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==== AFT Fathom 7.0 (Version Date 2012.01.

06) Release Notes ===== This file contains last minute information not included in the version 7.0 manua l. Topics. 1. Information about to ens. 2. Errors in and updates to the AFT Fathom 7.0 manual 3. Example and verification files included 4. Notes for networ installations 5. Setting up User Log trac ing 6. Graphic Server conflicts 7. Changes and bug fixes

============================================================== 1. Information about to ens ============================================================== Information on issues related to protection to ens is given in two places. The T OKEN.HLP file located on setup CD has basic information about managing to ens. T he Fathom.HLP file has additional information about setting up pointers to to en s located on LAN's or WAN's. Loo for the CONTROL.AFT topic.

============================================================== 2. Errors in and updates to the manual ============================================================== USER GUIDE Page 291 -- Discussion of Hazen Williams says: "Users who want their results to match the NFPA version in Equation 8.24 can do so by one of the following two options:" The reference to Equation 8.24 should reference Equation 8.21. Page 296 -- The formula for the Bingham Plastic laminar friction factor did not show the fL term on both sides of the equation. Also, the equation used incorrectly converted the Fanning friction factor calcul ated by the Darby equations into the Darcy friction factor used by Fathom. The formulas have been modified to reflect the correct calculations. The equation for the turbulent friction factor was modified to reflect the prope r conversion from Fanning friction factor to Darcy friction factor. The constant in the formula for the "a" exponent in the t urbulent friction factor was corrected to 1.47 rather than the incorrect value or 5.88. MODULE USER GUIDE Page 95 Valve Cv for Valves J4 and J6 should be 100 not 10, for both SI and English vers ions.

============================================================== 3. Example and verification files included ============================================================== When you install AFT Fathom, a folder named EXAMPLES is created in your AFT Fath om folder. Several input files are provided for your review. See the help file F athomExamples.hlp for additional information. In addition, a directory called VERIFICATION is created. Here there are numerous files that give information on calculation verification. See the help file F5Ve rify.hlp for additional information.

============================================================== 4. Notes for networ installations ============================================================== See the FATHOM.HLP "Information on Software Installation" topic for important in formation about networ installation. There are two parts which need to be installed for AFT Fathom to function: 1) th e application, and 2) the copy protection. Note that these installation steps ne ed to be performed as an administrator and with elevated permissions as required by the operating system. The full application can be installed on each user's computer or on a networ ed server. In either case the copy protection needs to be installed on the server. Below are the steps to ta e in these two situations. *** Application AND copy protection BOTH on the SERVER*** 1) Install the full application on the server using the "Networ Installation" o ption. 2) If the installation was downloaded from AFT's website then also download the Client Setup and save it in a folder called Networ Client Setup that is located below the application folder from step 1. You may need to create this folder. 3) Install the copy protection by running the AFTCopyProtectionSetup. If a USB ey or Cryp ey has already installed for another application it usually does not need to be reinstalled but may need to be updated to run the new application. 4) On each client, run the Networ Client Setup which should be located in the N etwor Client Setup folder (see step 2 above) on the server. This will create th e shortcuts on the client to the application on the server as well as install/re gister DLLs, OCXs and example model files. 5) If Cryp ey is used for the copy protection, then each client must run the AFT CopyProtection setup to install the client portion of the Cryp ey files. *** Application on the CLIENT with the copy protection on the SERVER*** 1) Install the copy protection on the server by running the AFTCopyProtectionSet up. If a USB ey or Cryp ey has already installed for another application it usu ally does not need to be reinstalled but may need to be updated to run the new a pplication. 2) Install the full application on EACH client using the "Client Installation" o ption. 3) If a Networ USB ey (red) is used then the Nethasp.ini file may need to be m odified with the IP address of the server. See the HASPKeyGuide.pdf located in t

he AFT Products folder on the server for more information. 4) If Cryp ey is used for the copy protection, then each client must run the AFT CopyProtection setup to install the client portion of the Cryp ey files.

============================================================== 5. Setting up User Log trac ing ============================================================== Summary of User Logs Each time a user starts AFT Fathom, information about the user s computer log-on n ame, computer name and time AFT Fathom was started is automatically logged in a file called FathomUser.log. This file is located in a folder called Logs. The log can be viewed using the AFT User Log Viewer that is installed in the App lication folder. This will show all people currently using AFT Fathom. Chempa d ata to en usage is logged in to a separate file that can be viewed using the Use r Log Viewer. Note: This log file is only created when software to ens are used. No log file i s created if a hardware ey is used. Using the AFT User Log Viewer When AFT User Log Viewer is started, it will automatically determine where the a pplication to en is located and try to open the user log file. The User Log View er can be run independently and does not need to have AFT Fathom running to wor . A table at the bottom will show the current people using AFT Fathom. It will s how the log-on name of the user, the computer they are using and the time they s tarted AFT Fathom. If there is contact information available (see Requiring Cont act Information below) it is also shown. Choosing Refresh from the File menu can refresh the list. Other information about the log file and to en is also shown above the user tabl e. This includes the location of the log file, the date and time the log was cre ated and last modified, the location of the to en, the to en serial number and t he maximum number of current users. You can switch to view the user log for the Chempa data by choosing Chempa Log from the File menu. This will show the people who are accessing the data files from any application. For example, if one person is using the Chempa data in AF T Arrow, another in AFT Fathom and a third in Chempa Viewer; all three users wi ll be listed in the table of users. You can switch bac to the application user log by choosing Application Log from the File menu. Control.aft and Remote To ens The AFT User Log Viewer relies on the Control.aft file located in the applicatio n folder to determine which application log file is to be viewed and where the a pplication and Chempa to ens are located. If this file is not found an error oc curs because the User Log Viewer cannot get the required information to run. The default location for the application to en is the application folder. Howeve r, the to ens can be deployed at a different location for various reasons. The C ontrol.aft file describes where the to en is found. The User Log Viewer will use this information to determine where the log file is located. The log file is al

ways placed in a folder called Logs, which is a sub-folder of the location set i n the Control.aft file.

