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II:uuI/:uu IceIands 5enIement Inspired Art
Fih graders from Vesturbjarskli elementary school open an
exhibition of visual art thats inspired by Icelands selement
II:uuI/:uu Fun Education
Dont forget to drop by at the museums fun education room,
where you can try on costumes, listen to stories and play with
helmets, swords and shields. NationaI Museum 0f IceIand,
5u0urgata I.
I]:uuI6:uu Knit 6rati at The smundarsafn
5cuIpture 6arden
Knit Grati by Auur Alffa and Tinna ru- and orvaldsdir
will be created in the garden. During the festival, school groups
and other interested are encouraged to come and witness the
work in progress and perhaps take part. Peykjavk Art Museum
I:uuI6:]u 5ymboIs and Textures
A collaboration between Hteigsskli Primary School, Kampur
Youth Centre and the Reykjavk Art Museum. Students create a
collective work with objects from their own culture, in relation to
the work of Antoni Tapies. Guest are encouraged to participate.
Peykjavk Art Museum KjarvaIssta0ir.
II:uuI/:uu ingveIIir
Over the winter months, students at Reykjavik School of Visual
Art have contemplated the painting ingvellir by rarinn B.
orlksson, and made new pieces based on their observations.
The CuIture House, Hversgata I.
AII day Fun at Frosti
A beading marathon and jewellery making will be in the forefront
at the Frosti community centre, while the book club ponders
literature that has to do with fountains. FrostaskjI
community centre, FrostaskjI 2.
AII day The CuIture of ChiIdren and Teenagers
Two storefronts on Laugavegur 84 display childrens rooms as
they looked in 1950-1960 and from 2000-2010. This fun exhibit
displays how things have changed through the decades.
Laugavegur .
u:uuI:uu HvamI Past and Present
Students of Ingunnarskli have studied Hvaml, the Poetic
Edda, using artistic techniques to understand its relationship to
their own lives and communities. The insightful results of their
work are on display at the school. IngunnarskIi, Marubaugur I.
uQ:uu2u:uu sprena Exhibit
This exhibit at grocery store Melabin features animations
created by sixth grade students of the nearby Melaskli.
MeIab0in, HagameIur ]Q.
I2:uuI:uu ChiIdren at PIay
orbjrg Plsdirs sculptures are vivid and powerful. She is
best known for The Dance (which can be seen by Perlan), but she
also created many sculptures of children.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I2:uuI/:uu Hijinx at NI
An exciting play area where you can enjoy playground
equipment, solve puzzles and jump around in a bouncing castle.
Saturday and Sunday, candyoss, hot dogs, popcorn and
balloons will be for sale. NIistasafni0, 5kIagata 2.
II:uuI2:uu ChiIdrens CuIturaI FestivaI 0pening
Footlose fourth graders from Reykjavk elementary schools ll
Harpa. The kids will dance in the hallways of Harpa before
aending a concert with Ing and Blr Opal in the Eldborg hall.
I]:uu - I:uu Fun 5ongs and Poems
The National Choir of Kindergarteners performs a programme
of songs accompanied by music school students from Tnskli
Sigursveins and dancing from students from the Listdansskli
slands school of dance. Come and sing along.
I6:uuI6:]u 5wan Lake
Twenty-ve students from the Iceland Ballet School of perform
act number two of the beautiful ballet, The Swan Lake. Harpa,
Austurbakki 2.
I2:uuI6:uu WhinIing Centre at MgiIs
Klbergsskli in cooperation with Ktakot and the kindergarten
Berg stages a whiling centre, where participants can practice
and learn about whiling techniques and the various items one
can while out of wood. MgiIs, KjaIarnes.
I6:uuI/:]u Crescendo With 6rowing 5trength
The kids of the Regnbogaland youth centre along with the
teenagers from youth club Fjrgyn and children of kindergarten
Sunnufold perform the art piece Crescendo, which is made up of
visual art, music and dancing. 6ufunesbr, HIa0an by
I/:uuI:uu 5VoM Concert in the CastIe
Come visit the Hljmskli, the tiny castle in
Hljmsklagarurinn, examine various wind and percussion
instruments and listen to Sklahljmsveit Vesturbjar og
Mibjar perform fun hits for everyone! HIjmskIinn,
I]:]uI:u CharIie ChapIins The Circus
Chaplin assumes here the role of the tramp and accidentally
becomes a part of a circus act. He gains sudden popularity, which
leads to him participating in all sorts of circus escapades.
I]:I:2u The Ped aIIoon
The movie tells the tale of a young boy that encounters a red
balloon that follows him to school, in the bus and through the
streets of Paris. Parads, Hversgata .
I6:uuI:uu Arthouse at LaugarnesskIi 5chooI
Families can participate in various workshops; subjects include
dancing, textiles, visual arts, theatre, carpentry, cooking and
science experiments. LaugarnesskIi, Kirkjuteigur 2.
