Assyst6 6procedures

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NU UK IT Services Desktop Services


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Desktop Services Team levels of approval Stage Approval Approval Release Approved by Paul Winn (on behalf of Desktop Services Remote Support) Martyn Moye (on behalf of Desktop Services Local Support) Martyn Moye Approval date 26 Aug 2008

26 Aug 2008

NU UK ITS Desktop Services via Engineers Resource Page

Change Log
Version 1.1 Status Live Update Summary Added section on LINKING CALLS Date 15.10.08 Author J.Ninham

Planned Enhancements
Number Status Description Target Date Owner

NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review

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1. 2. 3. i. ii. iii. 4. i. ii. 5. i. ii. 6. i. ii. 7. i. ii. iii. iv. 8. 9. i. ii. iii. iv. 10. 11. 12. i. ii. iii. 13. i. ii. iii. iv.

Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3 Overview....................................................................................................................... 3 Logging Calls ................................................................................................................ 4 Raising Incidents .......................................................................................................... 4 Raising Changes .......................................................................................................... 6 Notes for Local Support Calls....................................................................................... 7 Data Quality .................................................................................................................. 8 Guidelines..................................................................................................................... 8 Using DATA INCOMPLETE ......................................................................................... 9 Assyst Locations......................................................................................................... 11 Building & Floor .......................................................................................................... 11 Building Query Tool .................................................................................................... 12 Assigning & Moving Calls ........................................................................................... 14 Assigning Calls Between Teams ................................................................................ 14 Moving Calls Within Teams ........................................................................................ 15 Recording Customer Contact ..................................................................................... 18 Telephone/Email Contact ........................................................................................... 18 Next Update................................................................................................................ 18 On Hold Pending User................................................................................................ 19 User Response ........................................................................................................... 20 Linking Calls ............................................................................................................... 21 Closing Calls............................................................................................................... 23 Resolution................................................................................................................... 23 Pending User Confirmation ........................................................................................ 24 Change States ............................................................................................................ 25 Close........................................................................................................................... 26 Re-Opening Calls ....................................................................................................... 27 Printing........................................................................................................................ 28 Task-Based Processes............................................................................................... 30 Event Monitor Column Advice .................................................................................... 30 Handling Decision Tasks ............................................................................................ 30 Important Procedural Note ......................................................................................... 31 Assyst Asset Register (CMDB)................................................................................... 32 Basic Query ................................................................................................................ 32 Item Movements ......................................................................................................... 33 Item Configuration ...................................................................................................... 34 Last Logged-On User ................................................................................................. 35



This document provides outline advice on handling Incidents, Changes and Tasks within the Assyst 6.5 call management system.

NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review

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Logging Calls
Raising Incidents

To raise a new Incident record press Ctrl+L or select Log Incident from the Incident menu. Enter the customers staff number into the User field, or click on the User button and enter the RACFID (userid) into the appropriate field on the User window. If you have to use the RACFID please note that it must be entered in CAPITALS.

The User, Section, Tele*, Building & Floor fields should be filled automatically at this point.

CHECK WITH THE CUSTOMER THAT THEY ARE CORRECT. These details are fed into Assyst from , so if they are incorrect on there then they will be incorrect on every call that customer raises until they update their HR-i records. Incorrect telephone & location information may cause problems further down the line. Getting it correct first time will assist your own and other teams. Put the asset tag of the faulty item into the Item* field and press Enter or Tab. This should identify the asset within the CMDB (the Assyst assets register) and then complete the Class, Product, and Serial No. fields automatically.

Assets not listed in the CMDB will cause a Search window to be opened. If the asset is a RAC, AutoWindscreens, or BSM one then it may well not have an entry in Assyst. In those cases the value of RAC DESKTOP, RAC MONITOR etc. can be used. If it is a NU (VIA) asset which is not listed within the CMDB then you should notify the Asset Management Team (Assyst queue ITS CONFIG) giving details of Make, Model, Serial Number, and Location so they can create a new record for it. Only in such cases should you then use the generic items of DESKTOP, LAPTOP or PRINTER.

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Enter the type of fault into the Category field. This should relate both the fault type and the Business Unit or team which the customer belongs to. There are subcategories for NUI, NUL, RAC, GSD (Group Services Division), SD (Service Desk), HC (Healthcare), LD (Learning & Development), MAIL (Messaging), as well as generic categories.

