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Republic of Macedonia Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, UKIM IZIIS

Proposed Project for Modifications and Amendment of the SYLLABUS of DOCTORAL STUDIES (third cycle) AT THE SS CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY, Skopje

Scientific Field Technical Sciences Field Earthquake Engineering

The proposal is submitted by: Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, IZIIS

Pepared by: Prof. Dr. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska

Director, Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski

Skopje, 2010

FOREWORD The syllabus of doctoral studies in the earthquake engineering field has been elaborated in accordance with: The Rulebook on Doctoral Studies of the SS Cyril and Methodius University; The Statute of the SS Cyril and Methodius University; The Law on High Education of the Republic of Macedonia, and, The Law on Scientific-Research in the Republic of Macedonia.


FOREWORD.........................................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................2 1. 2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................3 GENERAL ............................................................................................4 2.1. Proposing Institution, Title and Duration of Syllabus ....................4 2.2. Terms of Enrollment.......................................................................4 3. SYLLABUS ..........................................................................................5 3.1. Distribution of Credits.....................................................................6 3.2. Teaching.........................................................................................7 3.3. Supervisor ......................................................................................8 3.4. Theme for Doctoral Dissertation ....................................................8 3.5. Scientific Title .................................................................................9 3.6. Financing of Doctoral Studies ........................................................9 4. RATIONALE TO THE SYLLABUS......................................................9

Appendix 1: List of Subjects and Teaching Staff ......................................... A1-1 List A: Generic Subjects .......................................................... A1-7 List B: Subjects in the Scientific Field, the Field of Research and Specific Subjects ........................................................ A1-18 Appendix 2: List of Potential Mentors .......................................................... A2-1

1.INTRODUCTION Earthquakes represent natural phenomena, whose effect upon the entire asocial processes and economic system is most frequently catastrophic. The losses can be direct, expressed through loss of human lives and number of ruined structures, or indirect, expressed in the form of disruptions in the functioning of modern technological and infrastructure systems. According to available data, 8815 earthquakes were recorded in the period 1900 - 2002, amounting to 10.21% of the total natural catastrophes that took place in that period. Considering the fact that the Balkan region is known as a region of high seismic activity, the reduction of the seismic risk not only represents a national but a regional problem, as well. Multidisciplinary activities aimed at reduction of the seismic risk are therefore necessary for the purpose of protecting human lives, technological and infrastructure systems as well as other properties and reducing the physical and the economic losses for the social-economic system. Having in mind the fact that earthquake engineering is a relatively recent scientific discipline that has been developed for the last few decades, all the countries should make efforts toward training of staff in this professional field. Engineers play a crucial role in the efforts made toward prevention and mitigation of earthquake consequences. They are responsible for the development of technical regulations for design and construction of seismically resistant structures as well as creation of conditions for their application in practice. Hence, one of the most efficient and, at the same time, the cheapest measure for protection against catastrophic effects of earthquakes is the high level of education of professionals and a corresponding transfer of knowledge in this field to the younger university (academic) staff. Since its establishment (1965) until today, the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) has been focusing much of its efforts on education of staff in the special disciplines in the field of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology. For more than 40 years, as an active member of the SS Cyril and Methodius University, IZIIS has been working on continuous education of candidates from the home country and abroad leading to master and doctoral degree in technical sciences, i.e., in the scientific fields that are connected with development and advancement of the modern technology for control and reduction of the seismic risk through improvement of structural systems of engineering structures. The post-graduate studies have always been international and the teaching process has been permanently carried out in English language and with participation of eminent world renowned professors in individual fields. Such activities have established IZIIS as an international recognizable and renowned institution in the field of education and training of young academic staff and professionals in the field of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology (

Presented further is the syllabus of the studies in technical sciences earthquake engineering field whose main purpose is creation of staff of the highest academic level in this field that will be capable of independent original scientific research and will be able to develop new technologies for control and reduction of the seismic risk with the ultimate goal of increasing the seismic safety and welfare of their own country. 2. GENERAL 2.1. Proposing Institution, Title and Duration of Syllabus At the SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS), Skopje (hereinafter referred to as UKIM IZIIS), academic doctoral studies in technical sciences earthquake engineering field are organized. The doctoral studies at UKIM IZIIS are organized and realized in line with the rules of the European Credit Transfer System. The doctoral studies are organized by the School for Doctoral Studies at the SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and are realized by UKIM IZIIS, Skopje. The composition and the mode of work of the bodies of the School of Doctoral Studies are regulated by the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies of the SS Cyril and Methodius University. The doctoral studies at UKIM IZIIS last three years, i.e., 6 (six) semesters.

2.2. Terms of Enrollment The enrollment in the doctoral studies is based on a competition announced by the SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. According to the earthquake engineering syllabus, the title to enrollment in doctoral studies is given to persons, who have accomplished a corresponding syllabus and fulfil the criteria defined in the UKIMs Rulebook on Doctoral Studies as follows: Accomplished II cycle of studies harmonized with the European Credit Transfer System; Accomplished post-graduate studies according to syllabi existing prior to the introduction of the European Credit Transfer system for which 60 credits for training in research and education are acknowledged; Acquired professional expertise according to syllabi for regulated professions, with award of at least 300 ECTS credits; Achieved average grade for all the subjects in the previously accomplished high education of at least 8.00;

Knowledge of one of the world wide languages. Evidence on knowledge of a world wide language represents a certificate awarded by the Philological Faculty Blaze Konevski or an international certificate or diploma on previously acquired education in the corresponding world wide language.

Prior to the beginning of each academic year, the Council in charge of the syllabus may also prescribe additional criteria for the enrollment of students in this syllabus. The candidate to apply for the Competition shall submit the following: Filled out application form with indication of the selected syllabus for which the candidate applies; Motivation letter with indication of the field of research and proposal of a supervisor from the list of supervisors; Brief CV; Evidences on fulfillment of the enrollment terms defined in the present Rulebook; Other documentation requested with the Competition.

The entire documentation shall be submitted as a photocopy, while the originals shall be submitted for inspection only. The procedure and the mode of enrollment of the candidates in the syllabus are regulated with the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies of the SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje.

3. SYLLABUS The doctoral studies consist of: Training for research; Elaboration of doctoral dissertation.

Training for Research includes: 1) Attendance of subjects for acquiring knowledge on the methodology of research and generic knowledge, selected from the wider list of offered subjects (3 subjects are selected from list A, given in Appendix 1). 2) Subjects in the field, subjects in the field of research, specific subjects in the narrower field (these can be organized on a mentorship basis, as well) (subjects from list B, given in Appendix 1). 3) Doctoral seminars The elaboration of the doctoral dissertation involves: 1) Preparation of theses original research to be done by the candidate; 2) Application for theses and their defense; 3) Work on the dissertation; 5

4) Submittal of progress reports; 5) Evaluation of the dissertation; 6) Public defense of the dissertation. The candidate shall select the subjects from the list of subjects within the syllabus in agreement with the supervisor.

3.1. Distribution of Credits The total number of credits is 180 and they are distributed as follows: 30 credits for general generic knowledge, workshops and seminars within the frames of the School for Doctoral Studies, 30 credits for the subjects in the considered field, subjects in the field of research, specific subjects in the narrower field and 120 credits for the elaborated doctoral dissertation. (1) Distribution of credits for general generic knowledge, workshops and seminars within the frames of the School for Doctoral Studies (total achieved credits 30) For attendance of the subjects for acquiring knowledge on methodology of research and acquiring generic knowledge selected from the wider list of offered subjects (List A given in Appendix 1) 4 credits x 3 subjects = 12 credits For participation in annual conferences (for three years) -writing of annual report 1 credit x 3 year s = 3 credits -Presentation of results from research For participation in status- seminar -Writing of biannual report -Presentation of results from research For research practice 1 credit x 3 years = 3 credits 1 credit x 3 years = 3 credits 1 credit x 3 years = 3 credits 2 credits x 3 years = 6 credits

(Cooperation with water power economy and business community, workshops, short trainings and other scientific research activities) TOTAL: 30 credits (2) Distribution of credits per subjects in the field, subjects in the field of research, specific subjects in the narrower field (achieved total 30 credits from the list of subjects B) Subjects in the field (List B given in Appendix 1) Subjects in the field of research (List B given in Appendix 1) Specific subjects in the narrower field (these can also be organized on a mentorship basis) (List B given in Appendix 1).

(3) Total number of credits for doctoral dissertation (research achieved total 120 credits) The List of Subjects (List A and List B) and teaching staff is given in Appendix 1 of the Syllabus. 3.2. Teaching The teaching process is carried out in English language. The literature for teaching and scientific-research work is in English language. The lecturing process at the doctoral studies is organized in two main forms: Group teaching and Individual teaching (teaching based on mentorship)

The group teaching represents the main form of doctoral studies and can be organized for all the subjects except for the mentor subjects, whereas the least number of students is 5. The scope of the subject and the number of credits awarded does not depend on whether the subject is taught as organized group teaching or through individual teaching. The selected subjects are entered in the corresponding student file and students booklet of the individual student. The payment of the tuition fee and the enrollment in the semester is the prerequisite for taking examinations in the selected subjects in each semester. Substitution of selected subjects is only possible by submittal of an application for substitution of the subject, by payment of a compensation defined with a special act. The resolution on substitution of selected subjects is passed by the Council in charge of the syllabus. Lecturers from other universities from the country and abroad and persons involved in the countrys economy and the economy of other countries may take part in the realization of the doctoral studies under conditions defined with the law, the Statute of the University and the UKIMs Rulebook on Doctoral Studies. A lecturer may teach three subjects at the most at the doctoral studies throughout an academic year. In the case some subject is divided between two or a number of lecturers, such subject will be proportionally computed in the quota of each lecturer. A student of doctoral studies may attend and take examination in three subjects (at the most) taught by a single lecturer.

Within 6 years, starting from the day of beginning of the semester in which the student was enrolled in the doctoral studies, the student is obligated to pass all the examinations and fulfill all the obligations defined in the syllabus, apply for a doctoral dissertation and defend the doctoral dissertation. This term may be extended in line with the UKIMs Rulebook on Doctoral Studies. The time schedule of the teaching process, the mode of performance of teaching process, the conditions for progress in the course of the studies, mode of checking of the knowledge, the examination terms, the entering of subjects in the students booklet are defined by the Council in charge of UKIM-IZIIS syllabus, prior to the beginning of each academic year. the the the the

3.3. Supervisor The supervisor represents member of the Council in charge of the UKIM-IZIIS syllabus. The stated supervisors in the list of potential supervisors given in Appendix 2 of the syllabus fulfill the criteria pursuant to the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies at the SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje and the resolution made by the Scientific Council of UKIM IZIIS. A lecturer, who fulfills the conditions to be a supervisor, cannot be supervisor of more than 2 candidates enrolled through the same competition, i.e., he/she cannot be supervisor of more than 5 candidates at the same time. The selection and possible replacement of the supervisor is carried out in accordance with the UKIMs Rulebook on Doctoral Studies.

3.4. Theme for Doctoral Dissertation Upon the accomplishment of the first phase (training for research achieved minimum 12 credits) and given that all the anticipated examinations have been passed (achieved 30 credits), the candidate shall apply for a theme for doctoral dissertation at the Council for Doctoral Studies. The candidates, who are acknowledged 60 credits from training for research and education, shall apply for a theme for doctoral dissertation upon the accomplishment of the first semester at the earliest. The doctoral dissertation represents an original and independent scientific work that, according to the methodology of its elaboration and level of contribution to science, is appropriate for concluding that the candidate is capable to work as an independent scientific researcher. The mode of application for the theme and the evaluation of the selected doctoral dissertation are regulated with the Rulebook on Doctoral Studies at the SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. The Council of the Syllabus may also pass additional criteria for application, evaluation and defense of doctoral dissertations.

Upon the effectuated procedure for defense of the doctoral dissertation, the resolution made may read: the candidate has successfully defended the doctoral dissertation or the candidate has not defended the doctoral dissertation.

3.5. Scientific title The student who has successfully defended the doctoral dissertation is awarded the scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences in the field of earthquake engineering.

3.6. Financing of Doctoral Studies The issues referring to coverage of the expenses for the realization of the doctoral studies are regulated by a special act of the SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje.

4. RATIONALE TO THE SYLLABUS IZIIS is located in Skopje, on the foothills of Vodno mountain, in a researcheducational centre equipped with laboratories. Out of the total developed area, about 2500 m2 are covered by laboratories, while 750 m2 represent premises for education and training consisting of a modern library, classrooms and computer center. IZIIS has five laboratories that are used for development of experimental methods and techniques for investigation of the behaviour of structures under the effect of different types of static and dynamic loads. Dynamic Testing Laboratory - The strategic role in this laboratory is given to the two-componental seismic shaking table, which is used for dynamic testing of structures, equipment, substructures, etc. The laboratory is also equipped with two smaller shaking tables, equipment for quasi-static testing of materials, elements, substructures and structures as well as a system for acquisition and processing of data. Geophysical Laboratory This laboratory is intended for special field measurements in the field of engineering seismology and geophysics as are investigations by use of seismic refraction, reflection and tomography, measurement of microtremors and geoelectric resistance. Laboratory for Dynamics of Soils -This laboratory provides data on the dynamic characteristics of soils necessary for definition of the dynamic strength and stability, the soil liquefaction potential and the soil structure interaction. In cooperation with the other IZIIS laboratories, tests on large scale models as well as other specific tests in the field of dynamics of soils and foundation are carried out in this laboratory.

Strong Motion Laboratory This laboratory enables maintenance of the national strong motion instrument network, acquisition, processing and archiving of recorded data on strong earthquakes as well as maintenance of instruments installed on structures of capital importance for the country and the region. Mobile Laboratory for Non-destructive Tests and Measurement of Vibrations This laboratory enables measurement of natural frequencies and vibrations of actual structures and models through techniques of ambient and forced vibrations and identification of structural systems with quality and quantity of built-in materials.


Syllabus of Doctoral Studies Earthquake Engineering APPENDIX 1 LIST OF SUBJECTS AND STAFF


SYLLABUS OF DOCTORAL STUDIES - EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING List A GENERIC SUBJECTS Code of subject DS DS DS DS-ZI-101 DS-ZI-102 20 20 Lecture hours Number of ECTS credits 4 4 4 4 4

Subject Scientific-Research Methodology Course on Scientific-Research Ethics Management of Scientific-Research Project and Writing Scientific-Research Papers Project Planning and Management Contemporary Computer Tools in Structural and Continuum Analysis Advanced Programming Environment For Effective Engineering Education And Innovative Research Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology Introduction to MATLAB and its Application for Engineering Analysis Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation of Experimental Data

Lecturers Offered by the UKIM's School of Doctoral Studies Offered by the UKIM's School of Doctoral Studies offered by the UKIMs School of Doctoral Studies Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sesov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinovic Prof. Dr. Snezana Stamatovska Dr. Katerina Manova, senior scientific collaborator Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Taskov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska Prof. Dr. Snezana Stamatovska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic











Subject Dynamics of Structures on Earthquake Engineering Analysis of Structures

Lecturers Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Taskov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Dr. Biserka Dimiskovska, senior scientific collaborator Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Assist. Prof. Dragi Dojcinovski Prof. Dr. Snezana Stamatovska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sesov Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Dr. Gavril Mirakovski Dr. Dusko Aleksovski Dr. Katerina Manova



Advanced Engineering Materials Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures-General Pinciples Engineering Seismology Soil and Foundation Dynamics Seismo-Geologic Research

DS-ZI-204 DS-ZI-205 DS-ZI-206 DS-ZI-207

30 30 30 30

5 5 5 5


SYLLABUS OF DOCTORAL STUDIES - EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING List B (continuance) SUBJECTS IN THE FIELD OF RESEARCH Code of subject Lecture hours Number of ECTS credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


Lecturers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Taskov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinovic Prof. Dr. Daninlo Ristic Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Assist. Prof. Dragi Dojcinovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sesov Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinovic Prof. Dr. Zoran Milutinovic Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski

DS-ZI-301 DS-ZI-302 DS-ZI-303 DS-ZI-304 DS-ZI-305 DS-ZI-306 DS-ZI-307 DS-ZI-308 DS-ZI-309

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Experimental Mechanics Finite Element Analysis Aseismic Design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel and Masonry Structures Seismic Risk and Vulnerability Analysis Planning and Design of Transportation Systems and Other Infrastructure Systems in Seismic Regions Aseismic Design of Dams Design and Analysis of Structures with Seismic Isolation and Passive Energy Dissipation Systems Strong Earthquakes Seismology and Seismic Microzoning Management of Urban Disasters and Strategic Planning



Code of subject DS-ZI-401 DS-ZI-402 DS-ZI-403 DS-ZI-404 DS-ZI-405 DS-ZI-406 DS-ZI-407

Lecture hours 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Subject Seismic Resistance of Existing Reinforced Concrete Building Structures Seismic Stability of Existing Masonry Buildings Precast and Prefabricated RC Structures Structural Control Foundation Engineering, Soil Structure Interaction Reliability of Structures Repair and Strengthening of Structures Repair and Strengthening of Engineering Structures

Lecturers Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vlatko Sesov Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Prof. Dr. Snezana Stamatovska Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Prof. Dr. Daninlo Ristic





List B (continuance) SPECIFIC SUBJECTS Number of ECTS credits 5 5 5

Code of subject DS-ZI-409 DS-ZI-410 DS-ZI-411

Lecture hours 30 30 30

Subject Protection of Historic Buildings and Monuments Due to Man-made and Natural Disasters Boundary Element Method Technology for Protection of Environment

Lecturers Prof. Dr. Veronika Sendova Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Dr. Biserka Dimiskovska, senior scientific collaborator Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska Prof. Dr. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska

DS-ZI-412 DS-ZI-413 DS-ZI-414

30 30 30

Seismic Stability of Steel Structures Rock Mechanics Advanced Displacement Based Seismic Design Methodologies

5 5 5


Syllabus of Doctoral Studies Earthquake Engineering LIST A GENERIC SUBJECTS


Code of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:

Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof.Dr.MihailGAREVSKI Other lecturers: /

Contents of the subject:

Presently, there is an increasing need for project planning and management in all spheres of human life.Theprojectsarebecomingincreasinglycomplexandcomplicatedimposingtheneedfortrainingof staff to deal with this issue in future. Project planning and management is equally necessary in the practiceofconstructionofcomplexstructuresorstructuresrequiringbiginvestments.Applicationof knowledgeandplanningofprojectsisnecessaryeveninthecaseofcarryingoutbigscientificresearch and educative projects (large scale local and international projects). The contents proposed per this subjectisasfollows: ProjectManagementEnvironment; Projectorganization; Planningandmanagingofhumanandotherresources; Financialplanningandmanagingofprojects; Projectverification; Projectcommunications; Computerapplicationsinprojectdesign.
Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums




Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:




Prof.Dr.M.Garevski,LectureNotes Selectedbooks,publicationsandpapers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Dr.Viktor Hristovski, Full Time Professor

Dr. Violeta Mircevska, Associate Professor Dr. Roberta Apostolska, Associate Professor Dr. Vlatko Sesov, Associate Professor

Contents of the subject:

1. Introduction to using the original computer software FELISA/3M for linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures and continuums as well as proportioning of RC and steel structures according to the MK regulations developed at IZIIS Skopje, Windows and Linux versions. 2. Description of a series of original computer packages for design, proportioning and analysis of RC cross-sections, analysis of dams, etc., useful for the engineering practice, developed at IZIIS Skopje. 3. Introduction to using commercial software PLAXIS for 2D site response analysis in time domain as well as 1D and 2D analysis by conventional approach, in frequency domain, for soil continua. 4. Introduction to using commercial software ANSYS and FLAC with the possibility of incorporation of moduli programmed in the FORTRAN program language. 5. Introduction to application of commercial program packages SAP2000 intended for static and dynamic analysis of structures and PERFORM-3D for nonlinear analysis and evaluation of behavior of 3D structures.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the laboratory No Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing No

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 5% Literature: Obligatory: Obligatory assignments 5% Colloquia No Seminar papers 20 % Written examination 35 % Oral examination 35 %

Manuals for computer programmes FELISA/3M, PLAXIS, ANSYS, FLAC, SAP2000, PERFORM-3D Finite Element Method, O.C.Zienkiewitz and R.L. Taylor, 4th edition, 1989

Additional: The


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Dr.Viktor Hristovski, Full Time Professor

Dr. Violeta Mircevska, Associate Professor Dr. Roberta Apostolska, Associate Professor Dr. Vlatko Sesov, Associate Professor

References referring to competence of the lecturers: [1] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., FEM Progressive Failure Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Members on Shear, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Conference Ecology Concrete 2002 Proceeding Vol. 24, 19-21 June 2002 in Tsukuba, Japan [2] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Comparative Study of FEM Based Reinforced Concrete Analytical Models And Their Numerical Implementation: Software Package FELISA/3M, first fib Congress Concrete Structures in the 21st Century, 13-19 October 2002, Osaka, Japan [3] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Discrete Modeling of Contact Zones Between RC Members With Different Thickness", VSU 2003, 65 Anniversary International Conference, Proceedings, Vol. I, pp. II-170-175, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 30-November 1, 2003 [1] Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. [2] Mircevska V, Bickovski V, Garevski M,Some suggestions for generation of 3D model of dams that is used in the IZIIS-software, European Plaxis Users Meeting,Karlsruhe November 2009 [3] Mircevska V., Bickovski V., M. Garevski ,Some comments about the safety coefficient, European Plaxis Users Meeting, Karlsruhe November 2009 [1] Sesov Vlatko, Zeljko Zugic, Repair of landslide Umka-Duboko on motorway E-763 - seismic performance assessment, International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering from case history to practice IS-Tokyo2009, Japan [2] Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Ramin Motamed, Study on p-y curve for piles subjected to lateral flow of liquefied ground, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Thessaloniki Greece - June 25-28, 2007 [1] R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska and V. Sendova, "Methodology for rehabilitation and seismic strengthening of St. Clement's Church, St. Panteleymon Plaoshnik - Ohrid ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China. [2] R. P. Apostolska , Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagoev, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Design seismic response evaluation for 2D frames and 3D wall systems with flexible foundation using capacity spectrum method ", Proc. of the International Symposium witin the COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, October 23-25, 2008.



Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic

Contents of the subject: National Instruments LabVIEW 1. What is LabVIEW?

Basic Fetures: Faster Programming; Hardware Integration; Advance Analysis; Multiple Targets and OS; Multiple Programming Approaches; Professional User Interfaces; Multicore Programming; Support and Services; Community.

2. How Can I Use NI LabVIEW?

Application: LabVIEW for Acquiring Data and Processing Signals; LabVIEW for Controlling Instruments; LabVIEW for Automating Test and Validation Systems; LabVIEW for Measuring and Controlling Industrial Systems; LabVIEW for Designing Embedded Systems; LabVIEW for Teaching and Research

3. NI LabVIEW Product Family

Add-On Modules and Toolkits: Embedded Design; Control Design and Simulation; Image and Signal Processing; Industrial Monitoring and Control; Report Generation and Data Storage.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers yes Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Literature: Recommended: Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia Seminar papers yes Written examination Oral examination

Bishop, R. H. 2010. Learning with LabVIEW 2009. Prentice Hall Bishop, R. H. 2010. LabVIEW 2009 Student Edition. Prentice Hall Bitter, R., T. Mohiuddin, and M. Nawrocki. 2007. LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques, Second Edition. CRC Press LLC Taylor & Francis Group. Blume, P. A. 2007. The LabVIEW Style Book. Pearson Education, Inc. Essick, J. 2008. Hands-on introduction to LabVIEW for scientists and engineers. Oxford University Press. Johnson, G. W., and R. Jennings. 2006. LabVIEW Graphical Programming, Fourth edition. McGraw-Hill Larsen, R. 2010. LabVIEW for Engineers. Prentice Hall Ponce-Cruz, P., Ramrez-Figueroa, F. D. 2009. Intelligent Control Systems with LabVIEW. Springer Travis, J., and J. Kring. 2006. LabVIEW for Everyone: Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun. Prentice Hall. Engineering Education Resources with LabVIEW;



Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Head of Dynamic Testing Laboratory, since 2006 18 years working experience in the Dynamic Testing Laboratory (Dynlab) at IZIIS, where the main hardware for acquisition of experimental data is from National Instruments, Inc, USA. The software for data acquisition, signal procesing anad analysis, system identification, control and simulation has been developed by Dynalb staff using LabVIEW. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zoran Rakicevic has active engagement in the delopment of the software for signal processing and system indetification using LabVIEW. He has been used LabVIEW and additional modules and toolkits for the last 6 years. Rakicevic, Z., (with collaborators) (2008): Shaking Table Testing of Wienerberger Unreinforced Masonry Models Without and With Antiseismic Devices, IZIIS Report 2008-32. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. (2009): Shaking Table Effectiveness Testing of GERB PDD (Prestressed Damping Device) Control System (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-40. Rakicevic Z. & Mateski, V. (2009): SEISMIC QUALIFICATION by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Combined Instrument Transformer VAU420 Manufactured by KONAR Instrument transformers Inc., IZIIS Report 2009-59.


Code of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:

Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof.Dr.MihailGAREVSKI Other lecturers: Prof.Dr.GolubkaN.CVETANOVSKA Prof.Dr.ZoranMILUTINOVIC Prof.Dr.SnezanaSTAMATOVSKA
Contents of the subject:

Seismic hazard, characteristics and consequences of seismic effects: Seismicity of the World and Macedonia, characteristics and consequences of seismic effects (parameters, wave types, potential chain of collateral hazards, characteristics of earthquake damage to structures, infrastructure and urbansocialsystems),reviewofsignificantearthquakes. Conceptofintegralprotectionagainstseismiceffects:Subjectandmainobjectivesofseismologyand earthquake engineering, definition and control of seismic risk, topical concepts of seismic risk management(physicalandurbanplanning,seismicprotectionofsystems,compoundsandstructures). Engineeringaspectsofseismicprotectionofstructures:Seismicprotectionandmitigationofseismic risk (legislative frame, regulations), seismic protection and regulations (concepts, genesis, structure), recent approaches to planning and design of seismically resistant structures (main assumptions, economic aspects of threats, criteria and structural aspects of seismic design, deterministic design strategies,performancebaseddesignofstructures)instrumentationandmonitoringofstructures. Seismological aspects of protection of structures: Regional seismicity, zoning and microzoning, regionalseismicityandregulations,principlesandcriteriaofprotection(mainfactorsandsegmentsof generalseismicsafety,acceptableseismicrisk,seismicdesigneventsandseismicdesignparameters, economiceffectsof seismicprotection),seismologicalandengineeringmonitoringand quantification ofseismicity. Seismology,earthquakeengineeringandearthquakedisastermanagement:Programmeaspectsand strategies,priorityactionsandtasks,currenttrendsandposedchallenges,legalframe,ethicalaspects ofearthquakeengineeringandintegralseismicprotection.
Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments

Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing


Obligatory assignments

Seminar papers


Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Colloquia Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:




SubjectLecturersLectureNotes Selectedbooks,publicationsandpapers


Code of subject Status of subject

Introduction to Matlab and its application for engineering analysis

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lectures hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus : Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

d-r Katarina MANOVA,

Contents of the subject: The course provides focussed introduction to Matlab and its application to problem solving in engineering and applied mathematics. I. Introduction to Matlab Getting started with Matlab: Some useful commands; Syntax; Basic operators, numbers and formats. Using Matlab in linear algebra: Vectors and vector operations in Matlab; Basic matrix operations in Matlab, determinants, inverse and transpose of matrices, special matrices; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices; Numerical Analysis with Matlab: Matlab functions; Interpolations; Solving systems of linear equations; Solving of nonlinear functions and equations; Numerical integrations and differentiations; Ordinary differential equations. Matlab graphics: 2-D graphics, basic plots, multiplots, subplots; 3-D graphics, plotting three-dimensional objects and surfaces. Flow-control statements in Matlab: for loop; while loop; if statement Programming in Matlab: Scripts and function m-files II. Application in field of student's interest Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the laboratory Yes Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 20% Obligatory assignments 30% Colloquia Seminar papers 50% Written examination 50% Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: "MATLAB Primer" , Kermit Sigmon "An Introduction to MATLAB", David F. Griffiths An introduction to numerical linear algebra, Charles G. Cullen, 1994, selected chapters Numerical mathematics and computing; Ward Cheney, David Kincaid, 1999, selected chapters Additional: Instructive materiels prepared by the IZIISs lecturer


Code of subject Status of subject

Introduction to Matlab and its application for engineering analysis

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lectures hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus : Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

d-r Katarina MANOVA,

References referring to competence of the lecturers: 1. Evaluation of efficiency of ALSC floating-sliding base-isolation system based on shake table test and floor response spectra, Ljubomir Tashkov, Katarina Manova, Lidija Krstevska and Mihail Garevski Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s10518-009-9158-x, Springer, 2009 2. An Introduction to Matlab, Katarina Manova 3. An Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra, Katarina Manova 4. Numerical analysis with Matlab, Katarina Manova Conferences: 1. Evaluation of Floor Response Spectra based on ambient vibration measurements, Tashkov Lj., Krstevska L., Manova K., Gocevski V. and Garevski M., The 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 25 to 29, 2010, Toronto, Canada 2. Advanced Method for solving of HDP, V Mircevska, V.Bickovski, K.Manova, Third International Conference GNP 2010, Zabljak, Montenegro, 2010 3. Modfication of the HS Model developed in PLAXIS, V Mircevska, V.Bickovski, K.Manova, Third International Conference GNP 2010, Zabljak, Montenegro, 2010 4. Determination of epicentral area attributes based on seismogram processing, K. Manova, L.Pekevski First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2006 ECEES, Geneve, Switzerland 5. Time-frequency transforms for seismic signal classification Manova K. Jordanovski Lj. Kon-Popovska M. International Conference on Earthquake Engineering EE-21C, Ohrid, 2005


Code of subject Status of subject

Acquisition, processing and interpretation of experimental data

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. D-r Ljubomir Tashkov Prof. D-r Snezana Stamatovska Assoc. Prof. D-r Lidija Krstevska Assoc. Prof. D-r Zoran Rakicevic

Contents of the subject:

Part 1 Computer program for processing and graphic presentation of experimental results from dynamic testing- software package ARTeMIS. 1. ARTeMIS Testor- Program for geometry generation and application of the experimental data at discrete points; Preparation and organization of the data for analysis; Importing of the data from experimental measurements; connection of the informations from particular data sets and definition of the degree of freedom (test planning); visual control of the time histories (displacements, velocities and accelerations); Data organizing for export to main program for analysis ARTeMIS Extractor. 2. ARTeMIS Extractor Program fro data processing of dynamic response of the structure. Identification of the mode shapes from the experimental response of the structure (working conditions, ambient vibration, shake-table tests, earthquake response, explosions etc.) Methodology and tools: Direct transfer of the measuring data; definition of Spectral Density Functions; Peak-Picking of the dominant frequencies; graphic animation of the mode shapes; presentation of operational mode in time domain; damping determination; examples Part 2 Computer program for strong motion data processing- Software package for processing of the accelerograms from the happened earthquakes STANPROC by which are defined: non-corrected data, corrected data (instrumental correction and base-line correction) calculation of response spectra and Fourier amplitude spectra. All results are calculated numerically and could be presented numerically and graphically. Exercises: processing of the accelerograms. Part 3- Computer program for data processing obtained from the shake-table tests National Instruments DIAdem is interactive program for searching and management of the technical data, mathematical and graphical interactive analysis, and presentation of the data in the reports obtained by acquisition of the signals from the tests end/or generated by other simulations. DIAdem is designed to help researchers to make right decisions and to satisfy the requirements and parameters in experimental investigations and data analysis, which for their side require fast access to large number of data, consistent presentation and visualization of the data. DIAdem offers special combination of the tools which are created to satisfy the requirements of the technicians, engineers and scientists. It offers fast and simple data search and identification of their correlation. The possibility for adjustment of the tools and their automatition through the scripts, allow to drastically reducing of the evaluation time.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory yes Seminar papers yes Field lecturing yes

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Obligatory assignments yes Obligatory: Additional: Colloquia yes Seminar papers yes Written examination yes Oral examination yes


manuals solved examples, papers etc.


