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Mark Scheme January 2008


GCE Mathematics (8371/8373,9371/9373)

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January 2008 Publications Code UA019869 All the material in this publication is copyright Edexcel Ltd 2008

Contents Mark Schemes Page

6663 Core Mathematics 1 6664 Core Mathematics 2 6665 Core Mathematics 3 6666 Core Mathematics 4 6674 Further Pure Mathematics FP1 6677 Mechanics 1 6678 Mechanics 2 6679 Mechanics 3 6683 Statistics 1 6684 Statistics 2 6689 Decision Mathematics 1

5 17 25 31 51 59 63 69 75 83 95

January 2008 6663 Core Mathematics C1 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1. Scheme
3 x 2 kx 3 or 4 x 5 kx 6 or 7 kx

Marks (k a non-zero constant)

M1 A1

3x 3 3


4x 6 6

(Either of these, simplified or unsimplified)

2x 6 3x 3 4 x 6 + 7 x1 x + 7 x or equivalent unsimplified, such as 3 3 6 +C (or any other constant, e.g. + K)

A1 B1 (4)

M: Given for increasing by one the power of x in one of the three terms. A marks: Ignore subsequent working after a correct unsimplified version of a term is seen. B: Allow the mark (independently) for an integration constant appearing at any stage (even if it appears, then disappears from the final answer). This B mark can be allowed even when no other marks are scored.

Question Number 2. (a) 2



B1 M1 A1


(b) x 9 seen, or (answer to (a) )3 seen, or (2 x 3 ) 3 seen.

8x 9

(2) 3

(b) M: Look for x 9 first if seen, this is M1. If not seen, look for (answer to (a) )3 , e.g. 2 3 this would score M1 even if it does not subsequently become 8. (Similarly for other answers to (a)).
In (2 x 3 ) 3 , the 2 3 is implied, so this scores the M mark.
Negative answers: (a) Allow 2 . Allow 2 . Allow 2 or 2 . (b) Allow 8 x 9 . Allow 8 x 9 or 8 x 9 .

N.B. If part (a) is wrong, it is possible to restart in part (b) and to score full marks in part (b).

Question Number 3.



(5 3 ) (2 3 ) (2 + 3 ) (2 3 )
10 2 3 5 3 + = ...

( 3)

10 7 3 + 3 = ...



(= 13 7 3 )

13 7 3 Allow 1

13 (a = 13) A1 7 3 (b = 7) (4)

1st M: Multiplying top and bottom by 2 3 . (As shown above is sufficient). 2nd M: Attempt to multiply out numerator 5 3 2 3 . Must have at least 3 terms correct. Final answer: Although denominator = 1 may be implied, the 13 7 3 must obviously be the final answer (not an intermediate step), to score full marks. (Also M0 M1 A1 A1 is not an option). The A marks cannot be scored unless the 1st M mark has been scored, but this 1st M mark could be implied by correct expansions of both numerator and denominator. It is possible to score M1 M0 A1 A0 or M1 M0 A0 A1 (after 2 correct terms in the numerator). Special case: If numerator is multiplied by 2 + 3 instead of 2 3 , the 2nd M can still be scored for at least 3 of these terms correct:


10 2 3 + 5 3 3 . The maximum score in the special case is 1 mark: M0 M1 A0 A0. Answer only: Scores no marks. Alternative method: 5 3 = (a + b 3 )(2 + 3 ) (a + b 3 )(2 + 3 ) = 2a + a 3 + 2b 3 + 3 5 = 2a + 3b 1 = a + 2b a = or b = M1: At least 3 terms correct. M1: Form and attempt to solve simultaneous equations. A1, A1

( )

a = 13, b = 7

Question Number 4.

Scheme (a) m = 4 (3) 34 or , 68 8 (6) = 7 7 or 14 14 1 = 2


M1, A1

1 Equation: y 4 = ( x (6)) or 2

1 y (3) = ( x 8) 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 (4)

x + 2y 2 = 0

(or equiv. with integer coefficients must have = 0)

(e.g. 14 y + 7 x 14 = 0 and 14 7 x 14 y = 0 are acceptable) (b) (6 8) 2 + (4 (3)) 2

14 + 7
2 2

or (14) + 7 or

or 14 + (7)

(M1 A1 may be implied by 245)

AB = 14 2 + 7 2

7 2 (2 2 + 12 )



A1cso (3)

7 5 (a) 1st M: Attempt to use m =

y 2 y1 (may be implicit in an equation of L). x 2 x1 2nd M: Attempting straight line equation in any form, e.g y y1 = m( x x1 )

y y1 = m , with any value of m (except 0 or ) and either (6, 4) or (8, 3). x x1 N.B. It is also possible to use a different point which lies on the line, such as the midpoint of AB (1, 0.5). Alternatively, the 2nd M may be scored by using y = mx + c with a numerical gradient and substituting (6, 4) or (8, 3) to find the value of c. 1 Having coords the wrong way round, e.g. y (6) = ( x 4) , loses the 2 2nd M mark unless a correct general formula is seen, e.g. y y1 = m( x x1 ) .

(b) M: Attempting to use ( x 2 x1 ) 2 + ( y 2 y1 ) 2 . Missing bracket, e.g. 14 2 + 7 2 implies M1 if no earlier version is seen. 14 2 + 7 2 with no further work would be M1 A0. 14 2 + 7 2 followed by recovery can score full marks.

Question Number 5.

1 (a) 2 x 2 + 3 x 1
1 y = 5 x 7 + 2 x 2 + 3 x 1 (b)

q = 1 B1, B1 (2)

1 p= , 2

dy = dx


5x 0

B1 ( 5 x 7 correctly differentiated) M1 A1ft, A1ft (4)


Attempt to differentiate either 2 x p with a fractional p, giving kx p 1 (k 0) , (the fraction p could be in decimal form) or 3 x q with a negative q, giving kx q 1 (k 0) .
3 1 2 x 2 1 3x 2 = 2 3 2

, 3x 2

(b): N.B. It is possible to start again in (b), so the p and q may be different from those seen in (a), but note that the M mark is for the attempt to differentiate 2x p or 3x q . However, marks for part (a) cannot be earned in part (b). 1st A1ft: ft their 2 x p , but p must be a fraction and coefficient must be simplified (the fraction p could be in decimal form). 2nd A1ft: ft their 3 x q , but q must be negative and coefficient must be simplified. a where a and b are integers with no common b factors. Only a single + or sign is allowed (e.g. must be replaced by +). 'Simplified' coefficient means Having +C loses the B mark.

Question Number 6. (a)

Scheme Shape: Max in 1st quadrant and 2 intersections on positive x-axis 1 and 4 labelled (in correct place) or clearly stated as coordinates


B1 B1 B1 (3)

(2, 10) labelled or clearly stated


Shape: Max in 2nd quadrant and 2 intersections on negative x-axis


1 and 4 labelled (in correct place) B1 or clearly stated as coordinates B1 (3)

(2, 5) labelled or clearly stated


(a = ) 2

May be implicit, i.e. f ( x + 2)



Beware: The answer to part (c) may be seen on the first page.

(a) and (b): 1st B: Shape is generous, providing the conditions are satisfied. 2nd and 3rd B marks are dependent upon a sketch having been drawn. 2nd B marks: Allow (0, 1), etc. (coordinates the wrong way round) if the sketch is correct. Points must be labelled correctly and be in appropriate place (e.g. (2, 5) in the first quadrant is B0). (b) Special case: If the graph is reflected in the x-axis (instead of the y-axis), B1 B0 B0 can be scored. This requires shape and coordinates to be fully correct, i.e. Shape: Minimum in 4th quadrant and 2 intersections on positive x-axis, 1 and 4 labelled (in correct place) or clearly stated as coordinates, (2, 5) labelled or clearly stated.


Question Number 7. (a) 1( p + 1) or (b) ((a ) )( p + (a ) )


Marks B1 (1)

p +1
[(a) must be a function of p].

[( p + 1)( p + p + 1)]

M1 A1cso (2) M1 M1 A1 M1 (3)

= 1+ 3p + 2 p2
(c) 1 + 3 p + 2 p 2 = 1 p(2 p + 3) = 0

p = ...
3 2 (ignore p = 0, if seen, even if chosen as the answer)


(d) Noting that even terms are the same. 1 1 This M mark can be implied by listing at least 4 terms, e.g. 1, , 1, , ... 2 2

x 2008 =

1 2



(b) M: Valid attempt to use the given recurrence relation to find x3 . Missing brackets, e.g. p + 1( p + p + 1) Condone for the M1, then if all terms in the expansion are correct, with working fully shown, M1 A1 is still allowed. Beware working back from the answer, e.g. 1 + 3 p + 2 p 2 = (1 + p)(1 + 2 p) scores no marks unless the recurrence relation is justified. (c) 2nd M: Attempt to solve a quadratic equation in p (e.g. quadratic formula or completing the square). The equation must be based on x3 = 1 . The attempt must lead to a non-zero solution, so just stating the zero solution p = 0 is M0. A: The A mark is dependent on both M marks. (d) M: Can be implied by a correct answer for their p (answer is p + 1), and can also be implied if the working is obscure). Trivialising, e.g. p = 0, so every term = 1, is M0. If the additional answer x 2008 = 1 (from p = 0) is seen, ignore this (isw).


Question Number 8. (a) x 2 + kx + (8 k )


Marks M1 M1 (*) A1cso (3) M1 A1 M1 A1 (4)


(= 0)

8 k need not be bracketed

b 2 4ac = k 2 4(8 k ) b 2 4ac < 0 k 2 + 4k 32 < 0

(b) (k + 8)(k 4) = 0

k = ... k = 8
8 < k < 4


Choosing 'inside' region (between the two k values) or

4 > k > 8

(a) 1st M: Using the k from the right hand side to form 3-term quadratic in x ('= 0' can be implied), or
k k2 + 8 k (= 0) or equiv., attempting to complete the square x + 2 4 using the k from the right hand side. For either approach, condone sign errors. 1st M may be implied when candidate moves straight to the discriminant. 2nd M: Dependent on the 1st M. Forming expressions in k (with no xs) by using b 2 and 4ac . (Usually seen as the discriminant b 2 4ac , but separate expressions are fine, and also allow the use of b 2 + 4ac . (For 'completing the square' approach, the expression must be clearly separated from the equation in x). If b 2 and 4ac are used in the quadratic formula, they must be clearly separated from the formula to score this mark. For any approach, condone sign errors. If the wrong statement
b 2 4ac < 0 is seen, maximum score is M1 M1 A0.

(b) Condone the use of x (instead of k) in part (b). 1st M: Attempt to solve a 3-term quadratic equation in k. It might be different from the given quadratic in part (a). Ignore the use of < in solving the equation. The 1st M1 A1 can be scored if 8 and 4 are achieved, even if stated as k < 8 , k < 4 . Allow the first M1 A1 to be scored in part (a). N.B. k > 8 , k < 4 scores 2nd M1 A0 k > 8 or k < 4 scores 2nd M1 A0 k > 8 and k < 4 scores 2nd M1 A1 k = 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 scores 2nd M0 A0 Use of (in the answer) loses the final mark.


Question Number 9.

Scheme (a) 4 x kx 2 or 6 x kx
f ( x) = 2 x 2 , 4 x
3 2

Marks M1 A1, A1, A1 M1 A1 M1 (6)


8 kx 1 (k a non-zero constant) 2 x

, 8 x 1

(+ C)

(+ C not required)

At x = 4, y = 1:

3 1 = (2 16) 4 4 2 8 4 1 + C Must be in part (a) C=3

(b) f (4) =16 (6 2) +

8 9 = (= m ) 16 2 2 1 = 9 m

Gradient of normal is


2 2 y 1 Eqn. of normal: y 1 = ( x 4) = ) (or any equiv. form, e.g. x4 9 9 2 17 & & Typical answers for A1: y = x + (2 x + 9 y 17 = 0 ) y = 0.2 x + 1.8 9 9 1 1 is A0 (but all M marks are available). or Final answer: gradient 9 4.5 2

M1 A1 (4)

( )


(a) The first 3 A marks are awarded in the order shown, and the terms must be simplified. a 'Simplified' coefficient means where a and b are integers with no common b factors. Only a single + or sign is allowed (e.g. + must be replaced by ). 2nd M: Using x = 4 and y = 1 (not y = 0) to form an eqn in C. (No C is M0) (b) 2nd M: Dependent upon use of their f ( x) . 3rd M: eqn. of a straight line through (4, 1) with any gradient except 0 or . Alternative for 3rd M: Using (4, 1) in y = mx + c to find a value of c, but an equation (general or specific) must be seen. 2 Having coords the wrong way round, e.g. y 4 = ( x 1) , loses the 3rd M 9 mark unless a correct general formula is seen, e.g. y y1 = m( x x1 ) . N.B. The A mark is scored for any form of the correct equation be prepared to apply isw if necessary.


Question Number 10. (a)




B1 B1 B1



M1 (b) y = ( x + 3)( x 2 2 x + 1)
= x 3 + x 2 5x + 3

A1cso (2) (k = 3) M1 A1 M1 M1 A1, A1 (6)



dy = 3x 2 + 2 x 5 dx
3 x 2 + 2 x 5 = 3 or 3 x 2 + 2 x 8 = 0

(3x 4)( x + 2) = 0

x = ...

