AX 300 TIP 041 v01.00 ENUS

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The Light Company

The demonstration data

NOTICE This material is for informational purposes only. Navision a/s disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to use of the material for other purposes. Navision a/s shall not, at any time, be liable for any special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other action arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the material. This material is subject to change without notice. According to Danish copyright legislation it is against the law to reproduce any part of this material in any form or by any means without the permission of Navision a/s. The software described is supplied under license and must be used and copied in accordance with the enclosed license terms and conditions. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright 2002 Navision a/s, Frydenlunds All 6, DK-2950 Vedbaek, Denmark. All rights reserved. TRADEMARKS The trademarks referenced herein and marked with either TM or are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Navision a/s or Navision Development a/s. However, the trademarks Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, SQL Server and BackOffice are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. The trademarks of Navision a/s and Navision Development a/s are listed on this Web site: The Arial font was used. Published by Navision a/s. Published in Denmark 2002.

Table of contents
Table of contents.................................................................................................................3 Reading guidelines..............................................................................................................4 Importing the demo data files..............................................................................................4 Company information..........................................................................................................8 Currency..............................................................................................................................8 Bank management..............................................................................................................9 Periods................................................................................................................................9 Sales....................................................................................................................................9 Customers (Accounts receivable).....................................................................................10 Production.........................................................................................................................11 Vendors.............................................................................................................................13 Assembling........................................................................................................................13 Painting..............................................................................................................................13 Organization......................................................................................................................14 Projects..............................................................................................................................16 Address format..................................................................................................................17 Number sequence code....................................................................................................18 Users.................................................................................................................................18 Price agreements..............................................................................................................18 Customer line discount......................................................................................................20 Customer multiline discount..............................................................................................21 Customer total discount.....................................................................................................22 Vendor purchase prices....................................................................................................22 Vendor line discount..........................................................................................................23 Vendor multiline discount..................................................................................................24 Vendor total discount.........................................................................................................24 Intercompany.....................................................................................................................24 Commission.......................................................................................................................27 Batch.................................................................................................................................28 How to delete transactions in a demonstration data set...................................................28 Demonstration of the Enterprise Portal.............................................................................30 How to enable Configuration Keys....................................................................................30

Reading guidelines
Any reference to a menu point in the text is prefixed by an @ e.g. @Main Menu/Basic/Setup/Company Information/General Any example of a variable value is included in single quotes e.g. Var: text, here the variable Var is assigned the value text. Any reference in the text to another place in the document uses the name of the paragraph in the table of contents.

Importing the demo data files

On the CD you will find a set of demo data in the folder Import Data/Demonstration Data. The demo data includes system tables that Microsoft Navision Axapta uses for e.g. user information. IMPORTANT: Before import you MUST enable all configuration keys - EXCLUDING country functionality except the one for Switzerland. (@Administration/Setup/System/Configuration). See also How to enable Configuration Keys. We recommend that you import system tables the first time you install demo data on your demo installation. Go to the import form through @Menu/Administration/Periodic/Data export/import

Fill out the Demo Data.dat filename in the field File name using the


Select Include system and shared tables under the Advanced tab page and press OK.

During the import you will be prompted with a pop-up form regarding deleting tables. Warning: Do NOT click the Yes to all button!

Press OK. The import will end with a infolog like the one below:

The import is done.

You should use this company when using the demo scripts provided by Microsoft Navision. Additional copies of the demo data should be imported excluding the systems tables as system tables should not be imported again after the installation is up and running. The files are provided in the binary format because .CSV files do not include fields of type Container. Binary files are also faster to import and export.

Company information
@Main Menu/Basic/Setup/Company Information/General Company name: The Light Company a/s Street name: Frydenlunds Alle 6 Postal (Zip) code: DK-2950 City: Vedbaek Country: DK @Main Menu/Basic/Setup/Company Information/Other The company will use Euro as main currency and just like Microsoft Navision Axapta it will use En-us as company language.

