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the modern F.D.

A came into being in 1913 -- the same year that the rockeller foundation was created el moderno FDA entr en vigor en 1913 - el mismo ao que la fundacin fue creada rockeller the F.D.A works hand-in-hand with the rockefeller foundation and the american medical association. la FDA trabaja mano a mano con la Fundacin Rockefeller y la Asociacin Mdica Americana. the rockefeller foundation was founded in 1913, with ist main emphasis upon medicine and medical education La Fundacin Rockefeller fue fundada en 1913, con nfasis principal sobre ist medicina y la educacin mdica Este documental explica la influencia de Rockefelleren la industria del cuidado de la salud, y en particular cmo las alternativas seguras han sido silenciados en favor de la quimioterapia, la radioterapia y la ciruga. Volviendo a principios del siglo XX, esta pelcula se explica cmo empez todo, y por qu estamos en nuestra situacin actual del cuidado de la salud. A continuacin, ofrececuras para las personas que sufren de cncer UPDATE: If you have problems watching the documentary at YouTube (or above), then try watching it at, although it has a slight blur there.
This documentary catalogs how allopathic medicine established dominance in the early part of the 20th Century, and how natural medicines were arbitrarily banned from the medical profession, despite the basis of this decision being scientifically unsound. The wholesale transition from natural medicines to chemical ones was based on financial and political reasons, at the expense of the patients. This documentary exposes the carnage of the cancer industry, the financial interests that molded it, and why it is so resistant to change. Meanwhile, cancer treatments kill more people every year than any war in U.S. history. Cancer patients with no treatment at all statistically live four times longer and have a better quality of life. The Cancer Report also catalogs the histories and procedures of the most popular alternative therapies, which generally have significantly better success rates than standard treatments. We urge all of our readers to watch this documentary and pass it on to friends and relatives. It is currently available on Youtube, and the full 1.5G movie can be downloaded from The smaller 788 M.B. (yet still high quality) Divx/AVI version of the movie can be downloaded via a

bittorrent program anddirectly from us. The full movie transcript can be found here. If you have any problems viewing the original downloadable edition, then we recommend installing the free and multi-platform VLC program. It is the best overall video player around. Another excellent option is the Miro program, which can both download the torrent version of the documentary, and play it as well. The official DVD is available (as requested by many readers) using the purchase link. Purchasing the official DVD is a great way to help us to continue our work. For German Readers Dies ist die englische Version des Der Krebs-Report. Die deutsche Version finden Sie hier.

Is the documentary free? You are allowed to share and copy both the DVD and the movie files freely, with very few restrictions. This movie is essentially free as in 'free beer' and as in freedom too. You have our permission to make as many copies of 'The Cancer Report' as you wish from our DVD, torrnet file, or you may create copies from the downloadable ISO file. The movie may be copied and redistributed in all electronic forms, including reproduction via the Internet, unless the pertinent redistribution network(s) require payments for rebroadcasting it. Otherwise, public display and broadcasting are categorically allowed. We do, however, reserve our copyright of the movie, and as such, we forbid alterations to the movie without our approval. Additionally, a clear and easily readable attribution to must be clearly rendered in all derivative works, as well as conspicuously citing Thomas Corriher and Sarah Cain as its original producers. This movie is being distributed under an attribution share-alike license, so others are generally allowed to copy and redistribute it, but we require that attributions to us not be removed. Because of the non-commercial restrictions from certain media sources utilized in the production, you may only charge a reasonable fee for materials, media, shipping, and labor, if the movie is sold. None of the material from the movie may be used in a purely commercial endeavor, such as advertising.

the initial rockefeller medical school donations totaled over $ 550,000,000. in 1928 alone, the rockeller foundation grave money to 18 medical achools across 14 countries. las primeras donaciones de la Facultad de Medicina Rockefeller ascendi a ms de $ 550.000.000. en 1928, la fundacin rockeller dinero grave achools18 mdicos de 14 pases. ist partners at the F.D.A bengan an aggressive campaign of suppressive campaign of suppressing medicices that competed with the chemical industry. ist socios en el Bengan FDA una agresiva campaade la campaa de supresin de la supresin demedicices que competan con la industria qumica. I never have and never will approve a new drug to an individual, but only to a large pharmaceutical company with unlimited finances. Nunca lo he hecho y nunca va a aprobar un nuevo medicamento a un individuo, sino slo a una gran compaa farmacutica con las finanzas ilimitadas. Dr. richard j. crout, Director of the FDAs Bureau of drugs (spotlight, january 18, 1982) El Dr. Richard J. Crout, Director de la Oficina de la FDA s de las drogas (centro de atencin, 18 de enero de 1982) suppressed were the natural medicenes that their industry could not legally control and monopolize with ,, drug ,,, (chemical) patents. natural substances can never be patented. se suprimieron las medicenes naturales que su industria, legalmente, no poda controlar y monopolizar, con,, drogas,,, (qumico) las patentes.sustancias naturales no pueden ser patentados.

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