4 x = (or exact equiv.) , x = 2 3 (a) The individual marks are independent, but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Bs are dependent upon a sketch having been attempted. B marks for coordinates: Allow (0, 1), etc. (coordinates the wrong way round) if marked in the correct place on the sketch. (b) M: Attempt to multiply out ( x 1) 2 and write as a product with ( x + 3) , or attempt to multiply out ( x + 3)( x 1) and write as a product with ( x 1) , or attempt to expand ( x + 3)( x 1)( x 1) directly (at least 7 terms). The ( x 1) 2 or ( x + 3)( x 1) expansion must have 3 (or 4) terms, so should not, for example, be just x 2 + 1 . A: It is not necessary to state explicitly 'k = 3'. Condone missing brackets if the intention seems clear and a fully correct expansion is seen. (c) 1st M: Attempt to differentiate (correct power of x in at least one term). 2nd M: Setting their derivative equal to 3. 3rd M: Attempt to solve a 3-term quadratic based on their derivative. dy The equation could come from = 0. dx N.B. After an incorrect k value in (b), full marks are still possible in (c).


Question Number 11.

Scheme (a) u 25 = a + 24d = 30 + 24 (1.5) = 6 (b) a + (n 1)d = 30 1.5(r 1) = 0 r = 21 (c) S 20 = 20 {60 + 19(1.5)} or S 21 = 21 {60 + 20(1.5)} or S 21 = 21 {30 + 0} 2 2 2 = 315

Marks M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 (2) (3)



M1 A1ft

(a) M: Substitution of a = 30 and d = 1.5 into (a + 24d). Use of a + 25d (or any other variations on 24) scores M0. (b) M: Attempting to use the term formula, equated to 0, to form an equation in r (with no other unknowns). Allow this to be called n instead of r. Here, being one off (e.g. equivalent to a + nd), scores M1. (c) M: Attempting to use the correct sum formula to obtain S 20 , S 21 , or, with their r from part (b), S r 1 or S r . 1st A(ft): A correct numerical expression for S 20 , S 21 , or, with their r from part (b), S r 1 or S r . but the ft is dependent on an integer value of r. Methods such as calculus to find a maximum only begin to score marks after establishing a value of r at which the maximum sum occurs. This value of r can be used for the M1 A1ft, but must be a positive integer to score A marks, so evaluation with, say, n = 20.5 would score M1 A0 A0. Listing and other methods (a) M: Listing terms (found by a correct method), and picking the 25th term. (There may be numerical slips). (b) M: Listing terms (found by a correct method), until the zero term is seen. (There may be numerical slips). Trial and error approaches (or where working is unclear or non-existent) score M1 A1 for 21, M1 A0 for 20 or 22, and M0 A0 otherwise. (c) M: Listing sums, or listing and adding terms (found by a correct method), at least as far as the 20th term. (There may be numerical slips). A2 (scored as A1 A1) for 315 (clearly selected as the answer). Trial and error approaches essentially follow the main scheme, beginning to score marks when trying S 20 , S 21 , or, with their r from part (b), S r 1 or S r . If no working (or no legitimate working) is seen, but the answer 315 is given, allow one mark (scored as M1 A0 A0). For reference: Sums: 30, 58.5, 85.5, 111, 135, 157.5, 178.5, 198, 216, 232.5, 247.5, 261, 273, 283.5, 292.5, 300, 306, 310.5, 313.5, 315, ..



January 2008 6664 Core Mathematics C2 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1. a)i) ii) (b) Scheme f(3) = 3 - 2 x 3 - 4 x 3 + 8 ; = 5 f(2) = ( 8 8 + 8 + 8) = 0 ( B1 on Epen, but A1 in fact) M1 is for attempt at either f(3) or f(3) in (i) or f(2) or f(2) in (ii). (= 0 not required) [must be seen or used in (b)] [(x + 2)]( x 2 4 x + 4) 2 (= 0) ( can imply previous 2 marks) (x + 2) (x 2) Solutions: x = 2 or 2 (both) or (2, 2, 2) [no wrong working seen]
3 2

Marks M1; A1 B1 (3) M1 A1 M1 A1 (4) [7]

Notes: (a)

No working seen: Both answers correct scores full marks One correct ;M1 then A1B0 or A0B1, whichever appropriate. Alternative (Long division) [M1] Divide by (x 3) OR (x + 2) to get x 2 + ax + b, a may be zero

x 2 + x 1 and + 5 seen

i.s.w. (or remainder = 5)



x 4 x + 4 and 0 seen (or no remainder) [B1] First M1 requires division by a found factor ; e.g ( x + 2), ( x 2) or
what candidate thinks is a factor to get ( x 2 + ax + b), a may be zero . First A1 for [ (x + 2)] ( x 2 4 x + 4) or (x 2)( x 2 4) Second M1:attempt to factorise their found quadratic. (or use formula correctly) [Usual rule: x 2 + ax + b = ( x + c)( x + d ), where | cd | = | b | . ] N.B. Second A1 is for solutions, not factors SC: (i) Answers only: Both correct, and no wrong, award M0A1M0A1 (as if B1,B1) One correct, (even if 3 different answers) award M0A1M0A0 (as if B1) (ii) Factor theorem used to find two correct factors, award M1A1, then M0, A1 if both correct solutions given. ( 2,2,2 would earn all marks) (iii) If in (a) candidate has ( x + 2)( x 2 4) B0, but then repeats in (b), can score M1A0M1(if goes on to factorise)A0 (answers fortuitous) Alternative (first two marks) ( x + 2)( x 2 + bx + c) = x 3 + (2 + b) x 2 + (2b + c) x + 2c = 0 and then compare with x 3 2 x 2 4 x + 8 = 0 to find b and c. [M1] b = 4, c = 4 [A1] Method of grouping x 3 2 x 2 4 x + 8 = x 2 ( x 2) ,4( x 2) M1; = x 2 ( x 2) 4( x 2) Solutions:


[= ( x 2 4)( x 2) ] = ( x + 2)( x 2) 2 M1 x = 2 , x = 2 both A1


Question Number 2. (a)

Scheme Complete method, using terms of form ark, to find r [e.g. Dividing ar6 = 80 by ar3 = 10 to find r ; r6 r3 = 8 is M0] r =2 Complete method for finding a [e.g. Substituting value for r into equation of form ark = 10 or 80 and finding a value for a. ] 1 5 (8a = 10 ) (equivalent single fraction or 1.25) a = =1 4 4 Substituting their values of a and r into correct formula for sum. a r n 1 5 20 = 2 1 (= 1310718.75) 1 310 719 (only this) S= r 1 4

Marks M1 A1 (2) M1


A1 (2) M1 A1 (2) [6]

(c) : Notes

(a) M1: Condone errors in powers, e.g. ar4 = 10 and/or ar7 = 80, A1: For r = 2, allow even if ar4 = 10 and ar7 = 80 used (just these) (M mark can be implied from numerical work, if used correctly) 10 10 10 (b) M1: Allow for numerical approach: e.g. 10 3 2 rc rc rc

In (a) and (b) correct answer, with no working, allow both marks. (c) Attempt 20 terms of series and add is M1 (correct last term 655360) If formula not quoted, errors in applying their a and/or r is M0 Allow full marks for correct answer with no working seen.
3. (a) 1 1 + x = 1 + 2

10 1

1 10 1 10 1 x + x + x 2 2 2 3 2

M1 A1 A1; A1 (4)


45 (or 11.25)x2 + 15 x 3 ( coeffs need to be these, i.e, simplified) 4 [Allow A1A0, if totally correct with unsimplified, single fraction coefficients) 45 2 (1 + 1 0.01 )10 = 1 + 5(0.01) + ( or11.25)(0.01) + 15(0.01)3 2 4 = 1 + 0.05 + 0.001125 + 0.000015 = 1.05114 cao = 1 + 5x ; + (a) For M1 first A1: Consider underlined expression only. M1 Requires correct structure for at least two of the three terms: (i) Must be attempt at binomial coefficients. 10 [Be generous :allow all notations e.g. 10 C 2 , even ; allow slips.] 2 (ii) Must have increasing powers of x , (iii) May be listed, need not be added; this applies for all marks. First A1: Requires all three correct terms but need not be simplified, allow 110 etc, 10 C 2 etc, and condone omission of brackets around powers of x Second A1: Consider as B1: 1 + 5 x (b) For M1: Substituting their (0.01) into their (a) result [0.1, 0.001, 0.25, 0.025,0.0025 acceptable but not 0.005 or 1.005] First A1 (f.t.): Substitution of (0.01) into their 4 termed expression in (a) Answer with no working scores no marks (calculator gives this answer)

M1 A1 A1 (3) [7]


Question Number 4. (a)

Scheme 3 sin2 2 cos2 = 1 3 sin2 2 (1 sin2 ) = 1 (M1: Use of sin 2 + cos 2 =1) 3 sin2 2 + 2 sin2 = 1 5 sin2 = 3 cso AG 3 sin 2 = , so sin = () 0.6 5 Attempt to solve both sin = +.. and sin = (may be implied by later work) = 50.7685o awrt = 50.8 (dependent on first M1 only) (= 180 50.7685c o ); = 129.23o awrt 129.2 [f.t. dependent on first M and 3rd M] sin = 0.6 = 230.785o and 309.23152o awrt 230.8, 309.2 (both) (a) N.B: AG; need to see at least one line of working after substituting cos2. (b) First M1: Using 5 sin 2 = 3 to find value for sin or 3 3 , sin = ..for M1] 5 5 econd M1: Considering the value for sin . (usually later) First A1: Given for awrt 50.8. Not dependent on second M. Third M1: For (180 candidates 50.8), need not see written down Final M1: Dependent on second M (but may be implied by answers) For (180 + candidates 50.8) or (360 candidates 50.8) or equiv. Final A1: Requires both values. (no follow through) [ Finds cos 2 = k (k = 2/5) and so cos = ()...M1, then mark equivalently] NB Candidates who only consider positive value for sin can score max of 4 marks: M1M0A1M1A1M0A0 Very common. Candidates who score first M1 but have wrong sin can score maximum M1M1A0M1AM1A0 SC Candidates who obtain one value from each set, e.g 50.8 and 309.2 M1M1(bod)A1M0A0M1(bod)A0 Extra values out of range no penalty [Allow such results as sin =


M1 A1 M1



A1 M1; A1 M1A1 (7) [9]



Question Number 5.

Scheme Method 1 (Substituting a = 3b into second equation at some stage) Using a law of logs correctly (anywhere) e.g. log3 ab = 2 Substitution of 3b for a (or a/3 for b) e.g. log3 3b2 = 2 Using base correctly on correctly derived log3 p= q e.g. 3b 2 = 3 2 First correct value b = 3 (allow 3) Correct method to find other value ( dep. on at least first M mark) Second answer a = 3b = 3 3 or 27 Method 2 (Working with two equations in log3a and log3b)
Taking logs of first equation and separating log 3 a = log 3 3 + log 3 b ( = 1 + log 3 b ) Solving simultaneous equations to find log 3a or log 3 b [ log 3 a = 1, log 3 b= ] Using base correctly to find a or b Correct value for a or b a = 3 3 or b = 3 Correct method for second answer, dep. on first M; correct second answer [Ignore negative values]


M1 M1 M1 A1 M1 A1


M1 A1 M1;A1[6]


Answers must be exact; decimal answers lose both A marks There are several variations on Method 1, depending on the stage at which a = 3b is used, but they should all mark as in scheme. In this method, the first three method marks on Epen are for (i) First M1: correct use of log law, (ii) Second M1: substitution of a = 3b, (iii) Third M1: requires using base correctly on correctly derived log3 p= q Three examples of applying first 4 marks in Method 1: (i) log 3 3b + log 3 b = 2 gains second M1 log 3 3 + log 3 b + log 3 b = 2 gains first M1 no mark yet (2 log 3 b = 1, log 3 b = ) b =3 gains third M1, and if correct A1 (ii) log 3 (ab) = 2 ab = 3 2 3b 2 = 3 2 (iii)
log 3 3b = 2

gains first M1 gains third M1 gains second M1 has gained first 2 M marks

2 log 3 3b = 2 or similar type of error log 3 3b = 1 3b = 3 does not gain third M1, as log 3 3b = 1 not derived correctly


Question Number 6. N C



B 500m 15 o 700m


A BC2 = 7002 +5002 2 500 700 cos 15 ( = 63851.92 ) BC = 253 awrt sin B sin 15 = 700 candidate' s BC sin B = sin 15 700 /253c = 0.716.. and giving an obtuse B ( 134.2) dep on 1st M

M1 A1 A1 M1 M1 M1 A1 (4) [7] (3)


= 180 candidates angle B (Dep. on first M only, B can be acute) = 180 134.2 = (0)45.8 (allow 46 or awrt 45.7, 45.8, 45.9)
[46 needs to be from correct working] Notes: (a) If use cos 15 = .., then A1 not scored until written as BC2 = correctly Splitting into 2 triangles BAX and CAX, where X is foot of perp. from B to AC Finding value for BX and CX and using Pythagoras M1 2 o 2 o 2 BC = (500 sin 15 ) + (700 500 cos15 ) A1 BC = 253 awrt A1 rd (b) Several alternative methods: (Showing the M marks, 3 M dep. on first M)) 2 500 2 + candidate' sBC 2 700 2 or 700 2 = 500 2 + BC c 2 x500 xBCc M1 (i) cos B = 2 x500xcandidate' sBC Finding angle B M1 dep., then M1 as above (ii) 2 triangle approach, as defined in notes for (a) 700 valueforAX M1 tan CBX = valueforBX Finding value for CBX ( 59 ) dep M1 = [180 o (75 o + candidate' s CBX )] M1 (iii) Using sine rule (or cos rule) to find C first: Correct use of sine or cos rule for C M1, Finding value for C M1 Either B =180 (15 + candidates C) or = (15 + candidates C) M1 M2 {first two Ms earned in this case} (iv) 700 cos15o = 500 + BC cos Solving for ; = 45.8 (allow 46 or5.7, 45.8, 45.9) M1;A1 Note: S.C. In main scheme, if used in place of B, third M gained immediately; Other two marks likely to be earned, too, for correct value of stated.

