Bulletin 0902

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towards sustainable development

Industry Submits Views on Proposed Hillside Development Guideline

further to recent incidences involving hillside developments in the country, the Town and Country Planning Department Peninsular Malaysia (JPBD) has proposed revised guidelines for development on hillside and highland areas where hillside developments are further categorized into four classes according to gradients and heights. The industry views the proposed guideline by JPBD as too prescriptive and prohibitive as we believe that sustainable hillside development can be achieved with the right engineering and technology input. REHDA, in a joint memorandum to the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, together with the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM), International Real Estate Federation Malaysia (FIABCI), Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) and Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) submitted the industrys collective views on the issue and stressed the following points: 1. Hillside Developments Can Be Safe Given Todays Technology
Hillside developments are viable as all safety issues can be addressed given todays technology and availability of expert knowledge. While the concerns on environmental impact of hill slope developments, especially potential occurrence of landslides may be valid, such concerns can be mitigated and managed through proper application of technology knowhow. In addition, adoption of a more stringent engineering design submissions with independent checking procedures, during construction and post construction monitoring will address the many issues that are of concern to the public. Hong Kong has proven that hillside areas can be safely developed and sustained. With ample professional expertise available locally, the country should not restrict but promote safe hillside development instead through similar application of such expertise and technology. new housing units annually. 53% of these units cater for housing demand in the Klang Valley. Selangor, in particular, being the fastest growing state, will need to build 500,000 houses by 2015 to accommodate this growth. With land becoming more scarce by the day in the greater Klang Valley areas, the task of providing adequate housing for the people proves to be challenging. The industry does not have much choice but to undertake development in hillside areas as more and more land available for development fall into Class 3 category. There may be still pockets of brown field land and visible vacant flat land around, but these are not necessarily available for development, unless through compulsory acquisition. The proposed guidelines have not considered the importance of sustainable housing development in the country given the prohibitive permissible density, plot ratio and building height, even for Class 1 hill developments. The restrictions will only make the property developments in such areas neither viable nor cost effective, thus stifling further growth.

2. Sustainable Development
Property development, be it residential or commercial, is necessary for socio-economic health of the country and should continue to be encouraged. Housing development is an important engine of growth for the country and generates domestic demand, which in turn reflects a conducive environment for both local and foreign investments. In addition, the housing industry should continue to accommodate the countrys population, which is growing at a rate of about 2 percent per annum, requiring at least 185,000
continued on page 5

2 | division announcement

cover story
> Industry Submits Views on Proposed Hillside Development Guideline 1 & 5 2 2 4 7 67

Build Then Sell Status Quo!

the Ministry of Housing and Local Government held a meeting on 13 February 2009
to revisit the proposed implementation of Build Then Sell (BTS) as an alternative housing development system in the country. REHDA reiterated its stance that BTS should not be made mandatory but should be allowed to run parallel with the Sell Then Build (STB) and 10:90 system. REHDA further highlighted that: n The implementation of BTS should not be made mandatory but both the BTS/10:90 and STB should be allowed to co-exist in the housing market. Developers should be given the choice to adopt any of these systems depending on their capabilities, especially during this time of economic downturn. House buyers too, should be allowed the freedom of choice to purchase either completed homes in the primary or secondary market or homes under construction based on their needs and affordability. This is definitely not the time to adopt BTS as a single system. n The BTS concept requires a concrete supporting framework in terms of financing. Banks and financial institutions must display firm commitment to finance the system. As it is, banks are reluctant to lend due the higher credit risks and exposure where they cannot gauge the viability of projects based on the BTS concept. Even under the present Sell Then Build (STB) system, where developers can demonstrate viability based on sales, the current economic condition makes it tough to obtain financing. Feedback received revealed that companies undertaking BTS are doing so via corporate financing. Implementation of BTS without firm commitment from banks to provide project financing would mean only companies with ample internal funding are able to undertake development projects in the country. n The implementation of BTS as a single delivery system will lead to soaring house prices. Under circumstances where banks are willing to lend, developers are very likely to be charged higher interest to compensate for higher risks of project financing. In addition, developers would only be able to collect monies upon project completion, typically taking 18 36 months. The higher financing and holding costs would translate into increased costs of doing business and eventually make house prices spiral upwards. n Incentives promised by the government for BTS project (e.g. exemption from building low cost units, fast track licensing, waiver of deposit for license application) have not been provided to participating developers. The Government should also consider exempting BTS developers from the requirement of capital contribution payments to utility companies to offset higher costs of delivery. n Change of buyers mindset are required to ensure that their contractual obligations in completing the property transaction are honoured in times of economic crisis such as now. Since the possibility of buyers reneging the signed Sales & Purchase agreement is very real, specific provisions to prevent such occurrence in the relevant law is required to mitigate the risk of buyers turning away from the transaction in a downturn market. n The current economic crisis maybe a good time to implement BTS on a voluntary basis especially for developers with good track record, but requirements for banks to finance project to completion is prerequisite.