Describe the fault in the Description freeform text box and add a suitable ShortDesc.

Choose the Assyst queue that you wish to assign the Incident to. You can also specify an individual within that team at this point.

Now that all the fields have been completed you can create your Assyst Incident Reference by pressing Ctrl+S, clicking on the disc symbol the File menu. on the toolbar, or by choosing Save from

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Raising Changes

To raise a new Change record press Ctrl+K or select Log Change from the Change menu. Enter the customer and asset information as for an Incident (see above), but there are two additional fields which need considering. Risk All Changes within Assyst must have their potential impact on Aviva system listed on the call. The RISK field is located on the IMPACT tab of the Change record and, in most cases, should be filled with the value D - Minimal Risk.

Most changes raised by Desktop Services will affect only a small number of assets at any one time. Any changes that will impact upon a significant portion of a team, department, or location must be assessed accordingly, and will ultimately attain a higher Risk level. Processes Repetitive procedures in Assyst can be defined by a process that can be attached to a Change record, and which runs alongside the life of the change. These processes break down into a series of Decision Tasks (e.g. Who does this?) and Normal Tasks (e.g. Please do the following ...). The process name can be entered into the Process field. If you are attaching a process then ensure the Start Process box is ticked. Failure to do this can result in the change record needing to be cancelled and a fresh change record raised.

Once all the above has been considered then you can you can create your Assyst Change Reference by pressing Ctrl+S, clicking on the disc symbol Save from the File menu. on the toolbar, or by choosing

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Notes for Local Support Calls

For an Incident or Change to appear in a Local Support view in Assyst, the call must have a suitable regional code marker (User Action) applied to it.


Actions ............User appropriate region

The action descriptions are reasonably descriptive for the sites where Local Support engineers are based.. The following shows the User Action code that will appear on the call, and the sites that each code (or region) covers. Northern DNVYORK DNVSHEF DNVMAN DNVPERTH DNVGLAS DNRMT Central DCVST Southern DTMMDL DSRMT DSVSTE DSVSTL DSVSTS York [incl Newcastle , Leeds , Bradford] Sheffield [incl Nottingham] Manchester (NU & RAC) [incl Liverpool , Preston] Perth [incl Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh] Glasgow [incl Northern Ireland, Carlisle , Bishopbriggs ] RAC Chesterfield [incl. AutoWindscreens] Norwich [incl Ipswich, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Southend, Basildon] Bescot (NU & RAC) [incl Birmingham, Leicester ] Bristol (NU & RAC), South West and Wales [incl Exeter, Cheltenham] Eastleigh (NU only), South East [incl Southampton, Reading, Oxford, Worthing, Brighton, Maidstone] London (NU & RAC) within M25 [incl Croydon] Stevenage (NU only), [incl Coventry, Northampton, Watford, Luton]

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Data Quality

In Q3 2008 the Service Management Process Owners were brought together by the SM Practice Lead to address the problems that they face with regarding Data Quality The main issue that was identified is around the quality of information available in Assyst (e.g. SLAs @ CI level, CIs, HR Datafeed, categories, closure codes, etc.) and how this impacts upon trend analysis, operational reporting and the ease of teams to select & utilise the correct data. The summary of guidance that came out of these discussions follows: Throughout the lifecycle of an incident the Item A and Category fields must be updated to reflect the component affected and category of incident, as new information arises. A full summary of actions taken to resolve the incident should be included in the details of the RESOLVED action. A conclusion of cause and resolution should be included in the CLOSURE action The relevant Charge Code must be used when closing calls. Where pre-agreed information classes have been omitted by the Service Desk, a DATA INCOMPLETE action should be taken and the support team should contact the customer to populate the required information.

This guidance should be followed at all times when handling incidents and changes. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will cause issues for other teams or colleagues further along the lifecycle of the call. It is the responsibility of all engineers to ensure that the information on a call is correct before they pass that call to someone else.

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The figure below is an example of how a call may be passed to an Assyst queue without sufficient information on it to be handled.

The call is a catalogue of missing or irrelevant bits of information. Enquiries from Remote Support or IMAC cannot be made as there are no useable contact details on the call, nor any information about the faulty asset. Without location details if this call is passed to the Local Support engineers then it cannot be allocated to the correct team.

