B.Ed. & M.Ed Papers 2012 - Evening

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GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- I: Foundations of Education (M.Ed.

Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.


Q.1- No system of education is better than its teachers in the view of the statement evaluate the present system of teacher education. (6) OR Figure out the factors affecting literacy rate and give suggestions for improvement. Q.2-a. Describe the significance of sociological foundation. ( 3.5 ) b. Identify different Educational Values in the light of Islamic teaching. ( 3.5 ) Q.3-a. Discuss the role of Ideology to determine the aims & objective of education. b. Briefly explain the educational thoughts of Ibne Khuldoon. (3.5) Q.4. Write short Note on any TWO of the following. i - Imam Ghazali as Psychologist ii- Iqbals Philosophy of Khudi/Individuality iii- Perspectives of Ideology of Pakistan (7)

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- I: Perspectives of Education in Pakistan (B.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Max. Marks:20

Q.1- Define Islamic concept of Education and explain importance of education in the light of Quran and Hadith. (6) Q.2-a. Describe the role of education in the personality development. b. Elucidate educational importance of Ideology of Pakistan. Q.3-a. Define Philosophy and enumerate its importance. b. Evaluate educational thoughts of Imam Ghazali. Q.4. Write short Note on any TWO of the following. i- Women Education according to Ibne Khuldoon ii- Contents of Education (Umayyad period) iii- Characteristics of Islamic Ideology (3.5) (7) (3.5) (3.5)


Paper- IV: Measurement and Evaluation in Education (B.Ed.)

Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt THREE questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Max. Marks:20

Q:1 (a) What do you understand by the term Educational Assessment? Explain in detail. (04) (b) Define the terms: (i) Educational Evaluation (ii) Arithmetic Mean (02) (3.5) (3.5) (04)

Q: 2 (a) Discuss the purposes of Educational Evaluation. (b) Explain Norm referenced Measurement in detail. Q: 3 (a) Differentiate between: (i) Placement Evaluation and diagnostic Evaluation. (ii) Test and Examination. Q: 4 (a) Describe the application of statistics in Education. (b) Find out the Zee-score using the following data if x=30. Score: Frequency: 01-04 05-08 09-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 01 04 07 09 13 15 20 16 12 07 (03)

(03) (04)

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- II: Educational Psychology and Guidance (B.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory

Max. Marks: 20

Q.1- What do you mean by educational psychology? Educational Psychology is the source of solving educational problem analyze and prove the statement. (6) Q. 2- a. Define learning and state its different characteristics. (3.5) b. Highlight the role of individual differences in learning process. (3.5) Q.3- a. Define growth and development. Describe different factors affecting the development. (3.5) b. How can a teacher effectively apply Pavlovs theory of learning in classroom. Q.4 Write short notes on following. i. Problem of an individual during adolescences ii. Different principles of Growth and Development

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- II: Advanced Educational Psychology (M.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory

Max. Marks: 20

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- V: Curriculum and Instructions (B.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Max. Marks: 20

Q.1-a. Define Curriculum. State the importance of Curriculum for education. (4) b. What is meant by Child Centered Curriculum? (2) Q. 2-a. Discuss the relation between curriculum, teaching and instruction. b. What is formal and informal curriculum? (3.5) (3.5)

Q. 3-a. Describe the sociological foundation of curriculum with reference to Pakistani society. (3.5) b. What is meant by curriculum development? Explain in detail. (3.5) Q. 4-a. Write comprehensive note on any TWO of the following. i. Cultural foundation of curriculum ii. Criteria for the selection of content of textbook iii. Teaching Skills

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper: Curriculum Planning and Development (M.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt THREE questions in all. ii- Question No.3 is compulsory.


Q. 1-a. What is meant by term Curriculum Planning? Why does a curriculum developer plan a curriculum? (4) b. Curriculum as Learning Experiences discusses this concept of curriculum. (3) Q. 2-a. Draw the figure of D.K Wheeler model of curriculum development and label it. (3.5) b. What do you know about progressivisms? Explain in detail. (3.5) Q. 3-a. Why Psychology and Sociology are considered important foundations of curriculum? Give arguments. (6) Q. 4-a. Write short note on following. i. Criteria for the selection of objective of curriculum ii. Problem solving method

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- III: Research and Statistics (M.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Marks: 20
(2) (4) (3) (4) (2) (5) (7)

Q.1-a. Write a comprehensive definition of Research and Educational Research. b. Explain the major characteristics of a good research. Q.2-a. Discuss the importance of Hypotheses in research. b. Describe the types of Hypotheses with examples. Q.3-a. Write a researchable topic of your own choice. b. Discuss the process and steps of educational research. Q.4- Write short notes on any TWO of the following. i- Historical Research ii- Importance of review of related literature iii. Methods of Scientific and non-Scientific Research.


