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Essay 1st

Final Edition

Editing is to correct and polishes the surface features of your writing, such as grammar, and punctuation. Here, certain common mistakes are discussd and grammatical rules are explained with the goal of clarifying the origin of those mistakes.

Editing Steps
Grammar and Spelling
1- Check your spelling. 2- Check your grammar. 3- Read the essay again. 4- Make sure each sentence has a subject. 5- Make sure your subjects and verbs agree with each other. 6- Check the verb tense of each sentence. 7- Make sure that every sentence makes sense.

Set of Common Errors

(1) The Run-On Sentence
It is a group containing at least two independent clauses without any punctuation separating them. e.g. David and Mark were in thier way to a yard sale and old man waved feebly to them. You can separate the two independent clauses with: 1- A period capitalizing the first word f the second clause. 2- A semicolon. 3- A comma and coordinating conjunction. 4- A comma and subordinating conjunction making the first clause dependent. ********************

Mr. Yehia

Essay 1st

Final Edition

(2) Comma Splice

It is the joining of two independent clauses with only a comma which does not provide proper separation. e.g. David and Mark were in thier way to a yard sale , old man waved feebly to them.

You can separate the two independent clauses with the same four methods used to correct a run-on sentence. ******************

The use Semicolon and comma

They are both used between independent clauses, a comma to separate and a semicolon to join. Do not use a semi colon to connect an independent clause and dependent clause. e.g. While I was playing football; I learned teamwork spirit. *******************

Sentences and Fragments

If a group of words does not have an independent clause, it is a fragment, not a sentence. e.g. Sitting in my car To correct such error, you should attach sentence fragment to an independent clause or add a subject and its verb. *******************

The Realtive Clause

To make your sentence concise and lively, you should construct a relative clause by replacing a noun or a noun phrase with a relative pronoun like "which, that, who, whom, and whose" Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is a political play. *****************

Subject-Verb Agreement

Mr. Yehia

Essay 1st

Final Edition

Every sentence in English can be avoided into two parts. The subject and the predicate (verb group). Subjects and verbs of English sentences agree in person. e.g. Birds sing. facilitate our life. The advantage of mobiles

is that they

Take care of Compound subjects in which the subject is composed of more thanone element and often linked by and. e.g. Mona and Ahmad aregoing to join Alahly club. Some subjects appear to be compound subjects but they really constitue a single phrase mad up of two items acting as a unit. These take a singualr verb. e.g. The owner and manager of the bark is Mr. Sameer. In subjects connected by either...or, or neither ... nor, the subject that is closer to the verb determiness whether the verb is singualr or plural. e.g. Either Ali or me am going to the market. ********************

It is an important feture of English that makes our writing easier to understand. To make writing parallel, put all items in a series in the same grammatical form. Tense and voice

The prisoner was arrested, was taken to the police station, and was booked and fingerprinted.(All three verb phrases are in passive voice). Gerunds and Infinitives

My favourite hobbies are skin-diving, reading, and playing the guitar. ( All three subject complements are gerunds). ****************** By

MR. Yehia
Mr. Yehia


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