> Build Then Sell Status Quo! > Enforcement on the Use of New Stamp Duty Design for Stamp Duty Payment > Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme Reviewed Guidelines > New Pahang Branch Commitee Members

special report
> PEMUDAHs 1st Year Report Card

> Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore (REDAS) Spring Festival Lunch 2009 5

rehda institute
> Seminar on Trends and Property Market Outlook 2009 8 10 10 11

branch news
> Meeting with Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur > Official Working Visit to Singapore and Hong Kong

rehda diary
> February 2009

editorial committee
Dato Michael KC Yam

Datuk Eddy Chen, Pn Rusnani Abdul Rahman, Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor, Cik Noorliza Abd Latiff

rehda bulletin is published by

Real Estate & Housing Developers Association Malaysia No. 50G-3, 50H-3, 50I-3, Kelana Mall Jalan SS6/14, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: 03-7803 2978 Fax: 03-7803 5285 03-7805 1206 E-mail: secretariat@rehda.com Website: www.rehda.com

registered address
No. 2c, Jalan SS5D/6, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Enforcement on the Use of New Stamp Duty Design for Stamp Duty Payment
lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) has advised that effective 1 February
2009, the use of new stamp duty design will be enforced to replace the current stamp duty design which is valid only until 31 July 2009.n

Trix Sdn Bhd (267962-p) 77c, Jalan ss22/23, Damansara Jaya 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: 03-7729 5066 Fax: 03-7729 5077

Pencetak Weng Fatt Sdn Bhd (19847-w) Lot 6, Lorong Kilang A, Off Jalan Kilang 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel: 03-7783 9231 Fax: 03-7783 9250

division | 3

4 | announcement

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme Reviewed Guidelines

in an effort to further encourage and enhance participation in the MM2H
programme in Malaysia, the Malaysian Government has made several improvement to the programme with effect from 13 February 2009.

New Guidelines on Acquisition of Properties

1. Acquisition of Residential Units a. Purchase of residential unit is exempted from FICs approval under the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. b. All categories of residential units are allowed except for low-cost and medium low-cost units as determined by the state authorities, all properties built on Malay reserve land, units that are reserved for Bumiputera quota and agricultural land developed on the basis of the homestead concept. c. State authority has the discretion to consider the acquisition based on location, number of units in any single project development and type of the properties. 2. Acquisition of Properties a. Acquisitions of properties other than residential units are subjected to FICs approval. b. Any proposed purchase should be more than rm250,000 except state of Sarawak where the purchase should be more than rm350,000. 3. Transfer of Properties by Foreign Interests a. Transfer of properties by foreign interests are only allowed to their immediate family members. n Family members under FICs guidelines are through marriage (husband and wife), blood ties (grandfather, grandmother, siblings, step-children and legally adopted children). b. Transfer of properties through Will or Court Order is exempted from FICs approval. 4. Procedure for Acquisition of Residential Properties

New Guidelines
n Foreign spouses of Malaysian nationals are eligible to apply for MM2H, subject to the terms and conditions of the MM2H programme. Alternatively, they have the option to apply for the Spouse Programme. n The ten-year Social Visit Pass is extended to all Silver Hair and MM2H participants who were previously approved under the five-year Social Visit Pass, subject to the validity of passports. n Age limit of unmarried dependent children is raised from 18 years to 21 years. A declaration stating that the child is unmarried and all expenses during the stay is required.

