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Laboratory Notes

2012 S1

The University of Newcastle School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

ELEC3540 Analog and Digital Communications

Laboratory 3: Frequency Modulation

1. Equipment TIMS-301 with basic modules + microphone module; Digital Oscilloscope with FFT capability; Your own USB flash drive to save waveforms (Note: the oscilloscope cannot handle flash drivers greater than 2GB); Your own headphones. 2. Questions (to be completed before the Lab) 1. Sketch the block diagram for a wideband FM modulator. 2. Sketch the Fourier transform of an FM modulated signal with = 2.405 . 3. Sketch the Fourier transform of an FM modulated signal with = 1.44 . 4. Sketch the block diagram for an FM demodulator using zero-cross detection. 3. Procedures Part 1 Modulation T1 Make sure the onboard switch SW2 on the VCO module is on the VCO position; T2 Patch up the model on figure 1;

Figure 1. FM generator. T3 Set the VCO frequency to 10kHz using the knob labelled fo and set the VCO gain cpmpletely anti-clockwise. Use the FREQUENCY COUNTER to measure the frequency; T4 Use the Variable DC and the Buffer Amplifier knobs to set the voltage at the input of the VCO to -1V; T5 Adjust the VCO gain to have 1kHz frequency deviation. This will set the VCO module to give a deviation of 1kHz per volt; T6 Apply a range of input voltages at the input of the VCO module. Start with 0V and increase in 0.4V intervals until the relation in clearly non-linear. After 4V you can use 1V increments. Complete a table with input voltages and output frequencies; T7 Repeat the above for negative frequencies, i.e., start with 0V and decrease the input voltage in 0.4V steps; T8 Present the information obtained in T6, T7 as a plot of Vin vs Fout;


Laboratory Notes

2012 S1

T9 Replace the DC voltage for the audio oscilator tunned at 600Hz; T10 Adjust the amplitude on the input of the VCO module to have = 2.405 . Recall that = f . f m , where f is the maximum frequency deviation and f m is the message frequency. Note the amplitude used and save the FFT of the modulated signal; T11 Fine adjust the amplitude on the input of the VCO module in order to achieve the best match between the observed and the expected FFT. Note the amplitude used; T12 Repeat the steps T10 and T11 for = 1.44 ; Part 2 Demodulation (keep your modulator connections) T 13 Make sure the onboard switch SW1 is at the SINGLE position on the TWIN PULSE GENERATOR module. Patch up the demodulator in figure 2.

Figure 2. FM demodulator. T14 Set the width of the pulse in the Twin Pulse Generator module to its maximum; T15 Using the audio oscillator as the message source, observe the demodulated signal and answer to the following quastions: a) Does the amplitude of the demodulated signal vary according to the amplitude of the message? b) Does the frequency of the demodulated signal vary according to the frequency of the message? c) Does the frequency of the demodulated signal vary according to the frequency of the carrier? T16 Return the carrier frequency to 10kHz and the VCO gain to 1kHz/volt. T17 Replace the audio oscillator by the microphone module. Use a speech signal (the pitch MUST vary) as message. Save the FFT of the modulated signal; T18 Plug your headphones into the headphone amplifier output. Adjust the Buffer Amplifier and Headphone Amplifier gains to obtain a good message reconstruction. Save the original and reconstitued message waveforms. 4. Report Structure Each group is required to hand in one report. The report must contain the following items: a) Individual answers for the pre-lab questions (25%); b) Plot and waveforms asked on steps T8, T10, T12, T17 and T18 (40%); c) Answers for the questions below (35%). 1. What were the amplitudes used on steps T10, T11 and T12? 2. Answers for the questions on the step T15. 3. What was the bandwidth observed on step T17?

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