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This is a select list of material held in the Jerzy Toeplitz Library, the library of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. These resources support the Scriptwriting departments curriculum. Further material may be located via the catalogue. November 2008 USING THE COMPUTER CATALOGUE To locate further information, search under the following headings in the computer catalogue: Broadcasting - authorship Characters and characteristics Comedy - authorship Comedy - technique Fiction - technique Film adaptations Motion picture authorship Motion picture plays - technique Playwriting Radio authorship Screenwriters Television authorship Television scripts - technique BROWSING Browse for books and videos under the following numbers: 070.18 Documentary films 808.066791 Scriptwriting - general 808.222 Writing for radio 808.225 Writing for television 808.23 Writing for films 808.2523 Writing comedy This bibliography is divided into the following sections: History Situation comedy Layout Treatments Scriptwriters Writing documentaries Craft Pitching and selling your screenplay Screen adaptation Low budget filmmaking Script editing Scripts Series and Serials Internet screenwriting resources Film editing Periodicals

HISTORY STEMPEL, T. Framework: a history of screenwriting in the American film. New York: Continuum, 1988. 808.23 15

LAYOUT Scriptwriting: style and layout / notes and examples prepared by the Writing Department, Australian Film, Television and Radio School. [North Ryde, N.S.W.: AFTRS, 1998]. Style manual for authors, editors and printers. 6th ed. by Snooks & Co. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 808.23 80

R808.927 STYL 1

TROTTIER, D.R. 808.23 Correct format for screenplays and teleplays. 3rd ed. Anaheim, Ca.: 58 The Forbes Institute, 1992.

SCRIPTWRITERS AGEE, J Agee on film. London: P. Owen, 1963,1965. 2 vols. 791.43015 14 vol. 1 & vol. 2 808.23 88

BEAIRSTO, F. G. The Tyranny of story: audience expectations and the short screenplay. Vancouver: Vancouver Film School, 1998. BRADY, J. The craft of the screenwriter: interviews with six celebrated screenwriters. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981. BUCHBINDER, A. The way of the screenwriter. Toronto, CA.: Anansi, 2005 ENGEL, J. Screenwriters on screenwriting. New York: Hyperion, 1995. FRANCKE, L. Script girls: women screenwriters in Hollywood. London: British Film Institute, 1994. FROUG, W. The screenwriter looks at the screenwriter. New York: Macmillan, 1972.

791.4375 65

808.23 190 808.23 71 808.23 60

808.23 10

FROUG, W. 808.23 The new screenwriter looks at the new screenwriter. Los Angeles: 44 Silman-James, 1991.

FROUG, W. Zen and the art of screenwriting: insights and interviews. 1st ed. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press, 1996. GOLDMAN W. Adventures in the screen trade: a personal view. New York: Warner, 1983. GOLDMAN W. Which lie did I tell? more adventures in the screen trade. London: Bloomsbury, 2000. Kathy Acker with Angela McRobbie. (video). London: ICA Video, 198-. (VHS) 40 min. McCREADIE, M. The women who write the movies: from Francis Marion to Nora . Ephron. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 1994. POTTER, D. Potter on Potter / edited by Graham Fuller. London: Faber, 1993.

808.23 77

791.4375 GOLD 1 808.23092 GOLD 2 813.54 ACKE/1 808.23 61

791.4575 POTT 3 823.914 SOYI/1

Wole Soyinka. (video). London: ICA Video, 1984. VHS (50 min.)

Writing for film. (video). - Australia: Australian Film, Television 808.23 and Radio School Teaching Resources, 1989. (VHS & Umatic) 52 min. 31 Writing for radio. (video). Australia: Australian Film, Television 808.222 and Radio School Teaching Resources, 1989. (VHS & Umatic) 44 min. 1

CRAFT ARISTOTLE Aristotle's Poetics: a translation and commentary for students of literature. Tallahassee: University Presses of Florida, 1981. ARNOLD, B., EDDY, B. Exploring visual storytelling. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, c2007. 808.2 17

808.066791 49

ARONSON, L. Scriptwriting updated: new and conventional ways of writing for the screen. North Ryde: Australian Film Television & Radio School, 2000. BIRO, Y. To dress a nude: exercises in imagination. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1998