Compute Chi-Square ( ) of the following data and prepare the result with the help of given tabulated value. V.Good 20 Good 16 Bad 8 V.Bad 6 Total 50

For df 3, at 0.05 level of significance the tabulated value of 2 = 7.82 For df 3, at 0.01 level of significance the tabulated value of 2 = 11.34

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- III: School Organization & Management (B.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.2 is compulsory.

Marks: 20

Q.1-a. Write TWO authentic definitions of organization.

b. Why organization is necessary for the efficient and smooth running of a school. Q.2-a. Evaluate the present scenario of school administration and Discuss need & importance of democratic administration in schools. (compulsory question) Q.3-a. Give your own views on educational supervision. b. Suggest some workable reforms for effective supervision. Q.4 Write short note on any TWO of the following. (7) i. Role of Information in Educational Management. ii. Henry Fayol iii. Principles of Educational Administration (6)

Time: 2 Hrs

Sociology of Education (B.Ed.)

Marks: 20

Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Q. 1- Write TWo authentic definitions of Educational Sociology and illustrate the major

areas (scope) of Educational Sociology.


Q.2-a. What do you meant by social group and what is the difference between primary and secondary group. (4) b. Enumerate the different Formal and Informal agencies of education. (3) Q.3-a. What is Society? Explain your point of view with the help of TWO authentic definitions. (3.5) b. Discuss social significance of family. (3.5) Q.4 Write short note on any TWO of the following. i. School as a community center ii. Education as a social science iii. Social interaction (7)

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- OA.I: Educational Developmental and Planning
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Marks: 20

Q. 1- a. Discuss the meaning and importance of Planning in education.

(3) b. Identify socio-indicators of development and explain any one of them. (3)

Q.2-a. Prove that education is an investment. (3.5) b. Education is a mean of social change. (3.5) Q.3-a. Explain the role of the following elements in educational planning. i. Census ii. Population movement and changes Q.4 Write short note on any TWO of the following. (7) i. Problems of Planning in Pakistan ii. Role of education in the National Development iii. Characteristics of Population (7)

Time: 2 Hrs

General Science (Content) (B.Ed.)

Marks: 20

Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.2 is compulsory

Q. 1- a. What does Quran tell us about life? Support your answer with related verses. (3) b. Discuss the importance of science in human society. (4) Q. 2- a. Briefly describe meiosis and its significance. b. Draw a labeled diagram of Plant Cell. (3) (3)

Q.3- a. Write down the casual agent, symptoms and precautions of Tuberculosis & Cholera. (4) b. Define the structure and types of bacteria. (3) Q.4- a. Define the following. (3) i. Elements ii. Compound iii. Mixture b. Give a detailed account of positive and negative effect of nuclear energy. (4)

GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper- OA.II: Educational Administration and Supervision (M.Ed.)
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.2 is compulsory.

Marks: 20

Q. 1- a. Define school organization and discuss its importance for smooth working of

an institution. (4) b. Briefly elaborate the types of Organization.

(3) (2) (4)

Q.2-a. What do you mean by Educational Administration. b. Describe the process of Educational Administration.

Q.3-a. Discuss the principles of democratic administration. (3.5) b. Educational administration is essential for the attainment of educational objective. Comments. (3.5) Q.4 Write short note on any TWO of the following. i. Modern concept of Supervision ii. Principles of School Organization iii. Autocratic Administration (7)

Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all. ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Marks: 20

Q. 1- Briefly explain the application of Henry Fayols principles (any six) of management with suitable example in education. (6)

Q.2-a. Compare any ONE of the following. (4) i. Taylor vs Fayol ii. Leader vs Manager b. Describe the principles of Staff Harmoney. (3) Q.3- a. What are the different types (styles) of leadership? Which one you prefer and why? Give reasons. (4) b. Discuss the characteristics of an effective School Principal/Head. (3) Q.4 Write brief note on any TWO of the following Management Functions. (7) i. Objectives ii. Planning iii. Motivating What are the essential steps of Planning? Illustrate characteristics of a good plan.


GOVT. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION F.B. AREA, KARACHI MID-TERM TEST (EVENING) 2011-2012 Paper-: Teaching of English - Method
Time: 2 Hrs
Instructions: i - Attempt 3 questions in all ii- Question No.1 is compulsory.

Marks: 20

Q.1-a. Discuss the need and importance of Teaching of English as a second language. b. Explain the exact position of English language in our country and how can it be improved in the classroom? (3+3) Q.2-a. Describe the four fold aims. (3) b. Which aims are more preferable and beneficial at the secondary level of class IX & class X, and why? Give the reasons. (4) Q.3-a. What are the different audio-visual aids? (3) b. Which aids did you use in your teaching practice and why? Give arguments. (4) Q.4 Write short note on any ONE of the following. i. Direct Method, its merits and demerits ii. Lesson steps of a prose lesson iii. Communicative Approach


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