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BLACK SAM A Pirates Tale Part I a spec miniseries teleplay by Ran Cartwright Second Draft 10/16/01

2 FADE IN EXT. BLUE SKY - EVENING MOVING SHOT - PAN across sky, picking up seagulls gliding on air currents. PAN back from gulls, a wide view of the ocean and Nauset beach front, and two young women walking on the beach. SUPER: April 26, 2002 Cape Cod, Massachusetts EXT. NAUSET BEACH - EVENING MAGGIE and MARY, sisters in their late 20s, walk along the beach. Maggie has an arm wrapped around Marys shoulders. MAGGIE I know it may not seem like it, but things will be all right. Mary stares, eyes downcast. MARY (soft, withdrawn) I know, I know. MAGGIE It just takes time. Eyes and thoughts distant, Maggie glances at rolling waves breaking on beach, then notices an OLD WOMAN ahead walking on the beach just below the cliffs. Mary continues to stare at the ground. The Old Woman, walking slow with a cane, wears a long cotton dress, blouse with woolen shawl draped over her shoulders, a head scarf, and carries a brown paper grocery sack. MAGGIE (thinking aloud) Poor old lady. She looks so alone.

3 Mary looks up. The Old Woman suddenly stumbles and falls. Mary and Maggie hurry to her aid and help her to her feet, all three brushing sand off the Old Woman. MAGGIE Are you all right? OLD WOMAN (brushing sand) Yes yes, Ill be fine. Thank you. Funny, Ive walked this beach more than you can imagine. Mary picks up oranges and tea bags that have spilled from the grocery sack. She places them back in the sack and hands them to the Old Woman as Maggie picks up the cane. The Old Woman takes the sack, staring into Marys eyes. OLD WOMAN Are you all right, my dear girl? Mary is startled. MARY (stammers) Whyye, yes. Im fine. OLD WOMAN I sense things are not. MAGGIE She lost her husband recently. In a boating accident. OLD WOMAN Oh, Im so sorry. Maggie hands the Old Woman her cane. MAGGIE Im Margaret Watson. Maggie. This is my sister, Mary.

4 OLD WOMAN Well, I am glad to meet the two of you, and Im grateful for your help. Many young people these days arent so thoughtful as you The Old Woman leans on her cane, swaying slightly, almost losing her balance. Mary and Maggie reach to steady her. MAGGIE Are you sure youll be all right? OLD WOMAN Well, I would be grateful if youd help me home. Its not too far, just around the bend here. They slowly continue on, Mary and Maggie flanking the Old Woman to keep her steady. MARY You live here? On the beach? OLD WOMAN Atop the cliffs overlooking the beach. Theres a staircase carved into the cliff wall. Its just a little shack, but its home. I built it myself! You two must stay for some tea! EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT Shadows cast by the fire dance on the nearby walls of the Old Womans tar paper shack. Next to the entrance, covered by a blanket, leans the Old Womans cane against the wall. A campfire highlights the faces of Mary and Maggie as they sit in old lawn chairs, tea cups in hand. Across from them is a third chair, empty. Maggie leans to Mary and whispers. MAGGIE I dont remember this shack being here.

5 MARY The old woman must have moved here recently, homeless Mary falls silent as the Old Woman emerges from the shack. She pauses outside the door, pulling a heavier woolen shawl around her shoulders. OLD WOMAN Ah, much better. Seems theres a chill in the air tonight. She grabs the cane and hobbles to the empty chair and sits, laying her cane next to the chair. OLD WOMAN I trust that the tea is to your liking? MARY Yes. Thank you. Maggie nods. MAGGIE Yes. The Old Woman glances at Mary. OLD WOMAN Well, you lost your husband in a? MARY Boating accident. It went down in a storm. OLD WOMAN Such a terrible tragedy. She pauses, stares into the fire, then slowly looks at Mary, a strange light in the Old Womans eyes.

6 OLD WOMAN Yes, a terrible tragedy. (sighs) Women are always having to deal with tragedy. But we do well. (pauses, chuckles) Better than men, I would say! She continues to chuckle, then falls silent, glancing between Mary and Maggie. OLD WOMAN Have you ever heard of Black Sam Bellamy? MARY No. MAGGIE Who? The Old Woman smiles. OLD WOMAN Black Sam Bellamy. She pauses, rests one hand atop the other, and leans forward toward the fire. OLD WOMAN Black Sam Bellamy. Now thats a story to tell! A tragedy that happened right here, (glances out to sea) just off shore. She pauses as she looks back at Mary and Maggie. OLD WOMAN This very nightin 1717. ON the flames of the camp fire. OLD WOMAN (cont, o.s.) Sam Bellamy was a young Englishman, a sailor, come to Cape Cod back in 1714. He had dreams as we all do

7 MATCH CUT: EXT. HARBOR AT WELLFLEET - DAY ON a blacksmiths fire in open hearth near the docks. PULL BACK, we see Wellfleet dock alive with activity, a ship having just arrived from England. Middle aged ISRAEL COLE makes his way through the crowd along the dock toward the arrived ship. SUPER: Early 1714 Wellfleet, Massachusetts Colony 24 year old SAM BELLAMY, pack slung over his shoulder, walks along the dock, having just arrived. Sam, tall, handsome, with long black hair, looks for his uncle, Israel Cole. Israel hurries toward Sam. ISRAEL Sam! Sam Bellamy. Sam pauses, hearing his name, then smiles as he sees Israel approaching. Standing face to face, Israel grabs Sam by the shoulders. ISRAEL Youre looking more and more like your mother. SAM I wish I could have known her. ISRAEL (sighs) She died so young. God rest her soul. They turn and begin to walk along the dock. ISRAEL Well, were glad to have you here with us.

8 SAM At least for as long as it takes for me to buy a sloop and hire a crew. ISRAEL Yes, you mentioned that in your letter, but didnt say why. SAM A Spanish treasure fleet sank in a storm off the coast of Florida. ISRAEL Ah, you have gold in your eyes. Be careful, lad, it could blind you. SAM Should be easy picking; shallow water ISRAEL (interrupts) Every sailor along the coast will be picking over the same gold, lad, including pirates! And theyre a dangerous lot! Israel pauses, smiles, and slaps Sam on the shoulder. ISRAEL Anyway, more important than gold is my Sarahs cooking. We best be hurryin along. You have other baggage? Sam lifts the pack from his shoulder. SAM Just this. ISRAEL Traveling light, I see.

9 SAM Its all I have. ISRAEL Ah, the life of a sailor. INT. COLE HOME - NIGHT Israel, his wife SARAH, and Sam are sitting at a table, having just finished supper. SARAH (disapproving) Sams first night here and you have to take him to Higgins Tavern out on Great Island? Theres nothing but ruffians in that place! Israel chuckles, then laughs. ISRAEL Ruffians? Just some of the boys. Palsgrave Williams, Joe Rivers SARAH (interrupts) Joe Rivers!? Joe Rivers is nothing but a pirate! ISRAEL Was a pirate. Some time ago. SARAH Still, a pirate. I dont take to that kind. She pauses, glances at Sam, then back at Israel. SARAH You look after Sam in that place. She pauses, begins to rise from the table.

10 SARAH (thinking aloud) Hmph! Joe Rivers. A cutthroat if there ever was one! Israel and Sam exchange glances. Israel shrugs his shoulders. INT. HIGGINS TAVERN NIGHT The tavern is crowded. Smoke drifts in the air, patrons laugh, talk, raucous. Sam and Israel, having an ale, sit at a table. 39 year old PALSGRAVE WILLIAMS suddenly appears. PALSGRAVE Israel, (glances at Sam) so your nephew made it in from England! ISRAEL Sam, this is Palsgrave Williams, local jeweler. Sam and Palsgrave shake hands as Palsgrave sits. Sam stares at Palsgrave with interest. SAM Jeweler. PALSGRAVE Just a little something to pass the time A barmaid delivers Palsgrave an ale; he pulls the tankard close to him. PALSGRAVE Ah, impeccable service as always! Palsgrave picks up ale, salutes the barmaid with it, and winks at her as she smiles and turns away. He takes a drink, then glances at Israel. PALSGRAVE Our meeting still on

11 He falls silent as the tavern keeper, MR HIGGINS stops at the table. Higgins nods toward a door, then walks away without saying anything. PALSGRAVE Guess that answers my question. (rising) Lets go. Israel also begins to rise. Sam glances back and forth between the two men. SAM Meeting? What meeting? Go where? Israel leans close to Sam. ISRAEL (whispers) A back room here. Dont say anything; just follow. Youll see. Sam rises from the table. The three men, tankards in hand, file toward the door leading to a back room. INT. TAVERN BACK ROOM - NIGHT A smoke filled room with several men seated at a table. Israel, Palsgrave, and Sam enter followed by Higgins who closes the door. The crusty old ex-pirate, JOSEPH RIVERS, takes note of Sam as they sit. RIVERS Whos the lad? You got a right to be here? Sam glances at Rivers as Palsgrave slaps Sam on the shoulder. PALSGRAVE Israels nephew and hes all right by me! Rivers leans forward over the table.

12 RIVERS If he says anythinwe could all get caught. They hang smugglers. Sams attention perks up. He glances at Israel and Palsgrave, then Higgins as the tavern keeper speaks. HIGGINS Like Pals said, hes Israels nephew. Were not goin to get caught. Rivers sits back, eyes locked on Sam. RIVERS All right. All right then HIGGINS Lets get down to business. INT. COLE HOME, KITCHEN - DAY Early morning; Israel sits at the table. Sarah prepares breakfast. Sam enters, suffering a hangover from the night before. Israel glances at him and laughs. ISRAEL Too much ale for ya, lad? You look three sheets to the wind! From the stove, Sarah glances at Sam. SARAH Oh, Samuel, you look terrible! I knew Israel should never have taken you there last night! She walks to Sam, comforts him, cupping his face in her hands. SARAH You should get some air, go for a walk. SAM (sighs) I think I will.

13 EXT. WELLFLEET - DAY Sam, walking near the Wellfleet Cemetery, hears the beautiful singing voice of a young girl. Captivated, he stops to listen. EXT. WELLFLEET CEMETERY - DAY 15 year old MARIA HALLET, a beautiful young lady with long flowing blonde hair, sits beneath an apple blossom tree, singing. A movement catches her eye. She looks up and falls silent, noticing Sam hesitantly approaching. She smiles. SAM (stammering) I heardI, ah (gestures behind him) back there, I (pauses) Im Sam Bellamy. Newly arrived from Portsmouth,England. Maria smiles. MARIA Hello Samuel Bellamy from Portsmouth, England. Im Maria Hallet from Wellfleet, Massachusetts Colony. SAM Miss Hallet, you have such a beautiful voice Sam pauses, glancing at the ground. SAM May I? MARIA Please do! Sam sits next to her. MARIA So, tell me about Sam Bellamy from Portsmouth.

