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INDRODUCTION TO HRM Human Resources is an asset, whose value keeps on increasing with the time. The value of the asset is increased through Performance Appraisal. It is the responsibility of the manager to organize proper Performance Appraisal programmes and lead the employees towards progress. The effectiveness of the prime motive depends not only on their own development, but also on the skills and capabilities through which they also contribute towards the organizational goal. MEANING AND CONCEPT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource is of paramount importance in the success of any organization. The human resource of the organization represent one of its largest investments. The value of human resource of an organization frequently becomes evident when the organization is sold. Often the purchase price is greater that the total value of the physical and the financial assets of the organization, this difference is sometimes called goodwill, partially the value of the organization human resources. In addition, the investment of an organization in its human resources can be tremendous. Recruiting, selection and training represents some of the more obvious human resources development, which is concerned with all aspects of managing the human resources of an organization. More specifically, human resources management involves determining the organization human resources needs, recruiting and selecting the best available employees, developing, counseling and rewarding employees, acting as a liaison with unions and government organization and handling other matters related to employee well being. Each of these function is necessary to some degree in all organization. DEFINITION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resources Management has been defined by Edwin B Flippo as the planning organizing, directing and controlling of

procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end of those individual organizational and social objectives are accomplished. SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The scope of Human Resource Management is indeed vase. All major activities in the working life of a worker-from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leave-come under the purview of Human Resource Management. Specifically, the activities included are HR planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development, performance appappraisald job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation,and communication, welfare,safety and health, industrial relations and the like. FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resources Management is concerned with all aspects of managing the human resources of an organization. The basic function of management apply to human resources management also that of planning, organizing, motivation and controlling. In addition to this it performs the following functions.

Determining the organizations human resources needs. Recruitment and selection of personnel. Developing employees. Rewarding employees. Counseling employees. Acting as liaison with union and government organizations. Other matters related to employee well being.


Human resource management does not confine itself to the selection of right type of persons of right jobs. It helps to build a team spirit, where employees satisfy their aspirations by developing themselves and contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals. Employees have a sense of accomplishment in and through their work. Employees will have a high sense of belongingness towards their organization and work place. Employees feel that they are respected, as individuals and their contribution are valued. Employees will have a feeling to enhance their competence and perform more challenging and satisfying tasks. Employees will enjoy their work. Instead of spending time satisfying their needs, employees will contribute to organizational tasks and goals. ROLE OF HR The overall role of the HR function is to enable the organization to achieve its objectives by taking initiatives and providing guidance and support on all matters relating to its employees. The basic aim is to ensure that Management deals effectively with everything concerning the employment and development of people and the relationship that exist between management and the workforce. A further key role for the HR function is to play a major part in the creation of an environment which enables people to make the best use of their capacities and to realize their potential to the benefit of both organization and themselves. The HR function operates as apart of the full business management process and cannot be viewed in isolation. Although a support activity it must be proactive. It supports and promotes business solutions that take advantage of opportunities stemming from business issues just as it must find solutions to apparent constrains. Three principal themes of the 21st Century corporate perspective are Globalization, Decentralization and Empowerment.


Introduction to training and Development:

There are various concepts of HRM such as recruitment, selection etc., the main focus of this project is Training and Development. A brief description of training and development is as follows, Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced personnel to perform the activities. If the current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training and development is not important. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or technology break through requires some type of training and development . The purpose of training and development is to give the employees at all levels, sufficient instruction and guidance to enable them to perform their jobs effectively and prepare themselves for promotion owing to outside courses or visits or infrequent experience. The true training and development situation exists where there is a gap between the standards of performance demanded by a departmental

head and that actually being viewed by the individual sub ordinates. The main purpose of the training and development is not only an activity that is described but also an activity that development is not an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to, if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force .training and development is vital for any organization because, it induces skills and knowledge to its employees to face and adjust themselves to the present need of the organization. Today world has become very dynamic that is todays world is not tomorrows world. It has been changing very frequently because of frequent changes in customers needs and preferences. For any organization customer is the king, to meet the customer expectation the company has to adopt itself or change itself. For this the company has to adopt new technology and new resources, which requires equally talented employees. To upgrade the employees skills knowledge to the present needs company has to provide training and development to its employees. Every organization needs to have well-trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. Training, a key practice is critical to the implementation of several competitive strategies. The important lesson is that human resources represent a competitive advantage that can increase profits when managed wisely. To meet these requirements the current and potential job occupation are given training. One of the most important activities of HRM department is training. The technique of training has been a key factor and a major to achieve the objectives of human resources management. Management is a effective and efficient utilization of man, money, machine etc., to accomplish the organization objectives and goals through people. The purpose of training is to develop the abilities and goals through people. The purpose of training is not only to develop the abilities of an satisfy

current and future needs, it supplement education and to train them for highest responsibilities. Training is identified to fulfill the following purpose. Technical updating Individual expectancy Occupational efficiency Behavioral competency Organizational efficiency

Therefore competence of people is the key to success in any undertaking. In this rapidly changing and fast moving economy there is a need for training and retraining. Training should be given to train the minds of the employees to attack the problems in the right perspective and to achieve ultimate solution. So training is provided to human resources in order to enable them to adapt to new changes in scenario and acquaint them with the work methods. Training and development in a rapidly changing society , is not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to, if it is to maintain a viable and knowledge work force.

Importance of Training:The first essential point of any business is survival. To stay in Business in a competitive world requires increase in productivity. To increase productivity, workers have to be trained in the use of the system. Increased productivity and quality can be achieved by making the workers themselves more skillful.

Training and development is one of the things, which ensure the survival. Training helps in change. The change can be Business change, Customers change, Need change and circumstances change. It helps to increase the market value and security and moulds the employees attitude to help them to cooperate with the company and to create greater loyalty towards it through training. Hence training is essential for healthy administration of the industry.

Training and Development key points: What is learned? Who is learning?

Why such learning takes place.

When such learning occurs.

Why are Training Programs given?

To change the mission of the organization. To increase the productivity.