Previous Guideline
n Open to all citizens of countries recognized by Malaysia regardless of race, religion, gender and age. Applicants are allowed to bring along their spouse and children (below 18 years who are not married)

Business Restrictions
New Guidelines
n Qualified MM2H participants aged 50 and above with specialized skills and expertise that are required in the critical sectors of the economy are allowed to work not more than 20 hours per week. n MM2H participants are allowed to invest and actively participate in business, subject to existing Government policies, regulations and guidelines which are in force for the relevant sectors.

Previous Guideline
n Participants under Malaysia My Second Home Programme are not allowed to work nor do business while staying in Malaysia.


State Authority (Evaluation and Approval)

Land Office (Evaluation and Approval)

House Purchase
New Guidelines
Participants are allowed to purchase residential properties priced above rm250,000 per unit. 1. Above rm300,000 per unit for certain areas in the state of Sarawak (Kuching, Miri/Sibu); 2. Above rm250,000 per unit for the other states.

Documents Required
1. Detail of property that is desired 2. Attach copy of S & P (Sales & Purchase) or master title/strata title, passport or I/C or relevant documents deemed necessary 3. Cover letter

IRB (Stamping Agreement)

Previous Guideline
Each participant is allowed to purchase up to two units of residential houses above rm150,000 each, depending on the location of the property. Minimum price for the purchase up to two units of residential houses in Malaysia are: 1. Above rm350,000 each for certain areas in the state of Sarawak; 2. Above rm250,000 each for the state of Pulau Pinang, Melaka and Johor; and 3. Above rm150,000 for other states.

STEP 5 Conditions
1. Value > rm250,000 (other states) 2. Value > rm300,000 (Sarawak) Acquisition of Property

Other New Guidelines

Employment Pass holders who wish to participate in the MM2H programme are exempted from the cooling off period on the condition that their application to participate in MM2H programme is submitted 3 months before the expiry of the Employment Pass. ID-cards will be issued to MM2H participants with permanent address in Malaysia. This is validated by submitting the Sales and Purchase Agreement or Tenancy Agreement in Malaysia.

a. Identify the property which the participant intends to acquire. b. Buy properties that have been issued the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO). c. Seek information on the property from relevant authorities (land office, local authorities). d. Assign a lawyer and get the S & P Agreement signed. 5. Disposal of Properties a. Identify interested local buyer. If buyer is a foreigner, prior approval from FIC is required. b. Sign the S & P Agreement with the interested buyer. c. Notify relevant authorities (FIC, Ministry of Tourism, Inland Revenue Board) of the disposal of the property.

cover story / event | 5

,continued from page 1

Industry Submits Views on Proposed Hillside Development Guideline

3. Slope Maintenance And Enforcement
Slope maintenance is an area evidently lacking in Malaysia. The importance of slope maintenance cannot be over-emphasized and it is timely that the country adopts and enforces more stringent rules for maintenance of slopes. Regular and periodic maintenance of slopes and other sensitive areas must be carried out diligently by local authorities. The corresponding costs of undertaking such maintenance exercise can be funded by property owners in the respective hillside areas through assessment rates payable to the local authorities. As hillside developments often command premium property value, it is only fair and just that the premium assessment rates paid by the owners be partly utilized to ensure the safety of these areas. In any case, costs of maintenance if undertaken regularly will not be as costly as maintenance costs on ad-hoc basis. Meanwhile, a pragmatic approach must be identified to ensure that existing hillside developments are safe through proper testing and maintenance programmes. The mechanism to implement such a regular and proper maintenance for hillside properties/ development can be adapted from the very successfully implemented Fire Certificate Regulations which is also under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. developments being carried out without taking into consideration the impact of developments in surrounding areas to the subject property. With proper coordination and access to information on hillside developments in surrounding areas, developers can carry out his project more efficiently. A long term solution is needed for this purpose and it was proposed that a dedicated federal agency with authority over hill slope development for the whole country be established. Such an agency must be allocated with sufficient resources to undertake research on hillside development and slope safety, establish a register or inventory of all major hillside lands with profiles of their topography, geological properties and stability. The need for a holistic and sustainable approached cannot be over emphasized. Isolated policy change will not solve the complex issues that confront housing, and environment, for that matter. Ultimately, the concept of best land use should prevail. Whilst we acknowledge JPBDs concern for possible difficulties faced on the ground in absence of proper guidelines, we believe that a more practical classifications or conditions for development should be adopted. We wish to reiterate that hillside development can be safely carried out with regulatory framework in place as practiced in Hong Kong or Singapore. The industry also urged that the blanket ban and freezing of approved developments on Class 3 land across the country be lifted immediately to enable developers to carry on with such projects, as such ban and freezing may cause more harm than good to the said land and its surrounding areas. Such lifting will ease the burden of holding costs on the industry, especially in these trying times of economic slowdown.n