14 SAM There isnt much to my story. My mother died when I was born and my father raised me. By the time I was 14, I was a merchantman sailor in the Queens merchant fleet BRING UP MUSIC - A montage of different scenes as Sam tells Maria his story, and they get to know one another. ELSEWHERE IN THE CEMETERY Sam and Maria are walking. ELSEWHERE IN THE CENETERY Sam and Maria playing tag around a tree. ELSEWHERE IN THE CEMETERY Sam and Maria are standing close face to face as Sam continues to tell his story. ELSEWHERE IN THE CEMETERY Sam picks an apple blossom from a tree and places it in Marias hair. FADE MUSIC MARIA You have big dreams, Sam Bellamy. SAM Id rather work for success than work for death. They turn and walk toward the cemetery gate. MARIA Sailing to the Caribbean to find gold and silver sounds exciting. SAM Aye, it does. And when I get a ship, Ill sail to the Caribbean and find that silver and gold! Maria glances up at Sam and smiles.

15 INT. HALLET HOME - DAY Maria in a heated discussion with her parents about Sam. Marias father, JOSHUA HALLET, is angry. JOSHUA HALLET You will desist, my daughter MARIAS MOTHER (interrupts) Joshua. Joshua She turns her attention to Maria, takes her by the shoulders. MARIAS MOTHER What your father is trying to tell you is that a sailors life is no life for a young woman. Its a miserable life with the husband gone to sea for many months, never knowing if he will return JOSHUA HALLET (interrupts, contemptuous) A sailor. Hmph! Marias Mother glances at Joshua. MARIAS MOTHER Joshua She pauses, staring at him, then turns back to Maria. Besides, thinking just met he would MARIAS MOTHER your much to young to be of marriage, my dear. You this Mr Bellamy. Im sure wait

16 INT. BACK ROOM, HIGGINS TAVERN - DAY The smugglers are gathered, engaged in general chatter. Rivers suddenly slams his fist on the table. RIVERS We cant wait! A hush falls over the smugglers as they look at Rivers. RIVERS We cant wait. The shipment comes in tonight. We cant leave them stranded on the beach with contraband. SMUGGLER #1 The governors henchmen are everywhere. They know goods are being smuggled SMUGGLER #2 (interrupts) Its too far to the beach. If someone should see us, we could get caught. Sam glances at Rivers. SAM Do you have a map? RIVERS A map? SAM Yes, a map. Of the Cape. Rivers sits up, rocks in his chair. RIVERS Aye, a mapget me the map A smuggler produces a map, spreads on the table in front of Sam. Sam pulls it close, leans over and studies it closely. Rivers glances between the map and Sam. Sam sits up, still glancing at the map.

17 SAM (eyes on map) All right, this is how we do it. Bring the goods through the swamp here (tracing finger on map) then by boat across the harbor to Great Island. RIVERS The govners men will be watchin the swamp. Sam smiles at Rivers. SAM Not if we put word out that a shipment of contraband is coming to Wellfleet on the north road. RIVERS The north road. SAM Aye, the north road. (to Palsgrave) Palsgrave, youve a wagon at your shop. PALSGRAVE Aye. SAM Good. Heres what we do The men gather closer. EXT. CAPE COD SWAMP SOUTH OF WELLFLEET - NIGHT Two small boats loaded with contraband make their way through the swamp toward Wellfleet harbor. In the lead boat are Sam, Rivers, and Israel Cole. RIVERS Not a sign nor signal of anyone here bouts. I think your plan is workin well, lad.

18 SAM Aye, just hope that Palsgrave makes it through. ISRAEL He shall, my boy. He can talk his way through anything. EXT. ROAD NORTH OF WELLFLEET - NIGHT Palsgrave and a SMUGGLER ride a wagon fast toward Wellfleet, the wagon containing a number of wooden crates. Three GOVERNORS MEN on horseback ride hard to catch them. GOVERNORS MAN #1 Whoa! Pull up and halt your wagon! In the name of the governor of the Massachusetts Colony! Palsgrave and the Smuggler glance over their shoulders, then Palsgrave pulls up on the reigns, stopping the wagon. The three Governors Men pull up next to them. GOVERNORS MAN #2 We have reason to believe you are smuggling contraband PALSGRAVE (interrupts) Smuggling? Im a jeweler, sir! I carry a shipment for my store. Governors Man #1 gestures to the wooden crates. GOVERNORS MAN #1 (to his companions) Check those crates. The two Governors Men dismount, pry open the crates to check them. Palsgrave and the Smuggler exchange glances. GOVERNORS MAN #3 Its as he says. Jewelry merchandise and jewelers tools.

19 Governors Man #1 pauses as he glances at Palsgrave and the Smuggler. GOVERNORS MAN #1 If you should know of any smugglers here about PALSGRAVE (interrupts) Aye, as the goodly citizens we are, well certainly bring any smugglers to your attention! Should we come to know of any. GOVERNORS MAN #1 Be on your way then. Palsgrave shakes the reigns. They start down the road, leaving the three Governors Men behind. The Smuggler leans over and chuckles. SMUGGLER And goodly citizens we are, ay, Pals!? Palsgrave laughs. PALSGRAVE Aye, that we are. Palsgrave pauses, glances back, then turns to the Smuggler. PALSGRAVE My shop is rather bare. Wed better get this merchandise back before my wife finds out! They laugh. EXT. WOODS NEAR HIGGINS TAVERN - DAY Sam and Maria walk hand in hand through the woods toward the tavern. SAM Im wasting time here. I have to get a ship and sail.

20 MARIA How will you ever afford a ship if you continue to work at the tavern? Sam pauses, his eyes distant. He smiles. SAM Ive got an idea. MARIA Im with child. SAM Im going to see if Palsgrave MARIA (interrupts) Sam! Im with child! SAM (eyes wide) Child? Maria nods. Sam erupts in a wide grin, picks Maria up and swings her around, turning in a circle. SAM Thats wonderful! A baby! IIm going to get that gold and silver and make you and the baby rich! Well sail away to our own little island in the South Pacific, and Ill make you a queen and the baby a prince MARIA (interrupts) Or princess. SAM Aye! A princess! Sam pauses, glances over his should, then back at Maria. SAM Ive got to talk to Palsgrave!

21 EXT. HIGGINS TAVERN - DAY Rivers comes out of the tavern as Sam and Maria emerge from the woods. Rivers smiles as he approaches them. RIVERS Well, Sam Bellamy and Miss Hallet! You two are lookin chipper! Sam smiles, then chuckles. SAM Its a good day Joseph. A very good day. Sam looks at Maria, hugs her close to his side, then looks back at Rivers. RIVERS So it would seem. (suspicious, looks up) A good day, sunny. No clouds for rain. He pauses as he looks back at Sam and Maria. RIVERS Somethin you two aint talkin about? Maria shakes her head no. SAM No RIVERS You get your ship you been wantin? SAM No. RIVERS Well, you two seem happier than a wolf in a hen house bout somethin! Sam and Maria laugh, then turn away, Sam looking back at Rivers.

22 SAM When the time comes, youll be the first to know! Rivers stands, scratching his head, as he watches Sam and Maria hurry away. INT. PALSGRAVES JEWELERS SHOP - DAY In the shadowy jewelers shop, Palsgrave sits at a work table, wearing an eyepiece as he does detailed work on an item of jewelry. Sam stands in front of the table. SAM I need a ship, Pals. I thought maybe you could finance PALSGRAVE (interrupts, eyes on work) Financea ship. SAM Yes. PALSGRAVE (eyes on work) You still wanting to sail to Florida; that sunken treasure fleet. SAM Marias pregnant, Pals. Sam pauses as Palsgrave looks up at him. Palsgrave takes off the eyepiece as Sam continues. SAM I need to make some sort of life for her and the baby. I cant do that working a the tavern. PALSGRAVE True, you certainly cannot. Palsgrave rises from the work table, turns away, thinking, walks to the back of the room, then turns and faces Sam.

23 PALSGRAVE All right, Sam. Ill get you your ship, but it wont be much. A sloop at best. SAM A sloop is more than I have now. PALSGRAVE But only on one condition. SAM One condition? Palsgrave pauses, smiling, then slowly approaches Sam. PALSGRAVE That I go along as your quartermaster. Youll need someone who is honest to keep tabs on all that gold and divide it evenly among the crew. Sam breaks out laughing as he shakes hands with Palsgrave. SAM Youve got a deal! EXT. BEACH NEAR WELLFLEET - DAY Maria walks along the beach; Sam runs to catch up with her. SAM Maria! Maria!! She stops, turns. Sam, gasping for breath, stops before her. SAM A sloopPalsgrave acquired a sloop. Well be leaving soon. MARIA Oh, Sam, I didnt think it would really happen.

24 Sam hugs Maria, holds her tight. SAM Ill be back before you know it. INT. HIGGINS TAVERN - DAY Sam sits at a table, talking softly with three young men, trying to recruit them. Among them is RICHARD CAVERLEY. CAVERLEY Gold and silver, you say. How can you be sure there still is any gold and silver? SAM Its there, Mr Caverley, and well get it. Sam pauses, leans closer. SAM Its a chance to get rich, or would you rather spend the rest of your lives working yourselves to death for nothing? Rivers suddenly appears at the table, ale in hand, and pulls up a chair. Sam and the three men glance at him. RIVERS Id listen to him, lads. Hes a smart one, he is. (glances at Sam) You can count me inCapn Bellamy. Sam smiles, then pats Rivers on the shoulder. SAM Thank you, Joseph.

25 INT. COLE HOME - DAY Palsgrave is with Sam, Israel, and Sarah in the Cole home. SAM in Boston. PALSGRAVE Aye, in Boston. A sloop. Shes being outfitted now, and will arrive in Wellfleet in two days with a skeleton crew. Sams eyes go wide. He rests a hand on Palsgraves shoulder, and shakes hands with him. SAM Great news, Pals! Well sail by the end of the week then! Sarah, concerned, steps forward, places hands on Sams shoulders as he turns to her. SARAH Sam, are you sure you want to do this? SAM Aye, I am. Ive never been more certain about anything. Israel steps next to Sarah. ISRAEL Hes a grown man, Sarah. He can do what he wishes and hell do well. SAM Ill be fine, aunt Sarah. Just fine. He pauses, glancing at Palsgrave. SAM I have to tell Maria!

26 Sam turns and hurries from the house. SARAH Sam! PALSGRAVE Hell be fine, Sarah. Ill be with him. Sarah exchanges glances with Israel and Palsgrave. EXT. WELLFLEET CEMETERY - DAY Maria, singing, sits beneath the tree where Sam first met her. She looks up, stops singing, as Sam hesitantly approaches. She suddenly realizes why hes there. MARIA Youre leaving Sam stops. SAM By weeks end. Maria slowly rises, walks to Sam, and they embrace. EXT. WELLFLEET DOCK - DAY Sams two masted sloop lays anchored and lashed to the dock. Rivers sits at a small table next to the gang plank, a quill in hand. On the table is a piece of paper and ink well. Caverley stands before him. RIVERS I see you listened, ay? CAVERLEY Aye Rivers turns the paper around, shoves it toward Caverley and hands him the quill. RIVERS All right. Sign here.

