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Dealpourtous part 2

October 2010

Administrative part
On configuration tab, add Gestion des meta subtab This will allow admin to manage metatags for some pages. Create one record for each of the following pages : - index - mentions lgales - comment a marche - qui sommes-nous - conditions gnrales acheteur + partenaire - FAQ - catgories (one for each available category) : this will concern Display of deals according to category page - sous-catgories (one for each available sub-category : in this case, admin must first select the mother category) : this will concern Display of deals according to subcategory page - contact - inscription For each record, use the following fields - Titre = title - Mots cls = keywords - Description Note : On detailed deal page : admin wont manage metas by his own. They are directly set by the elements the user has given when he created the deal : Titre = Dealpourtous - #Deal-title Mots cls = #category_the_deal_belongs_to and #subcategory_the_deal_belongs_to, #city_of_the_deal, #name_of_the_partner Description = description_of_the_deal

Registration page
The registration page consists of 2 parts: one part is light coloured while the other one is dark blue. The dark blue part is reserved exclusively for the partner. Thus, the partners who register must fill both the light and the dark coloured part. As far as the buyers are concerned, they have to fill only the dark coloured part. The compulsory fields are marked by a star (*) A Captcha system protects the registration from robots.

If the partner indicates that he does not have marketing executives (Avez-vous un commercial -> Non) then the 2 fields below are not displayed. Slection de la ville la plus proche = cities marketing executives belong to Slectionner le commercial = marketing executive list- beloging to selected city

Log-in page
The client will provide the texts later. The user can log-in through this page (blue insert)

One can also consult the gifts offered by the points-system from this page: all available gifts are displayed. One can't order them through this page.

Forgot password?

The page consists of a static text that will be provided by the client later. An e-mail is sent when the e-mail address is recognised. This e-mail generates a link that will activate the temporary password provided in the e-mail. The user can then log-in using the password provided.

Contact page

If the user wants to do so then he can contact the site to obtain information. For this he indicates: Nom Prnom Tlphone Adresse email Objet Ville la plus proche Message Surname First name Telephone E-mail address Subject Nearest city Message

Some fields can be pre-filled if the user is logged-in The site-details originating from Contact details on admin are indicated on the right:3 Adresse Corporate Name Code postal + Ville Address + City's postal code Email E-mail

Home Page

Home page introduces the categories available on the site. For each category (example : A vos papilles)

Name of the available sub-categories: one can access the deals of the sub-category in question by clicking on a sub-category once (example Restauration,traiteurs) Number of deals available for the category in question Minimum X discount in % (de X) Maximum Y discount in % ( Y) "Tout voir" button: lets one access deals of the category in question

Display of deals (search results/ according to category or sub-category/ recent deals)

The following information is used for each deal that matches the search criteria: - City of the deal - Category to which it belongs on top-right (for the recent deals page: The deals are arranged according to category. If several categories are available, the category to which it belongs is indicated on top of each affiliation unit. Thus, all the deals of category A that are concerned will be displayed and these will be followed by those of category B. The name of the category A will be displayed on top of the unit concerning the deals of cat A, the name of the category B will be displayed on top of the block concerning the deals of cat B) - Sub-category of the deal - Heading of the deal - Photograph of the deal - Short description of the deal (lorem ipsum on the template) - Normal price - Discount % - Price proposed for the deal - Number of places available (if infinite, the field is not displayed) - Number of places remaining (if infinite, the field is not displayed) - Number of places to be purchased before the deal becomes active (if 1, the field is not displayed) - Type: Premium - Logo (displayed beneath Type) - Time remaining before the deal closes A link "En savoir plus" lets one access the details of the deal - this link is not displayed in case the page concerns the recent deals - only premium members can access this link (if the user is not logged in then he must log-in before he can or can't access this page) 8 deals are displayed on each page. If more deals are available, plan a system of pagination at the bottom of the page.