808.23 108

808.23 182

BLAKE, S. Save the cat! goes to the movies: the screenwriter's guide to every story ever told. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 2007. BRUDER, M. A practical handbook for the actor. N.Y.: Vintage Books, 1986 CHIARELLA, T. Writing dialogue. Cincinnati, Ohio: Story Press, 1998. CHITLIK, P. Rewrite: a step- by- step guide to strengthen structure, characters, and drama in your screenplay. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 2008. COOPER, P. & DANCYGER, K. Writing the short film. 2nd ed. Boston: Focal Press, 2000. CROMPTON, A. The craft of copywriting. London: Hutchinson Business, 1987. DANCYGER, K. Global scriptwriting. Boston: Focal Press, 2001. DANCYGER, K. and RUSH, J. Alternative scriptwriting: successfully breaking the rules. 4th ed. Boston: Focal Press, 2007.

808.23 205

792.028 100 898.396 1 808.23 208

808.23 102 659.132 4 808.23 120 808.23 41

DANCYGER, K. 808.066791 Broadcast writing: dramas, comedies and documentaries. Boston: 32 Focal Press, 1991. 102p. DAVIS, R. Writing dialogue for scripts. London: A. & C. Black, 1998. DROUYN, C. Big screen, small screen: a practical guide to writing for film and for film and television in Australia. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 1994. 808.2 16 808.225 10

EGRI, L. 808.2 The art of dramatic writing: its basis in the creative interpretation 9 of human motives. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. Fallen Angels: six noir tales told for television. New York: Grove Press, 1993. GARFINKEL, A. Screenplay story analysis: the art and business. New York: Allworth Press, 2007. 791.4575 51 808.23 199

HADDRICK, G. Top shelf 1: reading and writing the best in Australian TV drama. Sydney: Currency Press, 2001. HADDRICK, G. (ed.) Top shelf 2: five outstanding television screenplays. Sydney: Currency Press in association with the Australian Film, Television And Radio School, 2001. HAYWARD, S. Scriptwriting for animation. London: Focal Press, 1977. HILTUNEN, A. Aristotle in Hollywood: the anatomy of successful storytelling. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 2002.

808.225 18

791.4575 59

808.23 21 808.23 150

HORTON, A. 808.23 Writing the character centred screenplay. Berkeley, Ca.: University 59 of California, 1994. JONES, C.A. The way of story: the craft & soul of writing. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 2007. LUCEY, P. Story sense: writing story and script for feature films and television. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. MACKENDRICK, A. On film-making: an introduction to the craft of the director. London: Faber, 2004. MCCLOUD, S. Understanding comics: the invisible art. New York: HarperPerennial, 1994. MCGRATH, D. Screenwriting. Mies, Switzerland; Hove: RotoVision, 2003. MCKEE, R Story: substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting. New York: Regan Books, 1997. 808.23 143 808.23 84 808.23 204

808.23 81

791.430233 198

741.5 3

MARKS, D. Inside story: the power of the transformational arc. Ojai, Calif.: Three Mountain Press, 2007. MORITZ, C. Scriptwriting for the screen. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2008.

808.23 202

808.23 118

MURPHY, J. Me and you and Memento and Fargo: how independent screenplays work. New York: Continuum, 2007. POTTER, C. Screen language: from film writing to film-making. London: Methuen, 2001. Producers and writers with Pat Lovell. (video). Australia: Australian Film and Television School Open Program Resources, 1981. (Umatic & VHS) 30 min. RABIGER, M. Developing story ideas. Boston: Focal Press, 2000. ROUVEROL, J Writing for daytime drama. Boston: Focal Press, 1992. RYAN, J. Screenwriting from the heart: the technique of the character-driven screenplay. New York: Billboard Books, 2000. SCHWARTZ, M. E. How to write: a screenplay. New York: Continuum, 2007. SHURTLEFF, M. Audition: everything an actor needs to know to get the part. N.Y. Walker, 1978 SEGER, L. Creating unforgettable characters. New York: H. Holt, 1990. SEGER, L.and WHETMORE, E.J. From script to screen: the collaborative art of filmmaking. New York: H. Holt, 1994. SEGER, L. Making a good script great. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Hollywood, Ca.: Samuel French Trade, 1994. SMITH, P.J. The power of the dark side: creating great villains, dangerous situations, & dramatic conflict. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 2008. STEELE, A. (ed.) Writing movies: a practical guide from New York's acclaimed creative writing school. London: A. & C. Black, 2008. STEMPEL, T. Understanding screenwriting: learning from good, not-quite-so-good, and bad screenplays. New York: Continuum,

