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Lima Area UFO Research Associates P.O.

Box 5193 Lima, Ohio 45802-5193

Mar/Apr 2012

Issue # 12

1. Bob Prater opened the meeting, Approx 16 or 17 persons were present at 7:00 p.m. 2. Treasurer reported the following: Saving Acct. balance..........$1123.70 Checking Acct. balance....... 341.29

3. SETI has reopened and is operating and is allowing amateur astronomers to hook up their PCs and review information being received from the satellite dishes. 4. No sightings were reported by any present this month. 5. No report from the board meeting this month. 6. No new word on George Stephens this month. 7. Ken Vedder showed a 2 minute video on his cell phone of a sighting he had in the western Lima sky from Baty Road location. It was a circular glowing ball changing with multi-colored lights and darting around the sky. It was very interesting. 8. It was mentioned that President Obama was visiting Roswell. 9. New attendee, Dave Brandon from Spencerville was attending the meeting tonight. 9. Bob and Marcia Prater showed a video titled "UFO: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy" . It was a TV broadcast with Walter Cronkite from CBS originally shown in 1966. It was very interesting and it was noted how few commercials there were in 1966.

10. Bob Prater donated the Book "UFO's myths, Conspiracies, and Realities" by Col. John B. Alexander, Ph.D. The Book is a never before told first-hand account by a Government insider on his experience on the cutting edge of UFO exploration. 11. Meeting adjourned about 8:50. 12. Next months meeting will return to Wednesday night April 18. Tom Bowman, Secretary 419-999-4785


1. The following were present: Mike and Peggy Krick, Mike Altenberger, Robert Prater, Tom Bowman and Amber Horner. 2. Tom reported that Helena had advised her son Jeff had good results during his recent exam in Columbus on the previous Friday. Helena was in Columbus again today with Jeff. Others on the "Get Well List" were also discussed. No one has been able to find any info on Geo. Stephens. Tom said he has not checked on Pat Bankson for over a month. 3. Amber reported the following Treasurers report. Checking acct. balance...............................$ 466.29 Saving acct. balance.....................................1123.70 Five [5] memberships were turned in at the March meeting, including three [3] new members. Amber mentioned she did not have their addresses, but did have phone numbers. 4. Bob and Mike reported they did not have a definite program set for April, as yet. A guest speaker was also discussed and Tom said he will contact Bill Jones at MUFON for possibilities. 5. Bob reported he hopes to have the March-April Newsletter out within a week and is open for material. 6. No Conferences or Symposiums were reported. No sightings reported. 7. Tom mentioned he was putting together a program on Roswell for a July presentation out of town. 8. Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. 9. Next Club meeting to be Wednesday, April 18, 2012. 10. Next Board meeting to be Monday, May 7, 2012. Tom Bowman, secretary 419-999-4785

'SETI Live' Site Seeks Citizen-Scientists to Join Search for Extraterrestrial Life

By: Clara Moskowitz Published: 02/29/2012 03:59 PM EST on Scientists need your help in the search for life beyond Earth. The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute is asking the public to join in its hunt for signals from intelligent civilizations out there in the universe. Anyone can register on the new website, SETI Live (, to help analyze data from SETI's radio telescope devoted to scanning the heavens for signals from E.T. "There are parts of the spectrum where our sophisticated signal processing system is overwhelmed because there are so many signals," said astronomer Jill Tarter, director of the SETI Institute's Center for SETI Research. "I'm hoping to put together this army of citizen scientists to help figure out which signals to follow up on." In contrast to some other crowd-sourced science projects, such as SETI's own SETI@Home, which rely on users donating spare computer time to data crunching, this project is asking the public to donate brain power. "You don't do anything in SETI@Home; your computer does," Tarter told "In this case, I want you actively involved and it has to be quick. You have to recognize patterns, mark patterns, try and remember if you've seen that pattern before. And you have to get it done within 90 seconds." The public will sort through data collected by SETI's Allen Telescope Array, a set of 42 radio dishes in northern California that spend their time listening in many frequency bands for signals from stars recently identified as hosting planets. The telescope is looking for radio emissions that exhibit a pattern indicating it was artificially produced by intelligent beings.

Sighting Reported to

Occurred : 9/16/2011 11:16 (Entered as : 09/16/11 11:16) Reported: 1/23/2012 8:25:48 PM 20:25 Posted: 1/24/2012 Location: Sisters (in-flight), OR Shape: Triangle Duration:.5 sec Orange Dart-like craft passes our aircraft at close proximity in flight I am an airline transport pilot with over 14,000 flight hours in unique aircraft such as the HU16b I am flying in these pictures I have been flying for 40 yrs. I am also a certified A&P mechanic and an IA or inspector with over 25 yrs maintenance exp. on planes like these. The Albatross we have is used as a test bed for Satellite broadband internet. We are one of the few companies in the world that has airborne satellite systems for high-speed internet. The plane is full of sophisticated equipment for this purpose as it is the original test bed for this. I have better than 20/20 vision and I usually can spot any single helium balloon of 15" diameter from a great distance and I am trained to do so. I see them all the time. That being said, the object was literally a blur and I didnt see it as it was moving in the same direction as the plane. The order of the pictures attached here is the series of the 3 that I took with my I-phone as I was just trying to get a shot of "Sisters" and Mount Jefferson in the Bend area. As for the pictures, they cannot be a balloon cluster as this thing passed us!! Look at the lake on the first picture as the

object comes from right to left, go to the next shot, it's in frame, look at our relative movement passing the lake then the last shot as the thing is hidden by the wing and our location relative to the lake again. We were cruising at 11,500 ft at approx 200 mph. the balloons would have to be fast!! That thing was a streak, it went by as nothing but a blur. Only the luck of the camera could tell me that it was some sort of object of quite some size, as our wing is nearly 50 long and that float out there (40 ft away) is 10 ft long. I estimate that it is about the same size as our plane or longer, that would make it approximately 70-80 ft long. I would also estimate it to be within 1000 ft of us laterally. The object made no noise that I could discern, nor did it leave any sort of contrails or exhaust paths. It appears to be banking around us for a split second then gone. Our plane is traveling south-east at approximately 200 mph at 11,500 ft. We were in the vicinity of Bend or Sisters Oregon.

MUFON of Ohio Annual Conference

visit for more details

The LAURA Club News is a publication of the Lima Area UFO Research Associates, in Lima, Ohio. The study group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the New Creation Lutheran Church (just west of Tom Ahl auto) in the upstairs church fellowship hall at 7pm-please join us!

Contacts: President, Bob Prater; Secretary, Tom Bowman Co-editors, Robert and Marcia Prater

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