Code of subject Status of subject

Acquisition, processing and interpretation of experimental data

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. D-r Ljubomir Tashkov Prof. D-r Snezana Stamatovska Assoc. Prof. D-r Lidija Krstevska Assoc. Prof. D-r Zoran Rakicevic

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Prof. D-r Ljubomir Tashkov LJ. Taskov, L. Krstevska, "Evaluation of dynamic behaviour of Finland Embassy at Algiers based on forced vibration tests after strengthening by DC-90 system", Report IZIIS 2007-15 1. Lj. Taskov, L.Krstevska, "In situ testing of President Palace in Baku, Azerbejdzan, by ambient vibration measurements", IZIIS Report 2007-44 2. LJ. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, K. Manova, "Experimental in-situ testing of NPP Gentilly-2 by ambient vibration method - Phase 1 and 2", Final Reports IZIIS 2008- 56/2 and 2008-57/2 Assoc. Prof. D-r Lidija Krstevska 1. L. Krstevska, M. Kustura and Lj. Tashkov Experimental In-Situ Testing Of Reconsructed Old Bridge In Mostar , paper ID 12-01-0243, Proceedings of the The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering ,October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China 2. L. Krstevska, LJ. Tashkov, G. Altay, F. Aras, "Ambient vibration measurements of Beylerbeyi Palace in Istanbul", PROHITECH FP6 Project , Report of WP7: Experimental analysis - 2008 3. Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov, Vladimir Gocevski and Mihail Garevski, "Experimental and analytical investigation of seismic stability of masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Published online: 28 July 2009 Prof. D-r Snezana Stamatovska Stamatovska S., M.Nastev&D. Petrovski, Uniform Hazard Spectra, First European Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, Paper No. 235. 2. Garevski M.& S.Stamatovska, Seismic Input for Base Isolated Structures, 10-th World Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Structures, Istanbul, May 2007. 3. Snezana Stamatovska, Models of ground motion for local earthquakes, Proceeedings, book 1, Second international Simposium Construction-Science-Practice(GNP 2008), Zabljak, 03-07 March, 2008, p.p.469-474. Assoc. Prof. D-r Zoran Rakicevic 1. Shaking Table Effectiveness Testing of GERB PDD (Prestressed Damping Device) Control System (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-40 2. Shaking Table Testing of Wienerberger Two Storey Masonry Models without and with Antiseismic Devices (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-41, Investor: Wienerberger AG, Austria 3. Seismic qualification by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Oil-Immersed Current Transformer AGU-525, Manufactured by KONAR Instrument transformers Inc. (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-42 1.


Syllabus of Doctoral Studies Earthquake Engineering LIST B SUBJECTS in the SCIENTIFIC FIELD, in the FIELD OF RESEARCH and SPECIFIC SUBJECTS


Code of subject Status of subject

Dynamics of Structures on Earthquake Engineering

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof.Dr. Ljubomir Tashkov Other lecturers:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska

Contents of the subject: Equation of motion, problem formulation and solution methods: free vibrations, damping, dynamic analysis and response of linear systems; concept of response spectrum; response spectrum characteristics; earthquake response of non-elastic systems; yielding effect; ductility demand; constant ductility spectrum; designed yielding strength and deformation; non-elastic response spectra; planar systems with translatory, torzional and rotational movement of the ground; buildings with non-symmetric plan; excitation of multy-support systems; earthquake analysis of linear systems: analysis by time histories, modal analysis, modal equation; multistory buildings with symmetric plan; response spectrum based analysis: peak modal analysis; modal combination rules; multistory buildings with symmetric plan: response spectrum procedure analysis; multistory buildings with nonsymmetrical plan: response spectrum procedure analysis; earthquake response and design of multistory buildings: earthquake response of linear elastic buildings; earthquake response of non-elastic buildings; earthquake dynamics of base-isolated systems; dynamics of structures in seismic building codes.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory no Seminar papers yes Field lecturing no

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Literature: Obligatory: Additional: Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia no Seminar papers yes Written examination yes Oral examination yes

A. Chopra: Dynamics of Structures,1995, video materials


Code of subject Status of subject

Dynamics of Structures on Earthquake Engineering

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof.Dr. Ljubomir Tashkov Other lecturers:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Prof.Dr. Ljubomir Tashkov 1. Lj. Taskov, L. Krstevska, B. Temelkoska, "Experimental evaluation of dynamic behaviour of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), Vol.8, No. 2 (2008) 339-355, June 2008 2. Lj. Tashkov, G. Kokalanov, L. Krstevska, M. Aleksovska Project PROHITECH- Seismic upgrading of Byzantine church by reversible innovative base isolation ALSC floating-sliding system, WP12 final report, IZIIS, August 2008 3. Lj. Tashkov, K. Manova, L. Krstevska and M. Garevski, "Evaluation of efficiency of ALSC floating-sliding base-isolation system based on shake table test and floor response spectra", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Published online: 21 September 2009)

Prof. Dr. Lidija Krstevska 1. Krstevska, L. and Rakicevic, Z. (2007): Measuring of Level of Vibrations in Groupe 35 At Beauharnois Powerhouse in Working Conditions, IZIIS Report 2007-16 2. Lj. Taskov, L. Krstevska, B. Temelkoska, "Experimental evaluation of dynamic behaviour of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), Vol.8, No. 2 (2008) 339-355, June 2008 3. L. Krstevska, Q. Taskov, "Experimental testing of dynamic characteristics of the structures- experience of resent investigations, 13-teen International Simpozium MASE, Ohrid, 14-17 Oktobar 2009, pp. 635-640



Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski

Contents of the subject: Introduction to structural analysis: classification of loads and structural problems. Theory of advanced matrix structural analysis: theory of elasticity, virtual work principles, energy theorems. Direct stiffness (displacement) method: element and structure stiffness formulation, solution methods. Flexibility (force) method: concept and applicability. Computer implementation: solution strategies, basic linear static and dynamic analysis procedures. Theory of large deflections and stability analysis. Introduction to structural analysis theory of nonlinear structures: fundamentals of plastic analysis of structures. Plastic hinge. Elastic-plastic analysis of beams and frames. Basic principles of limit analysis. Influence of axial forces and interaction with bending moments. Fundamentals of FEM application in static model formulation. Fundamentals of FEM application in formulation of models for static analysis. Fundamentals of application of FEM in formulation of models for dynamic analysis. General methods for dynamic problem solution: general equation of motion, step-by-step numerical integration methods, numerical methods for dynamic equilibrium iterations. Strategies and methods for static and dynamic analysis of large nonlinear systems: methods for computation of initial dynamic characteristics (solution of eigen value and eigen vector problems). Introduction to static and dynamic analysis of special structures: analysis of complex systems exposed to combined loads, analysis of seismically isolated structures, analysis of structures with elements for energy dissipation and vibration control. Introduction to advanced techniques for numerical analysis and computer programming, development of specialized computer software and its practical application for experimental and design purposes, application of modern computer software for scientific and design purposes. Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the laboratory / Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Obligatory assignments Yes Colloquia / Seminar papers Yes Written examination Yes Oral examination Yes


Obligatory: Notes containing lectures prepared by Prof. Dr. D. Ristic Additional: Selecteed advanced relevant books and published scientific papers



Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski

References referring to competence of the lecturers: I. Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic

1. Ristic, D., Iemura, H., Ristic, J., Innovative Seismic Isolation Systems for Buildings Capable of Full Seismic Energy Control, Accepted, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 2. Micov, V., Ristic, D., Dorka, U.E., Jovanovic, M., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System With Innovative Multi-Level Seismic Energy Balance, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 3. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Vucinic, M., Jovanovic, M., Advanced Seismic Isolation System for Bridges Based on Optimized Seismic Energy Balance, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) , Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. 4. Three-Year International DFG-Germany-Macedonia Scientific Project (P-2): 1. Principal Investigator From Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator From Germany: Prof. Dr. Uwe Dorka, Univ. of Kassel, 3. Project Title: SUBSHAKE Development of New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying Seismic Shaking Table; Period of Realization 2005-2007, Final Report 2008. 5. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-3): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Innovative ML-GOSEB-System for Seismic Isolation Applicable for Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings; 3. Realization 2005-2007, Final Report: IZIIS 2007-20, Skopje, 2008. 6. Three-Year European FP5 Scientific Project EARTHQUAKE, (P-4): 1. Principal Investigator from Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Towards European Integration in Seismic Design and Upgrading of Building Structures; Task-2: Refined Non-Linear Numerical Simulation of R/C Iinfilled Frames "; 3. Realization 1997-2000, Final Report IZIIS, 2001; 4. List of Participating European Centers/ Research Institutions: 1. University of Bristol-England; 2. European Joint Research Center, Ispra-Italy; 3. ISMES-Italy; 4. University of Ljubljana-Slovenia; 5. Academy of Science-Slovakia; 6. ECOLAND-Romania, and 7. IZIISRepublic of Macedonia. 7. Ristic, D., "Nonlinear Behavior and Stress-Strain Based Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Earthquake Induced Bending and Varying Axial Loads", PhD Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1988.

II. Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski

1. Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., FEM Progressive Failure Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Members on Shear, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Conference Ecology Concrete 2002 Proceeding Vol. 24, 19-21 June 2002 in Tsukuba, Japan 2. Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Comparative Study of FEM Based Reinforced Concrete Analytical Models And Their Numerical Implementation: Software Package FELISA/3M, first fib Congress - Concrete Structures in the 21st Century, 13-19 October 2002, Osaka, Japan 3. Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Discrete Modeling of Contact Zones Between RC Members With Different Thickness", VSU 2003, 65 Anniversary International Conference, Proceedings, Vol. I, pp. II-170-175, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 30-November 1, 2003


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Other lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska, Dr. Biserka Dimishkovska, Scientific Colaborator Contents of the subject:
Introduction into Materials Science: historical prospective, modern materials' needs Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding: fundamental concepts, primary interatomic bonds, secondary bonding, molecules 3. Structure of crystalline solids: crystal structures, crystallographic directions and planes, crystalline and noncrystalline materials 4. Structures and Mechanical Properties of Metals: fundamental concepts, elastic and plastic deformations, hardness, variability of material properties, design/safety factors, Phase diagrams: definitions and basic concepts, the iron-carbon systems, Smart materials: basic concepts and applicability 5. Failure: fracture, brittle and ductile fracture, principles of fracture mechanics, Fatigue and Creep 6. Structures and Mechanical Properties of Ceramics: crystal structures, phase diagrams, mechanical characteristics 7. Structures and Mechanical Properties of Polymers: hydrocarbon molecules, mechanical characteristics, applications and processing of polymers 8. Composite Materials: (1) particle-reinforced composites, (20 fiber-reinforced composites, (3) structural composites, application in earthquake engineering 9. Economic, Environmental and Societal Issues in Materials Science and Engineering: design of materials' components, manufacturing techniques, recycling issues 10. Civil Engineering Materials: Cement and Concrete materials: characteristics, behaviour and stress-strain relationship for monotonic, cyclic and dynamic loading; high performance concrete, specifications of high strength concrete selection of component materials, design mixtures, quality control, mechanical characteristics, degradation of concrete under different conditions, failure mechanism. Reinforcing and Structural Steels: material properties, different classes of structural steel, stressstrain relationships for monotonic, reversed and dynamic loading, degradation of steel under different conditions, failure mechanism. 1. 2.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures + Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments + Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory + (optional) Seminar papers + Field lecturing +

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Obligatory assignments Colloquia (2x15%) Seminar papers 20% Written examination (30%) Oral examination 40%

Literature: Obligatory: (1) W. D. Callister "Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction"(2004) (2)"Reinforced Concrete", Park

R., Paulay T., (1975) (selected chapters); (3)"Fundamentals of High Perfomance Concrete", Nawy E., (2000), John Wiley&Sons, (2000); (4) R. Apostolska,"Primena na ultrajaki betoni vo proektiraweto na seizmi~ki otporni konstrukcii", Doctoral disrtation, UKIM-IZIIS, Skopje,(2003)
Additional: (1) C.Barrett, W. Nix, A. Tetelman "The Principles of Engineering Materials", Prentice-Hal, Inc; (2) T. Filetin, "An overview of the development and application of advanced materials",(3) Instruciotn matrials prepared by lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roberta Apostolska, Dr. Biserka Dimishkovska, Scientific Colaborator

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Jurukovski D., [endova V., Raki~evi} Z., "Novi materijali u konstruktivnom in`ewerstvu", Simpozium JGDK - Materijali i konstrukcije, Surdulica, 2005
Gavrilovi} P., [endova v., "Oja~awe betonskih i zidanih kontstrukcija fiber kompozitnih materijala" , ZBIL, Bawa Luka 2008 Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., "Seismic Retrofitting of Monuments using New (Composite) Materials and Modern technique of Seismic isolation", National Conference of earthquake Engineering, Diyrbakir,Turkey, 2009 [endova V. - Mentor na magisterski trud, "Seizmi~ka za{tita na kulturno istoriski objekti so primena na sovrementi materijali -shape memory alloys", 2009

R. Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, High strength concrete investigations research, development and application, Journal of Engineering, Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Romania, (Tom V, Fascicule 2, ISSN), 2007. R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, Research, development and application of High strength concrete in Macedonia, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of th th the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 292). G. Necevska-Cvetanovska & R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, IZIIScontribution to Development of Advanced MaterialsHigh-Strength Concrete Investigations, (1992-2005), EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005. B. Dimi{kovska, Solid Waste Management in Municipality of Kratovo, Internacionalni nau~no-stru~ni skup Gra|evinarstvo - nauka i praksa, @abqak, Crna Gora, 2008. B. Dimi{kovska, Methods and Postpone Waste Technology, Internacionalni nau~no-stru~ni skup gra|evinarstvo - nauka i praksa, @abqak, Crna Gora, 2008. B. Dimi{kovska, Anaerobic Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste, Seminar of Ecology, Sofija, Bugarija, 2008. B. Dimi{kovska, Risk for Human Health Caused by Asbestos Containing Construction Materials, Bawa Luka, Srpska Republika, 2009.


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:

Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Zivko BOZINOVSKI

Contents of the subject:

Limit state design principles: Philosophy of design: design process, basis of design; Ultimative and serviceability limit states; Characteristics and design values of strength and loading, partial safety factors Basic structural concepts: Design loads acting on structures, (dead loads, live loads, earthquake forces, wind forces and other loads); Design loads acting on elements; Define of seismic forces; load combinations; Desing of structural bearing elements Philosophy of capacity design (bearing and deformability capacity of structures) Behaviour of concrete, (unconfined and confined) under different loading; Behaviour of steel under different loading; Non-linear behaviour of RC elements, M-N interaction diagram

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments / Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory / Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory: Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers Additional: Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Zivko BOZINOVSKI

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Prof. dr. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska 1. G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), "Methodology for seismic design of RC building structures", Proc. of. 12WCEE, New Zealand, 2000. 2. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska Seismic Design of RC Building Structures-IZIIS Practice" Sabor Hrvatskih graditelja 2004-Zbornik radova, Cavtat, str. 331-337 3. Golubka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska & Roberta Apostolska ,"Proektirawe na seizmi~ki otporni konstrukcii vo soglasnost so Evrokod 8 ", 12ti Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Struga, 27-29 septemvri, 2007 god., Vol. 1, VR-4. 4. R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska and N. Mircic, "Seismic performance of flat-slab building structural systems ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 1217, 2008, Beijing, China

Prof. dr. Zivko Bozinovski 1. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Jukka Lahdensivu, Erkki Vesikari, Degradation modes and models for masonry and RC structures, Proceedings of Workshop COST Action C25, Timisoara (Romania), on 23-24 October 2009. 2. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement of Urban Building Envelopes Through Reconstructions, Enlargements, Building of Other Storeys And Revitalization on Existing Residential Buildings in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 3. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Enlargement of Balconies and Upgrading of Existing Residential Building Daskal Kamcev street number 1 in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007.


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject: Associated Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Other lecturers: Prof. d-r Snezana STAMATOVSKA Contents of the subject:
1. Earthquakes: introduction; what causes earthquakes; types of earthquakes; earthquake parameters: foci, epicenter, depth, epicentral distance, seismic energy; tectonics; faults, seismic waves - types; definition of the earthquake strength: intensity, magnitude, seismic scales, ground motion parameters. 2. Engineering aspects of earthquakes: Regional seismic characteristics: seismotectonic model; "Bedrock concept; predominant periods and duration time of regional ground motion parameters; amplitude; attenuation; local seismic influences: Engineering-geological seismic impendence and dynamic response approach in soil media analysis; geotechnical investigations; micro tremors, predominant periods and equivalent soil models, earthquake records, analysis and interpretation of earthquake records; response spectrum: concept, spectral parameters, relations, spectral characteristics and structure; linear and nonlinear spectra, effective response spectra and compatible time histories. 3. Seismic hazard analysis: Methodology, deterministic and probabilistic approach; elements of the seismic hazard, seismic models, earthquakes recurrence relationship, earthquake occurrence probabilistic models (Poisson, Markov, etc.), attenuation, earthquake hazard assessment methods and models, results, application: seismic hazard map, return period diagram, return period concept. 4. Seismic design parameters: seismic risk, return period concept, design parameters based on seismic hazard and risk analysis, (acceleration. Velocity, displacement, duration time), parameters at bedrock and foundation level: and amplification: local soil influence dynamic amplification factor (DAF), response spectra, synthetic accelerograms, time histories, aseismic design criteria: design and maximum earthquake, seismic zoninin, microzoning, codes. 5. Seismic monitoring: Need for seismic monitoring, basic principles, seismic monitoring project, monitoring of engineering structures (high-raised buildings, bridges, dams, etc.) analysis and application of the results.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments / Use of software Yes Practicums in The Laboratory Yes Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing No

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papes Yes Written examination Yes Oral examination Yes

Literature: Obligatory: (1) Lecture textbooks from D. Dojcinovksi and V. Mihailov; (2) Stamatovska Snezana: Ground Motion Models (in Macedonian; Earthquake Spectra (In Macedonian), IZIIS. Skopje. R. Makedonija; (3) "Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis" by Robin K. McGuire, Thomas C. Hanks Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, 2004. Hardcover: ISBN 0-943198-01-1; (4)International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (International Geophysics)Lee W., Kanamori H., Jennings P., Kislinger C. 2002., IASPEI -International Association of Seismology and Earths Interior. Additional: (1) Eartquake Hazard Analysis: Issues and Insights by Leon Reiter, November 1991, ISBN-13: 978023106534 (2) Medvedev S. V. 1965. Inenjerska seizmologija. Graevinska knjiga, Beograd. (3) Modern Global Seismology, Thorn Lay & Terry C. Wallace, Academic Press, 1995


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject: Associated Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Other lecturers: Prof. d-r Snezana STAMATOVSKA References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI

1. Pekevski L., Dojcinovski D. (2005), "Earthquake monitoring and seismic hazard in Republic of Macedonia". Balkan Countries - earthquake monitoring - seismic hazard mitigation. NATO - ARW 11 - 17 Sept 2005, Borovetz Bulgaria 2. Dragi Dojcinovski, Vladimir Mihailov, Guoxin Wang, Seismic Behaviour of Life-line Systems, International Symposium, Civil Engineering Science and Practice, Zabljak, 03-07. March 2008, pp383-p388 3. Raafat E. FAT_HELBARY, Bussein M.EL KHASHAB, Dragi DOJCINOVSKI, Karrar O EL FARAGAWY and Abdel-nasser M. ABDEL-MOTAL; Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Analysis in and around the proposed Tushka new City Site, Southern Egypt, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 5, No. 4(152), 389-398, 2008. 4. Dragi Dojcinovski, Vladimir Mihailov, Comparison Between Seismic Hazard Assessments, Using Poisson's and Markov's Process - Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) and lower Rhine (Belgium) Case Studies; 27th ECGS Workshop, European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology, Seismicity Patterns in the Euro-Med Region, Luxembourg, November 17-19, 2008, 5. Guoxin Wang, Weizheng Wang, Katayoun B. Aafshar, and Dragi Dojcinovski; Seismic Instrumentation of HighRise Buildings, Journal: Natural Sciences, Volume 19, Elsevier, 2009. 6. Mihailov V, Trkulja D. and D. Dojinovski, Seismic Design Parameters based on Seismic Hazard Analysis; Savremeno graevinarstvo, godina I, br. 2, Banja Luka, 2009. Prof. d-r Snezana STAMATOVSKA 1. Stamatovska S. G. A New Ground Motion Model Methodological Approach, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 41, Number 3-4, September 2006, pp.409-423. 2. Snezana Stamatovska, Ground Motion Models for Local Earthquakes, Compedium of papers, book 1, The Second International Symposium Civil Engineering Science and Practice (GNP2008), Zabljak, 03-07 March 2008, pp.469-474. 3. Snezana Gjorgji Stamatovska, Ground Motion Models- State of the art, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 43, Number 2-3, June 2008, pp.267-284. 4. Snezana Stamatovska, Ema Efremova-Stojkovska, Seismic response of the local soil Example: Influence of the seismic input assessment method. Compendium of papers, 13th International Symposium of DGKM. Ohrid, Makedonija, 14-17 October, 2009. Book 2, pp. 725730. 5. Snezana Stamatovska, Local soil response to seismic input compatible with seismic hazard; Compedium of papers: Seismology and Engineering Seismology; pp. 109-118. International Conference on Earthquake Engineering - 40 years from Banja Luka Earthquake. 26-28 October, 2009, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercehovina.


Code of subject Status of subject

Soil and Foundation Dynamics

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D.

Other lecturers:Profesor Mihail Garevski, Ph.D.

Contents of the subject: I. Dynamic soil properties - Dynamic stress-strain relationships - Factors affecting the dynamic soil parameters - Methods for determination of the dynamic soil parameters - Laboratory methods - element tests, shaking table, centrifuge - Field methods - seismic velocities measuring, SPT, CPT, large scale testing Dynamic response of soils - Numeric modeling of local soil conditions - Dynamic response of the geotechnical media - Total stress and effective stress approach - Multiphase modeling of soils Geotechnical instabilities during the earthquakes - Landslides - Liquefaction - Geotechnical hazard mapping Soil condition improvement - Improvement methods - Liquefaction potential reduction - Protection design measures




Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the Laboratory Yes Seminar papers Field lecturing Yes

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Obligatory assignments Yes Colloquia Yes Seminar papers Written examination Yes Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Lecture notes , Prof. Kosta Talaganov, Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov Additional: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Steven L.Kramer, Printice Hall; Soil Behavior in Earthquake

Geotechnics, Kenji Isihara, Klaredon pres Oxford, 1996; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Ikuo Towhata,; Selected Journal Papers


Code of subject Status of subject

Soil and Foundation Dynamics

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D.

Other lecturers: Profesor Mihail Garevski, Ph.D.

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D

International Journal Papers Sesov, V., Talaganov, K., Study on Founding of a Residential-Administrative Complex in Poor Soil Conditions in Seismic Prone Region, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2000; Volume 26; Number 5-8;p.429-435 (Impact factor: 1.182) Sesov, V., Harada N., Towhata I., Takatsu T., Tsunoda S. Development of new drain method for protection of existing pile foundations from liquefaction effects; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 26, Issues 2-4, February-April 2006, Pages 297-312 (Impact factor: 1.182) Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed, Ikuo Towhata, Ngo Tuan Anh "Experimental Study on Large Pile Groups in Sloping Ground Subjected to Horizontal Displacement of Liquefied Ground: 1-g Shaking Table Tests" , Soils and Foundations, Journal of Japanese Geotechnical Society, (April 2010) Other selected scientific papers Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Marcelo Gonzalez, Performance of Pile Foundation in Multi-Layered Liquefied Soil 16 ICSMGE, September 12-16, 2005, Osaka, Japan Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Ramin Motamed, "Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution in a Large Group Pile Caused by Flow of Liquefied Sandy Ground", 1st ECEES Conference, September 3-8, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed and Ikuo Towhata Shaking Model Tests on behaviour of group piles undergoing lateral flow of liquefied subsoil, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China Sesov Vlatko , Kemal Edip, "Application and Experience Related To EC8 In Macedonia", EC7 & Geotechnical aspects of EC8, October 29-31, 2008 Ohrid lake, Macedonia Scientific Project : "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Principal investigator, Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011 FP7 Project UREDITEME - Upgrading of Research Equipment for Dynamic Testing of Large Scale Models responsible person for scientific and technological issues FP7 Project SERIES - Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures For European Synergies deputy coordinator from UKIM - IZIIS


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Number of lectures





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus: Earthquake engineering Name and the surname of the professors: Principal lecturer in the subject : Dr. Gavril Mirakovski, grad. eng. geophysicist. Other lecturers :

Dr. Dushan Aleksovski, grad. eng. geophysicist Dr. Katarina Manova, grad. el. engineer

Contents of the subject : 1. Geotectonic Explorations (Earth structure and global tectonic, geophysic explorations); 2. Seismotectonic Explorations (earthquakes and regional tectonic, geologic and geophysical research); 3. Local site Investigation and modeling (detail geologic, geophysic and geomechanic investigatin and modeling of seismo-geological structure); 4. Seismic Research

Seismic signals - generation, transmission, registration and processing; Seismic methods - refractions, reflectiions, surface waves, and seismic tomography;

5. Application of Data Bases and GIS in the seismo-geological exploration; 6. Endangerment and protection of the environment (atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere due to seismo-geologic explorations).

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software Practicums in the laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Obligatory: lecture notes

Additional: skilled literature


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Number of lectures





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus: Earthquake engineering Name and the Surname of the Professors: Principal lecturer in the subject : Dr. Gavril Mirakovski, grad. eng. geophysicist. Other lecturers :

Dr. Dushan Aleksovski, grad. eng. geophysicist Dr. Katarina Manova, grad. el. engineer

References referring to competence of the lecturers : 1. Mirakovski G., "Seismic Magnitude of Lithomedia and Seismic Effect due to Blasting Explosions", 2009, 5th Congress of Balkan Geophisical Society, Belgrad. 2. Mirakovski G., "Migration of Material and Finite Number of Rift-Systems in the Tectonosphere", 2009, 5th Congress of Balkan Geophisical Society, Belgrad. 3. Mirakovski G., "Riftgene Structure of the Lithosphere Mediterranean Rift-Systems and Balkan Area Structuring", 2009, 5th Congress of Balkan Geophisical Society, Belgrad. 4. Mirakovski G., Gjorgjeska I., " Possibilities for Field Survey of Local Amplification of Seismic Effect", 4th International Conference on Sciences and Technology for Safe Development of Lifeline Systems- Natural Risks Investigations in Earth Sciences and Protection of Environment in CEI Countries August 30-September 1, 2009 in Skopje/ Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 5. Mirakovski G., "Tectonic and Seisotectonic Structure of the Geospace of R.Macedonia ", Abstract for 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, August 30-September 3, 2010 in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. Prof. Dr Lidija KRSTEVSKA Other lecturers: Prof. Dr Ljubomir TASHKOV, Assoc. Prof. Dr Zoran RAKICEVIC

Contents of the subject:

1. Introduction to experimental mechanics; Physical modeling in structural engineering. 2. Theory of physical models: Dimensional Analisys - Buckingham's theorem, examples; Types of physical models: true-replica, adequate and distorted. Linear models; nonlinear models. Characteristics of materials for models (, , , ); strain rate effect, time simulation, size effect, ductility, fabrication. Materials for physical models; plastics, epoxy resins, metals and alloys, micro concrete, gypsum and gypsum-sand mixtures, reinforcement simulation. Modeling od RC, masonry and steel structures. Examples. 3. Seismic shaking tables. Characteristics of shaking tables; size, material, mass, kinematic properties, overturning moment, foundation, displacement, velocity and acceleration. Field of application; Degrees of freedom. Control of the motion. Methodology of testing. Examples. 4. Pseudo-dynamic testing of models. Reaction walls. 5. Quasi-static testing of elements ans structures. Definition, field of application and identified quantities; P; M-; ; stiffness and deformability, ductility and energy dissipation. Equipment. Procedure for quasi-static testing. Loading histories. Controlled variables. Examples for quasi-static testing of wall samples, frame structures, shear-wall systems, steel frames. 6. Full-scale testing of structures. The needs and objectives. Testing methods. Forced vibration testing method - theory, equipment, procedure, identified quantities. Method of ambient vibration measurement; theory, equipment, testing procedure, identified quantities. Aplicative software for dataprocessing and presentation. Examples. 7. Instrumentation of structures and models - principles and application. Transducers. Static and dynamic characteristics of transducers. Load transducers, accelerometers, displacement transducers, strain gauges. Wheatstone bridge and measuring of axial force, moment. Data acquisition. 8. Analysis of experimental data. Possible experimental errors when testing structures and models. Methods for fitting data; method of least squares.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory yes Seminar papers yes Field lecturing yes

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia yes Seminar papers yes Written examination yes Oral examination yes

Literature: Obligatory: Lecture notes; Internal lecture notes - Exercices Additional: Scientific papers and related materials, video materials


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. Prof. Dr Lidija KRSTEVSKA Other lecturers: Prof. Dr Ljubomir TASHKOV, Assoc. Prof. Dr Zoran RAKICEVIC

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Dr Lidija Krstevska 1. L. Krstevska, LJ. Taskov, " Definition of dynamic characteristics of dams by experimental in-situ testing - IZIIS experience", International Conference HYDROPOWER 2006 proceedings, Kunming, China, October 2006 2. L.Krstevska, Lj.Taskov , Verification of Effectivenes of Seismic Protection And Retrofit Techniques By Experimental Testing, Malta Symposium, COST Action C26 Urban habitat construction under catastrophic events", Malta, 2008, pp 223-228 3. Krstevska, L., Tashkov, L., Gramatikov, K., Landolfo, R., Mammana, O., Portioli, F. and Mazzolani, F. [2008] "Shaking table tests on the large scale model of Mustafa Pasha Mosque without and with FRP", Proceedings of the sixth international Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction - SAHC2008, 2-4 July, Bath, United Kingdom, p.p.383-391

Prof. Dr Ljubomir Tashkov 1. Tashkov, Lj., Krstevska, L., "Vibration testing methodology of turbo-generator foundations - IZIIS experience", 1st International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, IOMAC, 2627 April, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings, p.p.313-320 2. Lj. Tashkov, L. Krstevska Shaking table test of one pole, three-phase single pole operated outdoor SF6 cirquit breaker, incorporating one interrupter per pole type SFEL 14, Report IZIIS 2008-71/1

3. Lj. Tashkov, G. Kokalanov, L. Krstevska, M. Aleksovska Project PROHITECH- Seismic upgrading of Byzantine church by reversible innovative base isolation ALSC floatingsliding system, WP12 final report, IZIIS, August 2008

Assoc. Prof. Dr Zoran Rakicevic 1. Krstevska, L. and Rakicevic, Z. (2007): Measuring of Level of Vibrations nn Groupe 35 At Beauharnois Powerhouse in Working Conditions, IZIIS Report 2007-16 2. Rakicevic, Z., (with collaborators) (2008): Shaking Table Testing of Wienerberger Unreinforced Masonry Models Without and With Antiseismic Devices, IZIIS Report 200832. 3. Shaking Table Effectiveness Testing of GERB PDD (Prestressed Damping Device) Control System (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-40


Code of subject Status of subject Semester


Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska

Contents of the subject:

1. INTRODUCTION 2. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS MATHEMATICAL MODELS: discrete models, static problems with numerical examples, variation formulation, propagation problems, continuous models. 3. WEIGHT-INTEGRAL AND WEAK FORMULATIONS: need for weight-integral forms, derivation of a weak form for a given differential equation with examples, variation methods of approximation, Reley-Ritz method, numerical examples. 4. FINITE ELEMENTS IN ELASTIC CONTINUUM: basic relations in the element, generalization of entire region, deformation approach as minimization of total potential energy. 5. STRESS PLAIN AND DEFORMATION PLANE: triangular element with 3 nodes. 6. AXISYMMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STRESSES: triangular element with 3 nodes axisymmetric case, comparison between axisymmetry and deformation plane & stress plain. 7. THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF STRESSES: three-dimensional tetrahedric element. 8. INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS: standard and hierarchical concept, standard interpolation functions, rectangular element serendipity family of elements, trianglar elements, area coordinates for triangles, three-dimensional rectangular prisms. 9. CURVILINEAR ELEMENTS AND NUMERICAL INTEGRATION: parametric curvilinear coordinates, transformations, numerical integration (Newton-Cotes quadratures, Gaussian quadrature), example. 10. IMPLEMENTATION OF ISOPARAMETRIC ELEMENTS IN COMPUTER CODE: computer programme FEM3, interpretation of results obtained from analysis.
Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the laboratory No Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing No

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 5% Obligatory assignments 5% Obligatory: Additional: Colloquia No Seminar papers 20 % Written examination 35 % Oral examination 35 %


The Finite Element Method, O.C.Zienkiewitz and R.L. Taylor, 4th edition, 1989


Code of subject Status of subject Semester


Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

[1] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., FEM Progressive Failure Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Members on Shear, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Conference Ecology Concrete 2002 Proceeding Vol. 24, 19-21 June 2002 in Tsukuba, Japan [2] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Comparative Study of FEM Based Reinforced Concrete Analytical Models And Their Numerical Implementation: Software Package FELISA/3M, first fib Congress - Concrete Structures in the 21st Century, 13-19 October 2002, Osaka, Japan [3] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Discrete Modeling of Contact Zones Between RC Members With Different Thickness", VSU 2003, 65 Anniversary International Conference, Proceedings, Vol. I, pp. II-170-175, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 30November 1, 2003 [1] Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. [2] Mircevska V, Bickovski V, Garevski M,Some suggestions for generation of 3D model of dams that is used in the IZIIS-software, European Plaxis Users Meeting,Karlsruhe November 2009 [3] Mircevska V., Bickovski V., M. Garevski ,Some comments about the safety coefficient, European Plaxis Users Meeting, Karlsruhe November 2009


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA, Prof. dr. Veronika SENDOVA

Contents of the subject:

Learning from past earthquakes - damages of different structures during recent earthquakes. Behaviour of structures under earthquake and dynamic loas. Concepts of seismic design; seismic design and seismic performance, (seismic design limit states; structural properties). Structural systems for seismic resistance, (structural systems for seismic forces, influence of building configuration on seismic response, structural classification in terms of design ductility levels). Definition of design quantities, (design loads and forces, design load combinations, strength definition and relationship, strength reduction factors, earthquake seismic forces). Basic principles of earthquake resistant design of building structures and safety criteria. Methodology and approach for seismic design of structures. Philosophy of capacity design, (main features, illustrative analogy, capacity design of structures, illustrative example). Behaviour of concrete, (unconfined and confined) under different loading; Behaviour of steel under different loading; Non-linear behaviour of RC elements, M-N interaction diagram. Behaviour and failure mechanism in masonry structures. Comparison of the seismic forces obtained by different codes. Seismic codes of practice-briew review. Advanced performance based design methodologies general terms. Numerical examples for analysis, design and evaluation of seismic resistance of building structures.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory / Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory: "Reinforced Concrete", Park R., Paulay T., 1975 Seismic Design of RC and Masonry Structures, Paulay&Priestley 1992 Seismic Design of Buildings, Wakabayashi, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986 EUROCODE 8:Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance-Part 1:General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, 2004. Seismic Design Handbook, F. Naeim, 2nd Edition, 2002. Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes, P. Fajfar and H. Krawinkler, Editors, 1997. Additional: Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA, Prof. dr. Veronika SENDOVA

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Prof. D-r Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska 5. G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), "Methodology for seismic design of RC
building structures", Proc. of. 12WCEE, New Zealand, 2000.