808.23 197

808.23 122

791.430232 24

808.23 114 808.225 8 808.23 109

808.23 200 792.028 47

808.2 13 791.43023 47

808.23 67

808.397 7

808.23 212

808.23 209

2008. [Steven de Souza seminar on the action film, August 14, 1994]. Australia: AFTRS, 1994. (VHS) 110 min. Style manual for authors, editors and printers. 5th ed. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1994. SWAIN, D. V. Creating characters: how to build story people. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1990. TAYLOR, T. Digital cinema: the Hollywood insiders guide to the evolution of storytelling. Studio City: Michael Wiese Productions, 2003. TRAVIS, M. The director's journey: the creative collaboration between directors, writers, and actors. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 1997. VAN SIJLL, J. Cinematic storytelling: the 100 most powerful film conventions every filmmaker must know. Studio City CA : Michael Wiese Productions, 2005. VOGLER, C. The writers journey: mythic structure for screenwriters and storytellers. 3rd ed. Studio City, Ca.: M. Wiese Productions, 1992. The writers directory: writers for radio, screen, stage and television in Australia. Sydney: Australian Writers Guild. Bienniel. Lists credits for Australian writers. Includes indices by subject speciality. WESTON, J. Directing actors: creating memorable performances for film and television. Studio City, Ca.: Michael Wiese Productions, 1998. WESTON, J. The film directors intuition: script analysis and rehearsal techniques. Studio City, Ca.: Michael Wiese Productions, 2003. SCREEN ADAPTATION ANDEREGG, M.A. Cinematic Shakespeare. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. 791.4375 SHAK 10 808.23 7 808.23 55 791.430233 205 808.23 52 R808.042 STYL/1 808.3 6

791.43 147

791.430233 177

RA820.25 WRIT 1

791.430233 117

791.430233 188


Writing the screenplay: TV and film. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth, 1988. See pages 186-202. . BLACKER, I. R. The elements of screenwriting: a guide for film and television writers. New York: Collier Books, 1988. See pages 89-91. BLUM, R. A. Television and screen writing: from concept to contract. 3rd ed. Boston: Focal Press, 1995. BRENNER, A. The TV scriptwriters handbook. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writers Digest Books, 1980. BURT, R. and L. BOOSE (eds.) Shakespeare, the movie: popularizing the plays on film, TV, video and DVD II. London: Routledge, 2003. DMYTRYK, E. On screen writing. Boston: Focal Press, 1985. See Chapter 5: Adaptation continued... GLAVIN, J. (ed.) Dickens on screen. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003. HERZBERG, B. Shooting scripts: from pulp Western to film.

808.23 18

808.066791 38

808.22 12

791.4375 SHAK 4 [No.2 ] 808.23 23

791.4375 DICK 791.436 G5 38 808.23 142 791.4375 160

KREVOLIN, R. How to adapt anything into a screenplay. N.Y: J. Wiley, 2003. McFARLANE, B. Novel to film: an introduction to the theory of adaptation. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 1996. PORTNOY, K. Screen adaptation: a scriptwriting handbook. Boston: Focal Press, . 1991. SAMMONS, E. Shakespeare: a hundred years on film. 1st Scarecrow Press ed. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2004. SEGER, L. The art of adaptation: turning fact and fiction into film. New York: H. Holt and Co., 1992.

808.23 42

R791.4375 SHAK 2 808.23 43

SHANKS, B. 808.22 The primal screen: how to write, sell and produce movies for 4 television: with complete script of Drop-out father. N.Y. Norton, 1986

WHEELER, D. No, but I saw the movie: the best short stories ever made into film. New York: Penguin Books, 1989. WILLIS, E. E. Writing scripts for television, radio, and film. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. See pages 236-241. Writing for television (video). Australia: Teaching Resources, AFTRS, 1989. (VHS) 48 min.