Page that provides details of a deal

The details page lists the whole description of the deal. The photographs change every 10 seconds. The user can select the image that interests him and increase its size as well. If several addresses are available for this deal (on bottom right), a "This deal is available at several addresses<br/> See all addresses" link is displayed. A click on this link opens a pop-up. (See details of a deal page 2) The "See the map" link lets the user display the map of the address used on Google map on a new page. The user can: - print the page (imprimer ce deal) - buy the deal (acheter button)

buy the deal for a friend (offrir ce deal un ami) tell a friend about the page: by e-mail, by facebook or by twitter (faire connatre ce deal un ami) In case it's sent by an e-mail, the user indicates his surname, first name (pre-filled fields if the user is logged-in) and the e-mail address of his friend. One can't inform a friend about a premium deal.

Page that provides details of a deal 2

The link "Fermer" lets one close the pop-up that has just opened.

Order a deal
The pages of the order of a deal depend on several criteria: - is the user buying a deal for himself or for a friend? - will the deal be compulsorily delivered at home? Therefore, there are 4 types of pages: - A buyer page = user with withdrawal in shop - A buyer page = user with home-delivery Therefore, the buyer must indicate his address (the fields can be pre-filled if this information is already known) - A buyer page for a friend with withdrawal in a shop Then the buyer must indicate the friend's contact information: Surname, First name, E-mail address and write a message - A buyer page = for a friend with home-delivery

Then the buyer must indicate the friends contact information: Surname, First name, E-mail address, and friend's address and write a message When the deal is delivered in shop then the user must select the address of the deal that interests him. Note the different modes of payment: credit card or paypal. In case the deal has been ordered for a friend, it's the friend who will receive the coupon once the order for the deal has been paid. Case 1: buyer/ delivery in shop

Case 2: buyer/ home-delivery

Case 3: friend/ delivery in shop

Case 4: friend/ home-delivery

Management of account buyer part

The buyer has a dedicated area that lets him manage his contact information, deals that he has purchased, consult his points and order gifts. Modification of personal data All the fields are pre-filled The user can not modify the fields: Civilit Nom Prnom Mail du parrain

Marital status Surname First name Sponsor's e-mail

Record of deals It is on this page that all the deals purchased by the user are listed: - Mes deals = My deals: Heading of the deal - Motif = Reason: Premium/ Cadeau=Gift (i.e. deal has been purchased for a friend)/ For myself in all other cases In case of a gift: indicate if the user has received the coupon or not - Date dachat = Date of purchase - Montant = Amount - Date limite de validit = Last date of validity

Possible operations:

If the payment for the order has been made: Tlcharger ce coupon = Download the coupon Tlcharger facture = Download the invoice Email prestataire = Service-provider's e-mail Supprimer = Delete The total of purchase is indicated at the bottom of the page

Consultation of premium points The page indicates the current number of points. If the member has achieved the premium status, the date of validity of premium status is indicated.

History of loyalty points + order of gifts The page indicates the current number of loyalty points (with the date of purchase, Reason: Personal or Sponsor, Name of the deal, number of points earned) The gifts are presented at the bottom of page: of the one that requires the least number of points to the one that requires the most number of points. Gifts that one can't access (number of points is inadequate) are greyed A click on the Envoyez moi ce cadeau = "Send me this gift" button lets one place the order. The number of points that the user has is then reduced from the value of points for gift.

Management of e-mail alerts The user can, if he wishes to do so, be informed by e-mail as soon as a new deal that is according to his hobbies is submitted by a partner. First, he chooses the city or cities that interest him (ville la plus proche) followed by the category or categories that interest him. The user can also choose not to receive an e-mail alert by selecting: "Don't receive anything" Provide a Enregistrer="Save" button that will help save the options.

Management of account partner part

Access reserved page The pages for managing the partner are reserved for the users who have the partner status. If a simple buyer tries to access these pages, he is redirected to the page that informs him that it is a reserved area. In this case, the buyer can decide to become partner. Then he is redirected to the original registration page (the fields that have been already filled are pre-filled) and must then complete the part concerning the partner.

