Happy Birthday - Flipsyde Lesson

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FLIPSYDE HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday So make a wish Please accept my apologies, I wonder what would have been.

. Would you have been a little angel or an angel of sin? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes. I paid for the murder before they determined the sex, choosing our life over your life meant your death. And you never got a chance to even open your eyes, sometimes I wonder, as a fetus if you fought for your life. Would you have been a little genius? In love with math? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? Would you have been a little rapper like your poppa The Piper? Would you have made me quit smoking by finding one of my lighters? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose, and the way you would've laughed and talked fast or slow. I think about it every year, so I picked up a pen. Happy birthday, I love you whoever you would've been. Chorus: Happy Birthday What I thought was a dream Make a wish Was as real as it seemed I made a mistake I got a million excuses, as to why you died. And other people got their own reasons for homicide. Who's to say it would've worked and who's to say it wouldn't have I was young and struggling, but old enough to be a dad. The fear of being my father has never disappeared, I ponder it frequently while I'm sippin' on my beer. My vision of a family was artificial and fake so when it came time to create, I made a mistake. But now you got a little brother, maybe it's really you. Maybe you really forgave us knowing we was confused. Maybe, every time that he smiles it's you proudly knowing that your father's doing the right thing now. I'll never tell a woman what to do with her body, but if she don't love children, then we can't party. I think about it every year, so I picked up a pen. Happy birthday, I love you whoever you would've been. Happy birthday Chorus Bridge: And from the Heavens to the womb to the Heavens again. From the ending to the ending, never got to begin. Maybe one day we can meet face to face, in a place without time and space. Happy birthday Chorus

FLIPSYDE WSZYSTKIEGO NAJLEPSZEGO Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin Wic wypowiedz yczenie Prosz przyjmij moje przeprosiny, myl co by byo. Byby maym aniokiem czy anioem grzechu? Chopczyc biegajc po okolicy, zadajc si z chopakami, Czy maym twardym chopcem z piknymi brzowymi oczami. Zapaciem za morderstwo zanim okrelili pe, Wybr naszego ycia ponad twoim oznacza twoj mier. Nigdy nie dostae szansy eby otworzy oczy, Czasem zastanawiam si, czy jako pd walczye o ycie. Czy byby maym geniuszem? Uwielbiajcym matm? Czy bawiby si w szkolnym ubranku i doprowadza mnie do szau? Czy byby maym raperem jak twj tato The Piper? Czy zmusiby mnie do rzucenia fajek, znajdujc moj zapalniczk? Zastanawiam si, jaki miaby kolor skry i ksztat nosa, I jak by si mia, i czy mwi szybko, czy wolno. Myl o tym co roku, wic zapaem za dugopis. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin, kocham ci, kimkolwiek by by. Refren : Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin Mylaem e to sen Wypowiedz yczenie By tak prawdziwy jak si zdawao Popeniem bd Znalazem milion sposobw usprawiedliwienia twojej mierci. A inni znaleli wasne powody do zabijania. Kto moe powiedzie, e by si udao, kto moe powiedzie, e nie
Byem mody i walczyem o sukces, ale byem do dorosy by zosta ojcem.

Strach, e bd taki jak mj ojciec, nigdy nie znikn, Rozwaam to czsto, sczc piwo. Moja wizja rodziny bya sztuczna i faszywa Wic kiedy przyszed czas tworzenia, popeniem bd. Ale teraz masz maego brata, moe tak naprawd to ty. Moe naprawd wybaczye nam wiedzc, e jestemy zdezorientowani. By moe, za kadym razem kiedy on si umiecha, to jeste ty, dumny Bo wiesz, e twj tata postpuje teraz waciwie. Nigdy nie powiem kobiecie, co ma robi ze swoim ciaem, Ale jeli nie kocha dzieci, nie bawimy si razem. Myl o tym co roku, wic zapaem za dugopis. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin, kocham ci , kimkolwiek by by. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin Refren cznik: Z nieba do ona matki i znowu do nieba. Od koca do koca, bez pocztku. Moe pewnego dnia bdziemy si mogli spotka twarz w twarz, W miejscu bez czasu i przestrzeni. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin Refren

FLIPSYDE HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1. Listen and complete the text of the first verse. 2. Listen and choose the right option in the second verse. 3. Find two grammar mistakes in the second verse (one in past simple, one in present simple). Happy Birthday So make a wish Please accept my apologies, I wonder what would have been. Would you have been a little _ _ _ _ _ or an _ _ _ _ _ of sin? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. Or a little tough boy with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ brown eyes. I paid for the murder before they determined the sex, choosing our _ _ _ _ over your _ _ _ _ meant your death. And you never got a chance to even open your eyes, sometimes I wonder, as a fetus if you fought for your life. Would you have been a little genius? In love with math? Would you have played in your school clothes and _ _ _ _ me mad? Would you have been a little rapper like your poppa The Piper? Would you have made me quit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by finding one of my lighters? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose, and the way you would've laughed and talked fast or _ _ _ _. I think about it every year, so I picked up a pen. Happy birthday, I love you whoever you would've been. Chorus: Happy Birthday What I thought was a dream Make a wish Was as real as it seemed I made a mistake I got a million excuses, as to why you died/cried. And other people got their own reasons for homicide. Who's to say it would've worked and who's to say it wouldn't have I was yellow/young and struggling, but old enough to be a dad. The fear of being my father has never disappeared/disappointed, I ponder it frequently while I'm sippin' on my beer. My vision of a family was artificial and fake so when it came time to come back/create, I made a mistake. But now you got a little brother, maybe it's really you. Maybe you really forgave/forgot us knowing we was confused. Maybe, every time that he smiles it's you proudly knowing that your father's doing the right/wrong thing now. I'll never tell a woman what to do with her body, but if she don't love children/chocolate, then we can't party. I think about it every year, so I picked up a pen. Happy birthday, I love you whoever you would've been. Happy birthday Chorus Bridge: And from the Heavens to the womb to the Heavens again. From the ending to the ending, never got to begin. Maybe one day we can meet face to face, in a place without time and space. Happy birthday Chorus

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