Question Number 7 (a)



Either solving 0 = x(6 x) and showing x = 6 (and x = 0) (b) or showing (6,0) (and x = 0) satisfies y = 6x x2 [allow for showing x = 6] (x 2 = 4x) to x = . Solving 2x = 6x x2 x = 4 ( and x = 0) Conclusion: when x = 4, y = 8 and when x = 0, y = 0 , (Area =)

B1 (1)


M1 A1 A1
M1 A1 M1


(0) (6 x x

( 4)

) dx

Limits not required


x3 (+ c) 3 Correct use of correct limits on their result above (see notes on limits) x3 x3 1 2 [ 3x 2 ]4 [ 3x 2 ]0 with limits substituted [= 48 21 = 26 ] 3 3 3 3 Area of triangle = 2 8 =16 (Can be awarded even if no M scored, i.e. B1) Shaded area = (area under curve area of triangle ) applied correctly 2 2 (awrt 10.7) ( = 26 16) = 10 3 3 (b) In scheme first A1: need only give x = 4 If verifying approach used: Verifying (4,8) satisfies both the line and the curve M1(attempt at both), Both shown successfully A1 For final A1, (0,0) needs to be mentioned ; accept clear from diagram Correct integration 3x 2 (c) Alternative Using Area = If combine to work with =

A1 M1 A1 (6)[10]

(0) {(6 x x
( 4) 2

( 4)


2 x} dx


(i) If candidate integrates separately can be marked as main scheme

(0) (4 x x

) dx, first M mark and third M mark A1,

= () [ 2 x 2

x3 (+ c) ] 3

Correct use of correct limits on their result second M1, Totally correct, unsimplified expression (may be implied by correct ans.) A1 10 A1 [Allow this if, having given - 10, they correct it]

M1 for correct use of correct limits: Must substitute correct limits for their strategy into a changed expression and subtract, either way round, e.g {[ ]4 [ If a long method is used, e,g, finding three areas, this mark only gained for correct strategy and all limits need to be correct for this strategy.
Final M1: limits for area under curve and triangle must be the same.

]0 }

x3 S.C.(1) (6 x x )dx 2 xdx = 3 x 2 x 2 0 0 3 0

6 2 6

[ ]

6 0

= .... award M1A1


(2) If, having found correct answer, thinks this is not complete strategy and does more, do not award final 2 A marks Use of trapezium rule: M0A0MA0possibleA1for triangle M1(if correct application of trap. rule from x = 0 to x = 4) A0

Question Number 8 (a) (x 6)2 + (y 4)2 = ; 32


Marks B1; B1 (2)


Complete method for MP : = =

(12 6)2 + (6 4)2

40 or awrt 6.325

M1 A1

[These first two marks can be scored if seen as part of solution for (c)] Complete method for cos , sin or tan MT 3 = (= 0.4743 ) e.g. cos = MP candidate' s 40 [If TP = 6 is used, then M0] = 1.0766 rad AG Complete method for area TMP ; e.g. = (c) = M1 ( = 61.6835o) A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 (5) [11] (4)

1 3 40 sin 2

3 31 ( = 8.3516..) allow awrt 8.35 2 (= 4.8446)

Area (sector)MTQ = 0.5 32 1.0766

Area TPQ = candidates (8.3516.. 4.8446..) = 3.507 awrt [Note: 3.51 is A0]


(a) Allow 9 for 32.

(b) First M1 can be implied by 40or 31 For second M1: May find TP = sin =
( 40 ) 2 3 2 = 31 , then either

TP 31 31 = (= 0.8803...) or tan = (1.8859..) or cos rule MP 3 40 NB. Answer is given, but allow final A1 if all previous work is correct. (c) First M1: (alternative) 1 3 40 9 2

Second M1: allow even if candidates value of used. (Despite being given !)


Question Number 9 (a) (Total area ) = 3xy + 2x2


Marks B1


100 100 ) , xy = 2 x x Deriving expression for area in terms of x only (Substitution, or clear use of, y or xy into expression for area ) 300 (Area =) AG + 2x2 x (Vol: ) x2y = 100 (y =
dA 300 = 2 + 4x x dx dA Setting = 0 and finding a value for correct power of x, for cand. M1 dx [ x 3 = 75] x = 4.2172 awrt 4.22 (allow exact 3 75 )

B1 M1 A1 cso (4)





(d) Notes

d2 A 600 = 3 + 4 = positive , > 0; therefore minimum 2 dx x Substituting found value of x into (a) (Or finding y for found x and substituting both in 3xy + 2x2 ) 100 [y = = 5.6228] 4.2172 2 Area = 106.707 awrt 107

M1;A1(2) M1


(2) [12]

(a) First B1: Earned for correct unsimplified expression, isw. (b) First M1: At least one power of x decreased by 1, and no c term.
d2 A and explicitly consider its sign, state > 0 or positive dx 2 d2 A dA must be correct for their , sign must be + ve A1: Candidates 2 dx dx and conclusion so minimum, (allow QED, ). ( may be wrong x, or even no value of x found) dA Alternative: M1: Find value of on either side of x = 3 75 and consider sign dx dA A1: Indicate sign change of negative to positive for , and conclude dx minimum. OR M1: Consider values of A on either side of x = 3 75 and compare with107 A1: Both values greater than x = 107 and conclude minimum. Allow marks for (c) and (d) where seen; even if part labelling confused. Throughout , allow confused notation, such as dy/dx for dA/dx.

(c) For M1: Find


January 2008 6665 Core Mathematics C3 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1. Scheme Marks

x2 1

1 2x 2 4 2 2 x 3x + x + 1 2 x4 2 x2 x2 + x + 1 x 2 +1

a = 2 stated or implied c = 1 stated or implied


M1 A1 A1

2 x2 1 +

x x 1

a = 2, b = 0, c = 1, d = 1, e = 0 d = 1 and b = 0, e = 0 stated or implied

A1 [4]



dy = 2 e2 x tan x + e 2 x sec 2 x dx dy = 0 2 e 2 x tan x + e 2 x sec 2 x = 0 dx 2 tan x + 1 + tan 2 x = 0 2 ( tan x + 1) = 0 tan x = 1


M1 A1+A1 M1 A1 cso A1 M1 (6)

dy =1 dx 0
Equation of tangent at ( 0, 0 ) is y = x


(2) [8]


Question Number 3. (a)



f ( 2 ) = 0.38 f ( 3) = 0.39
Change of sign (and continuity) root in M1

( 2, 3)


A1 M1 A1 A1



x1 = ln 4.5 + 1 2.504 08 x2 2.50498 x3 2.50518

Selecting [ 2.5045, 2.5055] , or appropriate tighter range, and evaluating at both ends.



f ( 2.5045 ) 6 10


f ( 2.5055 ) 2 104
Change of sign (and continuity) root ( 2.5045, 2.5055

cso A1 (2) [7]

root = 2.505 to 3 dp
Note: The root, correct to 5 dp, is 2.50524


Question Number 4. (a)



( 5, 4 )

( 5, 4 )


( 5, 4 ) ( 5, 4 )

B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 (3) (3)

(b) For the purpose of marking this paper, the graph is identical to (a) Shape

( 5, 4 ) ( 5, 4 )


( 4, 8)

( 6, 8)
General shape unchanged Translation to left B1 B1 B1 B1 (4) [10]

( 4, 8 ) ( 6, 8 )

In all parts of this question ignore any drawing outside the domains shown in the diagrams above.


Question Number 5. (a) 1000 (b)

Scheme B1 M1 A1 M1 cao Accept 62-63 A1

Marks (1)

1000 e5730c = 500 1 e5730 c = 2 1 5730c = ln 2 c = 0.000121

R = 1000 e 22920 c = 62.5

(4) (2)

(c) (d)

M1 A1

R 1000 Shape 1000 O t B1 B1 (2) [9]


Question Number 6.

Scheme (a) cos ( 2 x + x ) = cos 2 x cos x sin 2 x sin x M1 M1 A1 A1



= ( 2 cos 2 x 1) cos x ( 2sin x cos x ) sin x

= ( 2 cos 2 x 1) cos x 2(1 cos 2 x) cos x any correct expression

= 4 cos3 x 3cos x
2 cos x 1 + sin x cos x + (1 + sin x ) (b)(i) + = 1 + sin x cos x (1 + sin x ) cos x


M1 A1 M1 cso A1 (4)

= =

2 (1 + sin x ) (1 + sin x ) cos x 2 = 2sec x cos x 1 2

cos 2 x + 1 + 2sin x + sin 2 x (1 + sin x ) cos x


sec x = 2 or cos x =

M1 accept awrt 1.05, 5.24 A1, A1 (3) [11]


3 , 3



dy = 6 cos 2 x 8sin 2 x dx
dy =6 dx 0 1 y4= x 6

M1 A1 B1 or equivalent M1 A1 M1 A1 awrt 0.927 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 A1 (4) [13] (4) (5)

(b) R = 32 + 42 = 5

4 tan = , 0.927 3
(c) sin ( 2 x + their ) = 0

x = 2.03, 0.46, 1.11, 2.68

First A1 any correct solution; second A1 a second correct solution; third A1 all four correct and to the specified accuracy or better. Ignore the y-coordinate.


Question Number




(a) x = 1 2 y

1 x y= 2


1 x 2
Ignore domain

M1 A1


1 x f :xa 2
(b) gf ( x ) =

1 2 x3 8 x3 1 = 1 2 x3 8 x3 1 gf : x a 1 2 x3

3 4 1 2 x3 3 4 (1 2 x3 )
cso Ignore domain Attempting solution of numerator = 0 Correct answer and no additional answers

M1 A1 M1 A1 (4)

8 x3 1 = 0 1 x= 2

M1 A1 (2)


3 2 3 2 d y (1 2 x ) 24 x + ( 8 x 1) 6 x = 2 dx (1 2 x3 )

M1 A1

(1 2 x )

18 x 2

3 2


Solving their numerator = 0 and substituting to find y.

M1 A1 (5) [13]

x = 0, y = 1


January 2008 6666 Core Mathematics C4 Mark Scheme

Question Number

Scheme x y 0 0


2 3 4

1. (a)

0 awrt 1.84432 B1 awrt 4.81048 or 4.81047 B1




0 can be implied Outside brackets awrt 0.39 or 1 awrt 0.79 B1 2 1 or 2 4 8


(b) Way 1

1 Area ; 0 + 2 (1.84432 + 4.81048 + 8.87207 ) + 0} 2 4

For structure of trapezium rule {.............} ; M1 Correct expression inside brackets which all must be multiplied by their outside A1 constant.

31.05374... = 12.19477518... = 12.1948 (4dp)

12.1948 A1 cao

Area 4

0 + 1.84432 2

1.84432 + 4.81048 2

4.81048 + 8.87207 2

8.87207 + 0 2

Aliter (b) Way 2

which is equivalent to:

1 Area ; 0 + 2 (1.84432 + 4.81048 + 8.87207 ) + 0} 2 4

(or awrt 0.79 ) and a divisor of 2 on all terms inside B1 brackets. One of first and last ordinates, two of the middle ordinates M1 inside brackets ignoring the 2. Correct expression inside brackets if 1 was to be A1 2 factorised out.

15.52687... = 12.19477518... = 12.1948 (4dp)

12.1948 A1 cao
[4] 6 marks

1 Note an expression like Area + 2 (1.84432 + 4.81048 + 8.87207 ) would score B1M1A0A0 2 4


Question Number

Scheme ** represents a constant (which must be consistent for first accuracy mark)


2. (a)

(8 3x )

1 3

3x 3 3x 3 = ( 8 ) 1 = 2 1 8 8
1 3

Takes 8 outside the bracket to give any of B1 1 (8) 3 or 2 . Expands (1 + ** x) 3 to give a simplified or an M1; un-simplified 1 + ( 1 )(** x) ; 3

( 1 )( 2 ) ( 1 )( 2 )( 5 ) 3 3 3 (** x) 2 + 3 (** x)3 + ... = 2 1 + ( 1 )(** x); + 3 3 2! 3!

with ** 1

A correct simplified or an un-simplified ..........} expansion with A1 { candidates followed through (** x )

2 ( 1 )( 3 ) 3 x 2 ( 1 )( 2 )( 5 ) 3 x 3 3 3 = 2 1 + ( 1 )( 38x ) + 3 ( 8 ) + 3 ( 8 ) + ... 3 2! 3!

2 2 ( 1 )( 3 ) ( 1 )( 3 )( 5 ) 3 3 (** x) 2 + 3 (** x)3 2! 3!