I6:uuIQ:uu The Wonders of the each ExpIored
We explore the wonders of the beach, its rocks, algae and small
shells, while we practice throwing rocks into the sea. Wearing
rubber-boots is advised, as well as bringing a small bag or a box
for the "treasures" you might nd, and a magnifying glass.
Nor0urkotsvr rock beach, {LIocated near the parking Iot by
the 5igurjn 0Iafsson scuIpture museum, foIIow the asphaIt
path to the right].
Iu:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and AnimaIs
Children will present their pets to visitors in Fjlskyldu- og
hsdragarurinnandtell all about them(adultspayadiscounted
entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og hsdragar0urinn, LaugardaIur.
II:uuI:uu Fun and 5cience
Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of
Icelands Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors,
puzzles, pendulums and much, much more!
II:uuI]:uu and I]:uuI:uu iophiIia A
MusicoIogy Workshop for FamiIies
Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and
interactive manner. Create your own music in Bjrks magical
world. HskIab Theatre, enter from Hagatorg.
II:uuI:uu 6reen Ice
Children can participate in various workshops run by Iceland
Academy of the Arts students, where they work with various
mediums using the ongoing Rr retrospective as a starting
point. NationaI 6aIIery of IceIand, Frkirkjuvegur /.
II:uu I6:uu Creative Carpentry Workshop
Youth centre Kampur invites you to set your imagination free
doing carpentry, whiling playing and creating under the
guidance of its sta. KjarvaIssta0ir, FIkagata 2.
I]:uuI6:uu A 6ame 5ession with 5piIavinir
Spilavinirs (Game Friends) will teach children and grown ups
how to play a variety of popular board and card games. Kids,
parents and grandparents should join this fun event that brings
people of all ages together by playing family friendly board
games. Peykjavk City HaII.
I]:uuI/:uu Do You Want to ecome a FictionaI
Step inside The Giant Book, put together by 300 students at
Vesturbjarskli elementary school. The book contains hidden
images, poetry, texts, sound, messages, smell and there is
also room for you! Peykjavk City Library, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI:uu Art Workshop
An art workshop for children of all ages where they can create
swords and shields, forge selement era style jewellery and
draw runes.
I:uuI:]u Pimmuggur Vikings
Members of the Viking club Rimmuggur stage an authentic
Viking ght and generally behave like proper Vikings.
I:uuI: 6iIitrun - Puppet Theatre
Gilitru an Icelandic puppet theatre play based on the classic
Icelandic folk tale of the horrid ogress and the peasant woman
who wished to escape her duties and responsibilities. The
NationaI Museum, 5u0urgata I.
I:uuI:]u and I:]uI6:uu Fyrr var o koti
kn A FamiIy Concert
Join us for a performance of songs based on poems and rhymes
from the collection Vsnabkin, rst published in 1946, and
beloved by many generations of Icelandic children. rbjarsafn
Museum, KistuhyIur
I:uuI: and I:]uI6:I 5kjaborg
CIoud City
Skjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children,
where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and
tell a story. The NationaI Theatre, Hversgata IQ.
Contemporary Music for Curious ChiIdren
Reykjavk Chamber Orchestra will perform LAUR, receiving
their instructions from a computer screen. What is the
composer asking the musicians to do and what are the results?
The Orchestra also performs the piece KARAOKE along with
the kids, who get to participate and play some very unusual
instruments like carrots and balloons. Tjarnarb, Tjarnargata I2.
I:uuI/:uu A Nature WaIk by Lake EIIi0avatn
A nice and easy stroll at a relaxed pace, rst along the banks of
the lake and then into the forest. We will breathe the fresh air of
spring and listen to birds chirping, hug a tree and stroke some
owers. Bring walking shoes, a snack and binoculars if you have a
pair. EIIi0avatnsbrinn by Lake EIIi0avatn in Hei0mrk
(Follow Route No. 1 going east/southwards, turn right
immediately aer Rauhlar pseudo-craters, onto road 408
(towards Heimrk) and follow the road, aer a le turn in the
road, cross the narrow bridge and turn right on the path leading
to Elliavatnsbr).
I:]u I6:uu The IceIandic Horse
What makes us a nation? Rider Begga Rist welcomes guests to
her stable, where she will talk about the Icelandic horse as a
source in the nations culture and reveals its talents and
specialties. Children can try their hand at riding the horses, too.
HestaIeigan, 5urtIugata ], Fjrborg.
Iu:uuII:uu and I:uuI:uu Earth Day We are
the WorId
Children and employees of the kindergarten Gullborg celebrate
Earth Day with their spring exhibit, We Are The World. 6uIIborg,
Pekagrandi I.
II:uuI2:uu and I]:uuI:uu Creation and 6ames
Open house at the kindergarten Sborg, where the children
display their artful creations based on their work with various
themes. 5borg, 5tarhagi II.
I:uuI6:uu 5ource
The children of the youth centre Skjaborgir and the
kindergarten Dvergasteinn premiere a fascinating installation
project, Uppsprea (Source) that is a result of their
collaboration. 5kjaborgir, VesturvaIIargata IuI2.
