What Is A Heap? 30. Explain Insertion and Deletion in A Max (Min) Heap

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What is data structure? What is meant by an Abstract data type? What is the data structures used to perform recursion? Define Non-linear data structure. Define Tree. Define level of a node and height of a tree. Define siblings, parent, root, leaf, and children. Define Non-linear data structure. What is meant by Binary tree? Give relation between number of nodes with height of binary tree. Define skewed binary tree. What are the two methods of binary tree implementations and what are their advantages and disadvantages? 13.What are the different types of tree traversal technique? 14. Define complete binary tree and full binary tree. 15. Define Binary Search tree. 16. What is balance factor of a node? 17. How many null branches are there in a binary tree with 20 nodes? 18. How many different trees are possible with 10 nodes ? 19. Given in order and preorder or post order traversals, construct the binary tree. 20.For the given tree, write in order, preorder, post order and level order traversals (any tree can be given) 21. Define threaded binary tree. 22. What are the advantages of threaded binary tree? 23. Explain traversals in a TBT. 24. Given a set of data draw BST, AVL, m-way search tree or B tree. 25. In an AVL tree, at what condition the balancing is to be done? 26. What is meant by height balanced trees or AVL trees? 27. What is the complexity of searching in AVL tree? 28. What are the four-different cases of pointer manipulations done in an AVL rotation? 29. What is a heap? 30. Explain insertion and deletion in a max (min) heap. 31. Explain heap sort algorithm. 32. Give an example of a min heap with more than 1 node which is also a binary search tree. 33. Define m-way search tree 34. Define B-tree. 35. Comment on B tree with m=2. 36. Define a graph. 37.Where is topological sort used? Give the expansion of PERT. 38.For the given graph, draw the DFS and BFS? (any graph can be given)

39.What is a spanning Tree? Is it possible to have more than one MCST for a graph? If yes give example. 40.Does the minimum spanning tree of a graph give the shortest distance between any 2 specified nodes? 41. Given a graph draw MCST, using Kruskal or Prims algorithm. 42. What is meant by Dijkstras Algorithm? 43. What are the types of Collision Resolution Techniques and the methods used in each of the type? 44. Define Hash function. 45. Define Hash table, symbol table. 46. List out the different types of Hashing functions. 47. Define collision and overflow in hashing. 48. What is the bucket size, when the overflow and collision occur at same time? 49. What are loading density and identifier density? 50. What are different types of files? 51. Why binary file is used in your program? 52. What is the difference between seekp and seekg? 53. What is the difference between tellp and tellg? 54. What is the advantage of index sequential file? 55. What are different components of STL? And how they are related to each other? 56. Which type of iterator is used for priority queue container? 57. Give examples of functions in list container. 58. What is meant by a template? 59. Explain how sort function in a list container works. 60. What is the difference between top and pop functions with respect to stack container? 61. Which type of iterator does a deque has?

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