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Assess how well people living near earthquake zones are prepared to cope with the destructive effects of plate movements.


A good answer must have: 1. Explanation/Details 2. Examples 3. Evaluation

Level 1 (1 3m) One argument answer.

Brief elaboration on one factor of preparedness Describe of at least one factor of preparedness with some examples Detail explanation of at least one factor of preparedness with place specific examples.

1m 2m 3m

Level 2 (4 6m) Counter argument to level 1 answer Other arguments and counter arguments related to preparedness

Counter argument to factor of preparedness given in L1 Explain at least three factors of preparedness. Some examples given. Detailed explanation of at least three factors with counter arguments. Place specific examples are given for both sides.

4m 5m 6m

Level 3 (7 8m) L2/6 answers + evaluation on preparedness is well-supported

Clear indication deciding factor to preparedness Basis of decision should be explained clearly

7m 8m


Assess how well people living near earthquake zones are prepared to cope with the destructive effects of plate movements.


Argument 1: People in DCs tend to be more prepared to cope with earthquakes than LEDCs Preparedness: Building designs Engineers build steel structures that are flexible to allow buildings to sway along with ground movements to prevent them from collapsing For example, Taipei 101(Tuned mass damper steel pendulum in the tower that sways when theres an earthquake to reduce resonance amplification) Tokyos s buildings have been reinforced concrete buildings to withstand earthquakes (it did save many lives and save cost in the latest earthquake with aftershocks above 7.0) Fukushima nuclear power plant was reinforced to withstand 7.5 earthquakes Japan first changed its building guidelines to focus on earthquake preparedness in 1981. The 1995 Kobe earthquake led to further research and development into earthquake safety, and the country's building codes were again revised in 2000. Shock-absorbing rubber blocks have also been installed in buildings to absorb the earthquake energy They absorb the oscillations to prevent damage of collapse of buildings and bridges Gas pipes and electric supplies can be installed with automatic shutoffs For example, in Japan and San Francisco, most buildings are equipped with automatic shut-offs to prevent fires Fireproof materials can be used in fittings of buildings to reduce the intensity of fire during an earthquake

Crossing to L2 However, one must take into consideration that developing countries may not be as well prepared when it comes to responding to seismic hazards for various reasons


However, is would be quite costly to ensure that the whole nation would have earthquake resistant features Even in DCs, such as Japan and modern cities such as Taiwan are not completely equipped with earthquake-resistant buildings LEDCs would have less money to invest in such buildings, Usually with over-congested cities that would be a death-trap during an earthquake The earthquakes in Kobe (6.8) showed that there are still areas with flimsy and old structures. Even the recent earthquake in Christchurch (New Zealand) saw many collapsed buildings China (Sichuan 2008) many buildings and infrastructure collapsed due to corruption schools were supposed to follow strict regulations in building construction, however, in order to save cost and time, materials used in the schools were not of high standards, thus causing the collapse and death of many children Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. There were no reinforced buildings in the country, even the government building collapsed during the earthquake. Indonesia (2004): most of the people who died were living in coastal areas, in huts, that provided no protection against the earthquake and tsunami.

Argument 2: Preparedness: Drills / Education Drills are conducted annually in Japan in September to prepare and educate the population Warning systems and constant monitoring of the area is helpful as data collected can help to save lives of thousands of people SMS, Breaking news messages were used to warn the Japanese of the strong earthquake and impending tsunami in Sendai region Japans tsunami was the most documented and watched tsunami in history because the country invested thousands of dollars in seismographs and data collection system to monitor the ocean and ground movements

Counter-argument 2: Some cities/countries do not have warning systems to the population nor monitoring system The Indonesian quake and tsunami had no warning it would be difficult because most people were poor and had either no phones or TVs Though the warning is helpful, the Indonesians had only 15 min to seek shelter not having transportation nor shelters to go to, the warning would be of minimum effect

Therefore, a population that is educated in earthquake drills tend to be better prepared. Usually DCs have greater financial means to conduct drills and use of technology to warn the population of imminent danger. Argument 2: Preparedness: Prediction Many countries have been investing in earthquake prediction The study of patterns through the past earthquakes, or animal behavior provide a clue to the next earthquake This can be useful if the prediction is accurate as many lives can be saved China has been able to successfully predicted a few earthquakes, thus saving many lives Japan has also been researched in animals behavior in order to predict earthquakes Crossing to Level 3: Developed countries tend to be better prepared than Developing countries when it comes to living near earthquake zones. Government measures are carefully planned and individuals are educated / drilled in order to know how to react during and after an earthquake. More research and better buildings tend to minimize the damage, thus saving thousands of lives in the developed countries, however in the developing country, corruption may be rampant and often they need assistance from other countries to recover from earthquakes. However, even developed countries such as Japan, as prepared as they were, fell prey to the might of the tsunami that destroyed everything in its path despite all the preparations.

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