Award SC M1 if you see

= 2{1 1 x ; 8

1 64


5 1536

x 3 ...}

Either 2{1 1 x ........} or 8 anything that A1; cancels to 2 1 x ;

1 Simplified 32 x 2 5 768

1 1 2 5 3 = 2 x; x x ... 4 32 768




(7.7) 3 2

1 1 5 (0.1) (0.1) 2 (0.1)3 ... 4 32 768

Attempt to substitute x = 0.1 into a candidates M1 binomial expansion.

= 2 0.025 0.0003125 0.0000065104166... = 1.97468099... awrt 1.9746810 A1

[2] 7 marks

You would award B1M1A0 for (1 )( 2 ) (1 )( 2 )( 5 ) = 21 +(1 )( 38x ) + 3 3 ( 38x )2 + 3 3 3 (3x)3 + ... 3 2! 3! because ** is not consistent.

If you see the constant term 2 in a candidates final binomial expansion, then you can award B1.

Be wary of calculator value of ( 7.7 ) 3 = 1.974680822...


Question Number Aliter 2. (a) Way 2



(8 3 x) 3
2 or (8) 3 (See note ) B1
2 1 ( 1 )( 3 ) 5 2 (8) 3 (** x) 2 (8) 3 + ( 1 )(8) 3 (** x); + 3 3 2! = ( 1 )( 2 )( 5 ) 8 3 3 (8) 3 (** x)3 + ... + 3 3!

Expands (8 3 x) 3 to give an un-simplified or M1; simplified 1 2 (8) 3 + ( 1 )(8) 3 (** x); 3

A correct un-simplified or simplified {..........} expansion with A1 candidates followed through (** x ) Award SC M1 if you see
( 1 )( 2 ) 5 3 3 (8) 3 (** x) 2 2! 5 2 ( 1 )( 3 )( 3 ) 8 + 3 (8) 3 (** x)3 3!

with ** 1

1 ( 1 )( 2 ) 5 2 3 (8) 3 (3x) 2 (8) 3 + ( 1 )(8) 3 (3x); + 3 3 2! = 2 ( 1 )( 3 )( 5 ) 8 3 + 3 (8) 3 (3x)3 + ... 3!

5 1 1 1 = {2 + ( 1 )( 1 )(3x) + ( 9 )( 32 )(9 x 2 ) + ( 81 )( 256 )(27 x 3 ) + ...} 3 4


1 1 2 5 3 x; x x ... 4 32 768

Anything that cancels to 2 1 x ; or 2{1 x ........}

1 8 1 Simplified 32 x 2 5 768

A1; A1


Be wary of calculator value of ( 7.7 ) 3 = 1.974680822...


If you see the constant term 2 in a candidates final binomial expansion, then you can award B1.


Question Number



1 Volume = dx = a 2x + 1

( 2 x + 1)


Use of V = y 2 dx . Can be implied. Ignore limits.


( 2 x + 1)


(2 x + 1) 1 = ( ) (1)(2) a = ( ) 1 (2 x + 1) 1 2 a 1 1 = ( ) 2(2b + 1) 2(2a + 1)


Integrating to give p (2 x + 1) 1
(2 x + 1)
1 2

M1 A1

Substitutes limits of b and a and dM1 subtracts the correct way round.

2a 1 + 2b + 1
2 (2a + 1)(2b + 1)

2(b a ) (2a + 1)(2b + 1) 2

(b a )
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)

(b a )
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)

A1 aef
[5] 5 marks

Allow other equivalent forms such as

b a
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)


(a b) (b a) b a or . or 4ab + 2a + 2b + 1 4ab + 2a + 2b + 1 (2a + 1)(2b + 1)

Note that is not required for the middle three marks of this question.


Question Number
Aliter 3. Way 2



1 Volume = dx = a 2x + 1

( 2 x + 1)


Use of V = y 2 dx .
Can be implied. Ignore limits.


( 2 x + 1)


Applying substitution u = 2 x + 1 du = 2 and changing dx limits x u so that a 2a + 1 and b 2b + 1 , gives

= ( )

2 b +1

2 a +1

u 2 du 2
2b + 1

u 1 = ( ) (1)(2) 2 a + 1 = ( ) 1 u 1 2 2a + 1
2b + 1

Integrating to give p u 1
1 u 1 2

M1 A1

1 1 = ( ) 2(2b + 1) 2(2a + 1) =

Substitutes limits of 2b + 1 and 2a + 1 and subtracts the correct dM1 way round.

2a 1 + 2b + 1
2 (2a + 1)(2b + 1)

2(b a ) (2a + 1)(2b + 1) 2

(b a )
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)

(b a )
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)

A1 aef
[5] 5 marks

Note that is not required for the middle three marks of this question. Allow other equivalent forms such as

b a
(2a + 1)(2b + 1)


(a b) (b a) b a or or . 4ab + 2a + 2b + 1 4ab + 2a + 2b + 1 (2a + 1)(2b + 1)


Question Number


Marks du = dx
1 2 x 2

4. (i)

ln ( ln (

x 2

) dx

x u = ln ( 2 ) x 1.ln ( 2 ) dx dv = 1 dx

v =x

= 1 x
Use of integration by parts formula in the correct M1 direction. Correct expression. A1 An attempt to multiply x by a 1 candidates a or bx or 1 . dM1 x x Correct integration with + c A1 aef

x 2

) dx

x = x ln ( 2 ) x. 1 dx x

x = x ln ( 2 ) 1 dx

x = x ln ( 2 ) x + c


sin 2 x dx

NB : cos 2 x = 1 2sin 2 x or sin 2 x = =

1 2

( 1

cos 2 x )

Consideration of double angle M1 formula for cos 2x

1 cos 2 x 1 dx = 2 2

(1 cos 2 x ) dx
Integrating to give ax b sin 2 x ; a , b 0 dM1 Correct result of anything equivalent to 1 x 1 sin 2 x A1 2 4

1 1 2 x 2 sin 2 x 4 2

= 1 2

sin( ) 2

( 2 )

= 1 ( 0) ( 1 ) 2 2 4 2

Substitutes limits of and 2 4 and subtracts the correct way ddM1 round.

1 2

( 4 + 1 ) 2

=+1 8 4

1 2

( 4 + 1 ) 2


+ 1 or 4

2 +8

A1 aef , cso

Candidate must collect their term and constant term together for A1 No fluked answers, hence cso.


9 marks


ln (

x 2

) dx

x = (their v)ln ( 2 )

( their v ).( their

du dx

) dx

for M1 in part (i).


+ 1 = 0.64269... 4


Question Number Aliter 4. (i) Way 2



ln (

x 2

) dx

( ln x ln 2) dx = ln x dx ln 2 dx
u = ln x 1.ln x dx dv = 1 dx
1 x

ln x dx =

du 1 = dx x v =x Use of integration by parts formula in the correct M1 direction. Correct integration of ln x A1 with or without + c Correct integration of ln 2 M1 with or without + c Correct integration with + c A1 aef

ln x dx = x ln x x.


= x ln x x + c

ln 2 dx = x ln 2 + c

ln (

x 2

) dx

= x ln x x x ln 2 + c


ln x dx = ( their v ) ln x ( their v ).( their

du dx

) dx

for M1 in part (i).


Question Number Aliter 4. (i) Way 3



ln (
x 2

x 2

) dx
du 1 = dx 2

Applying substitution correctly to give

ln (

x 2

) dx

= 2 ln u du

ln (

x 2

) dx

= 2 ln u du

Decide to award 2nd M1 here!

ln u dx = 1.ln u du
1 ln u dx = u ln u u. u du

Use of integration by parts formula in the correct M1 direction. Correct integration of ln u A1 with or without + c
Decide to award M1 2nd M1 here!

= u ln u u + c

ln (

x 2

) dx

= 2 ( u ln u u ) + c
x 2


ln (

) dx

x = x ln ( 2 ) x + c

Correct integration with + c A1 aef



Question Number Aliter 4. (ii) Way 2



sin 2 x dx =

sin x.sin x dx


I = sin 2 x dx

u = sin x du = cos x dx dv = sin x v = cos x dx

I = sin x cos x + cos 2 x dx


An attempt to use the correct M1 by parts formula.

I = sin x cos x +


(1 sin

x ) dx


x dx = sin x cos x + 1 dx sin 2 x dx

For the LHS becoming 2I dM1

2 sin 2 x dx = sin x cos x + 1 dx 2 sin 2 x dx = { sin x cos x + x}

( ) 2 2


x dx = 1 sin x cos x + 2

x 2

Correct integration A1

sin 2 x dx = 1 sin( )cos( ) + 2 2 2 = (0 + ) ( 1 + ) 4 4 8

=+1 8 4

) (

1 2

sin( ) cos( ) + 4 4

( ) 4 2

Substitutes limits of and 2 4 and subtracts the correct way ddM1 round.
1 2

( 4 + 1 ) 2


+ 1 or 4

2 +8

A1 aef cso

Candidate must collect their term and constant term together for A1 No fluked answers, hence cso.



+ 1 = 0.64269... 4


Question Number
5. (a)

Scheme x 3 4 y 2 = 12 xy ( eqn )


x = 8 512 4 y 2 = 12(8) y

512 4 y 2 = 96 y
4 y 2 96 y + 512 = 0 y 2 24 y + 128 = 0 ( y 16)( y 8) = 0

Substitutes x = 8 (at least once) into * to obtain a three term quadratic in y . M1 Condone the loss of = 0.

24 576 4(128) 2

An attempt to solve the quadratic in y by either factorising or by the formula or by dM1 completing the square. Both y = 16 and y = 8. or ( 8, 8 ) and ( 8, 16 ).

y = 16 or y = 8.



dy dy dy ; = 12 y + 12 x = 3x 2 8 y dx dx dx

Differentiates implicitly to include either M1 ky dy or 12 x dy . Ignore dy = ... dx dx dx Correct LHS equation; A1; Correct application of product rule (B1) not necessarily required. Substitutes x = 8 and at least one of their dM1 y-values to attempt to find any one of dy . dx One gradient found. A1 Both gradients of -3 and 0 correctly found. A1 cso
[6] 9 marks

dy 3x 2 12 y = 12 x + 8 y dx
@ ( 8, 8 ) , dy 3(64) 12(8) 96 = = = 3, dx 12(8) + 8(8) 32 dy 3(64) 12(16) 0 @ ( 8, 16 ) , = = = 0. dx 12(8) + 8(16) 32


Question Number
Aliter 5. (b) Way 2


Marks Differentiates implicitly to include either dx dx kx 2 dy or 12 y dy . Ignore dx = ... M1 dy Correct LHS equation A1; Correct application of product rule (B1) not necessarily required. Substitutes x = 8 and at least one of their y-values to attempt to find any dM1 one of dy or dx . dx dy One gradient found. A1 Both gradients of -3 and 0 correctly found. A1 cso

dx dx dx = 3x 2 8 y ; = 12 y + 12 x dy dy dy

dy 3x 2 12 y = 12 x + 8 y dx
dy 3(64) 12(8) 96 @ ( 8, 8 ) , = = = 3, dx 12(8) + 8(8) 32 dy 3(64) 12(16) 0 @ ( 8, 16 ) , = = = 0. dx 12(8) + 8(16) 32


Question Number Aliter 5. (b) Way 3

Scheme x 3 4 y 2 = 12 xy ( eqn ) 4 y 2 +12 xy x3 = 0 y=


12 x

144 x 2 4(4)( x 3 ) 8 144 x 2 + 16 x 3 8


12 x

12 x 4 9 x 2 + x 3 y= 8
y=3x 2
1 2


+ x3 )

1 2

dy =3 2 dx

1 2

( 1 ) ( 9 x 2 + x3 ) ; (18 x + 3x 2 ) 2
1 2

A credible attempt to make y the subject and an attempt to differentiate either 3 x 2 or

1 2



1 2


. A1

dy 3 18 x + 3x 2 = 1 dx 2 4(9 x 2 + x3 ) 2

1 dy 2 = 3 k ( 9 x 2 + x3 ) ( g( x) ) 2 dx

dy =3 2 dx

1 2

( 1 ) ( 9 x 2 + x3 ) ; (18 x + 3x 2 ) 2
1 2


@ x = 8

dy 3 18(8) + 3(64) = 1 dx 2 4(9(64) + ( 512)) 2 = 3 48 3 48 = 2 4 (64) 2 32

Substitutes x = 8 find any one of

dy dx


dy 3 3 = = 3, 0. dx 2 2

One gradient correctly found. A1 Both gradients of -3 and 0 correctly found. A1



Question Number 2 3 uuu r uuu r OA = 6 & OB = 4 1 1



6. (a)

3 2 1 uuu uuu uuu r r r AB = OB OA = 4 6 = 2 1 1 2

Finding the difference uuu r uuu r M1 between OB and OA .

Correct answer. A1

An expression of the form 2 1 l1 : r = 6 + 2 or 1 2 (b) 2 1 l1 : r = 6 + 2 or 1 2 3 1 r = 4 + 2 1 2 3 1 r = 4 + 2 1 2 M1 uuu r uuu r r = OA their AB or uuu r uuu r r = OB their AB or uuu r uuu r A1 r = OA their BA or aef uuu r uuu r r = OB their BA

( vector ) ( vector )

( ( (

) ) )

( r is needed.)

