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HELENBURGH Public School CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL REX Jackson Oval Thursday, 26th April, 2012

Our school cross country carnival will be held on Thursday, 26th April, in the first week after the Easter break. All children from year 3 to year 6 will be attending. Also, any Year 2 students who turn 8 this year and would like to compete are invited to attend. All children are expected to attempt the course. We do not expect all children to run the complete course (walking is permitted) but as part of the days fitness activity we would like children to at least walk the full distance. The children have been training at school, but will benefit from keeping up their fitness by training further throughout the holidays. Transport: Children will walk to the oval after morning lessons. Event Times: It is extremely difficult to predict at what time events will be held. The first event will commence at approx 12:30 pm. The first event will be 8-9 year age group. Lunch: Children will have normal lunch at school before walking to the oval. There will be no canteen operating at the venue. Attire: No tracksuits, jumpers etc will be allowed on the course while children are competing. Appropriate shoes must be worn. NO SPIKES! Children are expected to wear appropriate clothing. Bass - Red Mitchell- Yellow Flinders - Blue Hargrave - Green Children will need warm clothes to be worn before and after their events. It is a good idea for children to have a small picnic rug or ground sheet. They should also bring along water and adequate sun protection - sunblock, hat, shirt etc. Supervision: Children are to STAY in their house areas unless competing. Any parents who are attending and would be able to help marshal out on the course would be very welcome. Dismissal: This event should finish at approx 2:15 pm. At the conclusion of the carnival children will be asked to assist with collecting equipment before they catch the school bus back to school (using their bus pass or $1.00) or dismissed from the oval. Children catching the bus back to school will return by 2:45pm in time for school buses. If your child is to leave the oval with an adult other than their parent we must have the nominated adult's name in writing (if not nominated on the permission note below) or the child will remain in the care of the teacher. Parents or adults taking their child, please notify the supervising teacher before leaving. Please note: As a matter of safety, all children are to report to the supervising teacher and sign out before leaving. ALL CHILDREN will be dismissed from the oval according to the arrangements below. Please complete the permission note below and return to the class teacher by Tuesday, 24th April, 2012. Ms Anne-Maree Connolly Mr Chris Connor Carnival Convener Principal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I give permission for my child __________________________________________of class ___________ to participate in the School Cross Country Carnival at Rex Jackson Oval, Helensburgh on 26th April, 2012. Medical details and medicine required by my child are as follows:_______________________________________________________________________________________ To the best of my knowledge my child has no physical disability, illness or injury which puts him/her at risk in participation of this sport other than those mentioned above. * Parental Assistance:- I can / cannot help out on the day. Name: _______________________ Phone: ________________ Dismissal from Rex Jackson Oval Please tick to confirm the following arrangements for your child: * Collected by parent by 2.55 pm

* Collected by a nominated adult (note required if not named here)

* Catch bus, using bus pass or $1.00 fare, back to school under teacher supervision * Walk home from the oval at 2:55pm.

Signed: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

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