Requiring Contact Information It can be helpful to have more information about the person using AFT Fathom (or Chempa data) than is standard. In this case contact information can be require d. To enable this feature, open the log file (located in the Logs folder) and fi nd the heading [FILE CONTROL] and set Require Contact Info = TRUE If contact information is required but not available, the user that launches AFT Fathom will be as ed to provide his/her name, location and telephone number. Th is information is saved in the user s Fathom7.ini file, located in \Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Applied Flow Technology\AFT Fathom\7.0. Thi s information can be changed by the local user by editing the Fathom7.ini file w ith a standard text editor such as Notepad. Disabling the User Log Feature The feature of logging users can be disabled by editing the log file (located in the Logs folder). Find the heading [FILE CONTROL] and set Enable Log = FALSE Multiple Entries and Other Problems Occasionally a user may be entered in the log file even though he has closed the application. This can occur for a number of reasons, including not exiting the application normally. If this happens, the next time the user launches the appli cation he will be as ed if he wants to overwrite the entry in the file with this new log-on information. Typically the answer is "Yes, overwrite the information ". If the user is actually running two incidences of the application then answer "No" to this question and both incidences will be logged.

============================================================== 6. Graphic Server conflicts ============================================================== AFT Fathom uses a third party tool for graphing called the Graphics Server. Ther e are four files that are used to load and run the Graphics Server: GRAPHS32CX GSW32.EXE GSWDLL32.DLL GSWAG32.DLL Because of how the Graphics Server is written, multiple copies of GSW32.EXE or G SWDLL32.DLL in your Path will cause problems when your try to load AFT Fathom. In practice, the most common problem is a networ installation where all AFT Fat hom files have been installed into the networ folder along with AFT Fathom. Thu

The Control.aft file also describes where the Chempa data files and the Chempa data to en are located. If no license or to en is found for the data, an error occurs and no information will be given.

s, GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL will exist in the AFT Fathom networ folder. A cli ent PC which happens to have copies of either or both of these files on the loca l hard drive (usually in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder on Windows 9x and WINNT\SYSTE M32 on Windows NT/2000) will fail to load properly. The most li ely reason copie s exist on the local hard drive is another application installed locally uses th em. A complete list of your options is given below, along with an explanation of the impact of each option. The recommended option is number 5. In the following exp lanations, the term conflicting files means the GSW32.EXE and GSWDLL32.DLL files . Your WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder is just called your SYSTEM folder. 1. Delete the conflicting files on your hard drive. This will solve the problem for AFT Fathom, but may cause other software you use to stop wor ing. This is no t a permanent solution in that if you install other software in the future that installs copies of the conflicting files into your SYSTEM folder, the current pr oblem with AFT Fathom will occur again. 2. Change the names of the conflicting files on your hard drive. This will solve the problem for AFT Fathom, but may cause other software you use to stop wor in g. However, when you try to run the other software and it fails to load because of these missing files, you can change the names bac to the original names. Thi s will then cause AFT Fathom to stop wor ing until you rename them once again, b ut will allow you to run your other software that needs these files. This will a lso require you to remember which files you renamed. This is not a permanent sol ution in that if you install other software in the future that installs copies o f the conflicting files into your SYSTEM folder, the current problem with AFT Fa thom will occur again. 3. Move the conflicting files on your hard drive into the application folder tha t uses them. This will solve the problem for AFT Fathom and still allow the othe r software you use to run properly. However, you will need to now which softwar e uses the conflicting files so you can copy the files into their folder. If you remember what you do, you can move the files out of the SYSTEM folder (or where ver conflicting files exist) and into a temporary folder. When a software applic ation that used to wor fails because these files are missing, you can copy the files into its folder at that time. This is not a permanent solution in that if you install other software in the future that installs copies of the conflicting files into your SYSTEM folder, the current problem with AFT Fathom will occur a gain. 4. Allow AFT Fathom to automatically rename the files for you. This is not a per fect solution, but it does have advantages. This option enables a feature whereb y AFT Fathom searches for the conflicting files in both your SYSTEM folder and W INDOWS folder before the full AFT Fathom application is launched. If it finds th em, it automatically renames them and thus only the copies in the AFT Fathom net wor folder are found. When you exit AFT Fathom, the files will be renamed bac to their original names. The advantages are, 1) you can continue to run your oth er software that uses these files and AFT Fathom with no conflicts (as long as t hey are not run at the same time) and, 2) even if you install other software in the future, this option will continue to wor for you. The disadvantages are, 1) you are permitting AFT Fathom to change files on your local hard drive every ti me it is run, which understandably ma es some users uncomfortable and, 2) you ca nnot run AFT Fathom at the same time as the other software which needs these fil es. 5. Reinstall AFT Fathom with the option to run auxiliary files on commended). This option is the best long-term option. To do this, l AFT Fathom from the networ and reinstall it with the option to files on the client. See Information on Software Installation for the client (re first uninstal use auxiliary more help.