To reduce the production cost. To eliminate the errors and defects. Optimal usage of material and time. To boost the employees morale. To improve supervision. To develop human Relations. To reduce employee turnover rate. To improve managerial skills. To meet quality standards. To compete with changing scenario technology. To improve organizational climate. To improve health and safety.


Aim of Training & Development:The aim of training is to define the output variables more specifically. Measure of the capabilities of the employees in the context of the current and the future job, which increase the possibility of their employability in the context of their business. Full utilization of the talents of the manpower and the development of these Resources. Prevent obsolescence. Extent to which employees are trained to manage well the system of the company. The adaptability to the changing requirements of the company. Bring in continuous improvements in the organization.

Need for Training:Every organization big or small, productive or non-productive, economic or social, old or newly established should provide training to all employees irrespective of their qualification, skill, suitability for the job etc. Thus, no organization can choose whether or not to train employees. Training is not something that is done once to new employees; it is used continuously in every well run establishment. Further, technological changes, automation, require up-dating the skills and knowledge. As such an organization has to retrain the old employees. Specifically, the need for training arises due to the following reasons: To match the employee specification with the Job requirement and organizational Needs. Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process. Technological Advances. Organizational Complexity. Human Relations. Change in the job assignment.


Training Methods

On-the-job method

Off-the-job Method

1. Job rotation. 2. Coaching 3. Job instruction or 4. Training through Step-by-step 5. Committee Assignments

1. Vestibule training 2. Role playing 3. Lecture Methods 4. Conference or Discussion 5. Programmed Instruction


On-the-job Training Methods

This type of training, also known as job instruction training, is the most commonly used method. Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or instructor. On-the-job training has the advantage of giving first hand knowledge and experience under the actual working conditions. While trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker rendering the services for which he is paid. The problem of transfer of trainee is also minimized as the person learns on-the-job. The emphasis is placed on rendering services in the most effective manner rather than learning how to perform the job. On-the-job training methods include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training through step-by-step and committee assignments.

Job Rotation: This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experiences from his supervisor or trainee in each of the different job assignment. Though this method of training is common in training managers for general management positions, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in workshop jobs. This methods given an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employees on other job and respect them. Coaching: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor functions as a coach in training the individual. The supervisor provides who feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for

improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the duties and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden. A limitation of this method of this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas. Job Instruction: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method, trainer explains the trainee the way of jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback and corrects the trainee. Committee Assignments: Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual organization problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops team work.

Off-the-Job training Methods

Under this method of training, trainee is separated from the situation and his attention is focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainee is not distracted by job requirements, he can place his entire concentration for freedom of expression for the trainees. Off-the-Job training methods are as follows:

Vestibule training:

In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class room. Material, files and equipment those are used in job performance are also used in training. This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical and semi-skilled jobs. The duration of this training ranges from days to a

few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in this method.

Role Playing:

It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior in imaginary situations. This method of training involves action, doing and practice. The participants plays the role of certain characters, such as the production manager, mechanical engineer, superintendents, maintenance engineers, quality control inspectors, foreman, workers and the like. This method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions and relations. Lecture Method: The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the from of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees. An advantage of lecture method is that direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Thus costs and time involved are reduced . The major limitations of the lecture method is that it does not provide for transfer effectively. Conference or discussion: It is a method in trainining the clerical, professional and supervisory personnel. This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts, ideas and data , test assumptions, and draw conclusions, all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance. Discussion has the distinct advantage over the lecture method in that the discussion involves two-way communication and hence feedback is provided. Programmed Instruction: In recent years this method -has become popular. The subject-matter to de learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instruction. The trainee goes through these units

by answering questions or filling the blanks. This method is expensive and time consuming.

The Training

procedure :

One of the better personnel programme to come out World War II was the Training Within the Industry (TWI) programme of the War Manpower Commission. This was basically a supervisory training programme to make up for the shortage of civilian supervisory skills during the war. One of the parts of this programme was the job instruction training course, which was concerned with how to teach? The training procedure discussed below is essentially an adoption of the job instruction training course, which has been proved to have a great value. The important steps in training procedure are:

Preparing the Instructor: The instructor must

know both the job to be taught and how to teach it. The job must be divided into logical parts so that each can be taught at a proper time without the trainee losing plan. For each part one should have in mind the desired technique of instruction, that is, whether a particular point is best taught by illustration, demonstration or explanation.

Preparing the Trainee:

As in interviewing, the first step in training is to attempt to place the trainee at ease. Most people are somewhat nervous when approaching an unfamiliar task. Though the instructor may have executed this training procedure, many times he or she never forgets its newness to the trainee. The quality of empathy is a mark of the good instructor.



Ready to Teach: This stage of the programme is class hour teaching involving the following activities: Planning the programme. Preparing the instructors outline. Do not try to cover too much material. Keep the session moving along logically. Discuss each item in depth. Repeat, but in different words. Take the material from standardized texts when it is available.


the Operation: There are various alternative ways of presenting the operation, explanation, demonstration etc. An instructor mostly uses these methods of explanation. In addition one may illustrate various points through the use of pictures, charts, diagrams and other training aids. Demonstration is an excellent device when the job is essentially physical in nature. The final step in most training procedure is that of following-up. When people are involved in any problem or procedure, it is unwise to assume that things are always constant. Follow-up can be adapted to a variable reinforcement schedule as suggested in the discussion of learning principles. The follow-up system should provide feed-back on training effectiveness and on total value of training



Model for Training



Employees performance present job

Employee identified for training

Training programme

Measurement of actual job performance

Employee for new Suitabilityassignment for new assignment Measurement of training performance

Employee after training



of Training

The contributions of imparting training to a company should be readily apparent. The major values are: Increased Productivity Heightened Morale Reduced Supervision Reduced Accidents Increased Organizational stability

Evaluation of Programme


The specification of values forms a basis for evaluation. The basis of evaluation and the mode of collection of information necessary for evaluation should be determined at the planning stage. The process of training has been defined as any attempt to obtain information on the effects of training performance, and to assess the value of training in the light of that information. Evaluation leads to controlling and correcting the training programme. Hamblin suggested five levels at which evaluation of training can take place. Reaction: Training programme is evaluated on the basis of trainees reaction to the usefulness of coverage of the matter, depth of the course content, method of presentation, teaching methods etc. Learning: Training programme, trainers ability trainee ability are evaluated on the basis of quantity of content learned and time in which it is learned and learners ability to use or apply, the content he learned.