27 Caverley takes the quill, signs, then hands the quill back. Rivers turns the paper around again, looks at the signature, then glances up at Caverley. RIVERS Welcome aboard, Mr Caverley. CAVERLEY Thank you, sir. Rivers gestures up the plank. Caverley turns up the gang plank to the ship as Sam and Palsgrave approach. Rivers begins to rise from the table. RIVERS Thats the last of em! All signed aboard! SAM How many? RIVERS Thirty all tallied. Palsgrave glances past Sam, sees Israel and Sarah approaching. He rests a hand on Sams shoulder. PALSGRAVE Sam Sam looks at Palsgrave, then follows his line of sight. PALSGRAVE Youd better say your goodbyes, lad. SAM Aye. Sam walks to meet Israel and Sarah. Israel smiles, then offers a hand. They shake. ISRAEL Good luck, lad.

28 Sam nods, then looks at his aunt Sarah. They embrace as Israel walks past them and joins Palsgrave and Rivers. SARAH Take care of yourself, Samuel. Well miss you. SAM I will, aunt Sarah. Sarah takes Sam by the shoulders, glances past him, then looks into his eyes. SARAH I see that cutthroat Rivers over there. Sam laughs. SAM Dont worry, aunt Sarah. Hes a good man. You just have to get to know Sams words trail off as he notices Maria standing several feet beyond. He quickly kisses Sarah, then walks to Maria. ELSEWHERE ON THE DOCK, Israel talks with Rivers and Palsgrave at the table. ISRAEL Look after him, Pals. PALSGRAVE Hell be fine, Israel. RIVERS Aye, hes a good head on his shoulders. Palsgrave slaps Rivers on the shoulder and chuckles. PALSGRAVE You didnt think that when you first met the lad!

29 RIVERS I didnt know the lad then! The three of them laugh. Rivers glances down the dock at Sam and Maria together and smiles. RIVERS Aye, the lads got a good head on his shoulders. ELSEWHERE, AT THE END OF THE DOCK, with Sam and Maria. MARIA I will wait for you, Samuel Bellamy from Portsmouth, England. Sam kisses her, then: SAM Ill be back for you, Maria Hallet from Wellfleet. With gold and silver to buy you fineries that will make all of Cape Cod envious of you. PALSGRAVE (o.s.) Come along, Captain Bellamy! Weve a tide to catch! Sam glances back toward the sloop, then faces Maria again. He takes a chain and heart shaped locket from around his neck and gives it to Maria. SAM Take this and hold it close to your heart. Palsgrave made it for me. Sam kisses her again, pauses as he rests a hand gently on her stomach, then turns and hurries toward the sloop. Maria watches him go, then opens the locket, notices the inscription SB & MH, 1714.

30 ELSEWHERE, AT THE GANG PLANK, Sam turns up the gang plank as his uncle Israel slaps him on the shoulder. On deck at the gang plank stands Palsgrave. PALSGRAVE All present. Ready to cast off on your word, Captain. SAM Then lets go, Palsgrave. Fortune awaits. Sam crosses the main deck shouting orders to crewman, EDWARD MOON. Palsgrave, follows. SAM Mr Moon! Cast off the lines! Hoist anchor! Take us out of here! MOON Aye Captain! Moon turns, shouting orders. The sloop comes alive with activity as the sailors put to sea. MOON You heard the Captain! Away with the lines, hoist anchor! Furl the jib and main topsail! ELSEWHERE, AT THE END OF THE DOCK, Maria watches the sloop inch away, then hurries along the dock to its edge. She waves at Sam who stands at the stern railing of the sloop. He waves back. As the ship moves away, Maria turns and runs back along the dock. EXT. CAPE COD COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Maria runs across the countryside, dodging trees, brush, as she heads for the beach on Great Island. She stops, gasping for breath, then hurries on.

31 EXT. GREAT ISLAND BEACH - DAY Maria runs onto the beach, looking out across the water, then sits in the sand and waits. EXT. SLOOP MAIN DECK - DAY Sam stands near a rail as Rivers approaches. RIVERS So, youre gonna be a father, ay, capn? SAM Who told you that? Rivers grins and waves a finger. RIVERS Ah, you askin an ole pirate to give up his secrets, now? Sam laughs. SAM No no, Joseph. Its true, but lets keep it a secret. RIVERS Me lips are sealed tighter an Davey Jones locker. EXT. GREAT ISLAND BEACH - DAY Maria jumps to her feet as she sees Sams sloop in the distance out on the water. She watches as it passes by. EXT. WELLFLEET ALLEY - DAY Maria walks back home. Shes sickpauses, gasping for breath as she holds her stomach, then continues on.

32 EXT. SLOOP MAIN DECK, FLORIDA WATERS - DAY Dragging hooks are in the water, their cables hanging off the sides of the ship and stern. Sam walks slowly along the rail, looking at the water. He stops next to Palsgrave. SAM Any luck? Palsgrave shakes his head no, then glances around the deck. PALSGRAVE The crew is getting a bit restless. Sam glances around. SAM Aye. His eyes fall on Rivers. SAM I think Ive got an idea. Lets go below. Sam and Palsgave move toward a hatch leading below decks. INT. CAPTAINS CABIN - DAY Sam and Palsgrave sit at a table, talking. PALSGRAVE You ARE serious Sam nods slowly. SAM I am. PALSGRAVE We could end up dead. SAM We could.

33 He pauses, leans over table. SAM Palsgrave, I refuse to go back to Wellfleet with nothing. I refuse to go back to Wellfleet in debt for the rest of my life. Palsgrave mulls over Sams idea for a moment, then looks across the table at Sam. PALSGRAVE All right. Im with you, but, by God, I dont know why. SAM If we dont find anything by tomorrow, Ill bring it to the crew for a vote. Palsgrave nods. PALSGRAVE All right. EXT. SLOOP MAIN DECK - DAY Palsgrave, followed by Sam, emerge from below. Palsgrave walks back to the side rail while Sam crosses the deck to Caverley whos working sail lines at the main mast. SAM Mr Caverley. CAVERLEY Afternoon Captain. Sam stands by the mast, glancing at various crewmen at work on the ship. SAM Mr Caverley, youre good with sewing, is that right?

34 Caverley, uncertain, pauses and looks at Sam. CAVERLEY Aye, Captain. As good as I can be. Sam looks at Caverley. SAM Good. Come with me. I have a job for you. Sam immediately starts back toward the hatch leading below deck. Caverley follows. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK Palsgrave watches Sam and Caverley as they disappear below. EXT. SLOOP STERN RAIL - NIGHT Sam and Palsgrave stand at the hand rail, looking out over the ocean. The water glistens under the light of a nearly full moon. SAM Weve been here two months and not found so much as a single Royal Strike! PALSGRAVE Aye. Sam stares out at the ocean. SAM Well, time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight, Pals. Sam turns away. PALSGRAVE Dream well, Sam. Sam pauses, turns and smiles at Palsgrave.

35 SAM Ill dream of Maria! With a wave, Sam continues on. Palsgrave watches until Sams out of sight, then turns his eyes back to the ocean. EXT. SLOOP MAIN DECK - DAY Gathered on deck, the crew form a semicircle around Sam and Palsgrave. To one side and slightly behind Sam stands Caverley. Sams addressing the crew: SAM and again this morning we find nothing! Two months in these waters and we have found nothing. Our provisions run low; seems we must give up the search. But we have a choice that I put before you for a vote! He pauses, surveying crew. SAM We can return to Cape Cod; spend the rest of our lives paying off our debts. Well be poor, working for rich masters! It will be the only life well ever know. Or...we can be our own rich masters! We can go on the account; become looters of nations! He pauses again, looking various men in the eye. SAM Mr Caverley! Caverley steps forward and hands the flag to Sam. Sam takes it by a corner and holds it up. SAM All we have to do is raise this flag!

36 Palsgrave steps forward, takes another corner and sidesteps, pulling the flag open for all to see - a black pirates flag with white skull and cross bones. SAM This flag represents not death, but resurrection. Never again will we be slaves of the wealthy. From this day forward we are new men. Free men! (pauses) What say ye? Do we work for our masters or do we become the masters? A general murmur passes among the men. Rivers steps forward, looks at the flag, then turns to face the men. RIVERS I say we hoist the deaths head! I stand with Capn Bellamy! The crew erupts in cheers as they gather around Sam, Palsgrave, and Caverley. Sam glances at Palsgrave, smiles, takes the flag, then turns to Caverley. SAM The crew has voted. Hoist our flag, Mr Caverley! CAVERLEY Aye, captain. Caverley takes the flag, walks to the mainmast, and runs the flag up a line. CLOSE ON flag. INT. THE HALLET HOME - DAY Marias mother and father confront her about her now noticeable pregnancy. JOSHUA HALLET (angered) Who is the father?

37 Maria remains silent. JOSHUA HALLET (more forceful) Who is the father!? Still, Maria remains silent. JOSHUA HALLET All right. Since you will not speak the fathers name, I shall find a young man who will accept you and the child, and you will marry MARIA (interrupts) I will not. JOSHUA HALLET You will do as you are told! MARIA I will not marry anyone accept for the babys father. Marias Father pauses, glaring at Maria, then: JOSHUA HALLET You bring shame and dishonored upon this household and this family! Take what you will of your possessions and leave this house! Maria turns and runs from the room. Marias mother watches her go, then glances at Joshua whos staring at the door Maria disappeared through. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE NEAR WELLFLEET - DUSK Maria comes to a farmhouse and barn outside Wellfleet. It appears deserted, but its the home of JOHN KNOWLES and family. Maria glances cautiously around, then hurries to the barn door. She peers around again, then enters the barn.

38 INT. BARN - DUSK Maria wanders about, looking for a place to have her baby. She climbs a wooden ladder leading to a hayloft. IN THE HAYLOFT, Maria peers around, satisfied its a good place to have and hide her baby, then begins to drag a bail of hay to one corner. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BARN HAYLOFT - NIGHT Maria, disheveled, soiled, noticeably more pregnant, sits in a corner where she has made herself a place out of hay bails. On a cleared off area of the floor rests a candle in a candle holder. By candle light, she makes aprons to sell. EXT. WELLFLEET STREETS - DAY Maria on the streets of Wellfleet trying to peddle her aprons. A WOMAN approaches. MARIA Madame, would you like to buy? WOMAN (interrupts) Harlot! The Woman passes by as Maria pleads: MARIA I need money! For my baby! Please! A SECOND WOMAN approaches. MARIA Would you like to buy one of my aprons? The Second Woman hurriedly brushes past Maria without a word.

39 INT. BARN HAYLOFT - NIGHT Alone in the loft, Maria in labor, having her baby. She cries out in pain, sobbing. EXT. REAR DOOR OF FARMHOUSE - NIGHT John Knowles, lantern in hand, comes out the back door. He holds up the lantern, peers around, shrugs his shoulders, then turns and re-enters the farmhouse. EXT. BELLAMYS SLOOP - DAY Sam has captured a sloop captained by a CAPTAIN YOUNG. He addresses Captain Young and Youngs crew, including JOHN JULIAN, a middle aged mixed Indian/Black man, and PETER CORNELIUS HOOF, a 33 year old Swede, whove been brought aboard Sams sloop. A short distance away Captain Youngs sloop lies at anchor. Sam stands before Captain Young. SAM Captain Young, I offer you a chance to sail with us. YOUNG (defiant) I respectfully decline your offer, Captain Bellamy. Sam pauses, eyeing Captain Young. SAM Mr Hoof. HOOF Aye, Captain Bellamy. SAM You know these waters, Mr Hoof? HOOF Aye, I know them well. I sailed with Dutch traders for seventeen years in these waters.

