spoonerism Sky-Scraper Q-IV. Identify any Ten of the following: (10) Dr. R.K. Pachauri Lloyds of London Shpinx John Atta-Mills Martin Luther Kings Sorbonne Velupillai Prabhakaran Samuel P. Huntington Laurel and Hardy Machiavelli Socrates Siamese Twins

Leonardo da Vinci D.H. Lawrence Q-V. Why are the following in the news? Attempt any Ten: (10) Slum dog Millionaire Kilimochchi Antarctica Bangkok Ukraine Dhaka Vienna Brussels Asma Jehangir Darfur Harare Beijing Hudson River I.P.P Taipei Q-VI. The following foreign phrases are used in English. What do they mean? Any Ten: (10) Coterie Bonanza Amicus Curiae Sub Poena Soiree Resume Protg Matador Portmanteau Laissez Faire Quorum Langua Franca Rapprochement Non de plume Prima facie Q-VII. What do these abbreviations stand for? What are their functions, if any? Any Ten: (10) A.B.A.D S.I.T.E I.C.M.A.P I.P.C.C N.C.H.R A.W.A.C.S

A.I.D.S T.G.V P.A.S.S.C.O LL.B A.D.C F.I.F.A C.E.R.N A.F.P P.S.D.P Q-VIII. Write brief notes on geographical, historical, economic and strategic importance of any Five of the following: (10) Strait of Hormuz Yellow River Bosporus Black Sea Dead Sea Gulf of Aqaba Strait of Malacca Kara Koram Range

Good Luck ______Balochistan Public Service Commission Samungli Road Quetta Cantt. COMPETATIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST(s) OF BCS(EB) OFFICER B-17 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE INCLUDING EVERYDAY SCIENCE Marks: 100 Saturday, February 26,2007(0230 PM) Time: 3 Hours ************************************************** ******** Q-1. Write Essays on any Two of the following: (20) (i) Has the Fledgling Democracy in Iraq any future? (ii) Recommendations of the National Judicial Conference. (iii) Will independent Kashmir be financially insolvent? (iv) Composite Examinations: a Needless Controversy: (v) Science and Religion: Can the be Reconciled: (vi) The bane of V.I.P.Movements. Q-2. (a) What do you understand by the following terms? Attempt any Ten: (10) (1) Hippocratic Oath (2) Bears and Bulls (3) Olive Branch (4) Sheet anchor

(5) Jargon (6) Euphemism (7) Hostile Witness (8) Sabbath (9) Humanism (10) Emeritus Professor (11) In Camera (12) Slapstick (13) Uncle Sam (14) Polytheism (15) Platonic love (b) Explain any Ten of the following foreign expressions: (10) (1) Persona grata (2) Bears and Bulls (3) Olive Branch (4) fait accompli (5) Dtente (6) Carte blanche (7)Alter ego (8) Alibi (9) Ad hoc (10) A la mode (11) Ex parte (12) Rendezvous (13) Laissez faire (14) A priori (15) Corrigendum Q-3. Answer any Ten of the following questions: (20) (i) Where do icebergs come from? (ii) Why is smoking bad for health? (iii) How can gliders fly without engines? (iv) What is four-wheel drive car? (v) How does a Fax Machine works? (vi) What stainless steel? (vii) What is meant by a balanced diet? (viii) What is frost? Why is there frost more often on a clear night than on a cloudy one? (ix) What is a Piston? (x) What is G.M.T? (xi) What is a Morse Code? (xii) How does a suspension bridge work? (xiii) What is Endoscopy? (xiv) How do vaccination work? (xv) What is Anesthesia? Q-4. Why are the following in news? Attempt any Ten: (20) (1) Mauritania (2) T.G.V (3) Beijing (4) Catania (5) A-380 (6) Mecca (7) Jerusalem (8) W.E.F (9) New Delhi (10) Chad (11) I.A.E.A (12) Mogadishu (13) Amilia (14) T.D.A.P (15) Nigeria Q-5. Identify any Ten of the following: (20) (1) Rafiq Hariri (2) Zinedine Zidane (3) Sherlock Holmes (4) Aung San Suu Kyi (5) Homer (6) Archbishop Desmond Tutu (7) Roosevelt F.D. (8) Archimedes (9) Habib Bourquiba (10) Pathet Lao (11) Dolly (12) Dr. Muhammad Yunus (13) Walt Disney (14) Christian Barnard (15) Pythagoras ____________ General Knowledge including Every Day Science Paper,2003 [ B]Balochistan Public Service Commission [/B] Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.

COMPETATIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST(s) OF SECTION OFFICERS B-17 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE INCLUDING EVERYDAY SCIENCE Marks: 100 May 19, 2003 Time: 3 Hours ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Q-1. Write notes on any TWO of the following topics: i. Geneva Convention. ii. Gawadar Sea Port. iii. Mechanization of Agriculture. iv. T.V. advertisements their uses and abuses. v. Foreign Aid A blessing or Curse. vi. How to solve the problem of unemployment. vii. Role of Press in Development. Q-2. Write brief notes on Geographical, Historical, Economic and Strategic Importance of any FIVE of the following: i. Suez Canal ii. Guantanamo Bay iii. Hormuz iv. Panama Canal v. English Channel Tunnel vi. Dardanelles Strait vii. Gibraltar viii. Gulf of Aden Q-3. What do the following terms mean? Attempt any TEN: i. Alma mater ii. Hat Trick iii. Inflation iv. Veto v. Knock Out vi. Catharsis vii. Sine die viii. Plaintiff ix. Extradition x. Quorum xi. Embargo xii. Preamble xiii. Renaissance xiv. Barter xv. Premium Q-4. What do these abbreviations stand for and why are they in the News these days? Attempt any TEN. i. N.E.P.R.A.

ii. S.A.R.S. iii. N.R.B. iv. K.C.C.I. v. P.E.M.R.A. vi. L.T.T.E. vii. U.N.D.P. viii. I.C.R.C. ix. P.C.S.I.R. x. S.A.A.R.C. xi. I.A.E.A. xii. E.E.C. xiii. L.F.O. xiv. A.I.D.A. xv. U.N.I.C.E.F. Q-5. Answer any FIFTEEN of the following questions: i. How are Pulleys useful? ii. What is Conductor? Give some examples. iii. What is a Glacier? iv. How are Clouds formed? v. What is meant by precipitation? vi. Which was the first manned Space Flight? vii. What are Satellites used for today? viii. How are Tides caused? How often do they occur? ix. What is the surface temperature of the Sun? x. What do some objects float while other do not? xi. Does an Earthworm breathe? If yes, in what way? xii. What does Sterilization mean? xiii. Why does the body need carbohydrates? xiv. Where is Saliva produced? xv. What part of the heart sends blood to the lungs? xvi. What is the difference between Astronomy and Astrology? xvii. Horticulture is a branch of. Which studies. xviii. What is fog? xix. What is Hibernation? xx. A man was born on December 20, yet his birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible? General Knowledge including Everay Day Science Paper, 2002. Balochistan Public Service Commission Samungli Road Quetta Cantt. COMPETATIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST(s) OF ASSISTAN EXECUTIVE OFFICERS B-17 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE INCLUDING EVERYDAY SCIENCE

Marks: 100 January 25, 2002 Time: 3 Hours ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Q-1. Write an Essay on any TWO of the following: i. Sweets are uses of Adversity. ii. Optimism in Life and Literature. iii. Dignity of Labour. iv. The Fairy Tales of Science. v. They never fail who fail in a great cause. vi. Knowledge is Power. vii. World Peace and how to achieve it? viii. A Career of my Choice. Q-2. (a) Suggest One-Word substitution for the following: i. One who is easily made angry. ii. More like a woman than man. iii. A remedy of all diseases. iv. My brother is a person who knows many languages. v. Medicine given to counter poison. (b). Write Verbs ending in ISE IZE: i. to banish from society. ii. To make up on the spur of the moment iii. To make two or more things occur at the same time iv. To have sole control of.. v. To drive out an evil spirit.. Q-3. What do you understand by the following terms? Do any TEN: i. Abdication ii. Coalition iii. Asylum iv. Free Port v. Casting Vote vi. Pan-Islamism vii. Veto viii. Blank Verse ix. Protocol x. Agenda xi. White Mans burden xii. Balance of Trade xiii. Demurrage xiv. Indemnity Q-4. (a) Mention the Capital and Currency of the following: i. Saudi Arabia ii. Jordan iii. Canada