6. G. Necevska Cvetanovska "IZIIS Methodology for Seismic Design of R/C building Structures"
International Conference VSU' 2003, Sofia, October 30 -November 1 , 2003, Vol. I, pp II-112-117.
th st

7. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, U. Terzic, Displacement based design

approach for design of RC frame building structures, First European Conference on Earthquake th th Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 296).

Assoc. Prof. D-r Roberta Apostolska

1. R. Petrusevska-Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, New Trends in Development of next Generation of Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005 R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska and N. Mircic, "Seismic performance of flat-slab building structural systems ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China. Apostolska R.,Building Structures under Earthquake Actions Nonlinear Response, Evaluation of Seismic Resistance, Seismic Protection and Strengthening, Seminar gave at the Instituto de Ingeneria, UNAM, Mexico City, october, 2009.

2. 3.

Prof. D-r Veronika Sendova

1. Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., Stojanovski B., "Reconstruction, Seismic Strengthening and Repair of the St. Athanasius Church in Leshok Case Study", Proc. of the 13th World Conferencs on earthquake Engineering 13 WCEE, Canada, 2004, Paper No.63 Garevski M, Sendova V., Stojanoski B., "Reconstruction of the Orthodox Cathedral Church the Virgin Mary in Skopje", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (a th th joint event of the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 2006 Sendova V, Gavrilovic P., Stojanoski B., "Integrated Approach in Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje", Seismic Engineering International Conference Commemorating 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake, Reggion Calabria, Italy, 2008.




Code of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Status of subject





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering

Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof.Dr.ZoranMILUTINOVIC Other lecturers: /
Contents of the subject:

Fundamentals of seismic hazard analysis: Seismic source parameters; effect of local conditions; main collateral hazards: landslides, liquefaction, tsunami; seismic parameters for seismic vulnerability and risk analysis. Earthquake induced damage and usability classification: Inventory of elements at risk; classification of damage and usability of structures, transportation systems and lifeline systems, facilities with crucial functionsinemergencysituations,facilitiessusceptibletoextensivedamage. Vulnerabilityconcept,vulnerability/fragilityfunctions:Empirical,experimentalandanalyticalvulnerability functions for buildings and structures; vulnerability of nonseismically and seismically constructed structures;damagepotentialandvulnerabilityofinfrastructureandpublicutilitysystems. Seismicriskanalysis:Inventory,presentationanddensityofdistributionofelementsatrisk,lossprediction potential, loss per elements at risk, analysis of cumulative loss and presentation. Seismic risk analysis, optimizationofseismicrisk,acceptableseismicrisklevel. GIS Technology for Management of Disasters and Emergency Situations: Introduction, stateoftheart, inventory, attribution and connection of data, elaboration and structuring of layers, analysis, thematic mapping, generation of results, decision making. Traditional versus dynamic systems for supporting decisionmaking.Newtechnologiesformonitoringanddisasterriskmanagement.
Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments

Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing


Obligatory assignments


Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:





Prof.Dr.Z.Milutinovic,LectureNotes Selectedbooks,publicationsandpapers



Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Prof. Dr. Vlado MICOV

Contents of the subject: Typical earthquake damage to bridges: effects of site conditions and structural configuration, damage to substructures, bearings and superstructures. Seismic analysis of bridges: concept of a single-degree-offreedom system, concept of a multi degree-of-freedom system, application of response spectrum, linear dynamic analysis, nonlinear dynamic analysis. Nonlinear expert analysis of bridges: classification, general guidelines, nonlinear section analysis, formulation of nonlinear models, nonlinear analysis of integral bridges. Seismic design philosophy: basic seismic design philosophy, performance-based criteria, performancebased design. Seismic design of reinforced concrete bridges: Performance of columns, flexural and shear design of piers, pier-beam connections, pierfooting design. Seismic design of steel bridges: ductile moment resisting frame, ductile braced frame, combined systems. Seismic isolation of bridges: basic concept, modeling and analysis, modeling of seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices, performance and testing requirements, design guidelines. Soil-foundation-structural interaction: Typical problems, characterization of soil-foundation-structure interaction. Seismic retrofitting: information system, identification, prioritization, performance criteria, structural state diagnosis, retrofit design. Structural health monitoring, dynamic in-situ testing, seismic instrumentation of bridges, bridge maintenance. Seismic design of transportation systems and lifelines: seismic parameters, collateral hazards (fault rupture, landslides, rock falls, liquefaction, tsunamis). Damage and vulnerability assessment: vibration induced effects, ground failure along the routes and specific structural systems, earthquake damage classification and damage potential. Planning and design of regional and urban lifelines: water supply systems, gas systems, design of specific structures, pipelines, underground structures; principal code requirements. Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the Laboratory Yes Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Obligatory assignments Yes Colloquia / Seminar papers Yes Written examination Yes Oral examination Yes


Obligatory: Notes containing lectures prepared by Prof. Dr. D. Ristic Additional: Selecteed advanced relevant books and published scientific papers



Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject




Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Prof. Dr. Vlado MICOV

References referring to competence of the lecturers

I. Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic

1. Micov, V., Ristic, D., Dorka, U.E., Jovanovic, M., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System With Innovative Multi-Level Seismic Energy Balance, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 2. Ristic, D., Jovanovic, Dorka, U., New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying th Seismic Shaking Table, Proceedings from the 12 Symposium of MASE, Ohrid, R. Macedonia, 2007. 3. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Vucinic, M., Jovanovic, M., Advanced Seismic Isolation System for Bridges Based on Optimized Seismic Energy Balance, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) , Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. 4. Three-Year Bilateral (Macedonia-Serbia) Scientific Project (P-1): 1. Principal Investigator from Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator From Serbia: Prof. Dr. Radomir Folic, Univ. of Novi Sad,; 3. Project Title: Development of Innovative Systems for Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control Efficient for Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings; 4. Period of Realization 2005-2007, Final Report of Bilateral Scientific Project Serbia-Macedonia, Report IZIIS 2007-30, Skopje, 2008. 5. Three-Year International DFG-Germany-Macedonia Scientific Project (P-2): 1. Principal Investigator From Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator From Germany: Prof. Dr. Uwe Dorka, Univ. of Kassel, 3. Project Title: SUBSHAKE Development of New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying Seismic Shaking Table; Period of Realization 2005-2007, Final Report 2008. 6. Three-Year American Scientific Project (Bilateral Project: Macedonia-USA) (P-5): 1. Principal Investigator from Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo RISTIC, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator from USA: Prof. Dr. Mihailo D. Trifunac, Univ. of Southern California, USA; 3. Project Title: Systems for Seismic Isolation Applicable For Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges; 4. Period of Realization 1997-2000, United States-Macedonian Science and Technology Cooperation Programme, Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 2001. 7. Ristic, D., "Nonlinear Behavior and Stress-Strain Based Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Earthquake Induced Bending and Varying Axial Loads", PhD Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1988.

II. Prof. Dr. Vlado MICOV

1. Micov V., Tashkov Lj., Krstevska L., Mircevska V., "Diagnosis of Existing Conditions and Proposed Solution for Repair of Reinforced Concrete Chimney with a Height of 180 m in Thermal Power Plant Oslomey", Main and Working Design, IZIIS 2009-18, Skopje, March, 2009. 2. Micov V., Hristovski V., Garevski M., "Pedestal of the Tzar Samuil Monument" Main Project Phase Structure, IZIIS Report 2008-64. 3. Micov V., Stojmanovska M., "Pedestal of the Monument Presenting the Founders of TMRO" Main Project Phase - Structure, IZIIS Report 2009-28.


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska Principal lecturer in the subject: prof. d-r Mihail Garevski Other lecturers: Contents of the subject:

1. Aseismic Analysis of Gravity Dams: Seismic behavior of dams exposed to strong motion, types of damage patterns, Concepts for seismic analysis, definition of stiffness and mass , calculation of eigen values, hydrodynamic pressures, interaction dam-rock mass, , nonlinear seismic analysis, non-deterministic approach. Seismic response, strength and failure criteria, earthquake proof provisions and ICOLD recommendations. 2. Aseismic Analysis of Arch Dams: Seismic analysis of arch dams, types of damage patterns free field tests, measuring of natural vibration properties and recognition of the terrain. Methods for evaluation the earthquake response, design criteria, and interaction dam-fluid-foundation. Hydrodynamic pressure at rigid and flexible weirs, analytical and experimental results. Seismic response of arch dams, behaviour of construction joints, concept of dissipation of seismic energy, earthquake proof provisions and recommendations, preliminary design of arch-dams, ICOLD recommendations. 3. Aseismic Analysis of Earth- fill Dams: Seismic analysis of earth- fill dams, seismic behaviour, damage patterns, Seismic response , mathematical models, definition of stiffness and mass , calculation of eigen values, nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis, effect of dam-foundation-fluid interaction, 3d effect and effect of the shape of the dam and the terrain. Stability criteria, ICOLD recommendations. 4. Aseismic Analysis of Rock- fill Dams: Seismic analysis of rock- fill dams, seismic behaviour, damage patterns, Seismic response , mathematical models, definition of stiffness and mass , calculation of eigen values, nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis, effect of dam-foundation-fluid interaction, 3d effect and effect of the shape of the dam and the terrain. Stability criteria, ICOLD recommendations. 5. Special issues considered: Numerical modeling of dams, 2D and 3D FEM analysis, enhanced by application of contacts and boundary elements in order to achieve the most realistic mathematic model of the real structure. Application of software.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures YES Practicums YES Numerical and graphic assignments YES Use of software YES Practicums in the laboratory NO Seminar papers YES Field lecturing NO

Mode and checking of knowledge :

Regular attendance of lectures YES Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers YES Written examination YES Oral examination YES

Literature: obligatory:
Variaty of Literature due to the complexity of the subject and ICOLD recommendations 1. Engineering of Large Dams I and II part, H.H. Tomas, John&Wilet and Sons, 1976 2. Earthquake Engineering for Large Dams,R.Priscu,A.Popovici,D.Stematiu,C. Stere , John&Wilet and Sons, 1985 3. ARCH-DAMS, PROCEEDINGS 11 WECC 4. EARTH AND ROCK FILL DAMS, H.D. SHARMA,&BHARAT SINGH,INDO-AMERICAN TEXTBOOK PROGRAMME, FIRST EDITION 1976 5. WATER PRESSURES ON DAMS DURING EARTHQUAKES, H.M.WSTERDAARD, M.Am.SOC. C.E


Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska Principal lecturer in the subject:
Other lecturers:

prof. d-r Mihail Garevski

References referring to competence of the lecturers: 1. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. 4 2. V.Mircevska, M.Garevski, N. Pojani, F. Hodza Collaboration between Albania and Macedonia in the field of Seismic Safety of Dams Bilateral research project, IZIIS 2007-23, September 2007 3. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., M.Garevski Computation procedure in Compliance with Mohr-Coulomb Yielding Criterion Research reports, Invited LecturesGeotechnical seminar,Review 2007, Institute fur Geotechnik der Technischen Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg 4. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V.M.Garevski , Assessment of Dynamic Stability of Rock-Fill Dam , SLOCOLD, Nova Gorica, 27 May 2006 , Slovenija 5. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., FLUID - DAM INTERACTION Theory of BEM, INDIS 2006, Novi- Sad ,22-24 November,2006 6. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., " Dam-Fluid Interaction" , MCOLD and II Congres of Dams , Struga , May 2008 7. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program FILT3D-IZIIS with PLAXIS- phase of filtrationEngineering Problem from Practice " , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 8. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program PROC3DN with PLAXIS- phase static Engineering Problem from Practice" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 9. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Modeling of Structural Joints for Arch Dams" MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 10. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, Use of BEM in solving Fluid-Structure interaction:, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 11. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, M. Garevski A Benchmark test of a software- FILT3D, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009



Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic

Contents of the subject:


Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers yes Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia Seminar papers yes Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Recommended: Soong T.T., Constantinou M.C., (1994). Passive and Active Structural Vibration Control in Civil Engineering, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 345, International Center for Mechanical Sciences, Udine Italy, Springer Verlag. Soong T.T., Dargush G.F., (1997). Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in Structural Engineering, Wiley Constantinou M.C., Soong T.T., Dargush G.F., (1998). Passive Energy Dissipation Systems for Structural Design and Retrofit, Monograph Series, MCEER, Buffalo, NY, USA, 1998. Takewaki, I., (2009). Building Control with Passive Dampers: Optimal Performance-based Design for Earthquakes. Wiley-IEEE Press Franklin Y. Cheng, F. Y., Jiang, H., Lou, K. (2008). SMART STRUCTURES - Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control. CRC Press - Taylor &: Francis Group. LLC Lindeburg, M. R., Kurt M. McMullin, K. M. (2008). Seismic Design of Building Structures: A Professionals Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details. Professional Publications, Inc. Baradar, M. (2009). 345 Solved Seismic Design Problems. Professional Publications, Inc. Skinner, I. R., Robinson, W. H., McVerry, G. H. (1993) An Introduction to Seismic Isolation. John Wiley & Sons Naeim, F., Kelly, J.M. (1999) Design of Seismic Isolated Structures: From Theory to Practice. Wiley. Christopoulos, C., Filiatrault, A., (2006). Principles of Passive Supplemental Damping and Seismic Isolation. IUSS Press. Higashino, M. (2006) Response Control and Seismic Isolation of Buildings (Cib Proceedings). Taylor & Francis Technical Reports UCB/EERC (University of California at Berkeley/Earthquake Engineering Research Center, California, USA) Technical Reports MCEER (Formerly NCEER), multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA) Journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Journal Earthquake Spectra; Journal Engineering Structures. Journal Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; ASCE Journal of Engineering Structures. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering; ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Proceedings of World and European Conferences for Earthquake Engineering . Proceedings of World and European Conference on Structural Control EN 1998 EUROCODE 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance FEMA 450 - NEHRP Recommended Provisions and Commentary for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures. 2003 Edition



Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Code of subject

Status of subject





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic 1. Jurukovski, D., Petkovski, M. and Rakicevic, Z. (1995): Energy Absorbing Elements in Regular and Composite Steel Structures, Engineering Structures, Vol. 17 No. 5 pp 319-333, Butterworth Heinemann, Elsevier Science Ltd. 2. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (1996): Systems for Control of Dynamic Behaviour of Structures Excited by Strong Earthquakes", Journal of Engineering Creation and Technology, Vol.1, No. 1 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 3. Rakicevic Z. & Jurukovski D. (2001): Optimum Design of Passive Controlled Steel Frame Structures, IZIIS Report 2001-59, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 4. Rakicevic, Z, Jurukovski, D. and Nawrotzki, P. (2006): Analytical Modeling of Dynamic

Behavior of a Frame Structure with and without Base Control System, Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 11-13, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. 5. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Optimal Damping Capacity of Steel Frame Structures, 4-th European Conference on Structural Control, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, September 8-12, 2008. 6. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Earthquake Resistant Design Needs Structural Control, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17, 2008.


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject: Ass. Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Other lecturers: Associated prof. d-r Vlatko SESOV

Prof. d-r Zoran MILUTINOVIC

Contents of the subject:
1. Focal mechanics and strong earthquake motion characteristics: energy release, size and types of earthquake focus; seismic energy radiation and ground motion characteristics; correlation between ground motion parameters, magnitude, epicentral distance and depth; translational and rotational components of the ground motion. 2. Recording and analysis of the strong ground motion: network of instruments, location of instruments, instrumentation of buildings, dams and important/vital structures; recorded data processing; defining the ground motion characteristics through analysis of recorded data; interpretation of the records obtained on structures. 3. Seismic risk analysis: seimic zones; seismic activity models; transfer functions; probabilistic model of regional seismic activity; seismic risk for important structures. 4. Methods and techniques for seismic micro zoning: general principles for seismic micro zoning, criteria for method selection and seismic micro zoning procedures practices; minimum requirements; examples/cases in Japan, USA, Macedonia,... 5. Application of seismic micro zoning: data and parameters for technical and economic planning and design; application in planning and design of special and expensive important/vital structures; application in urban and industrial zones; application for urban planning, development and design; recommendation and guidelines for urban planning and design in seismic prone areas. 6. GIS methodology for seismic micro zoning in urban regions.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments / Use of software Yes Practicumes in The Laboratory / Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing No

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers Yes Written examination Yes Oral examination Yes

Literature: Obligatory: (1) Lecture Textbook Ass. Prof. D. Dojcinovski; (2) Lecture Textbook Prof. Milutinovic; (3) Selected materials Associated .Prof. Vlatko Sesov International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (International Geophysics)Lee W., Kanamori H., Jennings P., Kislinger C. 2002., IASPEI -International Association of Seismology and Earths Interior. Additional: (1) Strong Motion Instrumentation for Civil Engineering Structures M. Erdik, M.Celebi, V. Mihailov, and N. Apadyn (2) Manual for Zonation on Seismic Geotechnical hazards - TC4 , ISSMGE


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Ass. Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Associated Prof. d-r Vlatko SESOV Prof. d-r Zoran MILUTINOVIC

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Ass. Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Principal investigator," Seismic monitoring of strictures with respect to geological conditions ", Macedonian - P.R. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2007 2009, Participant, "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011 Principal Coordinator, " Unified seismic hazard mapping for the territory of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Republic Macedonia", CEI Cooperation Activity & Cooperation Programme for 20092010, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje; Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Skopje, National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania, Reference Number 1202.038-09.2009-2010. Guoxin Wang, Weizheng Wang, Katayoun B. Aafshar, Dragi Dojcinovski; Seismic Instrumentation of HighRise Buildings, Journal: Natural Sciences, Volume 19, ELSEVIER, 2009. Aleksovski D., Dojcinovski D., Sesov V.; HE Brezic:Geophysical investigations and seismic microzoninig,Report: IZIIS-2008-69, 2008 Aleksovski D., Dojcinovski D., Sesov V.; HE Suhadol:Geophysical investigations and seismic microzoninig,Report: IZIIS-2009-53, 2009 Associated Prof. d-r Vlatko SESOV Principal investigator, "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011

Principal adviser - Geotechnical Terrain Instabilities Analysis in Urban Areas Using GIS Methodology Julijana Cvetanovska , Master Thesis , 2009
Prof. d-r Zoran MILUTINOVIC


Code of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours

Status of subject





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:

Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:


Contents of the subject:

Recentnaturalandtechnologicaldisasters:Socioeconomicandpoliticalcontextofdisasters:traditional and recent threats. Geography of disasters. Recent loss factors. The most important aspects. Disaster threatsandgeneraleffects.Anatomyofindividualdisasters.Processofdefinitionofthreatsanduseof information on threats associated with disasters. Disaster agents: poverty, population growth, urbanization, environmental degradation, lack of awareness and information, wars and social unrests. Disaster phases: disasters of fast and slow genesis. Characteristics of individual hazards and disasters: earthquakes, tsunami, tropical cyclones, floods, draughts, environmental pollution, deforestation, epidemics, chemical and industrial accidents. Importance of disasters: investigation and assessment, warningandwarningsystems,preparednessplans,format,processandcriticalspheresofplanning. Planningandeconomicsocialaspectsofdisasterriskmanagement:Earthquakedisastermanagement: planningformitigationofseismicrisk.Strategiesformanagingearthquakeinducedlossesandreduction of earthquake consequences. Main aspects of urban disaster management: disasters and national development, legislation, disaster management cycle, main activities, resources, international aid, leadership, organization, planning, use of resources. Longterm measures: Prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, logistics. Main influential factors in the postdisaster period. Recovery from consequences. Postdisaster balance. Support to disaster management, training, public awareness. UN programmes for reduction of disaster consequences: International Decade (IDNDR), International Strategy(ISDR),YokohamaStrategyandHyogoFrameworkAgreement. GISTechnologyforManagementofDisastersandEmergencySituations:Introduction,stateoftheart, inventory, attribution and connection of data, elaboration and structuring of layers, analysis, thematic mapping, generation of results, decision making. Traditional versus dynamic systems for supporting decisionmaking,newtechnologiesformonitoringanddisasterriskmanagement.
Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments

Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing


Obligatory assignments


Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:




Prof.Dr.Z.Milutinovic,LectureNotes Selectedbooks,publicationsandpapers


Code of subject Status of subject Semester


Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA

Contents of the subject:

Strength and stress characteristics of concrete and reinforced steel for hysteretic behavior. Nonlinear behaviour of RC structural elements. Basic principles of nonlinear analysis of reinforced-concrete cross-section and members; the effect of bending, axial and shear forces; confining; ductility. Design of RC building structures; philosophy of design; design according different codes. Strength and ductility capacity of structural elements; nonlinear behaviour of RC beams and columns under monotonic and cyclic loading; methodology for determination of strength and displacement capacity for structural element and building structures. Inelastic response analysis of RC building structures under different earthquake effects; hysteretic behaviour of RC building structures. Methodology for earthquake resistant design of new RC building structures and evaluation of seismic resistance of existing RC structures, (RESIST INELA methodology). Application of nonlinear static methods (push-over analysis) for seismic performance assesment of existing structures. Advanced performance based design methodologies general terms. Numerical examples for analysis, design and evaluation of sesimic resistance RC building structures.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory / Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory: Seismic Design of RC and Masonry Structures, Paulay&Priestley 1992 Seismic Design of Buildings, Wakabayashi, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986 EUROCODE 8:Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance-Part 1:General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, 2004. Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes, P. Fajfar and H. Krawinkler, Editors, 1997. Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%


Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Other lecturers: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Prof. D-r Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska 1. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Evaluation of seismic resistance of existing RC building structures", 3 rd China-Japan-US Simposium of Health Monitoring and Control of Structures, 2004. 2. G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), "Methodology for seismic design of RC building structures", Proc. of. 12WCEE, New Zealand, 2000. 3. G. N. Cvetanovska, E. Vasseva, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), Z. B. Petkov et al., "Reduction of seismic vulnerability of RC building structures based on EC8-Application in Bulgaria and Macedonia", Joint Macedonian- Bulgarian Project, Report IZIIS 2008-54. 4. P. Gavrilovic, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, Z. Milutinovic, Behaviour of Earthquake Resistant Design Schools and Hospitals during past Earthquakes in Macedonia", International Workshop/Seminar Emergency Management of Education System Facilities", Skopje, April 2003.

Assoc. prof. D-r Roberta Apostolska 1. Apostolska (Petrusevska) Roberta, Application of High Strength Concrete in Design of Seismically Resistant Structures " , Modern Civil Engineering Practice DGIT Conference 2006, Novi Sad, March, 2006, invited paper. 2. R. P. Apostolska , Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagoev, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Design seismic response evaluation for 2D frames and 3D wall systems with flexible foundation using capacity spectrum method, Proc. of the International Symposium within the COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, October 23-25, 2008. 3. R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska and N. Mircic, "Seismic performance of flat-slab building structural systems ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 1217, 2008, Beijing, China.


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Other lecturers: Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski

Contents of the subject: 1. Introduction: Masonry as the oldest structural material, types and specifities of masonry structures, modern masonry, 2. Seismic performance of masonry buildings: behaviour of masonry buildings during earthquakes; 3. Analysis of damage patern and possible causes of failure): clasification of damage paterns, failure mechanisms, cause of failures; 4. Principles of architectural and structural concepts for building configuration: building configuration, dimensions, height, number of stories, wall distribution; 5. Masonry materials: masonry units, mortars, concrete infill, reinforcing steel, mechanical characteristics of masonry wall; 6. Structural systems in Masonry: plain, confined and reinforced masonry; 7. Stability of Masonry wall: bending capacity, shear capacity, numerical exapmles for analysis and design of structural walls; 8. Seismic stability of existing structure: basic principiles for design and analysis of masonry structures, bearing and deformability capacity of plain, confined and reinforced masonry 9. Comparison of basic provisions in different codes for masonry structures: Pravilnik za tehni~ki normativi za yidani yidovi na R.M; Eurocoed 6, Eurocode 8 Forms of lecturing:
Lectures + Practicums + Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software + Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers + Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%

Literature: Obligatory: (1) Lecture notes prepared by lecturers

(2) Tomazevic M., "Earthquake Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings", (3)"Design and construction of stone and brick masonry buildinsgs", Balkan experience
Additional: Paulay&Priestley, "Seismic Design of Reinforced Conscrete and Masonry Buildings", (1992)


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

[endova V., Bo`inovski @, Stojanoski B.,"Seizmi~ka stabilnost na postojnata sostojba na objektot-stanbena zgrada na ul. Leninova br.58, Skopje", IZIIS 2006-18 [endova V, Bo`inovski @., Stojanovski B., [e{ov V., Apostolska R., "Izve{taj za izvr{ena procena na stabilnosta na postojniot objekt na Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija, Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-44 Sendova V., Apostolska R., Stojanovski B. et al. "Study of the achieved quality of seismic protection of the existing structure of "Komuna administrative building", Skopje, Report IZIIIS 2007 -55 Bo`inovski @., [endova V., Apostolska R., Stojanovski B., \or|ievska E. i dr., "Analiza na stabilnosta so tehni~ko re{enie za zajaknuvawe na osnovniot konstruktiven sistem na objektot Sobranie na Republika Makedonija", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-53 Z. Bozinovski, Life time response of masonry structures using degrading model force-displacement, Proceedings of Workshop COST Action C25, Timisoara (Romania), on 23-24 October 2009. Z. Bozinovski, Procedure of analysis of masonry building structures to be constructed in seismic prone areas, Fourth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Ankara, Turkey, 17-19 September, 1997. Z. Bozinovski, G.N. Cvetanovska & B. Stojanoski, Study for Seismic Protection of the Structure: Reconstruction of the House of Corrections in the Village of Kshanje, Kumanovo Municipality and Building of Another Storey, IZIIS Report 2007-38, Skopje, 2007.


Code of subject Status of subject

Precast and Prefabricated RC Structures

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski Prof. D-r Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska

Contents of the subject:

Introduction; Review and analysis of more important analytical and experimental studies of largepanel systems, Proportioning of elements of large panel reinforced concrete precast systems, Analysis of vertical wall panels up to ultimate strength and deformability states Nonlinear dynamic response of prefabricated reinforced concrete large panel systems exposed to dynamic seismic effects ; Procedure of design and analysis of stable and economic prefabricated large panel reinforced concrete systems in seismically active regions Example

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:


Code of subject Status of subject

Precast and Prefabricated RC Structures

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski 4. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Predrag Gavrilovic, Summarized Presentation of Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Prefabricated Systems and Structures Performed in IEEES Skopje, COST Action C12 Improvement of buildings structural quality by new technologies, 7th Management Committee Meeting, Romania, Timisoara, November 29-30, 2002. 5. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Analysis of strength, stiffness and deformability parameters of large panel system elements, 7th Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Republic of Macedonia, Struga, September 28-30, 2000. 6. Z. Bozinovski, P. Gavrilovic and D. Dojcinovski, Definition of Seismic Forces for Prefabricated Large Panel R/C Systems, According to YU-81, Eurocode (1, 2 and 8) And The Existing IZIIS Practice, INDIS '97 and CIB W-63, Yugoslavia, Novi Sad, November 12-14, 1997
Prof. D-r Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA 1. B., Cvetanovska G., \or|ievska E., "Analiti~ki i eksperimentalni

istra`uvawa na polumonta`en armiranobetonski sistem za objekti vo seizmi~ki podra~ja", Izve{taj IZIIS 94 - 67. 2. G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, Application of methodology for seismic design of R/C building structures developed at IZIIS", Proc. of the International Workshop Computational Structural Dynamics, IZIIS, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 22-24 February, 2001, str.141147. 3. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska ,R. Petrusevska, Tests and analysis of high-strength reinforced concrete beams and columns" 6th International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High Perfomance Concrete, Leipzig, Germany, June 2002, pp.397-413. 4. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Eksperimentalna ispitivanja i numericka analiza seizmicki otpornih konstrukcija", Konferencija savremena gradevinska praksa 2001, Novi Sad, 10 i 11 maj 2001, str. 193-208 (povikan referat).


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski

Contents of the subject:


Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers yes Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia Seminar papers yes Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Recommended: Soong T.T.(1990). Active Structural Control: Theory and Practice, Wiley, New York, NY. Soong T.T., Constantinou M.C., (1994). Passive and Active Structural Vibration Control in Civil Engineering, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 345, International Center for Mechanical Sciences, Udine Italy, Springer Verlag. Soong T.T., Dargush G.F., (1997). Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in Structural Engineering, Wiley Constantinou M.C., Soong T.T., Dargush G.F., (1998). Passive Energy Dissipation Systems for Structural Design and Retrofit, Monograph Series, MCEER, Buffalo, NY, USA, 1998. Takewaki, I., (2009). Building Control with Passive Dampers: Optimal Performance-based Design for Earthquakes. Wiley-IEEE Press Casciati. F., Magonette, G., Marazzi, F. (2006). Technology of Semiactive Devices and Applications in Vibration Mitigation. Wiley Preumont, A., Seto, K. (2008). Active Control of Structures. Wiley Chu, S. Y., Soong, T. T., Reinhorn A. M. (2005). Active, Hybrid, and Semi-active Structural Control: A Design and Implementation Handbook. Wiley Franklin Y. Cheng, F. Y., Jiang, H., Lou, K. (2008). SMART STRUCTURES - Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control. CRC Press - Taylor &: Francis Group. LLC Naeim, F., Kelly, J.M. (1999) Design of Seismic Isolated Structures: From Theory to Practice. Wiley. Christopoulos, C., Filiatrault, A., (2006). Principles of Passive Supplemental Damping and Seismic Isolation. IUSS Press. Higashino, M. (2006) Response Control and Seismic Isolation of Buildings (Cib Proceedings). Taylor & Francis Technical Reports UCB/EERC (University of California at Berkeley/Earthquake Engineering Research Center, California, USA) Technical Reports MCEER (Formerly NCEER), multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA) Journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring; Journal Earthquake Spectra; Journal Engineering Structures. Journal Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; ASCE Journal of Engineering Structures. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering; ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Proceedings of World and Conferences for Earthquake Engineering). Proceedings of World and European Conferences on Structural Control and Monitoring).


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic Prof. Dr. Mihail Garevski

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Professor Dr. Zoran Rakicevic 7. Jurukovski, D., Petkovski, M. and Rakicevic, Z. (1995): Energy Absorbing Elements in Regular and Composite Steel Structures, Engineering Structures, Vol. 17 No. 5 pp 319-333, Butterworth Heinemann, Elsevier Science Ltd. 8. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (1996): Systems for Control of Dynamic Behaviour of Structures Excited by Strong Earthquakes", Journal of Engineering Creation and Technology, Vol.1, No. 1 , Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 9. Rakicevic Z. & Jurukovski D. (2001): Optimum Design of Passive Controlled Steel Frame Structures, IZIIS Report 2001-59, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 10. Rakicevic, Z, Jurukovski, D. and Nawrotzki, P. (2006): Analytical Modeling of Dynamic

Behavior of a Frame Structure with and without Base Control System, Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 11-13, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. 11. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Optimal Damping Capacity of Steel Frame Structures, 4-th European Conference on Structural Control, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, September 8-12, 2008. 12. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Earthquake Resistant Design Needs Structural Control, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17, 2008.