4. Proper Master Planning Of Hillside Development

More often than not, hillside developments are approved and undertaken on a discreet basis without sufficient input on future upstream and downstream projects that may take place in the same area. The lack of proper master planning for developments in hillside areas results in pockets of

Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore (REDAS) Spring Festival Lunch 2009
rehda was invited by the Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore
(REDAS) to its Annual Spring Festival Lunch on 2 February 2009 held at the Ritz Carlton Millenia Singapore Hotel. During the festival lunch, developers raised their concerns on supply-side measures given to the property market by the Singapore government which is not adequate to help stimulate the property market in Singapore. They have urged their government to take more proactive measures in reviewing the stamp duty payment and bringing back the deferred payment scheme (DPS) to attract house buyers interest. REDAS President, Mr Simon Cheong highlighted that REDAS will continue to maintain dialogues with the government on various proposals and measures in order to stimulate the property market.n

From left to right: REHDA President, Datuk Ng Seing Liong, PJN, JP, REDAS President, Mr Simon Cheong, Mr Gan Kim Yong, Acting Minister of Manpower, Mr Liew Mun Leong, CEO of CapitaLand Ltd and Mr Daniel Teo, REDAS Past President.

6 | special report

PEMUDAHs 1st Year Report Card

the Prime Minister, Y.A.B Dato Seri Abdullah
Ahmad Badawi launched the first PEMUDAH Annual Report on 25 February 2009 in Putrajaya to mark the milestone of Malaysias concerted efforts in enhancing the countrys competitiveness through the Special Task Force to Facilitate Business (PEMUDAH). The high-level public-private sector taskforce is entrusted to initiate improvements in the public delivery system so as to make Malaysia a more cost-competitive business destination. The results were encouraging with Malaysias ranking moving upwards from 24th to 20th place in the World Banks Ease of Doing Business Index 2009 and from 23rd to 19th position in International Institute for Management Development (IMD) 2008 World Competitiveness Yearbook. Among the improvement introduced to the housing and real estate sector in 2008 by PEMUDAH were:

Performance of OSC from April 2007 to December 2008

period application approved (a) 4,177 8,813 1,921 6,785 10,767 1,581 pending (b) 175 334 83 2,788 3,921 354 postponed/cancelled/ total amended/rejected (a)+(b)+(c) (c) 823 834 47 3,039 2,268 191 5,175 9,981 2,051 12,612 16,956 2,126 301 49,202 31,694 17,207 grand total

Apr Dec 2007

Planning Permission Building Plan CFO Planning Permission Building Plan CFO

Jan Dec 2008

Incomplete Applications Grand Total

Source: PEMUDAH Annual Report 2008

Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) Issued in 2008

TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT Housing Single Built/Renovation Mix Development Commercial Industrial Institutional Others Total
Source: PEMUDAH Annual Report 2008

Immigration Matters and Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme

a. Expanding the i-Card facility to seven states; b. Spouses and family members of expatriates given the same treatment as the principal applicant; c. Foreign spouses of Malaysians are allowed to work while on Social Visit Passes without having to convert it to Employment Passes; d. Husbands of expatriates holding Employment Passes will be issued with Dependent Passes; and e. Spouses of expatriates holding Dependant Passes are allowed to work without converting their Dependant Passes to Employment Passes.

TOTAL CCCs ISSUED 55 2 74 81 2 2 216

Property Registration
a. Registration of freehold property from 144 days to: n 41 days via e-STPH and Valuation Information System (VIS); n 61 days through manual processing.

On going initiatives
n To publish Guidebooks on Registering Leasehold and Strata-title Property in Malaysia; and n Working towards standard procedures for transfer of properties via consultation with States.