Exchange rates are based on the rates from the official homepage of the Danish National Bank on the 5. February 2002. The primary currency is EUR, euro, . Exchange rates are found at url: or @General ledger/Setup/Exchange rates Currency: CAD DKK EUR GBP USD Description: Canadian Dollars Danish Kroner Euro British Pound US Dollars Reciprocal value: 169,9235

Exchange rate: 58,85

13,462 100,0000 163,4100 115,0800

742,8317 100,0000 61,1958 86,8961

Bank management
The Light Company uses Future Bank and Scandinavian Trade Bank, two non-existent banks. @Bank/Bank accounts/Overview Bank account: Cash1, Name: Cash Account Future Bank, Bank groups: Main Bank, Routing number: 9955, Bank account number: 123456, Ledger account: 18110, Currency: EUR Bank account: STB-DKK, Name: Scandinavian Trade Bank, Bank groups: STB, Routing number: 1234, Bank account number: 333333, Ledger account: 18125, Currency: DKK Bank account: STB-EUR, Name: Scandinavian Trade Bank, Bank groups: STB, Routing number: 1234, Bank account number: 222222, Ledger account: 18120, Currency: EUR

General ledger/Setup/Periods/Periods New periods have been generated from the 20011201 to 20060101. This will give us the possibility to work with date from a previous period and budgets for coming periods The fiscal year is divided into twelve periods. One period is equal to one month since a lot of companies uses a month as a period posting and invoicing.

The Light Company sells their products worldwide. The Light Company sells bulbs, lamps, parts, pedestals, raw materials, lampshades, and service items which is reflected in the chart of accounts from account 40100 and forth. The Light Company sells projects which is reflected in the chart of accounts from account 42000 and forth. For further specifications see projects. Discount is handled through the @Inventory management/Setup/Price/Discount and is in the chart of accounts at account 40300 and forth. They sell six types of lamps: Floor Lamp

Table lamp Pendent lamp Wall lamp Office lamp Modeling enabled lamps See Production for further details.

Customers (Accounts receivable)

The Light Company has divided their customers into groups: Customer group 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Description Furniture stores Retail stores Wholesalers Specialty stores Foreign Other Customers Inter Company Terms of payment M30 M M15 M15 M30 D14 M30 Settle period D3 D8 D8 D3 D14 D3 D8

The groups are made for the purpose of being able to make reports on sales. The most important customer is The Bright Idea that is placed in Vienna in Austria.


The Light Company produces lamps and also parts of the lamps. The production typically follows the production flow below: 2 1 Punching Primary Press 3 Secondary Press 4 Acid_Bath 5 Painting 6 Assembly 7 Packing

Subsequently the lamps are stored in the warehouse as lamps ready for sale. A lamp will generally look more or less like this:

This is a table lamp.


The types are: Floor Lamp Table lamp Pendent lamp Wall lamp

They will be named with the prefix of the type, e.g.: Pendant Lamp 2500 Black or Floor Lamp 2500 Color. The following items are assembled something like this:


Made of special tubes

Lamp arm,
Made of tubes and paint

Lamp pedestals,
Made of metal plates and paint



Made of pieces from a cable roll


Light Company produces some of the items for the lamps and some parts they buy. The vendors are divided into areas as where they are located: Vendor group DOM FOR IC MN OTH Description Domestic Vendors Foreign Vendors Inter Company Minnesota Vendors Other Vendors Terms of payment M15 M30 M15 M15 M30 Settle period D3 D3 D8 D3 D3

Normally the Light Company assembles the lamps themselves but occasionally they choose to have a vendor for this job. 3009 Handyman Co. in Copenhagen, Denmark is used for this job.

Normally the Light Company paints the parts themselves but occasionally they choose to have vendor for this job. 3010 Metalwork Inc. also in Copenhagen is used for this job.