Once the partner has logged-in, he can: - modify his personal information (Mes infos) - manage his deals (Mes deals) - follow-up his orders for deals (Mon suivi) Modification of personal data

All the fields are pre-filled. One can save by clicking on the "Modifier" button Management of deals It is in this part that the partner manages his deals: - creation - modification - deletion

The default page lists the deals that have already been created from the latest to the oldest one. Following actions are possible for each deal: - Voir = View (details of deals present page on the site) - Edition = Edit (as long as the deal is not activated on line) - Supprimer = Deletion (as long as the deal is not activated on line) - Dupliquer = Copying: In fact, it implies a deal that has all the characteristics of the pre-filled deal that has been selected. The partner can then modify the values provided in order to thus create a new deal, a variant of the initial deal On top of the summary table there is a Crer un deal = "Create a deal" button using which one can create a deal from the beginning.

Creation of a deal This page can also be used for modifying or duplicating a deal. In this case, the fields are pre-filled with the values that have already been provided.

Some fields are compulsory. The list will be provided later.

The partner must accept the T&C of sales in order to save his deal. A click on the Valider et passer au bon de commande = "Validate and move on to the job order" saves the deal. A click on the Prvisualiser mon annonce = "Preview my advertisement" button lets the partner see his deal. Note: rename "Valider et passer au bon de commande" as "Valider" Note1 : combo of point 1

Note 2: some elements that can be clicked lets one obtain information by opening a pop-up.

Point 10: See scale: display of scales according to date originating from the Configuration>Default commission slabs (partners)

A click on Qui paie la commission displays the information originating from the Contenus >> Pages dynamiques >> Explications commissions on admin part.

Note 3: if the partner has not filled in all the fields necessary during his registration (especially bank related information), he is redirected towards the "Additional information" page that updates his profile.

Note delete the "Jaccepte les CGV" checkbox and associated text: the partner has already accepted these on the previous page. Preview a deal Provide a Retour="Return" button that lets one return to the form for creating the deal.

Follow-up of existing deals The deals are regrouped in 3 tables. The first table (green colour) indicates the current deals: i.e. the deals that have been saved The second table (orange colour) indicates the deals that are being validated i.e. the deals that one can no longer buy but whose validity period has not ended as yet. The last table (violet colour) indicates the deals whose validity period has ended. List of fields to be used for each deal: - Titre du deal - Quantits achetes - Nombre de deals restants - Date de dbut daffichage + date de fin daffichage - Validit du coupon (du au ) - Catgorie et sous-catgorie dappartenance - Premium : Oui / Non - Prix public - Heading of the deal - Quantities purchased - Number of deals remaining - Date of start of display + date of end of display - Validity of coupon (from... to...) - Category and sub-category to which it belongs - Premium: Yes / No - Displayed price

- Prix sur dealpourtous - Taux de commission appliqu - Total des commandes sur le deal

- Price on dealpourtous - Commission Rate applied - Total of orders for the deal

- Statut/Status: * For the green deals: Enregistre / Valide / En cours de traitement / A modifier / Refuse (statuts des deals) = Saved/ Validated/ Being processed/ To be modified/ Refused (status of deals) A modifier = "To be modified" can be clicked and it redirects to the page of edition of deal. * For the orange and violet deals: A rgler / En cours de traitement / Rgl (statuts des versements) = To be paid/ Being processed/ Paid (status of transfers) - Possible actions: * Voir les coupons = See the coupons (for the orange and violet deals): in this case a pop-up opens * Voir les factures = See the invoices (for the orange and violet deals): in this case a pop-up opens * Supprimer = Delete (only for the violet deals)