40 Sam turns away from Captain Young and approaches Hoof. SAM Well then, Mr Hoof, you have command of Captain Youngs sloop, and you will guide us to the west shore of Cuba. HOOF Aye, Captain Bellamy. Sam turns to Young. SAM Captain Young, you shall remain aboard my ship. Sam turns and starts across the main deck. SAM All hands! Make ready for sail! And Mr Hoof, delighted to have you amongst our company of free men! And you as well, Mr Julian! The sloop comes alive with activity. Hoof and a small crew of Sams men go over the side into a waiting boat to row the short distance to Youngs sloop. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY Sam and Captain Youngs sloops are at sail in the Caribbean. INT. BARN IN COUNTRY NEAR WELLFLEET - DAY The baby, black haired, sleeps. Maria puts the final touches on an apron, then makes the baby comfortable before she gathers up the newly made aprons. She glances at the baby, smiles, then crosses the loft and starts down the ladder. BARN GROUND FLOOR, Maria turns toward the barn door, unknowingly dropping the locket Sam had given her. She leaves the barn. Above, the baby coughs.

41 EXT. WELLFLEET STREETS - DAY Maria is peddling her aprons again, occasionally making a sale. INT. BARN - DAY John Knowles enters the barn to retrieve some gardening tools. He notices the locket, picks it up and looks at it. He glances up the ladder, then starts to climb. IN THE LOFT, Knowles finds Marias makeshift shelter and the baby - dead, having choked on the straw. He gently picks the baby up and holds it close. KNOWLES You poor child. May God care and keep you. EXT. WELLFLEET STREETS - DAY Maria has just made a sale. MARIA Thank you, madame. Thank you. The Woman who bought the apron turns and walks away. Maria empties her coin purse into her hand to count the coins. MARIA (thinking aloud) Thats enough for today. She places the coins back in the coin purse, then starts down the street on her way back to the barn. EXT. BARN IN COUNTRY NEAR WELLFLEET - DUSK Maria arrives back at the barn and enters.

42 INT. BARN - DUSK Maria enters and stops in her tracks. Standing at the ladder to the loft are Knowles and the local CONSTABLE. Knowles holds the dead child, wrapped in its blanket. MARIA Whohow? What are you doing with my baby? The Constable holds up the opened locket and reads the inscribed initials. CONSTABLE SB and MH. (looks at Maria) MH? You are Maria Hallett? MARIA Yes, I She hurries to the Constable, grabs the locket from him. MARIA Give me thatits mine! She turns to Knowles, reaching for the child. MARIA And give me my baby! Before she can take the child, the Constable grabs her by her arm and pulls her away. CONSTABLE (interrupts) The child is dead, Miss Hallett, choked on a piece of straw. Not only are you an adulteress, but in neglecting your bastard child, you have now become a murderess. You will come with me.

43 The Constable starts toward the barn door, dragging Maria with him. Marias eyes go wide as she goes into hysterics. MARIA Murderess?! My baby! (to Knowles) My baby! Give me my baby! GIVE ME MY BABY! The Constable and Maria disappear through the door. Knowles remains by the ladder, staring at the door. INT. EASTHAM PRISON - DAY The iron cell door slams shut. Sprawled on the floor, Maria lays on her side, curled up. She is sick, weak, and sobbing. The cell made of large stone blocks, the door has a small rectangular opening with iron bars. A scattering of straw covers the floor, some bunched into a corner for bedding. A GUARD outside the door looks through the barred opening. GUARD Miss Hallett? Maria sits up, glancing at the Guard through the barred opening in the cell door. EXT. MAIN DECK, CAPTAIN JENNINGS SHIP - DAY The deck alive with activity, CAPTAIN HENRY JENNINGS, an English privateer, crosses the deck with his Quartermaster, GEORGE DOSSIT. CROWS NEST CREWMAN (o.s.) Ahoy! Sail on the horizon! Jennings and Dossit stop and glance up at the crows nest. ELSEWHERE, Crows Nest, the CROWS NEST CREWMAN glances down at Jennings and Dossit. CROWS NEST CREWMAN Port side, Capn Jennings! Astern!

44 ELSEWHERE, ON THE MAIN DECK, Jennings and Dossit hurry to the port side of the ship, Dossit taking out a spy glass, and looking to the horizon. DOSSIT Two sloops. Running at full sail. Jennings glances around for his Boatswain, then sees him. JENNINGS Reef sails, Mr. Johnson. Drop anchor! JOHNSON Aye sir! Jennings looks out to sea as Dossit hands him the spy glass. JENNINGS Well wait for them. Jennings looks through the spy glass at the oncoming ships. TIME FADE EXT. MAIN DECK, JENNINGS SHIP - DAY Two sloops are at anchor a short distance away. Jennings, Dossit, and others wait as Palgraves appears from over the rail, followed by Captain Young, then Sam, having climbed up a rope ladder. Jennings and Dossit step forward. JENNINGS And to whom do I have the pleasure of addressing? Sam steps around Captain Young, offers a hand. SAM Captain Bellamy, at your service sir. (glances at Palsgrave) My quartermaster, Palsgrave Williams (smiles at Young) and Captain Young.

45 YOUNG (huffy) Sir, I am no party to these cutthroats! JENNINGS Cutthroats? Jennings glances at Sam, then back at Young. YOUNG Aye, cutthroats, sir! Young pauses as he glances at Sam and Palsgrave. YOUNG Common thieves. Pirates. Jennings laughs, then shakes Sams hand. JENNINGS The pleasure is mine, Captain Bellamy! Captain Henry Jennings. At your service, sir. SAM Captain Jennings? The same Captain Jennings who attacked the Spanish fort at JENNINGS (interrupts, nodding) The very same, sir! YOUNG Cutthroats! The lot of you! Jennings, Dossit, Sam, and Palsgrave laugh. INT. JENNINGS CAPTAINS CABIN - DAY Jennings, Sam, Palsgrave, Young, and Dossit are gathered in Jennings captains cabin, Jennings telling of his plan to attack and sack Baya Hondo on Cubas north shore. PALSGRAVE Baya Hondo.

46 JENNINGS Aye. There should be no ships at anchor there this time of year. We go in, take what we want, and leave. (smiles at Young) What say ye, Captain Young? YOUNG Bah! Im no party to piracy! Jennings laughs. Young ignores him and looks at Sam. YOUNG And you, Captain Bellamy, I suppose you agree with this cutthroat Jennings? Sam glances at Palsgrave. Palsgrave nods, then Sam glances at Jennings and slams a closed fist on the table. SAM Baya Hondo it is. JENNINGS Good. Good! (to Young) Welcome to the brotherhood, Captain Young! Ye ole cutthroat!! Jennings laughs at the flustered Young. EXT. PORT OF BAYA HONDO, CUBA - NIGHT The three ships entering Baya Hondo Harbor. A large French ship, the St Marie, lies at anchor. EXT. MAIN DECK, SAMS SLOOP - NIGHT Sam, Palsgrave, and Rivers on deck, looking at the St Marie. SAM Shes a big one. PALSGRAVE Aye, that she is.

47 A pause, then SAM (to Rivers) Joseph, signal Mr Hoof to hold back and drop anchor. RIVERS Aye, Capn. Rivers turns away. EXT. MAIN DECK, JENNINGS SHIP - NIGHT Sam, Palsgrave, Jennings, Young, Dossit, as well as CHARNOCK, ASHWORTH, and CARNEGIE of Jenningss crew, are gathered on Jennings ship. DOSSIT Shes quiet over there. JENNINGS Aye, Mr Dossit, she is. Sam steps forward. SAM We need to find out what she is, why shes here. JENNINGS Aye. Jennings pauses as he stares at the ship, then turns to those gathered. JENNINGS Misters Dossit, Charnock, Ashworth, and Carnegie. Take a longboat, find out who she is. DOSSIT And if they ask what were here for?

48 JENNINGS Tell them were here to replenish our wood and water stores, that well be moving on. DOSSIT Aye captain. Dossit, Carnegie, Ashworth, and Charnock walk away. Jennings turns back to the railing, looking out at the large ship. JENNINGS (thinking aloud) Aye, shes a big one. Sam quiet steps up next to Jennings. SAM Aye, she is. EXT. LONGBOAT ON THE WATER - NIGHT Dossit, Charnock, Carnegie, and Ashworth row toward the St Marie. EXT. MAIN DECK, ST MARIE - NIGHT Dossit, Charnock, Carnegie, and Ashworth on the main deck of the St Marie, the Captain of the French ship, LESCOUBETT, addressing them. Very few of the French crew are present. LESCOUBETT (bowing) Captain Ashworth, it is my pleasure to welcome you, Mr Carnegie, Mr Dossit, and Mr Charnock aboard the St Marie. Now, I must ask what is your presence here? ASHWORTH Weve come to replenish our stores of water and wood. Then well be on our way, sir. And, eh, may I ask why you are here?

49 LESCOUBETT Trade goods sir, we are selling trade goods EXT. LONGBOAT ON THE WATER - NIGHT Dossit, Charnock, Carnegie, and Ashworth returning to Jennings ship. Carnegie chuckles. CARNEGIE Captain Ashworth? They all chuckle softly. DOSSIT Selling trade goods. To the Dutch. Thats illegal. Ashworth, chuckles, slaps Dossit on the shoulder. ASHWORTH Illegal? Since when were you so concerned with whats legal? CHARNOCK or not legal? They continue to laugh softly. EXT. MAIN DECK, JENNINGS SHIP - NIGHT Jennings, Carnegie, Ashworth, Dossit, Charnock, Sam, and Palsgrave discuss taking the St Marie. Next to Sam and Palsgrave stands Captain Young. ASHWORTH Shes sixteen guns with a company of forty five. JENNINGS Sixteen guns. ASHWORTH Aye, sixteen guns.

50 JENNINGS Shes got too much power. I say we sail on. DOSSIT I say we take her. JENNINGS The first ship to sail along side her will be blown out of the water. CHARNOCK Her crew sleeps. She has one on watch. Shell be ours before they can defend her. I say we take her. JENNINGS And if we cant, do you want to be swinging from a yard? (pauses, then to Carnegie) What say you, Carnegie? CARNEGIE I say we take her. DOSSIT Youre out voted, Capn Jennings. CREWMEN (o.s.) One for all! Theres a cheer among the men, then Jennings glances at each of his officers in turn. JENNINGS All right. Which one of you will be fool enough to sail up against her first? Sam steps forward. SAM I will.

