Altium Installation

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You are on page 1of 3 In case anyone is still having trouble with this. 1.

After unraring and mounting the bin/cue files, install the program as usual. 2. In the root directory of the mounted DVD, inside the "TeamHS" folder, copy th e exe and alf file to the root directory of the installation (by default, this d irectory is C:\Program Files\Altium\AD 10). The alf file can really go anywhere, but I found it easiest to leave it here. 3. Run the exe file and click the patch button. 4. Open Altium Designer. It will report that it does not have a license. On the My Account page (this is the page that it opens to by default after the install. can also get here by going to Help>About>My Account button), look for the option to "Add standalone license file". Navigate to the location of the alf fil e and select it. The license is now all set. It may say "Subscription Expired", but it will still work. Don't forget to check out the additional libraries and goodies in appropriately marked folders in the root directory of the DVD. Hope that helps anyone else who may get stuck.

Title: Altium.Designer.v10.0.iSO-HS Cracker: TeamHS Type: util Supplier: TeamHS Date: 16.03.2011 Platform: WinAll Language: English Protection: my mum Disks: 1DVD Web-Link: Release-Notes Altium Designer is more than just a software application It s real strength lies in the talent and ingenuity of the designers that use it to solve engineering problems and create the electronic devices that have and will change the world we live in Install note: 1. unpack 2. burn/mount 3. install 4. copy lic file from HS dir into app dir 5. run the patch from app directory NOTE: This is final version of Altium Designer (10.391.22084) with all today available plugins and proper AD10 license to use them all It might be a good idea to block these pages on your firewall or to link them to local host Greetings To protect our friends we do not add any greetings Info

HS missbilligt jede Form von Public Dupechecks oder sonstigen Release-Listen im WEB oder sonstwo P2P-Anwendungen Ranking Listen Des weiteren moechten wir klarstellen, dass unsere Releases ausschliesslich fuer die Szene/unsere Freunde gedacht sind wir verurteilen PUB-Server sowie die gesamte FXP-Szene Wir tun dies selbstredend nicht aus finanziellen Interessen sondern moechten in einem gesunden Wettbewerb mit den anderen Szene-Groups stehen Wir werden uns weiterhin gegen alle o.g. Erscheinungsformen von "Unsicherheit" zur Wehr setzen und diese mit allen uns zur Verfuegung stehenden Mitteln bekaempfen HS disapproved any kind of Public Dupechecks or other release lists in the web or anywhere else P2P applications Ranking lists Besides we want to declare that our releases are only for the scene/our friends, we despise pub server as well as the whole fxp scene and do not want our releases to be spread there Of course, financial profit is and was never our intention but we do this for fun and fair competition with all other scene groups We will furthermore attack any form of insecurity as mentioned above Application #include <hs.h> person hire_programmer_or_scripter_or_artist_or_supplier() { person you; you=PERSON_READING_THIS; if ((you.attr. & cProgrammer) && (you.coding==I_LOVE_IT) || (you.design_graphics_ascii) || (you.canprogram==LINUX) || (you.cansupplie==STUFF) || (you.cancrack==STUFF)) { printf ("contact us and tell\n"); printf ("us what you can do\n"); return (you); //Query successfull } else {

printf printf printf return } }

("OH NO, dont msg us\n"); ("looks like a fxp grp\n"); ("is the right place for you\n"); (NULL); // Query faild

ascii drawn by moqui^hs in 2003 updated 01.01.2007.

How to install Altium10: 1. Download altium v.10 and extract it. 2. Download either OR inorder to mount the .bin/.cue files. 3. Open the .bin files on either PowerISO or MagicISO (from above download). Extract altiuminstaller.exe and install it under C:\program files\Altium\AD 10. 4. Open TeamsHS and copy HS-AD10.exe and hs-ads10.alf files and paste it to the root directory of installation. 5. In the root directory, right click on the HS-AD10.exe files and run as admini strator (First extract it if not runnig). Click Patch button and make sure you see it displays:done!. 6. Open Altium Designer(DXP) from the root directory. 7. Click on Add standlone license files and open the hs-ads10.alf file from the root directory. 8. It may say subscription expired; But below you can see expiry date as infinit e and status as OK. That is it, guys. Master altium and good luck in design.

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