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Gateway to Global Marketing Solutions

Global Marketing Solution


is pleased to introduce ourselves as a team of dynamic and multi disciplinary management professionals with specialized focus and deep understanding of the Indian and Global corporate market. The team is focused with a firm commitment towards its clients.

Aricap is committed towards excellence, reliability and quick response. Our association with
the client involves joint working and close relationship. We work along with our associates at every step so as to promote and pursue their long term strategic interest. The success in the modern day business very much depends on the detailed information about the customers and buyers. Strategic cost effective Marketing is key to successful business. Your market strategy is the lifeblood of your business.

Aricap will add to your marketing whereby you can minimize your time of drawing profit by
step-step- advice, application, action analysis and audit.


will offer the best knowledge base analytical tool to generate vital information and

effective bottom line decisions. We.

Analyze Research Implement Cost-effective Aggressive Promotions

Global Marketing Solution

Analysis of product viability in target market through market surveys, research, interaction with customers, dealers, distributors and other avenues. Detailed planning with client for implementation of promotion, marketing and advice on negotiating contracts with potential partners Pricing study and analysis followed by advice on pricing structure in target market to maximise revenues and establish strong market presence. Establishing relationships, negotiating contracts with vendors and partners. Brand launching through various media and innovative cutting edge marketing promotions to ensure strong brand presence.

Aricap offers 3 distinct Benefits: Reliable and trustworthy local partner Extensive experience to do marketing, branding and promotion Provides the most cost effective marketing solutions.

Global Marketing Solution

Brief about our process....

We have a network of individuals & companies who have joined us on global platform for Business to Business type model. All our global representatives & partners have been experts in their respective fields with good global contacts, we join together to form a platform where we can offers our contacts to Clients (either buyer or seller) i.e. we have a strong base of seller and buyers (direct sellers & direct buyers) to offer the best possible deal for them, thus avoiding them to get into a trap of chain of brokers which sometime lead to loss, due to certain unhealthy business practices. It's always the challenge of the future, this feeling of excitement that drives us. Out motivation is the satisfaction derived from delivering result beyond our clients expectations.

What are the challenges faced by new companies ?

Now global economic situation is so volatile, companies who are really looking for global business cannot go forward due to lack of funds or other reasons. These companies have a difficult choice regarding investing hard dollars on their marketing & Promotion campaigns. Secondly companies face local cultural, political and sometimes religious challenges in their target market which can make it extremely tough to enter new markets.

Global Marketing Solution

Let us consider a few case studies of few multinationals who tries to enter a new market unsuccessfully : 1 - Managers at one American company were startled when they discovered that the brand name of the cooking oil they were marketing in a Latin American country translated into Spanish as "Jackass Oil." 2 - American Motors tried to market its new car, the Matador, based on the image of courage and strength. However, in Puerto Rico the name means "killer" and was not popular on the hazardous roads in the country. 3 - A sales manager in Hong Kong tried to control employee's promptness at work. He insisted they come to work on time instead of 15 minutes late. They complied, but then left exactly on time instead of working into the evening as they previously had done. Much work was left unfinished until the manager relented and they returned to their usual time schedule. 4 - A US telephone company tried to market its products and services to Latinos by showing a commercial in which a Latino wife tells her husband to call a friend, telling her they would be late for dinner. The commercial bombed since Latino women do not order their husbands around and their use of time would not require a call about lateness. 5 - A cologne for men pictured a pastoral scene with a man and his dog. It failed in Islamic countries dogs are considered unclean. 6 - Proctor & Gamble used a television commercial in Japan that was popular in Europe. The ad showed a woman bathing, her husband entering the bathroom and touching her. The Japanese considered this ad an invasion of privacy, inappropriate behavior, and in very poor taste. 7 - An American business person refused an offer of a cup of coffee from a Saudi businessman. Such a rejection is considered very rude and the business negotiations became stalled. 8 - A Japanese manager in an American company was told to give critical feedback to a subordinate during a performance evaluation. Japanese use high context language and are uncomfortable giving direct feedback. It took the manager five tries before he could be direct enough to discuss the poor performance as they previously had understood. into the eveningso that the American done. Much work was left unfinished until the manager relented and
they returned to their usual time schedule. .

Global Marketing Solution

9 - One company printed the "OK" finger sign on each page of its catalogue. In many parts of Latin America that is considered an obscene gesture. Six months of work were lost because they had to reprint all the catalogues. 10 - FEDEX (Federal Express) wisely chose to expand overseas when it discovered the domestic market was saturated. However, the centralized or "hub and spoke" delivery system that was so successful domestically was inappropriate for overseas distribution. In addition, they failed to consider cultural differences: In Spain the workers preferred very late office hours, and in Russia the workers took truck cleaning soap home due to consumer shortages. FEDEX finally shut down over 100 European operations after $1.2 billion in losses.

Aricap resolved to find a way to find a cost effective solution. The achievements of our organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision. Our Vision is same.

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.

Aricap team is a network of highly experienced experts, spread worldwide; aricap has gained a very strong reputation in the international world of Business.

Global Marketing Solution

What our team offers

We have good experienced partners available in almost all major countries have vast experience in marketing & promotion , if any company need global branding & business , we are best choice for them seeing current global economic scenario. We all have ability. The difference is how we use it. Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the ability to direct individual skills toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Ex: - Consider our client, Wine Company Khareba, from the small country of Georgia, the quality of wine available with them can match the best available in the market & if we compare price it is 1/3 of the other brands available in the market. Khareba approached us as they didnt want to invest a lot on their marketing team & risk factor was 6/10.To go up against the other Wine giants, media & advertisement cost, and other expenses, the budget estimates went beyond their limits.

What we offered them...... We have team of professionals spread across the globe who have direct networks with the buyers, distributors and dealers within their respective countries, so our contacts get them business faster than their individual approach, our approach is very efficient and minimizes delays and dramatically reduces costs.

Global Marketing Solution

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. We believe that this is the future for global business & we can help companies like yours get recognized in the global markets. This is the future Business of world what we believe in, we all professionals have to come forward & made a team to thus help such companies to grow globally, Our growth also will be vast, when we form a best team in the world. Our motto

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

List of past clients : Khareba Wines , Georgia ; Chevron , United Kingdom ; Omicron Electronics , Austria GWH Strategic Sourcing P Ltd , Russia ; Johnni Walker , USA ; Amrop International ,USA Ranbaxy, India ; Royal Aquatech ,India ;

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