Creed and Character

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Creed and Character


Chapman Cohen

Notes by

Howard Hill

Godless House
Thursday, 15 December 2011

Creed and Character, Cohen, 1919.

Cohen, Chapman, third President of the National Secular Society. B. Sep. 1, 1868. Mr. Cohen began to give Freethought lectures in 1890, and he was recognized in a few years as the chief colleague and probable successor of Mr. Foote. When Mr. Foote died, in 1915, he was unanimously elected President of the National Secular Society and became editor of the Freethinker. He has done valuable work for Rationalism in exposing the follies of foreign missions and in vindicating the right of bequest, and has written on freewill and other Rationalist topics. (A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Rationalists, Joseph McCabe, 1920.)

The following are my notes written while reading this essay, during the week ending Thursday, 15 December 2011, with occasional additional input imparted during transcription.

Page Begins with a statement on eugenics showing the terrible influence of Darwin upon the idea of lifes nature a travesty of reason and science. _______________ Splits humans off from the rest of nature and makes the evolution of humans all about the individual a further demonstration of how well Darwin served the political-religious agenda, and how anti-science Darwinism is. The classic argument for Darwin inspired eugenics you have to be cruel to be kind, based upon the entirely false idea that individuals are the object of human evolution. 5

6-7 Declares his interest in religion relative to eugenics, and human biological evolution. Though the eugenics logic informing this interest is as awful as its original point of inspiration i.e. the idea of natural selection, it is a rare thing for any avowed atheist to try and deal with the nature of religion in relation to what science teaches us about the nature of life. This is odd given how prominent Darwinism is in atheist circles. The modern Secular Society, that Chapman was once President of, use to do coach tours to Darwins most famous place of residence when I was a member, over a decade ago. So you would think atheists would pay more attention to this subject, but they do not, and never have. The reason is plain enough to know, it is because their reasoning powers in this regard are null and void, the job was done for them by Darwin, and that is an end to the matter !! The same omission also exists regarding the sociology of the day, no atheist ever took any interest in this science either, even though we see Cohen frequently invoking sociological science in this essay.

There are no atheist treatise of any kind, that base their thinking on the idea of the social organism. This is such a glaring omission. This essay by Cohen is the only piece of atheist writing I know of from the past that approaches this subject of religion as a biological phenomenon, and if it was not for the recent appearance of the meme based approaches to religion as a natural phenomenon, I would not be able to name any modern equivalents either. But these, though inherently atheistic, are not first and foremost atheist works, which is undoubtedly where the flaw lies in their reasoning, for they evince atheism, sure enough, and then launch their scientific reasoning from a Darwinian pedestal, a fatal error for any atheist. We are always saying how Darwinism protected religion from science by setting up a false, and hence sterile science of evolution, to act as an official body of knowledge preventing the correct idea of evolution by force, force of information being applied to humans, and this application of Darwinism by Cohen demonstrates this observation perfectly, showing how the application of science to religion was indeed inevitable. Had a true science of human nature been permitted to emerge without the intervention of Darwin sponsored by the establishment, one based upon a creative force of information running from genes to language, the question posed here by Cohen would of been vastly different, concerning the role of language in the biological creation of the human superorganism. There would of been no talk of a breach between nature and humans occurring around a pivot of wilful perfection centred on the individual, so that eugenics would never of arisen and much misery, as in world war and Nazis, would of been avoided, and Judaism would now be stone dead. As it is, Darwinism created the false scientific principle of natural selection, and the atheists have run with it ever since, making all enemies of religion into unwitting friends. Material appearing at the end of these notes shows that Cohens own argument demonstrates the necessity of anti-Semitism to the survival of the Jews as the master race, so that this process whereby all ideas are drawn into a vortex about the individual as an end in themselves, allowing one political unit to be opposed to another, is fundamental to the creation of a complex superorganism, built around a core identity, but which is ultimately composed of many identities forced into a likeness of the core by virtue of their being based upon the same political principle of social identity, the idea of each linguistically differentiated identity being integral to itself, when in fact this is not the case, because there is no such thing as an individual, all there is, is the superorganism. Therefore a multiplicity of related identities cannot be anathema to each other, they can only be interlocking and structurally interdependent. The appearance of absolute antagonism is a mechanism of linguistic force, serving to build superorganic physiology by managing the consciousness of sentient brick units according to an extended system of compartmental construction, so that social blocks are constructed with a degree of common identity, delineated by a degree of distinction, that allows sentient brick units to be built into social blocks that become the extended exoskeletal units of a global superorganic form. 7 Religions strive to control institutions a curious turn of phrase that could be put best by recognising that religion is the basis of political power that we can see, which has our social nature as in linguistic force lying behind it. Cohen however would not want to provide abstract explanations of this kind, because he had the clear objective of seeking a society without religion, so that his express intention in writing this piece was to argue that religion had no functional value and was not at all necessary for society to function well. His whole approach was therefore political, and not at all scientific, despite the frequent insinuations that science was the authority lying behind his whole justification for a secular society made by the will of reasoning individuals. His scientific authority was of course Darwin.

