Journey To Success v1.0

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JourneyTo Success is Strategy game to teach various Strategies to participants. Contents of Game 1.

Playing Surface: This is a plane surface which is divided into 10 by 10 (10 x 10) matrix.

2. One START Card.

3. Two SUCCESS Cards. One for Blue team and one for Green.

4. There is a deck of Strategy cards. Each Strategy Card has Strategy Name and list of obstacles it can overcome.

There are 12 blank Strategy cards. On which playing teams can write their own strategies and list obstacles it can overcome. 5. There is a deck of Obstacle cards. Each Obstacle card has name of Obstacle it create.

There are 18 blank Obstacle cards, on which playing team can write their own obstacles. 6. There is a deck of Inflection Point cards.

There are 6 blank Inflection Point cards, on which playing team can write their own Inflection Point 7. 42 Blue Path cards.

8. 42 Green Path cards.

9. One 6 face standard dice.

Initial Layout 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Place Playing Surface on a flat surface. Place Strategy Cards in a stack. Place Obstacle Cards in a stack. Place Inflection Cards in a stack. Blue team gets Blue Path Cards and lays them open so the cards are visible to the opponent. Green team gets Green Path Cards and lays them open so the cards are visible to the opponent.

Winning Team which completes the path from START to SUCCESS first wins the game. Players/Teams 3

Only two players or teams can play this game in a session. Rules 1. How to place START card on the Playing Surface a. First Blue team rolls the dice and then Green. b. If both teams get the same number then the previous step is repeated otherwise this step is skipped. c. Team which gets the bigger number on dice gets the chance to place START cards on the playing surface. d. Rules for placing the START Card: i. START card can be placed anywhere on the Playing Surface but not on the boundary cells. ii. Once START card is placed its position cannot be changed in the game playing session. 2. How to place the SUCCESS cards on the Playing Surface. a. First Blue team rolls the dice and then Green. b. If both teams get same number then the previous step is repeated otherwise this step is skipped. c. Team which gets the bigger number on dice, gets chance to place the SUCCESS card of competing team on the Playing Surface. d. Now second team gets the chance to place SUCCESS card on the Playing Surface. e. Rules to place SUCCESS cards: i. SUCCESS card can be placed anywhere on the Playing Surface but not on the boundary cells. ii. SUCCESS card can be placed anywhere on the Playing Surface but not on the START card. iii. SUCCESS and START cards cannot be placed adjacent to each other. iv. Blue SUCCESS card cannot be placed over Green SUCCESS card and vice versa. v. If SUCCESS cards are placed adjacent to each other, opposing inlets are blocked.

Boundary Cells: A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1, I1, J1 A10, B10, C1, D10, E10, F10, G10, H10, I10, J10 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10 3. How to place the Path cards a. Place the Path cards in such a way that either it starts the path from START card or forms continuous path from previous the Path card. b. Path cards can be placed on a blank cell. c. Green Path card can be placed on the Blue Path card. It does not block either Green Path card or Blue Path card. d. Blue Path card can be placed on the Green Path card. It does not block either Green Path card or Blue Path card. e. Green Path card cannot be placed on the Green Path card. f. Blue Path card cannot be placed on the Blue Path card 4. Lets start the game 5

a. First Blue team rolls the dice and then Green. b. If both teams get the same number then previous step is repeated otherwise this step is skipped. c. Team which gets bigger number on dice, start the game. Say the Blue team gets higher number on dice. d. Now the Blue team rolls the dice and gets Even number: Blue Team places Path card and pick up a Strategy card from the Strategy stack and keeps in its inventory and Green team gets the chance to roll the dice. OR Odd number: Blue team does not do anything and Green Team gets the chance to roll the dice. e. Now Green team rolls the dice and gets Even number: Green Team places a Path card and pick up a Strategy card from Strategy stack and keep in its inventory and Blue team gets the chance to roll the dice. OR Odd number: Green team does not do anything and Blue Team gets the chance to the roll dice. f. Repeat step d and e 5 more times. g. Now it is 7th turn. h. Now Blue team rolls the dice and gets Even number: Blue Team places a Path card and picks up a Strategy card from the Strategy stack and keeps in its inventory and Green team gets the chance to roll the dice. OR Odd number: Green Team picks an Obstacle card and blocks Blue teams path. Blue team can unlock its path using Strategy card which has the capability to counter that particular Obstacle. Once Strategy and Obstacle cards are used, they are returned to their respective stack in bottom. Now Green team gets to roll the dice. If Blue team does not have Strategy card to counter Obstacle card then Blue team has following options: Start new path from Start card if possible. Fork the path from existing path if possible. Wait for appropriate Strategy card in subsequent dice throws. Accept defeat


Now Green team rolls the dice and gets Even number: Green Team places Path card and pick up Strategy card from the Strategy stack and keep in its inventory and the Blue team gets the chance to roll the dice. OR Odd number: Blue Team picks an Obstacle card and blocks the Green teams path. Green team can unlock its path using a Strategy card which has capability to counter that particular card. Once Strategy and Obstacle cards are used, they are returned to their respective stack in bottom. Now Blue team gets to roll the dice.

If Green team does not have Strategy card to counter Obstacle card then Blue team has following options: Start new path from Start card if possible. Fork the path from existing path if possible. Wait for appropriate Strategy card in subsequent dice throws. Accept defeat


Step h and I are repeated till games current session ends.

Usage of Inflection Point card 1. If any team gets three successive 6s on the dice, that team gets a bonus of using Inflection card. That Team can pick up an Inflection Point card from top of the Inflection Point card stack and can use it. Inflection Point cards can shift the position of SUCCESS card (self as well as that of the competitor). 2. Inflection Point card cannot be kept in Inventory by either team. It must be used immediately. 3. After usage of Inflection Point card, it must return to bottom of Inflection Point card stack. Game Session End 1. Games current session ends if: a. One of the teams creates a continuous path from START card to SUCCESS card. b. Once there is no way that a continuous path can be created from START to SUCCESS card. c. Teams decide to abandon the game session.

Decks of Strategy and Obstacle cards 7

Different decks of Strategy, Obstacle and Inflection Point cards can be prepared. For example: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Change Management Business Innovation Agile Methodology for software development Social Media Marketing Marketing Innovation Startup Human Resource Management Release Management Outsourcing

Few of the Strategy, Obstacle, and Inflection Point decks are available. Creating new decks is work in progress. Size and Print Each cell on Playing Surface is 3inch x 3 inch Each card measure 3 inch x 3 inch For printing purpose Color print is preferred but Black and White is also OK. License (cc)JourneyToSucess by Tushar Jain is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA ( Please use with attribution.

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