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Exam Name I

Modules Name

Exam Date Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily


Questions 140 multiple choice 140 multiple choice

Risk Analysis & Insurance Planning Retirement II Planning & Employees Benefits III Investment Planning IV Tax Planning & Estate Planning V Advanced Financial Planning

Exam Duration (Hrs.) 2 2 2 2 4

Exam Fee 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000

140 multiple choice 140 multiple choice 30 multiple choice Qtns from NSE - NCFM 2 case studies

Examination 1-4 Pattern

Examination are conducted online by NSE - NCFM and allow candidates the flexibility to schedule their appearance as per their convenience The Questions are based on respective Modules of the CFP

Certification Curriculum

The candidates will answer a multiple choice objective type examination, administered on-line by NSE All questions are designed to have a question body with 4 alternative options Here is no negative marking

Type of Questions 1 Mark 2 Marks 4 Marks Total

No. of Questions 40 20 15 75

Total Marks 40 Marks 40 Marks 60 Marks 140 Marks

The following Grading System will be used to provide grades in Exam I-IV

Grade A B C Fail

Score(Percentage) Equal and above 80% Equal and above 70% and less than 80% Equal and above 60% and less than 70% Less than 60%

Examination 5 Pattern
FPSB India shall upload on their website four case studies or send it to the candidate through email, out of which any two case studies will be asked in the examination. The case studies depicting real life scenario of individual Financial Planning situations. Each question will carry pre-specified marks and there is no negative marking Candidates will be evaluated based on the following learning objectives : Determining the clients financial status by analyzing and evaluating the client's information. Ability to comprehend and analyze client specific situations and select the optimum solution among the given options. This entails a thorough and sound understanding of the well-defined comprehensive CFP

certification curriculum, covering all the modules (Module I to Module VI).

The following Grading System will be used to provide grades in final exam :

A B C Fail

Equal and above 80% Equal and above 70% and less than 80% Equal and above 60% and less than 70% Less than 60%

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1. Define an asset class and describe the characteristics of infrastructure investments within this definition. 2. Compare and contrast infrastructure investments to real estate and private equity investments, including sub-sectors such as buyout or mezzanine. 3. Describe infrastructure investments including the role of regulation, investment vehicles and sectors, risk and return. 4. Describe the economic characteristics of infrastructure. 5. Describe the value proposition of infrastructure investing. 6. Describe the drivers of risk and return within infrastructure investments, including the characteristics of lower and higher return and risk sectors. 7. Describe the difficulty of benchmarking infrastructure investments. 8. Describe the inflation protection, cash flow properties, diversification potential and downside risks of infrastructure investments.
The Long Horizon Benefits of Traditional and New Real Assets in theInstitutional Portfolio

1. Understand real assets and the rationale for including these assets in an investment portfolio, including investor characteristics that may influence real asset allocations. 2. Understand the short run and long run inflation hedging, risk and return properties of equities, inflation linked bonds, commodities, real estate, gold, timber, infrastructure, farmland and intellectual property. 3. Understand the process and implications of calculating inflation hedge ratios for real asset investments. 4. Discuss the statistical properties of inflation persistence and the importance of inflation persistence in determining long horizon minimum variance hedge ratio. 5. Explain the Fisher effect. 6. Explain the components of inflation and the process for estimating inflation hedge ratios. 7. Explain why TIPS might be imperfect and/or inefficient hedges for inflation risk.

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