______________ A clear statement as to the power of religion to suppress freedom of thought being still fully operative in 1919.

8 Delightful quote which indeed matches the logic expressed in Kidds Social Evolution, 1894. The logic is not followed through however, to the natural conclusion that the individual does not exist as an end in themselves, and therefore the human animal is the superorganism. Cohen does not help the situation but rather takes this failure and magnifies it, as a good Gatekeeper should, by backing away from the truth that is latent within this failure to go all the way. This question portrayed here, is the only other example of this reasoning that I know of, aside from Kidd, and I would love to know who the many other writers were that Cohen describes. It is a fascinating thought to think that other people responded positively to the famous idea presented to the world by Kidd, but I know of no commentaries on his work that are at all favourable. Maybe I should check Crooks 1984 biography of him for any hints. Nothing there, but an interesting book, must read it.

9 So now we come to the most powerful statement as to the application of evolutionary theory to humans. We have seen that Cohen is flawed from the outset, since eugenics treats the individual as an end in themselves, and here he expressly denounces this approach and thus gives us a unique perfect statement, of the truth that the social body is the object of human evolutionary development. Yet in saying this Cohen only has a partial and severely limited grasp of his own ideas, that is, on the implications of such reasoning properly followed through. 10 Of critical importance is the fitness of the individual to service the social structure YES! A very rare observation in English, this is organicism from the age of freedom, just winking at us from the near edge of the Great Cleansing of 1914 18, that wiped out this knowledge by destroying the last generation nurtured on it, and the peripheral social structure which sustained this idea, thus removing those individuals so badly suited to a dominant social structure created in the name of Judaism. _____________________ Here we have the only contemporary discussion of Kidds major thesis on religion as a supernatural sanction delivered outside of a religious work, that I know of. Again Cohen fails to see that the flaw lies in not taking the argument far enough, by not realising that individuals simply do not exist and that language is a programme organising sentient brick behaviour to form a living superorganism. So that, as he says, there is no real conflict between individual and social being, but rather it is a matter of a highly dynamic physiology composed of individuals revealing a permanent tension between the inner core of identity vested in Judaism, and the activity required to keep the social flux focused upon that core by inducting individuals into the identity flux, while dispelling others through an ongoing process of social cleansing. The apparent conflict between individual interests and social requirements mediated by the illusion of supernatural sanction is therefore real, but it is not what it is described as being by the Kiddian stance that treats the individual as a true object of evolution. The only requirement therefore, is to adopt a proper pivot of observation that sees the superorganism as all that is real, and language and its products, i.e. religion, as a facet of superorganic physiology. Cohen does not see this at all, and therefore takes us away from the truth that increasing scientific knowledge so brilliantly led us towards. This is how the

