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To Be or Not to Be? The Question is Different!

Puppets provide an essential link between learning and play which makes them wonderful teaching tools for at home, the classroom and in the wider community (Greensmith, 2010) The puppet play To be or Not to Be? The Question is Different! is to performed in schools around the state. It is easily transferable between venues and is not restricted by large amounts of backdrop or prop set up.

The community group that I am wishing to reach with my puppet performance is young children and adolescents. Profile The performance To Be or Not to Be? The Question is Different! is a muppet play about embracing everyones individuality and personal quirks and accepting each other and yourself just how you come. This performance is designed in order to accessible to all children, in all walks of life, in a safe environment, like a school or community centre, where they are not having to go out and pay for the experience. I believe that this is especially important in lower socio-economic areas where parents or caregivers may not be able to talk their children to a dramatic performance. The target audience is children between the ages of 6-14. I believe that it is between these ages that children are still able to take the message on board before the other negative messages are adopted. Obviously there will be students who may find it difficult to take on the message or find it difficult to engage with the topics however I believe the messages are not going to isolate any children, rather bring them together more. The puppetry performance will undoubtable touch on some political issues, as well as social issues eg. Racism, homosexuality, and gender equality, however when parents sign the permission form, which will mention the fact that some issues like the aforementioned topics will be covered, they are consenting to their child having a look at issues in possibly a different light. These are not the only topics that will be covered, looking at peoples choices of their social activities, the clothes they wear, the friends that they have and how it is ok to just be who you are without being swayed be popular culture. The planning of such a dynamic puppet play must stay up to date with lots of social issues so there is room to alter the play to suit.

Ethics I believe that To Be or Not to Be? The Question is Different! will be appropriate and accessible across the age groups that I wish to cater for and, as mentioned earlier, can be altered depending on the main issues that are facing the age demographic that I will be performing for. Because this puppet play has only a backdrop and some benches, also sound equipment for larger audiences, it is easily transferable between venues. I believe that this play should be accessible to all children however I do concede that there will be limitations regarding some of the larger issues. Eg the issue of homosexuality would not be breached at a religious school without express permission. This performance is not designed to step on any ones toes or offend their beliefs, it is an expression of how we should show compassion, accept that everyone is a bit different and allow people to be who they would like to be without the restrictions of social commentary. Aesthetics In terms of technological requirements this puppetry performance will not require very much at all. As this play will be performed in schools and community areas it must be easily moved and suitable to most environments and easily transferable. The only requirements needed would be, depending on the size of the venue, some mouth microphones and speakers in order for voice projection. Most school halls and community centres have sound systems which would be used for sound tracks. Although not strictly technological a simple backdrop and performing space with tables would be included. As muppets will be the type of puppetry used a table for them to sit on or rest on will also be used. Artistic merit is an English language term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art. (Anonymous 2006). It is not up to me whether my puppetry play will receive artistic merit however, I personally believe that due to the use of handmade puppetry, as well as the value of the message that it is giving, that it fits the criteria to be considered a well structured and fine piece of art. Impact The message that I want to convey to these students and children is that being different is a good thing, that without our own individuality life would be boring and that we should embrace our own and each others to life harmoniously.

A key concept and outcome demonstrated by the South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability is that all children should develop self-awareness and a sense of being connected with others within the context of their environments. These connections foster increasing appreciation of caring relations and a basis for shared understandings. (SACSA). By showing this production I would encourage students to feel more comfortable having free flowing discussions with each other, and realise the impact that they can have if they do not

I hope that after viewing the performance students will be able to, with further scaffolding, both consciously and unconsciously be accommodating to people from all walks of life and recognize how by being kinder and more accepting can have a better life experience. As a future educator I truly believe that this is just as important to grasp as other learning areas. This quote really stuck with me as both an inspiration for the puppet play but also to my educator side as something to maintain. This puppetry will hopefully encourage free flowing discussion in (my) classes, and, at times, perhaps use outrageous examples to provoke discussion. At the same time you need to model for your students an appropriate way to discuss these issues and also maintain appropriate language provide a safe environment from the website Dealing with Diversity (2012) Research All puppets come to life as characters; they can portray different personalities, various traits and they cross all cultures. By using the medium of puppetry, we can bring awareness to and educate young people and adults about often delicate social issues. As an example, workshops using interactive puppetry have been instrumental in helping to educate and spread knowledge (Folkmanis Puppets, 2012) I came across this quote as I was beginning to develop my entire concept and it really reinforced and concreted what I wanted to achieve. In education, especially of some more delicate issues like the ones to be covered in my puppet performance, puppets are helpful mediums to engage students with as the message that you are providing is not as much in your face but also en entertainment and therefore it is absorbed easier. Puppets can share joy or sadness; they can be naughty or good, cheeky or shy; and when a child is engaged by a puppet they can learn lessons and absorb messages without even realising they are. (Folkmanis Puppets, 2012)

Puppet 1 (pops up from behind the table) (looks around sadly) (begins to quietly cry) Puppet 2 (pops up from behind the table) (looks at puppet 1) (puts his arm around puppet 1) Puppet 1 Puppet 2 (shakes her head and continues to cry) (pulls back slightly and sits beside puppet 1 and turns to face her) Puppet 1 (lifts head a little) (looks at puppet 2) (turns away) Puppet 2 (continues to sit) I dont want to talk about it! Just leave me alone! No Sunni, I really like you and I dont like seeing you upset like this! Puppet 1 (turns slowly to face puppet 2) Well you are the only one who likes me then, and I dont even know you very well! Puppet 2 (moves to sit on the other side of puppet 1) Puppet 1 (finishes speaking and continues to quietly sob) What makes you say that? I know lots of people who like you The other kids were making fun of me, they said no one loves me because I am adopted and that I was such an ugly baby that my real parents couldnt stand to look at me and thats why they gave me away Puppet 2 (slowly holds puppet 1s hand) That must be so hurtful Sunni, and that is really mean of them. I think it is really special that you are adopted. For me that means that your looked at you, fell in love and just wanted to take you home and show you how wonderful life could really be with a people loving you. Puppet 1 (looks up at puppet 2) I had never thought of it that way Pedro, I was getting so upset that people thought I was different, but I have two great parents who love me, thats not to different after all.. Come on Sunni, lets talk about what is troubling you. Hey Sunni whats wrong?

References Dealing with Diversity . 2012. Dealing with Diversity . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 March 2012].

Folkmanis Puppets, Living Puppets, Educational toys Puppets in Education . 2012. Folkmanis Puppets, Living Puppets, Educational toys Puppets in Education . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 March 2012].

Greensmith. A. 2010. Puppets in Education . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 March 2012].

SACSA. 2012. SACSA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2012].

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