When calls like these enter the Desktop Services Assyst queues then the use of a DATA INCOMPLETE action is warranted. For petty changes though, like changing the Category or moving the asset tag from ITEM B to Item*, make the correction to the call and save it without adding a DATA INCOMPLETE. The following call is used as an example of how to raise a DATA INCOMPLETE action.

The call has come through to the Local Support team, but there is no physical location listed on the call. This is actually an important deficiency as without that information the job cannot be allocated to the correct regional engineering team.
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If the customers location is listed in the job Description then update the Building & Floor fields appropriately. If the location is not listed anywhere on the call then contact the customer to find out their true location, and then update the Building & Floor fields. Also on this call, the tag of the faulty asset is only listed in the Item B field, where it should be in the main Item field. Copy or cut-&-paste the tag into the main Item field Select: Actions ............Normal..........Data Incomplete

Complete the details to reflect the corrections/updates you have made. In the case above the ITEM field update would not warrant a DATA INCOMPLETE on its own, but is noted as it is in conjunction with a location correction. NOTE: If a call comes through to a queue and it doesnt have any customer location AND working phone number then the call can be passed back to the relevant Service Desk for correction. Make sure a DATA INCOMPLETE is actioned prior to passing the call back.

DATA INCOMPLETE actions are monitored by senior members of the Service Desks so that they can follow-up when appropriate retraining may be necessary.

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Assyst Locations
Building & Floor
Tasks inherit the location details from the parent change; therefore the change must be correct for any task-based process.

For the Regional Support engineers around the country having the correct values in the BUILDING & FLOOR fields on an incident or change are absolutely vital.

Unlike IT Ordering, Remote Support or Deployment Services (where the teams are effectively a virtual entity) the engineers on the ground need to know where the customer truly is. Also, the Local Support Queue Managers depend on this information for assigning the call to the appropriate team view. Hopefully an incoming call will have location information that looks like the following:

However, occasionally calls will appear where the BUILDING is set to UNKNOWN.

If the customers telephone number is listed (and is correct) then remote support can be given, but should the call progress to requiring a visit by a Local Support engineer then those fields must be corrected. By the time a support engineer looks at a call which has UNKNOWN in the Building field a Queue Manager should have applied a DATA INCOMPLETE note to the call highlighting the deficiency in information. If this has not been done then it is the responsibility of the first engineer to handle the call to update the BUILDING and FLOOR fields accordingly, and enter a DATA INCOMPLETE note onto the call. If the customer works at, or is based from, their home then the Building field can be filled with the value HOME.

If the customers location is not a simple one i.e. the customer is a broker, and the full address, including the Postcode, has been given then you can run a query against the location tables in Assyst and this is detailed in the next sub-section Building Query Tool. The resultant Building

If a building query does not return a location entry within Assyst then, and only then, should the Building field value of NOT IN DBASE can be used.

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Building Query Tool

If you have an address for a customer site that includes a Postcode listed in the Description of a call, but the BUILDING field shows UNKNOWN or the wrong value, then you can run a Building Query within Assyst to retrieve the BUILDING value for that site. If you do not have a Postcode then the same query tool can be used but your search will cover the Post Town; however using a Postcode is the most direct method. The Building window (in the background of the following screenshot) is accessible by doubleclicking on the BUILDING field in the incident or change. By then clicking on the query button on the toolbar you bring up the Query window. From here you can enter information to base your search upon.

Scroll down to find the Post Code search line and enter the Postcode from the customer address into the Value field. Selecting the LIKE operator and clicking OK should return the complete details for this location, assuming that there is an entry in the Assyst database.

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You can now copy the Building value from this window into the field on your incident or change record.


The 4 digit number at the start of the Building value is the Cable & Wireless site code. This is also listed specifically in the Building window. This can be of use when discussing networking issues with C&W.

If a building query does not return a location entry within Assyst then, and only then, should the Building field value of NOT IN DBASE can be used.


The Building value of UNKNOWN should NEVER be used. If a location truly is not within the tables in Assyst then the value of NOT IN DBASE should be used.