greatest ever insight into human corporate nature simply bled away into the dry sands of intellectual thought, ending the one phase of freedom our modern world has ever known. ___________________ The somewhat passing observation that a society composed of disparate parts would fly asunder is far more important than Cohen could comprehend, as ever he stumbles along the correct path as a blind man, and constantly falls into every pothole and diversion lying in wait for one so handicapped. But this correctly identified, albeit myopically grasped principle, is part of the ongoing cleansing process so fully worked out by our atheist science, such that the inevitable disintegration that a linguistically constructed social form must be subject to has a built in reaction that allows disintegration to ensue when circumstances dictate it must, as when linguistic force created knowledge tending to be fatal to religion in the nineteenth century. As indicated in the previous complaint about subservience to religion cramping the expression of truth arising from such occurrences, the core structure consolidates and bides its time for decades and even centuries until society, decimated by upheaval, most especially that of warfare, is prepared for calm to return, allowing the core structure preserving the fruits of accumulated linguistic force to begin unleashing the social products of its constructive information once again, exactly as happened last century, and continues apace right now. Imbued into this constructive information is a colour code for attaching the mind of sentient brick psychology which must have a social identity, and finds this need satisfied in its programming into a religious creed during the neophyte process of language acquisition.

11 Comes closest yet to the most perfect and complete statement as to the true nature of the individual, but without going further and positively stating that the human product of biological evolution is the living superorganism and the individual does not exist, even this much candour about the matter, cannot suffice to reveal the truth. ______________________ Cohens discussion is replete with indications of a mind informed by an organicist sociological outlook in which the idea of the social organism is a given, this is an extremely rare and thoroughly delightful thing to see. I always regard evil as the height of perfection in serving human good, personified in the rise of the Nazis and the institution of their holocaust pretending to exterminate the Jews, but really serving to protect the master race from the reaction of its slave biomass, induced by precisely this organicist knowledge displayed by Cohen here. Cohen probably has less dramatic ideas in mind, the kind of functionalism noted by Durkheim regarding the prompting of unified action arising from criminal assaults upon social order. Sunday, 19 February 2012 Note Searching for books on Bateson led me to order a biographical volume with essays, William Bateson, 1926, that a dealers description said this about : including . . . the amazingly prescient review of 1905 in which Bateson foresees the development of National Socialism : The science of heredity will soon provide power on a stupendous scale ; and in some country, at some time, that power will be used to control the composition of a nation . Worth noting here because it chimes with the point we are trying to make about the collective consciousness revealed by Cohen, which is supported overtly at the time by Bateson, and no

doubt many others. All because of the idea of evolution as it was perverted by Darwin, and as it still retained an unconstrained influence upon thoughts about human nature, that was capped off by Hitler pretending to do, what Bateson suggested someone would do. _______________________ The suggestion that humans may potentially of been reduced to the status of insectlike sentient brick forms makes his organicist informed sociological outlook overt, which is fabulous to see, albeit we must expressly contradict this point by noting that this is precisely what human individuals are complete unwitting robots, acting in total subservience to a linguistic identity programme personified in religion. Which any proper consideration of the idiocy of religion combined with its absolute power over us all, would reveal though it does not for Cohen, who, like all Gatekeepers, in feigning an act of atheist attack pretend that religion is somehow deleterious, a form of sickness that can be overcome. A genuine atheist attack would recognise that religion is natural and healthy, a perfect biological expression of human corporate nature. The proof that humans are not insect-like mammals is seen in the reality of social progress, he says. This explanation is nice to have, so we can reject it, for it is a blunt assertion completely unjustified by reality. It treats material development as the definition of progress, but this is not justified. The reason is our continuing dependence upon blind ignorance as personified in religion, which in turn requires the subversion of all knowledge, most especially science, in order to maintain the insect-like order of modern human society, fixated as it is on religion. And just look at the proof of our total lack of real progress despite all our material advances, which culminated in the atrocity of a world war only just concluded when this ludicrous statement was published ! This shows how hidebound Cohen was to the official dogma and the Jewish society that he kids himself he seeks to carry forward into a new age. That new age is vastly inferior to the one Cohen knew, and anything but progressive. Unless of course you think having a laptop and flying to the sun for your holiday is the be all and end all of progress ; and if you do, you are wrong, it isnt. The advance of knowledge is the sole true measure of progress, there can be no other. Why ? Because true knowledge is neutral, it belongs to all equally, unlike material advances which may be universal, such as clean water and electricity, but may also be the basis of inequality and the usual social games that people love when times are good, but which can hardly be equated to the sublimity of true knowledge as a determinant of human progress. 12 Cohens analysis of anti-social behaviour as a functional necessity applied to social evolution, is based on the principle of individuals as human animals changing society to make it better for themselves, which is extremely contorted given the way he thinks in terms of organicist society. Our view is that the preservation of identity is the golden rule and hence maintaining order to preserve Judaism is all that matters, so that any horror is part of the essential cleansing process allowing a stable core to be preserved relative to the extended biomass, facilitated by the periodic flushing of antagonistic biomass and a re-galvanising of the remainder in conformity to the preserved inner social core. The process is enabled by having sub-Judaic identities that act as supporting structure for Judaism. Hence after the twentieth century cleansings Islam was pumped into the European biomass to reaffirm our dependence upon stupidity and ignorance, carrying the eternal superorganic identity of global Judaism. Speaking of religious obscurity and obstruction, Cohen continues to adopt the modern stance of the atheist Gatekeeper defending religion from atheist science today. He fails to use the true nature of religion as being central to the formation of the human superorganism, inducting the individual bee-like persons into the physiology of society.

