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The most romantic letter!

*You claim to love me but every time you praise my beauty, it's about my clothes, my hair, face & body. It has nothing to do with my mind & spirit. You are not interested in my inner beauty. All you want is to enjoy my body. How could you? *You claim to love me yet you buy me fancy cards, flowers, chocolates & a teddy bear on Valentines Day & on my birthday. You buy me fancy ideas from another person's creativity & try to charm me with that simply because it is on a fancy card! There are millions out there who receive the very same card with the very same massage. It does not come from your heart. What I wished to hear was a special massage about me for I am the only person who lives my life. But I am obviously another common girl out there, not special to you. How could you? *You claim to love me, yet you buy me a red rose flower as a symbol of love & beauty. I am sorry that I disagree with that philosophy. Love & beauty for me can be best symbolised by the cloudy quiet & gentle rain in the spring season, rejuvenating the green pastures on land. Therefore a painted frame displaying the green giant mountains fortified by a misty forest could have made it. But you assumed that I am every woman out there. How could you!

*You buy me chocolates to symbolise that I am "sweet" as you always claim. Assuming that sweet is a good taste. I dont want to increase glucose in my blood, because I dont wanna get diabetes. I love the sour taste, because out of the palatable cheese & sour milk, I get the calcium, which strengthens my bones to keep me strong & healthy. So I am a sour person. But you call me sweet and buy me chocolates! How could you! * You claim to love me but you buy me a teddy bear without knowing what it symbolises. Bears are fat lazy animals in the jungle that fail to think. And you compare me to that! How could you! My favourite animal is a tortoise. It was there during days of dinosaurs & it has survived all ages of evolution with the earth. This is a peaceful & harmless creature, which is not a prey or predator of any specie except humans. Unfortunately, modern man has made it a prey of his wicked economic system. Hence the ancestors are angry because it carries the timeless wisdom of the first ancestors in creation. Its presence in the home yard guarantees safety from the lightning because it is well respected by the sky. It is always carrying a hut on its back, ready to take refuge from the calamities of this world; the blocks on its hut calculate the number of planets in our solar system. Its qualities represent my character and intelligence. But you obviously failed to notice when you bought

me that teddy bear. How could you! *You claim to love me yet you expect me to celebrate Valentines Day. As if I am down with the foolish story of the Italian Valentino. I dont know him & have no interest in doing so. I know love better than he did, that is why I wanna celebrate the first day that I met you. But you obviously did not record it in your mind. How could you! *You claim to love me yet you always celebrate my birthdays telling me how years go by. You assume that the mathematical numbers on the erroneous Roman calendar determine my physical & mental growth. Excuse me! My body grows through good health obtained from healthy food & lifestyle. And my mind grows everyday because I take everyday as a lesson for to-morrow. Therefore to day is the tomorrow I have learned yester-day. That is how I live life to the fullest. But you obviously dont recognize that, that is why you celebrate only my so-called birthdays. How could you! *You claim to love me, yet you entertain me by taking me to movies, fancy restaurants & clubs. You buy me junk food that shortens the days of my life. You take me to movies assuming that fantasising about other peoples lives would excite me, ignoring the fact that our own lives are a movie & we must play our roles. I prefer to be

adventurous, do something new that I have never done before, different from the rest of the world, to make our movie the first of its kind. But you are obviously not original, not creative never mind being unique, you cannot act & fear competition. That is why you take me to malls, clubs, fancy restaurants & cinemas. How could you! *You claim to love by putting me into your mind program, laying your expectations before my words and actions. For every little good I do, you call me romantic, excuse me! My love is simple and natural and I suppose you should respect my uniqueness! But you obviously fail to do so every time you label me the term romantic, assuming that I am one of the millions of victims around the world caught up in the roman-tricks. How could you!! How could you!!! By: Lebohang E. Ngoako A.K.A Tic Tac:072 436 7894 083 391 7329 Email:

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