============================================================== 7. Changes and bug fixes ============================================================== *** Changes for Version Date 2008.02.22 *** None: Initial Release

*** Changes for Version Date 2008.04.18 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. This change does not affect results per se, but it does fix a problem that could prevent convergence. If modeling heat transfer, it was possible that a mode l would not converge on temperature if there were pipes which were non-flowing conn ected to a tee or branch which had other pipes which were flowing. This was fixed. 2. Fixed a problem where the losses for a detailed tee/wye that had flow comin g in the branch and going out both straight-through pipes (or the opposite flow dire ctions) were being set to zero. 3. Fixed a problem where during an XTS simulation where a transient was set on an Assigned Pressure and there were fixed flows in series a flow imbalance wou ld occur at the branching points by the flows. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When using the XTS module and a pump with a fixed pressure or head rise mod el, and if the user is using a design factor or viscosity correction, the first tim e step calculation is correct but thereafter the design factor and/or viscosity co rrection to head rise gets multiplied twice for all subsequent time steps. This was fixed. 2. Fixed problem displaying the pipe heat transfer profile. The pipe outlet te mperature was displayed correctly, but the others were set to the ambient temperature . 3. Fixed problem displaying BEP in the Pump Summary, it was always 0. 4. Fixed problem in Global Junction Editing where if only the database name wa s selected, the data was not applied, only the name which caused inconsistent data. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Fixed snap to grid problem when pipes or junctions were near an edge. 2. Fixed Wor space drawing anomaly when pressing the escape ey while drawing a new pipe. 3. Was not displaying pulp and paper stoc properties when using constant prop erties

in System Properties. Fixed this. 4. Fixed printing problem for Graph Results which could cutoff part of a graph in certain cases. 5. Added a Caution message to the Output when user disabled either mass balanc e or energy balance in Solution Control. 6. Fixed display problem in Graph Results if a graph is made using the "Select ed Solutions" tab and then another graph is made for a different tab. The x-ax is labels were not being updated. 7. If cavitation occurred when using XTS and the time units in Output Control were other than "seconds" then the warning message would be incorrect as it woul d list cavitations time in seconds always rather than user time units. This was fi xed. 8. In XTS models in some cases warning messages would not display for minimum values such as minimum pressure because the correct minimum was not being determin ed properly. This was fixed. 9. Allowed empty database files to be the target file in Database Manager. 10. Fixed problem in Visual Report where the junction output parameters were no t shown. 11. Fixed problem importing Fathom 5.0 files that did not have efficiency data for a pump. 12. Fixed problem where the model data setting for pipes would not be set as th e user default unless the Model Data Control window was first closed and reopened. 13. Fixed problem reselecting the previous selection when the selection was dis solved by clic ing on the Wor space so nothing was selected. 14. Fixed a problem in the Fittings & Losses database the use of a comma in the type or subtype name would cause the data to become corrupted. 15. Databases are now automatically connected when added to the list of availab le databases. 16. Fixed a problem where detailed pipe data for non-cylindrical pipe in Model Data was not being displayed properly. 17. Added more information explaining what happened when a valid license was no t found.

*** Changes for Version Date 2008.04.30 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. When data was reloaded from a past GSC model simulation and the GSC variabl e was a a junction that changed state (open/closed) from the initial point the flow rate results were not set correctly. This was fixed. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When a user-defined fluid was in an external database any changes to were n

ot being saved. 2. When a goal used a density-based mass flowrate (li e scfm) errors would be displayed and the incorrect actual goal was displayed when the model was reopened. Th e flows in the pipes and junctions were correct. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Fixed problem when using Fluid Groups and global pipe editing whereby the f luid group information could get corrupted causing an error when the model is ru n. 2. Changing units in the Heat Exchanger Summary would result in an subscript e rror. This was fixed.

*** Changes for Version Date 2008.08.08 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. Fixed a problem with the Viscosity Correction when the efficiency is entere d as a percent with the pump curve. The conversion to decimal was done twice and t he value was several orders of magnitude too low. Other values (flow, pressures, etc .) were not affected. 2. The laminar friction factor for Bingham Plastic calculations was not being converted to Darcy friction factor correctly. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. There was a data handling problem with the parameter "Residence Time" when creating Graphs and the graph values were always zero. This was fixed. 2. Relief valves that use the Cv vs. dP loss model sometimes did not have any units set for the delta pressure and would generate errors. The units are now always set. 3. If a junction with pipe elevations/depths (li e a reservoir) is moved and t hen the move is undone, the elevation/depth values were erased. This is fixed. 4. Curve fit configurations that use temperature would allow users to change t he temperature units without redoing the curve fit. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. When using the batch run on multiple model files and including Model Data i n the output report content, and sending output directly to PDF files, the PDF fi le Was not created because of a file name issue. This was fixed. 2. When using the GSC module, if the user transfers both the GSC variables and the hydraulic results bac into the initial guesses it could cause matrix error s on future errors. This was fixed. 3. When double-clic ing a pipe or junction label on the Wor space, the user is offered

