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1.A ) Public hospitals are funded by the government and therefore cannot turn away patients. 1.B) Private hospitals are privately funded and make their own rules. These are the hospitals that turn away homeless and uninsured patients, as the government doesn't regulate them.

2.A) Private Hospitals are expensive then Public Hospitals. 2. B) Public Hospitals are generally crowded and service somewhat questionable. Private Hospitals give better service. 3.A) Public Hospitals are owned by Governments . Public Hospitals are owned by Entrepreneurs/Businessmen and also by some Trusts. 4. Some Private Hospitals have more advanced facilities. But some Public Hospitals like AIIMS are also world class but overcrowded. 5. Public Hospitals have no eye on profit making. Government gives them funds to run. These are for the welfare of the common people. Private Hospitals are business oriented.

Health care
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the provision of medical care. For other uses, see Health care (disambiguation).

Health care (or healthcare) is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans. Health care is delivered by practitioners in medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, and other care providers. It refers to the work done in providing primary care, secondary care and tertiary care, as well as in public health. Access to health care varies across countries, groups and individuals, largely influenced by social and economic conditions as well as the health policies in place. Countries and jurisdictions have

different policies and plans in relation to the personal and population-based health care goals within their societies. Health care systems are organizations established to meet the health needs of target populations. Their exact configuration varies from country to country. In some countries and jurisdictions, health care planning is distributed among market participants, whereas in others planning is made more centrally among governments or other coordinating bodies. In all cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a well-functioning health care system requires a robust financing mechanism; a well-trained and adequately-paid workforce; reliable information on which to base decisions and policies; and well maintained facilities and logistics to deliver quality medicines and technologies.[1] Health care can form a significant part of a country's economy. In 2008, the health care industry consumed an average of 9.0 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) across the most developed OECD countries.[2] The United States (16.0%), France (11.2%), and Switzerland (10.7%) were the top three spenders. Health care is conventionally regarded as an important determinant in promoting the general health and wellbeing of peoples around the world. An example of this is the worldwide eradication of smallpox in 1980declared by the WHO as the first disease in human history to be completely eliminated by deliberate health care interventions.[3]

[edit] Health care delivery

See also: Health care providers

Primary care may be provided in community health centres.

The delivery of modern health care depends on groups of trained professionals and paraprofessionals coming together as interdisciplinary teams.[4][5] This includes professionals in medicine, nursing, dentistry and allied health, plus many others such as public health practitioners, community health workers and assistive personnel, who systematically provide personal and population-based preventive, curative and rehabilitative care services. While the definitions of the various types of health care vary depending on the different cultural, political, organizational and disciplinary perspectives, there appears to be some consensus that primary care constitutes the first element of a continuing health care process, that may also include the provision of secondary and tertiary levels of care.[6]

[edit] Primary care

Main article: Primary care See also: Primary health care

Medical train "Therapist Matvei Mudrov" in Khabarovsk, Russia

Primary care is the term for the health care services which play a role in the local community. It refers to the work of health care professionals who act as a first point of consultation for all patients within the health care system.[6][7] Such a professional would usually be a primary care physician, such as a general practitioner or family physician, or a non-physician primary care provider, such as a physician assistant or nurse practitioner. Depending on the locality, health system organization, and sometimes at the patient's discretion, they may see another health care professional first, such as a pharmacist, a nurse (such as in the United Kingdom), a clinical officer (such as in parts of Africa), or an Ayurvedic or other traditional medicine professional (such as in parts of Asia). Depending on the nature of the health condition, patients may then be referred for secondary or tertiary care. Primary care involves the widest scope of health care, including all ages of patients, patients of all socioeconomic and geographic origins, patients seeking to maintain optimal health, and patients with all manner of acute and chronic physical, mental and social health issues, including multiple chronic diseases. Consequently, a primary care practitioner must possess a wide breadth of knowledge in many areas. Continuity is a key characteristic of primary care, as patients usually prefer to consult the same practitioner for routine check-ups and preventive care, health education, and every time they require an initial consultation about a new health problem. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) is a standardized tool for understanding and analyzing information on interventions in primary care by the reason for the patient visit.[8] Common chronic illnesses usually treated in primary care may include, for example: hypertension, diabetes, asthma, COPD, depression and anxiety, back pain, arthritis or thyroid dysfunction. Primary care also includes many basic maternal and child health care services, such as family planning services and vaccinations. In context of global population aging, with increasing numbers of older adults at greater risk of chronic non-communicable diseases, rapidly increasing demand for primary care services is expected around the world, in both developed and developing countries.[9][10] The World Health