Job Behavior : This evaluation includes the manner and extent to which the trainee has applied his learning to his job. Organization : This evaluation measures the of training, learning and change in the job Behaviour of the department/organization in the form of increased productivity, quality, morale , sales turnover and the like. Ultimate value: It is the measurement of ultimate result of the contributions of the training programme to the company gaols like survival, growth, probability etc.,

Training evaluation information should be provided to the trainer and/or instructors, concerned for control, trainees and all other parties of trainees activities.

correction and improvement Further the training

evaluator should follow it up to ensure implementation of the evaluation report at every stage. Feedback information can be collected on the basis of questionnaire or through interview.




Hydraulics is a topic of Science and engineering dealing power. with Fluid for the mechanical properties the of liquids. Hydraulics is part of the more general discipline of fluid machines hydraulics, provides which theoretical on the foundation focuses

engineering uses of fluid properties The word "hydraulics" originates from the Greek word hydraulics which in turn originates from meaning water organ which in turn comes i.e., Hydraulic fluids are a large group of mineral oils, water-based or water used as the medium in hydraulic systems.

In the contemporary industrial world, fluid power particularly the hydraulic branch of it is a magic world for energy transmission. The application of fluid power is causing many positive changes in the world around us. The application of hydraulic control & drive systems has









machines & installations. The use of fluid under pressure to transmit power & to central intricate motions is relatively modern & has had its greatest development in recent years. Industrial hydraulics in necessary it can move rapidly in one part of its length & slowly in another. No other medium combines the same degree of positive ness, accuracy & flexibility maintaining the ability to transmit a maximum of power in a minimum of bulk & weight.


1. Pumps (Fixed volumes, Variable volumes) 2. Actuators liner (cylinders) Rotary (motors) 3. Control elements (Valves, pressure, flow & directional) 4. Accessories (Reservoirs, coolers, filters, storage units, tanks, accumulators)


Broadly the hydraulic products from application angle are classified as under. 1. Industrial 2. mobile 3. marine 4. aerospace



The Indian hydraulic industry started in early 60s primarily with an objective of import substitution of some of the hydraulic products being used by the industry in various applications. Since most of the Indian industries have been set up, based up on the variety of technological sources, the range of their specifications is very wide. Due to this the range of products in the oil hydraulic industry is also quite wide resulting in a very small batch for every product. It is therefore difficult to specify a minimum economically viable capacity for the industry. Indian hydraulic industry has to manufacture a large variety of products with low volumes; the industry is not able to use the modern high production lines. Most the manufacturing with exception to some are currently using general purpose machines with special tools and some special purpose machines for specialized metal cutting operations. Still the Indian industry has to adopt many modern production methods.


In terms of turnover the hydraulic industry seems to have grown rapidly in the past ten years. While the growth of turnover figures, which show a steep rise of average over 18% per annum, the actual growth in terms of production has not increased beyond 6 to 7% from the

turnover figure, one may conclude that the drastic change is being occurred in resulting from depreciation of Indian rupee against dollar. .


Wipro Limited Bangalore BEML, Bangalore Escorts Harrison Limited, Finland

GL Research Industries Limited, Ahmadabad

Dynamics Limited, Bangalore L&T Limited (Earth Moving Machinery & Hydraulic Division) Bangalore Oscar equipment private limited, Calcutta Poly Hydraulic private limited, Belgium Sai indira limited Bangalore Vickers systems industrial limited Bangalore INTERNATIONAL SCENARIO: In connection with oil hydraulic technologies, it is widely acknowledged that it is undergoing changes mostly designs determining in the by the user sector in that to have undergone revolutionary recent changes years. their product present


indications some of the changes in technology in respect of designing materials & manufacturing as under: 1. Increased powers/weight ratio
2. increased system pressures

3. extensive






extensive piping & relative leakage problems 4. reduced noise levels


5. Increased interfacing systems.



proportional electronics &

valve micro

technology, processor





WIPRO INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION-BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY Wipro Infrastructure Engineering commenced its operations in 1978 and has worked Single-Mindedly towards meeting growing demand for world-class Hydraulic components in India.


Starting with a plant in Bangalore for the manufacturing of Hydraulic cylinders for industrial applications. Wipro has considerably grown. This necessitated the setting up of a second factory at Hindupur, about 80 kms from Bangalore to serve the widening customer base, both in India and at abroad. From a modest beginning the company has become the largest provider of Hydraulic components and solutions. With the experience gained in the development of Hydraulic cylinders and others hydraulic components, the company is poised to position itself as a global supplier of hydraulic products. Wipro Infrastructure Engineering provides solutions ranging from precision Engineered Products to value added services to customer in industries that the core infrastructure sectorranging from. Construction, Mining Agriculture and Power to steel plants ports. The products and service offerings include high precision hydraulic cylinders, Valves, applications. They are the largest Indian provider of precision engineered hydraulics components and solutions. Some of the applications are listed below. Backhoe loaders, Mini excavators and Excavators, Wheel loaders, Dumpers,



tipping solutions and system solutions for a wide range of

Dozers Motor graders Vibratory compactors rollers Tipping trucks Combine harvesters Forklift trucks Cranes Blast hole rigs Side discharge loaders Load haul dumpers Underground mining Ports Airports equipment Dam gates Injection moulding machines Defence Windmill HINDUPUR PLANT In 1995 a plant was set up in Hindupur to meet the increased demands this plant produces Truck hydraulic componentstelescopic cylinders pumps, values accessories. Small size cylinders for cranes, drill rigs and industries machine. CHENNAI PLANT As the other two branches lacked sea ports and the company was incurring heavy transportation cost a new plant was opened in Chennai on April 2006. MANUFACTURING (BANGALORE PLANT)