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Assigning & Moving Calls

Assigning Calls Between Teams
Actions ...... Assign Internal

Calls (except Decision Tasks) can be passed between teams by reassigning the job to a different Assyst queue, or to an individual Assyst user. On your selected event choose:

Choose the Service Dept to which you want to pass the call,

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Moving Calls Within Teams

Occasionally an Assyst user may wish to reassign a call to their main queue or to a different part or region of that same team. This may be due to an engineer assigning themselves the call in error, or needing to pass to an engineer in a different part of the country.

The Incident above shows the type of call that may need moving between regional teams. If the fault cannot be attended immediately then the job must pass to a different regional support team as the customer will then be in a different location . On an Event Monitor the same call looks as follows:

Note the DSRMT User Action (site flag) which places the call in the view for the regional engineers in Bristol.

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If the customers issues could not be fixed before he returns to his normal location then the call details must be amended to reflect this change in location. To move the call to the correct regional team first update the BUILDING & FLOOR fields to their new correct values .

Now the call needs to appear in the Assyst Queue view for the regional engineering team local to the new location. If the call has already been assigned to an individual engineer then the call must be reassigned to the main queue so that it becomes available to other engineers.

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Now that the call is in the main queue again, it is still, however, visible in the Bristol view. To move the call to the Bescot engineers view you must apply the User action DTS Bescot . which adds a DTMMDL marker to the job

The call now has the DTMMDL marker on it their tailored views within Assyst.

for the Bescot engineers and so will appear in

Likewise, if a Local Support engineer in York has been working on an Incident and now needs input from a colleague in a different part of the country, such as Norwich, then they would deassign the job by passing it back to the main NUCS DTOP VISIT queue (with the Assigned To field blank), and then applying whatever regional user status code is appropriate for their target audience (in this case DCVST for Norwich). There is no need to pass a call to a different team e.g. the Service Desk, requesting them to re-assign a job to a different part of your own team.

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Recording Customer Contact

All contact attempts are required to be logged. This can be done by using Additional Information, Next Update, On Hold Pending User and User Response.


Telephone/Email Contact
Actions ...... Additional Information

If you make any general verbal or email contact with a customer please make a note of this on the job using the Additional Information facilities. On your selected event choose:


Next Update

The Next Update action can be used for setting milestones or deadlines. For example, use this to state the date the user will be available or when you are going to try and get in contact again. On your selected event choose: Actions ...... Future.........Next Update for the update and enter an Action Detail .

Here you must specify the Action Date


The following example shows in the Action Detail that the user will not be back into the office until the 11 August, therefore the Next Update is required on the 11/08/2008.

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On Hold Pending User

If you are waiting for a user for some reason at no fault to our own, you may use the On Hold Pending User action, which will stop the SLA clock. This can be used in conjunction with Next Update to specify for example when a user will be back from holiday. On your selected event choose: Actions ...... Clock ..........On Hold Pending User stating why you are waiting for responses from

Here you must specify the Action Detail the customer.

Calls must never be closed while the SLA clock has been stopped as this has knock-on effects for departmental and system reporting.

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User Response
Actions ...... Clock ..........User Response stating that the customer has now been

When a customer responds to an On Hold Pending User and your request for contact then the SLA clock must be restarted by using a User Response action. On your selected event choose:

Here you must specify the Action Detail contacted.

Calls must never be closed while the SLA clock has been stopped as this has knock-on effects for departmental and system reporting.

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Linking Calls

From time to time there are Assyst calls generated to cover widespread major incidents such as a data server failing, or some widely used network functionality not working as expected. An engineer may have cause to close off a single-user incident raised for an issue via the Service Desk by referencing the major job. In such cases the calls should be linked to the major parent event. To do this, first open the major incident reference in an event monitor.

When you can see the parent event in the monitor, click on the LINKS tab at the bottom of the window. This shows you the incidents or changes that are already linked to the parent record.

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To add your incident or change into the list you link the item by selecting Create Links from the drop-down menu, type your job number into the Link Event field, choose an appropriate Reason, and put some detail in the Description box. Pressing CTRL+S will then save the link.

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Closing Calls
Actions ...... State ...........Resolved stating that the fault has been fixed by the appropriate

When you believe an incident has been fixed you must record the fault resolution on the call. On your selected event choose: Here you must specify Remarks measures..