Foreign Workers
a. Encouraging the use of technology and automation e.g Industrialised Building System (IBS) in the construction industry by: n Freezing the issuance of any new approvals for frontline posts such as cashiers and customers service operators; and n Not renewing the current licenses of contractors/outsourcing companies.

Building Approvals
a. 120 days to process development project approvals; and b. CFO replaced with CCC issued by industry professionals.

On going initiatives
n Setting up of Task Force to resolve policy and implementation issues pertaining to the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme.

One-Stop Centre (OSC) and Issuance of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC)
a. Approvals for high impact projects, Government projects and projects under the Build Then Sell (BTS) concept are done within 120 days. Other projects will be approved in 6 months; and b. Since the implementation of OSC in 2007, 49,202 applications have been received which included planning permissions (17,783), building plans (26,952), Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO) (4,166) while 301 were incomplete applications.

Business Licensing
a. Development of Business Licensing Electronic Support System (BLESS) n Electronic Information Centre for information regarding name of licences, agencies involved, licence fees and application forms; n One submission centre for submission of application for manufacturing licence, planning permission, building plan and land matters approval and operational licence approval;

On going initiatives
n Reviewing the processes and procedures for bringing in foreign workers; n Priority are given to local workers by reviewing the wage structure; and n Reviewing the Employment Act to allow part-time employment to reduce dependence on foreign workers.

special report / announcement | 7

n Electronic Composite Form where information is automatically stored in BLESS; company profiles from SSM are automatically transferred to BLESS whenever required for a minimum fee of rm15 without companies having to submit Forms 9, 24, 44 & 49; n E-payment, E-communication, E-tracking of application, E-approval by agencies and E-notification of approval.

Structure of PEMUDAH
Special Task Force to Facilitate Business (PEMUDAH)

On going initiatives
n Streamlining and reduction of the number of licences and fees required by Government Agencies.

a. As of 31 December 2008, 89 Government agencies have started accepting on-line payments for a total of 148 services; b. Payment can be made via agencys portal, My Government portal or banks portal; and c. Payment can be made via direct debit or credit card.

Other ongoing initiatives

n Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) n Revising the role and functions of FIC; n Improving the FIC guidelines to be more market-driven and incentivebased. n Abandoned Housing Projects n Task Force set up to find solutions and address abandoned housing projects.

Source: PEMUDAH Annual Report 2008

New Pahang Branch Commitee Members

rehda Pahang, at its 5th Branch
Committee Meeting 2008/2010 held on 13 January 2009, appointed the new Pahang Branch Committee Members due to the resignation of its previous Branch Chairman, Mr Jonathan Kok Keng Fai. The newly elected members are as follows:

Chairman Immediate Past Branch Chairman Recent Past Branch Chairman Deputy Chairman Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Mr Cheoh Chee Guan Brilliant Foresight Sdn Bhd Mr Jonathan Kok Keng Fai Macinda Sdn Bhd Mr Chin Yoke Kan, AAP Tunas Manja Development & Construction Sdn Bhd Mr Chua Say Chai Ming Hooi Development Sdn Bhd Mr Darren Pang Kwei Seen Perumahan Satelit Jaya Sdn Bhd Ir Samsudin bin Ishak PASDEC Corporation Sdn Bhd Y Bhg Dato Ng Leong Hai Special Selection Sdn Bhd

Committee Members
Mr Ong Thian Yew Mr Liew Kin Hong Mr Loo Chin Yew Mr Chong Chee Seng Mr Simon Sim Chee Keong Mr David Choi Beng Kuan Mr Wong Kok Loon Greenlast Housing Sdn Bhd Liew Sing Development Sdn Bhd Eastern Fame Sdn Bhd Hui Tat Builders Sdn Bhd Kean Fatt Development Sdn Bhd C.K.C Development Sdn Bhd Wong Fook Construction Sdn Bhd