____________________ The question gives a very good impression of linguistic force organising sentient brick behaviour to form superorganic physiology.

13 Cohen shows himself to be a deeply pathetic commentator, not one iota better than an ignorant Christian intellectual, by treating moral evils as defined by Jewish (Christian) dogma, as evil ! Since when was infanticide and euthanasia bad for society ! The very idea is insane, if we had these excellent, natural and, pre-enslavement to Judaism, ubiquitous social behaviours still, we would not be decimating the planet and sitting dumbfounded at the burgeoning global population. What on earth is wrong with killing new born babies or old people that have lost their mental capacity ? I have to phone my brother on Christmas eve because I have not heard from Mother this December, which must mean she has lost her mind, and if so, I wish her a speedy death, unlike the two year dragged out misery that my neighbour told me a relative of his had just been released from last month. I must get my living will off to my sister, as arranged with her last month. These biomass controlling methods are precious behaviours that our slave attachment to Judaism has taken away from us, reducing us to the appalling condition where population sores uncontrollably and we are doomed to an old age, terrifying in its prospect because our bodies become living coffins of our former selves. And this on a page following the observation that deleterious behaviour is in fact good for society. The man is a total jerk, but unfortunately he is all we have by way of a lead into this most important topic of religion as a biological phenomenon related to social evolution. The truth is that performing life management activities on a social level by inflicting death, or by inflicting death or imprisonment for performing such social duties, are both equally offensive to our sensibilities, the issue is one of the great dilemmas of life that we must face up to. Which of these absolute alternatives prevails reflects a social dynamic suited to social conditions as they apply to the well being of the superorganism, to which the individual is sacrificed, either way. In primitive society the harsh realities of life are easier to see and brutal customs are easier to live with. With the coming of complex superorganic physiology where one biomass becomes enslaved to another, the person becomes a domesticated animal that has a value as property, and that is the reason for the Jewish ultra sanction making life sacred, which suits the dynamics of the globalising superorganism perfectly as it gives free rein to its capacity for logarithmic growth, so indicative of bacteria and humans alike. I once had a row with a young professor at an Evolutionary Psychology evening class held at a local university, after he explained that primitive people had different values and could not be regarded as evil despite the wicked crime of infanticide that many of them practiced as a cultural norm. As someone who had studied anthropology briefly, and still had a deep sense of value for this subject, I was appalled that he could suggest that we can apply value judgements to comparative behaviours. No one else in the class understood my anger and he said I could please myself, but the work he used to instruct us came from a professor working at an American Catholic university and this experience taught me a valuable lesson about the way religion subverts science by insinuating itself into the education system, and then dispersing its overtly biased science into those institutions which are ostensibly secular ! Disgusting. __________________ And so he provides us next with the most perfect observation drawn from the preceding point about the tribal priest not understanding the nature of their own authoritative commands, which are rather delivered according to custom. He could of benefited himself by

noting Bagehots principle any authority is better than none where humans are concerned. This is so because humans are social and must form social structure in order to exist. He knows Bagehot, he refers to him in another part of this work. 14 Bad customs die out no nonsense, a fiction cooked up in a mind fed on moral bias inducing a stunted grasp of ones own nature. _______________ Saying social force determines how humans live and life determines the course of religion (supernaturalism), is an evasive way of saying that every detail of human social life is dictated entirely by biology. Which he almost says when saying that the force determining cultural forms is not religion (i.e. language), but life. _______________ This point about infancy is indeed of major significance. Put simply, it indicates that the condition of the new born human is so dependant, that it constitutes a form of post womb embryonic state, which defines the social space as an implicitly womb-like structure. This makes babyhood akin to the pupae like condition of insects nurtured by superorganic species, where variations in the nurture regime determines different statuses of individuals, exactly as it does in humans raised in advanced societies, both in terms of nutritional and cultural factors of nurturing.