51 All eyes turn to Sam. Jennings leans forward, eyes intent. JENNINGS You will, my young Captain Bellamy? SAM Aye, I will. Jennings grins as he slowly sits back. JENNINGS All right. Shes yours. Well back you up. EXT. MAIN DECK, SAMS SLOOP - NIGHT Alls quiet on Sams ship as they close in on the St Marie. Sam and Palsgrave stand near the rail facing the St Marie. The crew wait along the rail and in the shrouds, pistols and cutlasses drawn. Sam glances at the men in the shrouds. SAM On the shrouds, mates. Be ready. EXT. MAIN DECK, JENNINGS SHIP - NIGHT Jennings ship closes in just behind Sams ship. Jennings and Ashworth watch Sams ship coming alongside the St Marie. JENNINGS Load the swivel, Mr Ashworth. Fire it across the Frenchmans bow. ASHWORTH Capn Jennings, theyll know JENNINGS (interrupts) Dya hear me, Mr Ashworth?! I said fire the swivel across their bow! ASHWORTH (concerned) Aye, sir.

52 EXT. MAIN DECK, SAMS SLOOP - NIGHT Coming in tight on the St Marie, Sams crew is ready, then a sudden cannon shot; Sam and Palsgrave exchange glances. SAM Who the Hell? PALSGRAVE Jennings, no doubt. SAM Jennings be damned! Sam turns to his crew. SAM Lash us to her, mates! Over the side! Grappling hooks are tossed to the deck of the St Marie. Sams crew cheer as they pour over the side, some swinging on ropes from the shrouds. Some of the French crew stagger on deck. With very little resistance, the St Marie is easily taken. LATER EXT. ST MARIE MAIN DECK - NIGHT Sams crew and the disarmed French crew are gathered around Sam, Palsgrave, and Caverley, Captain LEscoubett being brought before Sam. LESCOUBETT I demand to know the meaning of this! LEscoubett looks at Sam as Sam steps forward. SAM (bows) Captain LEscoubett

53 LESCOUBETT And you, sir, are? RIVERS Black Sam Bellamy! Thats who he is! A cheer erupts among Sams men. SAM At your service, sir. Jennings, Young, Dossit, Ashworth, Carnegie, Charnock, and others arrive on board, pushing their way through the gathered men. All eyes turn to them. SAM (sarcastic) Ah, Captain Jennings. I take it that the cannon shot was an accident? JENNINGS Twas no accident, Captain Bellamy. It was meant RIVERS (o.c.) Capn! Capn Bellamy! Rivers makes his way through the crowd with a sheet of paper which he hands to Sam. Sam gives the paper a cursory glance. SAM The ships manifest30,000 pieces of eight. (to LEscoubett) Quite a treasure you have here, Captain. Sam glances at the manifest again. SAM And whats this about the Marianne?

54 LESCOUBETT Out sister ship, at Porto Mariel to the east. The Marianne shall be here by morning. Shell sink your ships and you scoundrels will swing Jennings steps forward. JENNINGS (interrupts) The Marianne you sayat Porto Mariel. LESCOUBETT That is correct, sir. Jennings turns on his heels, surveying the gathered crews. JENNINGS I say we make sail for Porto Mariel and take the Marianne! Theres a small cheer from among a few of Jennings own men. EXT. PORT OF BAYA HONDO HARBOR - NIGHT A small row boat with a single lantern approaches the St Marie. A young FRENCH SAILOR shifts the oars, then starts up the rope ladder toward the main deck of the St Marie. EXT. ST MARIE MAIN DECK - NIGHT The pirates discuss going after the Marianne. JENNINGS I say we take the Marianne. We can take her as easily as we took this ship. PALSGRAVE May I remind you, sir, that Captain Bellamy took this ship.

55 A commotion among the men as two pirates bring forth the young French Sailor. FRENCH SAILOR Captain LEscoubett. The Marianne The young French Sailor pauses. PALSGRAVE Come, lad. Speak! Sam nods to the two pirates. They release the French Sailor, and he steps forward, glancing back and forth between Sam and Captain LEscoubett. LEscoubett nods to him. FRENCH SAILOR The Marianne, sir, shes been taken by pirates. The French Sailor pauses again as he surveys the men gathered around them. LESCOUBETT Pirates. The French Sailor looks back at LEscoubett. FRENCH SAILOR Aye, sir. Ben Hornigold CARNEGIE (interrupts) That settles the matter. I wont sail against ole Ben Hornigold. JENNINGS Bah! I say we take the Marianne from Hornigold! DOSSIT Youre a fool, Capn Jennings, if you sail against Capn Hornigold! Jennings glares at Dossit, then turns to Captain Young.

56 JENNINGS What say you, Captain Young? YOUNG I will not be a party Jennings turns to Sam. JENNINGS (interrupts Young) Bellamy!? Sam smiles as he shakes his head no. JENNINGS Bah! Ye all are cowards. Ashworth, Charnock, come Jennings turns into the crowd, making his way toward the rail and ladder to go back to his own ship. JENNINGS (turning) Ill take the Marianne myself and be back with her by midday! Ben Hornigold be damned! Sam, Palsgrave, Caverley, and Rivers exchange glances. CAVERLEY Hes gotten brave all of a sudden. RIVERS Dossits right, hes a fool to sail against Ben Hornigold. PALSGRAVE I say we take our share and part company with Captain Jennings. SAM I say youre right, Pals. (softer) And I say we take Captain Jennings share too. They laugh softly.

57 EXT. PORT OF BAYA HONDO HARBOR - NIGHT Jennings ship at sail as he leaves the harbor to go after Hornigold. EXT. ST MARIE QUARTER DECK - NIGHT Sam, Palsgrave, Caverley, and Rivers watch Jennings ship leaving the harbor. Sam turns to them. SAM Well, gentlemen, shall we relieve the St Marie of her cargo? RIVERS And Jennings share too? SAM And Jennings share, aye. EXT. ST MARIE MAIN DECK - DAWN Sam and Palsgrave stand at the railing amidships ready to leave. Before them stand Captains Young and LEscoubett. SAM (to Young) You sure would dont want to come with us? YOUNG Certainly not! SAM When Jennings returns, he wont be very happy to find his share gone. YOUNG Im not concerned with Jennings feelings. Hes a cutthroat, and so are you, sir.

58 SAM As you wish, but you may find yourself wishing you had accepted my offer. (to LEscoubett) Captain LEscoubett, I return the St Marie to your hands, sir. Fare well! LESCOUBETT Captain Bellamy. Sam turns to leave. SAM Pals Sam and Palsgrave disappear over the side of the ship. YOUNG Common thieves! Captain LEscoubett glances at Captain Young. LESCOUBETT If you would, sir, please depart my ship. I am leaving before Captain Jennings returns! Captain LEscoubett turns and hurries away. LESCOUBETT Prepare to make sail! EXT. MAIN DECK, JENNINGS SHIP - DAY Jennings ship anchored near Captain Youngs sloop. Captain LEscoubett and the St Marie are gone. Jennings, enraged, paces the deck in front of Captain Young. YOUNG Thats my ship, sir!

59 Jennings stops and faces Captain Young nose to nose. JENNINGS (soft, menacing) You let Bellamy get away. (pauses, then shouts) With my treasure! Jennings steps past Young, looks to Dossit standing near the railing. JENNINGS Mr Dossit! DOSSIT Aye, sir. JENNINGS Fire! Dossit turns to his cannonade crew. DOSSIT All right, lads. Fire! A full broadside fired at Captain Youngs sloop, the sloop explodes, rigging tangling as masts collapse, and pieces of wood rain down as the sloop begins to sink. A small piece of burning wood lands on the main deck of Jennings ship. Jennings picks it up, shakes it to extinguish the flame, then hands it to Young. JENNINGS Your ship, sir. Now, get off my ship! Young hesitantly takes the piece of wood, then watches as Jennings turns and storms away.

60 INT. EASTHAM PRISON CORRIDOR - DAY Taken back to her cell after an escape attempt, Marias lead down a stone corridor of the prison by two Guards. The door to her cell stands open. MARIA Please let me go! Please! They arrive at the open door. GUARD 1 We cant do that, miss. GUARD 2 forcibly pushes her into the cell, then Guard 1 slams the door and locks it. Maria appears at the opening in the door, grabbing hold of the bars. MARIA Please! Ill die in here! The two Guards step away from the door. GUARD 2 The things people whisper about her. GUARD 1 Witchcraft; the Devils hand maiden. GUARD 2 Makes one wonder. Shes here one minute (glances toward cell door) and gone the next. (looks back at Guard 1) Ill inform the constable shes back. Guard 1 nods as Guard 2 walks away, then Guard 1 walks back to the cell door. Maria, still at the door, reaches through the opening to Guard 1. MARIA Please, wont you let me out?

61 INT. EASTHAM PRISON CONSTABLES OFFICE - DAY The Constable, seated at his desk, goes over paperwork. Guard 2 stands before the desk. CONSTABLE (eyes on paperwork) Yes yes. What is it? GUARD 2 Sir, the Hallett girl has been returned to her cell. CONSTABLE (eyes on paperwork) Good. See that she stays there this time. GUARD 2 Yes sir. CONSTABLE (eyes on paperwork) A charming young lady, this Miss Hallett. The Constable suddenly, his words baiting. CONSTABLE Wouldnt you say? GUARD 2 Sir, I CONSTABLE (interrupts) Apparently charming enough to easily talk her way out of her cell! GUARD 2 I wouldnt know, sir. CONSTABLE You wouldnt know? You wouldnt know?! What do you know?

62 GUARD 2 There is talk, sir. They say shes a witch. The Devil helps her CONSTABLE (interrupts) The Devil. GUARD 2 Yes, sir. The Constable pauses, studying the Guard, then: CONSTABLE (contemptuous) All right, see that the Devil doesnt let her out. You are dismissed. GUARD 2 Yes, sir. Guard 2 turns and leaves the Constables office. The Constable sits back in his chair. CONSTABLE (thinking aloud) A witch. The Devil. Hmph. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Seated at a table are BEN HORNIGOLD and Sam. Gathered around are CAPTAIN OLIVER LEBOUS of the Postillion, EDWARD TEACH (BLACKBEARD, of Hornigolds crew), Palsgrave, WILLIAM MAIN and RICHARD NOLAND (also of Hornigolds crew), and others. At anchor a short distance away are Sams sloop, the Postillion, and Ben Hornigolds Sloop. SAM so, after Jennings made sail to look for you, we took all the treasure and left.