The companys approach to manufacture has been to build quality into the process and thereby improve reliability of the products. The manufacturing facilities are spread over different plants ,based on the nature/size of the products to enable effective grouping of machines VERY SMALL CYCLINDER PLANT (VCP) makes very small cylinder (bore<70mm)in large volumes for applications such as tractors, Forklifts truck.etc SMALL CYCLINDER PLANT (SCP) produces small Cylinders(bore<100mm)typically used in Bachoe Loaders, wheel loaders, forklifts trucks,etc LARGE CYCLINDER PLANTS(LCD) cater the requirement bigger (bore>200mm) are longer cylinders such as those used in presses, Dam Gates, Steel plants and large construction equipments PISTON ROD PLANT (PRP) feeds piston rod to the various cylinder plants. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS The company focus in manufacturing operations help build tighter , faster and less costly connections in core production and shop floor processes .this involves translating the demand plan from advanced planning system into a detailed production plan, using the production plan to schedule detailed shop floor operations using techniques such as MRPII,managing actual execution of operations on the shop floor and controlling raw material and WIP inventory through the production the production process and the entire management of assets for maintenance ,repair and operation. PLAN Demand planning

Production planning Master planning Material requirement planning Capacity requirement planning Contract planning EXECUTE Equipment tracking WIO/Product tracking Data acquisition Product information Labour management Vendor managed inventory Configuration CONTROL Process control Distributed control system Batch control system SCADA historian MANAGE Enterprise asset management Quality management Laboratory information management Environment safety and health system SUPPLY CHAIN MANGEMENT The company provides solution a wide-ranging focus on globalization and information management tools that integrates procurement, operations and logistics from raw material to customers satisfaction .such solution help manufacturers attain


specific objectives such as lower inventory on time shipping ,better customer service or real time available to-promise(ATP). The companys supply chain management solutions supports every stage in the manufacturing value chain namely source, make, move and sell. SUPPLIER COLLABORATION Sourcing planning Lean supply Spend optimization Sourcing analytics ADVANCED PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Demand planning Capacity planning Production planning Production scheduling DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT Inbound logistics Yard management Ware house management Transportation management Trade management CUSTOMER FULFILLMENT Demand forecasting Clean order capture Order tracking Order fulfillment

Order analytics

RETURNS MANAGEMENT Returns authorization Return tracking Returns settlement Return analytics MISSION QUALITY ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 in brief The ISO 9000 families are among ISOs most widely known standards 9000 has ever.ISO become 9000 an and ISO 14000 standards for are implemented by some 634000 organization in 152 countries .ISO international reference quality management requirements in business-to-business dealings and ISO 14000 is well on the way to achieving as much ,if not more ,in enabling organizations to meet their environment challenges. The ISO 9000 family is primarily concerned with Quality management. This means what the organization does to fulfill.

The customers quality requirements Applicable regulatory requirements pursuit of these objectives

Achieve continual improvement of its performance in The ISO 14000 families are primarily concerned with

environmental management. This means what the organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by


its activities and to achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance. The vast majority of ISO standards are highly specific to a particular product, material or process. However, the standards that have earned the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 families a worldwide reputation are known as Generic Management System Standards. Generic means that the same standards can be applied To any organization ,large or small, whatever its product Including whether its product is actually a service. In any sector of activity and

whether it is a business enterprise a public administration or a government department Generic also signifies that no matter what the organizations scope of activity ,if it wants to establish a quality management system, then such a system has a number of essential features for which the relevant standards of the ISO 9000 or ISO 14000 families provides the requirements.

Management system refers to organization structure for managing its processes or activities that transform inputs of resources into a product or service which meet the organizations objectives, requirements such as satisfying to the customers or quality meeting complying regulations

environmental objectives. QUALITYCOSTDELIVERYSERVICE. Being located in Bangalore, which is a major engineering research and Test Center in India, the company enjoys a lot of advantages like. A large pool of engineering talent.

Skilled labour familiar with precision engineering processes.

Experienced sub-contractors/vendors.

Well established financial and banking network. Easy access by air from all major cities in India and some International connections as well. Proximity to the Chennai International sea port. The above factors, alone with the companys infrastructure facilities ,provide the company an edge in terms of its ability to deliver quality products that meet the stringent requirements of customers. In addition the benefits of low labour, managerial and overhead costs allow the company to enjoy an effective low cost-manufacture base, comparable to any international manufacturer. Its not surprising then that more and more OEM customers, including several reputed global manufactures, are looking at the company, as a long term business partner. COMPNYS COMMITEMENT AND ENDEAVOUR Customer satisfaction and loyalty is key to the business growth. The company therefore dedicated itself to walk the extra mile for valued customers. With utmost respect to human Values the company promises to serve their customers with Integrity through a variety of innovation , value for money, products and services by Applying Thought, day after day. ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY The company takes environmental consciousness a step further at the company .they believe that all in the company are environments conscious and contribute to preserving nature( at

a higher level) as well as danger-proofing their own respective work area. All of us are responsible for conducting safe and environmentally sound operations . fundamentally, this is in the interest of their own and other quality of life. Therefore, employees should consider the potential impact of the activity products and services of the company on health and the environment and take necessary measures, over and above legal requirements to reduce such impact. MAINTAINING AND MANAGING RECORDS The purpose of this policy is to set forth an covey to the companys business and legal requirements in managing record including all recorded records information include regardless of medium CDs. characteristics. paper documents,

computer hard disks, floppy disks, microfilms or laws, rules and regulations required the company to retain certain records and to follow specific guidelines in managing its records civil and criminal penalties for failure to comply with such guidelines can be severed from employees, agents, contractor to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or business relationship at the companys sole discretion

GLOBAL PRESENCE With the deep commitment to quality and customer service they offer value, which has made them the preferred source for hydraulic components. Their expertise is built on over two decades of experience of serving a wide range of customers