8 | rehda institute

Seminar on Trends and Property Market Outlook 2008

rehda Institute organized a full-day Seminar on Trends and Property Market Outlook and Opportunities 2009 on 18 February 2009 to gain insight into the overall property market prospects and challenges as well as architectural trends for 2009. The Seminar was conducted by seven prominent industry practitioners, namely Mr Chris Boyd and Mr Allan Soo of Regroup Associates (M) Sdn Bhd, Mr Ho Chin Soon of Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd, Datin Adilah @ Lim Lay Ying of Research Inc (Asia) Sdn Bhd), Mr Eric Ooi of Knight Frank Malaysia, Mr Vincent Low of G Energy Pte Ltd Singapore and Dr Tan Loke Mun of Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia. Market Outlook and Prospects
In d e x Ba se Y e a r 1 00 a t 19 90

300 250 200 150 100 50

Mr Christopher Boyd started his presentation by giving a broad sectorial outlook of the property market in the Klang Valley. For the retail sector, he noted that incoming supply will shrink by more than half from 2010, though occupancy rate for major KL and suburban shopping centers are reported to be still high on an overall average of 90.5% and 93.3% respectively. Based on a survey conducted by Regroup, overall sales turnover has dropped in 2008, with luxury brands having the highest drop. For the office sector, Mr Boyd highlighted that the prime average rental rates of high grade office space in the Golden Triangle area has increased steadily since 2002, and in the last quarter of 2008 recorded a rental rate of more than rm7 per sq ft. As for the residential sector, from the first to third quarter of 2008, the mass market housing proved to be the popular category. Properties priced between rm50,001 100,000 and rm150,001 200,000 recorded the highest sales rate of 75.3% and 69.7% respectively. According to Mr Eric Ooi, 2007 was the boom year for the luxury property market. With the waiver of the real property gains tax (RPGT) and FIC relaxation for foreign buyers, foreign purchasers dominated the luxury market and sales take-up increased significantly to average overall at approximately 70%. In the first half of 2008, new luxury properties were setting new benchmark, with asking prices exceeding rm2,500 per sq ft. The luxury property sector, however, experienced a slowdown in the second half of 2008 with the softening of the global economy, which translated into less launches and decline in asking prices and rentals. With the global economy slowdown, buyers are less reluctant to commit to big ticket items, such as in properties. There are also wide-spread expectations of a depressed property market resulting in falling prices and cheaper rents. However, as shown in the table below in Mr Hos presentation, based on the price index of property prices in Selangor, WP (KL), Johor and Penang, Mr Ho concluded that there is no property bubble in Malaysian real estate market, and as such there should be no concern of a depressed real estate market ala the Asian financial crisis in 1998.

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Source : Ho Chin Soon Research Sdn Bhd

In her presentation, Datin Adila @ Lim Lay Ying, highlighted that there has been a population explosion in the recent years, with Asia accounting for 57% of world population in 2007. Malaysia is expected to grow at a rate of 2.3%, reaching 31.5 million by 2020. Datin Adila also observed the six demographic megatrends which will influence the real estate performance and prospects, namely population explosion, population shifts and migration, rising income and affluence, rising life expectancy and aging, shrinking family as well as urbanization. These megatrends have significant impacts on types of products developers can focus on in their product offerings. These megatrends help create opportunities for replacement/ redevelopment/conversion in slower growth markets whilst those experiencing higher growth rates will see increased demand for housing, commercial and retail spaces.

Roadmap towards Greenscapes

Last but not least, Dr Tan Loke Mun, Immediate Past President of Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) and Mr Vincent Low, Director of G-Energy Global Pte Ltd Singapore, shared their views on the need for energy conversation and eco development. As the need and concern green environment spreads, there is more awareness of our current situation and how eco green can influence architecture and the lives of the people. Dr Tan is actively involved in the soon-to-be launched Green Building Index (GBI), a rating tool that helps chart the green roadmap for Malaysia. Being new to the green initiative and roadmap, participants also had the opportunity to hear from Mr Vincent Low on Singapores experiences on its green rating system called the Green Mark system, and the various energy conservation measures and funding initiated by the Singapore government.n

10 | branch news
Wilayah Persekutuan (KL) Branch

Meeting with Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur

rehda Wilayah Persekutuan (KL) Branch
held a meeting with Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Y Bhg Dato Ahmad Fuad bin Ismail on 20 January 2009 at DBKL Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur to highlight the industry concerns and discuss planning and development control issues in Kuala Lumpur. 10 Branch delegates attended the meeting to raise issues including: n Review of the Bumiputera quota policy via implementation of a transparent and structured release mechanism for unsold Bumiputera quota units and to freeze the imposition on contribution of Bumiputera discount for release of unsold Bumiputera quota units; n Proposed legislation for en-bloc developments (Collective Sale);

Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Y Bhg Dato Ahmad Fuad bin Ismail chairing the meeting.

n Proposed formula for share unit calculation for mixed developments; n Setting-up of One-Stop Centre (OSC) Online System to monitor all submission of planning applications; n Dialogues/Workshops on One-Stop Centre (OSC) System between DBKL and related industry players; n Expedite gazetting of the Draft Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2020; n Expedite issuance of the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO);

n Enhance work quality, enforcement and delivery service system in Kuala Lumpur; and n Revival of Joint Dewan Bandaraya and Professional Institutes Consultative (JOBPIC) Committee meetings. The Branch will be holding regular dialogues with DBKL to continuously enhance the delivery service system within DBKL.n

Official Working Visit to Singapore and Hong Kong

pursuant to our proposal for en-bloc
legislation and equitable formula for share unit calculation for mixed developments, the Ministry of Federal Territories (KWP) organized a Working Visit to Hong Kong and Singapore held from 15 20 February 2009 to obtain further details and better understanding on the legislative and administrative processes practised in Singapore and Hong Kong in relation to en-bloc developments/urban redevelopment, land planning and development eg. hillslope developments and land management eg. strata titles issuance and share unit calculation for mixed developments, etc. Y Bhg Dato Hj Ahmad Phesal bin Talib, KWP Ketua Setiausaha led a group of 29 delegates comprising officials from KWP, DBKL, Perbadanan Putrajaya, Perbadanan Labuan, Land and Mines Office Federal Territories, Ministry of Finance and REHDA WP. The delegation held meetings with the following agencies and organizations: 1. Malaysian High Commissioner in Singapore 2. Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore (REDAS) 3. Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Singapore 4. Singapore Land Authority 5. Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore 6. Lands Department, Hong Kong 7. DH Capital Ltd on the integration of mixed developments with public transportation hub including site visits to Mass Transit Railway stations 8. Development Bureau, Hong Kong 9. The Hong Kong Institute of Housing (HKIH) 10. Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO), Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), Hong Kong

WPKL Branch Chairman, Dato Michael Yam (front row, 3rd from right) with the Ministries delegates.

Delegates with Geotechnical Engineering Office personnel, Hong Kong.

diary | 11

February 2009
date events date events

2 3 4

REDAS Spring Festival Lunch 2009. Attended by Datuk and Datin Ng Seing Liong, JP. Construction, Technology & Labour Committee Meeting. KTAK Bengkel Pembangunan Pelan Induk Kecekapan Tenaga Negara. Attended by Ir Ng Lip Khong and Pn Marini Abd Wahab. CIDB Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Integriti dalam Industri Pembinaan 1/2009. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP and Dato Michael Yam Kong Choy. MBAM Open House 2009. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP.


MPC Registering Property Focus Group Meeting. Attended by Mr Ricque Liew Yin Chew. CIDB Technical Committee Meeting on Construction Practices No. 1/2009. Attended by Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor. MAPEX Meeting. Attended by Ms Jessie Ting and Ms Karen Seow. REHDA Institute Trends and Property Market Outlook & Opportunities 2009. Attended by Ms Karen Seow, Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor and Ms Jessie Ting.