Code of subject Status of subject

Foundation Engineering, Soil Structure Interaction

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D.

Other lecturers:Profesor Mihail Garevski, Ph.D.

Contents of the subject: Foundation of structures - Types of foundation structures - Foundation techniques in seismic active regions II. Vibration of foundations - Vibration of rigid foundations - Dynamic response of foundation laying on the surface of elastic half-space - Harmonic vibrations of rigid massless foundations - Vertical vibrations of rigid foundations; Coupled vibrations - Vibrations of embedded foundations ; Simultaneous horizontal and vertical vibrations Dynamic soil-structure interaction - Analysis methods - Direct methods - models and boundaries - Substructure methods - Systems with rigid base - Systems with flexibile base - Single degree-of-freedom system - Multi degree-of-freedom system Seismic behaviour of deep foundations in liquefied soils - Seismic behaviour of deep foundations exposed to cyclic vibrations - Seismic response of deep foundations exposed to permanent soil deformations - Inertial and kinematical load aspects - Experimental methods for simulation of the seismic behaviour - Effects of "single-pile" and pile group - Technical standards



Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software Yes Practicums in the Laboratory Yes Seminar papers Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Yes Literature: Obligatory: Text book Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov Additional: Analytical procedures in Soil Dynamics, John Lysmer; Fundamental Studies on SSI Problems, Kazuhiro Yoshida, IRI; Selected journal Papers Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers Yes Written examination Yes Oral examination


Code of subject Status of subject

Foundation Engineering, Soil Structure Interaction

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D.

Other lecturers:Profesor Mihail Garevski, Ph.D.

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Associate Professor Vlatko Sesov, Ph.D

International Journal Papers Sesov, V., Harada N., Towhata I., Takatsu T., Tsunoda S. Development of new drain method for protection of existing pile foundations from liquefaction effects; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 26, Issues 2-4, February-April 2006, Pages 297-312 (Impact factor: 1.182) Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed, Ikuo Towhata, Ngo Tuan Anh "Experimental Study on Large Pile Groups in Sloping Ground Subjected to Horizontal Displacement of Liquefied Ground: 1-g Shaking Table Tests" , Soils and Foundations, Journal of Japanese Geotechnical Society, (April 2010) Other selected scientific papers Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata, Ramin Motamed & Marcelo Gonzalez, "Model Tests On Lateral Earth Pressure On Large Group Pile Exerted By Horizontal Displacement Of Liquefied Sandy Ground Eighth U.S. National conference on earthquake engineering San Francisco, California, April 18-22, 2006, Theme: Managing Risk in Earthquake Country Sesov Vlatko, Towhata, I., Gonzalez, M., Ball, R. and Ishimatsu, S Experimental study on large pile group response subjected to lateral flow of liquefied ground TC4 satellite Conference September 10, 2005, Osaka , Japan. Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Ramin Motamed, Study on p-y curve for piles subjected to lateral flow of liquefied ground, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Thessaloniki Greece - June 25-28, 2007 Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed and Ikuo Towhata Shaking Model Tests on behaviour of group piles undergoing lateral flow of liquefied subsoil, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China Scientific Project : "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Principal investigator, Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011 FP7 Project UREDITEME - Upgrading of Research Equipment for Dynamic Testing of Large Scale Models responsible person for scientific and technological issues FP7 Project SERIES - Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures For European Synergies deputy coordinator from UKIM - IZIIS


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject: Prof. d-r Snezana STAMATOVSKA Other lecturers: Contents of the subject:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fundamentals of Probability Theory Fundamentals of Structural Reliability Theory Reliability of Structural Systems Reliability Bounds for Structural Systems

5. Application to Structural Codes and Safety Analysis

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums Yes Numerical and graphic assignments Yes Use of software / Practicums in the laboratory / Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 70% Obligatory assignments / Colloquia 30% Seminar papers 30% Written examination / Oral examination 40%


Obligatory: P.T. Christensen and M.J. Baket, Structural Reliability Theory and Its Applications,

(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,1982)

Additional: Stamatovska S., Reliability of Structures: Problems, Solved problems, Test and Seminar

Works, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, March 2006.


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject:
Other lecturers:

Prof. d-r Snezana STAMATOVSKA

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

1. Stamatovska S., Petrovski D.& Krstanova-Loteska M. Seismic Input for Seismic Safety Analysis, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering-EE21C, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 August-1 September, 2005, R. of Macedonia. 2. Stamatovska Snezana, Petrovski Dimitar, Krstanova-Loteska Maja. Seizmic Input for the Analysis of Seismic Safety of Structures, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers , Ohrid, Macedonia, 28-30 September 2005, pp. 354-360. 3. Snezana Gjorgji Stamatovska Seismic safety of Structures -Case Study: Probabilistic Methodological Approach to Definition of Seismic Input, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 43, Number 2-3, June 2008, pp.337-348.


Code of subject Status of subject

Repair and Strengthening of Structures

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski Prof. D-r Veronika Sendova Prof. D-r Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska

Contents of the subject:

Introduction: post-earthquake damage evaluation and emergency measures for temporal protection, data collection, evaluation of damage, inspection and recommendations, short and long term activities for damaged structures; Repair and strengthening design procedure: criteria for repair and/or strengthening, determination of characteristics of material, determination of capacity and require strength, stiffness and deformability of structural elements and total system, damage evaluation and selection of repair and/or strengthening solution; material for construction techniques; conventional concrete, special concrete and mortars; polymer modified concrete, gunite concrete, resins, grouting, epoxides and other. Repair and strengthening of R/C structures: columns, beams, beam column joints, shear walls, slabs; Repair and strengthening of structural systems and introducing new elements as shear walls, infill walls, wing walls, etc.; analysis and detailing. Masonry structure: repair of walls, strengthening of walls by confined, steel section, R/C jacketing, injection: construction techniques, method for analysis and design procedure. Special structures and industrial facilities: bridges, lifeline systems, industrial facilities and equipment; experimental investigations, codes and regulations, and experience.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Practicums Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers Field lecturing

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures Obligatory assignments Colloquia Seminar papers Written examination Oral examination

Literature: Obligatory: Additional:


Code of subject Status of subject

Repair and Strengthening of Structures

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:

Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski Prof. D-r Veronika Sendova Prof. D-r Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski

7. 8. 9. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Jukka Lahdensivu, Erkki Vesikari, Degradation modes and models for masonry structures, Proceedings of Workshop COST Action C25, Timisoara (Romania), on 23-24 October 2009. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, M. Secer & O. Bozdag, Maintenance, reconstruction, repair, strengthening and rehabilitation of existing masonry buildings, C25 4th MC meeting and 1st Workshop, Lisbon (Portugal), on 13-15 September 2007. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement of Urban Building Envelopes Through Reconstructions, Enlargements, Building of Other Storeys And Revitalization on Existing Residential Buildings in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. Prof. d-r Veronika SENDOVA o [endova V., Bo`inovski @, \or|ievska E., "Konstruktivno zajaknuvawe na objektot Gradska ku}a - ^ilimanovi", Skopje, IZIIS 2005-22 o Bo`inovski @., [endova V., Apostolska R., Stojanovski B., \or|ievska E. i dr., "Analiza na stabilnosta so tehni~ko re{enie za zajaknuvawe na osnovniot konstruktiven sistem na objektot Sobranie na Republika Makedonija", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-53 o Garevski M., [endova V., Stojanoski B., "Glaven proekt za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na crkvata Sv. Petar i Pavle vo Me{ei{ta, Ohrid", IZIIS 2005-28 o Sendova V., Rakicevic Z., Gavrilovic P., Jurukovski D., "Retrofitting of Byzantine Church Using Passive Base Control System" 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, USA, 2006


5. Golubka

Necevska-Cvetanovska and Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska, ADAPTATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING BUILDING STRUCTURES - EXPERIENCE GATHERED", GNP 2006, Zabljak, februari, 2006 6. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska , P. Gavrilovic, R. Petrusevska, E. Gjorgjievska, Rennovated St. Clements church, St. Panteleymon Plaoshnik-Ohrid-Macedonia" International Conference VSU' 2004, Vol.1, Sofia, May 20-22, 2004, pp II-183-188. 7. ., Cvetanovska G., "Sanacija i zajaknuvawe na konstrukcijata na objektot COU "Risto [uklev", s. Negorci - Gevgelija, trakt C", zve{taj IZIIS 500-91-55/2. 8. Gavrilovi}, Golubka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, Elena \or|ievska, "Sanacija, zajaknuvawe i analiza na Sudska Palata, Skopje", Izve{taj IZIIS


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers: Contents of the subject:
Review of damage to engineering structures caused by different effects in our country and worldwide. Damage caused as a result of serviceability, earthquake and other dynamic effects, effects of site soil conditions, type of structural system, etc. Evaluation of damage due to earthquakes along with inspection of structures and recommendations for short- and long- term activities for elimination of consequences from the damaged structures. Diagnosis of existing conditions of the structures with experimental and analytical studies and identification of necessary basic parameters for elaboration of projects for repair and/or strengthening. Definition of characteristics of materials, capacity and required strength, stiffness and deformability of structural elements and integral systems, evaluation of extent of damage and selection of solution for repair and/or strengthening. Technical solutions, methodology and selection of materials for repair and/or strengthening based on the obtained diagnostic parameters, depending on the type of structure, structural system, extent of damage and selection of solution for repair and/or strengthening. Selection of optimal solution and elaboration of technical specifications, bill of quantities for the works anticipated for repair and/or strengthening. Proving the justification of the proposed solution for repair and/or strengthening by performance of static and dynamic analysis of the repaired and/or strengthened structures and obtaining of the main dynamic characteristics, static quantities and deformations.

Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the laboratory Seminar papers yes Field lecturing -

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures yes Literature: Obligatory: Priestley, M., J., N., Seible, F., & Calvi, G., M., "Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges" Department of Aplieed Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, University of California, San Diego, USA, 1996. Kawashima, K., "The 1996 Japanese Seismic Design Specifications of Highway Bridges and the Performance Based Design", in Seismic Design Methodology for Next Generation of Codes, Proceedings of the International Workshop, Bled, June 24-27, 1997. EUROCODE 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance Additional: Seismic design of Bridge structures; Internal lecture notes for post-graduate studies . Performance analysis of Bridge Structures with elastomeric bearings; Internal lecture notes for post-graduate studies CADAC. Earthquake Resistance Evaluation and Design of Transportation Facilities; Internal lecture notes for post-graduate studies Obligatory assignments yes Colloquia Seminar papers yes Written examination Oral examination yes


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Other lecturers:
Visiting professors:

Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Vlado Micov Micov, V. (Principal Investigator), Development of Seismic Bridge Bearing with Experimental Verification, Scientific project, 2004 2006. Micov, V., Taskov, Lj., Krstevska, L., Mircevska, V., Diagnosis of Existing Conditions and Proposed Solution for Repair of Reinforced Concrete Chimney with a height of 180 metres in Thermal Power Plant Oslomey, Main and Working Project, IZIIS 2009-18, Skopje, March, 2009. Micov, V., Hristovski, V., Garevski, M., Pedestal of the Czar Samoil Monument, Main Project Phase Structure, IZIIS Report 2008-64. Micov, V., Stojmanovska, M., Pedestal of the Monument of TMRO Founders, Main Project Phase Structure, IZIIS Report 2009-28. Garevski, M., Micov, V., Mircevska, V., Report on Performed Periodic Inspection of Stability of Cooling Tower Facility in Block 2 of Hydroelectric Power Plant Bitola, with Opinion about Its Stability, IZIIS 2008-45, Skopje, July 2008. Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic Ristic, D. (principal investigator), Micov, V., (co-investigator), Inventive ML-GOSEB System for Seismic Isolation Applicable for Efficient Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of existing Bridges andBuildings, scientific-research project, IZIIS, 2007-20. Ristic, D. (principal investigator), Micov, V., (co-investigator), Development of Innovation Systems for Seismic Isolation and Control of Vibrations Efficient for SeismicProtection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings, (GOSEB-2 system), IZIIS, 2007-30. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Hristovski, V. Study for Diagnosis of Conditions of Bridge Structures with Identification of Necessary Basic Parameters for Elaboration of Optimal Projects for Revitalization, Final Theoretical Diagnosis Phase III; Book III-1: Application of New Diagnostic Procedure Based on Application of Nonlinear Analytical Models for Diagnosis of Conditions of Bridge no. 49 on the M-2 Motorway; Prototype 1, IZIIS Report 94-41, Skopje, 1994. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Avramov, A., Zelenovic, V., Petrovski, J., Definition of Need and Mode of Strengthening of Bridge Structure number 24 (km 492+974) on the Bratstvo-Edinstvo Motorway, Demir Kapiya Gevgeliya Section, Volume 9-1, Analysis of Static and Seismic Stability of Existing Structure with Structural Solution for Strengthening and Definition of Necessary Bearing and Deformability Capacity, IZIIS Report 87-35/1, May 1987. Prof. Dr. Viktor Hristovski Ristic, D., Hristovski V., Petrov, V., Zisi, N., Technical Solution for Revitalization of Gotse Delchev Bridge in Skopje Based on Results from Diagnosis of Existing Conditions of the Structure, Volume I, Concept of Technical Solution, Technical Specification, Bill of Quantities for the Works and Static Computation, and Volume II, Working Design and Details, IZIIS Report 95-74/1, Skopje, December 1996 (final report harmonized with the conclusions drawn by the Reviewing Commission ZRK). Garaevski, M., Ristic, D., Hristovski, V., Dimitrovski, M., Review (Repair) of Conditions of Cooling Tower of Thermal Plant Oslomey in Kichevo, IZIIS Report, Skopje, May 2003. Hristovski, V., Report on Definition of the Conditions of the Turbine Structure of Thermal Plant Oslomey and Its Dynamic and Seismic Behaviour under Serviceability and Resonant Conditions, Part 2: Expeert Analyses for Diagnosis of the Conditions of the Turbine Structure of Thermal Plant Oslomey in Kichevo under Static, Dynamic (serviceability) and Seismic Effects, Preliminary Report in the Frames of the Proposed Solution for Repair, IZIIS 2005-19, Skopje, March 2005.


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Other lecturers: Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski Contents of the subject: 1. Introduction: significance of cultural heritage, definitions, criteria and strategy, earthquake protection of historic buildings and monuments; 2. Specific characteristics of masonry in historic structures: materials, structural elements, behaviour and failure mechanisms, experimental and analytical investigations of materials and structures; 3. Rrepair, structural strengthening and conservation: selection of materials, selection of methods, traditional versus new technologies; 4. Resistance of historic structures to earthquakes and explosions: analysis of existing stability, bearing and deformability capacity, characteristics of built-in materials, influence of climate changes on built-in materials resistance; 5. New materials and techniques in earthquake protection of historic structures: new composite materials, smart materials, base isolation, applicability of new materials and methods; 6. Protection of cultural heritage between two disasters: emergency measures and action during the disaster, planning and measures after disaster, long term protection of cultural heritage; 7. Case studies: Byzantine Monuments in Macedonia, reconstruction and rebuilding of monuments, examples of repair and strengthening of the monuments in the world. Forms of lecturing:
Lectures + Practicums + Numerical and graphic assignments Use of software + Practicums in the Laboratory Seminar papers + Field lecturing +

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Obligatory assignments 20% Colloquia Seminar papers 20% Written examination Oral examination 50%

Literature: Obligatory: (1) lecture notes prepared by lecturers; (2) Gavrilovic P., Ginell W., Sendova V., Sumanov L.,

"Conservation and seismic strengthening of Byzantine churches in Macedonia", The Getty Conservation Institute, GCI Scientific Program Reports, ISBN 0-89236-777-6, 2004 J. Paul Getty Trust, LA, USA, (2004);
Additional: (1) Modena C., Lorenco P., Roca P., "The Structrural Analysis of Historical Constructions", (2004); (2) Mazzolani F. et all, "Protection of Historical Building by Reverizble Mixed Technologies", (2009)


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Prncipal lecturer in the subject: Prof. Dr. Veronika Shendova Other lecturers: Prof. Dr. Zivko Bozinovski

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

(1) Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., "Implementation of a methodology using "ties and injection" developed for

repair and strengthening of historic monuments", IV International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SACH 2004, Padova, 2004; (2) Sendova V., Rakicevic Z., Gavrilovic P., Jurukovski D., "Retrofitting of Byzantine Church Using th Passive Base Control System" 4 World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, USA, 2006 (3) Sendova V., Jekic G., " Effectivness Of Seismic Strengthening Of Monuments For Blast Resistance", Proc. of the International Symposium within COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, 2008 (4) Sendova V., "Integrated Approach in Protection of Cultural Heritage", Meeting of the thematic group on cultural heritage and risk, EUR-OPA, Athens, 2009 (5) Mazzolani F., Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., "Design by Testing of Seismic Restoration of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje" , Internationa Conference PROHITECH 09, Rome, 2009 (6) P. Gavrilovic, Z. Bozinovski and ath., Studies for development of the method for repair and strengthening of thr national monuments in Pagan, Burma, Report IZIIS 83-30 (7) Z. Bozinovski, and M. Velkov, Bearing Capacity and Deformability of Stone Walls of Cultural Historic Monuments, Symposium of the Yugoslav Association of Structural Engineers (8) Z. Bozinovski at al., Adaptation, Reconstruction and Strengthening of part of the Structure Villa Macedonia in Skopje, IZIIS Report 2004-38


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska Principal lecturer in the subject: prof. d-r Viktor Hristovski Other lecturers:

Visiting professors:

prof. m-r Vladimir Bickovski

Contents of the subject:

1. Review of the solutions of engineering problems by application of boundary element method and the alternative solutions by ise of other methods . 2. Weighted residual methods 3. Solution of potential problems by use of BEM 4. Solution of elasticity problems by use of BEM 5. Basic principles for propagation of wave motion 6. Solution of phenomena of soil-structure interaction in dynamic condditions 7. Solution of phenomena of soil-structure-fluid interaction in dynamic condditions

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures YES Practicums YES Numerical and graphic assignments YES Use of software YES Practicumes in The Laboratory NO Seminar papers YES Field lecturing NO

Mode and checking of knowledge :

Regular attendance of lectures YES Obligatory assignments NO Colloquia NO Seminar papers YES Written examination YES Oral examination YES

Literature: obligatory:
1. The Boundary Element Method for Engineers, C.A. Brebia, Pentech Press, London,1978 2. Boundary Elements in Dynamics, J, Dominguez, Computational Mechanics Publications,Published by Elsevire Applied Science,1993


Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturer in the subject: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska
Other lecturers:

prof. d-r Viktor Hristovski

References referring to competence of the lecturers: 12. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. 4 13. V.Mircevska, M.Garevski, N. Pojani, F. Hodza Collaboration between Albania and Macedonia in the field of Seismic Safety of Dams Bilateral research project, IZIIS 2007-23, September 2007 14. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., M.Garevski Computation procedure in Compliance with Mohr-Coulomb Yielding Criterion Research reports, Invited LecturesGeotechnical seminar,Review 2007, Institute fur Geotechnik der Technischen Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg 15. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V.M.Garevski , Assessment of Dynamic Stability of Rock-Fill Dam , SLOCOLD, Nova Gorica, 27 May 2006 , Slovenija 16. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., FLUID - DAM INTERACTION Theory of BEM, INDIS 2006, Novi- Sad ,22-24 November,2006 17. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., " Dam-Fluid Interaction" , MCOLD and II Congres of Dams , Struga , May 2008 18. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program FILT3D-IZIIS with PLAXIS- phase of filtrationEngineering Problem from Practice " , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 19. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program PROC3DN with PLAXIS- phase static Engineering Problem from Practice" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 20. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Modeling of Structural Joints for Arch Dams" MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 21. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, Use of BEM in solving Fluid-Structure interaction:, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 22. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, M. Garevski A Benchmark test of a software- FILT3D, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009


Code of subject DS-ZI- 411 Status of subject Optional


Semester II Number of ECTS points 5 Lecture hours 30

Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering

Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturers in the subject : Associated Prof. D-r Biserka DIMISKOVSKA Prof. D-r Mihail GAREVSKI Contents of the subject:

Ecology subject of investigation main concept. Environment concept. Biosphere organization and functioning. Ecological factors of environment: abiotic factors, biotic factors. Biotope. Organism as elementary form of life. Population. Biocenosis. Ecosystem: structural elements of eco systems, functional groups of living organisms in the eco systems, types of nutrition chains, nonbiotic component of the eco-system. Pollution and protection of atmospheric air. More important contaminants of atmospheric air and their effect upon living organisms. Effects of atmospheric polluters upon material ownership. Climatic changes under effect of pollution. Disturbance of stratospheric ozone. Acidic rains. Measures and methods of protection of atmospheric air. Deposition and combustion of waste matter. Radioactive matter and environment. Chemization of environment. Noise and environment: effect of noise upon human organism and protective measures against noise. Monitoring of environment.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures Yes Practicums / Numerical and graphic assignments / Use of software / Practicums in the Laboratory Yes Seminar papers Yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory Assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 30% Written examination 50% Oral examination 10%

obligatory: Fundamentals of Ecology- Fransoa Ramad i Ekolgija - Mulev, Selected chapters additional: Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, Bhaskar Narhs and selected scientific papers


Code of subject DS-ZI-411 Status of subject Optional


Semester II Number of ECTS points 5 Lecture hours 30

Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering

Name and surname of professors: Principal lecturers in the subject : Associated Prof. D-r Biserka DIMISKOVSKA Prof. D-r Mihail GAREVSKI
Visiting professors : upon need

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

1. 2. B. Dimiskovska, Aproximative Models of Consequences upon Human Environment Obtained by Analysis of Indastrial Risks, Yugoslav Association of Civil Engineers, Vrnjacka banja, Srbija. september, 2004. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Thehnical Thenological Risks and Modeling of Consequences upon Human Environment,I International symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro, September, 2004. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Industrial Risks Including Approximate Models for the Consequences upon Environment, II Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia with International Participation, October, 2004. B. Dimiskovska, Modeling of Consequences of Testing of Radioactive Matter upon Environment, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Macedonia,August 2005. B. Dimiskovska, Contribution to Technical and Technological Risk Assessment with Modeling of Consequences upon Environment, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2005. B. Dimiskovska, Modeling of Consequences on Environment Through Analysis of Industrial Risks, The Second International Conference Science and Technology for Safe Development of Lifeline Systems, (CEI), Bratislava, Slovacka. oktober, 2005. B. Dimiskovska, Release of Hazardous Matter in Environment and its Mathematical Modeling, International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2006. B. Dimiskovska, Accidental Release of Hazardous Chemical Substance the Air Resulting from Industrial Activities, The Second International symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Kotor, Montenegro, September 2006. B. Dimiskovska, Atmospheric Polluters Released from Industrial Plants Factors of Risk Pertaining to Cancer, International Conference on environment: Survival and Sustainability, Nicosia-Northern Cyprus, February, 2007. B. Dimiskovska, Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, Third Congress of Ecologists of R. Macedonia, Struga, Macedonia, October 2007. B. Dimiskovska, Solid Waste Management in Municipality of Kratovo, International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, March 2008. B. Dimiskovska, Methods and Postpone Waste Technology, International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, March 2008/ B. Dimiskovska, Anaerobic Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal solid Waste, Seminar of Ecology, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2008.

3. 4. 5.



8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13.

14. B. Dimiskovska, Metods and Postpone Waste Technology , Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, Zlatibor, Serbia, September 2008. 15. B. Dimiskovska Atmosfeic Polluters Released From Industrial Plants Factors of Risk Pertaining to Cancer, Seminar of Ecology, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2009. 16. B. Dimiskovska, Azbestos Containing Construction Materials Rosk for Human Health, International conference on earthquake engineering, Banja Luka, Oktober, 2009. 17. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Hazard in Working Environment for Better Humanization of Labour and High Quality of Environment, Gradjevinarstvo Nauka i praksa, knjiga 2, Monte Negro, February, 2010.


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA, Prof. dr. Vlado MICOV

Contents of the subject:

Learning from past earthquakes - damage of steel structures during recent earthquakes. Classification of the failure mechaniscs. Study of the nonlinear behavior of steel structural elements - beams, columns and joints under monotonic and cyclic loading. Steel structural systems is seismic prone areas. Evaluation of q-factor. Seismic design of steel structures. Comprehensive methodology for ductility design - basis, required ductility and ductility capacity of seismic resistant steel structures. Recommendations for seismic design of different steel structural systems. Evaluation of seismic stability of existing steel structures. Numerical examples design and evaluation of seismic stability of steel structures. Analysis of steel structures under wind dynamic effect, analysis with equivalent horizontal static wind load. Application of wind action defined as harmonic variation of wind velocity in correlation with average wind velocity.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory / Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory: Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%

Theory and Design of Seismic Resistant Steel Frames, F.M. Mazzolani and V. Piluso, Chapman & Hall, 1996. Ductility of Seismic Resistant Steel Structures, V. Gioncu and F.M. Mazzolani, Spon Press, 2002. Seismic Design of Steel Structures, The Seismic Design Handbook, Farzad Naeim, 2000 EUROCODE 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1-1:General Rules, sesimic action and rules for buildings


Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA, Prof. dr. Vlado MICOV

References referring to competence of the lecturers: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta Apostolska 1. Apostolska R., Building Structures under Earthquake Actions Nonlinear Response, Evaluation of
Seismic Resistance, Seismic Protection and Strengthening, Seminar given at the Instituto de Ingeneria, UNAM, Mexico City, october, 2009.

2. Golubka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska & Roberta Apostolska ,"Proektirawe na seizmi~ki otporni

konstrukcii vo soglasnost so Evrokod 8 ", 12ti Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Struga, 27-29 septemvri, 2007 god., Vol. 1, VR-4.

3. R..Apostolska i dr. , Revizii, ekspertski studii i mislewa za ocena na seizmi~kata stabilnost na

~eli~ni nadgradbi na postojni objekti na teritorijata na grad Skopje, Izve{tai UKIM-IZIIS, (20062009).

Prof. dr. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska

9. G. Necevska -Cvetanovska, Application of IZIIS Methodology for Seismic Design of R/C Building
Structures on the Teritory of the City of Skopje" SE 40EEE, Skopje earthquake-40 years of European earthquake engineering, 26-29 August, 2003.

10. G. Necevska Cvetanovska, IZIIS Methodology for Seismic Design of R/C building Structures"
International Conference VSU' 2003, Sofia, October 30th-November 1st, 2003, Vol. I, pp II-112-117. and structures", Master Thesis, UKIM-IZIIS, 2005.

11. V.Vukasinovic, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Comparative analysis of aluminium alloy and steel elements 12. P. A. Montalvo, G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, "New design concepts of seismic resistant steel frame
structures", Master Thesis, UKIM-IZIIS, (in elaboration).

Prof. dr. Vlado Micov 1.

Talaganov, K., Garevski, M., Risti}, D., Micov, V., "Proektirawe i dimenzionirawe na nosiviot sistem na objektot vrz baza na trodimenzionalna stati~ka i dinami~ka analiza na integralnata konstrukcija"; Izve{taj IZIIS 2001-54/2. Talaganov, K., Garevski, M., Risti}, D., Micov, V., "Analiza na stati~kata i dinami~kata stabilnost na objektot Mileniumski krst"; Izve{taj IZIIS 2001-28, mart 2001. Micov V., Hristovski V.,"Izve{taj za ocena na ostvareniot kvalitet na seizmi~ka za{tita na objektot: 2 h 110 kV vod Vrutok-Tetovo", IZIIS, 2008-08, Skopje, januari 2008. . Micov V., Garevski M., "Izve{taj so pozitivna ocena na ostvareniot kvalitet na seizmi~ka za{tita na objektot SRTK Ski-centar Ko`uf: ski-lift k-92; ski-lift sport; ski-lift povraten; ski-lift farma", IZIIS, 2008-29, januari 2008.

2. 3



Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska Principal lecturer in the subject: prof. d-r Mihail Garevski Other lecturers:

Visiting professors:

prof. m-r Vladimir Bickovski

Contents of the subject:

1. Basic Principles of Rock Slope: mechanics of rock slope stability, introduction in stereographic projection, construction of stereographic plots and their application, software STEREOPLOT, analysis of geological structural data to examine stability of rock slopes . Practical application and examples drawn from practice. Rock Strength Properties and measurements : Shear strength of discontinuities, friction angle of rock surfaces, surface roughness, discontinuity infilling, Hoek-Brown strength criteria of fracture rock masses, rock durability and compressive strength. Examples. Underground flow, permeability, water pressure: introduction, ground flow in rock mass, definition of permeability, permeability of jointed rock, flow nets, measurements of water pressure. Examples. Plane Failure: introduction, general conditions for plain failure, plain failure analysis, and critical tension crack depth, critical failure plain inclination, reinforcement of slope with plane failure. Practical examples. Wedge Failure: introduction, definition of wedge failure, analysis of wedge failure, reinforcement of slope with wedge failure, practical examples. Circular Failure: introduction, conditions for circular failure, analysis of circular failure, reinforcement of slope with circular failure, practical examples, application of software. Toppling failure: introduction, types of toppling failure ( flexural, block, and combined flexural-block toppling) secondary toppling modes, analysis of toppling failure, limit equilibrium analysis of toppling, general comments of toppling failure, examples. Introduction in blasting: Mechanism of rock fracturing by explosives, explosives, type, weight and distribution of explosives, controlled blasting to improve stability, blasting damages and its control, vibration damage thresholds, effect of vibration frequency. Stabilization of unstable rock structures: Strengthening of rocks, rock removal, protection, reinforcement of rocks by use of bolts and anchors.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Forms of lecturing:
Lectures YES Practicums YES Numerical and graphic assignments YES Use of software YES Practicumes in The Laboratory NO Seminar papers YES Field lecturing NO

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures YES Obligatory assignments NO Colloquia NO Seminar papers YES Written examination YES Oral examination YES

Literature: obligatory:
1 Engineering Rock Mechanics, John.A.Hudson, Imperial College of Science, Univ. of London,UK,Published by Elsevire Science,1997 2. Foundations on Rocks, R.E. Goodman, Duncan C. Wyllie, First edition 1992


Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject

Semester Number of ECTS points Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska Principal lecturer in the subject:
Other lecturers:

prof. d-r Mihail Garevski

References referring to competence of the lecturers: 23. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. 4 24. V.Mircevska, M.Garevski, N. Pojani, F. Hodza Collaboration between Albania and Macedonia in the field of Seismic Safety of Dams Bilateral research project, IZIIS 2007-23, September 2007 25. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., M.Garevski Computation procedure in Compliance with Mohr-Coulomb Yielding Criterion Research reports, Invited LecturesGeotechnical seminar,Review 2007, Institute fur Geotechnik der Technischen Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg 26. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V.M.Garevski , Assessment of Dynamic Stability of Rock-Fill Dam , SLOCOLD, Nova Gorica, 27 May 2006 , Slovenija 27. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., FLUID - DAM INTERACTION Theory of BEM, INDIS 2006, Novi- Sad ,2224 November,2006 28. V.Mircevska, K. Edip, A.Zlatevska,Concept of soil reinforcement by use of anchors , National Scientific Project , IZIIS 2007-23, March 2007 29. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., " Dam-Fluid Interaction" , MCOLD and II Congres of Dams , Struga , May 2008 30. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program FILT3D-IZIIS with PLAXIS- phase of filtrationEngineering Problem from Practice " , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 31. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program PROC3DN with PLAXIS- phase static Engineering Problem from Practice" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 32. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Modeling of Structural Joints for Arch Dams" MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 33. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, Use of BEM in solving Fluid-Structure interaction:, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 34. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, M. Garevski A Benchmark test of a software- FILT3D, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA

Contents of the subject:

Introduction (Philosophy of earthquake resistant design - basic principles; Force as a design parameter) General terms: Performance-Based Seismic Engineering and Performance-Based Seismic Design New performance based seismic design methodologies - introduction in the concept of Performance-Based Seismic Engineering, (P-B SE) as a framework for development of new seismic design methodologies for the next generation of codes Conceptual framework for displacement based seismic design: introduction, general approaches for evaluation of target displacements and deformability capacity of the structures, procedures and design tools. Evaluation of seismic resistance of existing structures General concepts of the new generation of seismic performance based design codes (multi-level design) An European perspective to performance-based seismic design, assesment and retroffiting. Correlation of European technical regulation (Eurocodes) and advanced performance-based approaches for design and assesment of structures. Numerical examples for design and assesment of seismic resistance of regular structures.

