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EE 572 Final Exam due Pacific time 5pm Wednesday December 14, 2011 Problem 1

Consider a plane wave impinging on a dielectric cylinder with incident wave in the direction k xk x yk x yk z xk sin i cos i yk sin i sin i z k cos i Let the medium in region 0 be , . Let the cylinder be of 1 , 1 The polarizations for the incident plane wave can be v cos i cos i x cos i sin i y sin i z h sin i x cos i y Consider TM incidence with the incident electric field E inc v expjk r Let E vi 1; E hi 0; 1 i 30 ; i 0 1 0; 0 1 6 0 1 j0. 2 radius a 1. 2 a) Write a matlab code. Plot the absolute value of the coefficients a TM n as a function of n. b) List the results of a TM and a TE , the complex values, in the table below n n n 2 1 0 1 2 c) What should be N max to be sufficient? a TM n a TE n and a TM n

Problem 2

Consider Rayleigh scattering by a small sphere of radius a Let 1 1 0; 0 1 3 0 1 j0. 2 a 0. 06 0. 06 Let E inc E 0 z expjkx (a) Give expressions for H inc , H s andE s in terms of the incident field E 0 , wavenumber k, radius a, and permittivity 1 . All H inc , H s andE s should be the exact expressions, not just the far field (b) Calculate a , s , and e a s (c) Calculate forward scattering amplitude, which is a complex number. Apply optical theorem to calculate e (d) Do the two results of e in part(b) and part (c) agree? Why?

Problem 3
The reciprocity condition is

dVE b J a H b M a dVE a J b H a M b 0
If a medium obeys the reciprocal condition, then the medium is a reciprocal medium. Not all media are reciprocal. Consider a medium with 0

xx xy xz yx yy yz zx zy zz

(a) Apply the reciprocal condition to derive the condition on that the medium be reciprocal (b) Let

0 0

j 0 0

0 0 3 0

j 0 2 0

Is the medium reciprocal? Why?

(c) Let

0 0

j 0 0

0 0 3 0

j 0 2 0

Is the medium reciprocal ?Why?

Problem 4
Consider TE modes of a circular waveguide of radius a a) Derive the electromagnetic fields of TE nm by letting H z H 0 J n k expjn Derive expressions for E , E , E z , H , H , H z b) Plot Bessel function J 2 w and J 3 w and identify the points of w for the first 2 maxima/minima. That is, give values of w21 , w22 , w31 and w32 c)The circular waveguide is filled with air. Let radius a of the circular waveguide be a 0. 02 meter frequency 17GHz Find the propagation constants k z of the TE 21 , TE 22 , TE 31 and TE 32 modes. If the mode is below cutoff, give the propagation constant as a complex number . Indicate which of TE 21 , TE 22 , TE 31 and TE 32 are propagating. Indicate which of TE 21 , TE 22 , TE 31 and TE 32 are evanescent

Problem 5
Consider incident plane wave at frequency of 30GHzfrom air which has 0; 0 The plane wave is onto a half space of double negative medium with 1 1 j2 10 2 0 1 4 0 (a) Let the incident angle be i 30 Calculate k, k 1 , k x , k z , k 1z and the approximate transmitted angle t Sketch the directions of the incident wave, the reflected wave and the transmitted wave (c) plot |R TE | and |R TM | as a function of i , for 0 i 90 (d) What angle is the Brewster angle B approximately? Is the Brewster angle B for TE or TM? When the incident angle is the Brewster angle, i.e. i B , what is the transmitted angle t ?

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