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What if I tell you that speaking in English is a tool for nationalism?

That when you speak in English, it doesnt necessarily mean youre not a nationalist And when youre not a nationalist, it does not automatically dictate that you are a Filipino antagonist. Now lets have a pause to reality, And try to scheme our foolish thoughts of mediocrity. In the very paradigm of us Filipinos, speaking in English lessens our love for the country, And most of us embrace the stupid ideology that speaking in our native tongue would automatically uplift the Filipino humanity. That notion is one of our many misconceptions. Obviously in our society, there are a lot of contradictions. Yes, clearly Dr. Jose Rizal said something about loving our native language, But he never said anything about sealing other languages in a package. Didnt you know that Rizal is a polyglot? Speaking different languages fluently did not make him an idiot, Instead, he was acclaimed as the most influential Filipino patriot. In every aspect of life you know that logic becomes unworthy Its like saying Im rooting for the bulls, but wearing the lakers jersey. Same as speaking in Filipino just to prove our nationality But on the side, we are embracing colonial mentality. Thats why today, I have something very important to do.

It is to clarify these things to you At least in my own perspective, in my own point of view Let me now proceed to my first point... presenting the importance of English English is one of the most spoken languages in the world It has never been 10th, 20th, nor 33rd. It has always been in the top 5 as information conferred. Better communication with other nation is a must Thats why English language should be part of our thrust. (Concrete example free verse) Aside from better communication, Heres another importance of English, for your information. Being able to speak in English boosts confidence and uplifts personality Admit it, English speakers excel in life and thats reality. (Concrete example free verse) Agree? Disagree? Oh well, your preference. I feel like Im being evil, over Filipino I am promoting English Lets now change the set-up and do this as you wish The status quo is that we speak as most Filipinos do In a sentence speaking in Filipino, at the same time in English too Code switching this I discovered recently This is the concurrent use of language variety.

In laymans term, we call this as speaking in Taglish And this is the same process that makes languages sound so foolish. So there I was with my friend, code switching during our conversation Not even aware of what would be the effects of my actions Code switching damages both languages when you use them in single sentence This practice of switching, I strongly stress, is an evident sign of ignorance. Ignorance that deteriorates this nation I just hope this wont proceed to our societys damnation. Now lets proceed to my 2nd point... Simply speaking in Filipino, is not the only basis of being nationalistic Its the love and service for the country that matters, even if it sounds idealistic. The bad thing about us Filipinos is that we just make prejudice opinions. Why dont we stop and think, before jumping into irrational conclusions. Our dogmatic way thinking makes us dull and blind Open your eyes, because in reality A person who does more for the country, Is the one with sharp and good mind. There are far more relevant things where we can base our nationalism

And not simply being hooked to this false language idealism. It is not merely speaking in Filipino or English that matters It is how we use both languages in line with being nationalistic. English language is important and it does not ruin our nationalism as long as we know the limits For language, Dr. Jose Rizal said love, not hate. Its regardless of the nationality. But embracing another language as if you love it over your native tongue Is like flirting, as if you have that feeling that you are forever young. Because If I have the Jersey and I'm playing for the Bulls There's going to be some boundaries, limits and some rules. Or If I am married and really truly love my wife I will be very loyal to her because she is my life Nationalism is not about a nation with loyalty and devotion to its people It is about people with loyalty and devotion to its nation The idea of nationalism has always been existing But its presence? Has never been prevailing So if at this moment you still hold onto the idea that speaking in English destroys our nationalism. Think again. And Dr. Jose Rizal, a polyglot, English speaker, happens to visit us today, at this very moment Would you actually let him in??

Still, I believe that we all love our nation in one way or another, Remember that more than words, actions are stronger. Its just a matter of us, putting our words to execution, Because only us can bring our nation to fruition.

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