Organization attributes the provision of essential primary care as an integral component of an inclusive primary health care strategy.[6]

[edit] Secondary care

Secondary care is the health care services provided by medical specialists and other health professionals who generally do not have first contact with patients, for example, cardiologists, urologists and dermatologists. It includes acute care: necessary treatment for a short period of time for a brief but serious illness, injury or other health condition, such as in a hospital emergency department. It also includes skilled attendance during childbirth, intensive care, and medical imaging services. The "secondary care" is sometimes used synonymously with "hospital care". However many secondary care providers do not necessarily work in hospitals, such as psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or physiotherapists, and some primary care services are delivered within hospitals. Depending on the organization and policies of the national health system, patients may be required to see a primary care provider for a referral before they can access secondary care. For example in the United States, which operates under a mixed market health care system, some physicians might voluntarily limit their practice to secondary care by requiring patients to see a primary care provider first, or this restriction may be imposed under the terms of the payment agreements in private/group health insurance plans. In other cases medical specialists may see patients without a referral, and patients may decide whether self-referral is preferred. In the United Kingdom and Canada, patient self-referral to a medical specialist for secondary care is rare as prior referral from another physician (either a primary care physician or another specialist) is considered necessary, regardless of whether the funding is from private insurance schemes or national health insurance. Allied health professionals, such as physical therapists, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and dietitians, also generally work in secondary care, accessed through either patient self-referral or through physician referral.

[edit] Tertiary care

The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London, United Kingdom is a specialist neurological hospital. See also: Medicine

Tertiary care is specialized consultative health care, usually for inpatients and on referral from a primary or secondary health professional, in a facility that has personnel and facilities for advanced medical investigation and treatment, such as a tertiary referral hospital.[11] Examples of tertiary care services are cancer management, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, plastic surgery, treatment for severe burns, advanced neonatology services, palliative, and other complex medical and surgical interventions.[12]
[edit] Quaternary care

The term quaternary care is also used sometimes as an extension of tertiary care in reference to medicine of advanced levels which are highly specialized and not widely accessed. Experimental medicine and some types of uncommon diagnostic or surgical procedures are considered quaternary care. These services are usually only offered in a limited number of regional or national health care centres.[12][13]

[edit] Home and community care

See also: Public health

Many types of health care interventions are delivered outside of health facilities. They include many interventions of public health interest, such as food safety surveillance, distribution of condoms and needle-exchange programmes for the prevention of transmissible diseases. They also include the services of professionals in residential and community settings in support of self care, home care, long-term care, assisted living, treatment for substance use disorders, and other types of health and social care services.

[edit] Related sectors

Health care extends beyond the delivery of services to patients, encompassing many related sectors, and set within a bigger picture of financing and governance structures.

[edit] Health system

Main articles: Health system and Health systems by country

A health system, also sometimes referred to as health care system or healthcare system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations.

[edit] Health care industry

See also: Health care industry and Health economics

A group of Chilean 'Damas de Rojo' volunteering at their local hospital.

The health care industry incorporates several sectors that are dedicated to providing health care services and products. As a basic framework for defining the sector, the United Nations' International Standard Industrial Classification categorizes health care as generally consisting of hospital activities, medical and dental practice activities, and "other human health activities". The last class involves activities of, or under the supervision of, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, scientific or diagnostic laboratories, pathology clinics, residential health facilities, or other allied health professions, e.g. in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, yoga therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropody, homeopathy, chiropractics, acupuncture, etc.[14] In addition, according to industry and market classifications, such as the Global Industry Classification Standard and the Industry Classification Benchmark, health care includes many categories of medical equipment, instruments and services as well as biotechnology, diagnostic laboratories and substances, and drug manufacturing and delivery. For example, pharmaceuticals and other medical devices are the leading high technology exports of Europe and the United States.[15][16] The United States dominates the biopharmaceutical field, accounting for three-quarters of the worlds biotechnology revenues.[17][15]

[edit] Health care research

See also: Medical research, List of medical journals, and List of health care journals