Forms of lecturing:
Lectures yes Practicums yes Numerical and graphic assignments yes Use of software yes Practicums in the Laboratory / Seminar papers yes Field lecturing /

Mode and checking of knowledge:

Regular attendance of lectures 10% Literature: Obligatory: Fajfar P. and Krawinkler H., Editors, (1997). "Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes". Proc.of the International Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 1997, (A.A. Balkema Publisher). Fajfar P. and Krawinkler H., Editors, (2004)."Performance-Based Seismic Implementation". Proc. of the International Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 2004. Design, Concepts and Obligatory assignments / Colloquia / Seminar papers 20% Written examination 30% Oral examination 40%

State-of-art report prepared by Task Group 7.2., (2003). "Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced o Concrete Buildings", fib Bulletin N 25. Priestley, Calvi and Kowalsky, "Displacement Based Seismic Design of Structures", IUSS Press, Pavia, Italy (2007). Additional: Instructive materials prepared by the IZIIS subject' lecturers


Code of subject Status of subject


Semester Number of ECTS credits Lecture hours





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Name and surname of professors:
Principal lecturer in the subject: Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta APOSTOLSKA Other lecturers: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA

References referring to competence of the lecturers:

Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta Apostolska


R. Petrusevska-Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, New Trends in Development of next Generation of Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005. Roberta Petru{evska-Apostolska, Golubka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, "Konceptualna ramka na zemjotresnoto in`enerstvo bazirano na realnoto odnesuvawe", GNP-2006, 20-24 fevruari, 2006, @abqak, Crna Gora.. R. P. Apostolska , Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagoev, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Design seismic response evaluation for 2D frames and 3D wall systems with flexible foundation using capacity spectrum method ", Proc. of the International Symposium COST C26 Action "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, Oct. 23-25, 2008.



Prof. dr. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska 8. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), E. Gjorgjievska, "Displacement parameter for aseismic design and diagnosis of RC buildings", JDGK Symposia, november, 2000. 9. G. Necevska Cvetanovska,"IZIIS Methodology for Seismic Design of R/C building Structures" International Conference VSU' 2003, Sofia, October 30th-November 1st, 2003, Vol. I, pp II-112-117. 10. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, U. Terzic, Displacement based design approach for design of RC frame building structures, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 296).


Syllabus of Doctoral Studies Earthquake Engineering APPENDIX 2 LIST OF POTENTIAL SUPERVISORS satisfying the criteria on mentorship prescribed with the UKIMs Rulebook on Doctoral Studies


Dr. Mihail Garevski, Full Professor Re-election, Buletin no. 900 dated 30.6.2006 Dr. Golubka Necevska Cvetanovska, Full Professor Re-election, Bulletin no. 908 dated 01.12.2006 Dr. Zoran Milutinovic, Full Professor Re-election, Bulletin no. 801 dated 01.04.2002 Dr. Ljubomir Taskov, Full Professor Re-election, Bulletin no. 789 dated 15.11.2001 Dr. Danilo Ristic, Full Professor Re-election, Bulletin no. 866 dated 01.02.2005 Dr. Zivko Bozinovski, Full Professor Bulletin no. 895 dated 14.04.2006 Dr. Snezana Stamatovska, Full Professor Bulletin no. 931 dated 30.11.2007 Dr. Veronika Sendova, Full Professor Bulletin no. 953 dated 01.12.2008 Dr. Viktor Hristovski, Full Professor Bulletin no. 972 dated 15.10.2009 Dr. Vlado Micov, Full Professor Bulletin no. 974 dated 16.11.2009 Dr. Zoran Rakicevic, Associate Professor Bulletin no. 908 dated 01.12.2006 Dr. Lidija Krstevska, Associate Professor Bulletin no. 924 dated 13.07.2007 Dr. Violeta Mircevska, Associate Professor Bulletin no. 932 dated 14.12.2007 A2-2

Dr. Roberta Apostolska, Asociate Professor Bulletin no. 953 dated 01.12.2008 Dr. Vlatko Sesov, Associate Professor Bulletin no. 953 dated 01.12.2008 Dr. Dragi Dojcinovski, Docent Bulletin no. 895 dated 14.04.2006 Dr. Biserka Dimiskovska, Senior Scientific Collaborator Bulletin no. 971 dated 01.10.2009


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Dr. Mihail GAREVSKI, Professor Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Academic possition: Full Professor Re-election: Announced in UKIM Bulletin No. 900 of 30.06.2006; Resolution of UKIM-IZIIS Council No. 09-1684/1 of 26.10.2006. Publications in the research field: List of selected references is enclosed in Appendix A. Scientific projects: List of selected reference projects is enclosed in Appendix B. Membership in international network of researchers: European Association of Earthquake Engineering World Association of Earthquake Engineering Anti-Seismic System International Society ASSISI

Mentor of post-graduate students: Referent List is enclosed in Appendix C. Head of running project: NATO Partner Country Proeject director: NATO SfP Project 983054 Harmonization of Seismic Hazard for the Western Balkan Countries Project director: Upgrading of Research Equipment for Dynamic Testing of Large Scale Models /UREDITEME/, EC-7FP


Appendix A:


1. Garevski, M.A., Mitrovski, V., "Dynamic Behavior of Cable-Stayed Bridges", 8WCEE, San Francisco,
California, USA, Vol. V, 199-206, 1984.

2. Mitrovski, V., Garevski, M.A., "Analysis of Structures Exposed to Different Excitation at the Supports"
(in Serbo-Croatian), XIV-th Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Becici, Yugoslavia, 1984.

3. Bickovski, V., Garevski, M.A., "Stability of Gravity Dam Against Sliding at Dam-Soil Contact Area due
to Strong Ground Motion", GAMM Congress, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1985.

4. Paskalov, T., Garevski, M.A., "Static and Dynamic Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridges", International
Seminar on Computer Aided Design of Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Skopje, 1985.

5. Bickovski, V., Garevski, M.A., "Mathematical Modeling of Dam-Soil Interaction in Gravity Dams by
Using the Finite Element Method", Symposium, Dubrovnik, 1985. (in Serbo-Croatian)

6. Garevski, M.A., Paskalov, T., "Application of FEM in Modeling of Cable-Stayed Bridges", 8ECEE,
Lisbon, Portugal, 1986, Vol. 6, 9-13.

7. Dumanoglu, A.A., Garevski, M.A., Severn, R.T., "Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Behavior of
Cable Stayed Bridges", Proc. Inter. Conf. on Design and Construction of Non-conventional Structures, London, 1987.

8. Garevski, M.A., Dumanoglu, A.A. and Severn, R.T., "Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Behavior of
Jindo Bridge, South Korea", Structural Engineering Review, 1, 141-149, 1988.

9. Garevski, M.A., Severn, R.T., "Vertical Vibration Tests on a Small Scale Modeling of Cable -Stayed
Bridges", 9ECEE, Moscow, 1990.

10. Garevski, M.A., Brownjohan, J.M.W., Blakeborough, A., and Severn, R.T., "Resonance-Search Testing
on Small-Scale Model of a Cable-Stayed Bridge", Engineering Structures, Vol. 13, January, 59-66, 1991.

11. Garevski, M.A., Severn, R.T., "Dynamic Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridges by Means of 3D Analytical
and Physical Modeling", 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 1992.

12. Garevski, M.A., Severn, R.T., "Damping and Response Measurements on the Small-Scale Model of
Cable Stayed Bridge", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 22, 13-29, 1993.

13. Garevski, M.A., Application of Reinforced Earth in Engineering Structures, V-th Macedonian
International Symposium of Structural Engineers, Ohrid, Macedonia, 1993.

14. Garevski, M.A., State of the Approach to Dynamic Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges", Burwalls
Colloquium, Bristol, UK, 1994.

15. Mihailov, V., Krstevska, L., Tashkov, LJ., Garevski, M.A., Boschi, E., Rovelli, A., Funiciello, R., " In Sity
Experimental Testing of Two Historical Columns in Rome", SECED Conference, Chester, UK, 187-192, 1995.

16. Garevski, M.A., Kelly, J., "Base Isolation Retrofitting of Historical Buildings", VI-th Macedonian
International Symposium of Structural Engineers, Ohrid, Macedonia, 1995.

17. Krstevska, L., Mihailov, V., Garevski, M.A., Boschi, E., Rovelli, A., Funiciello, R., "Full Scale
Experimental Testing of Historical Columns in Rome", VI-th Macedonian International Symposium of Structural Engineers, Ohrid, Macedonia, 1995.

18. Garevski M., Kelly, J. M.. and Bojadjiev, M, Experimental dynamic tests on the first structure in the
world isolated with rubber bearings , 11ECEE, Paris, 1998

19. Garevski M., Protection of Vital Structures under Strong Earthquake Effects by Application of Base
Isolation, Invited Introductory Lecture, Congress of the Macedonian Association of Mechanics, Struga, Macedonia, 1998.

20. Garevski, M.A., Review of the Book ,"Cable-Stayed Bridges" by Rene Walter, Walmar Isler and Pierr
Moia, Thomas Telford, London, 1988., Structural Engineering Review, 1990.

21. Garevski, M.A., Protection Of Vital Engineering Structures Against Strong Earthquake Effect By
Means Of Base Isolation, Invited paper, Struga, Macedonia,1998


22. Garevski, M. and K. Talaganov Nowadays Actuality of IZIIS Investigations Following the 1969 Banja
Luka Earthquake, Invited paper, International Symposium to Mark 30 Years from Banja Luka Earthquake, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1999.

23. Garevski, M., J.M. Kelly and N. Zisi , Analysis Of 3D Vibrations Of The Base Isolated School Building
"Pestalozzi" By Analytical And Experimental Approach, 12WCEE, Auckland, New Zeeland, 2000

24. Garevski M., Izmit Catastrophic Earthquake And Some Considerations On Seismic Design In Balkan
, Introduction Paper, Conference 2000, Yugoslav Association of Civil Engineering, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, 2000

25. Garevski M., The 1999 Izmit Catastrophic Earthquake And Some Considerations On Seismic Design
In Macedonia, Journal of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Volume IV, 2000

26. Garevski M., Damage to Building Stock Due to the 1999 Izmit Earthquake, Workshop: Computational
Structural Dynamics, Skopje, R. Macedonia, 2001

27. Garevski M., Behavior of the 31-years Old Bearings of the School Building Pestalozzi under
Catastrophic Earthquake ,Workshop: Computational Structural Dynamics, Skopje, R. Macedonia, 2001

28. Garevski M., J. Kelly and A. Marioni Experimental Dynamic Tests on 31 Year Old Rubber Bearings Of
The School Building Pestalozzi , Fifth World Congress on Joints, Bearings and Seismic Systems for Concrete Structures, Rome, Italy, 2001

29. Garevski M. and J. Kelly Experimental Tests For Determination of The Effect of Natural Ageing of the
31 Year Old Rubber Bearings , The Eight East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Singapore, 2001

30. Garevski, M., Hristovski, V., Stojmanovska, M., "Experimental Shaking-Table Investigation On
Applicability Of Different Retrofitting Techniques", EE-21C, Earthquake Engineering In The 21 Century, Skopje-Ohrid, Macedonia, August 27-September 1, 2005.


31. Milutinovic, Z.V. and M. Garevski (2005). "National Report of Republic of Macedonia and Information
on Disaster Reduction, The World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, 18-22 January 2005.

32. M. Garevski, V. Hristovski, M. Stojmanovska, Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk
Reduction, edited by S. Tanvir Wasti and Guney Ozcebe, NATO Science Series IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 66, Springer 2006, "Shaking Table Tests Of Scaled RC Frame Models For Investigation Of Validity And Applicability Of Different Retrofitting Techniques", pp. 441-453.

33. M. Garevski, V. Hristovski, M. Stojmanovska, Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk
Reduction, edited by S. Tanvir Wasti and Guney Ozcebe, NATO Science Series IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 66, Springer 2006, "Shaking Table Tests Of Scaled RC Frame Models For Investigation Of Validity And Applicability Of Different Retrofitting Techniques", pp. 441-453.

34. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., M. Garevski Computation procedure in Compliance with Mohr-Coulomb
Yielding Criterion Research reports, Invited Lectures Geotechnical seminar, Review 2007, Institute fur Geotechnical der Technischen Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg

35. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS
Software, Acta Geotechica Slovenica 2007/2 vol. 4

36. Salic, R.B., M.A. Garevski and Z.V. Milutinovic (2008). "Response of Lead-Rubber Bearing Isolated
Structure". Proceedings of 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008.

37. Lj.Tashkov, L. Krstevska, M. Garevski, V. Gocevski, Experimental investigation of seismic stability on

masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse, paper ID 12-01-0244, Proceedings of 1WCEE,October 1217, 2008, Beijing, China

38. Krstevska L., Lj. Tashkov, V. Gocevski and M. Garevski (2009). "Experimental and analytical
investigation of seismic stability of masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Received: 12 December 2008 Accepted: 9 July 2009 Published online: 28 July 2009)

39. Tashkov Lj., K. Manova, L. Krstevska and M. Garevski (2009) "Evaluation of efficiency of ALSC
floating-sliding base-isolation system based on shake table test and floor response spectra", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Received: 09 December 2008 Accepted: 08 September 2009 Published online: 21 September 2009)

40. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Dam-Fluid Interaction" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams ,
Struga , May 2008


41. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program FILT3D-IZIIS
with PLAXIS- phase of filtrationEngineering Problem from Practice " , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008

42. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program PROC3DN with
PLAXIS- phase static Engineering Problem from Practice" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008

43. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Modeling of Structural Joints for Arch Dams" MCOLD and II
Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008

44. Salic, R.B., M.A. Garevski and Z.V. Milutinovic (2009). "Response of lead-rubber Bearings Base
Isolated Structure, Proc. of 13 MACE, 14-17 October, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

45. Salik, R.B., M.A. Garevski i Z.V. Milutinovic (2009). Response of lead-rubber Bearings Base Isolated
Structure. Proceedings of International Conference Banja Luka Earthquake 40 Years of Engineering Experience, Banja Luka, 26-28 October 2009.

46. Milutinovic, Z.V and M.A. Garevski (2009). "Abu Dhabi, UAE, System for Seismic Risk Monitoring and
Management". Proceedings of International Conference Banja Luka Earthquake 40 Years of Engineering Experience, Banja Luka, 26-28 October 2009. WCEE: World Conference on Earthquake Engineering ECEE: European Conference on Earthquake Engineering



1. Evaluation of the Propper Functioning of the Rubber Isolators of the Primmary School Pestalozzi in Skopje Under Strong Earthquake U.S. Macedonian Science and Technology Project (1999-2001) 2. Seismic Assessment nd Rehabilitation f Existing Buildings NATO, SfP 977231 (2001-2004) 3. Development of Low-Cost Rubber Bearings for Seismic Safety of Structures in Macedonia and Balkan NATO, SfP 978028 (2003-2006) 4. Harmonization of Seismic Hazard for the Western Balkan Countries NATO, SfP 983054 (2008-2010) 5. Upgrading of Research Equipment for Dynamic Testing of Large Scale Models /UREDITEME/, EC-7FP, Ongoing


Appendix C:
Year PhD Students Ongoing Ongoing


Name Theme Country


Contribution in Definition of Seismic Action on the Territory of Republic of Serbia Development of Analytical Models of Rubber Isolators with Textile Layers Based on Experimental Evidence Limit Base Seismic Force and its Distribution Along Height of the Structure Based on Acceptable Level of Seismic Risk Development of Three Phase Finite and Infinite Element Model for Soil Dynamic Analyses Possibility for Implementation of Additional Direction of Movement for Bi-Axial Seismic Shaking Table Implementation of New Optimal Rubber Bearings for Base Isolation of Primary Scholl J.H. Pestaloci Stucy of Rubber and Fibre Isolator and its Implementation in Bridges Influence of Lead Rubber Bearings on the Response of Seismically Isolated Structures Influence of the System of Spherical Steel Sliding Bearings on Response of Base Isolated Structures Influence of Large Industrial Complexes on the Environment of Republic of Macedonia Climate Changes as Initial Momentum for Occurrence of Natural and Technological Disasters

Serbia Macedonia





Kemal EDIP


MSc Students Ongoing Nikola NAUMOVSKI Macedonia




2006 2007 2007


Albania Macedonia Macedonia





Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Prof. dr. Golubka NECEVSKA-CVETANOVSKA Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Full professor (re-election) on the subject Aseismic Design of RC, Steel and Masonry Structures, (UKIM Bulletin No. 908, December 1, 2006) Publications in the research field: 1. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska , P. Gavrilovic, R. Petrusevska, E. Gjorgjievska, Rennovated St. Clements church, St. Panteleymon Plaoshnik-Ohrid-Macedonia" International Conference VSU' 2004, Vol.1, Sofia, May 20-22, 2004, pp II-183-188. 2. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Evaluation of Seismic Resistance of Existing R/C Building Structures", 3rd China-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,October 2004, Dalian, China. 3. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska , Roberta Petrusevska, Strength and Ductility Capacity of High Strength Concrete Elements" 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 3128. 4. Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska, Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Application of High Strength Concrete in Design of Seismically Resistant Structures" 13WCEE, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2004, Paper Ref No. 3121. 5. Golupka-Necevska-Cvetanovska, Some Problems and Experience in Construction Practice in Macedonia", JDGK Simpozium, Vrnjacka Banja, September 2004 god., Vol. 1, pp. 261-266. 6. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska , Roberta Petrusevska, Investigations of High-strength Reinforced Concrete Beams and Columns in Macedonia", APSSRA'04, Asian Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, Paper 15, Seoul, Korea, 2004. 7. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska Seismic Design of RC Building Structures-IZIIS Practice" Sabor Hrvatskih graditelja 2004-Zbornik radova, Cavtat, str. 331-337. 8. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, High Strength Concrete-Investigations in Macedonia", Gradjevinar 56 (2004) br. 9, Hrvatska, str.531-537. 9. R. Petrusevska-Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, New Trends in Development of next Generation of Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings", EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005. 10. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska & R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, IZIIS" contribution to Development of Advanced Materials-High-Strength Concrete Investigations, (1992-2005)", EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005.


11. Ne~evska-Cvetanovska Golupka, Petru{evska-Apostolska Roberta, Istra`uvawa od oblasta na ultrajakite betoni realizirani vo IZIIS " , 11. Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, 28-30 septemvri, 2005 god., vol. 1, SI-7. 12. Petru{evska-Apostolska Roberta, Ne~evska-Cvetanovska Golupka, Seizmi~ki proektni metodologii za idnite generacii na propisi ", 11. Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, 28-30 septemvri, 2005 god., vol. 1, SI-9. 13. Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska and Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Conceptual Framework for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering", GNP 2006, Zabljak, februari, 2006. 14. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska and Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska, Adaptation and Reconstruction of Existing Building Structures - Experience Gathered", GNP 2006, Zabljak, februari, 2006. 15. Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska, Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Computation of M- relationship and mathematical modelling of nonlinear behaviour of high strength concrete elements", First SouthEast European Conference on Computational Mechanics, SEECCM-06, June 28-30, 2006, Kragujevac, Serbia and Montenegro, University of Kragujevac. 16. Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska and Ugljesa Terzic, Displacement Based Design Approach for Design of RC Frame Building Structures", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 296). 17. Roberta Petrusevska-Apostolska and Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Research, Development and Application of High Strength Concrete in Macedonia", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 292). 18. Golupka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, Roberta Petru{evska-Apostolska i Uglje{a Terzi}, Procedura za proektirawe na AB zgradi bazirana na pomestuvawe", 12JDGK, septemvri, 2006, Vrwa~ka Bawa. 19. Golubka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska & Roberta Apostolska ,"Proektirawe na seizmi~ki otporni konstrukcii vo soglasnost so Evrokod 8 ", 12ti Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Struga, 27-29 septemvri, 2007 god., Vol. 1, VR-4. 20. R.Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Consolidation, rebuilding and strengthening of the St. Panteleymon church - Ohrid ", Proc. of the Workshop, COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Prague, 30-31.3.2007. 21. Roberta Apostolska, Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, "High Strength Concrete Investigations In Macedonia- Research, Development and Application", Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara - Journal of Engineering, Tome V, Fascicule 2, Issn 1584-2665, University "Politechnica" Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering, Hunedoara, Romania, 2007. 22. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska & R. Apostolska, "Consolidation, rebuilding and strengthening of the Clement 's church, St. Panteleymon-Plaoshnik-Ohrid", Engineering Structures, Vol. 30, No. 8, August 2008, pp.2185-2193 23. R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska and N. Mircic, "Seismic performance of flat-slab building structural systems ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China 24. R. P. Apostolska , Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagoev, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Design seismic response evaluation for 2D frames and 3D wall systems with flexible foundation using capacity spectrum method ", Proc. of the International Symposium COST C26 Action "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, Oct. 23-25, 2008. 25. Bonev Z.P., Necevska-Cvetanovska G., Vasseva E., Apostolska R., Blagov D.,"Design Seismic Response of Wall Systems Including Foundation Flexibility", Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupled Site and Soil Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation, Borovets, Bulgaria 2008, published by Springer ISBN 978-90-481-2697-2. 26. Apostolska R., Building Structures under Earthquake Actions Nonlinear Response, Evaluation of Seismic Resistance, Seismic Protection and Strengthening, Seminar given at


the Instituto de Ingeneria, UNAM, Mexico City, october, 2009. 27. R. Apostolska , G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska, "Seismic performance of RC building structures with masonry infill", Presented at he COST C26 Action "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Aveiro, Portugal, November, 2009. 28. Jankovska Beti, Ne~evska-Cvetanovska Golubka, Apostolska Roberta, Cvetanovska Julijana, "Sizmi~ka otpornost na ramovski armiranobetonski zgradi so ispolna od yidarija", 13ti Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, oktomvri, 2009. 29. R. Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Computation of moment-curvature relationship and mathematical modelling of nonlinear behaviour of high strength concrete elements", IREME Journal Copyright 2009 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved, (Published online: November 2009). 30. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska, Natasa Mircic, Julijana Cvetanovska, "Measures for Seismic Upgrading of Flat-Slab Building structural Systems", GNP 2010, Zabljak. 31. R. Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, Julijana Cvetanovska, Beti Jankovska, "Analytical Investigations of Seismic Behaviour of RC Building Structures with masonry infills", GNP 2010, Zabljak. 32. Golupka Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, Roberta Apostolska, Nata{a Mir~i}, Julijana Cvetanovska, Konstruktivne mere za poboq{awe seizmi~kog pona{awa bezgrednih konstruktivnih sistema", 40 godini od zemjotresot vo Bawa Luka, Oktomvri 2009, Bawa Luka. 33. Roberta Apostolska, Golupka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Zdravko Bonev, Elena Vasseva, Dylian Blagov, Julijana Cvetanovska, Metoda spektra kapaciteta za ocenu seizmickog ponasanja AB zgrada na deformabilnom tlu", 40 godini od zemjotresot vo Banja Luka, Oktomvri 2009, Banja Luka. Scientific projects: 1. Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian project: Reduction of seismic vulnerability of RC building structures based on EC8-Application in Bulgaria and Macedonia", IZIIS Report 2008-54, (G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, E. Vasseva, R. Apostolska, Z. B. Petkov et al.) 2. Nacionalen nau~no-istra`uva~ki proekt finansiran od MON na Republika. Makedonija pod naslov Seizmi~ka otpornost na zgradi konstruirani od ultrajaki betoni", Izve{taj IZIIS 2007-22, (G.Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska i dr.) 3. 4. 5. 6. G. Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, Seizmi~ka otpornost na zgradi konstruirani od ultrajaki betoni"(2004-2006). G. Ne~evska-Cvetanovska, Dinami~ko odnesuvawe na elementi i konstrukcii od visokovredni materijali", izve{taj IZIIS 2003-32. G.N. Cvetanovska, P. Gavrilovi} i R.Petru{evska, Metodologija za dobivawe na ultrajaki betoni i nivna primena", Izve{taj IZIIS 2001-20. G.N. Cvetanovska, R.Petru{evska i dr., Primena na metodologijata za programirano odnesuvawe (capacity design) za proektirawe na seizmi~ki otporni zgradi, soglasno so pretstandardite na evropskite propisi", Izve{taj IZIIS 2001-43.


Bo`inovski @., G.N. Cvetanovska i dr., Studija za analiza i proektirawe na AB konstrukcii kako pridones kon soglasuvawe na nacionalnite propisi spored modelot na evropskite propisi (Eurocode 2 i Eurocode 8)", Izve{taj IZIIS 99-25. No~evski N., G.N. Cvetanovska i dr., Ocena na stepenot na povredlivost na objekti od visokogradbata vo moderni i tradicionalni urbani sredini", Izve{taj IZIIS 2000-73.



Membership in international network of researchers: Member of the European and World Association of Earthqauke Engineering

Mentor of post-graduate students: Doctoral thesis: M-r Roberta Apostolska, "Primena na ultrajaki betoni vo proektiraweto na seizmi~ki otporni konstrukcii, Juni 2003 Master thesis: Elena Cvetkovska, "Seizmi~ka otpornost na armiranobetonski zgradi so fleksibilen kat", Dekemvri 2009 Beti Jankovska, Seizmi~ka otpornost na ramovski armiranobetonski zgradi so ispolna od yidarija", Juli 2009 Luan Murtaj, "Aseismic Design According Euronorms and Nonlinear Behavior of Dual System Buildings", 2007 Ugljesa Terzic, "Direct Displacement-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frame Building Structures", 2006 , , 2006 Venera Vukasinovic, Comparative Analysis of Aluminium Alloy and Steel Elements and Structures, July 2005 Roberta Petru{evska, "Vlijanie na formata na histeresisniot model na nelinearnoto dinami~ko povedenie na pove}ekatni armiranobetonski konstrukcii izlo`eni na realni seizmi~ki dejstva", Juni 1995 Head of running project: 1. Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian project: Reduction of seismic vulnerability of RC building structures based on EC8-Application in Bulgaria and Macedonia", IZIIS Report 2008-54, 2. Joint Macedonian-Slovenian project: Seismic Safety of Precast Industrial Buildings ", 2010-2011 (co-investigator).


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Dr. Zoran MILUTINOVIC, Professor Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address:; Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Academic possition: Full Professor Election: Announced in UKIM Bulletin No. 677 of 21.02.1997; Resolution of UKIM-IZIIS Council No. 02-580/1 of 23.03.1997.

Re-election: Announced in UKIM Bulletin No. 801 of 01.04.2002; Resolution of UKIM-IZIIS Council No. 02-979/2 of 22.04.2002. Publications in the research field: List of selected references is enclosed in Appendix A. Scientific projects: List of selected reference projects is enclosed in Appendix B. Membership in international network of researchers: European Association of Earthquake Engineering World Association of Earthquake Engineering

Mentor of post-graduate students: Referent List is enclosed in Appendix C. Head of running project: National Coordinator: Project: NATO SfP Project 983054 Harmonization of Seismic Hazard for the Western Balkan Countries.


Appendix A:


1. Paskalov, T. and Z. Milutinovic (1982). "Estimation of Rock Motion During the April, 15, 1979 Montenegro, Yugoslavia Earthquake". Proceedings of the 7ECEE, Athens, Greece, 1982. 2. Milutinovic, Z., H. Kameda and J. Petrovski (1986). "Earthquake Damage Prediction Modeling and Assessment". Proceedings of the 8ECEE, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1986. 3. Petrovski, J. and Z. Milutinovic (1986). "Earthquake Vulnerability and Loss Assessment for Physical and Urban Planning". Proceedings of the 8ECEE, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1986, pp. 2.3/9-2.3/16. 4. Petrovski, J., Z. Milutinovic, N. Nocevski, V. Stankovic and B. Pavicevic (1986). "Earthquake Damage Evaluation from Montenegro, Yugoslavia Earthquake of April 15, 1979". Proceedings of the 8ECEE, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1986. 5. Milutinovic, Z., H. Kameda and J. Petrovski (1988). "Integrated Modeling and Predictive Estimation of Urban/Rural Seismic Losses". Proceedings of the 9WCEE, Tokyo-Kyoto, Japan, August 2-9, 1988, Vol. VIII, pp. 1043-1048. 6. Milutinovic, Z. and J. Petrovski (1990). "Dynamic Amplification Potential of Lacustrine Deposits Prevailing in Sector 3 of the Historic Center of Mexico City". Proceedings of the 9ECEE, Vol. 9, Moscow, USSR, 1990, pp. 60-69. 7. Petrovski, J. and Z. Milutinovic (1990). "Development of Vulnerability Functions Based on Empirical Data from September 19, 1985 Michoacan, Mexico Earthquake". Proceedings of the 9ECEE, Vol. 9, Moscow, USSR, 1990, pp. 258-267. 8. Petrovski J. T., V. V. Vlaski, Lj. Jordanovski and Z.V. Milutinovic (1994). "Characteristics of Earthquake Ground Motions Obtained on the Ohrid Lake Three Dimensional Strong Motion Array in the Republic of Macedonia". Proceedings of 10ECEE, Vol. 1, Vienna, 1994, Austria, pp. 235-240. 9. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (1995). "Parameters Influencing Seismic Behavior of Buried Pipelines", Proc. Of 6th MACE Symposium, Vol. 2, October 1995, Ohrid, pp. CT46/1-CT46/6. 10. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (1995). "Seismic Behavior of Buried Pipelines", Macedonian Water Management Journal No. 5, December, 1995, pp. 20-24. 11. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (1996). "Importance of Transportation Systems and Other Lifelines for Earthquake Disaster Preparedness", Proceedings of 11WCEE, Acapulco, Mexico, June 23-28, 1996. 12. Petrovski J. T. and Z.V. Milutinovic (1996). "Earthquake Hazard Related Elements for Disaster Preparedness Planning". Proceedings of 11WCEE, Acapulco, Mexico, June 23-28, 1996. 13. Milutinovic, Z. V. and G. S. Trendafiloski (1997). "Elements for Emergency Preparedness of Schools in Republic of Macedonia", Fourth National Conference of Earthquake Engineering, September 1997, Ankara, Turkey. 14. Milutinovic, Z. V. and G. S. Trendafiloski (1997). "Role of Transportation Systems and other Lifelines in Earthquake Disaster Preparedness", Fourth National Conference of Earthquake Engineering, September 1997, Ankara, Turkey. 15. Milutinovic, Z. V., T. R. Olumceva and G. S. Trendafiloski (1997). "Disaster Preparedness and Sustainable Development", Fourth National Conference of Earthquake Engineering, September 1997, Ankara, Turkey. 16. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (1998). "Earthquake Preparedness of Schools in Republic of Macedonia", 11ECEE, September 1998, Paris, France. 17. Milutinovic, Z. V., B. Stanojevska and R. Penov (2000). "RADIUS Project in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia", Proceeding of 12WCEE, February 2000, Auckland, New Zealand. 18. Milutinovic, Z., J.-P. Massue and V. Poyarkov; Editors (2001). "School of Civil Protection Handbook". EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement of the Council of Europe and International Organization for Migration, Strasbourg-Geneva, 2001.


