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BLACK SAM A Pirates Tale Part II a spec miniseries teleplay by Ran Cartwright Second Draft: 10/23/01

2 FADE IN EXT. CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH - EVENING A brisk wind picking up; clouds gather to the north, an approaching storm. MARIA HALLET stands near the edge of the cliff, looking out to sea, her hair billowing. Nearby a small campfire burns in front of her hut. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah and the Marianne sail north. SUPER: Atlantic Ocean Early April 1717 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY A calm day under sail. Some pirates play cards at a hatch cover. Nearby others play checkers, while more lounge around the main deck. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK an Irish pirate plays a pipe while another dances an Irish jig. ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, SAM BELLAMY, captain of the Whydah, and RICHARD NOLAND, quartermaster, stand at the starboard rail looking out to sea to the north. NOLAND The winds shiftin. Northeast. SAM Aye. A storms coming. (pauses) Wed better trim sails. Signal the Marianne.

3 Sam turns toward a ladder leading to the main deck. NOLAND Aye. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY The crew prepares for the coming storm. PALSGRAVE WILLIAMS, captain of the Marianne, stands amidships, shouting orders. PALSGRAVE Double reef the mainsail! Were putting before the wind! Theres a storm comin, lads! Make haste! EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Dark, heavy overcast, the storm tosses the Marianne and Whydah on the waves. Lightning and thunder flash and rumble. Wind whistles through the rigging; the small sails still set flap on the wind. Rain pours down on the decks, the waves pounding the ships. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN AND QUARTER DECKS - DAY A work crew on the main deck tugs on a line to further shorten sail. Richard Noland hurries past them on his way to the quarter deck. NOLAND Tighter on the line, lads! Or the windll take her! He hurries on, crossing the main deck and up the ladder to the quarter deck. He finds Sam standing next to JOHN FLETCHER whos manning the ships wheel. NOLAND Were takin on water, captain! On the lee!

4 SAM Get a crew on the pumps, Mister Noland! NOLAND Aye, sir! Noland hurries away. SAM Steady, Mister Fletcher! EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave stands on the rain washed main deck, watching a work crew pull a line to tighten the already double reefed mainsail; RICHARD CAVERLEY directs the work crew. CAVERLEY Pull, lads! Pull! A wind gust catches the sail and it begins to unfurl, tearing the line from the hands of the work crew. The sail swells full, and with a snap like cannon fire, it tears away from the yard, catches in the rigging, then shrouds, then the wind carries it away into the darkened storm, the broken lines from the missing sail whipping around in the wind. PALSGRAVE Secure those lines, lads! INT. WHYDAH HOLD - DAY A work crew, supervised by old JOSEPH RIVERS, pumps water from the hold. Noland arrives. NOLAND How goes it, Mr Rivers? RIVERS Were takin on water as fast as we can pump it out. S all we can do to stay afloat! Someones goin to have to find the leak and patch it afore it gets any worse.

5 EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The storm over, the sky partly sunny. The two ships rest gently on the water, their sails furled or dangling, the main sail of the Marianne still gone. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY General chatter as work crews scurry about repairing storm damage. Sam stands by the wheel manned by Fletcher. SAM Mister Davis! Twenty two year old THOMAS DAVIS hurries to Sam. DAVIS Aye captain. SAM Youre a carpenter, lad; find the leak and patch it before it sinks this ship! DAVIS Aye captain. Davis hurries away. INT. WHYDAH HOLD, BOW - DAY Davis has found the leak in the bow, water coming through a split seam between two planks. DAVIS Ah, so there ye are. Not such a big problem. Ill have ye fixed in no time. INT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT Maria sits in her tiny hut, a quilt wrapped around her for warmth. A lantern hangs from the roof, casting shadows into the corners. We hear a sudden rap on the wall of the hut. Maria, startled, looks up. Another rap, then more. Maria reaches for the lantern, rises, and steps outside.

6 EXT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT Four young BOYS stand several feet away. One holds a torch; the others throwing stones at the hut. They pause and step back. BOY WITH TORCH Its her! Its the witch! BOY 1 Witch! Boy 1 throws another stone. MARIA Stop that! Stop. Boy 2 throws a stone at Maria. She dodges it. MARIA Stop it, I say! Go away and leave me alone! BOY 3 Witch! Witch! BOY 2 Witch! Maria starts toward them as Boy 3 throws a stone. They hurriedly step back, then run off into the night. Maria pauses, then looks to the northern horizon as soft thunder rumbles and lightning flashes in the distance. She then turns and disappears back into her hut. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY Sam, Noland, Rivers, JEREMIAH BURKE, WILLIAM MAIN, and others gathered on the quarter deck. Davis appears from a ladder, approaching Sam. DAVIS The leaks been repaired, captain.

7 An arm around Davis shoulders, Sam turns to the others. SAM Well, lads! Like Mr Davis here, youve all done good work! I say this calls for a celebration! What say you?! Cheers erupt from the crew. BURKE A play, captain! SAM A play? Suggestions? Rivers laughs. RIVERS The Tempest! The pirates boo and hiss Rivers suggestion, some throwing their hats at him. MAIN I say The Royal Pirate! BURKE Aye! The Royal Pirate! Others add their agreement. SAM All right, clear the quarter deck, lads! We need actors! Sam grins as he pauses. SAM The rest, including myself, will watch!

8 INT. WHYDAH HOLD BELOW MAIN DECK - DAY Several pirates root through chests and trunks, looking for costuming and props. Grabbing what they want, they slam the lids closed and head back up the ladder to the main deck. ELSEWHERE IN THE HOLD, a small group of pirates sleep off a drunk. The slamming trunk lids awakens one of them. The DRUNKEN PIRATE struggles to sit up. He sees his empty tankard lying next to him, picks it up, looks into it, grumbles, then drops it, and lays back down. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY The pirates with their costuming and props hurry up a ladder to the quarter deck. Standing at the quarter deck fore rail are Sam and Noland. Sam glances at the pirates with their costuming, then at Noland and chuckles. SAM (teasing) You sure you dont want to play a part? NOLAND Me? An actor? Huh! (shakes head no) Nay, I dont think so! Sam laughs. INT. WHYDAH HOLD BELOW MAIN DECK - DAY The Drunken Pirate awakens again, sits up, checks his tankard again, grumbles, then glances at his still sleeping shipmates. Hearing cheers and shouts above, he glances. He grumbles again, then struggles to his feet, making his way to a ladder.

9 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY The Drunken Pirate emerges from below. Hearing cheers, he looks up, sees a gathering of pirates on the quarter deck. He has no idea that a play is being staged and what hes witnessing isnt real. The Drunken Pirate watches as two pirates step forward with a CONDEMNED PIRATE standing between them. A pirate playing the part of ALEXANDER THE GREAT faces the Condemned Pirate. ALEXANDER THE GREAT Knowst though that Death attends thy mighty crimes, And thou shallst hang Tomorrow Morn betimes! The Drunken Pirates eyes go wide. He turns and scrambles back through the hatch into the hold. INT. WHYDAH HOLD BELOW MAIN DECK - DAY The Drunken Pirate kicks and shakes his friends. DRUNKEN PIRATE Wake up, ybilge rats! Theyre goin thang ole Jack! Wake up! Three of the sleeping PIRATES groggily awaken. PIRATE 1 Theyre what? DRUNKEN PIRATE Theyre goin thang ole Jack! We got tstop em now! The Drunken Pirate grabs his cutlass and turns to an armory cabinet as his three friends stagger to their feet. DRUNKEN PIRATE Arm yourselves, lads! Were goin thave a fight on our hands! Breaking open the cabinet, the Drunken Pirate grabs hand grenades.

10 EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY The mainsail yard lies across the port and starboard rails. A new mainsail has just been attached. Palsgrave stands nearby, watching Caverley. Caverley turns to Palsgrave. CAVERLEY Thats it, Captain. Shes ready! PALSGRAVE Very good, Mister Caverley! Take her up! Caverley turns to his work crew. CAVERLEY All right lads, haul her up! Gunfire and the explosion of a hand grenade erupts from the Whydah at anchor nearby. Palsgrave glances toward the ship. PALSGRAVE (thinking aloud) Whats goin on there!? Caverley joins him as another gunshot is heard. PALSGRAVE Lower a boat! Im going over. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY The Drunken Pirate and his friends are attacking other pirates. The Condemned Pirate lays against the fore rail, his right leg mangled and bloody. The ships Surgeon, JAMES FERGUSON, kneels next to him. CONDEMNED PIRATE (in pain) Me leg! Me leg! They blew me leg off! Ferguson tears a strip from his shirt and ties a tourniquet on the pirates leg. FERGUSON Youre goin to be all right, lad.

11 ELSEWHERE ON THE QUARTER DECK, pistols fired, a clash of cutlass steel. Pirate 1 from below deck lunges with his cutlass at Alexander the Great. PIRATE 1 Ye hang ole Jack, will ye?! Ill cut ye afore ye get another chance! Alexander parries the blow. They spin, swinging again, Alexander taking a deep cut on his upper sword arm. A momentary pause. Pirate 1 grins. Alexander lunges, burying his cutlass in Pirate 1's stomach. Noland suddenly appears. NOLAND Stand down! Now! The Drunken Pirate appears, lunging at Alexander. Alexander dodges as Noland grabs the Drunken Pirate, forcing him back. We hear two sudden pistol shots in rapid succession. All fighting stops as the pirates turn toward the sound of the pistol shots. Sam stands atop a quarter deck hatch cover, holding two pistols, angered and scowling at those gathered. SAM Mister Noland! NOLAND Aye, captain. SAM I want those who started this taken below and put in irons! NOLAND Aye captain. Noland grabs the Drunken Pirate by the shoulder. NOLAND Lets go!

12 SAM The Surgeon! Wheres the surgeon! Mr Ferguson! Ferguson slowly rises to his feet next to the wounded Condemned Pirate. FERGUSON Here, Captain Bellamy. SAM Do what you can for the wounded. FERGUSON Aye captain. A murmur among the pirates as Sam steps down from the hatch cover and walks to the quarter deck fore rail. He passes Ferguson as the Surgeon approaches the wounded Alexander. FERGUSON (to Alexander) Hmmm, youre goin to lose that arm, lad. AT THE FORE RAIL, Sam looks down at Noland and others leading the Drunken Pirate and his surviving friends across the main deck and down into the hold. Main approaches. MAIN What got into the? SAM (interrupts) I dont know, but as long as Im captain, The Royal Pirate will never be performed on this ship again! Palsgrave and Caverley arrive on board. Sam turns and storms away to a ladder leading down to the main deck.