See the coupons The coupons are classified according to the selected place. For example, if 2 addresses were available for the deal then all the coupons of the first address will be displayed first followed by the coupons of the second one. Use the following information for each coupon: - Coupon No. - Surname and First name of the buyer - Heading of the deal - Price - Last date of validity - Possible actions: o Voir = See the coupon sent to the client o Supprimer = Delete the coupon

Note: the Download link is useless One can also export the list of coupons allotted on the deal in CSV format by clicking on Exporter toute la liste = "Export the whole list" Col A: Address of the deal Col B: Heading of the deal Col C: Coupon No. Col D: Surname and First name of the buyer Col E: Price paid Col F: Validity date The partner can also print the list by clicking on Imprimer la liste = "Print the list"

See the invoices First, the page summarizes the operation of transfer made to the partner (in green) Then the invoices of each buyer for the deal in question List of info.: - Invoice No. - Surname and First name of the person to whom the invoice is addressed - Quantities ordered - Unit price Excluding Taxes - Unit price Inclusive of all taxes - Possible actions: * Voir la facture = See the invoice * Supprimer = Delete Note: delete the Tlcharger= "Download" link The partner can decide to display only the invoice regarding the transfer by clicking on Voir uniquement les factures pro = "See only the pro invoices The partner can decide to display only the invoices regarding the orders for the deal by clicking on Voir uniquement les factures clients = "See only the clients' invoices" The partner can also export the list of invoices in CSV format by clicking on "Export the whole list". Col A: Type (Transfer/ Order) Col B: Invoice No. Col C: Surname and First name of the person to whom the invoice is addressed Col D: Quantities ordered Col E: Unit price Excluding Taxes Col F: Unit price Inclusive of all taxes The partner can also print the list by clicking on Imprimer la liste = "Print the list"

E-mails content
E-mail at the time of registration (buyer)
From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Vous venez de vous inscrire Message : Bonjour, Vous venez de vous inscrire sur et nous vous en remercions. Conservez prcieusement vos identifiants, ils vous seront ncessaires pour effectuer une commande de deal auprs de nos partenaires. Votre identifiant : #identifiant Votre mot de passe : #mot_de_passe Nous restons votre disposition pour toute demande ventuelle. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

E-mail at the time of registration (partner)

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealportous] Vous venez de vous inscrire Message : Bonjour, Vous venez de vous inscrire sur et nous vous en remercions. Conservez prcieusement vos identifiants, ils vous seront ncessaires pour crer vos deals. Votre identifiant : #identifiant Votre mot de passe : #mot_de_passe Ces mmes identifiants vous permettront galement de profiter des deals de nos autres partenaires et de passer commande dun bon plan. Nous restons votre disposition pour toute demande ventuelle. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Creation of a deal status: registered

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] vous venez de crer un deal

Message : Bonjour, Lenregistrement de votre deal #Nom_du_deal a bien t effectu. Votre deal apparatra sur notre site aprs validation. Nous vous recontacterons dici peu pour vous informer de son volution. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Creation of a deal status: validated

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] votre deal est valid Message : Bonjour, Vous avez rcemment cr le deal #Nom_du_deal sur notre site. Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que votre deal a t valid. Il apparaitra donc aux dates que vous avez prvues. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Creation of a deal status: to be modified

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] examen de votre deal Message : Bonjour, Vous avez rcemment cr le deal #Nom_du_deal sur notre site. Aprs vrification, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir le modifier afin de le rendre conforme notre charte de qualit. Nous vous invitons nous contacter pour obtenir davantage dinformations. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Creation of a deal status: refused

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] votre deal a t refus

Message : Bonjour, Vous avez rcemment cr le deal #Nom_du_deal sur notre site. Nous avons t contraints dannuler ce deal. En effet, celui-ci ne rpond aucun des critres de notre charte de qualit. Nous vous invitons nous contacter pour obtenir davantage dinformations. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Order for a deal (email to the buyer) payment has been made for the purchase
From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] vous venez de commander un deal Message : Bonjour, Notre centre de paiement a valid votre commande de deal, dont voici le descriptif : Identit du partenaire: #Nom_partenaire #Prnom_partenaire Deal command : #Titre_du_deal Date : #Date_de_dpart Prix : #Prix_du_deal N de commande : #numro_de_commande Nous vous remercions pour votre commande et restons votre disposition pour toute demande ventuelle. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous The PDF invoice is attached to the e-mail The PDF coupon is attached to the e-mail if the buyer has placed the order for the deal for himself (and not for a friend)