Keith Light (KLI) President and founder

Eric Watson (EWA) Purchase Manager

Emil Pedersen (EPE) Director of production

Emily Merryman (EMA) Team leader, Raw materials

Margaret Jones (MJO) Team leader, Lamp parts

Beth Adkins (BAD) Team leader, warehouse

Linda Smith (LSM) Team leader, Standing lamps Worker, Emma Baker(EBA) Worker, Maurice Ferris(MFE) Worker, Kevin Shirer(KSH)

Allan Morrison (AMO) Team leader, Pendent and wall lamps

Helen Harper Team Leader, Table Lamps

Worker, Olga Bender(OBE) Worker, Shawna Adams(SAD) Truck Driver, Niels Pedersen(NPE)

Worker, Anders Jensen(AJE) Worker, Janice Albright(JAL) Worker, Poul Senna(PSE)

Worker, Lucy Endive(LEN) Worker, Mariann Jensen(MJE) Worker Ralph Flubert(RFL)

Keith Light(KLI) President and founder

Tina Gold (TG) Director of sales

Mads Pedersen (MPE) Director of Project

Jeremy Counter (JCO) Administrative Director

Tim Jones (TJO) Team leader, Countries Salesman, EU, Hugh Jones(HJO) Salesman, EU, Lee Dunlap(LDU) Salesman, Foriegn countries, Karen Hansen(KHA) Salesman, Foriegn countries, Warren Franklin(WFR)

John Holm (JHO) Team Leader, Projects Salesman, private companies, Mark Potter(MPO) Salesman puliccompanies, Darren Waldo(DWA)

Jane Smith (JSM) Team leader, Team I Project Manager, Jan Light(JLI) Light Consultant, Ren Walsh(RWA) Light Tecnician, Jim Laketown(JLA)

Emma Lane (ELA) Team leader, Team II Project Manager, John Hansen(JHA) Light Consultant, Niel Hansen(NHA) Light Technician, Lars Jensen(LJE)

Andrea Wayne (AWA) Team leader, Team III Project Manager, Ann Larsen(ALA) Light Consultant, Judith Wella(JWE) Light Technician, John Luke(JLU)

June Clearya (JCL) Team leader, HR Department HR assistent, Poul Barnes(PBA)

Richard Baldwin (RBA) Team leader, Finance Department Financial Assistent, James Davis(JDA)


The production is divided into department related to types of lamps whereas sales is divided into departments related to types of customers and localization. This means that The Light Company has the following job titles: Director of Administration Director of Production Director of Projects Director of Sales Financial Assistant HR Assistant Light Consultant Light Technician President Project Manager Purchase Manager Purchaser Salesman Team Leader Truck Driver Worker

The Light Company has the following departments and cost centers: @Main Menu/Basic/Dimensions Dimension Number Description Department Admin Administration department Department Prod Production department Department Proj Project department Department Purch Purchase department Department Sales Sales department Cost center Coun Sales countries Cost center Fina Finance Cost center Human Human resource Cost center Pend Pendant- and wall lamps Cost center Ppart Purcase parts Cost center Praw Purcase raw material Cost center Sproj Sales Project Cost center Stand Standing lamps Cost center Table Table lamps Cost center Team 1 Project team 1 Cost center Team 2 Project team 2 Cost center Team 3 Project team 3 Cost center Ware Warehouse The initials are for the head of the departments. Employee JCO EPE MPE EWA TGO TJO RBA JAL AMO MJO EMA JHO LSM HHA JSM ELA AWA BAD


A calendar has been set up for a standard office: From To Efficiency 07:00 11:30 100,00 12:00 15:30 100,00 and a 24-hour one to be used in the production area.