13 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK, PORT RAIL - DAY A plank held up, one end resting on the port rail. Sam stands at the head of the plank. Pirates, including Palsgrave and Caverley, are gathered. The wrapped body of the pirate killed in the melee lies on the plank, covered by a pirate flag. SAM and thus we commit his body to the deep. It has always been so for sailors, and shall always be. Amen. PIRATES (in unison) Amen. Sam nods. The pirates holding the plank tip it up and the body slides off into the ocean. ON flags death head. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OFFSHORE, NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT ON flags death head, the flag worn, its edge tattered as it flutters on the breeze. We see the Whydah riding in a storm just offshore, enveloped in an eerie glowing mist, a ghost ship with torn sails and dangling lines. Maria stands at the waters edge, watching and waiting, the breeze billowing her hair. A cloud billows across the water toward her. Out of the cloud steps Sam, walking on the water to Maria. They come together, embrace, and kiss. The kiss broken, Maria looks up, finds Sam changed. His face white, drained of blood, dark circles around his eyes, and a gash on his forehead. He smiles. Shes uncertain, afraid. MARIA Sam?

14 SAM Im dead, Maria. But I still came back for you. Maria shakes her head no, struggling to break free of Sam. MARIA No! No! Nooooo! She pushes free of Sam, forcing herself INT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT awake as she sits up, gasping from the nightmare. She peers around wide-eyed. MARIA Sam? She throws off the quilt, jumps up and hurries outside. EXT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT Maria hurries to the edge of the cliffs. Afraid, she stares out to sea and cries out. MARIA Sam! EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Three ships at anchor, their sails struck, the Marianne tethered to a small two masted sloop captained by SIMON BEERE. A longboat rests in the water next to the sloop. The Whydah lies at anchor a short distance away. EXT. SLOOP MAIN DECK - DAY The crew of the sloop are herded together, guarded by pirates. Other pirates are transferring loot to the Marianne. Palsgrave and Caverley step on deck. PALSGRAVE All right lads, lets relieve this ship of her cargo and be quick about it!

15 A PIRATE approaches Palsgrave. PIRATE Captain Beere is waiting in the longboat, sir. PALSGRAVE Very good. (to Caverley) Mister Caverley, see that Beeres crew is taken aboard the Marianne and then get the Marianne away from this ship. I dont know what Captain Bellamy has in store for her. CAVERLEY Aye captain. Palsgrave starts for the starboard side of the sloop. EXT. LONGBOAT - DAY Waiting in the longboat are MR MOON at the tiller, Captain Beere, and two other pirates. Palsgrave climbs into the longboat. PALSGRAVE Cast off, lads! Palsgrave takes a seat opposite Beere. The pirates cast off and row toward the Whydah, Moon steering. Palsgrave, his back to the Whydah, smiles at Beer. BEERE (heated) Mr Wilson, I demand to PALSGRAVE (interrupts, smiling) Williams, sir, Captain Williams. Palsgrave pauses as he nods. PALSGRAVE At your service, sir.

16 BEERE Captain Williams! I demand to know the meaning of this! What are you doing with my ship!? My cargo!? Ill have you know, sir, that this is an act of piracy! PALSGRAVE Piracy? Sir, thats a mighty strong accusation. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN and QUARTER DECKS - DAY Sam and Noland stand on the port side quarter deck, watching the longboat approach. Sam smiles as he turns and glances down at the main deck. SAM Mister Main! ON THE MAIN DECK, Main looks up at Sam. MAIN Aye captain! ON THE QUARTER DECK with Sam and Noland. SAM Strike the ensign and run up our flag! Let em know who we are! ON THE MAIN DECK with Main. MAIN Aye sir! EXT. LONGBOAT - DAY Beere throws accusations at Palsgrave. BEERE you commandeer my ship, hold my crew, take my cargo! That, sir, is piracy!

17 PALSGRAVE Piracy, sir? BEERE (frustrated) Aye, piracy! Damn you, sir! Damn you Beeres words trail off as he notices the black flag being run up the flagstaff of the Whydah. His eyes go wide. BEERE You ARE pirates! PALSGRAVE Well, sir, Id say were more like free men! Palsgrave erupts in laughter. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY Sam, Noland, and a gathering of Whydah pirates wait as Captain Beere joins them, followed by Palsgrave. His hands clasped behind his back, Sam steps forward and nods. SAM Captain Beere, I believe? BEERE Captain Bellamy (nods to Palsgrave) so this man tells me. Seems your exploits in the Caribbean have gained you quite a reputation up and down the coast! SAM Indeed! I trust not too flattering. BEERE May I ask what you intend to do with my ship, my men, and myself? SAM Weintend to relieve you of your cargo, then you and your men can be on your way.

18 BEERE Ah, Robin Hood and his merry band of thieves. So, the stories they tell of you are true. Noland steps forward. NOLAND Captain Bellamy, I think it unwise to set him free. SAM Why is that, Mr Noland? NOLAND He and his men could warn the authorities about us. He just said were well known up and down the coast. Theyll be itchin to string us up! A murmur of agreement passes among the pirates. Sam glances around, his eyes falling on Main. SAM What say you, Mister Main? Do you agree with Mister Noland? MAIN Aye captain. I do. SAM Well, lads. Do you all agree? A chorus of AYES from the pirates. Sam turns to Beere. SAM Well, Captain Beere, seems I cant let you go after all! My crew wont permit it. NOLAND I say we sink his ship too! Another chorus of AYES from the pirates.

19 BEERE (surprised) Well, Captain Bellamy, have you no control over your men? Or do they control you? Sam chuckles. SAM Captain Beere, we conduct ourselves in a democratic manner here. Sam begins to pace the deck, gesturing to the ship. SAM My good captain, this ship is a former slave ship. Now its a ship of free men. Do you see the irony? Look around you! There are Englishmen, and Jamaican, and French, Dutch, Portuguese, Swede, African (motions to Julian) Mr Julian, there, is Indian! Sam stops and turns to Beere. SAM Many nations are represented on this ship, and we are all free and equal! (pauses) Aye, Im the captain of the Whydah, but my power only lies with the good graces of my men, and so does my loyalty. I cannot veto a general vote of my crew. That is our law. BEERE I see no law that governs the conduct of thieves.

20 SAM Captain Beere, I like you. Youre strong willed. You would be a welcomed addition to my crew. I would ask that you join us, sir. As an officer in my fleet, your services would BEERE (interrupts) Sir, the laws of God and man forbid me from turning pirate. SAM (enraged) Damn my blood! Im sorry they wont let you have your ship; I scorn to do any one mischief when its not to my advantage! Sam pauses, glances at sloop lying at anchor, then Beere. SAM Damn your ship, well sink her! And damn you, Captain Beere, youre a sneaking puppy and so are all wholl submit to be governed by laws that rich men have made for their own security! The cowards havent the courage otherwise to defend what they get by their knavery! Damn all of ye! (pauses) Damn the crafty rascals and you who serve them - all of you a pack of hen-hearted numbskulls! They call us cutthroats, and villains! The only difference is they rob the poor under the cover of law! We plunder the rich under the protection of our own courage! Sam pauses, staring at Beere, then his voice turns softer. SAM What say you, Captain Beere? Would you not prefer our way than sneak after the asses of these villians for employment?

21 BEERE Nay, sir! Thieving pirates have no authority SAM (interrupts, enraged) Im a free Prince, sir! My conscience tells me Ive as much authority to make war on the whole world as anyone who has a hundred sail of ships at sea, and an army of 100,000 men in the field! (pauses, chuckles) But I see theres no arguing with sniveling puppies who allow superiors to kick them about deck at pleasure, and pin their faith upon a pimp of a parson who neither practices nor believes what he puts upon the chuckel headed fools he preaches to! Sam pauses, walks to Captain Beere and looks him in the eye. SAM You are a devilish conscious rascal, Captain Beere! Damn ye! I owe no allegiance to anyone but to those aboard my ship! Sam glances at Beeres sloop, notes the Marianne moving away from it, then turns to Palsgrave. SAM Captain Williams! Youve taken his crew off? PALSGRAVE Aye captain. Theyre aboard the Marianne. Sam storms to the quarter deck fore rail, plants both hands on the rail, and leans over. SAM Mr Taffier!

22 TAFFIER Qui captain! SAM When the Mariannes clear, sink that sloop! TAFFIER Aye captain! Taffier turns to his gun crew. TAFFIER All right lads, on the port side! You heard the captain! Sam approaches Palsgrave. SAM (soft) When you return to the Marianne, old friend, take Beere with you. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah broadsides the sloop, destroying and sinking her. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF EASTHAM - DAY Raining hard, a storm. Maria runs through the streets, aprons draped over an arm, holding her shawl over her head with the other hand. She rounds a corner, running headlong into two RUFFIANS. She spins, looking at them fearfully as they return her stare, then she turns and continues running. EXT. CAPE COD MARSHLAND - DAY We see Maria running through the rain, heading home. EXT. MARIAS HUT ON CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria runs to her hut, throws back the blanket covering the entrance, and ducks inside.

23 EXT. MARIAS HUT - DAY Maria lights the hanging lantern, then pulls her quilt around her for warmth. She rocks back and forth, her knees drawn up under her chin. The rain pours down on her hut. TIME FADE Maria asleep as the rain continues to pour. EXT. ATLANTIC - DAY Dark clouds gather on the northern horizon. The Whydah and Marianne are at anchor, their sails trimmed. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY Main and Burke at the wheel, gazing at the gathering storm, Burke concerned. BURKE Another storm comin. Looks like a bad one. MAIN Aye. Rivers walks past as Burke speaks again. BURKE Somethin not right about all these storms. We shoulda stayed in the Caribbean. RIVERS Aw, no need to fret so, lads! This ship can sail through any storm!

24 INT. WHYDAH CAPTAINS CABIN - DAY Sam, Palsgrave, Noland, and Caverley gathered in Sams cabin, going over a map of the colonial seaboard. Sam points to the map. SAM Were here. If were separated in the storm, well sail off the Virginia coast for ten days, then ten more days off Long Island. Somewhere in between well find one another. Agreed? PALSGRAVE Aye, agreed. Noland and Caverly nod. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING A storm rages, lightning and thunder roaring around them, waves crashing against the ship. Sails are furled, lines secured. Sam, grabbing lines for support, fights his way to a ladder leading to the quarter deck. ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Main and Burke are at the ships wheel. The ship lurches to port, waves crashing across the deck. Burke and Main are swept away from the wheel, but are caught in the ships netting, saving them from being washed overboard. MAIN Hold on lads! Shell steady! Hold on! Sam appears at the top of the ladder. The three of them struggle to the wheel. A loud crack is heard. They look back; lines and shrouds of the mizzen mast whip in the wind. Another crack. The upper part of the mizzen mast crashes to the deck.