15 NO!! Appalling interpretation indicating that religion expresses the desire for understanding and knowledge. Ludicrous ! This is as antithetical to scientific reasoning about religion as it is possible to be. Religion is what it is, and perfect as such. Any scientific description of what religion is must not treat religion as some kind of human imperfection, that is how the present Gatekeeper Dawkins treats it, thus explaining nothing, and meanwhile leaving religion free to perform its function of control that he says he hates so much. ________________________ Having made this ludicrous point, he uses it to make the most important and correct observation, that religion associates itself with understanding facts of the social process YES! Precisely ! And what does that tell you ? That a human biological nature exists that determines every detail of human existence. So that Judaism for example, expresses linguistic force by producing a linguistic identity programme associated with an identity that becomes the identity of the living superorganism. ________________________ Cohen expressly defames any attempts to see the function of religion, that it ought to be the scientists object to discover. He accuses those who discover a function as putting the cart before the horse, and then inverts their logic so that more base imperatives can be made the true functional triggers, so that religion is cancelled out of the equation and simply dismissed as an aberration of individual frailty and imperfection. What this does is to remove our societys contemporary religion from the interrogation of science, which is oh so wonderful for contemporary religion ! This is contrived, false, political atheism, that can only serve the interests of religion by diverting attention away from the truth that religion is a higher expression of these base triggers, and that civilised superorganic form is the associated structure related to contemporary religion, compared to the lesser structure of tribal forms.

16 The idea that religion weakens in advanced contexts is an illusion borne of the massive increase in social mass and complexity, providing interstitial space that looks free of central control, but is not, it is simply an expression of more dynamic, loosely associated elements of the social biomass. This peripheral attachment can range from less core oriented official bodies of a secularised nature, to openly anarchic orders that express the ideal of freedom which is a key illusion within the modern identity flux. In this way apparent freedom helps give resilience to the ever present, unflinching, slave order. This intellectual tussle between Cohens and Bagehots ideas of religion applied to the primitive condition, displays a typical political dualism rotating about the false pivot of observation that means both alternatives are false, to the benefit of the core authority that espouses them by facilitating their expression. First attain knowledge of what humans are superorganisms, then determine what the meaning of social phenomena is ! Bagehots view treats humans as if they were originally independent individuals needing to be organised for their own good any order is better than none while Cohens treats them as individuals in their own right who have become prisoners of some malevolent force they cannot live without, but in the act of accommodation to this social force, this force has become perverted. All too silly. 17 A crucial point regarding religions conservative nature is that this is the be all and end all of religion, since religion is the identity of the living superorganism. Practical functions are not immediately relevant to this issue, but Cohen has no idea of this because despite being fully imbued with the idea of the social organism, he has no true sense of this idea as a reality, only regarding it as an analogy concerning the way individuals happen to choose to live !

18 Except of course in the case of the Jews !! Which Cohen ignores because the Jews have no country of their own but since then they have obtained one a miraculous, total inversion of everything we know of human history, as declared here by Cohen too. The third chapter should be interesting . . . .