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Pending User Confirmation

When you have fixed a fault, or implemented a change, you need to inform the customer either in person, by phone or by email. If you are not able to contact the customer for some reason and you leave a voice mail or email then use the Action Pending User Confirmation. On your selected event choose: Actions ...... Clock ..........Pending User Confirmation , stating how you have contacted the user.

Here you must specify the Action Detail

NOTE: When the customer returns contact you must restart the SLA clock by taking the User Response action.

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Change States

When a Change record is at the COMPLETED stage i.e. there are no outstanding process tasks attached and the record is ready to be closed, the following procedures need to be carried out in order to close the record correctly. On your selected event choose: SUCCESSFUL CANCELLED BACKED OUT DISRUPTIVE REJECTED Actions ...... appropriate code

Change implemented and tested successfully. Where the change was not attempted at all. Where the change was successfully backed out without causing a disruption to the business. Where there has been an outage experienced by the business. Where the change has been rejected by Change Management.

In most cases the SUCCESSFUL action is appropriate. CANCELLED should be used when a change has been raised in error.

To finally close your change choose: Actions ...... Close

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Actions ...... Close of why the call is being closed, a Cause .

When a call has been completed to the customers satisfaction it can be closed. On your selected event choose:

In the closure window you must supply details

for the closure e.g. HW FAULT, INSTALLATION, HW MOVE etc. and a Charge Code

1 2 3

It is important to enter the correct Charge Code as these are used within Desktop Service reporting (KPI) for allocation of resources.

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10. Re-Opening Calls

The ability to re-open a call that has been closed in error resides with the Service Desk. Contact them on 688888 and clearly state your reasons for re-opening the call. When the call has been re-opened please check that it is assigned to the correct queue and engineer. You may also need to re-state user action statuses such as DCREM, DTO, DNRMT, DNVYORK etc. so that the call appears on the correct Assyst view. NOTE: A call that has been closed for more than 5 working days should never be reopened. Please log a fresh call in these cases.

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11. Printing
To print an Assyst record, choose Print from the File menu, or press Alt+F2. Depending on whether you are printing from a call opened within the Assyst workspace, or a selected job on an Event Monitor after asking Assyst to print an Incident, Change, or Task, you will be presented with an Event Printing window. If you are printing with the call details opened in front of you the you will see the Event Printing window

If you are printing a job which has been highlighted on a list of jobs in an Event Monitor you will see the Event Printing window


If window is showing, unless you intend to print off ALL of the calls listed in your Event Monitor, then DO NOT select the All Events option.

Using the Selected Events option will print a breakdown of all actions on the selected call. This is suitable for an Incident record, or a general non-task-process Change record. The printout will include a lot of the fields from the main call, and also an action-by-action breakdown of all events on the job. This is most suitable for fault calls as it shows all input from engineers that have dealt with the call.

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For an IT Order, i.e. a Change where a process has been attached, it can be better to print an . Order Docket

To get a suitable Order Ticket, the print request must be actioned on the parent change record, rather than any sub-tasks that may be on your Assyst queue. The easiest way to access the parent change is to right-click on the task and select the Display Parent option. This will open the parent change record directly. This type of printout will include most of the main call fields, plus all the Description field, which on an IT Order will be the Order Template answers. It will not show any other actions taken on the parent change record.

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12. Task-Based Processes

i. Event Monitor Column Advice

There are Assyst Event Monitor columns that can be added to a suitable Column Profile that will assist an engineer when looking at the history of component tasks within a task-based process that may be running from a parent change.. The Status column shows whether a task is open or closed. The Event Type column displays the task-type in a colour-coded format. The parent Change is in green. Decision tasks are grey. Normal tasks are highlighted in yellow. The Date/Time Logged field allows an engineer to sort the tasks into chronological order. The Current RFC Stage field will change during the lifetime of the parent RFC. As the various daughter tasks are spawned, so this column will show which the latest task in the chain is. The User Status column shows the various codes that either the process or task owner puts in e.g. DCREM, DNVSHEF, DSDDIS etc. The SVD Assigned column shows the Assyst queue and thereby the team - to which the task is currently assigned.