the option of relocating the label or opening the specifications window. An d the user has the option to remember the selection for the future. This final op tion was shown inadvertently and did not do anything. The option is now hidden. 4. In the Output window junction table the inlet and outlet static and stagnat ion pressures displayed confused some users in certain cases. Specifically, whe n junctions had multiple pipes connected the definition of inlet and outlet, as well as the difference between static and stagnation pressure was ambiguous. No calculation logic was changed, but the display logic was changed to ma e th e displayed values less confusing. This was done for Spray Discharge, Assigned Pressure and Relief Valve junctions. 5. The thic ness of insulation was not being applied to the pipes if a default insulation setting was added to the pipe thought the Material Database. If the name of the insulation data set was selected again in the pipe specificatio n window and closed, the thic ness would be applied. 6. If only one data point was used for a pump curve the resulting curve fit wa s not done and the graph loo ed li e random noise. This was changed to be a flat line. 7. Flow units for HEX junctions in the curve fit configuration window did not have the default units set properly so it was possible to set the units to a blan v alue. 8. When user selects "No" when prompted to update the curve fits in the Curve Fit Configuration window after changes are made, control is returned to the configuration window instead of closing the window.

*** Changes for Version Date 2008.08.21 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. Fixed logic for GSC when a chec valve closes during the goal see ing. The chec valve stayed closed rather than re-opening when conditions allowed. 2. Improved logic for when multiple control valves cannot control and chec va lves, relief valves, and controlled pumps exist. In the past these other componen ts could open, close or lose control when Fathom was trying to sort through which co ntrol valves could not control. Now Fathom waits until all control valves are fir st determined before loo ing at the other components. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When using the GSC module and a three-way valve with a GSC goal for valve p osition specified, if after the GSC run is finished the user transferred the goal v alue bac

to the input using the menu option, the Cv values did not get automatically updated for the valve position. If GSC was then turned off, this would ma e subsequ ent runs not agree with the GSC results. This was fixed. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. If part or all of the Wor space where a hidden annotation is located the an notation would be selected. If the selected objects were deleted the annotation woul d also be deleted. Now hidden annotations cannot be selected and are not deleted. 2. Fixed a problem introduced in the 2008.08.08 release where the Add New Flui d button caused and error in Fathom.

*** Changes for Version Date 2008.12.03 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. Fixed a problem where a model would be reinitialized after a control valve failure to a flowrate larger than what can be produced by the pump. In certain clos ed-loop cases then could result in a matrix error. 2. Fixed problem with fixed volumetric flow rate junctions li e pumps, assigne d flows, and flow control valves when using volumetric flow rate and heat transfer. When the density was updated the volumetric flow rate was not always updated. 3. Fixed problem with single flow path systems which use ASME Steam Tables or Chempa . Pressure initialization was being s ipped in this case and once physical pr operties were needed a zero value of pressure was passed into the ASME or Chempa da ta access. This caused an error. This was fixed. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed problem reading in older models with a user specified additional loss valve. Unit conversion error would most li ely occur when the decimal delimiter wa s a comma. 2. Fixed problem where the NPSH affinity exponent was being reset to 2 when th e pump configuration was opened. 3. If doing heat transfer models and plotting pump and system curves, Fathom w as allowing the density to change and it is supposed to stay constant in this graph. This could cause some strange and incorrect plot results for the set. This was fixed. 4. Fixed minor problem with pipes with intermediate elevations. If the user us es a "reverse pipe direction" on a pipe with intermediate elevations, and then immediately runs the model without re-opening the pipe window or saving the model

and re-opening from dis , then the maximum and minimum pressure output coul d be incorrect. 5. Fixed a problem when you have a pump in your model with variable speed cont rol to control on suction or discharge pressure (or head) and the control point is conditional in that the pump only controls when the control point is exceed ed. The results are correct when you run the model, but if you save the model and r e-open it the speed is displayed as 100% and the pressure and head rise are displa yed as if the pump was running at 100%. This was fixed. 6. In the Output window junction table the inlet and outlet static and stagnat ion pressures displayed confused some users in certain cases. Specifically, whe n junctions had multiple pipes connected the definition of inlet and outlet, as well as the difference between static and stagnation pressure was ambiguous. No calculation logic was changed, but the display logic was changed to ma e th e displayed values less confusing. This was done for exit Orifices and exit Valves. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Fixed problem where the Junction Deltas would not be retained when a scenar io was promoted. 2. Fixed problem loading Chec Valves from Impulse 4.0 models. 3. Fixed problem with the pop-up inspection window on the Wor space where it w ould loc up or crash depending on what mouse action was done while it was open. 4. Fixed bug in Valve, Control Valve and Three-Way Valve Specifications window s where the Open Percentage table loo ed for a maximum open percentage of 100% and treated decimal values li e 100.0% as not equal to 100% and gave a warning. This no longer happens. 5. Pipe intermediate elevation data was not saving the elevation units. 6. Global editing of junction size could cause a run-time error and program cr ash because Fathom was not handling the larger 200% and 150% icon sizes in glob al editing. This was fixed. 7. Added vapor pressure as a usable parameter for Bingham Plastic and Power La w fluids.