The quantity and quality of many health care interventions are improved through the results of science, such as advanced through the medical model of health which focuses on the eradication of illness through diagnosis and effective treatment. Many important advances have been made through health research, including biomedical research and pharmaceutical research. They form the basis of evidence-based medicine and evidence-based practice in health care delivery. For example, in terms of pharmaceutical research and development spending, Europe spends a little less than the United States (22.50bn compared to 27.05bn in 2006). The United States accounts for 80% of the world's research and development spending in biotechnology.[15][17] In addition, the results of health services research can lead to greater efficiency and equitable delivery of health care interventions, as advanced through the social model of health and disability, which emphasizes the societal changes that can be made to make population healthier.[18] Results from health services research often form the basis of evidence-based policy in health care systems. Health services research is also aided by initiatives in the field of AI for the development of systems of health assessment that are clinically useful, timely, sensitive to change, culturally sensitive, low burden, low cost, involving for the patient and built into standard procedures.[19]

[edit] Health care financing

See also: Health care system, Health policy, and Universal health care

There are generally five primary methods of funding health care systems:[20]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. general taxation to the state, county or municipality social health insurance voluntary or private health insurance out-of-pocket payments donations to health charities

In most countries, the financing of health care services features a mix of all five models, but the exact distribution varies across countries and over time within countries. In all countries and jurisdictions, there are many topics in the politics and evidence that can influence the decision of a government, private sector business or other group to adopt a specific health policy regarding the financing structure. For example, social health insurance is where a nation's entire population is eligible for health care coverage, and this coverage and the services provided are regulated. In almost every jurisdiction with a government-funded health care system, a parallel private, and usually forprofit, system is allowed to operate. This is sometimes referred to as two-tier health care or universal health care.

[edit] Health care administration and regulation

See also: Healthcare provider requisites

The management and administration of health care is another sector vital to the delivery of health care services. In particular, the practice of health professionals and operation of health care institutions is typically regulated by national or state/provincial authorities through appropriate regulatory bodies for purposes of quality assurance.[21] Most countries have credentialing staff in regulatory boards or health departments who document the certification or licensing of health workers and their work history.[22]

[edit] Health information technology

See also: Health information technology, Health informatics, and eHealth

Health information technology (HIT) is the application of information processing involving both computer hardware and software that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health care information, data, and knowledge for communication and decision making (Brailer, & Thompson, 2004). Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. However, a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. For HIT, technology represents computers and communications attributes that can be networked to build systems for moving health information. Informatics is yet another integral aspect of HIT.

Executive Summary 1 1 Overview 3
1.1 Indian Healthcare Sector bk paper-1 1.2 Demographic Changes bk paper1 1.3 The Burden of Disease 5 1.4 Health Infrastructure 6 1.5 Financing Mechanism 7 1.6 Social and National Objectives 8

2 Key stakeholders in Healthcare PPP 10

2.1 Stakeholder Roles bk paper1 2.2 Public vs. Private bk paper1 2.3 Managing Stakeholder Interests 11

3 Key Thrust Areas for Healthcare PPP 15

3.1 Infrastructure Development 15 3.2 Management and Operations 16 3.3 Capacity Building and Training 18 3.4 Financing Mechanism 19 3.5 IT Infrastructure 19 3.6 Materials Management

4 Models in Healthcare PPP 21

4.1 Dimensions of PPP in Healthcare 21 4.2 Existing Frameworks 21

5 Evaluation of PPP Models 24

5.1 Evaluation Framework 24 5.2 Risk Allocation and Sharing 29

6 Recommendations 31
6.1 A simplified PPP model 31 6.2 Operationalization Next Steps 32

7 Conclusion 34
List of Tables
Table 1- Structural snapshot of Indian healthcare system 3 Table 2 Stakeholder roles in a Healthcare PPP 10 Table 3 Public vs. Private Providers in Healthcare 10


Table 4 Public vs. Private Financing for Healthcare Payment 11 Table 5 Public vs. Private participation in ICT in Healthcare 11 Table 6 Dimensions of a Healthcare PPP 21 Table 7 Different types of PPP models 22 Table 8 Evaluation Parameters for PPP models 25 Table 9 Evaluation of Healthcare PPP in Tamilnadu, India 27