(c) 0 1 l2 : r = 0 + 0 0 1 1 r = 0 1

uuu r AB = d 1 = i 2 j + 2k , d 2 = i + 0 j + k & is angle

cos =

uuu r AB d 2 uuu r AB . d 2

) (

1 1 2 0 2 1 (1) 2 + (2) 2 + (2) 2 . (1) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2

Considers dot product uuu r between d 2 and their AB. M1

cos =

1+ 0 + 2 (1) + (2) + (2) . (1) + (0) + (1)

2 2 2 2 2

Correct followed through expression or equation. A1

cos =

3 3. 2

= 45o or

or awrt 0.79.

= 45o or

or awrt 0.79

A1 cao

This means that cos does not necessarily have to be the subject of the equation. It could be of the form 3 2 cos = 3.


Question Number

Scheme 2 1 1 If l1 and l2 intersect then: 6 + 2 = 0 1 2 1


6. (d)


2 + =

(1) (2) (3)

j : 6 2 = 0 k : 1 + 2 =

Either seeing equation (2) written down correctly with or without any other equation or seeing equations M1 (1) and (3) written down correctly. Attempt to solve either equation (2) or simultaneously solve any two of dM1 the three equations to find either one of or correct. A1
5 0 or 5i + 5k 5 A1 cso Fully correct solution & no incorrect values of or seen earlier. [4]

(2) yields = 3 Any two yields = 3, = 5

2 1 5 1 5 l1 : r = 6 + 3 2 = 0 or r = 5 0 = 0 1 2 5 1 5

Aliter 6. (d) Way 2

3 1 1 If l1 and l2 intersect then: 4 + 2 = 0 1 2 1 i: 3 + = (1) (2) (3) Either seeing equation (2) written down correctly with or without any other equation or seeing equations M1 (1) and (3) written down correctly. Attempt to solve either equation (2) or simultaneously solve any two of dM1 the three equations to find either one of or correct. A1 5 0 or 5i + 5k 5 A1 cso Fully correct solution & no incorrect values of or seen earlier.

j : 4 2 = 0 k : 1 + 2 = (2) yields = 2

Any two yields = 2, = 5

3 1 5 1 5 l1 : r = 4 + 2 2 = 0 or r = 5 0 = 0 1 2 5 1 5

[4] 11 marks Note: Be careful! and are not defined in the question, so a candidate could interchange these or use different scalar parameters.


Question Number
Aliter 6. (d) Way 3

Scheme 2 1 1 If l1 and l2 intersect then: 6 + 2 = 0 1 2 1



2 =

(1) (2) (3)

j : 6 + 2 = 0 k : 1 2 =

Either seeing equation (2) written down correctly with or without any other equation or seeing equations M1 (1) and (3) written down correctly.
Attempt to solve either equation (2) or simultaneously solve any two of dM1 the three equations to find either one of or correct. A1 5 0 or 5i + 5k 5 A1 cso Fully correct solution & no incorrect values of or seen earlier.

(2) yields = 3 Any two yields = 3, = 5

2 1 5 1 5 l1 : r = 6 3 2 = 0 or r = 5 0 = 0 1 2 5 1 5

[4] Aliter 6. (d) Way 4

3 1 1 If l1 and l2 intersect then: 4 + 2 = 0 1 2 1


3 =

(1) (2) (3)

j : 4 + 2 = 0 k : 1 2 =

Either seeing equation (2) written down correctly with or without any other equation or seeing equations M1 (1) and (3) written down correctly.
Attempt to solve either equation (2) or simultaneously solve any two of dM1 the three equations to find either one of or correct. A1 5 0 or 5i + 5k 5 A1 cso Fully correct solution & no incorrect values of or seen earlier.

(2) yields = 2 Any two yields = 2, = 5

3 1 5 1 5 l1 : r = 4 2 2 = 0 or r = 5 0 = 0 1 2 5 1 5

[4] 11 marks


Question Number

Scheme 1 x = ln ( t + 2 ) , y = t + 1 ,
dx 1 = dt t + 2

Marks dx 1 = dt t + 2

7. (a)

Must state


Area = Area( R) =

ln 4 ln 2

1 dx ; = t +1

2 0

1 1 dt t + 1 t + 2

1 dx . M1; t +1 Ignore limits.

t + 1 t + 2 dt . Ignore limits.
changes limits x t so that ln 2 0 and ln 4 2

1 1


Changing limits, when: x = ln 2 ln 2 = ln(t + 2) 2 = t + 2 t = 0 x = ln 4 ln 4 = ln(t + 2) 4 = t + 2 t = 2 Hence, Area( R ) =


2 0

1 dt (t + 1)(t + 2)

(b) 1 A B + = (t + 1)(t + 2) (t + 1) (t + 2) 1 = A(t + 2) + B(t + 1) Let t = 1, 1 = A (1) A B + with A and B found M1 (t + 1) (t + 2)

A =1

Let t = 2, 1 = B ( 1) B = 1

Finds both A and B correctly. Can be implied. A1 (See note below)

2 0

1 dt = (t + 1)(t + 2)

2 0

1 1 dt (t + 1) (t + 2)

= [ ln(t + 1) ln(t + 2) ] 0

Either a ln(t + 1) or b ln(t + 2)


Both ln terms correctly ft. A1 Substitutes both limits of 2 and 0 ddM1 and subtracts the correct way round. ln 3 ln 4 + ln 2 or ln ( 3 ) ln ( 1 ) 4 2 or ln 3 ln 2 or ln ( 3 ) 2 (must deal with ln 1)

= ( ln 3 ln 4 ) ( ln1 ln 2 )

= ln 3 ln 4 + ln 2 = ln 3 ln 2 = ln ( 3 ) 2

A1 aef isw


Takes out brackets.

Writing down

1 1 1 = + means first M1A0 in (b). (t + 1)(t + 2) (t + 1) (t + 2) 1 1 1 = means first M1A1 in (b). (t + 1)(t + 2) (t + 1) (t + 2)

Writing down


Question Number x = ln ( t + 2 ) , y=

Scheme 1 t +1


7. (c)

ex = t + 2 t = ex 2

Attempt to make t = the subject M1 giving t = e x 2 A1 Eliminates t by substituting in y dM1 1 giving y = x A1 e 1

1 1 y= x y= x e 2 +1 e 1

Aliter 7. (c) Way 2

t +1 =

1 1 1 y t = 1 or t = y y y 1 y y

Attempt to make t = the subject M1 Giving either t =

1 1 y 1 or t = y y

y (t + 1) = 1 yt + y = 1 yt = 1 y t = 1 x = ln 1 + 2 y 1 x = ln + 1 y ex = 1 +1 y
1 y



1 y x = ln + 2 y

Eliminates t by substituting in x dM1

ex 1 =


1 e 1

giving y =

1 e 1


(d) Domain : x > 0 x > 0 or just > 0 B1

[1] 15 marks


Question Number
Aliter 7. (c) Way 3


Marks Attempt to make t + 1 = the subject M1 giving t + 1 = e x 1 A1

e x = t + 2 t + 1 = e x 1


1 1 y= x t +1 e 1

Eliminates t by substituting in y dM1 1 giving y = x A1 e 1

Aliter 7. (c) Way 4
1 1 1+ y t + 2 = + 1 or t + 2 = t +1= y y y

Attempt to make t + 2 = the subject M1 1 1+ y Either t + 2 = + 1 or t + 2 = A1 y y Eliminates t by substituting in x dM1

1 x = ln + 1 y 1 x = ln + 1 y ex = 1 +1 y


1+ y x = ln y

ex 1 =

1 y giving y = 1 e 1


1 e 1




Question Number

Scheme dV = 1600 c h dt dV = 1600 k h , dt


8. (a)


Either of these statements M1 dV dh 1 = 4000 or = dh dV 4000

(V = 4000h

dV = 4000 dh
dV dt dV dh


dh dh dV = = dt dV dt Either,

dh 1600 c h 1600 c h = = = 0.4 k h dt 4000 4000 4000 Convincing proof of dh 1600 k h 1600 k h = = = 0.4 k h dt 4000 4000 4000
dV = 400 dt

dh dt





When h = 25 water leaks out such that

400 = c h 400 = c 25 400 = c(5) c = 80 From above; k =

Aliter (b) Way 2
c 80 = = 0.02 as required 4000 4000

Proof that k = 0.02


400 = 4000k h 400 = 4000k 25 Using 400, 4000 and h = 25

400 = k (20000) k =
400 20000

= 0.02


h = 5 . Proof that k = 0.02



dh = 0.4 k h dt

dh = dt 0.4 k h

Separates the variables with dh and dt on either side M1 oe 0.4 k h with integral signs not necessary.

time required =


0.02 1 dh 0.02 0.4 0.02 h 50 dh 20 h Correct proof A1 AG


time required =



Question Number
8. (d)




50 20 h

dh with substitution h = (20 x) 2 dh dx

dh dh = 2(20 x)(1) or = 2(20 x) dx dx h = (20 x) 2 h = 20 x x = 20 h


B1 aef

50 dh = 20 h

50 . 2(20 x) dx x

20 x dx or x M1 20 x dx 20 (20 x) where is a constant

= 100

x 20 dx x

20 = 100 1 dx x = 100 ( x 20ln x ) ( + c ) change limits: when h = 0 then x = 20 and when h = 100 then x = 10 x ln x ; , 0 100 x 2000ln x M1 A1



50 10 dh = [100 x 2000ln x ] 20 20 h dh = 100 20 h 2000ln 20 h 0 20 h 50



= (1000 2000ln10 ) ( 2000 2000ln 20 ) = 2000ln 20 2000ln10 1000 = 2000ln 2 1000

Correct use of limits, ie. putting them in the correct way round Either x = 10 and x = 20 ddM1 or h = 100 and h = 0 Combining logs to give... 2000ln 2 1000 A1 aef or 2000ln ( 1 ) 1000 2


Time required = 2000ln 2 1000 = 386.2943611... sec = 386 seconds (nearest second) = 6 minutes and 26 seconds (nearest second) 6 minutes, 26 seconds B1
[1] 13 marks


January 2008 6674 Further Pure Mathematics FP1 Mark Scheme

Question Number Scheme Marks

Integrating factor = e3 x d ( ye 3 x ) = xe 3 x dx x 1 ( ye3 x ) = xe 3 x dx = e 3 x + e 3 x dx 3 3 x 1 = e3 x e3 x (+c) 3 9 x 1 y = + ce3 x 3 9

B1 M1 M1 A1 A1ft

Notes: First M for multiplying through by Integrating Factor and evidence of calculus Second M for integrating by parts the right way around. Be generous ignore wrong signs and wrong constants. Second M dependent on first. Both As dependent on this M. First A1 for correct expression constant not required Second A requires constant for follow through. If treated as a second order de with errors then send to review.



Use (2x+1) as factor to give f ( x) = (2 x + 1)( x 2 6 x + 10) Attempt to solve quadratic to give x = Two complex roots are 6 (36 40) 2 = 3i

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 (6)

Notes: First M if method results in quadratic expression with 3 terms (even with remainder). Second M for use of correct formula on their quadratic. Third M for using i from negative discriminant.

3. (a)

( x + 3)( x + 9) (3 x 5)( x 1) 2 x 2 + 20 x + 22 Consider , obtaining ( x 1) ( x 1) 2( x 11)( x + 1) Factorise to obtain . ( x 1) Identify x = 1 and their two other critical values Obtain one inequality as an answer involving at least one of their critical values To obtain x < -1, 1 < x < 11

M1 A1 M1 A1 (4) B1ft M1 A1, A1 (4) [8]


Notes: Second M attempt to factorise quadratic expression with 3 terms (usual rules). Second A dont require -2 outside but can be part of factors.

B1, B1

4. (a)

f (0.7) = 0.195028497 and f (0.8) = 0.297206781

M1 Use 0.8 f (0.8) 0.8 f (0.7) + 0.7 f (0.8) = to obtain = 0.7 f (0.7) f (0.8) f (0.7) Answer required to 3 dp or better M1 A1 M1 A1 (4)

A1 (4)

(=0.739620991) =0.740

x f ( x) = 6 x + 1 1 sec2 ( 2 ) 2 f (0.75) Use x2 = 0.75 ( = 0.741087218)=0.741 Answer required to 3 dp or better f (0.75)

Notes: (a) Bs for 3dp or better First M for reasonable attempt using fractions and differences. (b) First M attempt to differentiate f(x), term in x is enough. Lose last A if either or both not to 3 dp


Question Number 5.




Method to obtain partial fractions e.g. 5r + 4 = A(r + 1)(r + 2) + Br (r + 2) + Cr (r + 1) M1 And equating coefficients, or substituting values for x. A = 2, B = 1, C =-3 or
2 r 3 + r11 r +2 +

A1 A1 A1 (4)


... =
r =1

2 1

3 +13 2

+2+13 2 3 4
3 +2+15 3 4

3 2 + 3 , n2 1 n + 2 or equivalent + 2

M1 A1, A1

+ .... + n2 1 + 1 n3 1 n +
3 2 + n + n1 1 n + 2 +

7(n + 1)(n + 2) 4(n + 2) 6(n + 1) 7 n 2 + 11n * = 2(n + 1)(n + 2) 2(n + 1)(n + 2)

M1 A1 (5)

Notes: (a) Require three constants for method. (b) Require first 3 and last 2 of their terms for first method Second method - dependent on first - for attempt to combine to single fraction. Expansion of (n+1)(n+2) in numerator and correct solution required for final A1


Question Number 6(a)



2 i 5 ( ii ) Expand and simplify using i2 = -1 to give 3 4i ( i ) Multiply top and bottom by conjugate to give z 2 z = 5 5i, z2 z = 5 2 *

M1 A1 M1 A1

(b) (c) (d)


arg( z 2 z ) = or -450 or 7/4 or 3150 or -0.7853or 5.497 4

M1 A1

one mark for each point


B1, B1 ft

Notes: (a) -2-i or 2+i OK for method. Attempt to expand required. (b) square root required for method (c) 2 for correct answer only, tan required for method. 2dp or better. (d) Position of points not clear but both quadrants correct first B1 only.