25 SAM Secure those lines as best you can, Mister Burke! BURKE Aye captain! Burke fights his way aft through the raging storm. INT. WHYDAH BELOW MAIN DECK - EVENING The storm tosses the ship, hanging lanterns swinging. Water leaks through cracks and pours through the grating of some hatch covers. Among those gathered are Noland, Rivers, and a terrified young JOHN KING. KING Shell sink! Shes going to sink! RIVERS Shell be fine, lad! Shes a good ship. A sudden load crack. Nolan, Rivers, and King glance at the main mast. Noland grabs a lantern. They hurry to the mast, find it at a slight angle, the deck above buckled. The wooden braces around the mast on the deck have been broken. NOLAND Its been sprung! RIVERS Itll need bracing! NOLAND Aye!

26 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY The storm over, the clouds are clearing. The Whydah anchored, the crew busy themselves with repairs. Sam crosses the deck, sees Davis and South. SAM Mister Davis! I want the mainmast braced! DAVIS Aye captain. SAM Mister South, take a work crew and cut away the mizzen mast! Well replace it at Green Island! South nods. Noland approaches Sam. NOLAND If I didnt know better, Id think this ship was cursed. LOOKOUT (o.c.) Captain! Sam and Noland glance up at the lookout. LOOKOUT No sign of the Marianne, sir! Sam sighs, then turns to Noland. SAM Ten days, Mister Noland. Ten days in these waters, then we continue north. Sam turns and walks away. NOLAND Aye captain.

27 EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY The storm over, the ship alive with repair activity. Palsgrave and Caverley stand at a rail amidships, Palsgrave looking out over the ocean with his spy glass. LOOKOUT (o.c.) No sign of her, captain! PALSGRAVE Keep an eye out for her! LOOKOUT (o.c.) Aye, captain! Palsgrave slowly lowers the spy glass, his gaze still on the ocean. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah, alone, under sail. Her mainsail and fore mainsail are furled, the mizzen mast gone. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN MAST CROWS NEST - DAY The Lookout spots a sail. LOOKOUT Sail on horizon! Off the starboard bow! ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Sam hurries to the starboard rail, closely followed by Noland. Sam raises his spy glass to look at the ship. NOLAND The Marianne? SAM I dont think so. (pauses) Two masted, square rigged, but (pauses) but not a sloop. More like a brig.

28 Sam lowers the spy glass and glances down at the main deck. SAM Mister Taffier! ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Taffier looks up at Sam. TAFFIER Qui captain! ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK. SAM Prepare to fire chasers! TAFFIER (o.c.) Qui captain! Sam turns to Main at the wheel. SAM Mister Main! Bring us in close, her port side. MAIN Aye captain. Again Sam looks at the ship through his spy glass. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah overtakes the small two masted ship, the Ann, chasers fired across the Anns bow. The Ann lays-to, her mainsail lines loosened, wind dropping from the sail. EXT. ANN MAIN DECK - DAY The CAPTAIN of the Ann and his crew are gathered on the main deck under guard. Sam and several pirates are there. Burke pushes his way through the crowd to Sam. BURKE All secure, captain. SAM Very good, Mister Burke.

29 Sam turns to the Captain of the Ann. SAM Captain. I shall leave ten of your men aboard with eighteen of my own men. You and the rest of your men shall be guests aboard my ship ANN CAPTAIN (interrupts) For how long!? Sir. SAM For as long as I think it necessary. (to Noland) Mister Noland. You have command of this vessel until we reach Green Island. NOLAND Aye captain. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah and the Ann under sail. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY The Ann Captain leans against the starboard rail, gazing at his ship sailing a short distance away. Sam approaches and leans on the rail next to the Ann Captain. ANN CAPTAIN Captain. SAM Captain. A fare wind we have today. ANN CAPTAIN So, may I ask your intentions? SAM My intentions? My intentions are my own, captain.

30 EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave and Captain Beere walk across the main deck. BEERE Well, Captain Williams, I do commend you on the fair treatment youve shown my men LOOKOUT (o.c.) (interrupts) Two sails aport! Three leagues! Palsgrave and Beere hurry to the port side of the ship. Palsgrave takes out his spy glass and looks. BEERE Captain Bellamy? PALSGRAVE Im notsure. Palsgave suddenly turns, scans the deck for Caverley, and spots him. PALSGRAVE Mister Caverley! Let out more sail! Were going after them! Palsgrave turns his attention back to the ships on the horizon, raising the spy glass to his eye again. CAVERLEY Aye captain! (to shipmates) All right, lads! You heard the captain! Unfurl the fore topsail! Haul on those lines now, lads! BEERE (incredulous) Youre going after them? Two ships against your one?

31 PALSGRAVE (spy glass to eye) Aye, Captain Beere. Two ships against my one. And once we catch them, I would suggest you keep your peace if you want that fair treatment you spoke of to continue. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY Three ships at sail, one (the Marianne) pursuing the others. EXT. MARIANNE CROWS NEST - DAY The Lookout peers through his spy glass at the two of ships. He suddenly lowers the glass and looks down at the deck. LOOKOUT Captain Williams! One of thems the Whydah! I dont know bout the other! ELSEWHERE, ON THE DECK, Palsgrave, spy glass in hand, and Beere look up at the crows nest. PALSGRAVE Thank you, Mr Johnson! Palsgrave and Beere turn, glancing at the two ships that are much closer now. PALSGRAVE (thinking aloud) The Whydah and another ship. Hmph. Looks like Sams been busy since the storm! EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave comes aboard the Whydah, Sam waiting. They embrace. PALSGRAVE Well, I see the storm didnt sink you after all!

32 SAM Some minor damage - sprung mainmast, and we had to cut away the mizzen. The Whydahs a sturdy ship, Pals. No little Atlantic storm is going to sink her. Sam pauses, grins as he glances past Palsgrave at the Marianne lying at anchor a short distance away. SAM And I see youre no worse for wear! Palsgrave laughs. PALSGRAVE No storm is going to sink the Marianne! She bobs like a cork on the waves! They laugh. Palsgrave glances at the Ann lying at anchor. PALSGRAVE So, I see youve been busy. SAM The Ann, aye. Just a little token. Gave the lads something to do! Rich Nolands in command of her. Sam slaps Palsgrave on the shoulder. SAM Lets go to my cabin and have a drink! INT. WHYDAH CAPTAINS CABIN - DAY Sam stands at a table pouring wine into a glass. Palsgrave sits opposite him. SAM So, hows our friend, Captain Beere? Sam hands the glass of wine to Palsgrave.

33 PALSGRAVE (taking glass) A stuffed shirt, he is. But seeing how we run the Marianne, hes softening a bit. Sam pours another, puts the wine bottle on the table, sits. SAM He certainly doesnt have the making of a free man. PALSGRAVE Or a cutthroat as hed say. They laugh. Palsgrave sips his drink, sets the glass down. PALSGRAVE Im thinking of stopping at Block Island to visit my family. My mother and sister have a homestead there. Its been a long time since Ive seen them, Sam. SAM By all means, do so! We can meet up again at Green Island to overhaul the ships. PALSGRAVE A fortnight? Sam nods. SAM A fortnight. Sam raises his glass of wine. SAM To family. Palsgrave raises his glass. PALSGRAVE To family. They drink their toast.

34 EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DUSK Night coming on. The Whydah, Ann, and Marianne under sail, their lanterns aglow. EXT. CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH, MARIAS GARDEN - NIGHT A hard steady rain with occasional lightning and thunder. ON the garden, the rain washing Marias plants away. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH, MARIAS GARDEN - DAY ON the rain ruined garden. The storm over, the morning sun pushes through sparse cloud cover. Maria stands looking at her garden. She shakes her head, looks to sea, then turns and walks to her hut and enters. INT. MARIAS HUT - DAY Sitting, Maria lights the hanging lantern. We see a weaving loom. Maria begins to weave, quickly gets bored, and sits back. She grabs her shawl, rises, and leaves the hut. EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DAY Shawl about her shoulders, Maria slowly walks along the waters edge, tide lapping around her bare feet. She pauses and stares out to sea. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah, Ann, and Marianne sail north, the Marianne in the lead. EXT. A DESERTED BLOCK ISLAND HARBOR - DAY The Whydah, Marianne, and Ann rest at anchor in the harbor.

35 EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave, ready to disembark, crosses the deck with Caverley. Beere is in the background with some of his men. PALSGRAVE Mister Caverley, the Marianne is yours until I return. He pauses as he glances at Beere. PALSGRAVE And take good care of our guests. CAVERLEY Aye captain. Palsgrave disappears over the side. Caverley watches a moment, then glances at Beere whos staring back at him. EXT. BLOCK ISLAND BEACH - DAY A longboat on the beach; a few pirates stand around it. The Whydah, Marianne, and Ann lie at anchor in the background. On the beach stand Sam and Palsgrave. SAM Be careful here. Remember, Beere says were known up and down the coast. Id hate to see something happen to you and not meet up at Green Island. PALSGRAVE You keep a lookout yourself, Sam. SAM Nothings going to happen to me, old friend. Say hello to your family for me. Sam smiles, slaps Palsgrave on the shoulder. SAM Until Green Island.

36 Sam turns starts toward the longboat. PALSGRAVE Sam! Sam stops and turns. PALSGRAVE Say hello to your aunt and uncle for me. And Maria and the baby. (pauses, smiles) Fair winds, Captain Bellamy. See you at Green Island. Sam smiles, waves, then walks to the longboat. He climbs in and the pirates push off. Palsgrave watches them go. EXT. STREET ENTERING EASTHAM - DAY Maria walks down the street, entering Eastham with an armload of aprons to sell. EXT. EASTHAM STREET - DAY Maria on the street, trying to sell her aprons. ACROSS THE STREET stands on OLD MAN ready to mount his small horse drawn wagon. He watches as Maria approaches two women. ACROSS THE STREET, Maria and the two women. MARIA Would you like to? WOMAN 1 (interrupts) Move aside! Maria steps out of the way and watches them as they pass by. WOMAN 1 (huffy) I wish shed find another town to peddle her wears. You think shed learn by now.

37 WOMAN 2 She still lives in that little shack on the cliffs above the beach. She built it herself, they say! WOMAN 1 Hmph! No doubt as dirty and ragged as she! ACROSS THE STREET the Old Man climbs onto the seat of his wagon, takes the reigns, and glances at Maria again. ACROSS THE STREET Maria continues to peddle her aprons as she approaches a HUSBAND and WIFE. MARIA Would you like to buy one of my aprons? The Husband places an arm around his Wifes shoulders and guides her around Maria. HUSBAND Come along, my dear. We have no traffic with such as she! EXT. WILLIAMS FAMILY HOME - DAY Palsgrave approaches the small family home, sees his SISTER working a nearby garden. She looks up, then straightens, her eyes going wide. Palsgrave stops walking and smiles at her. PALSGRAVES SISTER Palsgrave? Palsgrave! She runs to him. PALSGRAVES SISTER Palsgrave! They embrace. PALSGRAVES SISTER Dear brother! Weve heard so much about you!

