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Annotated Graphs Annotated Graphs

Assignment 3 Annotated Graphs Thomas Grant SOWK 300 Tuskegee University March 17, 2012

Annotated Graphs

Magnitude of the Problem

Descriptive Discussion: This graph shows how the life expectancy of both males and females decrease with age. It has to do with magnitude because it shows that no matter what your age is or sex your life expectancy goes down the older you get. When a male is first born he is expected to live 75.5 more years while a female is expected to live 80.5 more years which is a 5 year difference. This can be compared to at the age 100 a male is expected to live 2.1 more years while a female is expected to live 2.3 more years. Interpretive Discussion: When I look at this graph I see that no matter what age you are females are always expected to live longer than males. This gap however does close in a get smaller as the age increases. This could be because females generally take better care of themselves than males. It could also have to do with the fact that most males do more strenuous jobs than their female counterparts of the same age.

Annotated Graphs

Scope of the Problem

Descriptive Discussion: This graph is showing how life expectancy varies from state to state and from male to female in those states. The District of Columbia had the lowest life expectancy with 61.97 years of life remaining for males and 74.23 years of life remaining for females. This is in contrast to Wyoming who had 73.16 years of life reaming for males and 79.29 years for the females. Interpretive Discussion: This graph is demonstrating that different states have different levels of health care. For instance it would appear that the District of Columbia doesnt have as good of health care than any other state. You could also look at this graph in terms of crime and that is why the life expectancy is lower in certain states. Wyoming is by many considered a safer state than California so that could also lead to a higher life expectancy.

Annotated Graphs

Changes in the Problem

Descriptive Discussion: This graph shows how the Life expectancy has increased over a 38 year period for both Whites and Blacks. In 1970 whites where expected to live to the age of 71.7 while Blacks where expected to live only to the age of 64.1 which is a 7.6 year difference. In 2008 Whites where expected to live to 78.4 years old while Blacks where expected to live to 74.3 years old a 4.1 year difference. Interpretive Discussion: The thing that jumped out most to me was the how big the difference was between expected age in 1970. This may have been due in large part that during this time the civil rights movement was taking place. This would mean that Blacks did not have all of the same rights has Whites at the time resulting in less health care that could have possibly contributed to them living longer.

Annotated Graphs

Disparities in the Problem

Descriptive Discussion: This graph shows how race played a factor in how a male and females life expectancy. With all of the other graphs females always are expected to outlive their male counter parts. One thing to note is the almost 7 year difference of Black male and female life expectancy in 2008. Females where expected to live until the age of 77.4 while males where only expected to live until 70.9 Interpretive Discussion: The difference in male and female and even between black and white where something that I expected. Males did not live as long as females and Blacks did not live as long as Whites. The big difference is when we look at Blacks in 2008. Females are expected to live 7 years longer than males. This could be because more Black males where starting to go to jail at the time which drop his life expectancy dramatically.

Annotated Graphs

Summary and Conclusion In closing I learned a lot from looking at these data tables. I for one learned that females are always expected to outlive males. And also that Black live a shorter life than Whites of the same age or sex. This was an eye opener for me because I thought that the disparities would not have been as wide. I thought that health insurance and other health benefits would be given out equally to everyone and that everyone would have the same chance at living as the next man. My theory was proven false however so we should take the needed steps to make sure we are all equal.

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