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EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department 1.1 With both inputs connected to ground, measure output offset at a low gain and a high gain. Solve 2 equations in 2 unknowns. [4 points off for comparing output offset with different input resistors; this measures leakage currents] [4 points off for not using two different gains] 1.2 Connect a harmonic generator to both inputs and measure both the input amplitude V1(f) and the output amplitude V0(f) for the ten frequencies. Compute the common mode gain GC(f) = V0(f)/ V1(f) Leave the generator connected to the + input and ground the input. Measure both the input amplitude V1(f) and the output amplitude V0(f) for the ten frequencies V0(f) = GC(f) V1(f)/2 + G(f) V1(f) Compute G(f) = V0(f)/ V1(f) GC(f)/2 Compute CMR = 10 log10 (G/GC) [3 points off for ignoring the common mode output when determining the differential gain.] [2 points off for using V2(t) = V1(t) without providing a circuit for generating these signals] [3 points off for no CMR] 1.3 Repeat problem 1.2 at low gain G1 and at high gain G2 to determine the amplifier bandwidths f at those gains. Connect both inputs to ground to measure the noise produced only by the amplifier and measure output rms noise at low gain G1 and high gain G2. Solve 2 equations in 2 unknowns. [3 points off if dependence of bandwidth on gain not considered] [Note: You cannot measure D1 directly and grounding the inputs does not force D1 to be zero]

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Sensor or actuator Stepping motor Digital angle encoder Silicon photodiode Light-emitting diode

Input Voltage pulses [2 points off for voltage which implies d.c.] Angular position [2 points off for light source] Light Electrical current [2 points off for voltage] [1 point off for electrical energy] Temperature Temperature difference [2 points off for omitting the word difference] Absolute temperature (plus power supply page 1

Output rotary motion Digital position information (Gray code) Electrical current [2 points off for voltage]

2.5 2.6 2.7

Thermistor Thermocouple Solid-state temperature sensor

December 14, 2011

Resistance [2 points off for current] Differential voltage [2 points off for current] [2 points off for resistance] Electrical current [1 point off for voltage] S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Platinum resistance thermometer Peltier heat pump Metal film strain sensor Piezoelectric crystal** voltage) Temperature Voltage x current Strain L/L [2 points off for stress] Pressure or force or deformation [stress was okay here] [2 points off for resistance*] Resistance Heat transfer Resistance [2 points off for voltage] Charge or voltage [1 point off for current] [2 points off for resistance] [2 points off for capacitance]

* Although a voltage is applied to the solid-state temperature sensor and a current flows though it, it is not a resistor because the current depends on temperature, not on the applied voltage. ** The Piezoelectric crystal and the Ag(AgCl) electrode can also serve as actuators 3.1 Want a sensitivity of 0.1 V/K and a shift of 273K. Inverting amplifier sums (1 mV/K) T + 0.273 V and amplifies by a factor of 100.
10 V 0.273 V

1 k 1 A/K Solid-state temperature sensor 1 k 1 mV/K 100 k

[3 points for not providing a bias voltage] [3 points off for not converting K to C] [2 points off for a signal > 50V] [2 points off for s sensitivity > 1V/K or < 0.01 V/K] 3.2 Mount to strain gauges on a membrane cemented to a vacuum tank. The external pressure will cause the membrane to stretch. Place the two resistive strain gauges in a bridge and connect the bridge to an instrumentation amplifier. Bridge output is R + R R R R V+ V = Vb = Vb Vb 2R 2R + R 2R + R 2R + R R/R = 2L/L If Vb = 1 V, 0.1% L/L will produce 1 mV bridge output. R = 100 sets V+ V = 0 at 700 mm Hg. December 14, 2011 page 2 S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

Set the instrumentation amplifier gain at 10,000 so that P = 100 mm Hg gives V0 = 10 V
Vb R S1 R S2 R S2

Fixed pressure below 700 mm Hg



R S1

[3 points off for putting the strain gauges on the same side of the bridge. Since the membrane is stretching both sides experience the same L/L.] [3 points off for not using a bridge circuit] [2 points off for not showing the strain gauges mounted on the membrane] [3 points off for not selecting an R value for 0V at 700 mm Hg] [2 points off for not providing a fixed pressure <700 mmHg on one side of the membrane] [3 points off if instrumentation amplifier gain not given] [2 points off for instrumentation amplifier gain < 1000] [1 point off for instrumentation amplifier gain 5,000] 3.3 Attach the shaft of a circular resistor to a weathervane that rotates to point in the direction of the wind.