38 PALSGRAVE So Ive heard! PALSGRAVES SISTER Motherll be so surprised. PALSGRAVE I hope she hasnt disowned me! His Sister laughs. PALSGRAVES SISTER I dont think so. Palsgrave offers an arm. PALSGRAVE Shall we see? They lock arms and continue to the cottage, disappearing inside. INT. WILLIAMS FAMILY HOME - DAY Palsgrave, his Sister, and MOTHER are seated at a table, having a family meal, Palsgrave telling them tall tales of his adventures. PALSGRAVE and we took the treasure right out from beneath the nose of old Captain Jennings! Sailed away before he came back! (chuckling) Ill bet he was hot when he got back and found his treasure and us gone to sea! Palsgrave laughs. PALSGRAVES MOTHER By what you say, this Bellamy seems a gentleman.

39 PALSGRAVE He is, a kind and gentle soul if there ever was one. Id like you both to meet him someday. Youll take to him right away. PALSGRAVES SISTER What about your jewelers shop? Do you still have it? PALSGRAVE Aye, its still there. Locked up. As far as I know. PALSGRAVES MOTHER You know you can never go back to it. Nor your family. Palsgrave stares across the table at his Mother, realizing the truth of her statement. EXT. MARIAS GARDEN - DAY Maria tries to salvage her garden. The Old Man with the small horse drawn wagon arrives, pulling up to Marias garden. A tarp covers the bed of the wagon. Maria stands. OLD MAN (climbing down) I see your garden isnt doing so well. MARIA The rain OLD MAN (interrupts) Theres been enough of that lately! The Old Man slowly walks to the back of his wagon, Maria following. He pulls the tarp away. OLD MAN Well, perhaps thisll help you a little.

40 Maria looks at several small baskets of vegetables, then the Old Man. MARIA Why would you do this for me? The Old Man smiles. OLD MAN Ive known you lived out here a long time now, and I seen you in town earlier today tryin to sell your aprons. Im an old man (pauses) and I dont much listen to what others say when the things they say aint good things. MARIA Thank you sir. Youre very kind. The Old Man smiles as he gently rests his hands on her shoulders. OLD MAN Truth of the matter is, young lady, I had a daughter once; back in England she run off when she was about your age. Never saw her again. I like to think that now and again someone mighta helped her out when she needed it. Tears in her eyes, Maria hugs the Old Man. EXT. WILLIAMS FAMILY HOME - NIGHT Palsgrave stands outside, looking up at the stars. Hes joined by his Mother. PALSGRAVES MOTHER You cant stay here long. The authorities will find you and those aboard your ship.

41 Palsgrave wraps an arm around her and holds her close. PALSGRAVE I know. (pauses) I know. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Ann and Whydah, cannons run out, flank the small three masted Mary Anne, an Irish pink. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY Sam stands at the quarter deck rail facing the Mary Anne. SAM Strike your colors, captain! And brace abox your sails! EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY On the main deck of the Mary Anne, CAPTAIN ANDREW CRUMPSTEY and First Mate, nineteen year old THOMAS FITZGERALD, stand facing the Whydah. FITZGERALD Shes striking her colors. INSERT: Kings Ensign and pendent on the Whydahs mainmast flagstaff being lowered. Crumpstey nods. CRUMPSTEY Aye, she is. INSERT: Black flag raised on Whydahs mainmast flagstaff. Crumpstey stares at the pirate flag. CRUMPSTEY Lower our colors, Mister Fitzgerald. And spill the wind.

42 FITZGERALD Aye, captain. Fitzgerald turns away. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Sam calls out to members of his crew as he descends a staircase from the quarter deck to the main deck. SAM Misters Baker, South, Hoof, Quintor, Brown, Shuan, and Von Vorst! The named pirates approach Sam on the main deck. SAM I want you to board that ship. Mister Baker, youll have command. Determine her compliment; instruct her captain. INT. MARY ANNE GALLEY - DAY The plump cook, ALEXANDER MACKCONACHY, at work in his galley, hears a commotion among the men above. He wipes his hands on a rag, then starts for a ladder leading on deck. EXT. LONGBOAT ALONGSIDE THE MARY ANNE - DAY THOMAS BAKER and his crew lash their longboat to the side of the Mary Anne. Five pirates - Baker, SIMON VON VORST, HENDRICK QUINTOR, PETER HOOF, and JOHN BROWN - are armed with pistols, knives, and cutlasses. The remaining two, THOMAS SOUTH and JEAN SHUAN, are unarmed. Baker, cutlass in hand, turns to his crew. BAKER (sarcastic) All right, lads, lets introduce ourselves! The start up the side of the Mary Anne to her deck.

43 EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY MackConachy, on deck, glances toward Crumpstey and Fitzgerald. He ducks behind the mainmast as he sees the pirates climb aboard, waving their weapons. TIME FADE ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK the Mary Anne crew are held at bay by the pirates. Baker waves his cutlass, notes Crumpsteys clothing, and approaches him. BAKER You are the captain of this ship? CRUMPSTEY I am. Baker lays the point of his cutlass on Crumpsteys chest. BAKER Whats you company? How many!? CRUMPSTEY Eight. Nine including myself. ELSEWHERE ON DECK, South, standing next to Fitzgerald, leans toward the Mary Annes mate. SOUTH (whispers) Im a prisoner on board the Whydah. Two of us, Tom Davis and myself, were goin to escape first chance we get. FITZGERALD (whispers) Prisoners. SOUTH (whispers) Aye, prisoners.

44 ELSEWHERE ON DECK, Baker and Crumpstey. BAKER Gather your papers, captain. You and five of your men are to be guests aboard the Whydah. Pick three to remain here. Crumpstey stares at Baker, then turns to his men. CRUMPSTEY Mister BAKER (interrupts) Belay that! Crumpstey looks at Baker. Baker eyes him suspiciously. BAKER Ill pick. Baker paces the deck, glancing at Crumpsteys men. He stops, points his cutlass at Mary Anne crewman JAMES DONOVAN. BAKER You Points with the cutlass at Fitzgerald. BAKER You Baker glances at MackConachy standing by the mainmast and points at him. BAKER You, come here. MackConachy hesitantly approaches Baker. BAKER And youyou three remain aboard. (to Crumpstey) You and the rest will go to the Whydah.

45 Brown appears suddenly. BROWN Mister Baker! Shes loaded with wine! Baker smiles. EXT. LONGBOAT - DAY Crumpsteys five mates are in the longboat, guarded by Quintor and Brown. Crumpstey, carrying his papers, climbs into the boat. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Crumpstey and his five mates stand in the background as Brown speaks with Sam. SAM Wine you say. BROWN Aye captain. Barrels of it! SAM Well, Mister Brown, take four mates with you and Mister Quintor. We must have them bring a few barrels back to the Whydah! BROWN Aye captain! EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Quintor and Brown are with the four additional pirates as they lift a longboat off one of the Mary Annes hatches. They open the hatch and look into the hold. BROWN Blocked by anchor cables. QUINTOR Best that we check the captains stock instead.

46 EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY One of the four wine detail pirates reports to Sam. PIRATE We got five bottles, sir. From the captains own stock. SAM All right, lad. Thatll have to do. Sam turns to the rail facing the Mary Anne. SAM Ye ready to make sail, Mister Baker?! EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Baker at the railing, flanked by Quintor and Brown, facing the Whydah. BAKER Aye captain! EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - DAY Sam at the quarter deck rail. SAM Steer northwest by north, Mister Baker! EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Baker, Quintor, and Brown at the rail. BAKER Aye captain! Baker turns to his crew. BAKER All right, lads! Fix sails. Course northwest by north. (points at Donovan) You, lad. Whats your name!?

47 DONOVAN James Donovan, sir. Baker points to MackConachy. BAKER And you! Your name?! MACHCONACHY Alexander MackConachy, sir. BAKER You two move those anchor cables so we can get at that wine! EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DAY The Whydah, Ann, and Mary Anne under sail. The Mary Anne lags a little behind. INT. MARY ANNE HOLD - DAY The pirates gathered around a barrel of wine, Donovan and MackConachy watching nearby. Quintor breaks open the barrel with an ax. The pirates cheer, dipping their tankards. BROWN Fresh wine! And tis all ours! HOOF Goin to be a fine voyage to Green Island, I say! BAKER All right lads, take your fill! EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Sam stands at the aft rail, shouting to Baker aboard the lagging Mary Anne. SAM Make haste, Mister Baker! Or well lose you!

48 INT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Baker stands at the rail. BAKER Aye captain! Baker turns to Brown. BAKER More sail, John! BROWN Aye Tom! Ill carry sail till she carries her masts away! EXT. WHYDAH CROWS NEST - DAY The Lookout, spy glass to eye, looks out over the ocean. He lowers the spy glass, pauses, then glances down. ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam stands, looking up at the Lookout who shakes his head no. Sam walks to the starboard rail where JOHN LAMBERT and another pirate are taking soundings with a marked rope. They are hauling the rope up. SAM Mister Lambert? LAMBERT Captain. Well be fine slong as we dont get any closer to shore. SAM (looks to port) Shore? What shore? LAMBERT Its out there, captain. And its near. SAM You and Mister Julian know these waters.

49 LAMBERT Aye. SAM Good. I want the two of you to take the wheel. LAMBERT Aye captain. Lambert walks away toward the quarter deck. Sam turns. SAM Mister Julian! ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Julian, hauling on a line. JULIAN Aye captain! SAM Assist Mister Lambert at the wheel! JULIAN Aye captain. He secures the line and starts toward the quarter deck. EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY John Brown at the helm of the Mary Anne. MackConachy sits on a hatch while several pirates, drinking wine, are gathered around him, Baker and Von Vorst teasing the cook. Von Vorst steps to MackConachy, places a foot on the hatch, and runs the flat of the blade of his knife under MackConachys chin. VON VORST (menacing) Ye have more liquor on board. We know. Now ye tell us whered tis, or Ill break ye neck. Von Vorst laughs, turning away. Baker approaches the cook.

50 BAKER (cackling) Ya steer windward of your course. Ya dont tell Simon what he wants to know, then I shoot ya as sure as I shoot a dog! And ya wont live to tell your story! Baker laughs, glances around, then turns back to the cook. BAKER Dont worry none, we shant hurt ya unless ya give us cause. Baker pauses as he looks at his fellow pirates. BAKER Right lads?! The pirates shout their agreement as Baker turns toward Fitzgerald. BAKER Ya know who we are lad?? Do ya? Fitzgerald shakes his head no. BAKER Well Ill tell ya. We sail with Captain Black Sam Bellamy, and we got a Kings Commission for privateering! VON VORST And well take it to the ends of the earth and back again! Hoof suddenly pops his head out of another hatch. HOOF Tom! Shes leaking bad. Well need to pump her bilge to keep her afloat.