808.831 5

808.066791 12

808.225 3

SCRIPT EDITING ARMER, A. A. Writing the screenplay: TV and film. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth, 1988. SEGER, L. Making a good script great. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Hollywood: Samuel French Trade, 1994. 808.23 6

808.23 67

SERIES AND SERIALS ARONSON, L. 808.225 Television writing: the ground rules of series, serials and sitcom. 16 Nth Ryde, NSW: Australian Film, Television and Radio School, 2000. BRANDT, G. (ed.) British television drama in the 1980s. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. DROUYN, C. Big screen, small screen: a practical guide to writing for film and television in Australia. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 1994. FRIEDMANN, J. and ROCA, P. (eds.) Writing long-running television series: lectures from the first PILOTS workshop. Stiges, Catalonia, Spain, June/October, 1993. Madrid: Media Business School, 1994. 791.4575 48

808.225 10

808.225 9

FILM EDITING Resources accessed in Grad Dip: Screenwriting workshop with editors The cutting edge: the magic of movie editing. (Documentary). United States: TCEP Inc, 2004. (DVD). The director/editor relationship. (Documentary). Australia: Ozdox, ASDA, 2007. (DVD). 9 778.535 54 070.18 131

27 ROGER, C. (ed.) Fine cuts: the art of European editing. Oxford: Focal Press, 2006. LOBRUTTO, V. Selected takes: film editors on editing. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1991. MURCH, W. In the blink of an eye: a perspective on film editing. Beverly Hills, Ca: Silman-James Press, 2001. OLDHAM, G. First cut: conversations with film editors. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992. ONDAATJE, M. The conversations: Walter Murch and the art of editing film. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2002. ROSENBLUM, R., & KAREN, R. When the shooting stops the cutting begins: a film editors story. New York: Penguin Books, 1979 778.535 55a 778.535 27A

778.535 29

778.5 35

778.535092 MURC 1 778.535092 ROSE 1

STAFFORD, R. 778.5235 Non linear editing and visual literarcy. London: British Film Institute, 1995.

COMEDY Comedy scriptwriting. (video). Australia: AFTS Open Program Resources, 1984. (Umatic & VHS) 29 min. NEALE, S. & KRUTNIK, F. Popular film and television comedy. London: Routledge, 1990. PERRET, G. Comedy writing step by step. lst Samuel French. ed. Hollywood, Ca.: Samuel French, 1990. SCHREIBER, B. What are you laughing at? How to write funny screenplays, stories & more. Studio City, Calif Michael Wiese Productions, 2003. SCHWARZ, L. The craft of writing TV comedy. London: Allison and Busby, 1989. The sitcom seminars. (video). Australia: AFTRS, 1993. (2 VHS videocassettes) 326 min. TRUBY, J. Comedy writing. (sound recording). [Los Angeles, Calif.] : Trubys 10 808.2523 1 791.436 G2/12 808.7 3

808.7 11

808.22 19 808.7 5 808.7 13

Writers Studio, c1991-2003. (1 sound disc) 900 min. VORHAUS, J. The comic toolbox: how to be funny even if youre not. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin, 1994. Writing for comedy. Australia: Teaching Resources, AFTRS, 1989. (Umatic & VHS) 54 min. 808.8017 1

808.2523 2

TREATMENTS See Treatments Quicklist.

WRITING DOCUMENTARIES BERGER, A. A. Scripts: writing for radio and television. Newbury Park, Ca.: Sage Publications, 1990. See Chapter 8: Documentaries BEVERIDGE, J.A. Script writing for short films. Paris, UNESCO, 1969. 808.22 17

808.23 32

CROTON, G. 791.450232 From script to screen: documentaries. Borehamwood, Hertfordshire: 14 BBC Television Training, 1986. DIMOND, P. Writing documentary script and narration. North Ryde, N.S.W.: AFTS Open Program, 1980. Includes excerpts from storyboards and examples of script formats 808.066791 14

DIZAZZO, R. 808.066791 Corporate scriptwriting: a professional's guide. Boston: Focal Press, 35 1992. EDMONDS, R. Scriptwriting for the audio-visual media. New York: Teachers College Press, 1978. See section on Non-fiction films, pages 78-117. Includes excerpts from scripts. EUSTACE, G. Writing for corporate video. London: Focal Press, 1990. Provides comprehensive guidance, to both the writer experienced in other media and the beginner, on developing, improving and strengthening scripts for corporate video. 808.066791 24

808.066791 30

FIELD, S. 808.066791 Professional broadcast writer's handbook. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: 27 Tab Books, 1974. See chapter 3: The Documentary. 11