63 HORNIGOLD Ye took the treasure right from under the nose of that snivelin sea dog! Hornigold erupts in laughter, then: HORNIGOLD Ole Jennings never got the Marianne. This fine ship here is she! Hornigold pauses, glances at those gathered, then slams an open palm on the table as he looks back at Sam. HORNIGOLD Well, Captain Bellamy, dont let em say ole Ben Hornigolds an unfair man! I like your ways, lad. And you got a loyal crew. Ye join my fleet, I make you a deal. Ye can have the Marianne and a couple of my men to help man her! What say ye? SAM Youve got a deal. Hornigold reaches across the table, shaking hands with Sam. HORNIGOLD Done! Hornigold rises from table. HORNIGOLD Mr Fletcher, Mr Burke, and Mr Taffier! Ye remain here on the Marianne! The rest of you, lets go! ON Sam as he smiles. DISSOLVE TO:

64 EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY LATER ON Sam still siting at the table. Sams crew are gathered at the table as elections are being held for the new Marianne crew. JEREMIAH BURKE stands with paper and quill in hand, reading the Articles and crew manifest for voting. BURKE James Ferguson, surgeon! Jean Taffier, gunner! Jeremy Burke, boatswain! Richard Caverley, sailing master! Palsgrave Williams, quartermaster! And Samuel Bellamy, captain of the Marianne! He pauses, surveying the crew. BURKE Ye have heard the articles and crew manifest. How vote ye? Mr. Caverley! CAVERLEY Aye! Burke places a mark by Caverleys name. BURKE Mr Rivers! RIVERS Aye! Burke places a mark by Rivers name. BURKE Mr Fletcher!

65 FLETCHER Aye! Burke places a mark by Fletchers name. TIME FADE BURKE so it is these articles and crew are sworn and agreed upon! A round of cheers go up. As the cheering begins to subside, Burke turns to Sam. BURKE Captain Bellamy SAM Thank you, Mr Burke. Sam rises from the table and turns to face the crew. SAM I thank you all for your loyalty and confidence! Now lets bring our provisions aboard the Marianne. Then well dispose of our old ship! EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY Two sloops, Sams old ship and the Marianne. The Marianne broadsides the old sloop and the sloop begins to sink. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY Sam and Palsgrave stand at the hand rail, watching the old sloop sink. Sam turns, glances across the deck at his crew. SAM Make ready for sail, mates! Time to pay a kindly visit on Portobello town!

66 EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The old sloop, aflame, continues to sink as the sails of the Marianne are unfurling. EXT. PORTOBELLO HARBOR, CUBA - DAY The docks are alive with activity as the Marianne comes alongside, her cannons run out the gun ports. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK - DAY The crew ready, Sam and Palsgave stand at the hand rail, watching those ashore running back and forth on the docks. SAM Fire at your leisure, Mr Taffier! TAFFIER Qui Captain! (turns to gun crew) All right, mates! Lets give em a friendly greetin! Fire! EXT. PORTOBELLO HARBOR, CUBA - DAY A full broadside erupts from the Marianne. The docks of Portobello Harbor explode in a shower of wood and water. EXT. MAIN DECK, HORNIGOLDS SHIP - DAY Sam and Palsgrave, coming aboard Hornigolds ship, are met at the hand rail by William Main. MAIN Captain Bellamy, Mr Williams. Palsgrave nods.

67 SAM Mr Main. MAIN Alls well in Portobello? SAM As well as can be. PALSGRAVE They have some rebuilding to do. The three of them laugh. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, a hatch slams open. Hornigold comes out followed by Blackbeard, both engaged a heated discussion. HORNIGOLD I will not sail against a ship that flies an English flag, Mr Teach! Nor shall I sail against any ship whose captain is English! BLACKBEARD This crew knows no allegiance to any flag but our own! Youve been voted down, Captain Hornigold. You will again. HORNIGOLD I will not sail against BLACKBEARD (interrupts) A fare warning, Captain. Be careful how far your allegiance lies with England. You could find yourself replaced as fleet captain. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam, Palsgrave, and Main watch the exchange. Sam turns to Main.

68 SAM What brought this on? MAIN We took a Dutch trader while you were at Portobello. Captain Hornigold refused to loot her. The Dutchmans captain was English. PALSGRAVE And? MAIN Captain Hornigold was voted down by the crew. Main, Sam, and Palsgrave glance back at Blackbeard and Hornigold. Blackbeard watches Hornigold walk away from him. MAIN I dont think Captain Hornigold will be fleet captain much longer. Sam glances at Main, then back at Hornigold. EXT. EASTHAM COMMONS - NIGHT Maria has escaped from prison again. Sneaking into an alley from the Eastham Commons, shes spotted by two people who whisper to one another. PERSON 1 Its the Hallett girl from Wellfleet. Shes escaped again. PERSON 2 Aye, they say the Devil has her. Person 2 glances at Maria, then looks back at Person 1.

69 PERSON 2 A witch, I say. Shes a witch! As they watch, Maria slips away into the shadows. EXT. NAUSET BEACH CLIFFS - DAWN Maria slowly walks to the edge of the cliffs. She looks over the dunes and out to sea. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NAUSET BEACH CLIFFS - DAY Maria sleeps curled up on the ground. Guards 1 and 2 from the prison roust her awake. GUARD 1 Miss Hallett She awakens, looking up at them as Guard 1 holds out a hand. GUARD 1 Come along, Miss Hallett. EXT. MAIN DECK, CAPTAIN BRETTS SHIP - DAY An English ship captained by JOHN BRETT has been taken. Brett, Hornigold, Sam, Palsgrave, Blackbeard, Main, Noland, and others are gathered on the deck. Other pirates and Bretts disarmed crew stand around watching. HORNIGOLD shes an English ship with an English captain, Mr Noland! Noland points to the pirate ships. NOLAND Look at those ships, captain! They fly no English flag!

70 HORNIGOLD I will not take this ship! NOLAND We will take this ship! HORNIGOLD We will not! (looks at Main) Mr Main! What say you?! MAIN We take her, captain. HORNIGOLD Mr Teach!? Blackbeard glances at those gathered, then at Hornigold. BLACKBEARD She has liquor in her cargo. I say we take the liquor and set her free. HORNIGOLD Captain Bellamy?! Sam glances at Blackbeard, then Hornigold. SAM Take the liquor and set her free. HORNIGOLD All right, Mr Main?! Main is visibly upset. MAIN (soft) Aye, take the liquor


HORNIGOLD Mr Noland?! Noland is visibly upset. NOLAND (soft) Take the liquor. Hornigold glances at the crew, then: HORNIGOLD All right, mates, lets relieve this ship of her liquor! (nods to Brett) Captain Brett Hornigold turns and walks away. Blackbeard and Sam stare at one another. EXT. SAMANA BEACH - DAY Hornigold stands alone on the beach at waters edge looking out to sea. ELSEWHERE, a large group of pirates are gathered under a palm tree, watching Hornigold and discussing him. Theres general chatter and commotion between comments. Sam and LeBous watch closely. NOLAND (angered) Hornigolds loyal to England. He was a privateer for the king. Well, I say hes wrong. I say English ships are free plunder like the Dutch and Spanish and French TAFFIER (interrupts) Qui, I was born French! We take French ships! We take English ships too!

72 MAIN Aye, free plunder. What say you, Teach!? Blackbeard pauses, glancing at various men. BLACKBEARD (soft) Aye, his record is good with the king, but I say free plunder. NOLAND We go against English ships, we go against Hornigold. I say we vote Hornigold out! BLACKBEARD You vote, that is your right by the articles. But mind you all, the captain has been good to this company. Hes taken all of us in, taught us the ways of the sea, taught us to survive. I agree. Free plunder, including English. But my loyalty is with Ben Hornigold. You vote him out, I take my men and go too. Sam pats Palsgrave on the shoulder, nods, then leaves the group of men and starts across the beach toward Hornigold, the men continuing their discussion. ELSEWHERE, Hornigold still staring out to sea as Sam approaches. Sam stops next to him and looks out to sea. HORNIGOLD (soft, eyes to sea) Theyre talking of a vote. SAM (soft, eyes to sea) Aye, they are. HORNIGOLD Let em. I will not take English ships or English captains.

73 Sam looks at Hornigold. SAM All ships should be free plunder. We are a brotherhood of free men with allegiance to no nation. Even Teach agrees. Hornigold looks at Sam and chuckles. HORNIGOLD Given cause, Teach would sail right up the Thames and launch a broadside against the Tower of London! Sam laughs. SAM Maybe so, but he is loyal to you, Captain Hornigold. HORNIGOLD Are you, Captain Bellamy? Sam pauses, smiles. SAM Im loyal to the men under my command. He pats Hornigold on the shoulder, then turns and starts back to the men gathered under the palm tree. ON Hornigold watching Sam walk away. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SAMANA BEACH - NIGHT ON Hornigold as he stands at a campfire, staring into the flames. Blackbeard approaches out of the dark. HORNIGOLD Have ye come to tell me the vote?

74 BLACKBEARD Theres been no vote yet, but a vote seems likely. HORNIGOLD And how will ye vote? Blackbeard pauses, then smiles. BLACKBEARD I think the English should be free plunder like any other, but my loyalty is with you. I wont vote. If you are voted out, I leave with you. I told them. Hornigold smiles, nods. HORNIGOLD Then we go together, old friend. BLACKBEARD Well, come then captain! Lets drink to a long and glorious future! They start across the beach toward one of several campfires lit around the beach - pirates having fun, raucous laughter, shouts, merry making, drinking. ELSEWHERE ON THE BEACH Blackbeard and Hornigold approach a campfire where several men are gathered, among them Noland, Sam, Palsgrave, and LeBous. All eyes turn as they approach, some of the pirates softly muttering insults. NOLAND (mumbling softly) No English shipsto the devil, I say. Blackbeard explodes in anger, draws his cutlass and lunges at Noland. He drags Noland to his feet and presses the cutlass blade against his neck. BLACKBEARD Ye somethin to say, Mr Noland, ye say it for all!

75 HORNIGOLD Let him go, Mr Teach. He can speak his mind. Blackbeard glances at Hornigold, then scowls at Noland before shoving him away. HORNIGOLD Mr Noland, ye something to say? Noland glances at those gathered, then at Hornigold. NOLAND No, Captain. Nothing. CLOSE ON Sam as he watches the exchange. EXT. SAMANA BEACH - DAY Hornigold, alone, walks along the beach. Sam approaches. Hornigold waits for him to catch up. HORNIGOLD They vote. SAM Aye. HORNIGOLD Well, I knew theyd get to it sooner of later. SAM You can stop this. Just agree that the English are free plunder HORNIGOLD (interrupts) You know me, Black Sam. I wont take English SAM (interrupts) To Hell with your pride! Remember the flag you sail under!