19. Milutinovic, Z. (2001) "Natural Hazards", Module Bl-2/A of "School of Civil Protection Handbook", EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement of the Council of Europe and International Organization for Migration, Strasbourg-Geneva, 2001. 20. Milutinovic, Z. (2001) "Natural Risks, Disasters and Effects", Module Bl-4/A of "School of Civil Protection Handbook", EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement of the Council of Europe and International Organization for Migration, Strasbourg-Geneva, 2001. 21. Milutinovic, Z. and V. Poyarkov (2001) "Risk and Emergency Management", Module Bl-1/A of "School of Civil Protection Handbook", EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement of the Council of Europe and International Organization for Migration, Strasbourg-Geneva, 2001. 22. Milutinovic, Z. V. (2001). "Current Developments in the Field of Seismic Risk Reduction and Preparedness of Education System in Republic of Macedonia", Proceedings of International Workshop on "Earthquake Safer World in the 21st Century - Emphasis on Self-help, Cooperation and Education through Community Involvement", Kobe, Japan, January 30-31, 2001. 23. Bozinovski, Z.Lj., Z.V. Milutinovic and G.S. Trendafiloski (2002). "Disaster Prevention, Mitigation, Diagnosis, Urgent Measures and Education of Users for School Buildings". Proceedings of 12ECEE, Paper reference 209, London, September 2002. 24. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (2002). "Estimation of the Seismic Ground Instabilities Potential along the Lifelines by Implementation of GIS. Case Study: Trunk Gas Pipeline in Republic of Macedonia". Proceedings of 12ECEE, Paper reference 192, London, September 2002. 25. Milutinovic, Z.V., G.S. Trendafiloski, Z. Lj. Bozinovski and T. R. Olumceva (2002). "Physical and Psychological Management of Earthquake Related Emergencies in Schools in Republic of Macedonia". Proceedings of 12ECEE, Paper reference 193, London, September 2002. 26. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (2002). "Motion Damage Relationship of RC Buildings Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Time-history Analyses". Proceeding of the International Conference - Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction, October 2002, Bucharest, Romania. 27. Trendafiloski, G.S. and Z.V. Milutinovic (2003). "Probabilistic Semi-Empirical Vulnerability Functions for Masonry Structures", 10th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, September 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. 28. Anastasov, K., Z. Vrskovski, Z.V. Milutinovic, G.S. Trendafiloski, T.R. Olumceva and B. Tagasovski (2003). "Seismic Risk Scenario for the City of Bitola: RISK-UE Approach", Proceedings of the International Conference SE-40EEE, paper reference 0142, August 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 29. Milutinovic, Z.V., G.S. Trendafiloski and T.R. Olumceva (2003). "Seismic Vulnerability and Performance of School Building in Republic of Macedonia", Proceedings of the International Conference SE-40EEE, paper reference 0139, August 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 30. Olumceva, T.R., Z.V. Milutinovic and G.S. Trendafiloski (2003). "Elements of Physical and Psychological Management of Emergency Situations in Schools in Republic of Macedonia", Proceedings of the International Conference SE-40EEE, paper reference 0140, August 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 31. Stanojevska, B.D., R. Penov, Z.V. Milutinovic, G.S. Trendafiloski and T.R. Olumceva (2003). "Implementation of IDNDR/RADIUS Project in the City of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia", Proceedings of the International Conference SE-40EEE, paper reference 0138, August 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 32. Trendafiloski, G.S. and Z.V. Milutinovic (2003). "Hazard-consistent Seismic Demand Spectra for the City of Skopje", Proceedings of the International Conference SE-40EEE, paper reference 0141, August 2003, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 33. Olumceva, T.R., Z.V. Milutinovic and G.S. Trendafiloski (2003). "Elements of Physical and Psychological Management of Emergency Situations in Schools in Republic of Macedonia", Council of Europe EUR-OPA MHA International Workshop on Seismic Safety and Emergency Management of Essential Facilities, SEMEF-2003, June 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. 34. Trendafiloski, G.S. and Z.V. Milutinovic (2003). "Seismic Vulnerability and Performance of School Building in Republic of Macedonia", Council of Europe EUR-OPA MHA International







40. 41.






Workshop on Seismic Safety and Emergency Management of Essential Facilities, SEMEF2003, June 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Mazzolani F.M., Gramatikov K., Dumova-Jovanoska E., Milutinovic Z. and Taskov Lj. (2005). "Earthquake Protection of Historical Buildings by Reversible Mixed Technologies: The PROHITECH Project". Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE), 2005. Milutinovic, Z.V., G.S. Trendafiloski and T.R. Olumceva (2006) "Implementation of RISK-UE Approach for Creation of Earthquake Risk Scenarios for the City of Bitola, Macedonia", Paper 1253, 1ECEES, Geneva, Switzerland. Trendafiloski, G.S., Z.V. Milutinovic, T.R. Olumceva and G. Rockenschaub (2006) "RVS Method for Health Facility Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation", Paper 976, 1ECEES, Geneva, Switzerland. Milutinovic, Z.V. and G.S. Trendafiloski (2004). "Hazard-consistent Spectra and Fragility Analysis". Proceedings of 13WCEE, Paper reference 1833, Vancouver Canada, August 2004. Trendafiloski, G.S. and Z.V. Milutinovic (2004). "GIS-oriented Method for Elaboration of Probabilistic Earthquake Scenarios". Proceedings of 13WCEE, Paper reference 1809, Vancouver Canada, August 2004. Milutinovic, Z.V. and Massue, J.-P. (2004). "School ID Card A Key Prerequisite for Effective Mitigation and Emergency Response", OECD-Publication. Milutinovic, Z., P. Mouroux & The RISK-UE Team (2004). "The Objectives and Achievements of RISK-UE Project: An Advanced Approach to Earthquake Risk Scenarios with Applications to Different European Towns". The 3rd International Conference On Continental Earthquakes, Beijing, China, 12-14 July, 2004. Milutinovic, Z.V. (2005) "Some Mechanisms to Mitigate Unacceptable Seismic Risk Levels Pertinent to Low-Strength Buildings", International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake (ISEE Kobe 2005), Kobe/Awaji, January 13 - 16, 2005. Milutinovic, Z.V. and M. Garevski (2005). "National Report of Republic of Macedonia and Information on Disaster Reduction, The World Conference on Disaster Reduction, KobeHyogo, Japan, 18-22 January 2005. Milutinovic, Z.V. (2006). "Vulnerability Functions for Near Real-Time Damage and Loss Assessment: RISK-UE Contribution", Invited Session: Near Real Time Damage and Loss Assessment due to Strong Earthquakes. International Disaster Reduction Conference, IDRC Davos 2006. Davos, Switzerland, August 27September 1, 2006. Mucciarelli, M., Z.V. Milutinovic, A. Gosar, M. Herak and D. Albarello (2008). "Assessment of Seismic Site Amplification and of Seismic Building Vulnerability in the Republic of Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia". Proceedings of 14WCEE, Beijing, China, October 2008. Milutinovic, Z.V and M.A. Garevski (2009). "Abu Dhabi, UAE, System for Seismic Risk Monitoring and Management". Proceedings of International Conference Banja Luka Earthquake 40 Years of Engineering Experience, Banja Luka, 26-28 October 2009.


World Conference on Earthquake Engineering European Conference on Earthquake Engineering European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Skopje Earthquake 40 Years of European Earthquake Engineering



6. Assessment of Seismic Risk and Diagnosis of Urban Regions Exposed to Strong Seismic Impacts, Ministry of Science of RM (2001) 7. Physical and Psychological Management of Earthquake Related Emergencies in Schools in Republic of Macedonia, UNICEF-Skopje (2001)
8. 9. An Advanced Approach to Earthquake Risk Scenarios with Applications to Different European Towns RISK-UE, 6FP, European Commission, Contract No.: EVK4-2000-00513 (2001) Vulnerability of Hospital Environment to Extreme Earthquake Loadings, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark (2004)

10. Assessment of Seismic Site Amplification and Seismic Building Vulnerability in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia, NATO, SfP980857 (2005)

Appendix C:
Year PhD Students 1999 1995


Name Theme Country


GIS Oriented Method for Determination of Probabilistic Earthquake Scenarios Urbanistic-Architectural Aspects of Technical Principles for Sustainable and Safe Construction in Seismic Prone Regions An Advanced Approach for Seismic Hazard Assesssment of Macedonia Seismic Behaviour of Buried Pipelines Integrated Procedure for Statistical Modelling of Synthetic Acceleration Time Histories and Ground Motion Parameters from Strong Earthquakes Vulnerability Analysis and Estimation of Probability of Physical and Functional Damage and Economic Losses for Traditional Masonry Structures Vulnerability of Traditional Masonry Buildings with Flexible Floor Structures Vulnerability of Typical Educational Buildings in Albania Seismic Risk of Mid Rise Reinforce Concrete Skeleton Residential Buildings Seismic Risk and Vulnerability of Educational Buildings in Kosovo Seismic Fragility of Traditional Masonry Buildings in Bulgaria

Macedonia UK


Radmila SALIC


MSc Students 1995 1996 Goran TRENDAFILOSKI Tatjana OLUMCEVA Macedonia Macedonia







2006 2007 2008 Ongoing

Albania Macedonia Kosovo Bulgaria


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Ljubomir Tashkov Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Full professor on subject: Dynamics of Structures (re-election)- December 2001 Publications in the research field: 1. Tashkov, Lj., Krstevska, L., "Comparison between fixed base and seismic base isolated liquid storage tank by ALSC system", EE-21C-International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 27.08-01.09 2005, Skopje-Ohrid, CD Proceedings 2. Tashkov, Lj., Krstevska, L., "Vibration testing methodology of turbo-generator foundations - IZIIS experience", 1st International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, IOMAC, 26-27 April, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings, p.p.313-320 3. Krstevska, L., Tashkov, Lj., "In-situ testing of building structures:Methodology and practical applications - IZIIS experience", 1st International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, IOMAC, 26-27 April, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings, p.p.329-336 4. Lj. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, " Non-linear mathematical modelling of the arch dam vertical joints based on shaking table test on 1/36 scale model and parametric identification", International Conference HYDROPOWER 2006 proceedings, Kunming, China, October 2006 5. L. Krstevska, Lj. Taskov, "Ambient vibration testing of historical monuments", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, Paper Number 543 6. Lj. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, " Shaking table test of 1/3 scale model of pipeline system - part 1: experimental results", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, Paper Number 548 7. T. Timur, LJ. Tahskov, M. H. Boduroglu, L. Krstevska, S. Timur, " Evaluation of dynamic behaviour of fixed and base isolated liquid storage tanks by means of numerical models and shaking table tests", 10th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, energy dissipation and active vibrations control of structures, May 28-31, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey 8. Gj. Kokalanov, LJ. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, "Seismic analysis of Byzantine Church Models and proposed solutions for their strengthening", 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering (pcee), Singapore, 2007L.Krstevska, LJ. Taskov, F. Mazzolani, " Experimental investigation on the Mustafa Pasha Mosque Large scale model", Journal of Engineering - Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Tome V, Fascicole 1, 2007 9. Lj. Taskov, L. Krstevska, B. Temelkoska, "Experimental evaluation of dynamic behaviour of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), Vol.8, No. 2 (2008) 339-355, June 2008


10. Krstevska, L., Tashkov, L., Gramatikov, K., Landolfo, R., Mammana, O., Portioli, F. and Mazzolani, F. [2008] "Shaking table tests on the large scale model of Mustafa Pasha Mosque without and with FRP", Proceedings of the sixth international Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction SAHC2008, 2-4 July, Bath, United Kingdom, p.p.383-391 11. L.Krstevska, Lj.Taskov , Verification of Effectivenes of Seismic Protection And Retrofit Techniques By Experimental Testing, Malta Symposium, COST Action C26 Urban habitat construction under catastrophic events", Malta, 2008, pp 223-228 12. L.Tashkov, L. Krstevska, M. Garevski,V. Gocevski, Experimental investigation of seismic stability of masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse, paper ID 12-01-0244, Proceedings of the The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering ,October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China 13. Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov, Vladimir Gocevski and Mihail Garevski, "Experimental and analytical investigation of seismic stability of masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Published online: 28 July 2009) 14. Lj. Tashkov, K. Manova, L. Krstevska and M. Garevski, "Evaluation of efficiency of ALSC floatingsliding base-isolation system based on shake table test and floor response spectra", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Published online: 21 September 2009) 15. F. Macolani, K. Gramatikov, R. Landolfo, G. De Mateis, Lj. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, Lj. Lazarov, Gj. Kokalanov, E. D. Jovanoska, "Numerical and experimental analysis of three strengthening technics for three models within the project PROHITECH", 13-teen International Simpozium MASE, Ohrid, 1417October 2009, pg.. 49-62 Scientific projects FP-6 PROHITECH COST C26 Evropska Asocijacija za Zemjotresno In`enerstvo COST

Membership in international network of researchers:

Member of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering Member of the Macedonian Association of Earthquake Engineering Member of the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Macedonia
Mentor of post-graduate students: 3 master and 2 doctors Head of running project: Bilateral project :Slovenia- Macedonia (ZAG-IZIIS) 2009-2012

Development and application of seismic base-isolation system for reservoirs and buildings based on the concept of floating structure (ALSC).

Bilateral project: Turkey- Macedonia(Candilli-IZIIS) 2010-2011 Bilateral project: Italy- Macedonia(Reggio Calabria) 2009-2010

Harmonization of the procedure for shake table test of large and mediummodels Shake table test of Fossanova modelstrengthened by forced entry method


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Prof. d-r Danilo RISTIC Institution (UKIM unit): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS Salvador Aljende 73, P.Fah. 101, 1000 Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: second and permanent election into the title of Full University Professor (Resolution made by the IZIIS Council no........ dated......) Publications in the research field:
1. Ristic, D., Iemura, H., Ristic, J., Innovative Seismic Isolation Systems for Buildings Capable of Full Seismic Energy Control, Accepted, The 14th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 2. Micov, V., Ristic, D., Dorka, U.E., Jovanovic, M., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System With Innovative Multi-Level Seismic Energy Balance, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 3. Ristic, D., Jovanovic, Dorka, U., New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures th Applying Seismic Shaking Table, Proceedings from the 12 Symposium of MASE, Ohrid, R. Macedonia, 2007. 4. Ristic, D., Advancing Seismic Engineering With Innovations and Permanent Education, Proceedings of the International Conference, GNP-Montenegro, Zabljak, 2008. 5. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Vucinic, M., Jovanovic, M., Advanced Seismic Isolation System for Bridges Based on Optimized Seismic Energy Balance, Proceedings of the First European Conf. on Earthquake th th Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC) , Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.

Scientific projects and relevant main data:

Positions and dates Deputy Director of Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) in two terms, 7-years; Vice-president and member of IZIIS Council in three terms, 12-years; Vice-president of IZIIS Scientific Council in three terms, 12-years; Head of Section for Civil Structures and System Engineering in IZIIS in three terms, 12-years; President of IZIIS International MSc and PhD Education and Scientific Committee in three terms, 12years; Head of IZIIS-DAAD (Germany) MSc and PhD Regional Education SEEFORM-School, 2000-now; Education 1988 Doctor of Engineering (PhD), Diploma, Kyoto University, Japan; 1983 MSc. in Earthquake Engineering, Diploma, IZIIS, Univ. "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Skopje; 1976 Graduated Civil Engineer, Diploma, Civil Engineering Faculty, Univ. "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Skopje; 1988 Advanced Earthquake Engineering, KAJIMA&Kyoto University (KUCE), RTD Award, Tokyo-Kyoto, Japan; 1986 Advanced Civil Engineering, MUNBUSHO Award, Kyoto University, Japan 1982 Technology for Disaster Prevention, National Research Center for Disaster Prevention (NRCDP), Tokyo-Tsukuba Science Center, Japan Career/Employment (employers) 1976-1989 Researcher, Section for Earthquake Resistant Design of Engineering Structures, IZIIS; 1989-1994 Assist. Professor, Head of Section for Civil Structures and System Engineering-SYSING, IZIIS; 1994-1999 Assoc. Professor, Head of Section for Civil Structures and System Engineering-SYSING, IZIIS; 1999-2002 Full Professor, Head of Section for Civil Structures and System Engineering-SYSING, IZIIS; 2002-now Full Professor, Deputy Director of IZIIS, Director for Education and Science; Fields of Specialization (i) main field: structural earthquake engineering, new technologies, seismic isolation and seismic testing; (ii)other fields: bridges, engineering structures, structural retrofitting, vulnerability of structures; Current research activities Development of Seismic Isolation Systems Applicable For Seismic Protection of New and Seismic


Revitalization of Existing Bridges; Project Director from IZIIS, Bilateral USA-Macedonia Research Project in Collaboration with Univ. of Southern California, LA, USA. Development of Substructure Testing in Real-Time for Hydraulic Shaking Tables, DFG project SUBSHAKE in collaboration with University of Kassel, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kassel, Germany; Towards European Integration in Seismic Design and Upgrading of Building Structures; FP Project EARTHQUAKE in Collaboration with: (1) University of Bristol-England, (2) European Joint Research Center-JRC, Ispra-Italy, (3) ISMES-Italy, (4) University of Ljubljana-Slovenia, (5) Academy of ScienceSlovakia, (6) ECOLAND-Romania and (7) IZIIS-Republic of Macedonia. Development of Systems for Seismic Isolation of Bridges and Buildings, Project Director from IZIIS, Bilateral Serbia-Macedonia Research Project in Collaboration with Univ. of Novi Sad, Serbia. Teaching and main activities Sector of Competence: Research, Education, Innovations and Development; Teaching Subjects: Analysis of Structures; Planning and Design of Transportation Systems and other Infrastructure Systems in Seismic Regions; Aseismic Design of Bridges; Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology; Application of FEM in Analysis of Structures; Bridges, Transportation and Infrastructure Systems; Design by Application of EUROCODE 8 Structural Dynamics; Earthquake Resistant Design of Industrial Structures; Earthquake Resistant Design of Transportation Facilities (Bridges, Tunnels, Viaducts, etc.); Seismic Control of Structures; Analysis of (Nonlinear) Structures II Aseismic Design of Engineering Structures Method of (nonlinear) Finite Elements II Repair and Strengthening of Engineering Structures Foundation of Structures Aseismic Design of Embedded Infrastructure Facilities Main Research Research Topics: Design, Modeling and Computation of the Dynamic Behaviour of Structural Systems; Seismic Resistant Design of Civil Engineering Structures; Arch Dams; Gravity Dams; Earth Dams; Bridges; Cooling Towers; Industrial Facilities; Buildings, etc.; Seismic Resistant Design of Special Structures; Studies of Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control Systems; Study and Modeling of Nonlinear Behaviour of Structural Systems Under Strong Earthquakes; Experimental On-Line Pseudo-DynamicTesting; Dynamic Shaking Table Testing of Models; Nonlinear Quasi-Static Testing of Structural Components; Ambient Vibration Tests of Full-Scale Structures; Elaboration of Technical Regulations and Recommendations for Seismic Resistant Design; Earthquake Damage and Vulnerability Analysis of Structures in Urban Areas; Life-Line and Transportation Systems; Structural Diagnosis and Structural Revitalization, etc. Development of Advanced Technology for Construction of Complex Engineering Structures; Optimal Solution of Special Engineering Problems; Seismic Vulnerability of Structures; Structural Diagnosis; Development of Special Purpose Computer Software, etc. Principal investigator of more than 12 National and International Long-Term research projects Number of published materials: Published more than 300 reference materials (Scientific papers, Scientific reports, Research reports, Reports of Development Projects, Teaching Materials, Software Manuals, Patents, etc.) Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies; 1982 JICA Award, National Research Center for Disaster Prevention (NRCDP), Tokyo-Tsukuba, Japan; 1984-1986 MUNBUSHO Award, Advanced Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan; 1988 RTD Award, Advanced Earthquake Engineering, KAJIMA & Kyoto University (KUCE), Kyoto, Japan;


1995 Award-Gold medal for Best Patent, Seismically Resistant System, Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva; 1996 Award Patent of the Year, The Highest National Award, Government of Republic of Macedonia; 1998 Award for Outstanding Patent, Gold Medal with Mark, Exhibition of Inventions, Casablanca, Morocco; 1999 Award Patent of Highest National Significance in 10 Years, GOSEB&GVCS Systems); 2000 Award Nationally Nominated Patents to Represent Macedonia at Millennium EXPO, Hanover, Germany; Membership of Professional Societies: International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) - (World Association); European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE); Macedonian Association for Earthquake Engineering (MAE); Macedonian Association for Structural Engineering (MASE), Member of presidency, 8-years; Macedonian Association for Theoretical Mechanics, Member of presidency, 8-years; Visiting scientific and education institutions and cooperation record: -1976 Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey; -1979 University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro; -1982 Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan; -1982 NRCDP, JICA, Tsukuba, Japan (three months study stay); -1982 Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan; -1982 Sendai University, Sendai, Japan; -1984 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1984-1986 PhD studies); -1988 Osaka and Kyoto University, Osaka-Kyoto, Japan (three months study stay); -1989 University of Novi Sad, Serbia; -1990 Teheran University, Teheran, Iran (three months); -1991 IIEES, Tehran, Iran; -1992 Bristol University, Bristol, England, two weeks; -1993 University of Nish, Serbia; -1994 University of Belgrade, Serbia; -1998 ISMES, Bergamo, Italy; -1999 LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal; -1999 European Joint Research Center-JRC, Ispra, Italy; -2000 University of Southern California, LA, USA; -2000 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; -2002 YTU, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey; -2004 METU, Ankara, Turkey; -2005 PTU, Tirana, Albania, 2005-2009, frequently; -2008 University of Bochum, Germany, 2000-2008, frequently; -2008 University of Achen, Germany; -2009 University of Kassel, Germany, 2004-2009, frequently; Publications (list of selected publications): 1. Ristic, D., Iemura, H., Ristic, J., Innovative Seismic Isolation Systems for Buildings Capable of Full Seismic Energy Control, Accepted, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 2. Micov, V., Ristic, D., Dorka, U.E., Jovanovic, M., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System With Innovative Multi-Level Seismic Energy Balance, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 3. Ristic, D., Jovanovic, Dorka, U., New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying Seismic Shaking Table, Proceedings from the 12th Symposium of MASE, Ohrid, R. Macedonia, 2007. I. LIST OF REALIZED LONG-TERM SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS 1. Three-Year Bilateral (Macedonia-Serbia) Scientific Project (P-1): 1. Principal Investigator from Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator From Serbia: Prof. Dr. Radomir Folic, Univ. of Novi Sad,; 3. Project Title: Development of Innovative Systems for Seismic Isolation and Vibration Control Efficient for Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings; 4. Period of Realization 2005-2007, Final Report of Bilateral Scientific Project SerbiaMacedonia, Report IZIIS 2007-30, Skopje, 2008. 2. Three-Year International DFG-Germany-Macedonia Scientific Project (P-2): 1. Principal Investigator From Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator From Germany: Prof. Dr. Uwe Dorka, Univ. of Kassel, 3. Project Title: SUBSHAKE Development of New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying Seismic Shaking Table; Period of Realization 2005-2007, Final Report 2008. 3. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-3): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Innovative ML-GOSEB-System for Seismic Isolation Applicable for Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings; 3. Realization 2005-2007, Final Report: IZIIS 2007-20, Skopje, 2008. 4. Three-Year European FP5 Scientific Project EARTHQUAKE, (P-4): 1. Principal Investigator from


Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Towards Eeuropean Integration in Seismic Design and Upgrading of Building Structures; Task-2: Refined Non-Linear Numerical Simulation of R/C Iinfilled Frames "; 3. Realization 1997-2000, Final Report IZIIS, 2001; 4. List of Participating European Centers/ Research Institutions: 1. University of Bristol-England; 2. European Joint Research Center, Ispra-Italy; 3. ISMES-Italy; 4. University of Ljubljana-Slovenia; 5. Academy of Science-Slovakia; 6. ECOLAND-Romania, and 7. IZIIS-Republic of Macedonia. 5. Three-Year American Scientific Project (Bilateral Project: Macedonia-USA) (P-5): 1. Principal Investigator from Macedonia: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Principal Investigator from USA: Prof. Dr. Mihailo D. Trifunac, Univ. of Southern California, USA; 3. Project Title: Systems for Seismic Isolation Applicable For Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges; 4. Period of Realization 1997-2000, United States-Macedonian Science and Technology Cooperation Programme, Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 2001. 6. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-6): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Experimental Testing of GVCS-System for Construction of Seismo-Resistant Buildings Based on Model Testing of Real Building on Seismic Shaking Table, (Patent); 3. Realization 1997-2000, Ministry of Science, Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 2000. 7. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-7): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic, IZIIS, Skopje; 2. Project Title: Experimental Testing of GVCS-System for Construction of Seismo-Resistant Buildings Based on Model Testing of Real Building on Seismic Shaking Table, (Patent); 3. Period of Realization 1997-2000, Ministry of Science, Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 2000. 8. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-8): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic; 2. Project Title: Development of Vibration Control Systems for Seismic Risk Reduction of Bridge Structures; 3. Period of Realization 1993-1995, Ministry of Science, .Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 1995. 9. Three-Year National Scientific Project (P-9): 1. Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Danilo Ristic; 2. Project Title: Formulation of Nonlinear Models and Energy-Based Criteria for Earthquake Damage Degree Prediction and Its Application for Seismic Risk Control of Classical and Base Isolated Buildings; 3. Period of Realization 1993-1995, Ministry of Science, .Final Report IZIIS, Skopje, 1995. II. LIST OF REALIZED INNOVATION PROJECTS (PATENTS): Author of Two Innovative Projects, Nationally Nominated To Represent R. Macedonia In The Field of INVENTIONS AND SCIENCE at Millennium World Exhibition of Innovative Technologies for The 21Centry; EXPO-2000, Hannover, Germany, June, 1Oct. 31, 2000; Field of Projects: Innovative Technologies For Construction of Seismically Safe Structures In 21-Centry. 1. Innovative Project-1: Ristic, D., (Author) Sun TowerSkopje Symbol Building, 26-Story SeismoResistant Prototype EuroPort Building, World Exhibition, EXPO-2000, Hannover, Germany, June 01 October 31, 2000. (Innovation: Seismo-Resistant GVCS-System for Buildings Above of 8 Stories). 2. Innovative Project-2: Ristic, D., (Author) Seismically Safe Cities of The Future, World Exhibition, EXPO-2000, Hannover, Germany, June, 1October 31, 2000. (Innovation: Seismo-Resistant GOSEB-System for Buildings Up-To 8 Stories And for Other Types of Different Structures). III. LIST OF SELECTED 21 REFERENCES (FROM MORE THAN 300): 1. Ristic, D., Iemura, H., Ristic, J., Innovative Seismic Isolation Systems for Buildings Capable of Full Seismic Energy Control, Accepted, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing,China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 2. Micov, V., Ristic, D., Dorka, U.E., Jovanovic, M., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System With Innovative Multi-Level Seismic Energy Balance, Accepted, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing,China, Oct. 12-17, 2008. 3. Ristic, D., Advancing Seismic Engineering With Innovations and Permanent Education, Proceedings of the International Conference, GNP-Montenegro, Zabljak, 2008. 4. Ristic, D., Jovanovic, Dorka, U., New Method for Real-Time Dynamic Testing of Sub-Structures Applying Seismic Shaking Table, Proceedings, 12th Symposium of MASE, Ohrid, R.Macedonia, 1997. 5. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Vucinic, M., Jovanovic, M., Advanced Seismic Isolation System for Bridges Based on Optimized Seismic Energy Balance, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) , Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. 6. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Hristovski, V., Zisi, N., Popovski, M., Micro-Model and Energy Based Criteria for Seismic Damage Prediction of Classical and Base-Isolated Structures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, EE-21C, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2005. 7. Krstevska, L., Ristic, D., "Seismic Response of RC Infilled Frames - Micro-Model for Non-Linear Numerical Simulation, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004. 8. Talaganov, K., Garevski, M., Ristic, D., Micov, V., Comparative Dynamic Stability Study of a High -Rise Structure Exposed to Seismic and Wind Effects - Case Study, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004.


Krstevska, L., Ristic, D., "Non-Linear Micro-Model of RC Frames With Infill - I: Experimental Background", Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, SE-40EEE, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2003. 10. Ristic, D., Krstevska, L., "Non-linear Micro-Model of RC Frames With Infill II: Discrete Component Models", Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, SE-40EEE, Skopje, Republic of Macedonija, 2003. 11. Ristic, D., Seismically Safe Cities of The Future: Created Large Inventive Project With New GOSEBSystem-Nominated to Represent Republic of Macedonia At The Millennium EXPO of Inventions, Hanover, Germany, Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, SE40EEE, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2003. 12. Ristic, D., "Toward Practical Application of the New GVKS-System of Seismically Resistant Buildings (Patent of the Year of Republic of Macedonia), Project: Symbol Structure "Sun Tower", Journal of the Association for Mechanics of R. Macedonia, Year-1, no. 1, (Invited paper for the first issue of the journal), June, 1998. 13. Ristic, D., Zisi, N., Hristovski, V., "New Hysteretic Micro-Analytical Model and Energy Based Criteria for Earthquake Damage Prediction of Traditional and Base-Isolated Structures", Proc. 11th WCEE, Acapulco, Mexico, July 1996. 14. Ristic, D., Popovski, M., Hristovski, V., Zisi, N., Nocevski, N., "Seismic Vulnerability Reduction of Concrete Buildings and Industrial Halls Using Base Isolation and Vibration Control Devices", 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, Austria, August 28 - September 2, 1994. 15. Ristic, D., "New Methodological Approach to Diagnostication of the State and Analysis of the Seismic Vulnerability of Traditional and Base Isolated Structures, Invited Paper, V Symposium for Theroetical and Applied Mechanics, Ohrid, June, 1994. 16. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Popovski, M., "Modern Development Trend and Practical Application of Systems for Control of Vibrations and Reduction of Seismic Risk Pertaining to Structures of Vital Importance, V Symposium of MASE, Volume 2, Ohrid, September 1993. 17. Ristic, D., Micov, V., Popovski, M., "Experimental Testing of the Hysteretic Behaviour and the Stability Loss Mechanism of Typified Neoprene bridge bearings under Simultaneous Effect of Vertical and Simulated Cyclic Loads, IZIIS Report 92-43, Skopje, 1992. 18. Ristic, D., Taskov, LJ., Micov, V., Bojaxiev, M., Popovski, M., "Testing of Dynamic Behaviour of a Bridge Model with Incorporated Neoprene Bearings under Simulated Actual Earthquake Effects on a Seismic Shaking Table, IZIIS Report 92-044, Skopje, 1992. 19. Ristic, D., Building Damage Classification and Development of Empirical Vulnerability Functions", Part1 of Vol. IV, "Guidelines for Earthquake Damage Evaluation and Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings, Earthquake Protection of Engineered Buildings", United Nation Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme, UNDP-UNCHS (HABITAT), Project IRA/90/004, Tehran 1992. 20. Ristic, D., "Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings and Development of Analytical Vulnerability Functions", Part-2 of Vol. IV, "Guidelines for Earthquake Damage Evaluation and Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings, Earthquake Protection of Engineered Buildings", United Nation Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme, UNDP-UNCHS (HABITAT), Project IRA/90/004, Tehran 1992. 21. Ristic, D., Yamada, Y., Iemura, H., Petrovski, J., "Nonlinear Behavior and Stress Strain Based Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Earthquake Induced Bending and Varying Axial Loads", Research Report No. 88-ST-01, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 1988.


Member of international network of researchers: Yes Mentor of post-graduated students: 1. Mentor of master students: Marjan Popovski (Canada), Nikola Zisi (USA), Erald Kerluku (Albania),
Milos Boskovic (Serbia), Vlatko Kocevski (R. Macedonia), Vlado Micov (R. Macedonia); 2. Mentor of doctoral students: m-r Viktor Hristovski (R. Macedonia), m-r Vlado Micov (R. Macedonia), m-r Lidija Krstevska (R. Macedonia), m-r Milutin Vucinic (Montenegro), m-r Marija Vitanova (R. Macedonia), m-r Momcil Yakimov (Bulgaria).

Head of running project:

Prof. Dr. D. Ristic, PPD Project Director (Macedonia); Prof. Dr. U. Dorka, NPD Project Director (Germany), Three year NATO project with participation of 5 countries: Macedonia, Germany, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Hertzegovina, SEISMIC UPGRADING OF BRIDGES IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE BY INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, ESP.EAP.SFPP 983828, NATO, Sciense for Peace & Security (SPS) Section, 20092012.