19 Nice declaration as to how scientists use religious language to describe their own subject because no one dare apply science to living religion if they did it would kill it. 20 Freely interchanges history with science quite right, history should be a strictly and exclusively scientific subject, not the religious subject it actually is. 21 Gorgeous quote from Ruskin makes us think of Muslims like any vermin the more the worse, though of course the same applies to any Jew or religious freak of any denomination, all should be hated and reviled with total vehemence for all are the enemies of freedom. _________________________ The stance of the Church as described here is a perfect representation of the superorganisms needs, where growth requires a periodic expansion interceded by the collapse of the biomass about a preserved core, this is what allows a superorganic identity to maintain itself and grow over extended periods. If stable balance were attained this would be fatal to the existence of the superorganism based upon the religion, because it would lose the

ability to exercise the mechanism of social cleansing, as in war, that allows a slave maker identity to capture human biomass, making it its own and then maintaining that authority as it grows and exploits the increased potential of its being. The Christian world is powerful because it is the slave body of Judaism, and likewise for Islam. Cohen therefore drivels on about ideals that are constructs of his mentality and that of his age, which reflects these underlying physiological dynamics, but which offer no true description of reality. A common enough error amongst people regarding every aspect of life, to set up ideals and then insist everyone conforms to them.

24 Church seeks to control marriage in order to control children as the basis of social control, to which education is also related how true.

27 Describes a cultural flux dominating us, of which we are as oblivious as the air we breath an idea we often relate to the sociologists sense of society impinging on us with a massive force we never feel, unless we resist it. Uses the example of slavery exactly as I do to show how even the most extreme turnaround in individual values is still entirely controlled by the social flux, and not one iota an expression of individual qualities, ideas or attributes. This is how it is possible for the Jews to manufacture a Hitler Taboo transforming their status from pariah to divinity in a swift move, all it took was a nasty war and a particularly vicious act of Jew focused cruelty and the job was a goodn, the master race had the chariot back on track before anyone knew it had even veered off course. ___________________________ The social medium is therefore a programme organising sentient brick behaviour YES. And it is this nature which defines religion YES. But then he gets all personal again rather than abstract/scientific, and starts talking about the disastrous consequences of religion having this organising nature.

28 So again he makes hatred a heresy, an evil accusation levelled against the individual, which sounds like a political cry of the atheist, not an analytical statement of the scientist he pretends to desire to emulate. Religion is identity and must be kept pure, that is all there is to it, and we have shown that the whole function of the mechanism that is called evil is to engender the social cleansing process of purification that achieves this end. This applies just as much today as it ever did, with political correctness the multicultural ideology of selfhatred allied to severe laws on race hatred that blur the line between race and religion, all serving as modern ways of representing heretics from Jewish slave identity.

29 Develops this social cleansing theme in more depth, but still with no idea of its true relevance to the human biological nature which makes humans superorganic, and religious identity, and Judaism the master identity

30 What this man has failed to realise is that the opposite attitudes of religion have given rise to a corrupt science Darwinism so that he has been duped into wasting his outspoken heretical ideology in defence of a sterile science, devised precisely to serve this purpose of managing the heretic threat that could no longer be contained by outright suppression. However, it may well be that recognising the deception of Darwinism could not be perceived

prior to my own recognition of it, so grand a deception has it been, and so few the opportunities to see though it. Yet there are the makings of such an insight appearing in the observation that Christianity split the population into conformists of one type or another and antagonists, the latter being the butt of all efforts at control. It ought to of occurred to someone that as science arose the effort to control it would take new forms, becoming more subtle and covert eventually leading to Darwinism as a matter of inevitable progression. The survival of religion proves this process must of occurred even if we have no other indication of it doing so. Had Darwinism been science religion would of been dead, as it is religion thrives and the best we have is the likes of Cohen seeking to argue that religion is a dead man walking but it is not, religion has never been more alive ! The twenty first century rise of the New Atheists is a fair proof of this assertion.