76 Hornigold smiles. HORNIGOLD Its not a matter of my pride, lad. Its who I am. I just wont Palsgave shouts, interrupting Hornigold. PALSGRAVE (o.c.) Sam! Captain Hornigold! Sam and Hornigold turn to see Palsgrave hurrying toward them. They wait for him to arrive. PALSGRAVE Its done. HORNIGOLD Well, lets go see if I have anyone still loyal to me. PALSGRAVE Some, but not many. They start toward the group of men at the palm tree. LATER - the pirates at the palm tree, Noland reading the results of the vote. NOLAND and those are the votes taken, Captain Hornigold, which is our right by the articles. You are relieved of this company of free men. Noland pauses, glancing at the gathered pirates, then addresses all: NOLAND Those who wish to leave with Captain Hornigold are free to do so (scowls at Blackbeard) Mr Teach. Blackbeard walks to Hornigold as Noland continues:

77 NOLAND Those who do wish to leave will be given their share of the treasure, and Captain Hornigold will be allowed to keep his ship. By the articles of this company it is decided. General chatter breaks out among the pirates. Sam and Hornigold exchange glances. LATER - at the waters edge stand Sam, Palsgrave, and Captain LeBous. Gathered around are men from Sams crew and some of Hornigolds crew that have elected to remain with Sam, including Noland, Main, Fletcher, Burke, and Taffier. Offshore Hornigold, Blackbeard, and a few of Hornigolds men are in a longboat, Hornigold and Blackbeard standing, and looking back to the shore. Beyond, in the bay, three more longboats full of men row toward Hornigolds sloop. SAM Fair winds, Captain Hornigold! HORNIGOLD Fair winds, Captain Bellamy! SAM (soft, to his men) Well gentlemen, I think its time we prepare to make sail. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The Marianne and Postillion at sea, approaching a huge 40 gun French galley. The Postillion drops back while the Marianne comes astern of the galley. EXT. MARIANNE MAIN DECK, FORWARD - DAY Sam and Palsgrave are forward on the main deck of the Marianne as they pull in behind the French galley. Pirates, cutlasses drawn, are ready. Taffier and others man two forward swivel cannons.

78 A shot from the stern cannons of the French ship tears through the rigging of the Marianne. Sam, Palsgrave, and others glance up. SAM Return fire, Mr Taffier! TAFFIER Qui captain! Taffier fires at the French ship. SAM Bring us in closer Mr Main! MAIN (o.c.) Aye captain! A second shot tears through the rigging. A third shot closely follows, tearing a sail loose. Everyone ducks, scattering. Sam turns on his heels. SAM Mr Burke! Trim sails! BURKE Aye captain! Sam glances at Main. SAM Mr Main, break off and steer us away! MAIN Aye captain! The Marianne begins a slow turn as another shot from the French ship rips through the rigging. SAM (grumbling aloud) The Frenchman be damned! Sam hurries to the wheel, pushes Main aside, and spins the wheel hard. The crew chatter amongst themselves as the Marianne breaks off.

79 INT. EASTHAM PRISON CONSTABLES OFFICE - DAWN The Constable sits at his desk; Guard 2 stands before the desk. GUARD 2 Sir, Miss Hallett has escaped again. The Constable sits back and sighs. EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - DAWN Maria stands at the edge of the cliffs, looking out to sea, her hair billowing on the sea breeze. Guards 1 and 2 approach her. GUARD 2 Miss Hallett Maria slowly turns her head, looking at the Guards. EXT. STREETS OF EASTHAM - DAWN The Guards lead Maria through the streets. People stand in doorways and along the street, taunting Maria, then fall in behind the Guards and Maria, forming a procession. EXT. EASTHAM PRISON - DAY The Constable waits at the prison gate as the Guards, Maria, and the procession of townfolk approach. As they approach, the Constable raises a hand, palm out. They stop. The crowd grows quiet. The Constable paces before the gate, hands clasped behind his back, alternately glancing at the crowd and Maria. CONSTABLE (pacing, eyes on ground) Miss Hallett, no one has ever escaped from my prison before, yet you have on four occasions. There has been talk that you charmed my guards and

80 A WOMAN IN THE CROWD shouts, interrupting the Constable. WOMAN IN CROWD Shes the Devils whore! CONSTABLE (pacing, eyes on ground) and accusations of witchcraft. MAN IN CROWD Shes a witch! A Witch!! A murmur in the crowd. The Constable stops, glances at the crowd, then approaches Maria and looks her in the eye. The crowd grows quiet. CONSTABLE Frankly, Miss Hallett, Im tired of having my guards chase after you. Im tired of you making a mockery of my prison. As far as Im concerned, despite what others might say, you pose no threat to this community. I dont care where you gojust go. (to Guards) Release her. WOMAN 2 A witch! Shes a witch! General chatter runs through the crowd. The Guards release Maria. Afraid, eyes on the crowd, she skirts those gathered, making her way back to town and the cliffs and dunes beyond. Someone in the crowd throws a stone. Then more throw stones as Maria breaks into a run. The crowd doesnt follow. EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria falls to her knees and sobs softly. MARIA Oh Samuel. Where are you? She breaks down and cries.

81 EXT. PRISON SHIP MAIN DECK - DAY Sam has captured a prison ship. Sam and some of his officers and crew are aboard the ship. Among the prisoners are THOMAS BAKER, a Dutch tailor, and SIMON VON VORST from New York. Sam steps to Baker. BAKER Thomas Baker, sir. Sam moves to Von Vorst, the last man in line. VON VORST Simon Von Vorst, sir. SAM Smugglers. VON VORST Aye, sir. SAM Would you like to be a free man? Serve under my flag? Von Vorst smiles. VON VORST Aye, sir. Sam steps back, addressing the prisoners. SAM I offer the same to all of you! Which of you will join us!? EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DAY Early morning. Disheveled and dirty, Maria walks the beach. She comes upon a fragment of wood sticking out of the sand, picks it up and looks at it.

82 EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria drops an armload of wood onto a pile she has already made. She places her hands on her hips, looks at the wood pile, sighs, then looks out to sea. EXT. EASTHAM ALLEY - DUSK Maria roots through discarded items - wood, cloth, etc. looking for material to build her small hut. EXT. BONETTA MAIN DECK - DAY Sam Sam and and has captured the Bonetta captained by ABIJAH SAVAGE. and several pirates are aboard. Among the Bonetta crew passengers are Captain Savage, 17 year old JOHN KING, Kings mother, MRS. KING. SAM Which of you will join us?! King steps forward. KING I will, sir! Mrs. King reaches for him. MRS KING Jonathan, please dont King whirls on his mother. KING (interrupts) Mom, Ill kill you if you try and stop me! Sam steps forward, pats King on the shoulder. SAM Now now, lad. No need for that.

83 Sam turns to Mrs King and smiles. SAM Ill ensure he stays out of trouble, madame. (to Savage) Captain Savage, I return the Bonetta to you. Sam turns away, addressing his crew: SAM Lets go, lads! EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - DAY Maria has constructed her small ramshackle hut (that looks similar to the Old Womans hut). Next to the hut Maria works a small garden. She pauses, sighs, wipes sweat from her brow leaving a trail of soil across her forehead. EXT. NAUSET BEACH - DUSK Maria kneels, washing her hands in the ocean water. She stands, wipes her hands on her dress and looks out to sea. EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - DAY Sam has captured the Pearl and the Sultana. Sam, LeBous, and others are on the Sultanas main deck. Sam stands on the hand rail, grasping the shrouds of the main mast. SAM All right, lads! We relieve the Pearl and Sultana of their cargo, then set their crews free on the Pearl! I keep the Sultana as my flagship and nominate Palsgrave Williams to be captain of the Marianne! What say you!? A cheer erupts among the pirates.

84 EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY Three ships at sail - the Sultana, Marianne, and Postillion. EXT. CLIFFS OVERLOOKING NAUSET BEACH - NIGHT Maria sits in front of her hut, staring at a campfire, a woolen shawl pulled around her shoulders. Two gruffy MEN appear out of the dark. Maria looks up, the firelight glowing on her face. MAN 1 Its her! The witch of Wellfleet! Man 2 grins. MAN 2 I say we see how much of a witch she is! MAN 1 No! Shell hex us, she will! MAN 2 Shes no witch. Man 2 starts to skirt the campfire, walking around it toward Maria. Maria shifts her sitting position, turning toward the approaching Man, glaring at him. MAN 2 Youre no witch, are ye honey?! MARIA Leave me alone MAN 2 What ye got under all them clothes? Huh? You gonna show ole? The sudden howl of a large dog from the dark interrupts Man 2. He stops, glances wide eyed at Maria, then his visibly frightened friend.

85 MAN 1 Shes a witch, I tell ya! A witch! That was her familiar! All witches have em! Shell hex us! Man 2 hurries back to his friend, pauses as he glances at Maria, then looks at his friend. MAN 2 Come on. Lets get out of here. They hurry away into the dark. After theyre gone, Maria stares at the campfire again. EXT. ST MICHAEL MAIN DECK - DAY The St Michael has been taken by the pirates. Pirates and St Michael crew are gathered on the St Michael main deck. Sam walks along the deck while THOMAS DAVIS hurries behind him. DAVIS Captain Bellamy, I will not join your band of rogues! I refuse Sam stops and turns to Davis. SAM MISTERDavis. Youre a carpenter, and we need carpenters. You are one of us now whether you like itor not. Sam turns away and continues walking. Davis follows. DAVIS No, sir. I do not like it, and I will not SAM (interrupts) You will, Mr Davis

86 Sam stops and turns to face Davis again. He lays a hand on Davis shoulder, Sams voice turning soft, but stern. SAM until I find someone to replace you. Until then, welcome to the brotherhood. EXT. UNINHABITED ISLAND BEACH - DAY Sam and LeBous stand on the beach near the water. In the bay the Postillion, Sultana, and Marianne lay at anchor. A few longboats filled with men row toward the Postillion. Another longboat is beached, a few men awaiting LeBous. LEBOUS Fare winds my friend. SAM You wont reconsider? LEBOUS Its time my crew and I find our fortunes on our own. SAM Aye, I understand. Fare winds, captain. And good fortunes. LeBous smiles, then turns to the waiting longboat. They push off, LeBous and others climbing into the boat. LeBous turns, looks back at Sam and waves. Sam waves back. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The Sultana and Marianne at sail. EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - DAY The ship alive with activity, Sam stands at the main deck starboard rail. LOOKOUT (o.c.) Sail aport! Three leagues!

87 Sam hurries to the port side rail. He raises a spy glass to his eye as Noland joins him. SAM Aye, there she is! Shes tacking toward the Windward Passage. Sam lowers the spy glass, his gaze still on the horizon. NOLAND Shes heading north then. SAM Aye. (pauses) Give chase, lads! Shes a head start on us! Sam glances back at Mr Main manning the ships wheel. SAM Hard over, Mr Main! Northwest by north! MAIN Aye sir! Sam raises the spy glass to his eye again, looking toward the horizon. EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - NIGHT Sam, Noland, and Rivers stand at the main mast, lit by a lantern. RIVERS Shes a fast ship, she is. NOLAND Aye, and shes hopin to loose us. Shes keepin her stern lanterns dark.

88 Sam peers into the night. SAM Aye He pauses, then looks at Noland and Rivers. SAM but well catch her. If we have to chase her all the way to England. Well catch her. EXT. SULTANA CROWS NEST - DAY The Lookout leans over the crows nest, looking down. LOOKOUT (shouts) Weve lost her, captain! She must have slipped away during the night! ELSEWHERE, Sam, a rolled map in hand, stands on the main deck looking up at the Lookout. SAM (mutters) Damn her! Sam glances around the main deck. SAM Mr Main, Mr Noland! He hurries to the nearest hatch. Noland and Main join him, as do Burke, Fletcher, and Rivers. They gather around as Sam spreads the map open on the hatch and points. SAM All right, lads. Shes passed through the Windward Passage here, heading north, presumably going home. NOLAND Aye, that would seem to be her course.

