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Gomersal St Marys CE (A) First and Nursery School

Class 1 Newsletter Summer Term 2012

Special events Open Day 10-5-12 Class photos 15-512 Skipathon 18-5-12 Jubilee Lunch and circus day 1-6-12 Planetarium visit 15-6-12 Sports Day 21-6-12 Evening Concert 11-7-12 Trip to be arranged In Literacy Phonic/sentence work on different letters and sounds will continue every day. I am learning to write instructions, lists, recipes, notes. Making my writing much more interesting by including words to join sentences such as but, and, because/using different sentence starters/story language and descriptive vocabulary. I am listening to riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters and poems from different cultures. Learning the difference between fact and fictionmaking fact files and posters on foods from around the world. Our summer enterprise project is to run a smoothie bar! Any recipes or machines welcome. Please come and see my teacher at 3.00 p.m. if you want to talk to her. You will be most welcome.

My teacher is Mrs. Woodcock Other adults who work in my class are: Mrs Priestley and Mrs Haigh alt. Mondays, Miss Oldroyd (student) SEN support-Mrs Bisby/Mrs Kennedy PE and Dance will be on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday as usual. In ICT I am learning how to input instructions into programmable toys Beebots. I will be using programmes to work on Literacy and Numeracy skills including how to construct and read tables, graphs and charts In PSCHE I am learning about how some things always stay the same but some things change. Relationships/changes In Food Technology I am cooking food from around the world each week will be a different taste experience! In Geography I am learning about my local environment and comparing it to a totally different location the sea-side. In Music I am working on pitch, performance and singing skills with Mrs. Lockwood In PE I am developing athletic skills, throwing catching, running, joining in team and relay games

Topics this term are: WORLD KITCHEN GREEN FINGERS MATERIALS In RE I am learning about special celebrations such as Christenings and weddings which are important to the Christian faith

In Numeracy I am learning to add and take away bigger numbers using hundred squares. I will be doubling and halving to 10 and 20. Finding differences between 2 numbers by counting on and drawing my own number lines. Investigating number patterns and symmetry. Comparing and measuring with water and sand. In History I am learning about life today and in the past at the sea side looking at similarities and differences in clothes, entertainment, transport In Art I am painting, modelling with clay, printing and weaving with different textiles You can help me by: practising spellings. Learning word sets and sharing books together as much as possible. Visiting a library and looking for 3D shapes such as cylinders, cones, spheres and cuboids.

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