51 BAKER Damn. (to Fitzgerald) Mister Fitzgerald, reef the topsail. This leaky ship be damned! Come on lads! Baker hurries toward the hatch where Hoof stands. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Sam paces the deck. He looks up at the crows nest upon hearing the Lookouts shout. LOOKOUT (o.c.) Fog ahead! Sam runs across the main deck, up the ladder to the forecastle, to the fore rail, and peers out at the ocean in front of them. Rivers and Crumpstey join him. RIVERS Thats a heavy fog rollin cross the water, captain. Doesnt look good. SAM Aye. Sam pauses, then looks back toward the main deck. SAM Lay to, lads! Drop anchor! The Whydah erupts in activity to stop the ship. TIME FADE EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING The Ann has pulled astern of the Whydah, Sam waiting for Noland who boards and approaches Sam. NOLAND We sighted land, captain. Through the fog, northwest by north.

52 SAM Are you sure? NOLAND Aye. SAM Cape Cod? NOLAND I think so. SAM Thank you, Mister Noland. Turning away, Sam shouts so Noland and his crew can hear as he races up a ladder to the quarter deck. SAM Lets get underway, lads! Steer a northerly course! Surprised at Sams command, Noland pauses at the edge of the main deck. He looks back at Sam, then continues over the side to a waiting longboat. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK Main and Rivers stare at Sam. MAIN Northerly? We could run this ship aground. Rivers glances over his shoulder toward the bow, looking at the gathering storm clouds. RIVERS (thinking aloud) Northeasterly winds are the Devils own. ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Sam approaches Lambert and Julian at the wheel, Crumpstey standing to one side. SAM Ill take the wheel.

53 LAMBERT Aye captain. Lambert and Julian step back as Sam takes the wheel. SAM All right lads! Furl the mainsail! Well run on our fore main, fore top, and main top sails! LOOKOUT (o.c.) Ship off the starboard bow! One league! A two masted sloop, captain! Sam glances up at the Lookout, then the approaching ship, then turns the Whydah toward the ship. SAM Run up the Kings Ensign, Mister Main! ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK. MAIN Aye captain! Main and Rivers turn toward the main mast. ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Sam glances at Crumpstey, then the approaching ship. SAM (eyes on ship) Captain Crumpstey, keep your peace when we come alongside that ship. CRUMPSTEY You have my word as a man of honor, sir. SAM (eyes on ship) Thats good enough.

54 ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Burke looks at the ship through a spy glass. He lowers the glass and looks up at Sam. BURKE Shes the Fisher, sir! ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Sam at the wheel. SAM Very good, Mister Burke! TIME FADE EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - EVENING Sam at the wheel; Lambert, Julian, and Crumpstey nearby. SAM Mister Lambert, take the wheel. LAMBERT Aye sir. Lambert takes the wheel as Sam hurries away and down a ladder as the Whydah comes in close on the Fisher. ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam at the rail with Rivers, Burke, and Main, facing the Fisher. SAM Where ye from?! EXT. FISHER MAIN DECK - EVENING CAPTAIN ROBERT INGOLS stands at rail with some of his crew. INGOLS Cape Cod! And you, sir!? EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING Sam at the rail SAM We are of the sea! Are you familiar with these waters, sir?!

55 EXT. FISHER MAIN DECK - EVENING Ingols at the rail INGOLS Aye, Im a coastal trader here abouts! I know these waters well! EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING Sam at the rail SAM Good! We are in need of your assistance to guide us to port! EXT. FISHER MAIN DECK - EVENING Ingols at the rail INGOLS I am sorry, sir! Were on our return voyage to Virginia! Storm clouds are gathering, and we must EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING Sam at the rail SAM Mister Taffier! TAFFIER Qui captain! (to his gun crew) All right, lads! Run em out! Cannons are run out, pointing at the Fisher. SAM Again! We require your assistance! EXT. FISHER MAIN DECK - EVENING Ingols at the rail, stares silently back at Sam.

56 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING Sam turns to Burke. SAM Mister Burke, take three men and secure that ship. You have command. Instruct her captain to come aboard the Whydah. BURKE Aye captain. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - EVENING Captain Ingols ushered on deck, met by Sam, Rivers, Main, and others. Ingols bows. INGOLS Captain Robert Ingols, sir. SAM Captain Ingols, we thank you for your assistance. Im Captain Samuel Bellamy INGOLS (interrupts) Bellamy? The pirate? SAM Free man, sir. Free man. Now, captain, if youd kindly guide us to a safe harbor, you and your ship will be free to go on your way. INGOLS Then I suggest you turn your ships around and sail a southerly course. SAM South? No sir, we sail north.

57 Ingols glances north, then looks at Sam. INGOLS North? Into that!? SAM I grant you the storm clouds are building, but at this time of year, the stormll play out fast. INGOLS And if it doesnt? (pauses) If it doesnt, that storm will ground your ship. Sam glances at the gathering storm, lightning beginning to flash and a soft peel of thunder in the distance. EXT. WHYDAH FORECASTLE - DUSK Sam, alone, paces the forecastle of the Whydah, alternately glancing at the sails, the wind, the gathering storm, and the churning sea. ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Rivers and Main watch Sam pacing on the forecastle deck. MAIN Hes got the weather on his mind, he has. RIVERS Aye, he has. Its the Devils Wind, I say. Ive seen it afore. Not many a captain has sailed his ship through the Devils Wind and lived to tell about it. EXT. CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH - DUSK Maria at the cliff edge, looking out to sea, occasionally glancing north at the gathering storm as it nears lightning more frequent, thunder roars, the wind picking up.

58 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DUSK Sam approaches Rivers and Main who have been joined by Ingols and the Ann Captain. SAM Mister Main, signal the other ships to put out a light astern and follow. We are getting under way INGOLS (interrupts) A southerly course, I trust. Sam pauses, stares at Ingols, then: SAM North, Captain Ingols. Were sailing north. Sam turns and walks away. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN - DUSK The Whydah, Mary Anne, Ann, and Fisher under sail, rear lanterns aglow. The Whydah in the lead, they are beginning to string out, the Mary Anne dropping further behind. EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DUSK The storm approaches; lightning and thunder roll in from the sea. A light rain falls. The seven pirates have MackConachy, Donovan, and Fitzgerald on deck, Fitzgerald at the wheel. Some of the pirates are drunk, some carrying tankards of wine, including Baker. BAKER You have the wheel, Fitzgerald! Baker takes a swig of his wine, then turns, staggering, and points to MackConachy and Donovan.

59 BAKER (speech slurred) You and you. You have watch. And watch good or I cut your gizzards out! Baker pauses, swaying on his feet. BAKER Im goin tget some shut eye. He staggers toward a hatch, then stops, turns and points back at Fitzgerald. BAKER And keep an eye on the Whydahs lanterns! Baker continues on; the six pirates, mumbling, follow. Fitzgerald, Donovan, and MackConachy watch the pirates disappear below deck, then MackConachy glances at Donovan and Fitzgerald. MACKCONACHY We could take the Mary Anne back DONOVAN And do what? The rest of our mates and the captain are aboard Bellamys ship! (to Fitzgerald) Just hold your course, lad. Donovan walks away MackConachy and Fitzgerald watch him go. TIME FADE LATER, now night, the rain a major squall, the seas rough, tossing the Mary Anne between growing waves. The wind whistles through the lines and shrouds, straining the sails. Lightning and thunder are heavier, more frequent. The rain pours heavily while waves wash over the deck. Donovan, grasping anything he can for support, makes his way to Fitzgerald at the wheel. The men shout to be heard over the raging storm.

60 DONOVAN Lash yourself to the wheel, lad, or youll be washed overboard! FITZGERALD Ive lost sight of the Whydah! The lanterns are! MackConachy appears out of the dark, making his way to Donovan and Fitzgerald. DONOVAN (interrupts) Lanterns be damned, lad! We need to save ourselves! The squall suddenly strikes the Mary Anne hard, lurching her to one side, her lee rail awash. MackConachy, Donovan, and Fitzgerald grab the wheel for support. EXT. FISHER MAIN DECK - NIGHT The raging storm tosses the Fisher. Rain lashes the deck; waves crash against the hull. Three pirates fight the storm to lower a longboat. Burke appears, confronting them. They shout to be heard. BURKE What ye think youre doin lads?! PIRATE Were leavin this ship! BURKE (interrupts) And goin where?! PIRATE Ashore! Noland said he sighted land! BURKE Ye dont stand a chance in! PIRATE (interrupts) Well take our chances, Mr Burke! We stay here, the seasll surely sink this ship!

61 Burke pauses, glances at the longboat hanging on its cables, then turns to the three pirates. BURKE All right, lads, lets get the boat into the water! They continue lowering the longboat. INT. MARY ANNE BELOW DECK - NIGHT Waves break against the Mary Anne. She lurches sideways, waking Baker. He struggles up, notes the leaking ship, water pouring through the hatch, timbers groaning, and the storm raging above deck. He begins to waken his fellow pirates. BAKER Hoof! Von Vorst! Get up, ye lazy dogs! Brown! The six pirates stir. Fighting a hangover, they struggle to their feet. Baker heads for a ladder. BAKER Come quick, lads! On deck! EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - NIGHT The storm now a thunderous raging gale, lashing the Mary Anne and pushing her toward shore. Lightning flashes. Thunder roars. Waves crash over the deck. Wind howls and whistles through the rigging and shrouds, some sails torn and flapping in the wind. Baker and his six pirate companions crawl out of a hatch amidships. They fight their way through the storm to the wheel where Donovan, MackConachy, and Fitzgerald fight to control the ship. They shout to be heard. BAKER You hear the roar of those breakers under the lee bow?! FITZGERALD Aye!

62 BAKER Too close to shore! Bring us about before the wind! Thatll take us! The Mary Anne lurches sideways as a wave crashes across the deck. The pirates and prisoners grab what they can for support. As the ship settles: BAKER Thatll take us to deeper water! (to pirates) We need to trim sails to! The Mary Anne pitches hard to one side as she runs aground, the pirates and prisoners thrown to the deck. They scramble, reaching for anything to grab for support, then struggle to their feet. VON VORST Weve run aground, lads! Von Vorst turns to Baker. VON VORST Tom! The pressure on the hull! The wind n waterll tear us apart! BAKER Aye! We need to take down the mastsfore and mizzen! (to Hoof and South) Mr Hoof! Mr South! Lend a hand! Baker, Hoof, and South disappear into the raging storm as they make their way forward to the foremast. TIME FADE Baker, Hoof, and South at the foremast. They cut the lines to the yards and sails, then cut the mast down, scrambling for safety as the mast falls. BAKER Come on, lads! The mizzen! They fight their way aft.