Executive Summary
With the rapid growth of the Indian economy in recent times and the changing demographics and socioeconomic mix of the Indian population, there has been an immense change to the healthcare requirements in the country. Over the years, the public and private sectors have helped in addressing the health needs of the country and made good Indias progress on key health indicators like life expectancy and infant mortality. Today, the healthcare system in India faces a challenge in raising the service quality and ensuring equitable access to people while simultaneously gearing up its capabilities to tackle the changing disease incidence profiles. This challenge needs to be addressed through a concerted effort of both public and private sectors by their agreeing on suitable public policy initiatives which incentivize financing and provision of healthcare, and thereby increase healthcare access to the people. The role of an effective public policy is critical here, since it is the public policy which influences the manner in which a nations healthcare resources and funds are collected, allocated and utilized as well as the extent to which the services are developed, distributed and accessed. In this context, this policy paper is the outcome of extensive and exhaustive deliberations by a Healthcare Sub-Committee constituted by the CII National Committee on Healthcare involving leading stakeholders in the Healthcare Industry. The recommendations in this document are based on a specific mandate provided to the sub-committee, which was to study the avenues of collaboration between the public and private sectors of the healthcare industry, and to recommend public policy initiatives that would foster Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and stimulate investment in healthcare sector to shape the future of Indian Healthcare Industry. The observations from the study indicate five major thrust areas where a Public-Private-Partnership could be evolved as a synergistic model to combine both the social objectives of universal healthcare access and the business objective of running a profitable healthcare facility. The five areas where private sector contribution can prove very beneficial are: 1 Infrastructure Development - Development and strengthening of healthcare infrastructure that is evenly distributed geographically and at all levels of care 2 Management and Operations - Management and operation of healthcare facilities for technical efficiency, operational economy and quality 3 Capacity Building and Training - Capacity building for formal, informal and continuing education of professional, para-professional and ancillary staff engaged in the delivery of healthcare 4 Financing Mechanism - Creation of voluntary as well as mandated third-party financing mechanisms 5 IT Infrastructure - Establishment of national and regional IT backbones and health data repositories for ready access to clinical information 6 Materials Management - Development of a maintenance and supply chain for ready availability of serviceable equipment and appliances, and medical supplies and sundries at the point of care In each of the above areas, there are different capabilities and drivers for the public and private sectors in a PPP arrangement. For example, the government is the largest provider of healthcare in the country especially at the primary and secondary care levels, and the government is also

the largest buyer of healthcare services at the tertiary and quaternary care levels. The private sector investments in healthcare have been driven by free market economy, and the pricing of healthcare services has been largely influenced by investment cost. Consequently, these services have remained outof-reach of a large majority of our population due to cost consideration. In order to make PPP as a sustainable common ground for both public and private sectors and to evolve successful PPP models, it is essential to have clarity of the public and private sector positions and develop unambiguous criteria for assessing PPP models. An evaluation framework proposed in this document brings out four key principles on which any PPP model must be assessed 1 Effectiveness or the ability to meet program objectives 2 Efficiency or the financial efficiency in transfer of ownership and associated risks 3 Equity or the ability to accrue the benefits of the program to the poor people 4 Financial Sustainability or financial viability of the model An example of the usage of the evaluation framework in India highlights some key issues that need to be identified thoroughly before signing a PPP agreement. As a recommendation, the PPP model proposed primarily assumes a facilitator role for the public sector by way of offering support and aiding the private sectors role of managing the service delivery and quality of care. Specific policy initiatives recommended for increasing private sector interest and participation along the key thrust areas include: 1 Providing help in infrastructure set-up especially in areas like land acquisition 2 Offer equity participation where possible or extend subsidized debt and other fiscal benefits 3 Provide budgetary grants for capital and operating expenses of the PPP systems 4 Ensure a non-compete policy within a predefined geographical limit of the PPP facilities 5 Buy-back a share of capacity for government identified beneficiaries In the following sections, a case for PPP in Indian healthcare is presented with a detailed discussion on stakeholder roles, thrust areas, PPP frameworks, key recommendations and next steps for the governing body.

1 Overview
1.1 Indian Healthcare Sector

At over 8 percent GDP growth in recent years, India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world in terms of GDP and is expected to be the third largest economy by 2050. Healthcare services which are critical to the growth in economy have seen vast improvements over the past few years in India. Yet, Indias total expenditure in healthcare as a percentage of GDP is still one of the lowest in the world. Though the public health services infrastructure is widespread, starting with sub-centers, primary health centers, community health centers, secondary level district hospitals, up to medical colleges, the quality of these are not uniform and subject to regional vagaries. The table below provides a structural snapshot of the Indian healthcare system.
ArabiaJapanUSPercentage of GDP
Table 1- Structural snapshot of Indian healthcare system Stage


Demand of Healthcare The basic healthcare facilities for common and minor ailments and where prevention is most effective; Demand is the highest in this sector Healthcare facilities that require constant medical attention including short period of hospitalization; Demand is moderate Conditions requiring care from specialized clinicians and facilities; Demand requirements are highly specialized and thus minimal

Healthcare Primary Care

Secondary Care

Tertiary Care

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