31 Much as I enjoy reading this description of the Church as a breeder of inferior, slavish or domesticated humans, it cannot be left like this. As a general observation on the evolution of none existing individuals evolved to act as slaves of superorganic being, the general statement makes sense. But then the breeder is human corporate nature, seeking to form an ever more perfect expression of mammalian superorganic potential. In respect to society as we know it, Cohens account is all bias and no facts. One of the most glaring aspects of religions survival in a scientific age is its promotion, especially by people of exceptional intelligence, dynamism, ruthlessness and political power Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher being prime examples, but most people of note are avid church freaks, and if they are not, they never, ever, boast about the shameful fact, they would not dare a point Cohen has already emphasised himself ! Idiot. The conclusion that the more socially useful minds are eliminated is utter rot. This is pure moralistic, religiously informed wishful thinking. This is Christian, not to say political, or positive or active atheism, at its worst. Superorganisms need an infinite number of slaves, what they need very few of, are independent thinkers who go their own way guided by some alternate authority to that approved of by society. 33 This is the most perfect description of todays oppressed world, it even uses the idea of political correctness for the sake of social order and harmony. Superb. Except he seems to be suggesting this is a practical problem which is all part of the overt absolute theocracy going underground by feigning a society in which freedom of thought now exists. 34 Nice condemnation of the upper intellectual and political echelons of society contemporary for sure this time, but as true today as ever. There are a few outspoken atheists like Dawkins, but this we explain by understanding that their saviour Darwin is a fraud, a deception, and these New Atheist crusaders against the evils of religion are an impotent bag of wind, all bluster and bile, without content, reason, or truth. 35 Cannot derive truth from error a perfect summary of those who follow Darwin. Religions longevity is no proof of its functionality YES IT IS ! That is precisely what it must be if humans are to be represented naturally. The problem is to discover some basis upon which to interpret such facts. That requires the idea of the social organism which Cohen was lucky enough to of grown up with, but still did not appreciate because his sole concern from early life was with a political atheist agenda more concerned with attacking religious political power than discerning scientific truth, even though he pretends to make

scientific truth the basis of his profession of belief in a better world free of religion. Here we see the real power of a sterile science of life provided by Darwin, but of course it needed the high priests of atheism like Cohen to take it onboard and react accordingly.

36 Its wonderful to see the Jews made the title of a chapter, but the eugenic theme persists. It opens with some bizarre contortions about Christianity saying that Jews prove the eugenic value of religion even as they seek Judaisms annihilation. However, as surely as Hitlers avowed intent to exterminate all Jews was a pathetic yelp of no worth, only leading to the Taboo protecting Jews as masters, from the Christians as slaves, so all such declarations coming from the same, that is a Christian source, are likewise pathetic shams, whether those voicing them know it or not. To equate Jews with contemporary tribal peoples is another act of unforgiveable ignorance and stupidity warranting our contempt for Cohens words. This is puerile reasoning, flawed as ever by its interpretation through the logic of the false prism of individualitys pivot of observation. 37 Cohen denounces a lack of detailed fact rightly even as he commits the exact same offence against reason. All because he fails to deal first and foremost with the question of the nature of his subject humans which, like everyone else, he assumes are individuals existing as ends in themselves which they are not !

42 This is a rarely discussed and very interesting subject. I am always on the lookout for signs of Jewishness amongst TV personages, and there is definitely a distinction as clear as there is for rational characteristics, but in all such cases it is true that only a minor percentage of a population displays these distinctive characteristics to a degree that is recognisable. For the Jew the nose can be a giveaway, but the eyes, dark and deep set and close, comparatively speaking, seem to be telling features. It is invariably the case however that you can only see national traits once you have been alerted to their presence by learning of a persons origins. For a famous Jewish look displaying the eyes, Barbara Striesland is a classic, a decidedly unattractive face, but other Jewesses have less clear expressions and are good looking Michelle Geller from Vampire Slayer fame being a good example. The financial reporter on Channel Four News, also called Cohen, is a male example of this classic Jewish eye trait.


Certainly an interesting idea that religions tend to produce distinct psychic types.

44 The pressures developing a Jewish psychic type were touched on, but the principle is of greater importance for it is a historical fact that Jews are vastly different to any other identifiable type of person, and this accords with the biological fact that Jews form the master organ of superorganic being, the source of identity and purpose for all.

45 Jews exist in all Christian countries - of course, as slaves formed by their masters. The persecution of the masters by their slaves forced Jews to herd together, showing the basic mechanism of inverted social power dynamics fundamental to the existence of a master within a human superorganic biomass, which inevitably culminates in the flourish of a taboo forging reaction occurring periodically as occasion demands. Hence eternal bouts of

pogroms and the pinnacle of such reactions seen in the holocaust, from which crucible the supreme expression of Jewish taboo was cast as the Hitler Taboo, that is so powerful and rewarding for the Master Jew today. 47 Christian persecution has preserved the Jews that is quite a statement. What it means is that it is the Christian slave identity that acts as a territorial flux allowing the Jews to spread everywhere and thus conquer the earth. This is not down to religion for sure, it is down to human corporate nature expressing religion serving as the identity of the living superorganism. _________________ To say that left alone the Jews would die out is to evince the central violation of the Hitler Taboo that we assert ourselves, by saying Hitler is the greatest ever saviour of the Jews, precisely because he enacted the greatest horror against them at the very time when religion in general and the Jews in particular were faced with their greatest challenge, due to the rise of organicist sociology revealing the truth about human nature, and therefore the biological nature of religion.