The Light Company produces and distributes lamps etc. for resale. The Company also handles complete light installations and in this way makes revenue as a retailer. New lamps are designed and the production layout etc. is defined. All this is handled via the Project module. The four basic project types are used in the following way: 1. Internal Internal Hour registration Research & Development 2. Fixed-price Private Sector (Completed Contract) Public Sector (Completed Percentage) 3. Time & Material Short Term (No accruals) Long Term (Accrued Turnover) 4. Summary The reason for using the more aggressive assessment principle, completed percentage, on public sector projects is that the public sector is generally considered more secure in regards to payments/financial capacity. Other subdivisions are also done. Examples of that can be seen @Main Menu/Project/Setup/Validation. The validation feature gives you the possibility to define allowed combinations of Projects, Categories and Employees. Validation is set up in the demo company but NOT enabled. This can be done under Project Parameters. The distinction between contract and service projects is that working on a contract project you create something new where as on a service project you keep something existing going. (Remember our aim is to show different functionality. It cant always be 100% realistic.) Project 9004 is a service project with an on account invoice every month on the 11th. And then a monthly invoice the last day in every month when the on account invoice is offset. Project 9005 was a minor job at Habitat. The job was finished and invoiced in January 2002.


Project 9009 is integrated with the CRM module. A campaign is handled via the Project Module.

Address format
The Light Company has the address formats from the Default data. It has (Zip) codes for the following cities: Postal (Zip) code 2000 20008 28006 A-1015 B-1014 DUBLIN IC-121 N-0244 2514 AB D-10722 DK-1000 DK-2950 DK-3600 DK-4000 DK-4600 L4B 4N4 M5S 1S4 S-11186 L22 1RA SW1X 9SR TW12 2LL City Sydney Washington Madrid Wien Bruxelles Dublin Reykjavik Oslo Den Haag Berlin Copenhagen Vedbaek Frederikssund Roskilde Koege Ontario Toronto Stockholm Liverpool London Hampton Search name Sydney Washington Madrid Wien Bruxelles Dublin Reykjavik Oslo Haag Berlin Copenhagen Vedbaek Frederikssund Roskilde Koege Ontario Toronto Stockholm Liverpool London Hampton Street name Country AU US ES AT BE IE IC NO NL DE DK DK DK DK DK CA CA SE UK UK UK

The Light Company is set up with the following Default data countries: AT Austria AU Australia BE Belgium CA Canada DE Germany DK Denmark ES Spain IE Ireland NL Netherlands NO Norway SE Sweden UK Great Britain


US United States of America ZA South Africa

Number sequence code

The number sequences have been generated using templates; you should expect some number sequences to be broken.

Users, user groups, and permissions are not part of the setup. We refer to the course Advanced administration where you can learn more about setting up users and user groups.

Price agreements
Customer Sales Prices. Customer Price group PUB is created. Customers: 4016, Department of Revenue and 4017, National School Administration and 4018, National Technical University are attached to customer price group PUB.


The below sales prices are created.

ItemCode Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table ItemRelation B-R14 B-R6 ESB-005 ESB-007 ESB-009 ESB-011 ESB-013 ESB-015 FL-Penlight FL-Standard FLL-2500 FT-018 FT-018 FT-018 FT-036 FT-036 FT-036 FT-058 FT-058 FT-058 INST/Hr OL-1000 OL-1200 OL-1500 P-1000/C-Config REP/Hr RM-BTube/10 RM-Cable/3 RM-Metal/1 RM-Paint/B RM-Paint/R RM-Paint/W RM-PTube/12 S-Shade/B30 S-Shade/Color_Size S-Shade/Config S-Shade/F30 S-Shade/R30 S-Shade/W30 SBC-040 SBC-060 SBC-100 SBP-040 SBP-060 SBP-100 SBR-040 SBR-060 Accoun tCode Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Group Group Table Group Group Table Group Group Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Account Relation 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 PUB PUB 4020 PUB PUB 4020 PUB PUB 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 Quantity Amoun Currency Amount SearchAgain 0EUR 0,45Yes 0EUR 0,28 Yes 0EUR 8,45 Yes 7,75 EUR 7,75 Yes 0EUR 6,5Yes 0EUR 6,75 Yes 0EUR 7,25 Yes 0EUR 8,25 Yes 0EUR 2,25 Yes 0EUR 3Yes 0EUR 4,02Yes 0EUR 3,8 Yes 500 EUR 4,75 Yes 1000EUR 4,25 Yes 0EUR 3,8 Yes 500 EUR 5,75 Yes 1000EUR 5,25 Yes 0EUR 4,4 Yes 500 EUR 6,25 Yes 1000EUR 5,75 Yes 0EUR 8,5 Yes 0EUR 6,25 Yes 0EUR 7,25 Yes 0EUR 8,25 Yes 0EUR 1,15Yes 8,5 EUR 0Yes 0EUR 0,65Yes 0EUR 0,08Yes 0EUR 1,7Yes 0EUR 4,5Yes 0EUR 5,25 Yes 0EUR 4,5Yes 0EUR 0,35 Yes 0EUR 1,4 Yes 0EUR 1,15Yes 0EUR 1,1 Yes 0EUR 1,9Yes 0EUR 1,6 Yes 0EUR 1,4 Yes 0EUR 0,3Yes 0EUR 0,4 Yes 0EUR 0,6 Yes 0EUR 0,35 Yes 0EUR 0,45Yes 0EUR 0,65Yes 0EUR 0,55 Yes 0EUR 0,55 Yes


