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1 2 Introduction Learning Information OUTLINE 1: INTRODUCTION

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At the end of this screen, students should be able to identify gender-specific pronouns

in the above screen, the instructor and the student are inside the car, the instructor will introduce the topic and the deference in Nouns gender:

Instructor: Pronoun = words that can replace nouns in a sentence Instructor: there are two types of gender-specific pronouns, masculine and feminine Instructor: As I said before, pronouns are words that replace nouns in a sentence Instructor: examples of masculine gender-specific pronouns would be: He Him His Instructor: these are all examples of gender-specific pronouns

Instructor: now lets list some examples of feminine gender-specific pronouns She Her Hers
Gender-specific pronouns Masculine He/Him/His Feminine She/Her/Hers

OUTLINE 2: Examples

In this screen the instructor will more elaborate on the topic by giving more examples as follows:

Instructor: The King is a kind man, he helps people. So the word he would be a Instructor: gender-specific pronoun Instructor: Lets try a few more examples: Thats right! Now Jane likes playing, she plays with toys. Jane is a girl so the word she must be a Student: gender-specific pronoun

Instructor: Right again! Did you also notice that Jane is a girl? So the word she must be a Student: feminine gender-specific pronoun Instructor: Good job! Ok, try this one: The boy is tall, his height is great. So, the word his would be a Student: gender-specific pronoun Student: and a boy is masculine, so that also tells me the word his is masculine gender-specific Instructor: Wow! I think youre ready to start doing this on your own and just in time too

OUTLINE 3: Activity Walkthrough

In this screen the instructor gives an overview on the activity session and what students will face during the next session.

II. Practice/Interactive Activity


Instructor: Ok, here we are at the beginning of the Spotting gender-specific pronouns Race. Instructor: you will start over here Instructor: use your mouse to click on the car starting here to get started Instructor: make sure you click the correct answer at each stop . Instructor: here we go Spotting gender-specific pronouns

Instructor: here we go Student: Question - Me : She Answer She Question You : Him

Answer Him Question I : His Answer His Question Her: Yours Answer Yours

Instructor: No. That was not a gender-specific pronoun. Youll have to try again at the end of the road Question He: Them Answer He Question Her: Yours Answer Her

Excellent Job!

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