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Prof. D-r Zivko Bozinovski

Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address:

Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: 03.05.2006 Publications in the research field:

1. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Improving The Quality of Sub Urban Building Stock, Suburban Settlement Radisani, Proceedings of Mid Term Conference, COST Action TU0701, Malta, 7th 8th May 2010. 2. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Life time response of masonry structures using degrading model force-displacement, Proceedings of Workshop COST Action C25, Timisoara (Romania), on 23-24 October 2009. 3. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Jukka Lahdensivu, Erkki Vesikari, Degradation modes and models for masonry structures, Proceedings of Workshop COST Action C25, Timisoara (Romania), on 23-24 October 2009. 4. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Life time response of masonry structures using degrading model force-displacement, Proceedings of Seminar COST Action C25, Dresden (Germany), on 6-7 October 2008. 5. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, M. Secer & O. Bozdag, Maintenance, reconstruction, repair, strengthening and rehabilitation of existing masonry buildings, C25 4th MC meeting and 1st Workshop, Lisbon (Portugal), on 13-15 September 2007. 6. Roberto di Giulio, Zivko Lj. Bozinovski and Leo G.W. Verhoef, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 7. Roberto di Giulio, Zivko Lj. Bozinovski and Leo G.W. Verhoef, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 8. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement of Urban Building Envelopes Through Reconstructions, Enlargements, Building of Other Storeys And A2-26

Revitalization on Existing Residential Buildings in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 9. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Enlargement of Balconies and Upgrading of Existing Residential Building Daskal Kamcev street number 1 in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 10. Kiril Gramatikov and Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Enlargement of Balconies of Existing Residential Building Karpos in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 11. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Conclusions on Working Group 3A :Structures, COST Action C16, Improvement of Quality of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, Structures, Research in Architectural Engineering Series, Volume 4, ISSN 1873-6033, 2007. 12. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement Of Urban Building Envelopes Through Reconstructions, Enlargements, Building of Other Storeys and Revitalization on Existing Residential Buildings in Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Urban Building envelopes 9th Management Committee and 7th Working Group Meetings, Madeira, Portugal, November 4-5, 2005. 13. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Improving the Quality of Existing Buildings Through Repair, Strenthening, Reconstruction and Revitalization, Proceeding of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006 14. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Improvement of the Quality of Existing Buildings Through Reconstructions and Revitalization, International Conference on Civil Engineering, 20-24 February 2006, Zabljak, Montenegro. 15. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement Of Urban Building Envelopes Through Reconstructions, Enlargements, Building of Other Storeys and Revitalization on Existing Residential Buildings in Skopje, COST Action C16,Improvement of Urban Building envelopes 9th Management Committee and 7th Working Group Meetings, Madeira, Portugal, November 4-5, 2005. 16. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski, Improving The Quality Of Existing Urban Building Envelopes, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 27 August-1st September 2005, Skopje-Ohrid. 17. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement Of Urban Building Envelopes: Case Studi: Upgrade Of Existing Residential Buildinds Structures In Avtokomanda, Skopje, COST Action C16, Improvement of Urban Building envelopes 8th Management Committee and 6th Working Group Meetings, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 27-29, 2005 A2-27

18. Kiril Gramatikov, Zivko LJ. Bozinovski and Marija Aleksovska, Reconstruction And Revitalization Of Traditional Residential Houses In Republic Of Macedonia, COST Action C16, Improvement of Urban Building envelopes, 8th Management Committee and 6th Working Group Meetings, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 27-29, 2005 19. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Improvement Of Buildings Structural Quality by New Technologies: Identification, repairing, strengthening and revitalisation of existing buildings structures in seismic prone areas, Proceeding of the COST C12 Final Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, January 20-22, 2005 20. Zivko Ljube Bozinovski and Kiril Gramatikov, Reconstructions, Repair, Enlargements, Building Of Other Storeys On Existing Residential Structures In Skopje, COST Action C16 Improvement of Urban Building envelopes, 6th Management Committee and 4th Working Group Meetings,Goteborg, Sweden, October 15-16, 2004
Scientific projects: Membership in international network of researchers: COST Action C25 COST Action TU0701 Mentor of post-graduate students: Altin Serenaj Semijal Hasani-Ziberi Head of running project:


M. Garevski, Z. Bozinovski, I. Gjorgjiev, Static Computation and Proportioning of Reinforcement Details for the Structure - Column - Fountain with a Sculpture Skopje, Working Design, IZIIS Report 2009-47, Skopje, 2009. Z. Bozinovski, I. Gjorgjiev & G. Jekich, Static Computation with Proportioning of the "Macedonia" Portal Structure, Skopje, Main Design, IZIIS Report 2009-19, Skopje, 2009. M. Garevski, Z. Bozinovski, I. Gjorgjiev, Static Computation and Proportioning of Reinforcement Details for the Structure - Column - Fountain with a Sculpture Skopje, Main Design, IZIIS Report 2008-72, Skopje, 2008. Z. Bozinovski, V. Sendova, R. Petrusevska at al., Analysis of Stability with Technical Solution for Strengthening of the Principal Structural System of the Parliament Building of Republic of Macedonia, IZIIS Report 2008-53, Skopje, 2008. V. Sendova, Z. Bozinovski & R. Petrusevska, Evaluation of Damaged Individual Residential Structure in Gostivar as per File 566/07 at Basic Court Gostivar, IZIIS Report 2008-42, Skopje, 2008. A2-28






V. Sendova, Z. Bozinovski, B. Stojanoski, M. Stojmanovska & E. Gjorgievska, Report on Results from Inspection of Existing Conditions of the Structures at 515 Str., Skopje, IZIIS Report 2008-30, Skopje, 2008. Z. Bozinovski, G.N. Cvetanovska & B. Stojanoski, Study for Seismic Protection of the Structure: Reconstruction of the House of Corrections in the Village of Kshanje, Kumanovo Municipality and Building of Another Storey, IZIIS Report 2007-38, Skopje, 2007. M. Garevski, Z. Bozinovski, R. Apostolska, B. Stojanoski at al., Effect of Vibrations Produced by Machines During Construction of the Skopje By-Pass upon the Structures in v. Stajkovtsi, IZIIS Report 2007-35, Skopje, 2007. Z. Bozinovski, V. Sendova & R. Petrusevska, Expertise on Parking Commercial Bank Skopje, IZIIS Report 2007-32, Skopje, 2007. Z. Bozinovski at al., Strengthening of Basic and Upgraded Building Structure of the Regional Court in Shtip, IZIIS Report 2006-34, Skopje, 2006. Veronika Sendova, Zivko Lj. Bozinovski at al., Study for Seismic Stability of Existing State of the Structure of Apartment Building on Leninova 58 in Skopje, IZIIS Report 2006-18, Skopje 2006. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski at al., Adaptation, Reconstruction and Strengthening of part of the Structure Villa Macedonia in Skopje, IZIIS Report 2004-38, Skopje 2004. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski at al., Reconstruction, Adaptation, Strengthening and Revitalization of the Structure of the Villa No. 1 in Skopje, IZIIS Report 2004-33, Skopje 2004. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Repair, Strengthening, Reconstruction, Adaptation and Revitalization of the Structure of the Pool Complex of the Specialized Hospital for RehabilitationTherapy and Specialized Medical Rehabilitation Centre Katlanovska Spa, IZIIS Report 2004-36, Skopje 2004. Zivko Lj. Bozinovski, Rafaela V. Pavlovska at al., Repair, Strengthening, Reconstruction, Adaptation and Revitalization of the Structure of the Public High School "Niko Nestor" in Struga, IZIIS Report 2004-01, Skopje 2004.











Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Prof. Dr. Snezana STAMATOVSKA Institution (UKIM unit): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS Salvador Aljende 73, P.Fah. 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: snezana@pluto, Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Professor, Bulletinof UKIM no. 911 dated 30.11.2007 Publications in the research field:

1. Stamatovska S., Petrovski D.& Krstanova-Loteska M. Seismic Input for Seismic Safety Analysis, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering-EE21C, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 August-1 September, 2005, R. of Macedonia. 2. Stamatovska Snezana, Petrovski Dimitar, Krstanova-Loteska Maja. Seismic Input for the Analysis of Seismic Safety of Structures, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE), Ohrid, Macedonia, 28-30 September 2005, pp. 354-360. 3. Stamatovska S. Important Recommendations and Discussion about Application of Eurocode 8, Second fib Congress, Naples, 5-8 June 2006, Paper No. 0976. 4. Stamatovska S. G. A New Ground Motion Model Methodological Approach, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 41, Number 3-4, September 2006, pp.409-423. 5. Stamatovska S., M. Nastev & D. Petrovski Uniform Hazard Spectra, First European Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, Paper No. 235. 6. Garevski M. & S. Stamatovska Seismic Input for Base Isolated Structures, 10-th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Structures, Istanbul, May 2007. 7. Snezana Stamatovska, Ground Motion Models for Local Earthquakes, Proceedings, Volume 1, Second International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, 03-07 March 2008, pp .469-474. 8. Snezana Gjorgji Stamatovska Ground Motion Models- State of the Art, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 43, Number 2-3, June 2008, pp.267-284.


9. Snezana Gjorgji Stamatovska Seismic Safety of Structures -Case Study: Probabilistic Methodological Approach to Definition of Seismic Input, Journal of Acta Geodaetica et Geophisica Hungarica, Volume 43, Number 2-3, June 2008, pp.337-348. 10. Snezana Stamatovska, Ema Efremova-Stojkovska: Seismic Response of Local Soil Example: Effect of Method for Definition of Seismic Input , Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of the Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE). Ohrid, Macedonia, 14-17 October, 2009. Volume 2, pp. 725-730. 11. Snezana Stamatovska Local Soil Response to Hazard Compatible Seismic Input, Proceedings: Seismology and Engineering Seismology, pp. 109-118. International Conference on Earthquake Engineering 40th Anniversary of Banja Luka Earthquake. 26-28 October, 2009, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Scientific Projects: 1. Probability Assesment of Seismic Safety for High-Rise Buildings 2. Cooperation betwwen Albenia and Macedonia in the Field of Seismic Safety of Dams Membership in international network of researchers:
1. European Association of Earthquake Engineering 2. Central European Initiative

Mentor of post-graduate students: 1. Probability Assesment of Seismic Safety for High-Rise Buildings Candidate: Maja Krstanova -Loteska, Dipl. Grag. Engineer 2. Effect of Geological Conditions upon Response Spectrum Shape for the Skopje City Region Candidate: Ema Efremova, geologist Mentor of doctoral students: 1. Ground Motion due to Explosions with Optimization of Seismic Effect Due to Mining Candidate: M. Sc. Gavril Mirakovski, geophysicist Head of running project: 1. Effect of Geological Conditions upon Response Spectrum Shape for the Skopje City Region


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Veronika Shendova Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address:

Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Full Professor at UKIM, Bilten UKIM no. 953 dated 1.12.2008

Publications in the research field:

Scientific publication published in USA:
Gavrilovic P., Ginell W., Sendova V., Sumanov L., "Conservation and seismic strengthening of Byzantine churches in Macedonia", The Getty Conservation Institute, GCI Scientific Program Reports, ISBN 089236777-6, 2004 J. Paul Getty Trust, LA, USA, 2004

- awarded with the State award "Goce Delcev" for scientific achievement in Republic of Macedonia for the year of 2004state award "Goce Delcev" Invited lecture on international scientific conferences:
1. Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., "Implementation of a methodology using "ties and injection" developed for repair and strengthening of historic monuments", IV International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SACH 2004, Padova, 2004 Sendova V, Gavrilovic P., Stojanoski B., "Integrated Approach in Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje", Seismic Engineering International Conference Commemorating 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake, Reggion Calabria, Italy, 2008


Scientific papers on international and national conferences (2004-2009)

1. Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., Stojanovski B., "Reconstruction, Seismic Strengthening and Repair of the St. th Athanasius Church in Leshok Case Study", Proc. of the 13 World Conferencs on earthquake Engineering 13 WCEE, Canada, 2004, Paper No.63 Gavrilovic P., Sendova V., Kelley S., "Seismic isolation: a new approach to earthquake protection of historic monuments", Proc. of the IV International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SACH 2004, Padova, 2004, pp:1257-1264. Garevski M., [endova V., Stojanoski B., "Rekonstrukcija na pravoslavniot soboren hram Sv. Bogorodica vo Skopje", 11. Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, 2005 Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., Kelley S., " A study of seismic protection techniques for the byzantine st churches in macedonia", International Conference EE-21C, Earthquake Engineering in the 21 Century, Skopje-Ohrid, 2005 Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., " Implementation of ties and injection methodology developed for strengthening st of historic monuments", International Conference EE-21C, Earthquake Engineering in the 21 Century, Skopje-Ohrid, 2005 [endova V., Stojanoski B., "Kvazistati~ko ispituvawe na yidni elementi - fragmenti od crkvata Sv. Atanasie vo Le{ok", GNP-2006, @abqak, Crna Gora 2006 Sendova V., Rakicevic Z., Gavrilovic P., Jurukovski D., "Retrofitting of Byzantine Church Using Passive


3. 4.

5. 6. 7.


Base Control System" 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, San Diego, USA, 2006 8. Sendova V., Stojanoski B., Salic R., Garevski M., "Seismic Strengthening and Repair of SS. Peter and Paul Cchurch in Ohrid Case Study", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and th th Seismology (a joint event of the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 2006 Garevski M, Sendova V., Stojanoski B., "Reconstruction of the Orthodox Cathedral Church the Virgin Mary in Skopje", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 2006


10. Sendova V., Stojanoski B., Tashkov Lj., "Reconstruction, Repair and Seismic Strengthening of St. Athanasius Church in Leshok Damaged by Explosion", Proc. of the Workshop: COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Prague, 2007 11. [endova V., Stojanoski B., [ali} R., Garevski M., "Seizmi~ko zajaknuvawe i sanacija na crkvata Sv. Petar i Pavle vo Ohrid", 12. Me|unaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, 2007 12. Apostolska R., Necevska-Cvetanovska G., Sendova V.,"Methodology for rehabilitation and seismic th strengthening of St. Clement's Church, St. Panteleymon Plaoshnik - Ohrid", 14 World Conference on Earyhquake Engineering, 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008 13. Sendova V., Stojanoski B., " Quasi-static tests on wall elements constructed during the reconstruction of Stt. Athanasius Church in Leshok", 14th World Conference on Earyhquake Engineering, 14WCEE, Beijing, China, 2008 14. Sendova V., Jekic G., " Effectivness Of Seismic Strengthening Of Monuments For Blast Resistance", Proc. of the International Symposium within the COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, 2008 15. Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., Stojanoski B.," Integrated Approach to Repair and Seismc Ctrengthneing of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje", Seismic Engineering International Conference , MERCEA09, Reggio di Calabria, 2008 16. Sendova V., "Integrated Approach in Protection of Cultural Heritage", Meeting of the thematic group on cultural heritage and risk, EUR-OPA, Athens, 2009 17. Mazzolani F., Sendova V., Gavrilovic P., "Design by Testing of Seismic Restoration of Mustafa Pasha Mosque in Skopje" , Internationa Conference PROHITECH 09, Rome, 2009

Reports from international courses in the field organized at IZIIS (2004-2009)

1. 2. 3. 4. Gavrilovic P., Sendova V., Cosentino S., "Final Report on the IZIIS-INTERSOS Course on Structural Conservation of Architectural Heritage", Report IZIIS 2004-30 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-third International Twelve-week Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC 2004, August 30 - November 19, 2004, Report IZIIS 2005-17 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-fourth International Eleven-week Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC 2005, August 15 -October 28, 2005, Report IZIIS 2006-22 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-fifth International Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC-CEB 2006, September 11 - November 24, 2006 (for 11 participants supported by Council of European Develpopment Bank), Report IZIIS 2006-35 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-fifth International Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC 2006, September 11 - November 24, 2006 (for 18 participants supported by the Netherlands' Government), Report IZIIS 2007-31 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-sixth International Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC-CEB 2007, August 27 - November 9, 2007 (for 11 participants supported by Council of European Develpopment Bank), Report IZIIS 2008-13 Garevski M., Sendova V., Final Report on the Twenty-sixth International Course on Aseismic Design and Donstruction - CADAC 2007, August 27 - November 9, 2007 (for 18 participants supported by the Netherlands' Government), Report IZIIS 2008-14




Professional papers published within the period 2004-2009

1. 2. 3. [endova V., Stojanoski B., Raki~evi} Z, "Modelirawe na odnesuvaweto na istoriskite spomenici pri seizmi~ki vlijanija", Izve{taj IZIIS 2003 - 17 Garevski M., [endova V., Stojanovki B., "Glaven proekt za vozobnovuvawe na crkvata Sv. Bogorodica vo Skopje", IZIIS 2004-20 [endova V., Bo`inovski @, \or|ievska E., "Konstruktivno zajaknuvawe na objektot Gradska ku}a - ^ilimanovi", Skopje, IZIIS 2005-22


4. 5. 6. 7.





12. 13.


15. 16.


18. 19.

Sendova V. at al, "Experimental Quasi-Static Tests on Wall Elements Constructed During The Reconstruction of the Church of St. Athanasius, Leshok", IZIIS 2005-25 Garevski M., [endova V., Stojanoski B., "Glaven proekt za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na crkvata Sv. Petar i Pavle vo Me{ei{ta, Ohrid", IZIIS 2005-28 [endova V., Bo`inovski @, Stojanoski B., "Elaborat za seizmi~ka stabilnost na postojnata sostojba na objektot-stanbena zgrada na ul. Leninova br.58, Skopje", IZIIS 2006-18 [endova V., Stojanoski B., Raki~evi} Z.,"Analiti~ki istra`uvawa na dinami~ki odgov na konstrukcii na istoriski spomenici so sistem na seizmi~ka izolacija",Izve{taj IZIIS 200719 Bo`inovski @., Apostolska, R., [endova, V., "Stru~na ekspertiza so tehni~ko re{enie za sanacija, zajaknuvawe i revitalizacija na konstrukcijata na objektot, parking na Kulturen centar-Skopje", Izve{taj IZIIS 2007 -32. [endova, V., Stojanoski B., "Sanacija i zajaknuvawe na konstrukcijata na Mustafa-pa{ina xamija, - Kniga 1: Tehni~ko re{enie za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na temelnata konstrucija" IZIIS 2007-41/1 [endova, V., Stojanoski B., "Sanacija i zajaknuvawe na konstrukcijata na Mustafa-pa{ina xamija, - Kniga 2: Tehni~ko re{enie za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na konstrucijata na centralnata kupola" IZIIS 2007-41/2 [endova, V., Stojanoski B., "Sanacija i zajaknuvawe na konstrukcijata na Mustafa-pa{ina xamija, - Kniga 3: Tehni~ko re{enie za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na nosivite fasadni yidovi" IZIIS 2007-41/3 Sendova V., Apostolska R., Stojanovski B. et al. "Study of the achieved quality of seismic protection of the existing structure of "Komuna administrative building", Skopje, Report IZIIIS 2007 -55 Necevska-Cvetanovska, G., Sendova V., Sesov V., Apostolska R., "Programme and preliminary offer for elaboration of study (evaluation) of achieved quality of seismic protection of structures in free economic zone Bunardzik-Skopje, April/May, 2007 [endova V., Bo`inovski @., Stojanovski B., Stojmanovska M., \or|ievska E., "Izve{taj od izvr{eniot uvid za postojnata sostojba na objektite na ul. 515-Skopje", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008 30 Rakicevic Z., Sendova V., Zlateska A., Naumovski N., Mateski V., "Shaking table testing of Wienerberger unreinforced masonry models without and with antiseismic devices", Report IZIIS 2008-32 [endova V., Bo`inovski @., Apostolska R., "Ve{ta~ewe za o{teten individualen stanben objekt vo Gostivar po predmetot br. 566/07 pri Osnoven sud Gostivar", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008 42 [endova V, Bo`inovski @., Stojanovski B., [e{ov V., Apostolska R., "Izve{taj za izvr{ena procena na stabilnosta na postojniot objekt na Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija, Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-44 Apostolska R., [endova V., Stojanovski B. i dr. "Stru~na ekspertiza za izvr{ena ot{teta na Delovno-stanben objekt na ul. Dane Krap~ev, br. 20, Skopje", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-46 Bo`inovski @., [endova V., Apostolska R., Stojanovski B., \or|ievska E. i dr., "Analiza na stabilnosta so tehni~ko re{enie za zajaknuvawe na osnovniot konstruktiven sistem na objektot Sobranie na Republika Makedonija", Izve{taj IZIIS 2008-53

Scientific projects:
1. "Seismic Strengthening, Conservation and Restoration of Byzantine Churches Dated from 9th to 14th Century, Located In Macedonia", finansiran od "The Getty Conservation Instititute", GCI, USA 19911994 Veronika [endova: koistra`uva~ na glavniot istra`uva~ "Earthquake Protection of Byzantine Churches Using Seismic Isolation", Macedonian Joint Board i Phare Cultural Devlopment Program. 1998-2000 Veronika [endova: koistra`uva~ na glavniot istra`uva~ "Shaking Table testing of Adobe Structures", IZIIS&GCI joint project, 1995-1996 Veronika [endova: koistra`uva~ na glavniot istra`uva~ "Razvivawe na metodologija za sanacija i zajaknuvawe na kulturno-istoriskite spomenici od vizantiski period", Ministerstvo za nauka, 1996-1998 Veronika [endova: koistra`uva~ na glavniot istra`uva~ "Modelirawe i predviduvawe na odnesuvaweto na istoriskite spomenici pri seizmi~ki vlijanija", Ministerstvo za nauka, 2000-2002 finansiran od USA-


3. 4.



Veronika [endova: rakovoditel - glaven istra`uva~ 6. "Analiti~ki istra`uvawa na dinami~kiot odgovor na konstrukciite na istoriskite spomenici so sistem na seizmi~ka izolacija", Ministerstvo za obrazovanie i nauka na R. Makedonija, 2004-2006; Veronika [endova: rakovoditel - glaven istra`uva~ Zavr{en izve{taj IZIIS 2007-19 7. Project on conservation and restoration of the church, the refectory and the church kitchen within the Treskavets monastery, finansiran od World Monument Fund, 2004-2005; Veronika [ednova: glaven istra`uva~ - faza konstrukcija Project PROHITECH: Protection of Historical Monuments using inovative technologies, finansiran vo ramkite na EU-FP6 Programme, 2004-2007 Veronika [endova: istra`uva~ - u~esnik vo rabotnite paketi: WP5, WP7, WP11 "Reduction of seismic vulnerability of RC building structures based on EC8-Application in Bulgaria and Macedonia", bilateralen nau~noistra`uv~aki proekt - Republika Makedonija i Bugarija, 20072008 Veronika [endova: istra`uva~ - u~esnik



Membership in international network of researchers:

EAEE - European Asociation of Earthquake Engineering ICOMOS - International Comittee on Monuments and Sites COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Mentor of post-graduate students:

(2004) Magisterski trud so naslov: Seismic stability of medieval churches in Serbia (2005) Magisterski trud so naslov: Vulnerability of plain masonry heritage structures in Bitola (2006) Magisterski trud so naslov: Seizmi~ko odnesuvawe na ku}ite od }erpi~ (2007) Magisterski trud so naslov: Analiti~ko modelirawe na dinami~ki odgovor na bazno izoliran istoriski spomenik (2008) Magisterski trud so naslov: Seizmi~ka za{tita na kulturno istoriski spomenici so primena na sovrementi materijali - shape memory allolys (2010) Magisterski trud so naslov: Efektivnost na seizmi~koto zajaknuvawe na istoriskite objekti vo nivnata otpornost na eksplozii


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Dr Viktor Hristovski, Full Time Professor

Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: 30.11.2009 Publications in the research field:

[1] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to Shear, 3rd DIANA World Conference Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications, 9-11 October 2002, Tokyo, Japan [2] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Comparative Study of FEM Based Reinforced Concrete Analytical Models And Their Numerical Implementation: Software Package FELISA/3M, first fib Congress - Concrete Structures in the 21st Century, 13-19 October 2002, Osaka, Japan [3] Hristovski, V. and Noguchi, H., Discrete Modeling of Sliding Shear Failure in Contacts Between RC Members with Different Thickness", paper no. 696, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE), Vancouver, B.C. Canada, August 1-6, 2004. [4] Hristovski, V., Stojmanovska, M., Zarnic, R., Dujic, B., "Analytical investigation of massive wooden wall panel systems subjected to seismic excitation", ", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (A joint even of the 13th ECEE & General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, abstract. [5] Stojmanovska, M., Hristovski, V., "Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Solid Wooden Wall Panel Elements Subjected to Lateral Loads", 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14th WCEE), Oct. 12-18, 2008, Beijing, China
Scientific projects: 1.Head of national project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2002 Development of Software Package for Analysis and Diagnosis of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Implementation of Several World Regulations, IZIIS Skopje, 2003. 2. Head of international scientific project, bilateral project between R. Slovenia and R. Macedonia


financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 1st January 2005 to 31st December 2006 Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Shear Strength of Massive Wood Wall Panels (MW-WALLS), IZIIS, Skopje, March 2007. 3. Participant in international NATO Science for Peace Project SfP977231 Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings 2001-2005, Principal Investigator of the project Prof. Mihail Garevski Membership in international network of researchers: Mentor of post-graduate students:

1. IZIIS resolution for appointment as mentor of doctoral dissertation of candidate M. Sc. Marta Stojmanovska. 2. IZIIS resolution no. 02/2134/1 dated 10.11.2004 for appointment as mentor of proposed theme for master thesis of candidate Helidon Kokona, grad. Civil eng. 3. IZIIS resolution no. 09/1336/1 dated 8.8.2005 for appointment as mentor of proposed theme for master thesis of candidate Marta Stojmanovska, grad. Civil eng.
Head of running project:


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Prof.Dr. Vlado Micov Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology IZIIS Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000 Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Elected Full professor on 16.11.2009, Bulletin no. 974, SS Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje Publications in the research field: 1. Micov V., Ristic D., Dorka U., Efficient Bridge Seismic Isolation System with Innovative MultiLevel Seismic Energy Balance , 14th WCEE, Bejing, China, 12-17 October 2008. 2. Talaganov K., Garevski M., Risti D., & Micov V., Comparative Dynamic Stability Study of a High -Rise Structure Exposed to Seismic and Wind Effects - case study, Proc. 13th WCEE, Vancouver, Canda, 1-6 August 2004. 3. Ristic D., Micov V., Vucinic M., Jovanovic M., "Advanced Seismic Isolation System For Bridges Based On Optimized Seismic Energy Balance", Proc. 13th ECEE, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006. 4. Talaganov, K., Garevski M., Ristic, D., Micov, V., Analysis and Design of Millenium Cross Structure on Vodno Mountain Overlooking Skopje, International Symposium of MASE, Ohrid, September 2005. Scientific projects: Principal investigator: 1. Title of the project: Development of Seismic Bridge Bearing and Experimental Verification, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, 2004-2006, IZIIS, 2007-24. Co-investigator: 1. Title of project: Inventive ML-GOSEB System for Seismic Isolation Applicable for Efficient Seismic Protection of New and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and Buildings, scientific-research project, IZIIS, 2007-20. 2. Title of project: Development of Innovation Systems for Seismic Isolation and Control of Vibrations Efficient for Seismic Protection of new and Seismic Revitalization of Existing Bridges and buildings, (GOSEB-2 system), IZIIS, 2007-30. Membership in international network of researchers: Mentor of post-graduate students: Head of running project: 1. Micov, V., Taskov, Lj, Krstevska, L., Mircevska,V., Diagnosis of Existing Conditions and Proposed Solution for Repair of 180m High Reinforced Concrete Chimney of Thermal Power Plant Oslomey, Main and Working Design, IZIIS 2009-18, Skopje, March 2009. 2. Micov, V., Hristovski, V., Garevski, M., Pedestal of the Czar Samoil Monument, Main Project Phase Structure, IZIIS Report 2008-64. 3. Micov, V., Stojmanovska, M., Pedestal of the Monument of TMRO Founders, Main Project Phase Structure, IZIIS Report 2009-28. 4. Garevski, M., Micov, V., Mircevska, V., Report on Performed Periodic Inspection of Stability of Cooling Tower in Block 2 of Hydroelectric Power Plant Bitola, with Opinion about Its Stability, IZIIS 2008 45.


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Zoran Rakicevic Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Associate professor December 26, 2006 Publications in the research field: A. International Conferences 1. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2001): Shaking Table Tests of a Five Storey Steel Frame Model With Passive Control System, 9th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 27.09 29.09 2001, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 2. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2001): Mathematical Modeling of a Five Storey Steel Frame Model With Passive Control System Using Seismic Shaking Table Experiments, 9th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 27.09 29.09 2001, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 3. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2002): Shaking Table Testing and Mathematical Modeling of a 5Storey Steel Frame Structure With Passive Energy Dissipation System, 3-rd World Conference on Structural Control, Como, Italy 7-12 April 2002 4. Jurukovski D., Rakicevic Z. (2002): Effectiveness of a DEFD Passive Energy Dissipation System compared to Conventional Moment Resisting Frame and Dual Structural System, 3-rd World Conference on Structural Control, Como, Italy April 7-12. 5. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2002): Shaking Table Testiing, Mathematical Modelleing and Effectiveness Analysis of 5-Storey Steel Frame Structure with DEFD Passive Energy Dissipation System, Eurodyn 2002, Munich, Germany, September 2-5 6. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2002): Shaking Table Testing of a 5-Storey Steel Frame Structure With Passive Energy Dissipation System, 12 ECEE, London, UK, September 6-11. 7. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2002): Mathematical Modeling Testing of a 5-Storey Steel Frame Structure With Passive Energy Dissipation System, 12 ECEE, London, UK, September 6-11. 8. Jurukovski D, Rakicevic Z. (2003): Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness of Earthquake Design School and Hospital Buildings by EC-8 and National Code, International Workshop on Safety and Emergency Management of Essential Facilities, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, June 19 21. 9. Rakicevic Z. (2003): DEFD IZIIS Concept for Passive Structural Control, SE-40EEE, Ohrid, REPUBLIC OF Macedonia, August 26-29 10. Jurukovski D, Sendova V. Rakicevic Z. (2003): New Materials in Structural Engineering,


Symposium on Structural Materials, 100 years birth anniversary of Academic Dr. Djordje Lazarevic, Surdulica, Valsinsko Lake, Serbia and Montenegro, September 18 19 (in Serbian). 11. Jurukovski D, Rakicevic Z. (2003): Controlled Structures Technological Reality of Structural Engineering in 21st Century, Invited paper, 10th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 24.09 26.09 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 12. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D. (2003): Damping Effect in Control of Dynamic Response of Structures, 10th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 24.09 26.09 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 13. Rakicevic Z. (2003): Seismic Behaviour of Buildings with Passive Systems for Increasing of Stiffness and Damping, Awarded as best scientific study for 2001, 10th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 24.09 26.09 2003, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 14. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D (2004): Effectiveness of Viscous Damping in Controlling Storey Displacement, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Structural Control, pp S6-60 -S6-63, 3ECSC, 12-15 July 2004, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. 15. Jurukovski D, Rakicevic Z. (2004): Structural Retrofitting of A 6-Storey Hotel with HDRB and Viscous Dampers, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Structural Control, 3ECSC, pp S6-92-S6-95, 12-15 July 2004, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. 16. Jurukovski D, Rakicevic Z. (2005): Application of Structural Control, Invited paper, Konferencija savremena Gradjevinska praksa 2005, 21.03-01-04.2005, Novi Sad, Srbia and Monte Negro. 17. Jurukovski D., Nawrotzki P. and Rakicevic Z (2005): Shaking Table Testing of Frame Structure With Base Control System and Tuned Mass Control System, EE-21CInternational conference to mark 40 years anniversary of IZIIS Skopje, Skopje-Ohrid August 27-September 01. 18. Rakicevic Z, Salev V. and Jurukovski D. (2005): Analytical Modeling of Base Control System, Using Experimental Results, EE-21CInternational conference to mark 40 years aniversary of IZIIS Skopje, Skopje-Ohrid August 27-September 01. 19. Nawrotzki P., Jurukovski D. and Rakicevic Z (2005): Shaking Table Testing of a Steel Frame Structure with and without Base Control System, Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2005, Paris, France, 4-7 September 2005. 20. Jurukovski D., Nawrotzki P. and Rakicevic Z (2005): Shaking Table Testing of a Steel Frame Structure with and without Tuned Mass Control System, Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2005, Paris, France, 4-7 September 2005. 21. Rakicevic, Z, Jurukovski, D. and Nawrotzki, P. (2006): Analytical Modeling of Dynamic Behavior of a Frame Structure with and without Base Control System, Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 11-13, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. 22. Rakicevic, Z, Zlateska, A., Jurukovski, D. and Nawrotzki, P. (2006): Analytical Estimation of the Effectiveness of Tuned Mass Control System Using Shaking Table Experiments, Fourth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 11-13, 2006, San Diego, California, USA. 23. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (2006): Seismic Stability of Heavy Stone Facades, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006. 24. Jurukovski D., Rakicevic Z. (2007): Upgrading of capacity of a technological bridge by incorporating passive system for controlling of vertical deformations, 12th International Symposium, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 27.09 29.09 2007, Struga, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian) 25. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. and Nawrotzki, P. (2007): Analytical Modeling and Effectiveness Estimation of Tuned Mass Damper, 12th International Symposium, Macedonian