Question Number




Solve auxiliary equation 3m2 m 2 = 0 to obtain m = C.F is Ae

2x 3

2 or 1 3

M1 A1 A1ft M1 A1 A1A1 A1ft


+ Be x

Let PI = x 2 + x + . Find y = 2 x + , and y = 2 and substitute into d.e. Giving = 1 , = 1 and = 7 2 2 4 y = 1 x 2 + 1 x 7 + Ae 2 2 4 (b)
2x 3

+ Be x

Use boundary conditions: 2= 7 + A + B 4 y = x + 1 2 Ae 2 3

2x 3

+ Be x and 3 =

1 2

2 A+ B 3
2x 3

M1A1ft + 3e x )

3 Solve to give A=3/4 , B = 3 ( y = 1 x 2 + 1 x 7 + 4 e 2 2 4

M1 M1 M1 A1


(a) Attempt to solve quadratic expression with 3 terms (usual rules)

Both values required for first accuracy. Real values only for follow through Second M 3 term quadratic for PI required Final A1ft for their CF+ their PI dependent upon at least one M
(b) Second M for attempt to differentiate their y and third M for substitution


Question Number



8 (a)

a (3 + 2 cos ) = 4a Solve to obtain cos =


5 and points are (4a, ) and (4a, ) 3 3 3

1 2

1 2

M1 M1 A1, A1 (4) M1 A1
M1 A1 M1

Use area =

Obtain (9 + 12 cos + 2 cos 2 + 2)d Integrate to give 11 + 12sin + sin 2

r d

to give 1 a 2 (3 + 2 cos ) 2 d 2


5 and or theirs Use limits and , then double or 3 3 3 16 a 2 Find a third area of circle = 3 2 38 a 13 3a 2 Obtain required area = 3 2

B1 A1 , A1 (8)




correct shape 5a and 4a marked 2a marked and passes through O

B1 B1 B1 (3)

Notes: (a) First A for r=4a second for both values in radians. Accept 1.0471and 5.2359.2 dp or better for final A (b) First M for substitution, expansion and attempt to use double angles. Second M for integrating expression of the form a + b cos + c cos 2 Lose final A only if a 2 missing in last line (c) First B for approximately symmetrical shape about initial line, only 1 loop which is convex strictly within shaded region



January 2008 6677 Mechanics M1 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1(a) . I 1 5

Scheme 3 A B I 2


M1 A1 (2) I = 4( 5 1) = 16 Ns (b) CLM: 4x5mx3 = 4x1+mx2 DM1 A1 m = 3.2


M1 A1 (4)

M1 A1 16 = m (3 + 2) m = 3.2 DM1 A1 (4) 6 M1 A1 (2) 2.(a) (b) 27 = 0 + .a.32 a = 6 v = 6 x 3 = 18 m s1 M1 A1 f.t. (c) From t = 3 to t = 5, s = 18 x 2 x 9.8 x 22 Total ht. = s + 27 = 43.4 m, 43 m M1 A1 (4)

M1 A1 f.t. (2)


Question Number 3.(a) V



Shape V 15 Shape for last 22s (with V > 15) 5 Figures t (b) (15 + 5) x t = 120 t = 12 T = 12 + 16 + 22 = 50 s (c) 120 + (V + 5).16 + 22V = 1000 Solve: 30V = 840 V = 28 16 22

B1 B1 B1 M1 M1 A1 (3) M1 B1 A1 DM1 A1 (5) 11 M1 A1 (3)


R (// plane):

49 cos = 6g sin 30 cos = 3/5 *

A1 M1 A1



R (perp to plane):

R = 6g cos 30 + 49 sin R 90.1 or 90 N

DM1 A1 (4) M1 A2,1,0 A1 (4)



R (// to plane):

49 cos 30 6g sin 30 = 6a a 2.17 or 2.2 m s2


Question Number S 5.(a) A T C B

Scheme M(A): T x 4 = 12g x 2.5 T = 7.5g or 73.5 N R() S + T = 12g S = 4.5g or 44.1 N U A C 16g N V 98 39.2y + 73.5 98 12g V B M(A) V x 4 = 16g x y + 12g x 2.5 V = 4gy + 7.5g or 39.2y + 73.5

Marks M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 (5)

M1 A1 A1 M1 DM1 A1 (3)




y 0.625 = 5/8 Hence load must be no more than 5/8 m from A (o.e.)

M1 A1 (2) 6.(a) (b) Speed = (52 + 82) 9.43 m s1 Forming arctan 8/5 or arctan 5/8 oe Bearing = 360 arctan 5/8 or 270 + arctan 8/5 = 328 At t = 3, p.v. of P = (7 15)i + (10 + 24)j = 8i + 14j Hence 8i + 14j + 4(ui + v j) = 0 (d) u = 2, v = 3.5 p.v. of P t secs after changing course = (8i + 14j) + t(2i 3.5j) = 7i + .. Hence total time = 10.5 s M1 DM1 A1 (3) M1 A1 (c) M1 DM1 A1 (5) M1 DM1 A1 (3)


Question Number 7.(a) B:

Scheme 2mg T = 2m x 4g/9 T = 10mg/9

Marks M1 A1 A1 (3) M1 B1 A1 DM1 A1 (5) M1 A1 M1 A1 f.t. DM1 A1 B1 (6) (1)




T mg = m x 4g/9

Sub for T and solve: (c)

= 2/3 *

When B hits: v2 = 2 x 4g/9 x h Deceleration of A after B hits: ma = mg a = 2g/3 Speed of A at P: V2 = 8gh/9 2 x 2g/3 x h/3 V =
2 3



Same tension on A and B


January 2008 6678 Mechanics M2 Mark Scheme

Question Number

Scheme (a) (b) KE lost is Work energy 1 2.5 82 = 80 ( J ) 2

80 = R 20 R=4


M1 A1 ft their (a)


M1 A1 ft A1 (3) [5]

Alternative to (b) 02 = 82 2 a 20 a = ( )1.6 N2L

R = 2.5 1.6 =4

ft their a

M1 A1ft A1 (3)


(a) (b)

& p = ( 6t 6 ) i + ( 9t 2 4 ) j
9t 2 4 = 0 t=2 3
& t = 1 p = 5j 2i 6 j = 0.5 ( v 5 j)
v = 4i 7 j

(ms )

M1 A1 M1 DM1 A1
& ft their p



(c) (+/-)

B1ft M1 M1 A1
(4) [9]

(m s )


Question Number

Scheme (a)
20 000 = 16 F

Marks M1 A1 M1 A1ft (5) A1

( F = 1250 )
ft their F cso

F = 550 + 1000 9.8sin 1 Leading to sin = 14



550 + 1000 9.8 sin = 1000 a 1 ( 550 + 1000 9.8 14 = 1000a ) or 1250 = 1000a ( a = ( )1.25)

M1 A1

v 2 = u 2 + 2as 162 = 2 1.25 y y 102 accept 102.4, 100 Alternative to (b) Work-Energy

M1 A1

(4) [9]

1 2

1 1000 162 1000 9.8 14 y = 550 y y 102 accept 102.4, 100

M1 M1 A1 A1 (4)


(a) Mass ratio

x y

Triangle Circle S 9 126 9 126 (28.3) (97.7) 7 5 x 4 5 y

B1 B1ft 4, 7 seen B1 M1 A1ft A1 M1 A1ft A1


126 7 = 9 5 + (126 9 ) x ft their table values x 7.58 (

882 45 ) 126 9

awrt 7.6

126 4 = 9 5 + (126 9 ) y ft their table values

y 3.71 ( tan = y 21 x 15

504 45 ) 126 9

awrt 3.7


ft their x , y

M1 A1ft A1
(3) [12]


Question Number

Scheme (a) N 2a

Marks B

a mg R a 3mg A (A)

N 4a cos 30 = 3mg a sin 30 + mg 2a sin 30 5 5 N = mg tan 30 ( = mg = 7.07m) 4 4 3 Fr = N , R = 4mg Using Fr = R 5 mg = R for their R 43 5 = awrt 0.18 16 3

M1 A2(1,0) DM1 A1 B1, B1 B1 M1 A1 (10)


Alternative method: M(B): mg 2a sin 30 + 3mg 3a sin 30 + F 4a cos 30 = R 4a sin 30 11mga sin 30 + F 4a cos 30 = R 4a sin 30 11mg 4 3 +F = 2R 2 2 R = 4mg , Using Fr = R 8 3 = 5 , 2

M1A3(2,1,0) DM1A1 B1 B1

5 16 3

M1 A1




30 = 2ut 47.5 = 5ut 4.9t 2 47.5 = 75 4.9t 2 75 + 47.5 t2 = ( = 25) 4.9

t =5

eliminating u or t

B1 M1 A1 DM1 DM1


A1 (6) M1 A1 (2) M1 A1 A1 DM1 A1 (5)


(b) (c)

30 = 2ut 30 = 10u u = 3

& y = 5u 9.8t = 34 M1 requires both & & & x = 2u = 6 x and y

v 2 = 62 + ( 34 ) v 34.5

(ms )

accept 35

Alternative to (c)
1 2 2 2 mvB 1 mv A = m g 47.5 with 2 2 vA = 62 + 152 = 261

M1 A(2,1,0) DM1 A1 (5)

2 vB = 261 + 2 9.8 47.5 ( = 1192 )

vB 34.5

(ms )

accept 35

BEWARE : Watch out for incorrect use of v 2 = u 2 + 2as


Question Number

Scheme (a) 2u 2m x LM NEL u 3m y


4mu + 3mu = 2mx + 3my yx= 1u 2 Solving to y = 8 u 5 cso

M1 A1 B1 M1 A1

(b) Energy loss

1 2m 2

x = 11 u

(( 2u ) (


or equivalent

B1 M1 A(2,1,0) A1

11 10

u ) + 1 3m u 2 ( 8 u ) 5 2

= (c)
8 5

9 mu 2 20

3m s LM NEL
24 mu 5

m t = 3ms + mt
8 eu 5
2 u 5

M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 ignore e 1 A1
(7) [17]

ts = Solving to s =

(3 e)

For a further collision

11 10 u

2 > 5 u (3 e) 1 4




January 2008 6679 Mechanics M3 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1.(a) Scheme Marks

T or

l 0.16 = 2g 0.4
= 49 N

= mg (even T=m is M1, A0, A0 sp case)

M1 A1


or 5g

A1 (3) mg T
(ft on their )

Special case giving

T sin = mg

there is evidence that they think is with horizontal then M1 A1 A0

= 30 is M1 A0 A0 unless

T cos = mg or cos =



0.32 . cos = 19.6 or 4 g.cos = 2 g or 2mg.cos = mg 0.4

cos =
1 2

A1ft A1 (3)

= 60

( or


2. m a = a) Uses a = v

16 d 2 x dv dv , with acceleration in any form (e.g. 2 , v , or 5x 2 dt dx dt


dv dv 32 to obtain k v = k 2 dx dx x


Separates variables,

v dv = k

32 dx x2
or equivalent e.g.
0.1 2

dM1 v2 = 16 (+ 5x A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 cao 8


1 2

v2 = m

32 (+ C) x

C) Substituting x = 2 if + used earlier or 2 if used in d.e. x = 2, v = 8 32 = 16 + C C = 48 (or value appropriate to their correct equation) v = 0

32 = 48 x = x

2 3

(N.B. - 2 is not acceptable for final answer 3


d 1 16 2 ( 2 mv ) = , is also a valid approach. dx 5x 2


Last two method marks are independent of earlier marks and of each other

Question Number 3.(a) Large cone Vol. C of M

1 3



small cone
1 3

7 3

( 2r ) 2 ( 2 h )
1 2

r 2 h
5 4

r 2 h (accept ratios 8

: 1 : 7)

B1 B1, B1


(or equivalent)

8 3

r 2 h. 1 h 2

1 3

r 2 h . 5 h = 4
x =

7 3 11 28

r 2 h . x

or equivalent

M1 A1 (5) M1, A1 A1 (3) 8


tan =

2r 2r 2r 28 = 11 , = 11 = 11 x 28 h 14 r

68.6 or 1.20 radians

(Special case obtains complement by using tan

2r giving 21.4 or .374 radians M1A0A0) x

Centres of mass may be measured from another point ( e.g. centre of small circle, or vertex) The Method mark will then require a complete method (Moments and subtraction) to give required value for x ). However B marks can be awarded for correct values if the candidate makes the working clear.