89 SAM All right, if we follow this course, we can head her off before she reaches Crooked Island. He pauses, glancing at his companions. SAM What say you, lads? Rivers nods. MAIN Aye, with the wind behind us, we could catch her. NOLAND Aye, we could. SAM All right, steer us a course, Mr Main. Northwest by north. MAIN Aye, captain. SAM Mr Burke, full sail, fast enough to hear the Sultanas timbers groan. BURKE Aye captain. SAM Lets get to it, lads!

90 EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - NIGHT John Fletcher at the wheel as Sam approaches. SAM A quiet night, Mr Fletcher. FLETCHER sir. A beautiful night. The the stars, (nodding) Mariannes lanterns in the there.

Aye, sea, the dark

Sam glances at the soft light of the Mariannes lanterns. SAM Aye FLETCHER Captain, you think well catch that ship? Shes fast, sir. SAM Aye, well catch her. Shes fast, but not too fast for us. FLETCHER Aye, sir. Sam rests a hand on Fletchers shoulder. SAM Steer a steady course, lad. Goodnight. FLETCHER Goodnight, sir. Sam turns and walks away.

91 EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAWN The Marianne and the Sultana have caught up with the Whydah and are closing in. EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - DAY The ship alive with shouts and activity; Sam hurries from below, disheveled, shirt open, just awakened. Noland meets him, hands him the spy glass as they walk to the port side. Sam raises the spy glass to his eye, reading the name of the ship on her aft transom. SAM Whydah. Sam slowly lowers the spy glass, his eyes still trained on the large galley. He hands the spy glass to Noland who looks at the ship. NOLAND Her gun ports are closed. SAM Shell be wise to keep them that way. Sam glances back to Main at the wheel. SAM Bring us along her starboard side, Mr Main! MAIN Aye, captain! Sam turns to Taffier whos standing by a cannon. SAM Mr Taffier! Load and prepare to fire chasers across her bow! On my command!

92 TAFFIER Qui captain! Noland hands the spy glass back to Sam; he looks at the Whydah again. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The Sultana pulls abreast of the Whydah on the starboard side, edging forward. The Marianne approaches on the port side. EXT. SULTANA MAIN DECK - DAY Sam and Noland watch as the Sultana nudges slightly ahead of the Whydah. Sams crew, cutlasses and knives drawn, stand ready to fight if necessary. SAM Steady, Mr Main. Steady. (pauses) All right Mr Taffier, across her bow, fire! Two chaser cannons fire. SAM Mr Taffier, load and prepare to fire again should she not stand down. On my command. TAFFIER Qui captain. Sam waits, then NOLAND Shes cutting her lines, dropping sail! SAM Aye, Mr Noland. She out guns us, but I think her captain is a man of honor.

93 Sam turns to his men. SAM All right, lads! Prepare to board her! Keep a sharp eye! (to Main) Bring us in close, Mr Main! MAIN Aye, sir. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The three ships on the water. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY The pirates meet no resistance as Sam and other pirates board the Whydah. Sam pauses, glances around, then nods to his men who fan out across the ship to check the cargo. The Whydahs captain, LAWRENCE PRINCE, steps forward, hands clasped behind his back, facing Sam. PRINCE (dignified) Gentlemen, welcome aboard the Whydah. I am Captain Lawrence Prince. At your service. Prince bows. Sam and Palsgrave exchange glances, then Sam nods to Prince. SAM Captain Prince. I am Captain Samuel Bellamy (nods to Palsgrave) and Captain Palsgrave Williams. We are honored, sir.

94 The three captains turn and casually walk aft. PRINCE Honor, sir? And yet you fly the deaths head and bones across? SAM Even we, as free men, have honor, captain. PRINCE Honor among thieves, captain? SAM Honor none-the-less, sir. PALSGRAVE We live by a code, Captain Prince. A code of honor. And rules written into our articles. Even we, as captains, can be voted down by a majority of our crews. Democracy is our way of life MAIN (o.c.) Captain Bellamy! The three captains stop and turn to see Main hurrying toward them. SAM Aye, Mr Main. MAIN Shes loaded, sir. Indigo, sugar, and a large consignment of ivory, gold, silver, and jewels. Prince glances at Sam.

95 PRINCE And I suppose, Captain Bellamy, that your honor includes relieving me of my cargo? Sam smiles. SAM It does, Captain Prince. It does. (to Main) Mr Main, prepare to make sail for Crooked Island. Captain Prince and his crew will be joining us. MAIN Aye, captain. EXT. CROOKED ISLAND BAY - DAY The Sultana, Marianne, and Whydah lay at anchor in the bay. EXT. CROOKED ISLAND BEACH - DAY Sam and Prince walk along the waters edge. SAM The Whydah is a fine ship. PRINCE Aye. Three masted galley, eighteen guns, a fifty man crew. Shes a slaver. SAM A slave ship. PRINCE Aye. Triangle trade. England to Africa to the Caribbean and back again. Our second voyage.

96 SAM Shes a new ship then. PRINCE Aye, commissioned last year. They stop and look at the Whydah riding at anchor in the bay near the Sultana and Marianne. SAM With eighteen guns you couldve put up a helluva fight against us. PRINCE Ive sailed these waters nigh on twenty years, Captain Bellamy. Im no fool. I knew my men would be treated fairly if I stood down. If we had fought and lost Princes words trail off as he glances at Bellamy. Sam chuckles. SAM Aye, if you had fought and lost, things wouldnt have gone so well with you and your crew. Sam pauses, glances at the Whydah again. SAM With some refitting, shell be a fine flagship. PRINCE Flagship? Sam looks at Prince and smiles. SAM Aye, flagship. Im taking her and giving you the Sultana in exchange.

97 PRINCE I protest! SAM (interrupts) Care to fight and risk losing? Be grateful Im giving you the Sultana, Captain Prince. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN AND QUARTER DECKS DAY The Whydah and Sultana lashed together, block and tackle rigs have been set up. Cannons are being transferred to the Whydah. Sam and Palsgrave stand at the fore rail of the Whydahs quarter deck, watching the crew handling the cannons. Taffier stands on the main deck directing the cannon work crew. SAM Mr Taffier! Mount the chasers and swivels where you can, main and quarter decks! When you run out of room for the six pounders, store the rest below decks! TAFFIER Qui captain! Taffier turns to his work crew. TAFFIER All right, lads! Ye heard the captain! Lets get em in place! Sam walks to the quarter deck starboard rail, sees Captain Prince on the main deck of the Sultana. He takes a pouch of coins from an inner pocket of his vest. SAM (shouts) Captain Prince!

98 ELSEWHERE, on the Sultana main deck, Captain Prince turns to face Sam. ELSEWHERE, on the Whydah quarter deck, Sam throws the pouch of coins to Captain Prince. SAM Twenty pounds, sir! Should help you on your way! Its the least we can do! Sam smiles. ELSEWHERE, on the Sultana main deck, Captain Prince empties the pouch into his hand, looks at the coins, then Sam. ELSEWHERE, on the Whydah quarter deck, Sam waves. EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY Pirates are gathered as Noland sits at a table reading ships election results from a piece of paper, checking off names with a quill as he reads them. NOLAND (eyes on list) Jean Taffier! Gunner, Whydah. (pauses) Jeremiah Burke! Bosan, Whydah. (pauses) John Lambert! Sailing master, Whydah. (pauses) Richard Noland! Quartermaster, Whydah. (pauses) Richard Caverley! Quartermaster, Marianne. (pauses) Palsgrave Williams! Captain, Marianne. (pauses) And Samuel Bellamy! Captain, Whydah.

99 Noland pauses, then looks up at the pirates. NOLAND Thats the result of the vote, lads! The pirates cheer, waving their cutlasses, some shooting their pistol into the air. SAM All right, lads! We sail on the hour! Weve prizes to take! The pirates continue to cheer, waving their cutlasses, firing their pistols. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY The Marianne holds back. The Whydah comes close alongside the Tanner, a small two masted sloop. The pirates lash the two ships together, then swarm onto the Tanners deck, some swinging on ropes from shrouds to shrouds. EXT. TANNER MAIN DECK DAY The Tanner shows signs of chaser gun and cannon damage splintered wood, dangling lines, and torn sails. Shouting and taunting the Tanners crew, the pirates engage in hand to hand fighting with knives and cutlasses. Tanner crewman, 24 year old Frenchman JEAN SHUAN, stands beside another TANNER CREWMAN. They pause between fights. Jean holds a knife, the Tanner Crewman a cutlass. JEAN Theyre pirates! TANNER CREWMAN Aye, lad! Black Sam Bellamys rogues! Now fight or theyll cut ye down!

100 Jean turns and stabs the Tanner Crewman. Noland witnesses the event, then keeps fighting. Jean picks up the Tanner Crewmans cutlass and fights alongside the pirates. ELSEWHERE ON THE MAIN DECK, Sam, his cutlass pressed to the neck of the TANNER CAPTAIN, drags the Tanner Captain atop a hatch cover. SAM Stand down, I say! Well take what we want of your treasure and you and your men can go on your way. Stand down now! Before you dont have any men left! The Tanner Captain pauses, eyes locked on Sams eyes, then peers across the deck at the fighting men. TANNER CAPTAIN Stand down, mates! (pauses) STAND DOWN! Things begin to quiet as the men hesitantly stop fighting. All eyes turn to Sam and the Tanner Captain. SAM Mr Noland, Mr Rivers Sam pushes the Tanner Captain off the hatch cover. SAM hold him. Noland and Rivers take hold of the Tanner Captain. SAM All right, lads! Lets take what we want and be gone! The pirates cheer, raising their cutlasses, as Sam steps down from the hatch cover.

101 EXT. WHYDAH MAIN DECK - DAY We see the Tanner still lashed to the Whydah. The Marianne lays at anchor a short distance away. The last of the pirates aboard the Tanner are returning to the Whydah with loot, Noland the last to come aboard. Sam approaches him. NOLAND Thats it, Capn Bellamy. SAM Volunteers? NOLAND One. A Frenchman. Ready and eager, he is. Killed one of the Tanners mates. I saw him do it. SAM Just as well. We sail north to refit. Sam glances at Main standing nearby. SAM Cut the Tanner loose, Mr Main. At your convenience! MAIN Aye sir! Bellamy turns back to Noland. SAM A Frenchman, ay? NOLAND Aye. Jean Shuan, 24 years; from Nantes. SAM Very good, Mr Noland. Sam pats Noland on the shoulder, then turns away. He crosses the main deck and climbs a short ladder to the quarter deck.

102 On the quarter deck Palsgrave stands talking with a small group of men. Seeing Sam walking to the aft rail, he follows. Sam stops at the rail and gazes out across the sea. Palsgrave joins him. PALSGRAVE Are you all right? Sam glances at Palsgrave and smiles. SAM Were rich, Pals. We could retire and live like PALSGRAVE (interrupts) I know you, Sam Bellamy. Youre not thinking of retirement. Sam sighs and turns his gaze back out on the sea. SAM No, Im not. (pauses) But its been almost two years, Pals. Its time to go back to Wellfleet. SUPER: To Be Continued FADE TO BLACK

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