The coupon indicates: - Coupon number - Buyer's Surname - Buyer's first name - Date of expiry of the deal - Heading of the deal - Displayed price of the deal - Price paid by the buyer (with the quantity within brackets if the quantity is >=2) - Description of the deal - Special conditions - Partner's logo - Address of the selected partner - Postal code of the selected partner - City of the selected partner - Telephone of the selected partner - Geolocalisation according to the partner's address using Google-map (provided always)

Order of a deal (e-mail to friend in case the deal is gifted) payment for the purchase has been made
From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] #Nom_acheteur #Prnom_acheteur vient de vous offrir un deal Message : Bonjour, #Nom_acheteur #Prnom_acheteur vient de vous offrir le deal #Titre_du_deal sur notre site Voici le message quil a laiss votre intention : #Message_saisi_sur_la_page_de_commande Vous trouverez attach cet email un coupon qui vous prcisera les modalits dobtention de votre deal. Une fois que vous aurez profit de votre deal, merci de cliquer sur le lien suivant afin dindiquer votre ami que vous avez bien rceptionn son cadeau : #lien_permettant_dindiquer_que_le_deal_est_receptionn Nhsitez pas nous contacter pour toute question ventuelle. A bientt sur Lquipe dealpourtous

The coupon indicates: - Coupon number - Surname of the friend - First name of the friend - Buyer's Surname (at the bottom of the coupon) - Buyers First name (at the bottom of the coupon) - Message entered by the buyer at the time of placing the order (at the bottom of the coupon) - Date of expiry of the deal - Heading of the deal - Displayed price of the deal - Price paid by the buyer (with the quantity within brackets if the quantity is >=2) - Description of the deal - Special conditions - Partner's logo - Address of the selected partner - Postal code of the selected partner - Telephone of the selected partner - City of the selected partner - Geolocalisation according to the partners address using Google-map (provided always)

Order for a deal (email to the buyer) cancellation

When the order is "Cancelled", the buyer receives the following e-mail: From : administrateur Sujet : Dealpourtous annulation de deal Message : Bonjour, Nous avons t contraints dannuler votre commande concernant le deal #Nom_du_deal dont voici le rcapitulatif : Identit du partenaire: #Nom_partenaire #Prnom_partenaire Deal command : #Titre_du_deal Date : #Date_de_dpart Prix : #Prix_du_deal N de commande : #numro_de_commande Nous en sommes sincrement navrs. Nous restons votre disposition pour toute question ventuelle. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Order for a deal (email to the buyer) payment error

From : adminsitrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] incident de paiement Message : Bonjour, Notre centre de paiement nous informe que votre rglement concernant le deal #Titre_du_deal ne nous est pas parvenu. Identit du partenaire: #Nom_partenaire #Prnom_partenaire Deal command : #Titre_du_deal Date : #Date_de_dpart Prix : #Prix_du_deal N de commande : #numro_de_commande Nous vous invitons nous contacter rapidement afin de rgulariser votre situation. Bien cordialement, Lquipe Dealpourtous

Order for a gift Order registered

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Commande de cadeau Message : Bravo ! Votre fidlit dealpourtous vous a permis dacqurir le cadeau #Titre_du_cadeau pour #Nombre_de_points_ncessaires points. Nous avons bien enregistr votre commande. Elle vous sera adresse dans les meilleurs dlais ladresse suivant : #Adresse(ligne1) #Adresse(ligne2) #Code_postal #Ville Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Order for a gift order cancelled

