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Maximize creativity

and efficiency

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Maximize Creativity and Efficiency
with Best Practice Adoption

Creativity and efficiency – can they effectively coexist in the product “Although the demand for knowledge workers is
design process? Both are crucial to growth, yet as companies cope
sure to grow, the supply will not. Governments aren’t
with the relentless pressures of globalization, achieving an optimal
balance becomes more difficult. moving fast enough to educate workers with the
skills needed to meet the productivity imperative,
Growing product complexity, distributed teams, and other design challenges call for
repeatable standards to maintain quality and manage costs. Yet today’s customers and businesses can’t afford to wait.”1
expect a broad choice of innovative products at an ever-increasing pace, with minimal
price increases.
Squeezed from all sides, manufacturers must commit to both creativity and efficiency in
Additionally, skilled-labor pools in developed countries will keep shrinking well into their product design processes to compete in today’s global market. This represents a
2030. This will further deplete an already sparse engineering workforce and require challenge not easily met.
companies to become ultra-efficient at using their limited human resources.
Innovative organizations are finding a way to meet this challenge by leveraging a new
style of learning – a style that nurtures the unique advantages of a company’s creative
assets while embedding the most beneficial combination of proven methods into the
product development process.

“The Productivity Imperative,” June 2010, McKinsey Quarterly from McKinsey & Co.: Peter Bisson, Elizabeth Stephenson, and
S. Patrick Viguerie

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Maximize Creativity and Efficiency
with Best Practice Adoption

The Right Methods for Your Design Goals Seasoned instructors use a decision matrix similar to the one in Figure 1., to match the
design goals of each client with the best-possible combination of methods to achieve
When designing new products, there are literally thousands of choices an engineer can strategic goals.
make. These choices not only impact the initial design, but also reuse, future design
changes, and relationships with other parts – the list goes on.
Best Practice Academy university
PTC University created Best Practice Academy to help companies design their products
++ : Very Positive Influence Methods for Assembly Structure
using the appropriate methods that support their whole design process. As well, it + : Positive Influence
enables adoption of the proven product development best practices that best fit their o : No Influence Top-Down Placement Bottom-Up Layout Dedicated
- : Negative Influence Design with Skeleton Design Copied
individual circumstances – industry, product configurations, team size, strategy, etc. Geometry References
-- : Very Negative Influence

Complexity / Transparency + + o - +

Objectives for Assembly Structure

Performance / Robustness + + o - +
“…we need to get our project time down from 9 to 6 Design changes / Reuse + + + + +
months by training our engineers to design correctly the Concurrent Engineering + + - + +

first time…” Variability / Parameterization + + o - +

Standardization / Automation -- + o + +
Julio Castaneda, Technical Manager, Motorola
Ease of Use / Adoption - o + -- -

PDM File Handing - o o - -

Assembly Structure Decision Matrix

Figure 1: Example of decision matrix from Best Practice Academy Assembly Structure course

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Maximize Creativity and Efficiency
with Best Practice Adoption

The resulting best practices are rooted in PTC’s familiar software features and functions, PTC designed its Best Practice Academy in response to customer feedback that
and are broken down into modules that can be easily applied to everyday roles (see building crucial efficiencies into product development processes is a growing
Figure 2). This process eases and accelerates enterprise-wide adoption and adherence, challenge – not just for accelerating time-to-market, but also for maximizing internal
which facilitate velocity and quality in the product development process while fostering resources (e.g., time, knowledge, skills, hardware, software, etc.).
innovation. The result is a higher level of collaborative creativity and efficiency.
This phenomenon is not unique to product development. Varied companies and
business disciplines are realizing that taking their technology training further – to a
team or process level – will maximize return from their existing hardware and software
Best Practice investments. Training solely at the individual level leaves too many gaps for waiting,
Best Practice Academic errors, and rework.
Best practices training closes these gaps, so the process is more efficient, and
Structuring designers can spend more time creating designs and less time fixing problems. This is
Assemblies quickly becoming a valuable competitive advantage.
Detailed Structuring
Associative 3D Making Models “Yet again, technology has spawned a major change in the
Part Modeling Transparent
business world by allowing team members to collaborate
Creating Robust
Models across great distances. Wonderful efficiencies come with
Models this capability, and it certainly allows for more velocity in
Figure 2: Best Practice Academy module breakdown
Creating Robust
assembling teams and then reassembling them when new
Part Modeling Transparent
Associative 3D Making Models conditions or projects arise… Do it well, and you create lots
Beyond Skills Training Models of speed and efficiency in leveraging talent.”2
Detailed Sturcturing
Typical software training builds the foundational skills that help designers stay on top 2
Klososky, Scoot, “The Velocity Manifesto,” Greenleaf Book Group Press, Austin, Texas, 2011
of the latest tools of the trade. It Design
focuses on enabling individuals to best understand
Top Drawn
the core “picks and clicks” within the tool they are using.
Best practices training focuses on how individual performance supports organization-
wide product development goals. Rather than focusing on tools (i.e., software), best
practices training focuses on making proven working methods repeatable and
efficient across the organization.
Best Practice Academic
Engineering Next Page
Best Practice

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Maximize Creativity and Efficiency
with Best Practice Adoption

Best Practice Academy Offerings Best practices training takes what already exists at your company and makes it better –
faster, higher-quality, and more efficient product development performance – while
All of the Best Practice Academy workshops and programs are: respecting the intelligence and creativity that opens doors to new customers, more
sales, and higher profits.
• Designed specifically for PTC customers.
Take a free Best Practice Academy Assembly Structure class – right from your desk.
• Built around people and activities that keep processes flowing.
Learn how to make it work for you.
• Created to expand thinking from individual-skills performance to end-to-end
process performance.
© 2011, Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). All rights reserved. Information described herein is furnished for informational
use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a guarantee, commitment, condition or offer by PTC.
Choices include: PTC, the PTC Logo and all PTC product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC and/or its subsidiaries in
the United States and in other countries. All other product or company names are property of their respective owners. The timing of
Preconfigured Workshops: Highly interactive on-site workshops built from proven any product release, including any features or functionality, is subject to change at PTC’s discretion.

industry product development process modules that address general product 7096– BPA–eBook– 0211
development best practices.

Configured Workshops: Designed to be specific to your organization’s processes and

objectives, we work with you to identify and combine appropriate learning modules
that will meet your organization’s core objectives.

Learning Programs: Our learning programs include a training needs analysis, an

education plan, and configured content designed to meet the specific needs of each
role involved in the product development process. As a result, best practices are
adopted across the entire organization – improving product quality and efficiency.

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