I:uuI6:uu We are AII Made of IceIand
The children of youth centre Frostheimar invite you to help them
create a map of Iceland by pasting a piece to the wall, creating a
collage of the country. Frostheimar, FrostaskjI 6.
I/:uu2u:uu Hike Mount IfarsfeII
Enjoy a slow and leisurely group hike up to the top of Mt.
lfarsfell, taking in a beautiful view of the capital area. The hike
features an ascent of 295 metres. Bring walking shoes, a snack
and something to drink and some binoculars if you have them.
HamrahI0 forest area parking.
Iu:uuI2:uu 6uidance about M0urmI
Gerur Gestsdir will inform guests about Murml (Mother
Tongue), the programme for bilingual children, and its
Iu.uuII.]u M0urmI and CuIture
The Spanish Murml group presents games, wordplay and
lyrics for visitors to learn and enjoy.
Iu:uuI2:uu Learn a Few Words of Pussian...or
The children of the Murml groups teach the guests to speak
and write a few words in Spanish or Russian and about famous
cartoon characters. Books and toys are also on site.
II:uuI2:uu and I]:uuI:uu Marimba Workshop
Make music with the African marimbas while learning about the
instrument. The sessions culminate with the entire group playing
together. No musical skills needed. HagaskIi, Fornhagi I.
II:uuI:uu Fun and 5cience
Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of
Icelands Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors,
puzzles, pendulums and much, much more! HskIab Theatre,
enter from Hagatorg.
II:uuI]:uu and I]:uuI:uu iophiIia A
MusicoIogy Workshop
Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and
interactive manner. Create your own music in Bjrks magical
world. The projects goal is to integrate music, science and
technology in a novel way. HskIab Theatre, enter from
I2:uu6:uu WooIgathering A WooIIen Exhibit|
Learn about the wool working methods of yesteryear by testing,
tinkering and playing with the various items on display at this
playful exhibit! The 5enIement Exhibition, A0aIstrti I6.
I]:uuI]:u Happiness Workshop Drum CircIe
Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required,
just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others!
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI/:uu Happiness Workshop Thank you
Write a Thank you note to someone in your life that deserves
one. The post oce will deliver it for you, free of charge.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI/:uu Happiness Workshop The Fountain
of Happiness
A work of art created by children from the Kampur youth centre
entitled Uppsprea hamingjunnar (The Fountain Of
Happiness) will be unveiled. The piece entails performance art,
inviting you to share whatever makes you happy with the people
of Reykjavk. Peykjavk City HaII.
I]:uuI:uu ChiIdrens Photography Workshop
Children learn about and experiment with Cyanotype, one of the
earliest forms of photographic printing. At the end, the kids get
to take their own developed photos home! Peykjavk Museum
of Photography, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI:uu 6ot Money7
Find old, strange and funny coins in your grandparents drawers
and cupboards and bring them to the Childrens Library where
members of the Coin Collectors Association will tell you about
their histories and secrets. The ChiIdrens Library, The Nordic
House, 5turIugata .
I]:uu - I:uu Lets Have Fun Together
Lets dance, sing, make cras, read and enjoy ourselves in this
programme inspired by Polish, Spanish and Icelandic culture.
Peykjavk City Library, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI6:uu 5horts by Teens at Parads
View a selection of the best short lms that teenagers have
been working on at their youth centres lately. Humour,
excitement and drama are well represented in these oerings!
Parads, Hversgata .
I]:uu - I/:uu Design for ChiIdren
View uniquely designed items for children. Wooden toys, pillows,
so beings and other fun things. Handverk og Hnnun,
A0aIstrti Iu.
I]:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and Mans est Friend
Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and teach
children the proper way to treat mans best friend (adults pay a
discounted entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og hsdragar0urinn,
I:uuI: and I:]uI6:I 5kjaborg CIoud City
Skjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children,
where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and
tell a story. The NationaI Theatre, Hversgata IQ.
I.uuI.uu CIassicaI Chamber Concert
Pictures of ImmortaI Composers
Members of the Reykjavk Chamber Orchestra play classical
music. The kids get to watch the musicians up close, ask
questions and inuence the concerts progression. Why are
people still playing music by composers who lived hundreds of
years ago? And who were these guys, Bach, Mozart and
Beethoven? I0n, Vonarstrti ]
I:uuI6:uu asebaII Heroes|
Members from the Base- and Soball Association of Reykjavk
teach about the basics of baseball. Learn about the equipment
neededgloves, bats and balls, and try your hand at playing
some baseball. HIjmskIagar0urinn, by the pIayground
I:uuI6:uu 0rigami workshop
Bjrn Finnsson from Origami Iceland shows guests how to do
this Japanese paper art. FoIdasafn Iibrary, by Fjrgyn.
I:uuI6:]u America Concert
Students of Ni tnlistarsklinn (music school) stage a theme
concert at the Nordic House, where an emphasis is placed on the
interplay of dierent groups of instruments. The Nordic House,
5turIugata .
