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HS814: How do Social Inequalities come about?

Tam Chen Hee Tel: 6513-8649 Office: HSS-05-31 Office hours: By appointment

Lecture Outline Inequalities and Sociology

Differentiations versus Inequalities Inequalities versus Inequities Three Principles of Equalities Sociological approach

Explaining Inequalities
The major issues in the study of social inequalities concern what forms they take, why they exist, how they are sustained, and whether they are inevitable. Examples: Why are the poor poor and the rich rich? Why do patterns of inequality remain stable over time?

Social differentiation refers to the diversity and variations found in society. The distinctions made between social groups and persons based on biological, physiological or socio-cultural factors. However, these distinctions are not ranked and stratified.

Differentiation vs Inequalities





Inequalities occur when social differentiations are stratified and each stratum receives differential rewards.

Differentiation vs Inequalities
Stratification Doctors Teachers Farmers Labourers

Inequalities are not only hierarchized but also structured. Stratification did not occur randomly. Inequalities are durable.

Inequalities vs Inequities
Equity refers to the distribution of societys rewards in a just manner. Unequal outcomes may be equitable as in a meritocracy. Equal outcomes may be inequitable as in socialism.

Three Principles of Equalities

Equality of Opportunity Equality of Condition Equality of Outcome

Three Principles of Equalities

Equality of Opportunity: all positions in society should be open to a competitive system of entry based on universalistic criteria such as achievement. Example: liberal democracy/meritocracy

Three Principles of Equalities

Equality of Condition: initial conditions of social disadvantage should be compensated so that there is a level playing field for all to compete fairly. Example: social democratic regimes

Three Principles of Equalities

Equality of Outcome: where social outcomes are made equal despite initial inequalities. Example: socialism

Sociological Approach
Structural explanations Emphatic understanding (Verstehen) Comparative

Sociological Approach
Sociology compels us to look not simply at how individuals act but at the social forces that shape their actions. Peoples fates are determined by structural factors, in addition to individual efforts.

Sociological Approach
Verstehen consists of placing oneself in the position of others to see what meaning they give to their actions.

Sociological Approach
Comparing different societies illuminate the different structural arrangements individuals find themselves in, and explain why, despite individual similarities, they have different social fates.

Sociological Approach
Sociology is concerned with social order and disorder. Inequalities threaten the social order.

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