ItemCode Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

ItemRelation SBR-100 SP-CeilingRose SP-Lamparm SP-Lamparm/Long SP-Plug SP-Socket/12 SP-Wallbox

Accoun tCode Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

Account Relation 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020 4020

Quantity Amoun Currency Amount SearchAgain 0EUR 0,75 Yes 0EUR 0,4 Yes 0EUR 0,04 Yes 0EUR 0,08Yes 0EUR 0,9Yes 0EUR 0,55 Yes 0EUR 2,45 Yes

Customer line discount

Customer line discount group ESB-MC is created. Customers: 4004, The Specialist and 4009, Habitat and 4010, The Lamp Shop are attached to customer line discount group ESB-MC. Customer line discount group SB_MC is created. Customers: 4002, The Bright Idea and 4019, The Bulb are attached to customer line discount group SB_MC Item line discount group B GLD is created Items:
ESB-005 ESB-007 ESB-009 ESB-011 ESB-013 ESB-015 SBC-040 SBC-060 SBC-100 SBP-040 SBP-060 SBP-100 SBR-040 SBR-060 SBR-100 Energy Saving Bulb 5 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 7 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 9 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 11 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 13 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 15 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 40 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 60 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 100 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 40 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 60 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 100 Watt Standard Bulb Red 40 Watt Standard Bulb Red 60 Watt Standard Bulb Red 100 Watt

Are attached to item line discount group B GLD


The below line discounts are created.

Item Item Code Relation Table ESB-005 Table ESB-007 Table ESB-009 Table ESB-011 Table ESB-013 Table ESB-015 Group B_GLD Account Code Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Account Relation ESB_MC ESB_MC ESB_MC ESB_MC ESB_MC ESB_MC SB_MC Quantity Currency 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 500 EUR Perc1 Search Again 10 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 5 Yes

Customer multiline discount

Customer multiline discount group B_MC is created. Customers: 4002, The Bright Idea and 4019, The Bulb are attached to customer multiline discount group B_MC Item multiline discount group ESB_ML is created Items:
ESB-005 ESB-007 ESB-009 ESB-011 ESB-013 ESB-015 Energy Saving Bulb 5 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 7 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 9 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 11 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 13 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 15 Watt

Are attached to item multiline discount group ESB_ML Item multiline discount group SB_ML is created


SBC-040 SBC-060 SBC-100 SBP-040 SBP-060 SBP-100 SBR-040 SBR-060 SBR-100

Standard Bulb Clear 40 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 60 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 100 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 40 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 60 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 100 Watt Standard Bulb Red 40 Watt Standard Bulb Red 60 Watt Standard Bulb Red 100 Watt

Are attached to item multiline discount group SB_ML The below multiline discounts are created.
Item Item Code Relation Group ESB_ML Group SB_ML Account Code Group Group Account Relation B_MC B_MC Quantity Currency 100 EUR 25000 EUR Perc1 Search Again 25 Yes 40 Yes

Customer total discount

Total discount is allowed on all items, but no special agreement is made.