*** Changes for Version Date 2009.08.03 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. A change made in the previous maintenance release caused the pump head at i nitial iteration to be counted twice. Once the simulation began it would reset to the correct value. This could cause convergence problems in select cases. This

was fixed. 2. When a control valve is in a flow path that is closed off it cannot maintai n its setpoint because there is no flow. The logic to handle this in some cases c ould cause premature determination of other control valve states and hence incor rect results. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When pipe scaling is used and the pipe is connected to a valve and the valv e used open pct vs. Cv data, the open percentage and valve open area were cal culated incorrectly. 2. After creating a pump vs. system curve which includes multiple pumps in par allel or in series, the pressure results were not being reset bac to the origina l values. What this means is that when a model is run and this type of graph is created, subsequent graphs which use the pressure data will be incorrect. The user could also see incorrect results in the Output window if they retu rned to the Output window and opened Output Control and redisplayed the output. Finally pressure results in Visual Report could be affected. Once the model was rerun the problem would go away. This was fixed. 3. When using Global Junction Edit to changing from a controlled to a fixed fl ow pump the control setting was not cleared which left the pump in the controlled state. This was fixed. 4. There was a data corruption problem when older models were opened when the transient data in child scenarios was set to 0 even if the XTS module was not active. This has been fixed. 5. Fixed problem displaying pump operation the Cost Report with multi-scenario s. 6. Changes in the way pressures were reported for junctions in the 12/03/08 re lease affected the display of the max/min pressure results in the general section . The output was modified to reflect the max/min pressures in the pipes, includin g pipes with intermediate pipe elevations. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. When using variable fluid properties and Chempa , some of the Chempa fluid names have commas. When using such a fluid for a specific pipe, the pipe data wou ld become corrupted. This was fixed. 2. Fixed problem with junctions when using Renumber Increment. It could cause Fathom to crash. 3. When using GSC it was possible, probably through morphing, to confuse the G SC Manager about what type of junction was in the variable or goal. This would cause an


happened and what to do about it. 4. Added microns as an available unit of length. 5. Fixed a couple small issues related to orthogonal drawing. 6. Improved the Pump vs. System Curve logic for multiple dissimilar pumps in p arallel using the Enhanced method to spread the flow differently at lower flow rate s. 7. Fixed a problem with importing pump data from Intelliquip-enabled websites. If data for NPSH or efficiency was not present or not read correctly an error would occur and no data could be used in Fathom. Now Fathom can still use the hea d curve data. 8. Fixed some problems running batch jobs when an error occurs in one of the m odels or scenarios. The batch run could get hung up. 9. Adding a warning when using XTS and specifying a variable geometry tan whi ch has possible incorrect data. 10. Fixed a typo on the header for creating pump curve vs. system curve. 11. Restricted the Cost Report to only have one instance of a particular outpu t parameter. Since the entire report uses the same unit type, there is no nee d to have more than one instance of a parameter. 12. Modified the Isentropic Exponent calculation for ASME Steam calculations to use gamma=w^2/p*v instead of Cp/Cv. Cp/Cv is only an approximation, and the equation, which is derived from the the ASME formulation for sonic velocity, provides accurate calculations ove r the full range of steam table values. Isentropic Exponent is not currently used in Fathom calcs, but the ASME routines were modified to eep them in snyc with other applications. 13. Fixed an issue where carriage returns were not handled properly when adding notes to existing notes using Global Edit.

*** Changes for Version Date 2009.08.19 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed problem when a solid was entered to the Solids Database without speci fic heat or thermal conductivity defined, a wrong set of units error was given when the slurry was being defined in System Properties. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Fixed problem accessing CrypKey copy protection as a model was run. 2. Added the SSL User Guide to the Help menu for easy access.

error when the GSC model was run. A new chec

was added to tell the user wh

*** Changes for Version Date 2009.10.07 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. A change in the SSL module code was made to correct a slight inconsistency in use of specific gravity. There were two definitions before which caused a s light difference in results in some cases. 2. For control valves modeled as PSVs with a fully open loss value when wide o pen, if the valve cannot control its setpoint because of insufficient upstream p ressure the valve was supposed to fail open but in fact failed closed. This was fix ed. 3. The relief valve variable Cv model was changed. Previously the dP and Cv da ta was converted to dP vs flowrate data and dP was interpolated on this basis. However, the resulting dP value is different than if obtained by interpolat ing based on dP and Cv because the curve relating dP, Q and Cv is non-linear. N either is necessarily more correct than the other and all inconsistencies between the two could be resolved by using more data points in the Cv vs dP input. It was decided that since the data is entered in dP and Cv that should be the basi s of interpolation and so the solver was changed. Results should not change dram atically but it is li ely there will be some differences if the relief valve opens. 4. In pipe sequences which have no flow and junctions with elevation differenc es at the junction the pressure was not being calculated properly in some cases. This was fixed. 5. Fixed a problem with PSVs not getting the fully open loss from the Cv/Open Percentage table correctly to evaluate if the valve should fail. 6. Fixed a problem using variable fluid properties when the fluid was changed in System Properties but the pipes were not updated. Now, if the fluid is changed the pipes retain the original fluid and values. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. For relief valves that use the variable Cv method the calculation for press ure loss used a definition of water specific gravity slightly off with the rest of AFT Fathom which could cause some slight inconsistency of results. This rou tine used density at S.G. = 1 of 62.4 while the rest of AFT Fathom used 62.375. This was all made consistent. 2. Pump vs. system curve creation for multiple dissimilar pumps was not wor in g properly. A code change that fixed a problem in the 2009.08.03 release crea ted another problem that affected the system curve generation. The system curve

