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Question Bank - 5
1. H.R.C fuse means a. High Rupture Capacity b. High Rating Capacity c. High Resistance Capacity d. High Resistance Capacitance 2. The best metal for fuse wire is a. Copper b. Aluminum c. Silver d. Iron 3. Why charcoal is used in the pit made for installing an earth point a. For maintaining moisture in the earth pit b. For reducing the earths resistance c. For increasing the earth is resistance d. For insulating earth plate 4. Why salt is used in the earthing a. For maintaining moisture in the earth pit b. For reducing the earths resistance c. For increasing the earths resistance d. None 5. A fuse operates due to the ___________ effect of electric current a. Magnetic b. Electrostatic c. Heating d. Chemical 6. If the length of a wire is reduced to half and its cross sectional area is doubled, the new resistance of the wire will be a. of its former value b. the same c. of its former value d. none 7. Which one of the following is not a conductor a. Dilute sulphuric acid b. Bakelite c. Mercury d. Sodium vapour 8. The resistance of a conductor of 0.2 sq.m cross sectional area is 4 ohms. If its cross sectional area is increased to 0.4 sq.m. without any change in length, then its new resistance will be a. 8 ohms b. 16 ohms c. 2 ohms d. None

9. The total resistance of the network will be a. 4 b. 3 c. 2.5 d. 1

10. The resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel. If the ratio of their value is R1 : R2 = 4:1. Then their current will be in a ratio of a. 1:4 b. 1:1 c. 4:1 d. 4:4 11. Which one of the following statement is not true? A secondary cell a. Has a long working life b. Cannot be recharged c. Is heavier in weight d. Is meant for low and high and continuous current use 12. Image below is the symbol of a. cell b. Voltmeter c. Battery d. Resistors 13. Power factor of an AC circuit is equal to a. Cosine of angle between voltage and current b. Tangent of angle between voltage and current c. Impedance / resistance d. Apparent power / real power 14. The resistance of an open circuit is equal to a. Zero b. Lesser than one ohm c. Infinite d. One ohm 15. Total capacity of two capacitors of 2 F each connected in series will be equal to a. 2 F b. 4 F c. 1 F d. F 16. Two capacitors of 2 F and 3 F are connected in series and then this group is connected in parallel to a capacitor of 1 F. Find the total capacitance. a. 2.2 b. 6/5 c. 6 d. 5/6 17. The power factor of an inductive circuit can be improved by connecting a capacitor to it in a. Series b. Either series or parallel c. Parallel d. Depends on the valve of the capacitor

18. The relation between capacity ( C ) potential difference (V) and charge (Q) for a capacitor is given by a. C = Q/V b. C = V/Q c. C = Q/2V d. C = QV/2 19. The resistance of earth is a. 1M b. 20M c. infinite d. about Zero 20. Transformers are rated in a. KW b. KV c. KWh d. KVA 21. If the secondary turns of a transformer are doubted and at the same time the primary voltage is reduced to half then the secondary voltage will a. be halved b. be doubled c. not change d. be four times high 22. Which is the common method of cooling a power transformer used in distribution work. a. Air cooling b. Air plast cooling c. Oil cooling d. Water cooling 23. A multi-meter consists of a. Voltmeter and ohm meter b. Voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter c. Voltmeter and ammeter d. None 24. A multi-meter cannot measure a. current b. capacitance c. potential difference d. resistance 25. The equipment which converts AC into DC is called a. inverter b. alternator c. converter d. generator 26. Flow of electrons is generally termed as ___________ a. electric current b. electric shock c. semiconductor d. none of the above

27. When the Turn Ratio of a transformer is 20 and the primary AC voltage is 12V, the secondary voltage is a. 12V b. 120V c. 240V d. 2400V 28. The resistance offered by _________ is extremely large for the flow of current through it. a. Good conductor b. Insulator c. Semi conductor d. None of the above 29. The materials which behave like perfect insulators at low temperatures and at higher temperatures, they behave like a good conductors are termed as _________ a. Good conductor b. Insulator c. Semi conductor d. None of the above 30. The conductivity of a semiconductor __________ with temperature. a. Increases b. Decreases c. Cant say d. None of the above 31. The primary winding of a transformer has 110V across it. What is the secondary voltage if the turn ratio is 8? a. 880V b. 8.8V c. 88V d. 8800V 32. The resistance of a semiconductor _____________ with temperature. a. Increases b. Decreases c. Cant say d. None of the above 33. The resistance of a good conductor __________ with temperature. a. Increases b. Decreases c. Cant say d. None of the above 34. If the amplitude of the carrier wave is altered in accordance with the strength of the modulating signal, then it is ___________ a. amplitude modulation b. frequency modulation c. amplitude communication d. frequency communication 35. In a transistor, the emitter area is __________doped. a. Heavily b. Lightly

c. Moderately d. None of these

36. In a transistor, the base region is ____________ doped. a. Heavily b. Lightly c. Moderately d. None of these 37. In a transistor, the collector area is __________ doped. a. Heavily b. Lightly c. Moderately d. None of these 38. In a __________, the current is mainly due to electrons. a. PNP transistor b. NPN transistor c. BJT transistor d. UJT transistor 39. In a ____________ , the current is mainly due to holes. a. PNP transistor b. NPN transistor c. BJT transistor d. UJT transistor 40. During normal working of transistor as amplifier, the emitter diode is _____________ a. Un biased b. Forward biased c. Reverse biased d. None of the above 41. During normal working of transistor as amplifier, the collector diode is ______________ a. Un biased b. Forward biased c. Reverse biased d. None of the above 42. The current which results in a semiconductor material due to the movement of holes is termed as a. hole current b. electron current c. negative current d. none of the above 43. A semiconductor in its pure form is termed as a. intrinsic semiconductor b. extrinsic semiconductor c. p-type semiconductor d. n-type semiconductor 44. The process of adding impurity to a pure semiconductor material, in order to increase its conductivity is called as a. dancing b. doping c. creating holes d. creating electrons

45. A semiconductor to which an impurity is added with view to increase its conductivity is termed as a. intrinsic semiconductor b. extrinsic semiconductor c. p-type semiconductor d. n-type semiconductor 46. Audio amplifiers can amplify signals of frequencies which lie in the range of ___________ a. 20Hz to 20 KHz b. 20Hz to 20 MHz c. 20Hz to 20 KHz d. 20Hz to 20 MHz 47. An electric heater draws 3.5A from a110V source. The resistance of the heating element is approximately a. 385 b. 38.5 c. 3.1 d. 31 48. A resistor is connected across 50V source. What is the current in the resistor, if the colour code is red, orange, and silver? a. 2 mA b. 2.2 mA c. 214 mA d. 21.4 mA 49. When one of three series resistors is removed from a circuit and the circuit is reconnected the current a. increases b. decreases c. increases by one third d. decreases by one third. 50. The current in a given circuit is not to exceed 24A. Which value of fuse is best? a. Fuse is not necessary. b. 10A c. 24A d. 20A


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