iv. China v. Syria vi. Egypt vii. Belgium viii. Britain ix. Argentina x. Germany (b) Distinguish the following words by using them in sentences: i. Statute Statue ii. Righteous Rightful iii. Verbose Verbal iv. Virtual Virtuous v. Proscribe Prescribe Q-5. Answer any TEN of the following: i. Why do you run when you take a long jump? ii. What colours go to form a rainbow? iii. How does a ship float? iv. Why is it that cloudy nights are usually warmer than clear ones? v. Why should ice be kept in a blanket? vi. Why do we feel warm in woolen cloths? vii. Why is ones breath visible in cold but not in hot weather? viii. Why does a fountain throw its water up? ix. Why does a bad egg float in water? Where as a good one sinks? x. Why does smoke rise in the air? xi. How can you test the freshness of an egg? xii. Why ice floats on water? xiii. What are the components of our atmosphere? xiv. What do you understand by short-circuiting? General Knowledge paper 2001 Balochistan Public Service commission samungli Road, Quetta Cantt. PCS compititive Examination For The Post(s) of Section Officer B-17 General Knowledge including Everyday Science Time Allowed: 3 Hours............July 9, 2001...........Marks:100 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Q-1. Write an essay on any Two of the following: 30 (i) The causes of the failure of Democracy in pakistan. (ii) one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of learning.

(iii) you can not eat your cake and have your cake. (iv) To thine own self be true. (v) one man's meat is another man's poison. (vi) To hope till hope creats from its own wreck the thing it contemplates. (vii) if you have to choose between exercise and sense of humour as a panacea for long life, which would you choose. (viii) Truth is stronger than fiction, Q-2. a) complete each of the following sentences with a word begining with theprefix"in" 10 (i) The flood that is tasteless and wanting in flavour is________. (ii) A person who can not be wounded or hurt is________ (iii) Aplant that is harmless and not polsonous is_______ (iv) A man unable to pay his debts is___________ (v) An event that is sure to happen is____________ b) Find verb ending in ate 10 (i) To tear up by the roots. (ii) to spring from seeds. (iii) to sleep through the winter. (iv) to surrender espacially on terms. Q-3. What do you understand by the following terms? Attempt any ten. 10 (i) blue book (ii) white paper (iii) free verse (iv) philology (v) buffer state (vi) Asylum (vii) Isobel (viii) Geysers (ix) Perjury (x) learning tower (xi) Eurodollar (xii) sedation (xiii) Hot line (xiv) contempt of court (xv) Inquest Q-4. (a) Mention the capitals and currency of the following. 10 (i) Afghanistan (ii) Bangladesh (iii) india (iv) Japan (v) Saudi Arabia (vi) malaysia (vii) Nepal (viii) Philpines (ix) Turkey (x) Burma (b) Distinguish the following words by using them in sentences. 10 (i) clear, manifest, plaint (ii) Apology, Excuse, defence (iii) cautious, prudent, careful (iv) contented, satisfied, gratified (v) Dangerous, perilous, Risky. Q-5. Answer any ten of the following questions. 20

(i) Name the largest island in the world? (ii) The tail of a commet gets shorter as it recedes from the sun? (iii) why does a motor car needs a radiater? (iv) under what conditions do a feather and lump of lead fall at the same rate? (v) what causes an object to look black? (vi) why does a ship rise as it enters the sea from a river? (vii) why a convex mirror is used by the motorists to see the road behind them? (viii) why are lightning conductors affixed to tall buildings? (ix) why should a clinical thermometer not be dropped in the boiling water? (x) how does a rainbow form? (xi) How does the thermos keep the liquid hot for a long time? (xii) why does an iron nail gain weight by rusting? (xiii) what would happen if the force of gravity were to disappear suddenly? (xiv) why are tallest structures in a locality most likely to be struck by lightning?

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