MUKAND SIMPLEX FLAT CONCAST SMS DEMAG NTPC L&T DEMAG ACC TATA POWER PRODUCT PROFILE PRODUCT RANGE AND BUSINESS HEAD OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT HYDRAULICS The company is providing hydraulic solutions especially to mobile OMEMS (Original Equipment Manufacturer).the company has bundled world-class product like pumps, motors, values ,steering units offered by global OEMs like Kawasaki, offer a range of hydraulic products and solution. A.CYLINDERS The range of cylinders cover various segments as Construction and Earthmoving Excavators Dumper Backhoe Loaders Drill Rigs Wheel Loaders Motor Graders Dozers Road Construction Machinery


Seiki, Eaton and Sun along with high quality Wipro cylinders to

B.MATERIAL HANDING CRANES FORKLIFTS C.FARM AND AGRICULTURE MACHINERY Tractors Combines D.INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY Steel plant Presses Dam Gates E.TRUCK HYDRAULICS The company developed truck hydraulic components specially for mining and construction truck tippers. The range of truck hydraulic component and the segment addressed are TIPPER Complete tipping system a. Rear,2-way and 3-way tipping b. Under-body c. Front end F.SPECIAL VEHICLES a. Garbage compactors b. Car carriers c. Under-body d. Front-end G.TRUCK HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS INCLUDING Telescopic cylinders Axial Piston pumps

Values PTOs filters and other accessories TIPPER BODIES Special bodies designed and developed to meet various tipper applications. Wipro Limited is a multi-business corporation,

headquartered in Bangalore, India. For the year ending 31st March 2007, Wipro's revenues were USD 3.5 Billion. Wipro is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange. Wipro Limited was incorporated in 1945 as Western India Vegetable Products Limited under the Indian Companies Act, VII of 1913, which is now superceded by the Companies Act, 1956. Over the years, wipro ltd has diversified into the areas of IT services, IT products and Consumer Care & Lighting Products. In October 2000, wipro ltd has raised gross aggregate proceeds of approximately $131 million in U.S. public offering of ADSs on the New York Stock Exchange. Wipro incurred capital expenditure of Rs. 1,318 million, Rs. 2,626 million and Rs. 2,485 million ($ 50.89 million) during the fiscal years ended March 31, 2000, 2001 and 01-02, respectively. These capital expenditures were primarily incurred on new software development facilities for our Global IT services business segment. These capital expenditures also include Rs. 570 million incurred on the expansion of wipro ltd corporate facilities


in Bangalore over the course of the fiscal years ended March 31, 2000 and 2001. WIPRO'S BUSINESSES Besides Wipro Infrastructure Engineering, Wipro's businesses are:








Consumer Care and Lighting Healthcare Solutions ( includes a JV with GE)


The following are the principal competitive strengths: Comprehensive range of IT services World-class quality as measured by SEI-CMM and six sigma initiatives Services offerings in emerging growth areas Broad range of research and development services Global delivery model Established track record with premier international customer base Ability to access, attract and retain skilled IT professionals Robust systems and processes to support growth in business Broad distribution network and strong sales force in India

Strong brand recognition in the Indian market


Respect the individual. People are our greatest asset. Achieve & maintain a position of leadership in each of the businesses we are in Govern individual and company relationships with the highest standard of conduct & integrity Serve our internal & external customers through Defect free products, services & processes.

The Spirit of Wipro is the value of the Wipro the spirit is rooted in current reality, but it also represents what Wipro aspires to be thus making it future active. The spirit is an indivisible synthesis of all three statements. It means manifesting

intensity to win. Acting with sensitivity and Unyielding on integrity all the time.

Intensity to Win Make customers successful Team, Innovate, Excel

Act with Sensitivity Respect for the individual Thoughtful & Responsible

Unyielding Integrity Delivering on commitments Honesty and fairness in action


Spectra mind Wipro Spectra mind Service Wipro info tech Technologies Wipro consumer Care and lighting Medical systems Wipro Holding Wipro

Wipro GE


Wipro Infrastructure Engineering (formerly Wipro Fluid Power) provides solutions ranging from Precision Engineered Products to value added Services for customers in industries that serve the core infrastructure sector - ranging from Construction, Mining, Agriculture and Power to Steel Plants and Ports. WIN product and service offerings include high precision hydraulic cylinders, valves, PTO's, complete tipping solutions and system solutions for a wide range of applications. WIN is the largest Indian provider of


precision solutions.





WIN Partnership with global players

Kawasaki Precision Machinery, Japan Pumps, Motors & Valves for a range of applications. Nabtesco Corporation, Japan - Motors & Valves for a range of applications Sun Hydraulics, USA - Screw-in cartridge valves & manifolds.

Customer support & Distribution channel

Over 45 highly trained service personnel 28 customer support and distributor locations all across India

'State of the art' Diagnostic equipment On the spot problem solving and complaint resolution

For customers outside India, WIN provides customized engineering service.

Customer of WIN:






Achievements of Wipros: First Indian IT Service Provider to be awarded Gold-Level Status in Microsofts Windows Embedded Partner Program. Worlds largest independent R&D Services provider. Worlds 1st PCMM Level 5 software company. Worlds 1st IT Services Company to use Six Sigma. The first to get the BS 15000 certification for its Global Command Centre. Among the top 3 off shore BPO service providers in the world. Only Indian company to be ranked among the Top 10 Global Outsourcing Providers in the IAOP- Fortune Global 100 listings. First company in the world to be certified in BS 7799 (2002) security standards.



WiproInfrastructureEngineering 9B-10A,Phase1,PeenyaIndustrialArea Bangalore-560058 India Tele:+918041369100 Fax: +91 80 28396450

Another plant in Hindupur and Chennai, India. 4 plants in Sweden and one plant in Finland are equipped to manufacture a variety of cylinders in the sizes and construction. Recently WIPRO is planning to set up an new plant in Faridabad..

About Wipro

Wipro Technologies is a global services provider delivering technology-driven business solutions. Wipro is the No.1 provider of integrated


business, technology and a process solution on a global delivery is the Chairman Platform.