Handling Decision Tasks

Where a task-based process has been applied to a change request (IT Order, hotswap etc.) then Decision tasks will be created as part of that process. Change records and Normal tasks can be treated in much the same way as Incidents, in that they can be double-clicked to activate and amend. Decision tasks behave somewhat differently though. You do not double-click a Decision task to take any action on it. To make a decision you right-click on the Decision task in an event monitor, and then choose the option to Make Decision. Select the decision you wish to make and then just OK the action. You do not need to leave remarks on this type of task.

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Important Procedural Note

From any task you can right click and select Display Parent to open the parent Change. To look at the tasks generated from a parent on an Event Monitor, select the Links tab and click on View Group. This can be done from either the parent or any subsequent task. Including the Event Type field in your selected column profile is important to help distinguish between task types. Some column profiles do not include this by default. The EST PROFILE column profile does include the Event Type field. If, when checking the whole task flow, there are lots of tasks listed, it may be clearer to use an event monitor which has a column profile that shows the Date/Time Logged field. A fresh Change Event Monitor can be generated by pressing Ctrl+K. Enter the parent change reference and choose a Column Profile that includes the Date/Time Logged field. If you do not have a Column profile that includes this field then please bring this to the attention of your manager. Event Monitors will not include newly generated tasks (a shortcoming in within Assyst), so you will need to close the current view and generate a new one from the parent change or subtask. Pressing the REFRESH button will not add newly created subtasks. Generate a fresh monitor view by selecting the Links tab and click on the View Group button.

If you have never handled tasks generated by a process within Assyst then some time should be taken to familiarize yourself with how to view them.

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13. Assyst Asset Register (CMDB)

The Asset Register in Assyst the Change Management Database (or CMDB) can be interrogated for details about the assets that it holds.


Basic Query

Querying the CMDB can provide vital information when handling fault calls, or moving assets between locations. To open the Item Selection window press Ctrl+E or choose Item Selection from the Configuration menu. Enter the asset tag of the item to be queried into the Item field and press return.

As long as there is a record on the CMDB for this asset, some basic information is immediately displayed here. To see more information double-click on the item line and it will open a new Item window as follows:

This Item window can also be accessed by double-clicking the Item listed in a fault call or change record.
NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review Document Name: Assyst 6.6 Procedures.Docpdf Ready for Approval Approved Authorised Released Page 32 of 35 Date printed: 15-Oct-08


Item Movements

To find out if an asset has records of physically moving within the company then the Item Movement Log can be viewed by clicking on the Movements button in the main Item window. Every official movement of an asset requires a corresponding movement entry within the CMDB. To see how movements are created and controlled in more detail please refer to the How To Create Movements In Assyst document on the ERP Processes page.

If you are working with/on an asset whose physical location does not match the entry in the CMDB then ask the customer how/when the asset moved from its CMDB location to the current one. Also, please check that Centennial has been completed correctly, as the mismatch may be due to an asset moving but the Centennial records were not updated accordingly. NOTE : It is the responsibility of all engineers to ensure that the CMDB is kept as upto-date as possible, either by the correct and timely use of Centennial, or by managing item movements directly within Assyst.

NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review

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Page 33 of 35 Date printed: 15-Oct-08


Item Configuration

The physical configuration of an asset can be viewed by clicking on the Configuration button on the main Item window. This will list details of physical memory installed, how the HDD is partitioned, processor type etc. This can be diagnostically valuable information on fault calls, or even for IT Orders where, for example, a customer is ordering extra memory for their laptop or PC. The Item Configuration window can show the current number of sticks of RAM, and if free slots are available.

For PCs, laptops & tablets the configuration data is populated by information fed to Assyst via the Centennial client installed on that asset. For monitors and printers the values are created manually when the asset record is created within the CMDB.

NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review

Document Name: Assyst 6.6 Procedures.Docpdf Ready for Approval Approved Authorised Released

Page 34 of 35 Date printed: 15-Oct-08


Last Logged-On User

Occasionally assets have to be tracked or traced by indirect means. In these cases ascertaining the last user that was logged onto the PC, laptop or tablet can assist in tracking that asset. The following screen is accessed by selecting the User tab on the main Item window.

This information cannot be regarded as 100% accurate but it can give a very helpful indication of who has, or has been using, an asset.

NU UK IT Services Desktop Services Author: J Ninham WIP Internal Review

Document Name: Assyst 6.6 Procedures.Docpdf Ready for Approval Approved Authorised Released

Page 35 of 35 Date printed: 15-Oct-08

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