would come out as a flat line. This was fixed. 3. When using Global Edit and changing curve-fit data, the data was changed ev en if the edit was canceled. 4. Fixed a problem when changing to an Unspecified fluid in the SSL module if there had previously been solids. This solid data is not cleared to avoid errors. 5. Pipes with no slurry data are not show in the Slurry output tab for the SSL module. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Added a clarifying note to the Pipe Specifications window Fluid Properties tab which displays when variable fluid properties is used. The note explains th e possible need for a Volume Balance junction and provides a lin to the Help system. 2. Fixed a problem creating pump vs system curves for multiple parallel pumps with identical pumps are used. An error when creating the graph occurred wh ich is now fixed. 3. Added Vs to the SSL output parameters and clarified Vsm. 4. Fixed problem when using Basic Slurry in the SSL module some of the output names were inconsistent between steady-state and transient. 5. Added an Initial Velocity Guess Ration to the Solution Control for the SSL module. This will set the initial guess of the pipe flow to the product of this and the settling velocity to ma e sure it is in the correct flow regime. 6. Added a bed concentration to the System Properties for the SSL module.

*** Changes for Version Date 2009.11.02 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. On pipe and junction specifications windows the user can push the F5 functi on ey to jump to the next pipe or junction. If the user happens to have entered a value into a grid on these windows and then pushed the F5 ey in some cases the n ew value was not ept. This was fixed. 2. A change introduced into the 2009.10.07 had an unexpected effect. After run ning a model and then either exiting the model and reloading it or changing scen arios and reloading the scenario, the pump head displayed in the Pump Summary can change and be incorrect. For water with standard density close to 62.3 lbm/ ft3 or 1000 g/m3 the effect is small. For fluids with different density the ch ange can more significant. 3. Fixed a problem with Valve and Spray junctions when using XTS where the tra nsient

value would be erased when the tab in the specifications window was changed . >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. When using the SSL module and creating a slurry system curve in Graph Resul ts, if the water curve is being cross-plotted it can disrupt the default range of the x-axis. This was fixed so the default range is always the same. 2. Fixed a problem when annotations are selected on the Wor space and then del eted using the Annotation Manager Fathom would crash.

*** Changes for Version Date 2010.02.02 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. This change affects Fathom models that use heat transfer with heat input at pumps. There are three options. The second option is to use percent of inefficienc y. This calculation was not correct. The calculation should have been based on tota l pump power but was in fact using ideal pump power. This was fixed. 2. Fixed a problem with pumps when the internal chec valve closed. The flow w as set to a very small number and the pressure in the downstream pipe was set to the dead head pressure. This should have been zero flow and the pressure based on the hyd rostatic pressure. 3. Fixed a problem with the SSL model when the pipe length was shorter than th e elevation change. 4. Fixed a problem reading a Bend type Fitting & Loss with a r/D = 1.5 when th e decimal separator is a comma. This caused the actual loss for this type to be too l arge. 5. There was a bug found in a very specific configuration. When a model has a loop with only one outlet that loop can only be pressurized through its outlet p ath. While Fathom has logic to handle this configuration a hole was found that d epended on some arbitrary issues such as the order in how the pipes and junctions w ere built in the model. The end result was a correct result for everything exce pt the pressures in this piping. All piping could be off by a set amount. This was fixed. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed problem importing models from Impulse where the pump was shut off. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Made a change to pump vs. system curve graphing. For pumps with flat head c urves it was possible to cause an error while graphing. Added a more descriptive error


*** Changes for Version Date 2010.02.11 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Certain windows that created small graphs such as the Edit Fluid Database w indow had a print feature that did not wor reliably. This was fixed. 2. When creating curve fits the raw data is cross-plotted vs. the curve fit. F or some curve fit functions the raw data was not plotting properly. The curve fits were correct. This was only a display issue.

*** Changes for Version Date 2010.03.01 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. Fixed a problem introduced in the 2010.02.02 release that potentially could corrupt pipes in a scenario if Variable Fluid properties were used in conjunction w ith a non-Newtonian viscosity model. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed problem importing pipe size changes from Excel where the pipe ID bein g used was not changed until the pipe specifications window was opened and OK was clic ed. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Added warning about pump efficiency being greater than 100% due to user's p ump power data issues. 2. Added an error message when the .out file cannot be opened because the mode l is run from a folder where the user does not have write permissions.

*** Changes for Version Date 2010.06.29 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. NSL (Non-settling Slurry Module) released. 2. In systems with exit valves in lines with closed junctions or pipes the sta gnant pressure from the exit valve was not being applied properly to the stagnant pipes and junctions. So the pressure results and only pressure results were incor rect

message and some logic to first try to wor

around the flat part of the cur

only for the stagnant pipes and junctions. And only when there was an open exit valve at the end of the stagnant line. This was fixed. 3. Put in a chec for defined reference pressures when a valve or pump changes state and the model is rerun. This chec is the same as the chec when the model run is started. 4. Changed the logic to allow pressures to cross a failed-open control valve w hen it is in a pipe flow path that is closed by another junction. 5. Changed the logic to fail FCVs when the flow path that is closed by another junction. 6. When using the XTS module a closed finite reservoir junction has an option for a maximum gas pressure which simulates a relief valve path. This all wor ed f ine. This maximum gas pressure (relief pressure) can be changed with time by the user . The transient on relief pressure was not wor ing. The maximum gas pressure was just staying constant over time. This was fixed. It should be noted that the app lications for this are limited. Typically relief pressures will be constant with time . >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When using the XTS module and graphing results for EGL/HGL/Profile plots, i f the cross-plot feature was used and more than one pipe sequence was plotted, an d a max/min plot was created, some of the curves could be misidentified. The ma x and min labels were reversed in some cases. 2. Fixed a problem importing Relief Valves from Impulse with Cv cs dP loss dat a. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. Fixed a Wor space and Visual Report minor printing problem. If the user dir ectly changed the pipe line pixel thic ness on the Pipe Specifications window, it displayed properly on the Wor space and Visual Report but did not print pro perly. This was fixed. 2. When creating a graph in the Graph Results using the Selected Solutions tab , if the filter was set to All Available Parameters the list did not display pro perly and the graph would not graph properly. This was fixed.