Question Number 4. (a)

Energy equation with at least three terms, including K.E term

Marks M1 A1, A1, A1 dM1 A1 (6)

1 mV 2 + .. 2 1 2mg a 2 1 1 2mg 9a 2 . , + mg. a.sin 30, = . . + .. . 2 a 16 2 2 a 16

V = (b) Using point where velocity is zero and point where string becomes slack:

ga 2

1 mw2 = 2 1 2mg 9a 2 3a . . , mg. .sin 30 2 a 16 4

w =

M1 A1, A1

A1 (4)
3ag 8

M1,A1 A1
Alternative (using point of projection and point where string becomes slack):
1 2

mw2 1 mV1 , = 2 So w =

mga mga 16 8 3ag 8


In part (a) DM1 requires EE, PE and KE to have been included in the energy equation. If sign errors lead to V 2 =

M1 A1 A1 A1

ga , the last two marks are M0 A0 2

In parts (a) and (b) A marks need to have the correct signs In part (b) for M1 need one KE term in energy equation of at least 3 terms with distance

3a to indicate first method, and two KE terms in energy equation of at least 4 terms with 4 a distance to indicate second method. 4
SHM approach in part (b). (Condone this method only if SHM is proved) Using v 2 = 2 (a 2 x 2 ) with 2 = Using a =
a 2

to give

a 2g and x = . 4 a 3ag w = . 8




mv 2 = N , = mg r

M1, A1 A1 (3)


212 v2 = = 0 .6 rg 75 9.8

R() R cos , m0.6 R sin = mg

M1, A1, A1 A1 (4)

25mg 4 3 3 R . = mg R = 11 5 5 5
(c) R( ) R sin , 0.6 R cos =

mv 2 r

M1, A1, A1 dM1 A1cao (5) 12

v 32.5 m s1

In part (b) M1 needs three terms of which one is mg If cos and sin are interchanged in equation this is awarded M1 A0 A1 In part (c) M1 needs three terms of which one is

If cos and sin are interchanged in equation this is also awarded M1 A0 A1 If they resolve along the plane and perpendicular to the plane in part (b), then attempt at

mv 2 or mr 2 r

R mg cos =

mv 2 mv 2 sin , and 0.6 R + mg sin = cos and attempt to eliminate v r r

Two correct equations Correct work to solve simultaneous equations Answer In part (c) Substitute R into one of the equations Substitutes into a correct equation (earning accuracy marks in part (b)) Uses R =

M1 A1 A1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1A1


25mg 11


25mg ) 29

Obtain v = 32.5



Question 6.(a)

Scheme Energy equation with two terms on RHS,

Marks 1 2 1 5 ga mv = m. + mga sin 2 2 2

(3 terms)

M1, A1 A1 cso (3) M1 A1 A1 (3) M1, A1 A1 (3) M1 A1 A1


ga (5 + 4sin ) 2 mv 2 R(\\ string) T mg sin = a v2 = T = mg (5 + 6 sin ) o.e. 2


T = 0 sin , = 5 6

Has a solution, so string slack when 236(.4) or 4.13 radians (d) At top of small circle,

1 2 1 5 ga mga mv = m. 2 2 2 2 2 3 v = 2 ga = 14.7a mv 2 , r
3 ga T + mg = m. 21 2a

(M1 for energy equation with 3 terms)

Resolving and using Force =

(M1 needs three terms, but any v)

M1 A1 A1 (6)

T = 2mg

Use of v 2 = u 2 + 2 gh is M0 in part (a)


Question Number 7.(a) (Measuring x from E)


Marks M1 A1, A1 d M1 A1cso (5) B1 (1)

2 && = 2 g 98( x + 0.2) , and so && = 49x x x

SHM period with 2 = 49 so T =
2 7


Max. acceleration = 49 max. x = 49 x 0.4 = 19.6 m s2


String slack when x = 0.2:

v2 = 49(0.42 0.22) v 2.42 m s1 =

M1 A1 7 3 5 A1 M1 dM1 A1 A1 (3)

Uses x = a cos t or use x = a sin t but not with x = 0 or a (d)

Attempt complete method for finding time when string goes slack

0.2 = 0.4 cos 7t cos 7t = 1 2

t =

2 0.299 s 21 (2) 2.42 2 3 = 0.495 s 7 g

(2 needed for A

Time when string is slack =


M1 A1ft A1 (7)

Total time = 2 x 0.299 + 0.495 1.09 s


DM1 requires the minus sign. Special case 2 && = 2 g 98 x is M1A1A0M0A0 x 2 && = 98 x is M0A0A0M0A0 x x No use of && , just a is M1 A0,A0 then M1 A0 if otherwise correct. Quoted results are not acceptable. Answer must be positive and evaluated for B1 M1 Use correct formula with their , a and x but not x = 0. A1 Correct values but allow x = +0.2 Alternative It is possible to use energy instead to do this part
1 2

(b) (c)

mv 2 + mg 0.6 =


M1 A1


If they use If they use If they use

x = a sin t with x = 0.2 and add or 14 this is dM1, A1 if done correctly 7 x = a cos t with x = -0.2 this is dM1, then A1 (as in scheme)

x = a cos t

with x = +0.2 this needs their

minus answer to reach dM1, then A1


January 2008 6683 Statistics S1 Mark Scheme

Question Number
1. (a)



x = 773, y = 724

B1, B1 o.e. M1 A1ft A1 (5) B1g B1h (2)

Total 7 marks

10 56076 773 724

(10 60475 7732 )(10 53122 7242 ) r = 0.155357.....


Both weak correlation Neither score is a good indication of future performance Interview test is slightly better since correlation is positive

NB (a)


( 773)2 = 60475

= 722.1, S yy

( 724 )2 = 53122

= 704.4, Sxy = 56076

773 724 = 110.8 10

1st B1 for

x and 2nd B1 for y , should be seen or implied.

M1 for at least one correct attempt at one of Sxx , S yy or Sxy and then using in the correct formula 1st A1ft for a fully correct expression. (ft their x and their y) or 3 correct expressions for S xx , S xy , and S yy but possibly incorrect values for these placed (b) correctly in r. 2nd A1 for awrt 0.155 If r > 0.5 they can score B1g in (b) for saying that it (skills test) is not a good guide to performance but B0h since a second acceptable comment about both tests is not possible. Give B1 for one correct line, B1B1 for any 2. If the only comment is the test(s) are a good guide: scores B0B0 If the only comment is the tests are not good: scores B1B0 (second line) The third line is for a comment that suggests that the interview test is OK but the skills test is not since one is positive and the other is negative. Treat 1st B1 as B1g and 2nd as B1h An answer of no alone scores B0B0


Question Number



2. (a) mean is sd is 2757 , = 229.75 12 724961 (229.75) 2 , = 87.34045 12 AWRT 230 M1, A1 AWRT 87.3 M1, A1 [Accept s = AWRT 91.2] (4) (b) Ordered list is: 125, 160, 169, 171, 175, 186, 210, 243, 250, 258, 390, 420 Q2 = 1 (186 + 210 ) = 198 2 B1 B1 B1 (3) (c)
Q3 + 1.5(Q3 Q1 ) = 254 + 1.5(254 170), = 380 Patients F (420) and B (390) are outliers. Q1 2Q2 + Q3 170 2 198 + 254 & = , = 0.3 Q3 Q1 254 170 Positive skew.

(169 + 171) = 170 Q3 = 1 ( 250 + 258 ) = 254 2

Q1 =
1 2

Accept AWRT (370-392)

M1, A1 B1ft B1ft (4) M1, A1 A1ft (3)

Total 14 marks


AWRT 0.33

(a) NB (b)

1st M1 2nd M1

with a credible numerator and n = 12. n for using a correct formula, root required but can ft their mean Use of s = 8321.84... = 91.22... is OK for M1A1 here. Answers only from a calculator in (a) can score full marks

for using

1st B1 for median= 198 only, 2nd B1 for lower quartile 3rd B1 for upper quartile If all Q1 and Q 3 are incorrect but an ordered list (with > 6 correctly placed) is seen and used then award B0B1 as a special case for these last two marks. M1 A1 1st B1ft 2nd B1ft M1 1st A1 2nd A1ft for a clear attempt using their quartiles in given formula, for any value in the range 370 - 392 for any one correct decision about B or F - ft their limit in range (258, 420) for correct decision about both F and B - ft their limit in range (258, 420) If more points are given score B0 here for the second B mark. ( Can score M0A0B1B1 here) for an attempt to use their figures in the correct formula must be seen (> 2 correct substitutions) for AWRT 0.33 for positive skew. Follow through their value/sign of skewness . Ignore any further calculations. positive correlation scores A0




Question Number 3. Width Freq. Density 1 6 1 7

Scheme 4 2 2 6 3 5.5 5 2 3 12 1.5 0.5 0.5 12 or 6



Total area is (1 6) + (1 7) + (4 2) + ...., = 70 140 ( 90.5 78.5) 1 2 their 70 70 seen anywhere Number of runners is 12

M1 B1 A1 (5)
Total 5 marks

1st M1 1st A1 2nd M1 B1 2nd A1

for attempt at width of the correct bar (90.5 - 78.5) [Maybe on histogram or in table] for 0.5 12 or 6 (may be seen on the histogram. Must be related to the area of the bar above 78.5 - 90.5. 140 for attempting area of correct bar their 70 for 70 seen anywhere in their working for correct answer of 12. 140 70

Minimum working required is 2 0.5 12 where the 2 should come from Beware 90.5 - 78.5 = 12 (this scores M1A0M0B0A0) Common answer is 0.5 12 = 6 (this scores M1A1M0B0A0) If unsure send to review e.g. 2 0.5 12=12 without 70 being seen


Question Number 4. (a)

S xy = 1818.5 S xx = 188

Scheme 41 406 , = 153.9 (could be seen in (b)) 10 (could be seen in (b))


AWRT 154

M1, A1 A1 (3)

412 = 19.9 10


153.9 , = 7.733668.... b= 19.9 a = 40.6 b 4.1(= 8.89796....) y = 8.89 + 7.73 x A typical car will travel 7700 miles every year
x = 5, y = 8.89 + 7.73 5(= 47.5 47.6) So mileage predicted is

AWRT 7.73

M1, A1 M1 A1 (4) B1ft (1) M1 A1 (2)

Total 10 marks

(c) (d)

AWRT 48000

Accept calculations for S xx and S xy in (a) or (b)


M1 1st A1 2nd A1

for correct attempt or expression for either for one correct for both correct


Ignore the epen marks for part (b) they should be awarded as per this scheme

1st M1 1 A1 2nd M1 2nd A1


their Sxx for AWRT 7.73 for attempt at correct formula for a (minus required). Ft their b. Quoting a correct formula but making one slip in y =406 is OK for correct equation with 2dp accuracy. Accept a = 8.89, and b = 7.73 even if not written as final equation.


their Sxy

Correct answers only (from calc) score 4/4 if correct to 2dp or 3/4 if AWRT 2dp

(c) (d)

B1ft M1 A1

for their b 1000 to at least 2 sf. Accept 7.7 thousand but value is needed for substituting x = 5 into their final answer to (b). for AWRT 48000 (Accept 48 thousands)


5. (a)

Diagram may be drawn with B ( A C ) or with the 0 for B ( A C ) simply left blank


Accept decimals or probs. in Venn diagram 1 2 90 3 1 0

3cc 90,3,2,1 1,(0),2 1 outside Box C 2 1 M1 A1 M1A1 A1 B1 (6)

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

P(none)=0.01 P(A but not B)=0.04 P(any wine but C)=0.03 P(exactly two)=0.06

B1ft (1) M1 A1ft (2) M1A1ft (2) M1A1ft (2) AWRT 0.969 M1A1ft,A1 (3)
Total 16 marks

P(C A) =

31 P(C A) 93 =, or or P( A) 96 32


1st M1 for 3 closed, labelled curves that overlap. A1 for the 90, 3, 2 and 1 for one of 1, 0 or 2 correct or a correct sum of 4 values for A, B or C 2nd M1 for all 7 values correct. Accept a blank instead of 0. 2nd A1 NB final mark is a B1 for the box not an A mark as on EPEN In parts (b) to (f) full marks can be scored for correct answers or correct ft B1ft M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 1st A1ft 2nd A1 Follow through their 1from outside divided by 100 for correct expression eg P( A B ) P( B) or calculation e.g. 3 + 1 or 4 on top for a correct probability, follow through with their 3+1 from diagram for correct expression or calculation e.g. 1+2+0 or 99-96 or 3 on top for a correct probability, follow through their 2+1+0 from diagram for a correct expression or calculation e.g. 3+2+1 or 6 on top

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

For M marks in (c) to (e) they must have a fraction

for a correct expression upto , and some correct substitution, ft their values. One of these probabilities must be correct or correct ft. If P(C) on bottom M0 follow through their A C and their A but the ratio must be in (0, 1) for correct answer only. Answer only scores 3/3, but check working P( A C )/P(C ) is M0


Question Number 6 (a) (b) 200 or 200g

Scheme B1

Marks (1)

P(190 < X < 210) = 0.6 or P(X < 210) = 0.8 or P(X > 210)= 0.2 or diagram (o.e.) M1 Correct use of 0.8 or 0.2 A1 210 200 Z = () M1


= 11.882129....
180 200 = PZ < = P( Z < 1.6832) = 1 0.9535 = 0.0465 or AWRT 0.046

= 0.8416

0.8416 B1 AWRT 11.9 A1 (5)


P ( X < 180)

M1 M1 A1 (3)
Total 9 marks


mean = 200g is B0 but median = 200 or just 200 alone is B1

Standardization in (b) and (c). They must use not 2 or .