I6:uuIQ:uu Make 5andcastIes by 5karfakIenur
Explore the wonders of a sand beach, practice shovelling sand
into a bucket and make a castle. We look at the various
formations of the large rock at the middle of the beach, stroke it
and feel the dierence of each rock layer. Weather permiing,
we take o our shoes and socks and dance barefoot in the sand!
Rubber-boots are advised, a bucket and a shovel, a towel and an
extra pair of socks. 5karfakIenur beach, by the Vi0ey ferry
parking Iot.
II:uuI:uu The 5pring y Nature
We connecting kids to the elements of nature; sun, earth, water
and re. We make mini-greenhouses out of old jars, build
wooden sundials, BBQ on a bonre and sh in the Lake
Elliavatn. Guests can furthermore participate in an
entertaining scavenger hunt around the area. The house
EIIi0avatnsbr, next to The Peykjavk Force 5ervice in
I]:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and Mans est Friend
Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and
inform children about the proper way to treat mans best friend
(adults pay a discounted entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og
hsdragar0urinn, LaugardaIur.
I]:uuI:]u and I:]uI/:uu Art Workshops for
Join us for a graphic-, photograph- or an animation workshop at
the Myndlistarsklinn Reykjavk (school of visual art).
MyndIistarskIinn Peykjavk, Hringbraut I2I.
I]:]uI6:uu Drum CircIe
Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required,
just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others!
I:uuI:I Draumarraddir Nor0ursins Concert
The girls choir Draumaraddir norursins sings a few beautiful
I:II: White 5ignaI Concert
The band White Signal consists of young teenagers from
Reykjavk area. They recently had good success at Msktilraunir
competition and promise to bring the fun to the pool!
I:I:uu 5irks sIands
Sirks slands (Icelands Circus) entertains pool guests with
their many circus acts that are both foolhardy and fun! Expect
exciting stunts, great tricks and plenty of clowning around.
I:uuI:Iu PokkhIjmsveit sIands Concert
Rokkhljmsveit slands (Icelands Rock Group) is made up of
four ten year-old girls that rock out in style!
I:IuI:2u 5irks sIands
Ongoing fun with Sirks slands.
I:2uI:]u 6ymnastic Fun|
Kids from the rmann gymnastics department display
unbelievable stunts by the pool.
I:]uI6:uu PoIIapnk Concert
Pollapnk play their childrens songs and whip the pool crowd
into a frenzy! LaugardaIsIaug, LaugardaI.
I:uuI:uu ChiIdrens Yoga
Yoga and meditation for children of all ages, as well as hearty
mantra singing, led by the sta of kindergarten Slukot.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI6:uu Dance sIand er Iand in
Students of the JSB contemporary school of dance perform
dance pieces from the show sland er land i. Peykjavk City
I6:uu I/:uu Dream Voices of the North 6irI
Choir Concert
This concert by the girls choir Dream Voices Of The North will
feature celebrated and beautiful songs from all over the world,
as well as some popular numbers from Disney movies.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I.uuI:uu FamiIy Workshop 5PLA5H
Dancer/art teacher Sigrn Gumundsdir leads children in an
exploration of how water may be used to create. National
6aIIery of IceIand, Frkirkjuvegur /.
I.uuI:]u Hiphop Heat AII ages|
Try hiphop dancing with Natasha! Great beats and fresh music!
I:]uI:uu reakdancing Madness AII Ages|
Breakdancing has never been as popular with boys and girls!
Awesome music with a so beat, this is something all kids
should try!
I:uuI:]u Zumba EspeciaIIy for Kids|
Eva Suto brings us Kids Zumba. Its new, refreshing and
funand great exercise!
I6:uuI6:]u Afro Dancing for Kids
Sandra Erlingsdir teaches kids how to dance afro. Fresh new
music, lots of dancing and excitement.
Kramhsi0, 5kIavr0ustgur I2 {WaIk in through
I:uuI6:uu 5ngIist Fun With Music
Students from the Snglist, singing and drama school, take the
stage and entertain with their singing, dancing and theatrics. Fun
times for all! Tjarnarb, Tjarnargata I2.
I:uuI6:uu Comic-5trip Workshop
La Hln Hjlmtsdir, illustrator, musician and artist,
moderates a comic-strip workshop. Kids learn the basics in
structuring and creating comic-strips, with reference to the
work of Err. Peykjavk Art Museum, Hafnarhs, Tryggvagata I/.
I:uuI/:uu A 6iant Love 5tory
A play for children based on a story by Gurn Helgadir and
adapted for the stage by Ptur Eggerz. Aerwards there will be
a workshop where the children can make their own troll
costumes and play games. 6er0uberg CuIturaI Centre,
6er0uberg ]-.



II:uuI/:uu IceIands 5enIement Inspired Art
Fih graders from Vesturbjarskli elementary school open an
exhibition of visual art thats inspired by Icelands selement
II:uuI/:uu Fun Education
Dont forget to drop by at the museums fun education room,
where you can try on costumes, listen to stories and play with
helmets, swords and shields. NationaI Museum 0f IceIand,
5u0urgata I.