Vendor purchase prices.

Vendor Price group B_GA is created. Vendors: 3001, Lamps Inc. and 3003, Office World are attached to Vendor price group B_GA. The below purchase prices are created.
Item Item Code Relation Table FLL-2500 Table FT-018 Table FT-018 Table FT-018 Table FT-036 Table FT-036 Table FT-036 Table FT-058 Table FT-058 Table FT-058 Account Code Table Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Account Relation 3024 B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA B_GA Quantity Amount 0 100 1000 5000 100 1000 5000 100 1000 5000 Amount Currency 4,02 EUR 3,7 EUR 3,3 EUR 2,7 EUR 3,7 EUR 3,3 EUR 2,7 EUR 4,3 EUR 3,9 EUR 3,1 EUR SearchA gain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Vendor line discount

Vendor line discount group ESB_MV is created. Vendors: 3000, Electro-House and 3004, Falcon Shipping and 3005, Midlands Electricity and 3006, Severn Trent Water and 3007, Western Bank are attached to Vendor line discount group ESB_MV. Vendor line discount group SB_MV is created. Vendors: 3001, Lamps Inc. and 3003, Office World are attached to Vendor line discount group SB_MV. Item line discount group B_GLD is created Items:
ESB-005 ESB-007 ESB-009 ESB-011 ESB-013 ESB-015 SBC-040 SBC-060 SBC-100 SBP-040 SBP-060 SBP-100 SBR-040 SBR-060 SBR-100 Energy Saving Bulb 5 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 7 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 9 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 11 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 13 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 15 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 40 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 60 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 100 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 40 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 60 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 100 Watt Standard Bulb Red 40 Watt Standard Bulb Red 60 Watt Standard Bulb Red 100 Watt

Are attached to item line discount group B_GLD


The below line discounts are created.

Item Item Code Relation Table ESB-007 Table ESB-007 Table ESB-007 Table ESB-007 Table ESB-009 Table ESB-009 Table ESB-009 Table ESB-009 Table ESB-011 Table ESB-011 Table ESB-011 Table ESB-011 Group B_GLD Group B_GLD Group B_GLD Group B_GLD Group B_GLD Group B_GLD Account Code Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Account Relation ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV ESB_MV SB_MV SB_MV SB_MV SB_MV SB_MV SB_MV Quantity Currency 100 EUR 1000 EUR 100 EUR 1000 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 1000 EUR 1000 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 1000 EUR 1000 EUR 1000 EUR 1000 EUR 2000 EUR 2000 EUR 10000 EUR 10000 EUR Search Perc1 Again 10 Yes 30 Yes 10 Yes 30 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 30 Yes 30 Yes 5 Yes 5 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes 2 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 3 Yes 10 Yes 10 Yes

Vendor multiline discount

No setup of multiline discount for vendors.

Vendor total discount

Total discount is allowed on all items, but no special agreement is made.

Organizations In @Basic/Setup/Gateway/Organizations organizations number 4020 is created. The organization is pointing at company account DMO. If for some reason the Company Account for the Demo Company is NOT DMO, the extension on the organizations must be corrected. Organizations/Reference Customer 4020 and vendor 3024 are attached to intercompany organization 4020 as references. Organizations/Possible Actions Intercompany organization 4020 is allowed to perform all possible actions (Sales Order, Sales Order Invoice and Purchase Order).