Azim Premji of Wipro Technologies. He took over the mantle of leadership of Wipro
at his age of 21 in 1966. Under his leadership, the fledgling US$ 2 million hydrogenated cooking fat company has grown to a US$1.76 billion IT Services organization serving customers across the globe. Wipro is presently ranked among the top 100 Technology companies in the world. It has 66,000+ employees, serves 592 clients, and has 46 development centers across globe.

HR organization chart for WIN

President ( Prathka) Vice President HR(Rajiv Gosh ) General Manager (Annappa) Executive recruitment(preethesh) Executive administration(komala) Manager, Employee Relation(prabhu) Pay Roll Function (prashanth) Executive training(roopa)


In the Wipro Infrastructure Engineering ., the organization consists of 229 management staff, 164 non-management staff and 300 trainees . For management employees the required qualifications are diploma/degree/post graduate in engineering, degree/post graduate in commerce/HR/science/management For non- management employees the required qualification are SSLC +ITI+NAC in different technical trades with 18 months of company training at WIN For trainees the required qualifications are SSLC+ITI+NAC in different technical trades

Uniforms and Identity Cards:

All non-management employees wear uniforms as prescribed. The company supplies cloth material for two sets of uniforms. Once in a year, the stitching charges will be paid to the employees as per the agreement . Identify cards are given to all the employees. Swiping of the attendance card provided with the identity card is a must for salary processing. In case of replacement of the cards the expences should be borne by the individual concerned.

Information system:
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering ., maintains the speed and accurate information system. The information will be sent through the mails .

Websites: provides information on products and processes and contact details of wipro group of companies.

Manufacturing Technology:

Wipro Industrial Engineering provides solutions managing from precision engineered products to value added services for customers in industries that serve the core infrastructure from construction mining, agriculture and power to steel plants and ports. It was a largest Indian provider of Hydraulic components and solutions. It employs state of the art technology for manufacturing across its facilities in Europe and India. It strives towards improvement constantly bench marking against global standard in manufacturing, Wipro has and best in class machinery is geared up to produce cylinders for vast range of applications. Innovative sourcing methods and a robust vendor have complimented our manufacturing efforts to deliver on time to customers. Highly trained and skilled manpower compliment the high productivity machines to scale up production to meet the growing global demand.

Product Designing:
Cutting edge technology is used in computation of fluid dynamics and finite element analysis. Wipro extensively use Pro E and CAD including 2D, 3D pro1vechanica, Analysis and wind chill PDM. WIN design process involves capturing exhaustive customer inputs, providing design proposals applying DFMEA and DOE, procures design through PFMEA and DOE, proto development and reviews, extensive validation and type testing, fitment on equipment, function and field trails, customer and field driven CAPA and finally to production release.

WIN manufacturing facilities are certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. It has a robust vendor quality system and selection process. Corrosion resistance of piston rods measuring up to CASS 9.5 rating and cylinder cleanliness of NAS level 9 (or) better demonstrates the high quality of our cylinders.

Quality Policy of the Organization

Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Is committed to growing its business and organization by constantly endeavoring to make its customers successful.


This we shall do by engaging and aligning with all stakeholders and living the spirit of Wipro. Our definition of quality is based on view of customers. The two integral dimensions of quality are consistency and continuous improvement, we will endeavors for constant execution and continuous improvement in all we do, and this will be reflected in the organization as our quest for organizational and operational excellence.

Environmental Health and Safety Policy

We at Wipro ltd and to achieve continues improvement in the areas of environmental protection, employee health and safety though an integrate approach, which focus on people, technology and facilities and is supported by management commitment.

We measure ourselves to monitor and drive execution of the policy. The key areas of measurement are: Risk and their mitigation Incident and their resolution Resource utilization, consumption and impact Engagement of employees. We accept the commitment of every member of wipro team to this policy in action and intent.





Need for the study

Organizational goals can be achieved when people put their best efforts. Rapid development in technology and changing goals of organization has made training and development of employees inevitable. It has now been well accepted by all that training is needed by every one in organization from top to bottom. Training facilitates employees talent, skills. Enables them to overcome the problems faced on the job. Training and development of employees is important due to the following reasons. To face competition in the world.

To increase the productivity. To improve quality of products. To fulfill the future needs of the consumer and company. To improve organizational climate. To meet the Shortage of skills.

Skilled and knowledge people are always on short supply. Alternatively they are too costly to hire from outside. The best alternative is to improve skills and knowledge of existing employees through training and development. Training is not something that is done once to new employees . It is a continuous process for the good health of organisations . Further,this will help in meeting technological changes, automation requires, updating the skills and knowledge.




To study the effectiveness of the training at present. To study the techniques used to identify the training needs. To know the employee feeling towards the effective working of the training department. find out some measures effectiveness of training the current to enhance the


To determine development.




To identify the specific requirements of the training needs of wipro.



The current study is intended to understand the employee training process at WIPRO the study explores the views expressed by the respondents about the adequacy of existing training and development system. The study is conducted after taking employee considerations at WIPRO INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING



The study is limited due to the time constraints. The analysis depends on the data provided by the respondents through the questionnaire as well as company. Lack of time on the part of the employees for detailed interaction. Availability of the information on Human Resource management and its confidentiality is also a limiting factor. Some of the information like performance Appraisal reports and confidential report cannot be kept open for others to study

TYPE OF RESEARCH: The research conducted is descriptive and analytical. As each and every concept about employee

satisfaction has been described it is descriptive and it is analytical because it is trying to know the level of satisfaction to analyze it and give suggestions and conclusion.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: The sampling technique adopted is random sampling that is few employees are selected randomly and were interviewed to understand issues specific to the organization .This process is known as discovery phase is part of our standard methodology .Feedback from these interviews are incorporated in the questionnaire. The method of sampling adopted is random sampling. SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size selected for the study was 50 employees and the response was obtained from all the 50 employees.

SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: The sample size selected for the study was 50 employees comparising both from management and nonmanagement .the respondents age group was between 20 to 45 and service period ranging from 2 to 7 years.

INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUE: The study was conducted by personal interview with the employees. The questionnaire was distributed among the employees of the company. The instrumentation technique used in this project was:


1. Structured questionnaire 2. Personal interaction 3. Observation SOURCES OF DATA: PRIMARY DATA: Primary data was collected from employees of the company. To collect primary data structured and instructed questionnaires were administered to the employees to suit the objectives of the study. Primary data was collected as fallows Questionnaire Personal interview Observation

SECONDARY DATA: Study of the existing system through company records Discussion with the human resource manager and employees studying companys human resource manuals and HR policies company websites Reference books

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1. Due to the time constraint the sample size was limited to 50 2. The field study is restricted to the policies adopted by the organization


PLAN OF ANALYSIS: 1. Collection of primary and secondary data secondary data from the sample size and media respectively. 2. The data was processed, so that they can be suitably represented. 3. Tabulation and graphs of the various data were made. 4. The conclusions were drawn based on the interpretation made.



Data analysis
& Interpretation

1. Training and Development at Wipro


Opinion Excellent Good Better Best

No. of Employees 7 18 3 2

Percentages 23 60 10 7

better best 10% 7%

excellent 23%

excellent good better

good 60%


Interpretation :From the above table 23% of the respondents feel that the Training and development in wipro is Excellent, 60% of the respondents feel that it is Good, 10% of the Respondents feel that it was Better, 7% of the respondents feel that it was Best.


2). Awareness of training objective/purpose at the beginning of the session

Opinion Strongly agree agree Disagree Not applicable No. of Employees 26 3 1 0 percentage 10 87 3 0






strongly agree 26

agree 3

disagree 1

not applicable 0


Interpretation:From the above table 10% of the respondents feel that the scope for discussing the training objective prior to he session was strongly agree, 87% of the respondents feel that it was agree, 3% 0f the respondents feel that it was disagree.


3). Use of the training programme to improve commitment.

Opinion No of employees Strongly agree 8 Agree Dis agree Not applicable 20 1 1 % 27 67 3 3


3%3% 0% 27% strongly agree agree dis agree not applicable 67%

Interpretation:Form the above table 67% of the respondents strongly agreed that the training programme has helped them to improve their work method, 27% of the respondents partly agree, 3% of the respondents are disagree, 3% of the respondents are not applicable.

4). Availability of opportunity and time for discussion

opinion Strongly agree Agree Dis agree No of employees 6 18 3 % 20 60 10


Not applicable



From the above table we can infer that the

20% of the respondents strongly agreed that there is availability of opportunity and time for discussion, 60% of the respondent are partly agree, 10% of the respondent are disagree, 10% of the respondents are not applicable.

5).Purpose of training programmes at wipro

Opinions To achieve organizational goals To achieve personal goals Both No of employees 4 3 23

% 13 10 77


From the above table we can infer that

the 13% of the respondents that the purpose of training programme at wipro was to achieve organizational goals, 10% of the respondents feel that to achieve personal goals, 77% of the respondents feel that to achieve both. Purpose of training programmes at wipro

6).Feed back to Know individual development

Opinion Strongly agree Agree Disagree Not applicable
70% 13% 0% 17%

No of employees 5 21 4 0

% 17 70 13
Strongly agree Agree

Disagree Not applicable



From the above table we can infer that the 17%

of the respondents strongly agreed that there is opportunity exits for feedback of knowing , 70% of the respondents are partly agree, 13% of the respondents are disagree.

7).The training programmes helps to develop career

opinions Strongly agree No of employees 16 % 53


Agree Disagree Not applicable

14 0 0

47 0 0

Interpretation:From the above table we can infer that the 53% of the respondents strongly agreed that training programmes help to develop career , 47% of the respondents are partly agree.

0% 0%



agree strongly agree disagree not applicable

8).Ideas/ concepts and skills covered in training programme are relevant to job
opinions Strongly agree Agree Disagree Not applicable No of employees 9 18 1 0

% 30 67 3 0


0% 32% strongly agree agree disagree not applicable


Interpretation:From the above we can infer that the 30% of the respondents strongly agreed that ideas/concepts and skills covered in training programme are relevant to the job, 67% of the respondents are agreed, 3% of the respondents are disagree.

9).Relevance of course material used in training programme

30% Excellent 0%

Respondent 7 14
47% 23%

% 23

Good Satisfactory Poor


47 goog 30 poor

9 0


Interpretation:From the above table 23% of the respondents feel that the aids and course material used in the training programme was Excellent, 47% of the respondents feel that it was good,30% of the respondents feel that it was satisfa

10).Require more training programme than which they are offering

opinion Yes No respondents 21 9 % 70 30

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1

no 21 yes


Interpretation:Form the above table we can infer that 70% of the respondents feel require more training programme than which they are offering, 30% of the respondents feel that no need of more training programme which they are offering.

11). Method of Training needs identification

Opinions Oral feedback Discussion between you and the superior Based on performance appraisal Based on your assessment for training needs Respondents 6 10 10 4 % 20 34 34 12

From the above table we can infer that 20% of the

respondents feel that training needs are identified according to oral feedback, 34% of the respondents feel that according to discussion between them and the superior based on performance appraisal, 12% of the respondents feel that based on their assessment for training needs.

12). The company respond to new innovation and up coming technologies

opinions Yes To some extent No Respondents 16 14 0 % 53 47 0

From the above table we can infer that 53% of the respondents feel that company respond new innovations and up coming technologies, 47% of the respondents feel that up


to some extent company responds.

13). The training programmes during holidays

opinions Yes 11 33 To some extent No 10 9 30 Respondents % 37


From the above table we can infer that 36% of the respondents prefer attending the training programme during holidays, 34% of the respondents prefer up to some extent, 30% of the respondents does not prefer.


14).Percntage of Behavioral and technical changes after the training programme

opinions 100% change 75% ~50 25 No change Respondents 3 16 6 3 0 % 11 55 23 11 0

From the above table we can infer that 11% of the respondents feel that there is 100% change after the training programme, 55% of the respondents feel 75% change, 23% of the respondents feel ~50% change, 11% of the respondents feel 25% change


15). Method of training

opinion On-the-Job training Off-the-Job training Respondents 21 9 % 70 30

From the above table we can infer that 70% of the respondents intrested on-the-job training method and 30% of the respondents intrested off-the-job training method.