I]:uuI6:uu Knit 6rati at The smundarsafn
5cuIpture 6arden
Knit Grati by Auur Alffa and Tinna ru- and orvaldsdir
will be created in the garden. During the festival, school groups
and other interested are encouraged to come and witness the
work in progress and perhaps take part. Peykjavk Art Museum
I:uuI6:]u 5ymboIs and Textures
A collaboration between Hteigsskli Primary School, Kampur
Youth Centre and the Reykjavk Art Museum. Students create a
collective work with objects from their own culture, in relation to
the work of Antoni Tapies. Guest are encouraged to participate.
Peykjavk Art Museum KjarvaIssta0ir.
II:uuI/:uu ingveIIir
Over the winter months, students at Reykjavik School of Visual
Art have contemplated the painting ingvellir by rarinn B.
orlksson, and made new pieces based on their observations.
The CuIture House, Hversgata I.
AII day Fun at Frosti
A beading marathon and jewellery making will be in the forefront
at the Frosti community centre, while the book club ponders
literature that has to do with fountains. FrostaskjI
community centre, FrostaskjI 2.
AII day The CuIture of ChiIdren and Teenagers
Two storefronts on Laugavegur 84 display childrens rooms as
they looked in 1950-1960 and from 2000-2010. This fun exhibit
displays how things have changed through the decades.
Laugavegur .
u:uuI:uu HvamI Past and Present
Students of Ingunnarskli have studied Hvaml, the Poetic
Edda, using artistic techniques to understand its relationship to
their own lives and communities. The insightful results of their
work are on display at the school. IngunnarskIi, Marubaugur I.
uQ:uu2u:uu sprena Exhibit
This exhibit at grocery store Melabin features animations
created by sixth grade students of the nearby Melaskli.
MeIab0in, HagameIur ]Q.
I2:uuI:uu ChiIdren at PIay
orbjrg Plsdirs sculptures are vivid and powerful. She is
best known for The Dance (which can be seen by Perlan), but she
also created many sculptures of children.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I2:uuI/:uu Hijinx at NI
An exciting play area where you can enjoy playground
equipment, solve puzzles and jump around in a bouncing castle.
Saturday and Sunday, candyoss, hot dogs, popcorn and
balloons will be for sale. NIistasafni0, 5kIagata 2.
II:uuI2:uu ChiIdrens CuIturaI FestivaI 0pening
Footlose fourth graders from Reykjavk elementary schools ll
Harpa. The kids will dance in the hallways of Harpa before
aending a concert with Ing and Blr Opal in the Eldborg hall.
I]:uu - I:uu Fun 5ongs and Poems
The National Choir of Kindergarteners performs a programme
of songs accompanied by music school students from Tnskli
Sigursveins and dancing from students from the Listdansskli
slands school of dance. Come and sing along.
I6:uuI6:]u 5wan Lake
Twenty-ve students from the Iceland Ballet School of perform
act number two of the beautiful ballet, The Swan Lake. Harpa,
Austurbakki 2.
I2:uuI6:uu WhinIing Centre at MgiIs
Klbergsskli in cooperation with Ktakot and the kindergarten
Berg stages a whiling centre, where participants can practice
and learn about whiling techniques and the various items one
can while out of wood. MgiIs, KjaIarnes.
I6:uuI/:]u Crescendo With 6rowing 5trength
The kids of the Regnbogaland youth centre along with the
teenagers from youth club Fjrgyn and children of kindergarten
Sunnufold perform the art piece Crescendo, which is made up of
visual art, music and dancing. 6ufunesbr, HIa0an by
I/:uuI:uu 5VoM Concert in the CastIe
Come visit the Hljmskli, the tiny castle in
Hljmsklagarurinn, examine various wind and percussion
instruments and listen to Sklahljmsveit Vesturbjar og
Mibjar perform fun hits for everyone! HIjmskIinn,
I]:]uI:u CharIie ChapIins The Circus
Chaplin assumes here the role of the tramp and accidentally
becomes a part of a circus act. He gains sudden popularity, which
leads to him participating in all sorts of circus escapades.
I]:I:2u The Ped aIIoon
The movie tells the tale of a young boy that encounters a red
balloon that follows him to school, in the bus and through the
streets of Paris. Parads, Hversgata .
I6:uuI:uu Arthouse at LaugarnesskIi 5chooI
Families can participate in various workshops; subjects include
dancing, textiles, visual arts, theatre, carpentry, cooking and
science experiments. LaugarnesskIi, Kirkjuteigur 2.
I6:uuIQ:uu The Wonders of the each ExpIored
We explore the wonders of the beach, its rocks, algae and small
shells, while we practice throwing rocks into the sea. Wearing
rubber-boots is advised, as well as bringing a small bag or a box
for the "treasures" you might nd, and a magnifying glass.
