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Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011

INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING TEMPLATE: ED 411 Leading a Mathematics Discussion, Experience #3 Your name: Grade level and school: Title of lesson/activity: Teaching date(s) and time(s): Estimated time for lesson/activity: Patrina Langford 1st grade Adam S.T.E.M Academy Using a Number Line to Subtract Tuesday January 31,2012 35-45 minutes lesson and discussion Overview Overview: Provide a short description (2-3 sentences) of the lesson/activity. Be sure to include a description of the mathematical task.

For the past week we have been working on subtraction. We recently gave the students a pre-assessment on basic subtraction facts and after evaluating the assessments we believe they need to learn how to count backwards on a number line. By teaching them how to count backwards on a number line they will be able to understand that in subtraction your numbers will always get smaller instead of larger.
Leap Frog worksheets

Sources: List the source(s) you used in the creation of your lesson plane.g., Everyday Math

Attending to the Learners Anticipating student ideas: Explain what you think will be students prior knowledge about the content, including the alternative ideas or challenges you anticipate students might face and how you plan to work with each of these challenges during the discussion. Also explain your ideas about how students are likely to respond to the tasks in the discussion and how you might use these likely responses to focus students on the intended content. Making the content accessible to all students: Describe how you will help ALL students engage productively in the lesson. This includes identifying assumptions made during the lesson about students prior experiences, knowledge, and capabilities; making the representations, explanations, and/or vocabulary accessible and Before this lesson my students worked on a couple of short subtraction worksheets. The worksheets contained subtraction problems where the students had to cross out objects and figure out what was left over. The students also practiced subtraction word problem. For example, Ben had 8 balloons 4 flew away, how many does he have now? Now they are ready to use another strategy within subtraction. The students have prior knowledge on ordering numbers and counting on a number line. The students also know how to add using a number line. They also know how to count backwards. However, the students may have misconceptions about trying to subtract numbers on a number line. They may think that since we read a number line from left to right then we have to subtract going toward the right instead of left. When teaching this lesson I will make sure all of my students are productive and engaged. I will make the worksheets accessible to all students. I will make sure my high students have more than enough work, since some of them already know how to subtract. I will not make all of the problems required for the low students because they will probably need my support in trying to count backwards on a number line. I will use objects so the students will get a chance to see a visual of how when you subtract your basket gets smaller. I plan to use clear and concise language, to

make sure the students are able to understand the purpose 1

Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011

meaningful to all students; and making connections to students personal, cultural, and social experiences during the lesson, if appropriate.

of the lesson.

Learning Goals Learning Goals List the learning goal(s) you have for your students. Use measurable behaviors that can be linked to the assessments.

The Students will be able to understand how to count backward on a number line. The Students will be able to understand how to use a number to solve subtraction problems. Student will be able to order numbers backwards on a number line

Connection to Standards State the content expectations from the Michigan GLCE(s), Common Core State Standards, other national standards, or the standard(s) from your local curriculum that you address in your lesson.

GLCE Standards N.MR.01.09 Compare two or more sets in terms of the difference in number of elements. N.MR.01.10 Model addition and subtraction for numbers through 30 for a given contextual situation using objects or pictures; explain in words; record using numbers and symbols; solve.* Common Core Standards

1.OA.6. Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 4 = 13 3 1 = 10 1 = 9); using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).

Materials :

Instructional Sequence ***You need to bring a copy of the problem for each student in your class*** I will need 29 rulers on all of the students desk. I will need cubes for a visual representation


Main components

Communicate HOW, not just WHAT, you plan on teaching, and provide enough specificity that someone else could teach from your plan. This includes scripting the key questions you plan to ask.

Steps Describing What the Teacher and Students Will Do:

(including management considerations)

Notes and Reminders

3 min


What will you say

Good Afternoon Math Thinker!

Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011


Main components

Communicate HOW, not just WHAT, you plan on teaching, and provide enough specificity that someone else could teach from your plan. This includes scripting the key questions you plan to ask.

Steps Describing What the Teacher and Students Will Do:

(including management considerations)

Notes and Reminders

and do to engage the students in the problem? Being explicit about norms, directions, and language is one way to attend to students cultural/linguistic resources and attend to the learning of all students.

Repeat after me: I will be able to subtract by counting backwards on a number line. Lets review what we know about subtraction. What happens when you take away things from our basket? (our basket gets smaller) So that means when we subtract numbers our number will get smaller as well. Before we jump into subtract I want everyone to close their eyes and when I say go I want to see who can count backwards from 10. Wow I am so happy every one can count backwards. Let do it one more time together. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 Now let use some objects on the white board to help us understand how to subtract. Today we are going to use rulers help us count backwards when we are subtracting. So I want you all to really focus because I look for people who can explain how its possible to count backwards when we are subtracting.

