Questionnaire: Marketing and Corporate Image" Which Is A Part of Our Curriculum Activity

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Dear sir/madam, As a student of management, I am conducting a research on causes related marketing and corporate image which is a part of our curriculum activity. And this collected information is only for academic purpose only.

1) Gender: Male 2) Age: 12 to 17 26 to 32



( )

( ) 18 to 25 ( ) ( ) 33 to 50 ( )

More than 50( ) 3) Occupation: Student ( ) Employee Housewife ( ) ( )

Business ( ) Other ... 4) Income: Less than Rs.5, 000

( ) Rs.5, 000 to 9,999

( )

Rs.10, 000 or 14,999 More than Rs.20, 000

( ) Rs.15, 000 to 20,000 ( ) ( )

5) Frequency of purchasing : Daily Monthly ( ) ( ) Weekly quarterly ( ) ( )


Are you informed with the marketing and corporate sector? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, than go further.. 7) Do you perceive thats society is affect to marketing? Yes 8) ( ) No ( )

Donation size is extremely important in cause-related marketing campaigns? Yes ( ) No ( )


Does a CRM is increase the sales of the company? Always Rarely ( ) ( ) Many time ( ) Never ( )


Do you feel that customer attitude is very affect to the CRM? ( ) ( ) Many time ( ) Never ( )

Always Rarely

11) Do you have any experience about cause-related marketing promotions in the past six months? Yes ( ) No ( ) 12) The Ad makes me to have a favorable impression of this company? Yes ( ) No ( )

13) I think this caused-related marketing promotion is a good way to raise money for the social work?


( )


( )

Cause-related Marketing and Corporate image.Tick mark following attributes in order of importance for buying.

No Particulars

Strongly Agree


Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

4 5


I would buy the product anyway; Im not interested in the Campaign. I would buy the product, both for its quality and the supported cause. The cause of the cause-related marketing campaigns is important to me. I believe cause related brand has social value. The company is making this Donation to improve corporate image. I would buy most of the products of the companies which use CRM. The campaign which uses CRM doesnt interest in customer; it would not influence my purchase decision. I think that the donation size from each single purchase of the product through causerelated marketing campaign is important to me. I consider myself are helpful Person, therefore I would buy more to support the cause. I believe other companies hold regularly be involved in similar campaigns.


I think this caused-related marketing promotion is a good way to raise money for the social work. The allocated donation size affects my intention to buy. The higher the personal connection with the cause the higher the consumers willingness to choose a product that supports the cause. I think that CRM is helping in achive objective of the company.





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