Nor0urkotsvr rock beach, {LIocated near the parking Iot by
the 5igurjn 0Iafsson scuIpture museum, foIIow the asphaIt
path to the right].
Iu:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and AnimaIs
Children will present their pets to visitors in Fjlskyldu- og
hsdragarurinnandtell all about them(adultspayadiscounted
entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og hsdragar0urinn, LaugardaIur.
II:uuI:uu Fun and 5cience
Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of
Icelands Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors,
puzzles, pendulums and much, much more!
II:uuI]:uu and I]:uuI:uu iophiIia A
MusicoIogy Workshop for FamiIies
Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and
interactive manner. Create your own music in Bjrks magical
world. HskIab Theatre, enter from Hagatorg.
II:uuI:uu 6reen Ice
Children can participate in various workshops run by Iceland
Academy of the Arts students, where they work with various
mediums using the ongoing Rr retrospective as a starting
point. NationaI 6aIIery of IceIand, Frkirkjuvegur /.
II:uu I6:uu Creative Carpentry Workshop
Youth centre Kampur invites you to set your imagination free
doing carpentry, whiling playing and creating under the
guidance of its sta. KjarvaIssta0ir, FIkagata 2.
I]:uuI6:uu A 6ame 5ession with 5piIavinir
Spilavinirs (Game Friends) will teach children and grown ups
how to play a variety of popular board and card games. Kids,
parents and grandparents should join this fun event that brings
people of all ages together by playing family friendly board
games. Peykjavk City HaII.
I]:uuI/:uu Do You Want to ecome a FictionaI
Step inside The Giant Book, put together by 300 students at
Vesturbjarskli elementary school. The book contains hidden
images, poetry, texts, sound, messages, smell and there is
also room for you! Peykjavk City Library, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI:uu Art Workshop
An art workshop for children of all ages where they can create
swords and shields, forge selement era style jewellery and
draw runes.
I:uuI:]u Pimmuggur Vikings
Members of the Viking club Rimmuggur stage an authentic
Viking ght and generally behave like proper Vikings.
I:uuI: 6iIitrun - Puppet Theatre
Gilitru an Icelandic puppet theatre play based on the classic
Icelandic folk tale of the horrid ogress and the peasant woman
who wished to escape her duties and responsibilities. The
NationaI Museum, 5u0urgata I.
I:uuI:]u and I:]uI6:uu Fyrr var o koti
kn A FamiIy Concert
Join us for a performance of songs based on poems and rhymes
from the collection Vsnabkin, rst published in 1946, and
beloved by many generations of Icelandic children. rbjarsafn
Museum, KistuhyIur
I:uuI: and I:]uI6:I 5kjaborg
CIoud City
Skjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children,
where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and
tell a story. The NationaI Theatre, Hversgata IQ.
Contemporary Music for Curious ChiIdren
Reykjavk Chamber Orchestra will perform LAUR, receiving
their instructions from a computer screen. What is the
composer asking the musicians to do and what are the results?
The Orchestra also performs the piece KARAOKE along with
the kids, who get to participate and play some very unusual
instruments like carrots and balloons. Tjarnarb, Tjarnargata I2.
I:uuI/:uu A Nature WaIk by Lake EIIi0avatn
A nice and easy stroll at a relaxed pace, rst along the banks of
the lake and then into the forest. We will breathe the fresh air of
spring and listen to birds chirping, hug a tree and stroke some
owers. Bring walking shoes, a snack and binoculars if you have a
pair. EIIi0avatnsbrinn by Lake EIIi0avatn in Hei0mrk
(Follow Route No. 1 going east/southwards, turn right
immediately aer Rauhlar pseudo-craters, onto road 408
(towards Heimrk) and follow the road, aer a le turn in the
road, cross the narrow bridge and turn right on the path leading
to Elliavatnsbr).
I:]u I6:uu The IceIandic Horse
What makes us a nation? Rider Begga Rist welcomes guests to
her stable, where she will talk about the Icelandic horse as a
source in the nations culture and reveals its talents and
specialties. Children can try their hand at riding the horses, too.
HestaIeigan, 5urtIugata ], Fjrborg.
Iu:uuII:uu and I:uuI:uu Earth Day We are
the WorId
Children and employees of the kindergarten Gullborg celebrate
Earth Day with their spring exhibit, We Are The World. 6uIIborg,
Pekagrandi I.
II:uuI2:uu and I]:uuI:uu Creation and 6ames
Open house at the kindergarten Sborg, where the children
display their artful creations based on their work with various
themes. 5borg, 5tarhagi II.
I:uuI6:uu 5ource
The children of the youth centre Skjaborgir and the
kindergarten Dvergasteinn premiere a fascinating installation
project, Uppsprea (Source) that is a result of their
collaboration. 5kjaborgir, VesturvaIIargata IuI2.
I:uuI6:uu We are AII Made of IceIand
The children of youth centre Frostheimar invite you to help them
create a map of Iceland by pasting a piece to the wall, creating a
collage of the country. Frostheimar, FrostaskjI 6.