63 TIME FADE The mizzen mast falls as Baker, Hoof, and South scramble out of the way. BAKER Thats it, lads! They fight their way back to the wheel while tattered sails and dangling rigging slap against the sides of the ship, the wind howling, breakers spraying the deck. BAKER Theyre down, Simon! But I dont think itll do any good! With that wind and the breakers, this gale is still goin ttear us apart! FITZGERALD We can swim to shore from here! VON VORST Youd be a fool to try, lad! The waves would pick you up and take you out tsea. Youd drown! SHUAN Were goin to die here! BROWN If were goin tdie, for Gods sake let us go down in the hold and die tgether! EXT. LONGBOAT - NIGHT Burke and the three pirates fight the stormy seas in the longboat, two of the pirates attempting to row. BURKE Hold tight, lads! The wavesll drive us ashore! A towering wave suddenly crashes over the longboat, swamping it, drowning all four aboard.

64 INT. MARY ANNE BELOW DECK - NIGHT The pirates and prisoners huddle together in a corner of the hold under a rocking lantern. Cold, wet, and scared, they shiver as the raging storm echoes through the hold. Empty wine bottles and trash roll across the floor as the wind and waves roll the ship back and forth. The timbers of the ship groan under the battering gale. SHUAN Were goin to die here! Were goin to! VON VORST (interrupts, to Fitzgerald) Fitzgerald! I seen you with a Good Book; read to us Fitzgerald looks at Von Vorst, then Baker. Baker nods. Fitzgerald reaches into the folds of his coat and takes out his soaked copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Gently turning the damp pages, Fitzgerald looks for a passage to read. FITZGERALD The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him. The hour cometh, and now is, He pauses, ship hit hard by a wave, lurches sideways. Bottles and other items crash through the hold, roll across the floor. The pirates and prisoners gaze around wide eyed. The ship begins to steady; Fitzgerald continues his reading. FITZGERALD The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent ye; for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He stops reading as another wave crashes against the Mary Anne, causing the ship to lurch sideways, bottles and other items crashing across the floor.

65 EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - NIGHT The Whydah sails on, her sails double-reefed, mainsail furled. The howling gale tosses the ship, dangling lines snapping in the wind, waves crashing against the hull. Lambert and Julian have the wheel. Grasping lines nearby are Sam, the Ann Captain, and Ingols. Rivers struggles through the howling gale to join them. They shout to be heard. RIVERS No sign of the Fisher or Mary Anne, capn! Sam, desperate, turns to the Ann Captain. SAM Ill make you a deal, captain! You guide us safely to Provincetown, and you can have your ship and freedom! ANN CAPTAIN On one condition, Captain Bellamy! You get your men off my ship, Ill lead you to Provincetown! SAM Its a deal, captain! INT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT Maria sits, her arms curled around her knees drawn up under her chin. She peers around fearfully, the lantern rocking. Outside the storm rages, wind, and rain buffeting her hut. INT. MARY ANNE BELOW DECK - NIGHT A huge wave hits the ship, rattling the timbers. The pirates, grasping their wine bottles, and crew cry out. The lantern flame flickers, then steadies. Fitzgerald continues. FITZGERALD Almighty and most merciful Father; we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much

66 He glances up at the pirates as he reads. FITZGERALD the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. (eyes back to book) We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done; and Fitzgerald stops as another wave crashes against the ship. Frightened, Shuan repeats Fitzgeralds words. SHUAN Amenwe have done those things which we ought not to have done He falls silent, glancing wide eyed at Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald looks at Shuan, then continues: FITZGERALD and there is no health in us. PIRATES Amen! Amen! EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - NIGHT Noland fights through the storm to join Rivers and Sam. They shout to be heard. NOLAND (to Sam) You trust him?! The captain of the Ann?! SAM I have to trust him! Sam makes his way toward a ladder leading to the quarter deck. Noland glances at Rivers. NOLAND Well, I dont trust him!

67 EXT. ANN MAIN DECK - NIGHT The Ann Captain and FIRST MATE cling to the mainmast shrouds as the storm rages around them. They shout to be heard. FIRST MATE youre going to lead those cutthroats to Provincetown?! ANN CAPTAIN No! It is my opinion that Bellamy intends to attack Provincetown! FIRST MATE Then what are you going to do?! They pause as a crashing wave rocks the Ann. ANN CAPTAIN Do you hear those breakers!? FIRST MATE Aye! ANN CAPTAIN Were inshore! I propose to take this ship as close to shore as possible, then steer a course away! The Whydah is heavier and larger! If Bellamy follows, hell run his ship aground! The surf will tear his ship apart! INT. MARY ANNE BELOW DECK - NIGHT The raging storm batters the Mary Anne, thunder crashing around them. The pirates, drunken and afraid, huddle with their three prisoners. Fitzgerald continues reading. FITZGERALD Deliver me from mine enemies O God. Defend me from them that rise up against me. O deliver me from the wicked doers and save me from blood thirsty men

68 Fitzgerald looks at the pirates. PIRATES (in unison) Amen! Amen! Amen! Above them, the LANTERN gently rocks back and forth. MATCH CUT: INT. MARIAS HUT - NIGHT LANTERN rocking as the storm rages outside. Maria continues to huddle. EXT. ANN MAIN DECK - NIGHT The Ann Captain and First Mate at the ships wheel, the First Mate manning the wheel. The storm rages around them, breakers crashing against the bow. ANN CAPTAIN All right, lad! Hard over and take us away! The First Mate spins the wheel hard clockwise. EXT. WHYDAH QUARTER DECK - NIGHT The Whydah, battered by the storm. Huge waves break across her bow. Howling wind blows the torrential rain horizontal, cutting through the shrouds and lines. Sam stands at the wheel with Lambert, Julian, Captain Crumpstey, and Captain Ingols. ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Rivers clings to the mainmast shrouds. Nearby, Main clings to a hand rail. They shout RIVERS Breakers, capn! Breakers!

69 ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK. SAM Trim the foresails and tack off into the wind, lads! ELSEWHERE, ON THE FORECASTLE DECK, pirates start up the foremast in an attempt to trim the foresails. ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Noland appears out of the darkened storm, fighting his way to join Sam at the wheel. NOLAND Sno good, captain! The breakers are drivin us inshore! Sam pauses as he glances at Noland, then hurries to the fore rail of the quarter deck. SAM Drop anchor, lads! Drop anchor! ANCHOR!! ELSEWHERE, capstan to take hold. shoreward, ON THE MAIN DECK, pirates wrestle with the drop anchor. The Whydah lurches as the anchors The ship starts to swing around, stern dragging the anchors with it toward shore.

ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, Noland joins Sam at the quarter deck fore rail. NOLAND Shes draggin the anchors with her! SAM (angered and desperate) Be damned, Mister Noland! I wont lose this ship, nor her crew, nor her treasure! Sam hurries through the raging storm down a staircase to the main deck and struggles to the pirates manning the capstan, noting Taffier clinging to the shrouds nearby. SAM Mister Taffier! Make sure all cannons are secured!

70 TAFFIER Qui captain! Sam continues toward the pirates manning the capstan. SAM Cut those cables, lads! CAPSTAN PIRATE Aye captain! With hand axes, the pirates hack at the anchor cables. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Taffier approaches a cannon. The ship leans after being hit hard by a huge wave. The cannon breaks loose, crashing across the deck, taking Taffier with it, crushing him against a hatch. Hit by another massive wave, the ship leans further. Sam slips and falls on the wet deck, slides across the deck against the hatch and cannon where Taffier lies dead. Sam stares at him, then fights to his feet. Crumpstey appears out of the storm, fighting his way to Sam. CRUMPSTEY Captain Bellamy! You have prisoners below deck! If this ship goes down, theyll drown! Sam pauses, staring at Crumpstey, then turns to Main whos still clinging to a nearby rail. SAM Mister Main! Get below and release the prisoners! MAIN Aye captain! Main struggles toward the nearest hatch. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, pirates cut through anchor cables, the cables race away into the dark. The Whydah shudders. CAPSTAN PIRATE Shes free captain!

71 ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam and others glance up as the remaining tattered sails are suddenly blown out, exploding and flapping in the wind, dangling lines snap like whips. SAM Cut those lines, lads! Bring down those sails, and secure the free lines where you can! Pirates scramble across the deck, hacking at the lines with cutlasses, knives, and hand axes to bring the sails down. INT. WHYDAH HOLD - NIGHT The ship pitches side to side, water pouring through hatches, ships timber groaning. Main fights his way through the hold to several pirates and chained prisoners. MAIN Set those men free, lads! On order of the captain! Pirates scramble to free the prisoners as Main turns and starts back to a ladder leading up on deck. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - NIGHT Main scrambles on deck; the ship lurches sideways. Main stumbles and falls. As he regains his feet, a wave crashes across the deck, washing him overboard. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam stands by the mainmast as unsecured lines snap around him. SAM Set the spritsail, lads! The sprit! The Whydah runs aground, stern first, hitting the shoals with a shudder that vibrates through the ship. The ship leans heavily. Pirates and prisoners slip and slide across the wet decks as more towering waves crash over them. Many are washed overboard; some entangled in lines, dangling shredded sails, rigging, and shrouds.

72 EXT. SHOALS - NIGHT Huge waves crash against the Whydah, the ship slowly rolling. Her shredded sails flap in the wind, dangling lines snap like gunfire. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - NIGHT The ship slowly rolls; all across the deck desperate pirates and prisoners attempt to jump ship and swim. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Noland scrambles down a ladder from the quarter deck. The ladder to collapse under him and Noland falls to the main deck, sliding to the lee rail. A cannon slides across the deck after Noland, crashes into him and through the railing, carrying Noland into the raging waters beyond. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, more cannons break free and crash across the deck to leeward, among those killed being Captain Ingols. INT. WHYDAH HOLD - NIGHT Water pours through the hatches of the rolling ship, extinguishing lanterns. Screaming pirates and prisoners scramble as stored cannons crash through the ship, taking out bulwarks and stanchions, Doctor Ferguson among those killed. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - NIGHT Water pours through the gun ports. More of the pirates and prisoners scramble for safety, some jumping ship, others entangled in lines, rigging, shredded sails, and shrouds. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Thomas Davis tries to make his way to the leeward rail. A huge wave washes over the deck, taking Davis with it. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Captain Crumpstey fights his way across the deck to aid the fallen Captain Ingols and is washed overboard. ELSEWHERE, the decks start to splinter, main and fore masts crack, the yards split and fall to the deck and water.