Document value Company code Document value Customer code Document value Vendor code Document value Country code Document value State code Document value County code Document value Postal (Zip) code Document value Item Number Code Bar code setup Value Document value Unit code Document value Currency code. Document value Delivery terms codes Document value Mode of delivery code Document value Misc. charges code Sales Order Not specified External code IC Not specified Our Our Our Our Company item Our Our Our Our Not specified Sales Invoice Not specified External code IC Not specified Our Our Our Our Company item Our Our Our Our Not specified Purchase Order Not specified Not specified External code IC Our Our Our Our Company item Our Our Our Our Not specified -

External Codes On External code IC on customer 4020, the value IC-4020 is added. On External code IC on Vendor 3024, the value IC-4020 is added. Intercompany Items
Item number CI-B-R14 CI-B-R6 CI-ESB-005 CI-ESB-007 CI-ESB-009 CI-ESB-011 CI-ESB-013 CI-ESB-015 CI-FL-Penlight CI-FL-Standard CI-FT-018 CI-FT-036 Item name Battery Baby R14 Battery Penlight R6 Energy Saving Bulb 5 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 7 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 9 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 11 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 13 Watt Energy Saving Bulb 15 Watt Flash Light Penlight Flash Light Standard Fluorescent Tube 18 Watt Fluorescent Tube 36 Watt


Item number CI-FT-058 CI-INST/Hr CI-OL-1000 CI-OL-1200 CI-OL-1500 CI-P-1000/Black CI-P-1000/Red CI-P-1000/White CI-P-2000/B CI-P-2000/R CI-P-2000/W CI-PL-2500/Black CI-PL-2500/White CI-REP/Hr CI-RM-BTube/10 CI-RM-Cable/3 CI-RM-Metal/1 CI-RM-Paint/B CI-RM-Paint/R CI-RM-Paint/W CI-RM-PTube/12 CI-S-Shade/B30 CI-S-Shade/Black CI-S-Shade/Black/30 CI-S-Shade/Black/40 CI-S-Shade/Black/50 CI-S-Shade/Blue/30 CI-S-Shade/Blue/40 CI-S-Shade/Dgrey/30 CI-S-Shade/DGrey/40 CI-S-Shade/F30 CI-S-Shade/Gold/30 CI-S-Shade/Gold/40 CI-S-Shade/Green/30 CI-S-Shade/Green/40 CI-S-Shade/LGrey/30 CI-S-Shade/LGrey/40 CI-S-Shade/Pink/30 CI-S-Shade/Pink/40 CI-S-Shade/R30 CI-S-Shade/Red CI-S-Shade/Red/30 CI-S-Shade/Red/40 CI-S-Shade/Silver/30 CI-S-Shade/Silver/40 CI-S-Shade/W30 CI-S-Shade/White CI-S-Shade/White/20 CI-S-Shade/White/30 CI-S-Shade/White/40

Item name Fluorescent Tube 58 Watt Installation Hours Office Lamp 1000 1-tube Office Lamp 1000 1-tube Office Lamp 1500 2-tubes Pedestal Painted 1000/Black Pedestal Painted 1000/Red Pedestal Painted 1000/White Pedestal Painted 2000 Black Pedestal Painted 2000 Red Pedestal Painted 2000 White Pendant Lamp 2500 Black Pendant Lamp 2500 White Repair Hours Brass Tube 10 mm Cable 3 mm Metal Plate 1000*1000*1 mm Black Paint Red Paint White Paint Plastic Tube 12 mm Lamp Shade Black 30 cm Lamp Shade/Black Lamp Shade/Black/30 Lamp Shade/Black/40 Lamp Shade/Black/50 Lamp Shade/Blue/30 Lamp Shade/Blue/40 Lamp Shade/DGrey/30 Lamp Shade/DGrey/40 Lamp Shade Frosted 30 cm Lamp Shade/Gold/30 Lamp Shade/Gold/40 Lamp Shade/Green/30 Lamp Shade/Green/40 Lamp Shade/LGrey/30 Lamp Shade/LGrey/40 Lamp Shade/Pink/30 Lamp Shade/Pink/40 Lamp Shade Red 30 cm Lamp Shade/Red Lamp Shade/Red/30 Lamp Shade/Red/40 Lamp Shade/Silver/30 Lamp Shade/Silver/40 Lamp Shade White 30 cm Lamp Shade/White Lamp Shade/White/20 Lamp Shade/White/30 Lamp Shade/White/40