I/:uu2u:uu Hike Mount IfarsfeII
Enjoy a slow and leisurely group hike up to the top of Mt.
lfarsfell, taking in a beautiful view of the capital area. The hike
features an ascent of 295 metres. Bring walking shoes, a snack
and something to drink and some binoculars if you have them.
HamrahI0 forest area parking.
Iu:uuI2:uu 6uidance about M0urmI
Gerur Gestsdir will inform guests about Murml (Mother
Tongue), the programme for bilingual children, and its
Iu.uuII.]u M0urmI and CuIture
The Spanish Murml group presents games, wordplay and
lyrics for visitors to learn and enjoy.
Iu:uuI2:uu Learn a Few Words of Pussian...or
The children of the Murml groups teach the guests to speak
and write a few words in Spanish or Russian and about famous
cartoon characters. Books and toys are also on site.
II:uuI2:uu and I]:uuI:uu Marimba Workshop
Make music with the African marimbas while learning about the
instrument. The sessions culminate with the entire group playing
together. No musical skills needed. HagaskIi, Fornhagi I.
II:uuI:uu Fun and 5cience
Science comes alive in a fun and interactive way at University of
Icelands Science Workshop. See experiments, magic mirrors,
puzzles, pendulums and much, much more! HskIab Theatre,
enter from Hagatorg.
II:uuI]:uu and I]:uuI:uu iophiIia A
MusicoIogy Workshop
Enter the magical world of science and music in a lively and
interactive manner. Create your own music in Bjrks magical
world. The projects goal is to integrate music, science and
technology in a novel way. HskIab Theatre, enter from
I2:uu6:uu WooIgathering A WooIIen Exhibit|
Learn about the wool working methods of yesteryear by testing,
tinkering and playing with the various items on display at this
playful exhibit! The 5enIement Exhibition, A0aIstrti I6.
I]:uuI]:u Happiness Workshop Drum CircIe
Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required,
just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others!
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI/:uu Happiness Workshop Thank you
Write a Thank you note to someone in your life that deserves
one. The post oce will deliver it for you, free of charge.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI/:uu Happiness Workshop The Fountain
of Happiness
A work of art created by children from the Kampur youth centre
entitled Uppsprea hamingjunnar (The Fountain Of
Happiness) will be unveiled. The piece entails performance art,
inviting you to share whatever makes you happy with the people
of Reykjavk. Peykjavk City HaII.
I]:uuI:uu ChiIdrens Photography Workshop
Children learn about and experiment with Cyanotype, one of the
earliest forms of photographic printing. At the end, the kids get
to take their own developed photos home! Peykjavk Museum
of Photography, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI:uu 6ot Money7
Find old, strange and funny coins in your grandparents drawers
and cupboards and bring them to the Childrens Library where
members of the Coin Collectors Association will tell you about
their histories and secrets. The ChiIdrens Library, The Nordic
House, 5turIugata .
I]:uu - I:uu Lets Have Fun Together
Lets dance, sing, make cras, read and enjoy ourselves in this
programme inspired by Polish, Spanish and Icelandic culture.
Peykjavk City Library, Tryggvagata I.
I]:uuI6:uu 5horts by Teens at Parads
View a selection of the best short lms that teenagers have
been working on at their youth centres lately. Humour,
excitement and drama are well represented in these oerings!
Parads, Hversgata .
I]:uu - I/:uu Design for ChiIdren
View uniquely designed items for children. Wooden toys, pillows,
so beings and other fun things. Handverk og Hnnun,
A0aIstrti Iu.
I]:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and Mans est Friend
Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and teach
children the proper way to treat mans best friend (adults pay a
discounted entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og hsdragar0urinn,
I:uuI: and I:]uI6:I 5kjaborg CIoud City
Skjaborg is a dance performance for the youngest children,
where colours, movement, shapes and music engage them and
tell a story. The NationaI Theatre, Hversgata IQ.
I.uuI.uu CIassicaI Chamber Concert
Pictures of ImmortaI Composers
Members of the Reykjavk Chamber Orchestra play classical
music. The kids get to watch the musicians up close, ask
questions and inuence the concerts progression. Why are
people still playing music by composers who lived hundreds of
years ago? And who were these guys, Bach, Mozart and
Beethoven? I0n, Vonarstrti ]
I:uuI6:uu asebaII Heroes|
Members from the Base- and Soball Association of Reykjavk
teach about the basics of baseball. Learn about the equipment
neededgloves, bats and balls, and try your hand at playing
some baseball. HIjmskIagar0urinn, by the pIayground
I:uuI6:uu 0rigami workshop
Bjrn Finnsson from Origami Iceland shows guests how to do
this Japanese paper art. FoIdasafn Iibrary, by Fjrgyn.
I:uuI6:]u America Concert
Students of Ni tnlistarsklinn (music school) stage a theme
concert at the Nordic House, where an emphasis is placed on the
interplay of dierent groups of instruments. The Nordic House,
5turIugata .