73 ELSEWHERE, ON THE QUARTER DECK, a wave breaks across the deck, washing Lambert and Julian from the ships wheel. Julian struggles to his feet as another wave breaks across the deck and washes him over the side. ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Lambert, washed from the quarter deck, struggles to his feet as a spar from the main mast falls to the deck, killing him. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam, struck by falling debris, as the mainmast breaks free and begins to topple, the Lookout screaming as he falls into the water. Knocked to the deck and injured, Sam slides across the tilting deck into a hatch, hit on the shoulder and arm seconds later by a sliding cannon. The main mast topples into the water, taking with it lines, shredded sails, rigging, shrouds, and Rivers whos entangled in the mainmast shrouds. As the Whydah continues to roll, dazed and severely injured, Sam struggles to his feet, slips on the tilting deck and tumbles headlong into the water. EXT. SHOALS - NIGHT As the Whydah rolls, the foremast snaps and collapses into the water. Finally, the ship completes its roll, capsized, keel up, the waves pounding the battered and broken hull. EXT. SHOALS - NIGHT Julian clings to a floating spar in the raging waters. Davis appears out of the dark, swims to the spar and grabs hold. He glances at Julian. DAVIS Mister Julian! Mister Julian!! Julian slowly turns his gaze to Davis. DAVIS Are you all right?

74 JULIAN (weakened) Shorewe get ashore. ELSEWHERE IN THE WATER, Sam, dazed and severely injured with a mangled arm and shoulder, a large gash across his forehead, clings to another spar. He passes out. EXT. NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT Julian and Davis are on the beach. JULIAN The sunll be up soon, lad. Theyll come looking, and theyll look at you the same as theyll look at me! Youll swing same as I! DAVIS I dont belong with youIm finding my own way! Julian pauses as he stares at Davis, then: JULIAN All righty, lad. Best of luck to ye! Julian slowly rises and starts out across the beach. DAVIS Wait! Where are you going? Julian stops and turns. JULIAN Rhode Island, lad. To find Captain Williams. Tell him what happened here. DAVIS Best of luck to you, Mister Julian. Julian smiles, then turns and disappears into the dark. ELSEWHERE ON THE BEACH, Sam awakens. Injured, his clothes tattered, drenched in blood and sea water, he staggers to his feet, peers around, then starts off into the dark.

75 EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DAY (MORNING) Ship wreck debris, including many bodies of pirates and prisoners, litter the beach. Off shore rests the over turned hull of the Whydah. Villagers wander the beach, scavenging from the debris and bodies. INT. MARY ANNE BELOW DECK - DAY Pirates and prisoners asleep in the hold; Hoof awakens, groggily sits up, peers around, noticing all is quiet. He shakily rises to his feet, makes his way to a ladder leading on deck. EXT. MARY ANNE MAIN DECK - DAY The storm ended, sky partly cloudy, a brisk breeze blowing. Hoof staggers on deck, squints in the light of the rising sun, notices the ship has run aground on an island just offshore from the mainland. A joyful Hoof cries out, jumping up and down. HOOF We survived! The seas didn take us! Hoofs cries awakens the others. They scrambled on deck, joining in Hoofs celebration. On the northern horizon, something catches Von Vorsts eye. He scrambles part way up the shrouds of the mainmast. VON VORST Top masts, lads! And sails! The others gather near the shrouds and look. Von Vorst glances at his friends, holds out a hand. VON VORST Pass me a glass, lads! Baker climbs part way up the shrouds, and hands a spy glass to him. Von Vorst looks to the horizon with the spy glass.

76 VON VORST Two ships, lads! Under sail. BAKER The Whydah? VON VORST Nay, Mister Baker. Not the Whydah. HOOF Nolands ship, I say! Von Vorst lowers the glass, his eyes still on the horizon. VON VORST Theyre sailin north. Away from us. He climbs down from the shrouds. BAKER Come along, lads. Wed better be lookin over the Mary Anne, see how badly shes beached. EXT. POCHET ISLAND BEACH - DAY The pirates, except Quintor and Shuan, and the Mary Anne mates are gathered on the beach inspecting the ships hull. Quintor and Shuan remain on board. VON VORST Shes bilged, Tom. Well never get her off this beach. Baker nods. BAKER Aye. BROWN Well, I say we break out more wine! Quintor and Shuan appear at the deck rail, resting a large trunk on the rail. QUINTOR Weve food, lads! A trunk full of sweatmeats!

77 Shuan and Quintor drop the trunk over the side. EXT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Sam, dazed and in pain, staggers across the marshy landscape between brush and bushes. He stumbles, falls, pauses, then struggles to his feet and continues on. EXT. CLIFFS ABOVE NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria walks to the cliff edge and looks out on the scene of death and destruction. EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DAY Villages still wander the beach, scavenging. Two OLD WOMEN stand over the body of a dead pirate. OLD WOMAN 1 Pirates, they is! The lot of em! Old Woman 2 looks up, sees Maria standing above the beach at the edge of the cliff. OLD WOMAN 2 Theres the witch! Old Woman 1 glances up at Maria. OLD WOMAN 2 I bet she did this. Cursed em all, I say. EXT. POCHET ISLAND BEACH - DAY Mid-morning. The pirates sit together, eating sweatmeats, drinking wine. A short distance away MackConachy, Fitzgerald, and Donovan sit together. VON VORST If we tally long, were goin tget caught here. BROWN (drunken) Nay, were not goin tget caught. Capn Bellamyll come for us!

78 Brown struggles to his feet, a wine bottle in each hand, and staggers to the three Mary Anne prisoners. Drunken, he points to the ship. BROWN Im the capn of this here fine vessel! He pauses as he points to his fellow pirates. BROWN And those are my men! What say you, lads!? Brown erupts in laughter, takes a swig of wine from one bottle, then the other. BROWN Taint rum, but itll do! (pauses) So, what say you, Mister Fitzgerald?! Ye sail with ole Capn Brown!? He laughs again, then takes another swig from each bottle. EXT. EASTHAM OUTSKIRTS - DAY Julian, hiding behind barrels on the outskirts of Eastham, overhears two MEN talking as they pass by. MAN 1 Aye, I hear its Black Bellamys ship. MAN 2 No survivors. MAN 1 Aye. They pass. Julian slowly rises from behind the barrels, then makes his way out of the village.

79 EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria wanders among the dead. The townspeople avoid her, whispering amongst themselves as she passes, including a MAN and WOMAN MAN Ye have a witch that lives up there on the cliffs, and now this ship wreck. I tell ye this bodes no good. WOMAN There be spirits here and strange devils, I say. Tis not a good place to be. EXT. POCHET ISLAND BEACH - DAY The pirates still seated in the sand, eating sweatmeats and drinking wine. Brown has rejoined them. The three Mary Anne mates remain a short distance away. HOOF Whatta we do? VON VORST I say we make our way to Boston, hire on another ship. BAKER I say we go to Rhode Island. Hook up with Capn Williams. SHUAN Aye! Capn Williams! HENDRICK Aye. Unnoticed, two locals, JOHN COLE and WILLIAM SMITH, approach across the beach. JOHN COLE Hello friends!

80 The pirates and Mary Anne mates glance at the two men approaching, the mates joining the pirates as the two men arrive. Smith gestures over his shoulder. SMITH We saw your masts from the mainland. You caught in that storm? SHUAN Aye, we rode out the storm, fought the Devils own waves we did! QUINTOR Aye! We set the sails, hauled the lines, and held on, laughin in the face of the Devil! BROWN Aye, we stood fast on the deck all night, facin the Devil down, we did! He pauses, grins, and slaps Baker on the shoulder. BROWN Taint no Devils goin tsink our ship with our good Capn Baker guidin us through! The three Mary Anne mates exchange glances. JOHN COLE Well, we got a canoe, can make a few trips, take you all ashore. If youre likin to a warm meal and a fire to warm yourselves, your welcome to come to my home. Baker rises to his feet, offers a hand. BAKER Well, thats mighty friendly of ye, Mister JOHN COLE Cole, sir. John Cole.

81 They shake hands. BAKER Mister Cole. JOHN COLE And this is my neighbor, William Smith. Smith nods as he shakes hands with Baker. BAKER Mister Smith. Im Thomas Baker. Captain of the Mary Anne. WILLIAMS Captain Baker. INT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Sam staggers across the countryside, still making his way toward Wellfleet. He stumbles and falls. INT. JOHN COLE HOME - DAY Cole, Smith, the pirates, and the Mary Anne mates are gathered in the Cole home, seated at a large table with Coles wife laying plates before them, the table littered with wine bottles. JOHN COLE Mighty nice of you to bring along the wine, sir. BAKER Well, sir, your kindness calls for a celebration, ye might say. JOHN COLE So, captain, where might you and your men be going? BAKER With our ship bilged, were making our way to Rhode Island. We hope to

82 MACKCONACHY (interrupts) To Hell, I say! Baker, Cole, and Smith glance at MackConachy. JOHN COLE Sir? MackConachy pauses, glances at Fitzgerald and Donovan, then Baker before he turns his gaze to Cole. MACKCONACHY To Hell, sir! They can go to Hell! Theyre Black Bellamys men! Pirates, so help me! MackConachy gestures to Fitzgerald and Donovan. MACKCONACHY Me and my friends here aint no part of Black Bellamys men! We sail with Capn Crumpstey board the Mary Anne. Thats our ship out there on the island! Not theirs! Cole turns to Baker and smiles. JOHN COLE Seems the storm may have ruffled this man, or perhaps a little too much wine. Baker grins. BAKER Perhaps a little of both, sir. Pay him no mind. Its been a long voyage for him. JOHN COLE I may have a little something to help him. I shall return promptly, sir. Baker nods as Cole rises from the table and disappears into a back room.

83 INT. BACK ROOM OF JOHN COLE HOME - DAY Cole enters the back room, a small pantry. Coles Young SON sits at a small table, drawing. Cole takes a little pouch from a cupboard, mixes some of its contents with water, then approaches his Son. JOHN COLE I have an errand for you, son. I want you to deliver a message to Justice Doane for me. INT. JOHN COLE HOME - DAY Cole returns to the main room, a cup of sugar water in hand. He glances at MackConachy seated and afraid. Nearby stand Baker and Von Vorst in whispered discussion. Cole approaches MackConachy and smiles as he places the cup of sugar water before him. JOHN COLE Here, sir. This should do you well. He leans over and whispers: JOHN COLE Sugar water, my friend. MackConachy looks up at Cole. MACKCONACHY Su? Cole interrupts him, patting him on the shoulder. JOHN COLE (interrupts) Youll be fine, sir. Well all be just fine. BAKER (o.c.) Mister Cole Cole looks up to see Baker and Von Vorst approaching.