*** Changes for Version Date 2010.07.23 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes to data management that could impact results <<



>> Changes that do not impact results << 1. When using Chempa or ASME Steam/Water data and using variable fluid proper ties, global editing of pipe data and copying data from pipe to pipe did not copy the pressure - only the temperature and other fluid properties. This was fi xed. 2. Changed the limit on parallel and series pumps to allow up to 40.

*** Changes for Version Date 2011.02.02 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. A change made in the 2010.06.29 release to fix another problem created a ne w problem for Relief valves modeled as inline exit valves. The discharge flow and pre ssure was not being calculated properly. This was fixed. 2. Fixed problem updating the fluid when the database fluid was changed and th en the scenario was updated when variable fluid propertied were used. The updated fluid properties associated with the pipes were not being updated correctly. 3. Fixed a problem where the "raw data" was not copied when a copy-paste was p erformed. This normally does not impact results except when the data is used as an XY interpolated fit for pump curves and resistance curves. 4. Fixed a problem calculating pressures in a zero-flow loop (isolated loop) t hat has the reference flow directions in pipes in opposite directions while also ha ving a hydrostatic pressure difference (elevation change) across a junction in tha t loop. 5. Fixed a problem calculating the fluid exit temperature when internal insula tion is being applied. This calculation was not ta ing into account the insulati on thic ness when it used the wetted area. 6. The FCV K factor and Cv calculation did not apply the elevation change acro ss the valve correctly. This was fixed. 7. The pressure drop across a FCV had the hydrostatic pressure across the valv e calculated incorrectly. This also affected the inlet conditions of the down stream pipe as well as the valve failure calculations. This was fixed. 8. The valve failure chec for a PSV incorrectly included the hydrostatic pres sure across the valve twice. This was fixed. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed a problem where the general heat transfer options were not available in a pipe when SteamCalc with Heat Transfer was selected as the first fluid. 2. Fixed a problem using Copy-Paste where the pipes and junctions were not cor rectly connected. This could lead to problems when copying from one file and pasti

ng into another. The connections would be corrected before the model was run. 3. Fixed a problem where flow imbalance warnings were generated when a model/s cenario was reopened When the relaxation and the relative flow tolerance were autom atically lowered. This was cause by chec ing the solution against the user-specified values and not the lowered values which were used during the run. 4. Fixed a problem with the CST Cost Database editor where the scale table dat a was being corrupted when another cost database file was opened while showing th e scale table. 5. Fixed problem when a scenario that had controlled suction or discharge pump s was reloaded when these pumps were not actively controlling. The pumps were set to their control pressure and the results were incorrect. The pump controlling state is now archived in the model results and not recalculated. 6. Fixed a problem when using the SSL module that the viscosity override would not be ept in a child scenario when the scenario was reopened. 7. When using the XTS module and graphing the transient pressure drop, the pre ssure units were not being converted properly. This was fixed. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. If a valve was copied from another valve using the SameAs feature and it wa s the same handboo valve type, the K factor would be erased. This caused the jun ction to become undefined and the handboo valve type would have to be reselected . 2. When performing junction curve fits one must clic the "Generate Curve Fit Now" button. If one clic ed the image on the button and not the button itself, t he curve fit was not performed. But it should have been. This was fixed. 3. When wor ing with pre-existing pump junctions with multiple impeller config urations, if the engineering units used in the original impeller specification have s ince been removed from being active units (in the Unit Preferences window) then futur e editing of the pump configuration will result in a loss of the engineering units an d loss of original data. This was fixed. 4. Fixed some display issues when wor ing with pump junctions with multiple im peller configurations and using impeller trim functions. 5. When performing curve fits on pump data users can set a maximum x-axis valu e for flow. However, on subsequent curve fits for this pump the value is ignored. This was fixed. 6. In the XTS module if the available engineering units were changed then prev iously entered finite tan cross-sectional area could be lost. This was fixed.

7. Clarified error message if the user somehow had a solution tolerance of zer o. 8. The Renumber Wizard allowed you to change the pipe or junction numbers but it did not erase old output. So it could display output for pipes or junction numb ers that no longer exists. This would be resolved the next time the scenario was loa ded or the model was opened. At the moment of renumbering it could cause confusion . 9. Fixed problem when jumping from one pipe spec window to another when using general convection heat transfer, an extra layer of insulation would be added and t he pipe would be undefined. Jumping again would remove this extra layer. 10. Fixed a problem if the Model Data information was included in the output .d at file when a batch run was done. All the scenarios were using the same file name so only the last scenario run was being saved. 11. Lin ed the .dat and .out file names for the scenarios. 12. Fixed a problem where a comma was missing when the output preferences were saved to a file. 13. Fixed a problem when the ESC ey is pressed during a multi-pipe draw. This could lead to zero-length pipes on the Wor space. 14. Fixed a problem when global editing the common junction size. The size sele cted would not be displayed correctly in the verification table to be applied.