Contact point



10 V

[4 points off if shaft not connected to something that turns in the wind]

December 14, 2011

page 3

S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

3.4 Attach four strain gauges to a thin flexible strip and measure the force of the wind, similar to measuring the force of the weights in the strain lab. Connect the strain gauge in a bridge and connect the bridge output to an instrumentation amplifier with a gain G. Bridge output is R + R R R R V+ V = Vb = Vb R 2R 2R R/R = 2L/L If Vb = 1 V, 0.1% L/L will produce 2 mV bridge output. At 200 km/hr L/L = 0.0% and the bridge output is 4 mV To convert this to 10V the instrumentation amplifier needs a gain G = 2,500. A 0 km/hr the strip does not bend and V V = 0

Vb b2 Wind t1

t1 t2

b1 b2 t2



[5 points off for not using a bridge circuit] [3 points off for not mounting the strain gauges on anything] [5 points off if instrumentation amplifier gain not given]


December 14, 2011

page 4

S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

The op-amp provides whatever voltage is necessary to make the negative and positive inputs equal (virtual short rule for very high gain). It was also okay to use a high-gain differential amplifier in place of the op-amp. If the gain is 104, the difference between the negative and positive amplifier inputs would only be 8 V x 104 = 0.8 mV. [4 points off for not proving the voltage amplification to increase the maximum photodiode voltage of 0.6V to 10 V needed by the lamp] [5 points off for not providing a set point] [3 points off for not providing a power amplifier to provide the 10A needed by the lamp] [2 points off if positive feedback shown] 4.2 5.1

the increasing thickness of metal film causes a decrease in lamp output photodiode output decreases below the set point the op-amp output voltage increases (negative feedback) the power amplifier output voltage increases and the lamp becomes brighter the increase in lamp voltage stops when the photodiode signal is once again equal to the set point

December 14, 2011

page 5

S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

[5 points off for no distance display] [5 points off for no closing speed display]

Every time the pulse generator triggers the control circuit, a 0.01 s pulse of light is generated. For a car at distance D the reflection will occur at time T = 2D/(300m/s) At the maximum distance D = 150 m, T = 1 s. The maximum trigger rate is 1 MHz. At that trigger rate the distance display will average over 0.1 s or 100,000 measurements. To get the rate of change of D (the closing speed) take the difference between successive measurements of D. It does not matter whether the digital meter integration occurs before or after this differentiation. [From the EE20/120 point of view the first harmonic of the laser delay signal is at 1 MHz. The higher harmonics are multiples of 1 MHz. The distance meter rejects all these harmonics and just displays the frequencies below 1/(2)/(0.1s) = 1.6 Hz. If the distance does not change, only 0 Hz (the average) will be displayed. The closing speed meter (at the output of a high-pass filter) rejects 0 Hz and only responds to the frequencies between its corner frequency and 1.6 Hz.] December 14, 2011 page 6 S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

Another solution is to use a difference amplifier and take the difference between the laser delay output and the laser delay output delayed by an integer number of triggers. If the distance does not change, the two inputs will cancel. If the distance is changing the delayed pulse will have a different width and the output of the difference amplifier will be proportional to the change. 5.2 For 150 m distance, reflection will be in 1 s. Max frequency 1 MHz [1 point off for 2 MHz] [2 points off for 1 kHz] 5.3 At 1 MHz and maximum distance, will have 100,000 measurements. Sigma(D) = (0.01s)(150m/s)/sqrt(100,000) = 0.0047 m [3 points off for converting 0.01 s to 3 m as the answer] For simplicity we approximate the action of the high-pass filter as subtracting two successive values of D. S = (D2 D1)/0.1 s sigma(D) = sqrt (sigma(D)^2 + sigma(D)^2) = 1.414 sigma (D) =.0066 m over 0.1 s Speed rms = 0.066 m/s [3 points off for 3 m/0.1 s as the answer] [5 points off for not answering this part]

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page 7

S. Derenzo

EECS 145L Final Examination Solutions (Fall 2011)

145L FINAL EXAM GRADE STATISTICS Problem Average rms Maximum 1 20.8 7.8 30 2 54.3 1.0 55 3 48.8 8.0 60 4 23.8 2.0 25 5 18.5 5.6 30 Total 164.8 24.4 200

Total final exam score distribution: 130-134 140-144 150-154 160-164 170-174 180-184 190-194 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 135-139 145-149 155-159 165-169 175-179 185-189 195-200 1 0 1 3 1 0 1

145L COURSE GRADE STATISTICS Grade A+ A A B+ B B C+ C C D+ D D F Maximum Average rms Undergraduate Scores 954.5 924, 930 885, 894, 908 866 843 806, 807.5 Graduate Scores

1000 881.8 50.8

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page 8

S. Derenzo

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