I6:uuIQ:uu Make 5andcastIes by 5karfakIenur
Explore the wonders of a sand beach, practice shovelling sand
into a bucket and make a castle. We look at the various
formations of the large rock at the middle of the beach, stroke it
and feel the dierence of each rock layer. Weather permiing,
we take o our shoes and socks and dance barefoot in the sand!
Rubber-boots are advised, a bucket and a shovel, a towel and an
extra pair of socks. 5karfakIenur beach, by the Vi0ey ferry
parking Iot.
II:uuI:uu The 5pring y Nature
We connecting kids to the elements of nature; sun, earth, water
and re. We make mini-greenhouses out of old jars, build
wooden sundials, BBQ on a bonre and sh in the Lake
Elliavatn. Guests can furthermore participate in an
entertaining scavenger hunt around the area. The house
EIIi0avatnsbr, next to The Peykjavk Force 5ervice in
I]:uuI/:uu ChiIdren and Mans est Friend
Members of the Icelandic Kennel Club bring their dogs and
inform children about the proper way to treat mans best friend
(adults pay a discounted entry fee today). FjIskyIdu- og
hsdragar0urinn, LaugardaIur.
I]:uuI:]u and I:]uI/:uu Art Workshops for
Join us for a graphic-, photograph- or an animation workshop at
the Myndlistarsklinn Reykjavk (school of visual art).
MyndIistarskIinn Peykjavk, Hringbraut I2I.
I]:]uI6:uu Drum CircIe
Join in the drum circle and make a beat! No drum skills required,
just play your own way and enjoy harmonizing with others!
I:uuI:I Draumarraddir Nor0ursins Concert
The girls choir Draumaraddir norursins sings a few beautiful
I:II: White 5ignaI Concert
The band White Signal consists of young teenagers from
Reykjavk area. They recently had good success at Msktilraunir
competition and promise to bring the fun to the pool!
I:I:uu 5irks sIands
Sirks slands (Icelands Circus) entertains pool guests with
their many circus acts that are both foolhardy and fun! Expect
exciting stunts, great tricks and plenty of clowning around.
I:uuI:Iu PokkhIjmsveit sIands Concert
Rokkhljmsveit slands (Icelands Rock Group) is made up of
four ten year-old girls that rock out in style!
I:IuI:2u 5irks sIands
Ongoing fun with Sirks slands.
I:2uI:]u 6ymnastic Fun|
Kids from the rmann gymnastics department display
unbelievable stunts by the pool.
I:]uI6:uu PoIIapnk Concert
Pollapnk play their childrens songs and whip the pool crowd
into a frenzy! LaugardaIsIaug, LaugardaI.
I:uuI:uu ChiIdrens Yoga
Yoga and meditation for children of all ages, as well as hearty
mantra singing, led by the sta of kindergarten Slukot.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I:uuI6:uu Dance sIand er Iand in
Students of the JSB contemporary school of dance perform
dance pieces from the show sland er land i. Peykjavk City
I6:uu I/:uu Dream Voices of the North 6irI
Choir Concert
This concert by the girls choir Dream Voices Of The North will
feature celebrated and beautiful songs from all over the world,
as well as some popular numbers from Disney movies.
Peykjavk City HaII.
I.uuI:uu FamiIy Workshop 5PLA5H
Dancer/art teacher Sigrn Gumundsdir leads children in an
exploration of how water may be used to create. National
6aIIery of IceIand, Frkirkjuvegur /.
I.uuI:]u Hiphop Heat AII ages|
Try hiphop dancing with Natasha! Great beats and fresh music!
I:]uI:uu reakdancing Madness AII Ages|
Breakdancing has never been as popular with boys and girls!
Awesome music with a so beat, this is something all kids
should try!
I:uuI:]u Zumba EspeciaIIy for Kids|
Eva Suto brings us Kids Zumba. Its new, refreshing and
funand great exercise!
I6:uuI6:]u Afro Dancing for Kids
Sandra Erlingsdir teaches kids how to dance afro. Fresh new
music, lots of dancing and excitement.
Kramhsi0, 5kIavr0ustgur I2 {WaIk in through
I:uuI6:uu 5ngIist Fun With Music
Students from the Snglist, singing and drama school, take the
stage and entertain with their singing, dancing and theatrics. Fun
times for all! Tjarnarb, Tjarnargata I2.
I:uuI6:uu Comic-5trip Workshop
La Hln Hjlmtsdir, illustrator, musician and artist,
moderates a comic-strip workshop. Kids learn the basics in
structuring and creating comic-strips, with reference to the
work of Err. Peykjavk Art Museum, Hafnarhs, Tryggvagata I/.
I:uuI/:uu A 6iant Love 5tory
A play for children based on a story by Gurn Helgadir and
adapted for the stage by Ptur Eggerz. Aerwards there will be
a workshop where the children can make their own troll
costumes and play games. 6er0uberg CuIturaI Centre,
6er0uberg ]-.



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