50 Talking up the Muslims since their vile and deeply primitive culture has been forced upon us following two world wars, is nothing new, but this is the first time Ive ever heard it said that the entire Muslim domain of one and a half millennia past openly promulgated a true astronomy equal to that of today, in that it recognised the Copernican system which has the earth going about the sun. Libraries galore ? What kind, and how far spread is this advanced Western type social order supposed to of been ? Why is there no indication of this anywhere under Islam to this day ?

54 Who cares what Christians did to the Muslims ? Vile dogs fighting amongst themselves. Was Cohen a Jew Id love to know, as this kind of chastising of Christianity which implicitly eulogises Muslims has the smell of the crafty manipulating master race written all over it, so much of our contemporary slave propaganda takes this sick preaching, superior form today, that both manages to derogate our Great Culture while elevating those which are inherently sick and depraved by comparison. This tirade stinks of the self hatred inducing logic of multiculturalism that says we must love everyone equally, and thus denies us the right to have values based on reason, the very thing this author pretends to be all about. Today, 15/12/11, BBC 1 lunchtime news carried the story of a women released from prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, after president Kasai pardoned her for the crime of being raped ! Sentenced to twelve years the child resulting from this crime was born in prison where she served two years. This is the sublime Islam Cohen eulogises. The simple fact is that all religion, at all times, under all conditions, is always a sick depravity compared to modern, Atheist Science.

56 The eradication of religion is the primary goal of all decent humanity, what we have in this monstrous account is the effect of one such evil kind trying to discover some means of getting the upper hand of an identical other. The precise same condition applied regarding the Nazi pogrom against the Jews. In other words its just religious freaks fighting amongst themselves, no matter what form they take to the eye. As we always say, science is the ultimate terror to all these people because in revealing the truth it annihilated all such

monstrous social forms equally, leaving room for none. Thus atheism/science is hated equally by all religions and all atheistic political ideologies such as Nazism and Communism. It makes Cohens atheist credentials look worthless when he can write of Muslims and Jews that just because they are industrious and economically beneficial to the state, they are the most desirable of people. A truly sick thought revealing the treachery of this man pretending to be a friend of freedom. All this implies that if Christianity were conducive to a good life then there would be nothing to worry about, a common enough idea for sure, but not as the basis of Cohens crusading atheist agenda, which is supposed to be identical to mine, being concerned with facilitating freedom realised in free access to absolute truth of reality, which is only to be found via scientific investigation and the synthesis of facts into knowledge therefrom. He conflates the issue of the quality of intelligent life with these other aspects of religious depravity, which undermines the scientific basis of atheism and hence the atheistic nature of science, which interrelationship is a prerequisite of science existing as a way of knowing reality.

63 He closes with a delightful statement as to the unalterable nature of religion (Christianity) which means it will always oppose intellectual freedom, and if overt suppression is constrained, any means, usually covert, will be adopted to this end. His concluding remarks are therefore the opening cry of Atheist Science, which says we must recognise that if religion exists, then no matter how things may appear otherwise, freedom of thought, and hence science, cannot exist, at all ! As to his sycophantic drivel about the decimation of society due to the elimination of Jews and Muslims telling us this man must be a Jew it forces a thought upon us. How would European history have differed had Spain continued as an Islamic nation ? In fact Spain never was such, only the southern half, so this scenario is difficult to play out since it never really held sway. I find the idea of an Islamic nation being part of Europe horrific, the upcoming entry of Turkey into the EU is an alarming thought. But our masters are pushing for this outcome because they occupy the organ of power the brain of the superorganism that has no such personal sensibilities and knows only one thing, growth occurring under the umbrella of its own name, and that name is Judaism.

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