Association of Structural Engineers, 27.09 29.09 2007, Struga, Republic of Macedonia (In Macedonian). 26. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Optimal Damping Capacity of Steel Frame Structures, 4-th European Conference on Structural Control, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, September 8-12, 2008. 27. Rakicevic Z., Jurukovski D., Zlateska, A. (2008): Earthquake Resistant Design Needs Structural Control, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17, 2008. 28. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. (2009): Optimal Damping Capacity of Steel Frame Structures, 12th International Symposium Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, October 14-17, 2009, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 29. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. (2009): Aseismic Design of Steel Frame Structures with Added Damping, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering - Banjaluka Earthquake - 40 years of Construction Experience, Ocrober 26-28, 2009, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 30. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. (2010): Savremene tehnologije za projektovanje i graenje u graevinarstvu, Internacionalni Nauno-struni Skup, GNP 2010 - Graevinarstvo Nauka I Praksa, Februar 15-19, 2010, abljak, Crna Gora. B. Scientific and applied research projects: 1. Rakicevic Z. & Jurukovski D. (1998-2001): Optimum Design of Passive Controlled Steel Frame Structures, IZIIS Report 2001-59, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian USA Scientific and Technological Cooperation 2. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (2004): Shaking Table Testing of a Frame Model with GERB Base Control System (BCS), IZIIS Report 2004-50, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 3. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (2004): Shaking Table Testing of a Frame Model with GERB Tuned Mass Control System (TMCS), IZIIS Report 2004-51, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. 4. Jurukovski, D. and Rakicevic, Z. (2005): Proof Tests on a Shaking Table of a ventilated facade system Manufactured by SONICO, Italy, IZIIS Report 2005-33 5. Garevski, M., Krstevska, L., Tashkov, Lj and Rakicevic, Z. (2007): Ambient Vibration Measurements of the Machinery Buildings of the Chute Hemmings Powerhouse near Drummondville, Quebec, Canada, IZIIS Report 2007 6. Krstevska, L. and Rakicevic, Z. (2007): Measuring of Level of Vibrations nn Groupe 35 At Beauharnois Powerhouse in Working Conditions, IZIIS Report 2007-16 7. Rakicevic, Z., (with collaborators) (2007): Proof Tests on a Shaking Table of a New Brick Laying System Patented by PREXO SEALING, Norway, IZIIS Report 2007-26 8. Rakicevic, Z., (with collaborators) (2008): Shaking Table Testing of Wienerberger Unreinforced Masonry Models Without and With Antiseismic Devices, IZIIS Report 2008-32. 9. Rakicevic, Z., (with collaborators) (2008): Seismic Qualification of Current Transformer IST 123 kV Manufactured by ENERGOINVEST-RAOP, Sarajevo by Time History Shaking Table Testing (2008), IZIIS Report 2008-58, Investor: ENERGOINVEST-RAOP, Sarajevo, of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 10. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Jurukovski D. (2009): Shaking Table Effectiveness Testing of GERB PDD (Prestressed Damping Device) Control System (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-40. 11. Rakicevic Z., Zlateska, A., Golubovski, R., Mateski, V. (2009): Shaking Table Testing of Wienerberger Two Storey Masonry Models without and with Antiseismic Devices (2009), IZIIS Report 2009-41. 12. Rakicevic Z. & Mateski, V. (2009): SEISMIC QUALIFICATION by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Oil-Immersed Current Transformer AGU-525, Manufactured by KONAR Instrument


transformers Inc., IZIIS Report 2009-42. 13. Rakicevic Z. & Mateski, V. (2009): SEISMIC QUALIFICATION by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Capacitor Voltage Transformer VCU765 Manufactured by KONAR Instrument transformers Inc., IZIIS Report 2009-43. 14. Rakicevic Z. & Mateski, V. (2009): SEISMIC QUALIFICATION by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Combined Instrument Transformer VAU420 Manufactured by KONAR Instrument transformers Inc., IZIIS Report 2009-59. 15. Rakicevic Z. & Mateski, V. (2009): SEISMIC QUALIFICATION by Time History Shaking Table Testing of Voltage Transformer VPU525 Manufactured by KONAR Instrument transformers Inc., IZIIS Report 2009-60 Membership in international network of researchers: European Association for the Control of Structures European Association of Earthquake Engineering Mentor of post-graduate students: Mentor for Master thesis: candidate Aleksandra Zlateska, BSc in CE Title: Mathematical Modelling of Five Storey Steel Frame Structure with Dynamic Absorber Mentor for PhD Thesis: candidate Aleksandra Bogdanovic, MSc Title: Optimal Placement of added damping systems in steel structures (in progess since August 2009) Head of running project: FP7 Project: SERIES Seismic Engineering Infrastructures for European Sinerigies Grant agreement no.: 227887 Period of Realization: 01.03.2009 28.02.2013 Awards 2003 - Award for best achievement in structural engineering for research project " Seismic Behaviour of Buildings with Passive Systems for Increasing of Stiffness and Damping" for 2001 Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Lidija Krstevska, D-r, Assoc. Professor Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Associate Professor in Experimental Mechanics, according to the Bulletin of the University Ss. "Cyril and Methodius" No 924 from 13 July 2007 and the Decission of the IZIIS Counsil from 19.10.2007 No 02-2013/1 Publications in the research field: 1. L. Krstevska, LJ. Taskov, " Definition of dynamic characteristics of dams by experimental in-situ testing - IZIIS experience", International Conference HYDROPOWER 2006 proceedings, Kunming, China, October 2006 L. Krstevska, Lj. Taskov, "Ambient vibration testing of historical monuments", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, Paper Number 543 Krstevska, L., Taskov, Lj., Gramatikov, K., Landolfo, R., Mammana, O., Portioli, F., Mazzolani, F. Experimental and numerical investigations on the Mustafa Pasha Mosque large scale model. Proceedings of Cost Action C26 Workshop Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events, Prague 30-31.3.2007, 158-169 L. Krstevska, Lj. Taskov, G. Arun, F. Akoz, "Evaluation of Seismic Behaviour of Historical Monuments", SHH07 Studies on Historical Heritage - International Simposium, Antalya, Turkey, September 17-21, 2007, pp.411-418 Lj. Taskov, L. Krstevska, B. Temelkoska, "Experimental evaluation of dynamic behaviour of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), Vol.8, No. 2 (2008) 339-355, June 2008 Krstevska, L., Tashkov, L., Gramatikov, K., Landolfo, R., Mammana, O., Portioli, F. and Mazzolani, F. [2008] "Shaking table tests on the large scale model of Mustafa Pasha Mosque without and with FRP", Proceedings of the sixth international Conference on Structural Analysis of Historic Construction - SAHC2008, 2-4 July, Bath, United Kingdom, p.p.383-391 L.Krstevska, Lj.Taskov , Verification of Effectivenes of Seismic Protection And Retrofit Techniques By Experimental Testing, Malta Symposium, COST Action C26 Urban habitat construction under catastrophic events", Malta, 2008, pp 223-228









L.Krstevska, LJ. Taskov, F. Mazzolani, " Experimental investigation on the Mustafa Pasha Mosque Large scale model", Journal of Engineering - Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Tome V, Fascicole 1, 2007 L. Krstevska, M. Kustura and Lj. Tashkov Experimental In-Situ Testing Of Reconsructed Old Bridge In Mostar , paper ID 12-01-0243, Proceedings of the The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering ,October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China


10. L. Krstevska, LJ. Tashkov, "Experimental Testing of Dynamic Characteristics of Structures - Recent Experience", 13th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, 14-17 October 2009, pp. 635-640 11. F. Mazzolani, K. Gramatikov, R. Landolfo, G. De Matteis, LJ. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, LJ. Lazarov, Gj. Kokalanov, E. D. Jovanoska, "Numerical and experimental Analysis of three strengthening Techniques for three models in the frame of the PROHITECH Project", 13th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, 14-17 October 2009, pp. 49-62 12. Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov, Vladimir Gocevski and Mihail Garevski, "Experimental and analytical investigation of seismic stability of masonry walls at Beauharnois powerhouse", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Published online: 28 July 2009) 13. Lj. Tashkov, K. Manova, L. Krstevska and M. Garevski, "Evaluation of efficiency of ALSC floating-sliding base-isolation system based on shake table test and floor response spectra", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: Springer, Netherlands, (Published online: 21 September 2009) 14. LJ. Tashkov, L. Krstevska, "Shaking Table Test on Seismic Qualification of LINDNER Raised Floor Type NORTEC G 30 ST", Report IZIIS 2009-20/1 Scientific projects: 1 European Commision FP6 Scientific Project PROHITECH-Protection of historical buildings by reversibile mixed technologies, 2005-2008 2. European Scientific Project COST C12 ACTION: Improvement of buildings structural quality by new technologies, 2000-2005 3 European Scientific Project COST C26 ACTION: Urban habitat construction under catastrophic events, 2006-2010 4 Bilateral Scientific Project between Republic of Macedonia (UKIM-IZIIS) and Turkey (YILDIZ University-Istanbul): "Evaluation of seismic safety of the historical masonry monuments", 2003-2006 5 Bilateral Scientific Project between Republic of Macedonia (UKIM-IZIIS) and Turkey (Bogazici Universityt-Istanbul): "Harmonization of the Procedure for Testing of Medium and Large Scale Models on Seismic Shake Table", 2009-2012 6 Principal Investigator of domastic scientific project financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Macedonia: " Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Seismic Stability of Tall and Slender Masonry Historical Monuments constructed of Traditional Materials", 2004-2006 7 Principal investigator of bi-lateral scientific project between Macedonia and Croatia: "Seismic Resistance of Timber-Structural Glass Systems with Optimal Energy Dissipation", 2010-2011 Membership in international network of researchers: Member of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), Actions COSTC12 and COSTC26; Member of European Association of Earthquake Engineering;


Mentor of post-graduate students: 1 Menthor of the Master thesis: "Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Seismic Stability of Sarena Mosque in Tetovo", kandidate Gajur Kadriu from Macedonia (IZIIS Master Science Studies), defended in November 2008; 2. Menthor of the Master thesis: "Evaluation of the Seismic Stability of the Old Bridge in Mostar", kandidate Mladen Kustura from Bosnia and Hercegovina (IZIIS Master Science Studies), defended in November 2009; 3. Menthor of the Master thesis: "Seismic Stability of RC Buildings with Irregular Shape Constructed as Mixed System of Frames and Shear Walls", kandidate Ljubisa Zivkovic from Bosnia and Hercegovina (IZIIS Master Science Studies), revised, to be defended in July 2010; 4 Menthor of the Master thesis.: "Methodology for Evaluation of the Changes in Dynamic Stability of Structures during their Period of Use", kandidate Tina Karovska from Macedonia (IZIIS Master Science Studies), in preparation;. 5. Member of Commission for revision and public defense of 7 master thesis and one doctoral thesis Head of running project: 1. COST Action C26 - "Urban Habitat Construction under Catastrophic Events" , period 2006-2010- Management Committie Member for Republic of Macedonia 2. Bilateral Scientific Project between Macedonia and Croatia entitled: "Seismic Resistance of Timber-Structural Glass Systems with Optimal Energy Dissipation", 2010-2011 3. Ambient vibration testing of Sartigan Dam in Quebec, Canada (2009-2010) 4. Ambient vibration testing of selected part of Beauharnois Power Plant evacuation system (2009-2010) 5. Ambient vibration testing of Poste Montmagny, Quebec, Canada (2009-2010) 6. Ambient vibration testing of Poste Levis in Quebec, Canada (2009-2010)


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the supervisor: Name and surname: Associated prof. d-r Violeta Mircevska

Institution (UKIM unit): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS Salvador Aljende 73, P.Fah. 101 1000, Skopje

E-mail address:

Date of the last election of academic-scientific or scientific title: 12-19-2007 Buliten No. 932

Publications in the research field: 1. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." A 3D Nonlinear Analysis of a Rock-Fill Dam Based on IZIIS Software, ACTA GEOTECHICA SLOVENICA 2007/2 vol. 4 2. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., M.Garevski Computation procedure in Compliance with MohrCoulomb Yielding Criterion Research reports, Invited LecturesGeotechnical seminar,Review 2007, Institute fur Geotechnik der Technischen Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg 3. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V.M.Garevski , Assessment of Dynamic Stability of Rock-Fill Dam , SLOCOLD, Nova Gorica, 27 May 2006 , Slovenija 4. Mircevska, V., Bickovski,V., FLUID - DAM INTERACTION Theory of BEM, INDIS 2006, NoviSad ,22-24 November,2006 5. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., " Dam-Fluid Interaction" , MCOLD and II Congres of Dams , Struga , May 2008 6. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program FILT3D-IZIIS with PLAXIS- phase of filtrationEngineering Problem from Practice " , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 7. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Verification Analysis of Computer Program PROC3DN with PLAXIS- phase static Engineering Problem from Practice" , MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 8. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V., Garevski M." Modeling of Structural Joints for Arch Dams" MCOLD and II Congress of Dams , Struga , May 2008 9. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, Use of BEM in solving Fluid-Structure interaction:, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 10. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, M. Garevski A Benchmark test of a software- FILT3D, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 11. Mircevska, V., Bickovski, V, M. Garevski A Benchmark test of a softwareNONDIN3D, International Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka , October 2009 12 Mircevska V, Bickovski V, Garevski M,Some suggestions for generation of 3D model of dams that is used in the IZIIS-software, European Plaxis Users Meeting,Karlsruhe November 2009 13 Mircevska V.Bickovski M. Garevski , Some comments about the safety coefficient, European Plaxis Users Meeting, Karlsruhe November 2009 14 Mircevska V, Seismic Input Paramerets for Assesment of Dynamic Stability of Hydro Power Plants Suth-East Europe Energy Leadership Conference, AUK-Prisrina/RIT- New York univ., Pristina , December 4-6 2009


Scientific Projects: 1.V.Mircevska, K. Edip, A.Zlatevska,Concept of soil reinforcement by use of anchors , National Scientific Project , IZIIS 2007-23, March 2007 2.V.Mircevska, M.Garevski, N. Pojani, F. Hodza Collaboration between Albania and Macedonia in the field of Seismic Safety of Dams Bilateral research project, IZIIS 2007-23, September 2007 3. Development of low-cost rubber bearings for seismic safety of structures in Macedinia and Balkan, SFP978028

Membership in international network of researchers: 1. 2. 3. European Association of Earthquake Engineering SOFTWARE FOR SOLVING HYDRODYNAMIC PRESSURES USING BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery,University of Stuttgart Participation in development of 3D-Plaxis (part of generation 3D models of dams), Technical University of Delft Netherland

Mentor of post-graduate students: 1. Nonlinear hyperbolic model for assessment of stresses and strains for soft soil, Helidon KonkonaDAAD student 2. Hydrodynamic pressures in enginnering, Ivana Aleksov, DAAD student 3. Stability of Fractured Rocks, Slobodan Gurgevic, DAAD student

Head of running project: /


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor:
Name and surname: Roberta APOSTOLSKA, Assoc. prof. dr.

Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address:

Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: Associate professor on the subject Aseismic Design of RC, Steel and Masonry Structures, (UKIM Bulletin No. 953, December 1, 2008 and the IZIIS Board decision No. 02-2156/3 dated December 18, 2008)

Publications in the research field:

1. R. Petrusevska-Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, New Trends in Development of next

Generation of Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Skopje-Ohrid, 27 Aug.-1 September, 2005

2. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Petrusevska-Apostolska, U. Terzic, Displacement based design

approach for design of RC frame building structures, First European Conference on Earthquake th th Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13 ECEE & 30 General Assembly of the ESC), Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, (paper no. 296).

3. Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska & Roberta Apostolska ,"Proektiranje na seizmicki

otporni konstrukcii vo soglasnost so Evrokod 8 ", 12ti Megjunaroden simpozium na DGKM, Struga, 27-29 septemvri, 2007 god., Vol. 1, VR-4.

4. R.Apostolska & G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Consolidation, rebuilding and strengthening of the St.

Panteleymon church - Ohrid ", Proc. of the Workshop, COST C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Prague, 30-31.3.2007.

5. Roberta Apostolska, Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, "High Strength Concrete Investigations In

Macedonia- Research, Development and Application", Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara - Journal of Engineering, Tome V, Fascicule 2, Issn 1584-2665, University "Politechnica" Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering, Hunedoara, Romania, 2007.

6. G. Necevska-Cvetanovska & R. Apostolska, "Consolidation, rebuilding and strengthening of the

Clement 's church, St. Panteleymon-Plaoshnik-Ohrid", Engineering Structures, Vol. 30, No. 8, August 2008, pp.2185-2193

7. R.Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska and N. Mircic, "Seismic performance of

flat-slab building structural systems ", Proc. of the 14WCEE, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

8. R. P. Apostolska , Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagoev, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Design

seismic response evaluation for 2D frames and 3D wall systems with flexible foundation using capacity spectrum method ", Proc. of the International Symposium COST C26 Action "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Malta, Oct. 23-25, 2008.

9. Bonev Z.P., Necevska-Cvetanovska G., Vasseva E., Apostolska R., Blagov D.,"Design Seismic
Response of Wall Systems Including Foundation Flexibility", Proc. of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupled Site and Soil Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation, Borovets, Bulgaria 2008, published by Springer ISBN 978-90-481-2697-2.


10. Apostolska R., Building Structures under Earthquake Actions Nonlinear Response, Evaluation
of Seismic Resistance, Seismic Protection and Strengthening, Seminar given at the Instituto de Ingeneria, UNAM, Mexico City, october, 2009.

11. R. Apostolska , G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Cvetanovska, "Seismic performance of RC building

structures with masonry infill", Presented at he COST C26 Action "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events", Aveiro, Portugal, November, 2009.

12. Roberta Apostolska, Zdravko Bonev, Julijana Cvetanovska, "Capacity Spectrum Metyhod" za
ocena na seizmickoto odnesuvanje na AB ramki so vklucena fleksibilnost na pocvata", 13ti Megjunaroden simpozium na DGKM, Ohrid, oktomvri, 2009.

13. R. Apostolska, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, "Computation of moment-curvature relationship and

mathematical modelling of nonlinear behaviour of high strength concrete elements", IREME Journal Copyright 2009 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved, (Published online: November 2009).

Scientific projects:

1. European Science Foundation (ESF) project - COST (European Cooperation in Science and
Technology) C26 Action: Urban habitat construction under catastrophic events, 2006-2010.

2. Nacionalen naucno-istrazuvacki proekt finansiran od MON na Republika. Makedonija

pod naslov Seizmicka otpornost na zgradi konstruirani od ultrajaki betoni", Izvestaj IZIIS 2007-22, (G.Necevska-Cvetanovska, R. Apostolska i dr.)

3. Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian project: Reduction of seismic vulnerability of RC building structures

based on EC8-Application in Bulgaria and Macedonia", IZIIS Report 2008-54, (G. NecevskaCvetanovska, E. Vasseva, R. Apostolska, Z. B. Petkov et al.)

4. European Commission, (EC) Framework programme 7: SERIES "Seismic engineering research

infrastructures for European synergies",(ongoing)

Membership in international network of researchers: Member of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), C26 Action Member of European Association of Earthquake Engineering Member (IZIIS representative) in the network ERASMUS PROGRAMME:EC, DG Education &Training Mentor of post-graduate students:

1. Mentor of the candidate Veton Pira (IZIIS postgraduate studies, decision No. 09-1079/1, 04/06/2009;
thesis title: Performance based assessment of RC structures designed according to EC8

2. Member of the Recension Commissions and Commission for public defence of master theses
Head of running project: Joint Macedonian-Slovenian project: Seismic Safety of Precast Industrial Buildings ", 2010-2011


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Vlatko SESOV, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: 18-12-2008 (decision No.02-2156/2) - Associate Professor

Publications in the research field: International Journal Papers Sesov, V., Talaganov, K., Study on Founding of a Residential-Administrative Complex in Poor Soil Conditions in Seismic Prone Region, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2000; Volume 26; Number 5-8;p.429-435 (Impact factor: 1.182) Sesov, V., Harada N., Towhata I., Takatsu T., Tsunoda S. Development of new drain method for protection of existing pile foundations from liquefaction effects; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 26, Issues 2-4, February-April 2006, Pages 297-312 (Impact factor: 1.182) Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed, Ikuo Towhata, Ngo Tuan Anh "Experimental Study on Large Pile Groups in Sloping Ground Subjected to Horizontal Displacement of Liquefied Ground: 1-g Shaking Table Tests" , Soils and Foundations, Journal of Japanese Geotechnical Society, (April 2010) Conference and other publications Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata et al. Preliminary report by the reconnaissance team on the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake Internal report , 2004, The University of Tokyo Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata, Ramin Motamed & Marcelo Gonzalez, "Model Tests On Lateral Earth Pressure On Large Group Pile Exerted By Horizontal Displacement Of Liquefied Sandy Ground Eighth U.S. National conference on earthquake engineering San Francisco, California, April 1822, 2006, Theme: Managing Risk in Earthquake Country Sesov Vlatko, Towhata, I., Gonzalez, M., Ball, R. and Ishimatsu, S Experimental study on large pile group response subjected to lateral flow of liquefied ground TC4 satellite Conference September 10, 2005, Osaka , Japan. Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Marcelo Gonzalez, Performance of Pile Foundation in MultiLayered Liquefied Soil 16 ICSMGE, September 12-16, 2005, Osaka, Japan Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Ramin Motamed, "Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution in a Large Group Pile Caused by Flow of Liquefied Sandy Ground", 1st ECEES Conference, September 38, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland Sesov Vlatko, Ikuo Towhata and Ramin Motamed, Study on p-y curve for piles subjected to lateral flow of liquefied ground, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Thessaloniki Greece - June 25-28, 2007 Sesov Vlatko, Ramin Motamed and Ikuo Towhata Shaking Model Tests on behaviour of group


piles undergoing lateral flow of liquefied subsoil, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China Sesov Vlatko , Kemal Edip, "Application and Experience Related To EC8 In Macedonia", EC7 & Geotechnical aspects of EC8, October 29-31, 2008 Ohrid lake, Macedonia Scientific projects: "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Principal investigator, Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011 FP7 Project UREDITEME - Upgrading of Research Equipment for Dynamic Testing of Large Scale Models responsible person for scientific and technological issues FP7 Project SERIES - Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures For European Synergies deputy coordinator from UKIM - IZIIS Membership in international network of researchers: Macedonian Association for Geotechnics (vice president); Macedonian Society for Earthquake Engineering ; International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - (ID: MKD09008) European Technical Committee (ETC 16) on "Education & Training in Geotechnical Engineering" Technical Committee 4, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Japanese Geotechnical Society (ID:0400501)

Mentor of post-graduate students: Vasko Kokalanov Master, Ruhr University-Bochum , Germany, 2008 Ema Cubrinovska - Master , UKIM-IZIIS, 2009 Sanja Spirovska Master, UKIM-IZIIS, 2009 Julijana Cvetanovska Master, UKIM-IZIIS, 2009 Elefterija Zlatanovic Doctoral student, UKIM-IZIIS, (in progress) Head of running project: "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Principal investigator, Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011


Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical Sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Ass. Prof. d-r Dragi DOJCINOVSKI Institution (unit of UKIM): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS) Salvador Aljende 73, P.O.Box 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address: Date of the last election into academic-scientific or scientific title: June 2006 Publications in the research field: 1. V. Mihailov & D. Dojcinovski (2004) "Strong Motion Instrumentation of Dams in Macedonia, Some experience and results", Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper reference 475, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 2. Dojcinovski D., L. Pekevski, V. Mihailov, (2004), "February 24, 2004 (ml=4.3) Skopje earthquake. Strong motion records and structure response"; European Seismological Commission XXIX General Assembly; International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI); University and GFZ Potsdam, September 12 - 17, 2004, Germany 3. Dojcinovski D., Mihailov V. (2004) "An approach to optimal and more accurate seismic data processing and interpretation procedure, 3rd China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Control, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, October 13-16, 2004, China 4. Mihailov V., Dojcinovski D., (2004)"Seismic monitoring of structures -a tool for urban seizmic hazard reduction 3rd China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Control, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, October 13-16, 2004, China 5. Miahilov V., Dojcinovski D., Hatem M. Ali and Hussam E. Zaineh, (2004) "Re-Evaluation of seismic hazard in Syria" 2004, international conference in Cairo, Egypt (GAW 7th) 6. Mahajan A.K., D. Dojcinvoski and V. Mihailov, (2005), "Seismicity, Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard of 1905 Kangra Earthquake Effected Region (NW Himalaya), India"; Earthquake Engineering in the 21st Century, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering to mark 40 years of IZIIS - Skopje, 27 August - 1 September 2005, Skopje Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 7. Pekevski L., Dojcinovski D. (2005), "Earthquake monitoring and seismic hazard in Republic of Macedonia". Balkan Countries - earthquake monitoring - seismic hazard mitigation. NATO - ARW 11 - 17 Sept 2005, Borovetz Bulgaria 8. Dojcinovski D. (2005), "Analysis of Global Damage and Functioning of Highway Systems in Earthquake Conditions, Doctoral thesies, IZIIS-Skopje, December 2005 9. Dragi Dojcinovski & Vladimir Mihailov, Analysis of Global Damage and Functioning of Highway in Earthquakes Conditions, CONSEIL DE LEUROPE COUNCIL OF EUROPE, RESEAU EUROPEEN DE GEODYNAMIQUE EUROPEAN NETWORK ON GEODYNAMICS, JOURNEES LUXEMBOURGEOISES DE GEODYNAMIQUE, 93 Journes Luxembourgeoises de Godynamique, Luxembourg, March 13-15, 2006


10. D. Dojcinovski & V. Mihailov, Analysis of global damage and functioning of highway systems in earthquake conditions,First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, (a joint event of the 13th ECEE & 30th General Assembly of the ESC) Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006 11. Dojcinovski D. Project: The Study on Seismic Monitoring of Important Structural Systems , Earthquake Engineering Research Institute; Dalian University of Technology (DUT) P.R.China; Macedonian - Chinese Scientific and Technological Cooperation, 2007 12. Dragi Dojcinovski, Vladimir Mihailov, Guoxin Wang, Behavior of Lifleline Systems in Seismic Conditions, International Symposium, Civil Enineering - Science and Practice, Zabljak, 03-07. March 2008, pp383-p388 13. Raafat E. FAT_HELBARY, Bussein M.EL KHASHAB, Dragi DOJCINOVSKI, Karrar O EL FARAGAWY and Abdel-nasser M. ABDEL-MOTAL; Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Analysis in and around the proposed Tushka new City Site, Southern Egipt, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 5, No. 4(152), 389-398, 2008. 14. Dragi Dojcinovski, Vladimir Mihailov, Comparison Between Seismic Hazard Assessments, Using Poisson's and Markov's Process - Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) and lower Rhine (Belgium) Case Studies; 27th ECGS Workshop, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Seismisity Patterns in the Euro-Med Region, Luxembourg, November 17-19, 2008, 15. Vladimir Mihailov, Dragi Dojcinovski, Seismic Monitoring of Structures - An Important Element of Seismic Hazard Reduction; 27th ECGS Workshop, European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Seismisity Patterns in the Euro-Med Region, Luxembourg, November 17-19, 2008. 16. Mihailov V., Dojcinovski D., Godec M.,Vidrih r., in P. Sincic; Seismic monitoring of Dams, Earthquakes in 2008, Enviromental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Seismology and Geology Office, Ljubljana, 2009. 17. Guoxin Wang, Weizheng Wang, Katayoun B. Aafshar, Dragi Dojcinovski; Seismic Instrumentation of HighRise Buildings, Journal: Natural Sciences, Volume 19, ELSEVIER, 2009. 18. Mihailov V, Trkulja D. & D. Dojcinovski; Seismic Design Parameters for the Future Football Stadium (Src) In Banja Luka, International conference on earthquake engineering, Banja Luka, 2009. 19. Mihailov V, Trkulja D. & D. Dojcinovski; Seismic Design Parameters for base on seizmic hazard analysis ; Contemporary Civil Enginnering, year I, No. 2, Banja Luka, 2009. Scientific projects: 2005-2006 Participant, Bilateral Project with Republic of Slovenia: " Seismic monitoring of strictures with respect to geological conditions ", Macedonian - slovenian intergovernmental s & t cooperation programme for 2005 2006 Principal investigator, "Deterministic seismic hazard analysis and zonnation of the territory of Republic of Macedonia", CEI Cooperation Activity & COOPERATION PROGRAMME FOR 2007 2009, Insitute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje; Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Skopje, Department of Earth Sciences, Trieste (Italy), Reference Number 1202.038-07. Principal investigator, Bilateral Project with P.R. China "The Study on Seismic Monitoring of Important Structural Systems", Macedonian - P.R. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2007 2009,, Participant, "Reduction of Liquefaction Hazard in Urban Areas - New Development", Macedonian - p.r. China Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2009 2011 Principal Coordinator, " Unified seismic hazard mapping for the territory of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Republic Macedonia", CEI Cooperation Activity & Cooperation Programme for 20092010, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje; Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural






Sciences and Mathematics - Skopje, National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania, Reference Number 1202.038-09. Membership in international network of researchers: EAEE - European Association for Earthquake Engineering CEI - Central European Initiative for West Balkan ECGS - European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology Mentor of post-graduate students: Candidate: Nazmi HASI, Seismological Criteria and Investigations For Selection of Locations For Installation of Instruments for Recording Earthquakes in Kosovo, master thesis, Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, June 2009 Candidate: Shemsi MUSTAFA, Seismicity of Kosovo, master thesis, Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, October 2009 Co-mentor of doctoral studies: Candidate: Abdel-Nasser Mohamed Abdel-motal Mohamed, Engineering Seismology Studies for Land-Use Planning in Tushka New City, Upper Egypt, six months scientific research at IZIIS on scholarship from Ministry of high education and state for scientific research, Arab Republic of Egypt, Report IZIIS 2007-56, Skopje 2007. Head of running project: 2007-2009 Principal Coordinator, "Deterministic seismic hazard analysis and zonnation of the territory of Republic of Macedonia", CEI Cooperation Activity & COOPERATION PROGRAMME FOR 2007 2009, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje; Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Skopje, Department of Earth Sciences, Trieste (Italy), Reference Number 1202.038-07. Principal Coordinator, "Unified seismic hazard mapping for the territory of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Republic Macedonia", CEI Cooperation Activity & COOPERATION PROGRAMME FOR 2009 2010, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Skopje; Seismological Observatory, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Skopje, National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania, Reference Number 1202.038-09.



Doctoral studies in the field of: Technical sciences Syllabus: Earthquake Engineering Data on the mentor: Name and surname: Assoc. Prof. Dr. BISERKA DIMISKOVSKA Prof. D-r MIHAIL GAREVSKI Institution (UKIM unit): Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS Salvador Aljende 73, P.Fah. 101 1000, Skopje E-mail address:; Date of the last election of academic-scientific or scientific title: Senior Scientific Collaborator adequate to Associate Professor, Bulletin no. 971 dated 1.10.2009, by resolution no. 09-1787/1 dated 26.10.2009 Publications in the research field: 1. B. Dimiskovska, Aproximative Models of Consequences upon Human Environment Obtained by Analysis of Indastrial Risks, Yugoslav Association of Civil Engineers, Vrnjacka banja, Srbija. september, 2004. 2. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Thehnical Thenological Risks and Modeling of Consequences upon Human Environment,I International symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro, September, 2004. 3. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Industrial Risks Including Approximate Models for the Consequences upon Environment, II Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia with International Participation, October, 2004. 4. B. Dimiskovska, Modeling of Consequences of Testing of Radioactive Matter upon Environment, EE-21C, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Macedonia,August 2005. 5. B. Dimiskovska, Contribution to Technical and Technological Risk Assessment with Modeling of Consequences upon Environment, Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2005. 6. B. Dimiskovska, Modeling of Consequences on Environment Through Analysis of Industrial Risks, The Second International Conference Science and Technology for Safe Development of Lifeline Systems, (CEI), Bratislava, Slovacka. oktober, 2005. 7. B. Dimiskovska, Release of Hazardous Matter in Environment and its Mathematical Modeling, International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 2006.


8. B. Dimiskovska, Accidental Release of Hazardous Chemical Substance the Air Resulting from Industrial Activities, The Second International symposium of Ecologists of the Republic of Montenegro, Kotor, Montenegro, September 2006. 9. B. Dimiskovska, Atmospheric Polluters Released from Industrial Plants Factors of Risk Pertaining to Cancer, International Conference on environment: Survival and Sustainability, Nicosia-Northern Cyprus, February, 2007. 10. B. Dimiskovska, Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, Third Congress of Ecologists of R. Macedonia, Struga, Macedonia, October 2007. 11. B. Dimiskovska, Solid Waste Management in Municipality of Kratovo, International Scientific-Professional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, March 2008. 12. B. Dimiskovska, Methods and Postpone Waste Technology, International ScientificProfessional Meeting of Civil Engineers Science and Practice, Zabljak, Montenegro, March 2008/ 13. B. Dimiskovska, Anaerobic Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal solid Waste, Seminar of Ecology, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2008. 14. B. Dimiskovska, Metods and Postpone Waste Technology , Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, Zlatibor, Serbia, September 2008. 15. B. Dimiskovska Atmosfeic Polluters Released From Industrial Plants Factors of Risk Pertaining to Cancer, Seminar of Ecology, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2009. 16. B. Dimiskovska, Azbestos Containing Construction Materials Rosk for Human Health, International conference on earthquake engineering, Banja Luka, Oktober, 2009. 17. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Hazard in Working Environment for Better Humanization of Labour and High Quality of Environment, Gradjevinarstvo Nauka i praksa, knjiga 2, Monte Negro, February, 2010. Scientific Projects: 1. B. Dimiskovska, Analysis of Hazards in Working Environment for Better Humanization of Labor and Higher Quality of Environment, Skopje 2009. Membership in international network of researchers: 1. European Association of Earthquake Engineering 2. Central European Initiative Mentor of post-graduate students: / Head of running project: /


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