5 10 11

MAPEX Luncheon Meeting with NST Property Times. Attended by Dato Michael Yam Kong Choy, Mr Teh Boon Ghee, Mr Che King Tow, Mr Soon Teck Giap, Ms Jessie Ting, Ms Karen Seow and Pn Noorliza Abdul Latiff. Property Council of Malaysia Committee Meeting. Attended by Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman. MoF Public Consultation on Goods & Service Tax (GST). Attended by Mr Ng Lip Chong, Mr Che King Tow, En Sekarnor Che Wan, En Nik Akmar Yusfee, En Zainal Lajis, Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman, Ms Ong Hui Tse, Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor, Ms Yee Chew Ping and Pn Marini Abd Wahab. CIDB Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa OSH bagi Occupational Safety & Health Bil 3. Attended by En Ruslan Anwar of Sime Darby Properties Sdn Bhd. MAPEX Luncheon Meeting with NST Property Times. Attended by Dato Michael Yam Kong Choy, Mr Teh Boon Ghee, Mr Che King Tow, Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman, Mr Soon Teck Giap, Ms Jessie Ting, Ms Karen Seow and Pn Noorliza Abdul Latiff. PAM Lunch meeting on Green Building Index Malaysia. Attended by Datuk Chan Sau Lai. FIABCI Malaysia Property Management Meeting No. 1/2009. Attended by Dato Michael Yam Kong Choy and Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor. Infrastructure, Utilities and Environment Committee Meeting. Mesyuarat Status dan Prospek Sektor Hartanah Negara. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP, Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi and Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman.

MHLG Mesyuarat Mengenai Liberalisasi Sektor Perkhidmatan Awam di Malaysia. Attended by Ms Yee Chew Ping. CIDB Mesyuarat CIMP Technical Working Group 2 (ER) 1/2009 Redefine the Structure and Role of CIDB. Attended by En Wan Hashimi Albakri. INTAN Jemputan Sebagai Ahli Panel Diskusi Seminar Pengurusan Berkesan Tanah Tinggi bagi Pembuat Keputusan. Attended by Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi.


Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Draf Garis Panduan Gated Community No. 1/2009. Attended by Mr Ngian Siew Siong, Mr Kelvin Choo, Mr Chan Yew Chong and Pn Marini Abd Wahab. REHDA Building Renovation Client-Consultant Meeting. Attended by Datuk Chan Sau Lai, Ir Ng Lip Khong, Mr Che King Tow, Ms Karen Seow, Mr Liew Kek Min and consultants. EAROPH Malaysia Council Meeting No. 1/2009. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong JP.



Mesyuarat Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan Bersama Para Professional dan Industry Players No. 1/2009. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP, Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi, Mr Cheah Wing Choong, Mr Teh Boon Ghee, Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman and Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor. Jabatan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia Perbincangan Kumpulan Fokus Kajian Impak Peraturan-Peraturan Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan. Attended by En Zarul Anwar of Sime Darby Properties Sdn Bhd.


Construction Technology and Labour Committee Meeting. Jabatan Alam Sekitar Mesyuarat Pindaan Perintah Kualiti dalam Alam Sekeliling (Aktiviti yang di tetapkan) Penilaian Kesan kepada Alam Sekeliling 1987 Bersama Stakeholders. Attended by Ms Yee Chew Ping. Malaysian Timber Industry Board Tea Talk with the Industry on Industrialized Building System (IBS) Application for Timber in Housing & Construction Industry. Attended by Mr Lee Yit Fah, Mr Chong Koon Leong and Ms Ong Hui Tse.


SIRIM Technical Committee Meeting on Bricks and Blocks No. 2/2009. Attended by Mr Tiah Toh Twin. Jabatan Perumahan Negara Mesyuarat Membincangkan Kajian Keberkesanan Pelaksanaan Konsep Bina Kemudian Jual (BKP) Pemajuan Perumahan. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP, Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi, Pn Rusnani Abd Rahman and Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor. BMDAM Members New Year Gathering. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP.

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PEMUDAH Annual Report 2008 Launching. Attended by Pn Noorliza Abdul Latiff. EXCO Meeting Jabatan Alam Sekitar Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemandu Program Bandar Lestari Anugerah Alam Sekitar 2008/09. Attended by Mr Tiah Oon Ling. CIDB JV Seminar on Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC). Attended by Pn Aslinda Mohd Noor. Briefing on Green Building Index by Ir Chen Thiam Leong and Ar Chan Seong Aun. Attended by Ir Ng Lip Khong, Ms Karen Seow and Mr Liew Kek Min.

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Board of Engineers Seminar on Safe Hillside Development. Attended by Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi, Ms Yee Chew Ping and Pn Marini Abd Wahab. Majlis Pelancaran Dasar Perindustrian Kayu Negara (NATIP). Attended by Pn Marini Abd Wahab. Property Management Council Meeting. Attended by Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi.


FIABCI Malaysia Gathering 2009. Attended by Datuk Ng Seing Liong, JP.

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