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Commande de cadeau Message : Bonjour,

Nous avons t contraints dannuler votre cadeau #Titre_du_cadeau. Nous en sommes sincrement dsols. Rassurez-vous, les points que vous aviez utiliss vous ont t entirement reverss. Nous vous offrons en outre un point supplmentaire. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Order for a gift order sent

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Commande de cadeau Message : Bonjour, Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que votre cadeau #Titre_du_cadeau vient de vous tre envoy. Vous devriez donc le recevoir dici peu. Encore bravo pour votre fidlit ! A bientt, Lquipe dealpourtous

Summary of sale of a deal (sent to the partner)

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Liste des coupons concernant le deal #Nom_du_deal Message : Bonjour, Le deal #Titre_du_deal que vous proposiez pour le #Date_de_dbut_du_deal est maintenant rvolu. Vous trouverez ci-joint la liste des acheteurs ayant souscrit votre deal, ainsi que les numros de coupon qui leur sont associs. Merci pour votre fidlit et bientt ! Lquipe dealpourtous The list of buyers is attached. CSV format: Col 1: Name of the shop Col 2: Purchaser's Surname + First name Col 3: Coupon number Col 4: Address (line 1 + line 2)

Col 5: Postal code + City

Payment to the partner status: Paid

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Versement de vos commissions pour le deal #Nom_du_deal Message : Bonjour, Le deal #Titre_du_deal que vous proposiez pour le #Date_de_dbut_du_deal est maintenant rvolu. Ce deal a gnr un chiffre daffaires de #Total_encaiss_pour_ce_deal. Votre taux de commission tant de #Taux_de_commission_appliqu %, nous vous devons donc #Montant_a_verser Cette somme a t verse ce jour sur le compte dont les coordonnes sont les suivantes : #BIC #IBAN Merci pour votre fidlit et bientt ! Lquipe dealpourtous

Monthly payment to the marketing executive status: Paid

From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Versement de vos commissions mensuelles Message : Bonjour, Les partenaires que vous grez, ont gnr un chiffre daffaires de #Total_encaiss_pour_les_deals_du_mois. Votre taux de commission tant de #Taux_de_commission_commercial_appliqu %, vous allez donc recevoir une commission de #Montant_a_verser Lquipe dealpourtous

Forgot password?
From : administrateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Vous avez oubli votre mot de passe Message : Bonjour, Vous recevez ce message car vous avez dclar avoir oubli votre mot de passe sur notre site dealpourtous.

Un mot de passe temporaire vient de vous tre attribu. Pour lutiliser, vous avez besoin de lactiver. Pour cela, veuillez cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous : #lien_activant_le_nouveau_mot_de_passe Si cela a fonctionn, vous pourrez vous connecter en utilisant le mot de passe suivant : Mot de passe : #mot_de_passe_temporaire Une fois connect, vous pourrez modifier ce mot de passe par lintermdiaire de votre profil. Nous restons votre disposition pour toute demande ventuelle. Bien cordialement, Lquipe dealpourtous

Suggest a deal to a friend

From : administrateur To : email_ami Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Un ami souhaite vous faire dcouvrir un deal Message : Bonjour, Votre ami #Nom_parrain #Prnom_parrain souhaite vous faire dcouvrir un deal qui pourrait vous intresser. Si vous souhaitez le dcouvrir, nous vous invitons cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous : #lien_vers_la_page_concerne. Bonne dcouverte ! Lquipe dealpourtous

E-mail alert
From : administrateur To : email_utilisateur Sujet : [Dealpourtous] Alerte email Message : Bonjour, Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer quun partenaire propose un deal parmi vos centres dintrt. Si vous souhaitez le dcouvrir, nous vous invitions cliquer sur le lien suivant : #lien_vers_la_page_dtail_du_deal Nous vous rappelons que vous pouvez grer vos alertes email tout moment, en vous rendant sur votre compte. Bonne dcouverte ! Lquipe dealpourtous

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