4 min

Independent work on problem:

Describe what you will be attending to and recording in your notes while monitoring.
1 min

We are going to work on this worksheet together using the number line on the paper and then I am going to give you a ruler to do the rest of the questions on the work sheet. We will do problems 1-4 together and then I want you to do 5-9 on your own. When you are done with the problems I want you to raise one of your hands and put other hand over your mouth Lets go over the rest of the problems. I am going to pull sticks because I know everyone was able to finish the rest of the worksheet (pull sticks and have students come up and explain how they got their answer using the number line or the ruler). I had the students come up to the board to answer the questions on the worksheet. After we complete the answers on the worksheet, we are going to have a talk Wow you all know so much about using a number line and subtracting numbers.

Launching of Discussion:

What question or prompt will you use to get the discussion off the ground?

Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011


Main components

Communicate HOW, not just WHAT, you plan on teaching, and provide enough specificity that someone else could teach from your plan. This includes scripting the key questions you plan to ask.

Steps Describing What the Teacher and Students Will Do:

(including management considerations)

Notes and Reminders

Here is a problem 9 4 = 13, is this problem possible or impossible? Why or Why not?
6 min

Orchestration of the Discussion:

Based on your analysis of the mathematics content of the problem, your anticipations about the types of solutions/methods that your students will produce and your learning goals for your students, write out a sequence for sharing solutions and key questions and prompts. Keep in mind that you will likely not be able to share ALL solutions/methods that students might produce. Include follow-up questions that you might ask to the class after each solution/method is shared. Describe how you will provide opportunities for all students to participate in the discussion.
1 min

I just posed a question for you to think about, I want you to really think about your answer. So I am going to give you a minute to think and when you hear the timer go off raise your hand and I will call on you to explain your thinking. How is it possible for someone to come up with a problem like 9 -4=13? (Well someone could have counted forwards instead of backwards when solving the problem) Using the number line how are we supposed to solve this problem? (Since this is a minus sign in the number sentence we are suppose to count backwards on the number line) Is this problem possible or impossible? Why? What are some other ways we could have solved this problem? (We could have used finger, sticks, hearts, circles, etc.) I want someone to summarize his or her classmates response. You all told me this problem was impossible, can someone tell me again why it is impossible? Now lets use our ruler to solve this problem, What is the correct answer everybody?


(Describe an aspect of the mathematics or the nature of the discussion you would like to be able to use to

I am very proud of your thinking today, you all have learned some much in so little time. Before I test your thinking I want someone to tell me what you have learned. How can we use a number line when we are

Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011


Main components

Communicate HOW, not just WHAT, you plan on teaching, and provide enough specificity that someone else could teach from your plan. This includes scripting the key questions you plan to ask.

Steps Describing What the Teacher and Students Will Do:

(including management considerations)

Notes and Reminders

conclude the discussion. You may need to conclude with a different statement if the discussion does not go as planned.)

subtracting? When we subtract should are number get smaller are bigger? Why are they getting smaller? (because we are taking away things) Yes, that is all correct we have to count backwards when we are subtracting using a number line because when we count backwards the numbers are getting smaller. Remember you have a number line right on your name tag so whenever you need to subtract and you want to use a number line you have the number line on you name tag and the one on the wall. You seem ready for you assessment now.

5 min

End-ofdiscussion check

What task do you plan to use to assess some aspect of their mathematical learning from the discussion? What will you say and do to get students working independently on the problem? What will you say to students to ensure that you get data that you can use to assess individual students mathematical learning?

I am about you give you a worksheet that has subtractions problems on it, I want you to only complete rows A, C, and E, and G. I repeat only do rows A, C, and E, and G. I want you to work on your own and use the number line on the worksheet to help you. Underneath every problem is a number line I want you to show me how you got your answer. I know you can do this so make sure you do a good job.

Reflection on Planning Learning goal for self:

State at least one learning goal that you have for yourself, with regard to your teaching. In other words, what are you working on to improve your teaching practice?

One learning goal would be to make sure there give them clear instructions and directions. I also want to make sure I have good management over the entire class during the whole group discussion.

Preparing to teach this lesson:

Describe the things you did in

In preparing for this lesson I will complete both the class worksheet

Ed 411: Teaching Children Mathematics Fall 2011

preparation to teach this lesson. For example: practiced the activity with the actual materials, answered the worksheet questions myself, thought through timing, researched materials, etc.

and assessment using a number line. I also practiced how I will present the teaching material. I plan to use clear and concise language, to make sure the students are able to understand the purpose of the lesson. I also prepare a set time frame for the lesson because I know the students doesnt have a long attention span.

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