16).Training is a mode of motivation

opinions Yes 14 To some extent No 10 6 47 33 20 Respondents %

From the above table we can infer that 47% of the respondents feel that training is mode of motivation, 33% of the respondents feel that up to some extent, 20% of the respondents feel that training is not a mode of motivation.


17).Superiors-Subordinate relationships
opinion Excellent Good Poor Cant say respondent 9 21 0 0 % 30 70 0 0

From the above table we can infer that 30% of the Respondents feel that superior-subordinate relations are Exellent, 70% of the respondents feel that good.


18).The training programme timing disturbs the normal Works

opinions Yes No 14 16 47 53 Respondents %

Interpretation:From the above table we can infer that 47% of the respondents feel that training programme timings disturbes the normal works.



Findings & Suggestions


1. The training and development program at wipro is good. 2. The respondents felt that the inputs (or) material provided in the training program were use full to their job.

3. The maximum number of the employees told that themselves Increased their performance level. 4. By the training and development the employees morale will Increase.
5. It is found and

agreed that the ideas/concepts and

skills Covered in this training programme are relevant to the job. This shows that majority of the respondents have received the training program, which is relevant to the job. 6. With regard to course material provided during the training Program course material of respondents are satisfied with the

Provided to them. 7. 60% of the respondents sufficient scope for feel that there was

discussing the objective of the training program prior to the



8. Most of the employees feel that there was sufficient opportunity for feedback 9. It is found that the training program conducted has helped majority of respondents to improve their work methods. 10. With regard to the facilities provided at the training program majority of are satisfied with the facilities provided to them. 11. By the training and development the employees morale will increase. 12. 50% of the respondents feel that company responds new innovation and up coming technologies. 13. Some of the respondents feel that training program disturbs the normal work. 14. 70% of the respondents feel that superiorsubordinate relations was Good.


Most of the respondents require more training

programmes, what there are providing.

The organization must conduct training programs on a regular basis.

Training must be subject oriented and mostly concentrating on

the job related aspects so as to help the employee in improved performance. Organization must see to that the training calendar should be circulated to all the departments working and every one as most of the unaware of the training calendar.

Wipro must preferably follow a fixed format for selecting the employees and also employees and also the training programs.


As training is a form of motivation management must motivate employees and encourage them for must making them feel interested to take up the training program. The firm must try to implement job analysis and job rotation on a regular basis as it helps improving the employees effectiveness. Job specification in the organization is very much need so as to reduce duplication of work and employees can concentrate on the specific work allocated to them.

The corporation has to incorporate a feed back system from the customer to analyze the performance of the employee. The corporation must also device a policy for job rotation, which will improve the skills of the employees and also helps them abreast of the latest technologies and also keeps in touch with a all areas of operatic the organization.

Training and development is strategic in the human resource management practices because today employees have high expectations about Their jobs in such situations awareness, positive attitude




and better way of doing things thereby achieving an overall growth of an individual. By this he produces quality and services and there by creating a name for the company. Training has bee imparted with an objective to enhance three facts of the personality viz., knowledge, skills and Behaviour. Training is very powerful tool for comprehensive and all encompassing development of the individual in the organization.





I, SHARADA.M a student of SAMBHRAM ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. As affiliated to Bangalore University. As a part of the academic curriculum it is my obligation to project work to fulfill my Bachelor degree. I am here to fill this questionnaire. Name : Age : Gender : Experience : Department : 1.Is there a proper training and development strategy at Wipro a) Strongly c) disagree b) agree d)not application

2.Training programmed increases your commitment towards role a) Strongly agree c) Disagree b) agree d) not applicable

3. There was sufficient opportunity and time set aside for discussion a) Strongly agree b) agree c) Dis agree d) not applicable

What is the purpose of training programs at WIPRO? a) To achieve organizational goals b) To achieve personal goals


There was sufficient opportunity given for feedback of knowing? a) Strongly agree c) Disagree b) agree d) not applicable

6.Do you feel that training programmes help in developing your skills? a) Strongly agree c) Disagree

b) Agree d) Not applicable

7 .The ideas/concepts and skills covered in training programme are relevant to the job? a) Strongly agree c) Strongly Disagree b) agree d) not applicable

8.The aids and course material used in the training program are a)Excellent c) Satisfactory b)good d) poor

9.Do you require more training programme than which they are offering. a) Yes b) No

10How the training needs are identified? a) Oral feed back B) Discussion between you and the superior c) Based on performance appraisal d) Based on your assessment for training needs 11. Does the company respond new innovations and up coming Technologies? a) Yes b) c) no

12. Do you prefer attending the training programs during holidays for selfdevelopment? a) Yes b) c) no

13. The behavioral and technical changes in you after the training Programme a) 100% change c) 50% b) 75% change d) 25%

e) Any others specify________


14. Which method of training is good according to you? a) On the job training b) off the job training.

15. Training is a mode of motivation a) Yes b) no

16. How do you feel about superiors subordinate relations? a) Excellent c) Poor 17. b) good d) cant say

Does the training programme timing disturbs the normal Works a) Yes b) no

18. In last one year do you feel that you have attend a sufficient Number of courses to meet your professional and personnel Development needs a) Yes b) no c) other

19. What is the percentage of development after training? -

10% 30-50%

20% 50%-100%

Others specify _________________

20. Where you satisfied with the training given to you? Yes 21. NO

what are the effects of training on the performance? 30%-50 %





23. Was the training given according to the need of the job? Yes no

23. Is there anything else you would like to comment on in regards to current learning and training opportunities or suggestions for Future areas of training and development? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________





Personnel management Organizational behavior Human resource management -

Lathanair and NG Nair K. Ashwathappa P. Subbarao

Web sites: www.wipro infrastructure engineering ltd www.gooogle com


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