1st M1 1st A1 2nd M1 B1 2nd A1

for a correct probability statement (as given or eg P(200<X<210)=0.3 o.e.) or shaded diagram - must have values on z-axis and probability areas shown for correct use of 0.8 or p = 0.2. Need a correct probability statement. May be implied by a suitable value for z seen (e.g. z = 0.84) for attempting to standardise. Values for x and used in formula. Dont need z = for this M1 nor a z-value, just mark standardization. for z = 0.8416 (or better) [z = 0.84 usually just loses this mark in (a)] for AWRT 11.9 for attempting to Standardise with 200 and their sd(>0) e.g. ( )
NB on epen this is an A mark ignore and treat it as 2nd M1 for 1 a probability from tables provided compatible with their probability statement. for 0.0465 or AWRT 0.046 (Dependent on both Ms in part (c))


1st M1 2nd M1 A1

180 200 their


Question 7.(a) (b) 3 2 1 0 B R 0 0 0 0 0


1 1 1 P ( R = 3 B = 0) = , = 4 4 16

M1, A1 (2)

3 2 1 0 1

6 4 2 0 2

9 6 3 0 3

All 0s All 1,2,3s All 4,6,9s

B1 B1 B1 (3)



7 1 ,b = c = d = 16 16 1 1 1 1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... 16 8 8 16 1 9 = 2 or exact equivalent e.g. 2.25, 4 4


B1, B1 B1 (3)


E(T )

M1 A1 (2)


1 1 1 1 9 Var(T ) = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 +,... 16 8 8 16 4 49 81 3 115 = =7 or (o.e.) AWRT 7.19 4 16 16 16

M1 1 B1 2nd B1 M1 1 M1 1st A1 2nd M1 2nd A1
st st

M1A1,M1 A1 (4)

Total 14 marks

(a) (c) (d) (e)

for for

1 4

1 4

7 16

1 1 1 for only one error in b, c, d ( b = c = d 16 or b = c = 16 d etc), 3rd B1 all of b, c, d = 16

for attempting

tP(T = t ) , 3 or more terms correct or correct ft. Must Attempt to sum.

NB calculating E(T) and then dividing by a number other than 1 scores M0. for attempt at E(T 2 ) , 3 or more terms correct or correct ft.

49 (o.e.) or a fully correct expression (all non-zero terms must be seen) 4 9 for subtracting their [E(T )]2 , Must be some attempt to square 9 is M0 but 16 could be M1 4
for for correct fraction or AWRT 7.19 Full marks can still be scored in (d) and (e) if a is incorrect



January 2008 Statistics S2 Mark Scheme

Question Number 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) Scheme A census is when every member of the population is investigated. There would be no cookers left to sell. A list of the unique identification numbers of the cookers. B1 A cooker B1 (4) Notes 1. (a)
B1 Need one word from each group (1) Every member /all items / entire /oe (2) population/collection of individuals/sampling frame/oe

Marks B1 B1

enumerating the population on its own gets B0 (b) (c) (d)

B1 Idea of Tests to destruction. Do not accept cheap or quick B1 Idea of list/ register/database of cookers/serial numbers B1 cooker(s) / serial number(s)

The sample of 5 cookers or every 400th cooker gets B1


2 (a) Let X be the random variable the number of faulty bolts P(X 2) - P(X 1) = 0.0355 0.0076 = 0.0279 (b) 1 - P(X 3) = 1 0.1071 = 0.8929
or 1 (0.3) (0.7 )
3 17

M1 20! 18!2! A1 (2) M1 A1 (2)


(0.3)2 (0.7 )18

= 0.0278

20! 2 18 20! 19 20! 20 (0.3) (0.7 ) (0.3)(0.7.) (0.7 ) 17!3! 18!2! 19!1!

M1A1A1 (3)


10! (0.8929) 6 (0.1071) 4 = 0.0140. 4!6!

Notes: 2. (a)
M1 Either attempting to use P (X 2) P (X 1)

or attempt to use binomial and find p(X = 2). Must have ( p ) (1 p )



20! , 18!2!

with a value of p
A1 awrt 0.0278 or 0.0279.

M1 Attempting to find 1 P(X 3) A1 awrt 0.893

M1 for k ( p ) (1 p ) . They may use any value for p and k can be any number or n C6p6(1 p)n-6
6 4

A1 A1

10! (their part b)6 (1 their part b) 4 may write 10C6or 10C4 4!6!
awrt 0.014 B1 B1 (2)


3. (a)

Events occur at a constant rate. Events occur independently or randomly. Events occur singly.

any two of the 3 B1 M1

(b) (i)

Let X be the random variable the number of cars passing the observation point. Po(6) P(X 4) P(X 3) = 0.2851 0.1512 = 0.1339 1 P(X 4) = 1 0.2851
6 4 63 6 2 6 or 1 e 6 + 4! 3! + 2! + 1! + 1

A1 M1


e 6 4!

A1 (5) B1 M1 A1 A1


= 0.7149 P ( 0 car and 1 others) + P (1 cars and 0 other ) = e-1 x 2e-2 + 1e-1 x e-2 = 0.3679 x 0.2707 + 0.3674 x 0.1353 = 0.0996 + 0.0498 = 0.149 alternative Po(1+2) = Po(3) B1 P(X=1) = 3e-3 M1 A1 = 0.149 A1 (4)



Notes 3(a)

B1 B1 Need the word events at least once. Independently and randomly are the same reason. Award the first B1 if they only gain 1 mark Special case. If they have 2 of the 3 lines without the word events they get B0 B1 B1 Using Po(6) in (i) or (ii)

(b) (i)

e 4 M1 Attempting to find P(X 4) P(X 3) or 4!

A1 awrt 0.134 M1 Attempting to find 1 P(X 4) A1 awrt 0.715



B1 Attempting to find both possibilities. May be implied by doing e

2 1 1 2

e 1e- any values of 1 and 2 M1 finding one pair of form e 2e- any values of 1 and 2
A1 one pair correct A1 awrt 0.149

2e- +

Alternative. B1 for Po(3) M1 for attempting to find P(X=1) with Po(3) A1 3e-3 A1 awrt 0.149


4. (a)

K(24 + 22 2) = 1 K = 1/18 1 F(1.5) = 1 1 (1.54 + 1.52 2) 18

M1 A1 (2) M1 A1 (2)


= 0.705 or (c)

203 288
1 y 2 otherwise

1 3 9 (2 y + y ) f ( y) = 0

M1 A1 B1 (3)

Notes 4. (a) (b) (c)

M1 putting F(2) = 1 or F(2) F(1) = 1 A1 cso. Must show substituting y = 2 and the 1/18 M1 either attempting to find 1 F(1.5) may write and use F( 2 ) F ( 1.5) A1 awrt 0.705 M1 attempting to differentiate. Must see either a yn yn-1 at least once A1 for getting

1 (2 y 3 + y ) o.e and 9

1 y 2

allow 1< y <2

B1 for the 0 otherwise. Allow 0 for y <1 and 0 for y >2

Allow them to use any letter


Question H0 : p = 0.3; H1 : p > 0.3


Marks B1 B1 B1 M1 A1

Let X represent the number of tomatoes greater than 4 cm : X B(40, 0.3) P(X 18) = 1 P( X 17) = 0.0320 0.0320 < 0.05 P(X 18) 1 P(X 17) = 0.0320 P( X 17 ) = 1 P(X 16) = 0.0633 CR X 18 18 18 or 18 in the critical region

no evidence to Reject H0 or it is significant New fertiliser has increased the probability of a tomato being greater than 4 cm Or Dhritis claim is true

M1 B1d cao (7)

B1 for correct H0 . must use p or pi B1 for correct H1 must use p and be one tail. B1 using B(40, 0.3). This may be implied by their calculation M1 attempt to find 1 P( X 17) or get a correct probability. For CR method must attempt to find P(X 18) or give the correct critical region A1 awrt 0.032 or correct CR. M1 correct statement based on their probability , H1 and 0.05 or a correct contextualised statement that implies that. B1 this is not a follow through .conclusion in context. Must use the words increased, tomato and some reference to size or diameter. This is dependent on them getting the previous M1

If they do a two tail test they may get B1 B0 B1 M1 A1 M1 B0 For the second M1 they must have accept Ho or it is not significant or a correct contextualised statement that implies that. .


6a (i)

Let X represent the number of sunflower plants more than 1.5m high
X~ Po(10) =10

B1 M1

P(8 X 13) = P(X 13) P(X 7) = 0.8645 0.2202 = 0.6443 ii)

X~ N(10,7.5)

A1 awrt 0.644 B1 M1 M1

13.5 10 7.5 10 P(7.5 X 13.5) = P X 7.5 7.5 = P (-0.913 X 1.278) = 0.8997 (1 0.8186) = 0.7183 b) Normal approx /not Poisson since (n is large) and p close to half. or (np = 10 npq = 7.5) mean variance or np (= 10) and nq (= 30) both >5. or exact binomial = 0.7148
B1 mean = 10 May be implied in (i) or (ii) M1 Attempting to find P(X 13) P(X 7) A1 awrt 0.644 B1 2 = 7.5 May be implied by being correct in standardised formula

A1 A1 M1 A1 (10) awrt 0.718 or 0.719 B1 B1dep (2)

6a (i)

M1 using 7.5 or 8.5 or 12.5 or 13.5. M1 standardising using 7.5 or 8 or 8.5 or 12.5 or13 or 13.5 and their mean and standard deviation. 7.5 10 A1 award for either or awrt -0.91 7.5 13.5 10 A1 award for either or awrt 1.28 7.5 M1 Finding the correct area. Following on from their 7.5 and 13.5. Need to do a Prob >0.5 prob <0.5 or prob <0.5 + prob< 0.5


A1 awrt 0.718 or 0.719 only. Dependent on them getting all three method marks.

No working but correct answer will gain all the marks first B1 normal second B1 p close to half, or mean variance or np and nq both > 5.They may use a number bigger than 5 or they may work out the exact value 0.7148 using the binomial distribution.
Do not allow np> 5 and npq>5



7 ai)

A hypothesis test is a mathematical procedure to examine a value of a population parameter proposed by the null hypothesis compared with an alternative hypothesis. The critical region is the range of values or a test statistic or region where the test is significant that would lead to the rejection of H0. Let X represent the number of incoming calls : X Po(9) From table P(X 16) = 0.0220 P(x 3) = 0.0212 Critical region (x 3 or x 16)


B1g B1h (3) B1 M1 A1 A1 B1 (5) B1 (1) B1 M1




Significance level = 0.0220 + 0.0212 = 0.0432 or4.32%


Ho : = 0.45; H1 : < 0.45 ( accept : Ho : = 4.5; H1 : < 4.5) Using X Po(4.5) P (X 1 ) = 0.0611 0.0611 > 0.05. CR X < 0 awrt 0.0611

A1 M1

1 0 or 1not in the critical region B1cao (5)

There is evidence to Accept H0 or it is not significant There is no evidence that there are less calls during school holidays. Notes 7 ai) ii) B1 Method for deciding between 2 hypothesis. B1 range of values. This may be implied by other words. Not region on its own B1 which lead you to reject H0 Give the first B1 if only one mark awarded. B1 using Po(9) M1 attempting to find P(X>16) or P(x < 3) A1 0.0220 or P(X>16)



A1 0.0212 or P(x 3) These 3 marks may be gained by seeing the numbers in part c B1 correct critical region A completely correct critical region will get all 5 marks. Half of the correct critical region eg x 3 or x 17 say would get B1 M1 A0 A1 B0 if the M1 A1 A1 not already awarded. (c) B1 cao awrt 0.0432 B1 may use or . Needs both H0 and H1 M1 using Po(4.5) A1 correct probability or CR only M1 correct statement based on their probability , H1 and 0.05 or a correct contextualised statement that implies that.
B1 this is not a follow through .Conclusion in context. Must see the word calls in conclusion


If they get the correct CR with no evidence of using Po(4.5) they will get M0 A0 SC If they get the critical region X 1 they score M1 for rejecting H0 and B1 for concluding the rate of calls in the holiday is lower.


8. a)

2.5 2 1.5 f(x) 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 x 3 4 5

Max height of 2 labelled and goes through(2,0) shape must be between 2 and 3 and no other lines drawn (accept patios drawn) correct shape




(3) B1 (1) b) c) 3
2x 3 2x 2 2x(x 2) dx = 2 3 2

M1A1 A1 (3)


2 3


2(x 2) dx = 0.5



4x 2 = 0.5

m2 4m + 4 = 0.5 m2 4m + 3.5 = 0 4 2 m= 2 m =2.71

A1 M1 A1

e) Negative skew. mean < median < mode . B1 B1dep

(4) (2)


Notes 8. (a)
B1 the graph must have a maximum of 2 which must be labelled B1 the line must be between 2 and 3 with not other line drawn except patios. They can get this mark even if the patio cannot be seen. B1 the line must be straight and the right shape.

(b) (c)

B1 Only accept 3

M1 attempt to find

xf ( x)dx

for attempt we need to see xn xn+1. ignore limits

A1 correct integration ignore limits A1 accept 2

2 or awrt 2.67 or 2.6 3


M1 using f ( x)dx =0.5

A1 m2 4m + 4 = 0.5 oe M1 attempting to solve quadratic. A1 awrt 2.71 or

4+ 2 2 or 2+ oe 2 2

(e) First B1 for negative Second B1 for mean < median< mode. Need all 3 or may explain using diagram.









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