*** Changes for Version Date 2011.03.22 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. SSL Module: Changed the way the hydrostatic head was accounted for in slope d pipes. Also made the horizontal, sloped and vertical pipe equations seamless. The hydrostatic head is no longer included in the Im and Jm terms. This will af fect any pipe that is not horizontal. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. None. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. When running Bingham Plastic non-Newtonian models the Output window could s how extraneous input data for Brecht & Heller Pulp and Paper stoc . The data ha d no affect on the model. 2. Changed help file format to .chm for Windows 7 compatibility.

*** Changes for Version Date 2011.07.06 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. SSL Module: Added logic to model the demi-McDonald curve for Vsm. This opti

on is now the default (set on the Slurry tab in the System Properties windows wit h the value limited by the equation. This may result in lower Vsm values than pre viously calculated. 2. Fixed a problem with dP vs. Reynolds number resistance curves where the Rey nolds number was not being calculated correctly which resulted in incorrect dP re sults. 3. Made a change to how the average internal heat transfer coefficient is calc ulated. It was based on properties calculated at the average inlet and outlet pipe temperatures, now the properties are based on the log mean average temperat ures. This only changed the value that is displayed in the output and not the hea t transfer calculations or other results. The average properties shown in the output are still based on the log mean average temperature. 4. Fixed problem with crossflow heat exchangers when mixed flow side (primary or secondary was the Cmin (i.e. mdot * cp) value. The effectiveness and heat r ate were not calculated correctly resulting in incorrect outlet temperatures. 5. The relief valve Variable Cv model was not wor ing properly in some cases a nd would just use a lossless valve. This was fixed. 6. The XTS module had an issue with transients on Spray Discharge and Assigned Pressure junctions which were dual event. The second event sometimes did no t begin at the right time step. This was fixed. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. When a scenario other than the current scenario and then the Scenario Manag er is closed without loading the current scenario the number of pipe and junction objects from the parent was being reset to what ever the parent of the save d scenario was. This caused the data flow from the parent of the current scen ario to be corrupted and some objects that were deleted in the current scenario but that exist in its parent were being shown. This was fixed. 2. When a scenario was promoted it would acquire the XTS/GSC Use of the new pa rent. This would cause problems graphing if the new parent was used a different s tate. This was fixed so that the original Analysis Type was retained. 3. When a orifice has pipes that used the ID scaling feature the K factor is calculated based on the reduced pipe diameters. However, when a disconnecte d scenario was created and then saved to a separate file without first loadin g it, the K factor was based on the true pipe diameters. This is only an issue wh en the file is then brought into AFT Impulse because the K factor would not be cor rectly

recalculated by Impulse as it is done in Fathom when the scenario is loaded . 4. When a Impulse model was opened in Fathom the Open Percentage data for a va lve was lost. The data is now retained. 5. When junction elevation was used as a GSC variable the connected pipe eleva tion values displayed in the output were not updated to the new elevation. This only was a display issue with the pipe elevation, the calculations were correct. 6. Updated the fathom7.dat file with minor corrections to PVC, Ductile Iron an d Copper Pipe. See notes in the file for specific details. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. XTS module: Fixed problem when the XTS module was activated from the Option s menu, the transient graph parameters were not being shown. Either opening the Out put Control and clic ing OK or reopening the model would solve this problem. 2. Fixed problem with the display in Model Data for the Jet Pump junction wher e the headers were mismatched and the data grid was truncated. 3. Change the Model Data to show the insulation layer when heat transfer is us ed and the pipe heat transfer model is something other than Convective Heat Transf er.

*** Changes for Version Date 2012.01.06 *** >> Changes to computation logic that could impact results << 1. The temperature profile along a path which has pipes with intermediate elev ations showed temperatures of absolute zero for the intermediate points when plott ed. This is because the heat transfer calculations are done as an average along the pipe. The plotting has been fixed to show a linear interpolation between the inlet an d outlet temperature values which will match a pipe which does not have intermediate elevation points. If a more detailed temperature profile is needed, the pip e should be bro en into several different pipes joined by branch junctions as desire d. >> Changes to data management that could impact results << 1. Fixed problem with importing some junctions types specific to Impulse that had special conditions set to ignore. These would come in as closed, but now th e special conditions are set to none. 2. Fixed problem when global editing pumps that are from a database. The curre nt configuration was being reset to the first one. It is now the configuration that is selected in the global edit list. 3. A change was made to the Relief Valve specification window. In a somewhat

obscure instance, if a user has entered a curve fit for a Resistance Curve loss mod el, and they change the loss model from Resistance curve to a Variable Cv, and bac , the curve fit type would be changed to Interpolation. This has been fixed. >> Changes that do not impact results << 1. If ESC was pressed when a pipe was drawn between two junctions while in mul ti-pipe drawing mode, the pipe would be deleted. This was fixed so only the multi-p ipe mode was exited. 2. Added a caution when the current scenario is not displayed with the Multi-S cenario output. 3. For systems with a single pump, efficiency was not being plotted on the Pump vs. System curve when the option to do so was selected. This has been fixed. 4. Moved metric ton units (m-ton) from the English to SI system of units.

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