84 BAKER Mister Cole, would you perhaps be able to tell us the quickest way to Boston from here? JOHN COLE Boston? I thought BAKER (interrupts) We changed our minds. Bostons where were going. EXT. JOHN COLE HOME - DAY The pirates hurriedly leave the Cole home, Baker and Von Vorst in the lead. VON VORST What about MackConachy and Fitzger? BAKER (interrupts) They can stay. Theyd only slow us down if we brought em along. VON VORST Why the hurry to get to Boston? BAKER Rhode Island, were goin tRhode Island. And somethins not right here. I feel it. Wouldnt do us any good to stay here any longer than we have to. INT. HOME OF JUSTICE DOANE - DAY JUSTICE DOANE sits at a large desk doing paper work. Coles Son stands in front of the desk. DOANE Pirates, you say!? COLES SON Yes, sir. Thats what my father said.

85 DOANE Seven of them!? Black Bellamys men?! COLES SON Yes sir. Doane rises. DOANE Well, young sir, we shall see about that! EXT. EASTHAM TAVERN - DAY The pirates passing the Eastham Tavern, Brown looks up at the sign. BROWN I think I need a drink, lads! Its a long walk tRhode Island. Brown starts for the tavern. The others pause, exchange glances, then follow. EXT. JOHN COLE HOME - DAY Cole, Williams, Coles Son, and the Mary Anne mates stand in front of the Cole home, talking with Justice Doane, on horseback, whos accomapnied by several armed men. JOHN COLE Thats right, judge. They said they were going to Boston. DOANE Well, well catch them before they get far. MACKCONACHY (indignant) A bunch of braggarts and drunkards they are! Doane stares at MackConachy, then looks at Cole.

86 DOANE Thank you, Mister Cole. Doane spurs his horse around and his posse follows. EXT. CAPE CODE COUNTRYSIDE - EVENING Doane and his posse on the trail of the pirates. A thought comes to Doanes mind. DOANE (thinking aloud) Drunkards, he said. A slow smile crosses Doanes face. EXT. EASTHAM TAVERN - EVENING The pirates exit Eastham Tavern and stumble into Doane and his waiting posse, their weapons pointed. DOANE No need for you gentlemen to travel all the way to Bostonor Rhode Island. Weve rooms for the lot of you right here in Eastham! In our prison. EXT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - NIGHT Sam, in bad shape, leans against a tree trunk. He glances around, then continues on. EXT. CAPE CODE COUNTRYSIDE - NIGHT Julian hides behind bushes, watching two men pass by carrying lanterns. After they are gone, Julian hurries away. EXT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Sam, deteriorating rapidly, staggers on toward Wellfleet. EXT. WELLFLEET CEMETERY - DUSK Sam staggers into the cemetery and stands before the apple blossom tree where he and Maria had first met. He stares for a moment, then slowly approaches the tree.

87 He reaches out, gently touching the branches. Then, with effort, he lies down and curls up by the tree trunk. He falls asleep, and sometime during the night he dies. ON Sam. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WELLFLEET CEMETERY - DAY ON Sam still lying under the tree. A crowd has gathered. A MAN kneels next to Sam, checking for vital signs, then shakes his head. MAN Hes dead. He looks up at those gathered. MAN Does anyone know who he is? A murmur in the crowd, some shaking their heads no. Higgins from the tavern makes his way forward. HIGGINS (eyes on Sam) Thats Sam Bellamy. Id better let Israel know. EXT. BLOCK ISLAND BEACH - DAY Palsgrave and Caverley walking the beach, the Marianne at anchor in the bay. CAVERLEY everythings stowed away. Were ready to sail, captain. PALSGRAVE Very good, Mister Caverley. CAVERLEY There is one thing. Captain Beere and his men. Stuffed shirts dont make for good company. Weve got to do

88 PALSGRAVES SISTER (o.c.) (interrupts) Pals! Palsgave!! Hearing her voice, Palsgrave and Caverley turn. Several yards behind them Palsgraves Sister and a ragged and haggard John Julian approach. PALSGRAVE (thinking aloud) Julian? Palsgraves Sister and Julian join Palsgrave and Caverley. PALSGRAVE Mister Julian? Julian glances at Palsgraves Sister, then Caverley. Palsgrave follows his glance, then reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. PALSGRAVE Come, lets talk. Palsgave leads Julian a short distance away, then turns to face him. JULIAN Capn Bellamys gone. And all the mates. Six days agothe Whydah was wrecked in a storm near Eastham. Tore the ship apartonly me and Davis survived Palsgrave pauses, glances at the Marianne, then back at Julian. PALSGRAVE All right, Mister Julian. You can sail aboard the Marianne if you wish. JULIAN I do, sir. PALSGRAVE Then get aboard and get some rest.

89 JULIAN Aye capn. Palsgrave hurries along the beach toward a beached longboat in the distance, passing his Sister and Caverley. PALSGRAVE (passing) Come along, Mr Caverley. We sail within the hour. Caverley joins Palsgrave. Palsgraves Sister and Julian straggle behind. CAVERLEY Within the hour, sir? PALSGRAVE Aye, within the hour. ELSEWHERE ON THE BEACH, Caverley and Julian climb into the longboat. Palsgrave turns to his Sister, rests his hands on her shoulders. PALSGRAVE I must go now. Tell mother goodbye for me PALSGRAVES SISTER So soon, Pals? Its only been PALSGRAVE (interrupts) Ill be back as soon as I can. He leans forward, kisses her on her forehead, then turns for the longboat. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave, Caverley, and Julian arrive on deck. Nearby stands Captain Beere. PALSGRAVE Captain Beere!

90 Beere joins Palsgave. BEERE (bows) Captain. PALSGRAVE Gather your men, captain. I want you off my ship within the hour. You are free to go. Without awaiting a reply, Palsgrave walks away while Beere stares at him. Palsgrave approaches Caverley. PALSGRAVE Mister Caverley. Prepare to make sail. CAVERLEY North to Green Island as planned sir? Palsgrave looks out to sea. PASGRAVE (eyes to sea) No, Mister Caverley. We sail south. To Nassau. CAVERLEY South, sir? PALSGRAVE South, Mister Caverley. CAVERLEY (uncertain) Aye, sir. Caverley stares at Palsgrave for a moment, then turns away. PALSGRAVE stares out to sea. DISSOLVE TO:

91 EXT. NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT BACK TO PRESENT DAY Campfire flames dance, soft orange light reflect on the faces of the OLD WOMAN, MARY, and MAGGIE. Mary and Maggie stare at the fire. The Old Woman smiles, then chuckles. OLD WOMAN and so, Captain Williams sailed to Nassau. Quite a tale, ay? (pauses) Well, its all true. The Old Woman takes the locket from around her neck. She leans forward and hands it to Mary. Mary and Maggie inspect the locket closely. OLD WOMAN (cont o.c.) The locket Captain Williams made for Sam. Mary glances at the Old Woman. MARY And Sam gave to Maria before he left Wellfleet. OLD WOMAN Yes, young lady. Yes he did. The Old Woman pauses as she leans close and grins. OLD WOMAN Some say Marias ghost still walks these dunes waiting for Black Sam to return. MAGGIE What did happen to Maria? OLD WOMAN Oh, well, they say she grew old waiting for Captain Bellamy and died here on these cliffs.

92 She sits back and sighs. The wind kicks up, a soft peel of thunder in the distance. The Old Woman looks out to sea. A misty fog bank rolls in on shore. OLD WOMAN (looking to sea) Well, seems a storms brewing. You two had better be getting home before it gets here. The Old Woman chuckles as she turns to Mary and Maggie again. She begins to rise from her chair. OLD WOMAN These old bones dont take to foul weather like the use to. Mary and Maggie rise from their chairs. MAGGIE Thanks for the tea. MARY Yes, thank you. The Old Woman chuckles. OLD WOMAN Youre quite welcome. Thank you for spending some time with an old lady and listening to her story. She chuckles again while motioning with her fingers. OLD WOMAN Now you run along before you get wet! MAGGIE Thanks again. They disappear into the dark, Mary inadvertently taking the locket with her. The Old Woman smiles, watching them go, then turns and slowly walks to the edge of the cliff, watching the gathering storm, the fog thickening off shore.

93 EXT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - NIGHT Mary and Maggie walking home. MARY Do you believe her story? MAGGIE Seems a bit far fetched. Ghosts and pirates and witches. I dont know. Mary absentmindedly glances at the locket, realizes she still has it. She stops in her tracks. MARY Her locket! I forgot to give it back! MAGGIE Dont worry about MARY (interrupts) Ive got to return it! Wait here, Ill be right back. Mary hurries off into the night toward the Old Womans hut. EXT. CLIFFS OVER NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT Mary back at the hut; the campfire still burns, the Old Woman nowhere to be found. Mary notices the soft golden light coming from the beach below. She walks to the cliff edge and looks down. EXT. NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT The Old Woman slowly approaches a glowing misty fog lining the shore. In the fog offshore we see a ghost ship with shredded sails and dangling lines. Out of the fog steps the ghost of Sam Bellamy. The Old Woman pauses as Sams ghost approaches. Sam smiles as he holds out his hands and takes her hands in his. She changes into the young and beautiful teenage MARIA HALLET. They embrace, then smile up at Mary atop the cliff.

94 EXT. CLIFFS OVER NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT Staring at the scene below, Mary smiles as she hears Marias voice. MARIA (v.o.) Keep the locket. And when you look at it, remember the story an old woman once told you. Mary smiles, tears in her eyes. She glances at the locket in the palm of her hand, then clenches the locket in her fist, holding it close to her heart. MARY (a whisper) I will. Mary watches as the ghosts of Sam and Maria turn and, arm in arm, walk away, disappearing into the night. PAN IN CLOSES ON ghost ship. FADE TO BLACK FADING SCREEN TEXT. On the night of April 26, 1717, the Whydah was wrecked in a noreaster on the shores of Cape Cod. One hundred and forty four pirates and prisoners were killed in the disaster. Only two survived - John Julian and Thomas Davis. FADING SCREEN TEXT. Of Davis, Julian, and the pirates aboard the Mary Anne, Julian disappeared into the pages of history while the remaining individuals were caught and stood trial. Davis and South were acquitted, the court accepting their story of pressed service. The remaining pirates were found guilty and hung on November 15, 1717.

95 FADING SCREEN TEXT. Palsgrave Williams left Block Island and returned to the Caribbean where he retired from a career of piracy the following year. Growing bored, Williams returned to piracy, retiring a final time in 1723 at age 45. FADING SCREEN TEXT. Like John Julian, Maria Hallet disappeared into the pages of history. For generations people related the tale of the Whydah and Marias patient wait for Captain Bellamys return. The tale became legend and remained so until July, 1984 when the wreck of the Whydah was discovered. FADE OUT TEXT. THE END FADE OUT

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