Item number CI-S-Shade/Yellow/30 CI-S-Shade/Yellow/40 CI-SBC-040 CI-SBC-060 CI-SBC-100 CI-SBP-040 CI-SBP-060 CI-SBP-100 CI-SBR-040 CI-SBR-060 CI-SBR-100 CI-SP-CeilingRose CI-SP-Lamparm CI-SP-Lamparm/Long CI-SP-Plug CI-SP-Socket/12 CI-SP-Wallbox CI-TBL-2500/Black CI-TBL-2500/Red CI-TBL-2500/White

Item name Lamp Shade/Yellow/30 Lamp Shade/Yellow/40 Standard Bulb Clear 40 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 60 Watt Standard Bulb Clear 100 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 40 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 60 Watt Standard Bulb Pearl 100 Watt Standard Bulb Red 40 Watt Standard Bulb Red 60 Watt Standard Bulb Red 100 Watt Ceiling Rose Lamparm Lamparm Long Plug Socket 12 mm Wall box Table Lamp 2500 Black TBL-2500/Red Table Lamp 2500 White

Commission is applied to all Sales Personnel in the Sales department. Tina Gold Tim Jones Hugh Jones Lee Dunlap Karen Hansen Warren Franklin Mark Potter Allan Waldo Commission depends on the item commission group. Bulbs 5% Lamps 20% Parts 7% RawMat 2% Pedestal 2% Shades 9% The item commission groups correspond with the item groups It is a general company policy that commission is calculated on margin after line discount. As the sales personnel works in a team, they share commission.


Tina Gold, Director of Sales, and Tim Jones, Team leader, get commission on all sales. The following Sales Groups are made. 1. EU sales group Tina Gold Tim Jones Hugh Jones Lee Dunlap 2. Foreign countries Tina Gold Tim Jones Karen Hansen Warren Franklin 5% 15% 40% 40% 5% 15% 40% 40%

There is no commission in the project sales department.

The item RM-Cable/3, Cable 3 mm is batch number controlled. The following batches in on-hand
Batch number No-000001 No-000002 No-000003 No-000004 No-000005 No-000006 Manufacturing date Expiry date 09-03-2002 29-03-2002 08-03-2002 28-03-2002 14-03-2002 03-04-2002 15-03-2002 04-04-2002 13-03-2002 02-04-2002 16-03-2002 05-04-2002

How to delete transactions in a demonstration data set

From time to time we have been asked to make a set of demonstration data that did not have any transactions. However, you can easily create one yourself. 1. You start opening Microsoft Navision Axapta within the company from which you wish to delete the transactions.


2. You go to @Administration/Periodic/Data export/import/Definition groups You make a new table definition group (ctrl+n)

3. You fill in e.g. Definition group: DWT Name: Def without trans 4. You go to the tab page Include table group and you clear these options: Transaction WorksheetHeader WorksheetLine

You click the OK button. The definition group DWT is now ready 5. Mark the DWT and press the button Export Specify a location for the file and press OK


6. Microsoft Navision Axapta will export the company without transactions

7. You can now import the file into a new empty company using the standard import tool @Administration/Periodic/Data export/import/Import You just point at the file without using a definition group, and press OK!

Demonstration of the Enterprise Portal

During the demonstration of the Enterprise Portal it is very important that you have enabled all the Configuration Keys.

How to enable Configuration Keys

You go to the Configuration form from the Main menu: @Administration/Setup/System/Configuration

Here you enable all Configuration Keys, except for the one to the Country-specific features that should only be enabled for your country.


When all the Keys underneath a Configuration Key node are enabled the check box is colored white like Administration otherwise it is colored gray like Country-specific features.


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