HESSE, J. 070.194 The radio documentary handbook: creating, producing and 2 selling for broadcasting. Vancouver: International Self-Counsel Press, 1987. HILLIARD, R.L. 808.066791 Writing for television and radio. 5th ed. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth 23 Publishing Company, 1991. See chapter 8: Features and documentaries. Includes exercises Covers mini-documentaries.. LOMASK, M. The biographer's craft. New York: Harper and Row, 1986. Practical advice on gathering, writing, shaping and polishing biographical material. McCARTHY, T. Pictures and words: the use of words in film and television. North Ryde, N.S.W.: AFTS, 1983. MCGUIRE, J. How to write, direct and produce effective business films and documentaries. 1st ed. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1978. 808.06692 1

808.066791 10

070.18 17

MATRAZZO, D. 808.23 The corporate scriptwriting book: a practical, step by step guide to 11 guide to writing scripts for organizations. Philadelphia: Media Concepts Press, 1980. MILLER, W. Screenwriting for narrative film and television. New York: Hastings House, 1980. See chapter 12: Documentary, non-fiction, and fact films. Pictures and words. (video). Australia: Australian Film and Television School Open Program Resources, 1981. (Umatic) 28 min. 808.23 25

070.18 21

ROSENTHAL, A. 070.18 Writing, directing, and producing documentary films. Carbondale, 20 Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1990. ROSENTHAL, A. Writing docudrama: dramatizing reality for film and TV. Boston: Focal Press, 1995. Scriptwriting. (video). Australia: Australian Film and Television School Open Program Resources, 1980. (2 videocassettes, Umatic and VHS) 67 min. SEGER, L. The art of adaptation: turning fact and fiction into film. New York: H. Holt & Co, 1992. See chapter 10: Writing a docudrama for television. 12 808.23 64

808.066791 28

808.23 43

WILLIS, E.E. and D'ARIENZO, C. Writing scripts for television, radio and film. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. See chapter 4: Documentaries.

808.066791 12

PITCHING AND SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY CALLAN, K. The script is finished, now what do I do? Studio City, Ca.: Sweden Press, 1993. CRAM, A. How to write and sell TV scripts in Australia and New Zealand. Richmond, Vic.: William Heinemann Australia, 1985. DE ABREU, C. & SMITH, H.J. Opening the doors to Hollywood: how to sell your idea, story, book, screenplay. Beverley Hills, Ca.: Custos Morum, 1995. FIELD, S. Selling a screenplay: the screenwriter's guide to Hollywood. New York: Delacorte Press, 1989. HAUGE, Michael Writing screenplays that sell. London: Elm Tree, 1989. HORTON, A. Screenwriting for a global market: selling your scripts from Hollywood to Hong Kong. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. MCCARTHY, P. & HATCHER, C. Speaking persuasively: making the most of your presentations. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 1996. SAUTTER, C. How to sell your screenplay: the real rules of film and television. New York : New Chapter Press, 1988. SILVER, D. How to pitch and sell your TV script. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writers Digest Books, 1991. R808.066791 SCRI 1 808.22 10

808.23 65

808.23 29

808.23 26 808.066791 45

808.51 8

808.23 9

808.2250688 1

STUART, L. 808.23 Getting your script through the Hollywood maze. Los Angeles, Ca.: 47 Acrobat Books, 1993. TURNER, B. (ed.) The screenwriter's handbook. London: Macmillan, 2007. WHITCOMB, C. Selling your screenplay. New York: Crown Publishers, 1988. 13 808.23 203 808.23 12

LOW BUDGET FILMMAKING CONNOLLY, R. 791.430681 Independent and low: a beginners guide to low budget filmmaking 16 in Australia. [1997?]. GASPARD, J. Fast, cheap and written that way: top screenwriters on writing for 808.23 low-budget movies . Studio City, Ca: Michael Wiese Productions, 198 2007. LOW BUDGET FEATURE SEMINAR (1995. Sydney, N.S.W.) Low means low: the collected papers from the Low Budget Feature Seminar / Philippa Bateman (AFC editorial executive), Catherine Knapman (editor). Sydney: Australian Film Commission, 1996. 791.430681 15

SCRIPTS DICKEY, J. Deliverance. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. 791.4372 DELI 1

INTERNET SCREENWRITING RESOURCES PERIODICALS Australian Copyright Council Bulletins. Creative Screenwriting. Published quarterly by the Creative Screenwriters Group. Publishes critical, theoretical, historical and practical essays on all aspects of writing for TV and the movies. Also critical review of books products, and seminars. R346.940482 BULL 1


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