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The Principle of Lever

Objectives After doing this activity, the students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Skills 1. Assembling the set up 2. Gathering data 3. Analyzing data Concepts 1. Lever is made of rigid body that is free to turn about an axle called fulcrum. 2. Types of lever: a. One-sided lever when the load and the force act on the same side of the lever, defined by the position of the axle b. Two-sided lever when the force acts on one side and the load acts on the other side of the lever, defined by the position of the axle. 3. The principle of lever is described as the turning effect of the force on a body. It is the product of the force and the distance of its line of action from the fulcrum. The equilibrium of the system is attained when the product of force F and force arm Fa is equal to the product of load L and the load arm La .
F Fa = L L a

differentiate one-sided lever from two sided-lever. explain the principle of lever and derive the equilibrium formula. calculate the actual mechanical advantage of lever under given conditions. list some common applications of lever and give their importance to mans life.

4. Equation derivation 5. Reporting skills 6. Applying new knowledge

(The force arm and the load arm are the perpendicular distance of force and load respectively from the fulcrum.) 4. The actual mechanical advantage (AMA) for lever expresses a relationship between the load L acting on it and the force F being applied or between the force arm Fa and the load arm La. It is defined as the ratio between load L and the force F or ratio between force arm Fa and the load arm La.



La Fa

TL - 1

Strategy 1. Review the class on the definition of lever and show different samples of lever. 2. Write on the board lever applications mentioned by the students. The following questions might be of help: Have you ever used a lever? Where did you find lever being used? How is it used? 3. Classify the lever applications to one-sided and two-sided levers. Examples: one-sided lever ice tong, forearm, wheelbarrow Two-sided lever artesian well, seesaw, pair of scissors, pliers 4. Show the NSTIC lever set-up to the class and explain the difference of one-sided lever from a two-sided lever. Tell the class that they are going to investigate the relationship between force and force arm, and load to load arm to attain the equilibrium (in horizontal position). 5. Distribute worksheets to students. Designate to each group what experiment they are going to perform. Each group should perform only one experiment, either Experiment A or Experiment B. 6. Let the students read the specific instructions on their worksheet and assist them in performing the experiment. 7. Reporting and sharing of results. Call one or two representatives from groups A and B to report to the class what they have found out. Materials 1 standbase 1 stand support 1 stand rod, 9.5 mm x 500 mm 1 stand rod, 0.5 mm x 250 mm 1 multiclamp Solutions Experiment A One sided Lever Position 1 2 3 4
TL - 2 AMA = L F

1 lever beam 1 beam axle 1 spring balance, 5 N 1 hooked mass , 250 g Experiment A 1 hooked mass, 500 g Experiment B

Experiment B Two-sided Lever Position 1 2 3 4


4.2 1.9 1.4 1.1

3.8 2.0 1.6 1.0

TL - 2

Set-up Experiment A One-sided Lever

Set-up Experiment B Two-sided Lever

Figure 1

Figure 2

Measurement (Experiment A)
Position Load L (N) Length of Load arm (m) Product M1 L x La (N x m) Force F (N) Length of Force arm (m) Product M1 F x Fa (n X m)

Measurement (Experiment B)
Position Load L (N) Length of Load arm (m) Product M1 L x La (N x m) Force F (N) Length of Force arm (m) Product M1 F x Fa (n X m)

1 2 3 4

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

0.14 0.25 0.38 0.50

0.6 1.3 1.8 2.3

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

0.12 0.26 0.36 0.46

1 2 3 4

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

1.3 2.5 3.8 5.0

0.200 .0.200 0.200 0.200

0.26 0.50 0.76 1.00

Data Analysis 2. The product of force F and force arm Fa is equal to the product of load L and load arm La. Conceptualization

2. The product of force F and the force arm Fa is equal to the product of Load L and the load arm La.

1. The principle of lever is valid to one-sided lever and two-sided lever. Fa La L 3. Let the students calculate the actual mechanical advantage for the 4 positions used in the experiment using AMA = F 2. It is recommended to introduce to students the idea of Actual Mechanical Advantage AMA = L F or AMA =
TL - 3 TL - 3

Application/Evaluation 1. The difference between one sided lever from two sided lever is that, in one-sided lever, the fulcrum is at one end of the lever and the load L and the force F is on the same side while in two-sided lever, the fulcrum is in the middle and the load L is on one side of the lever and the force F is on the other side of the lever. 2. It is easier because the input force becomes greater due to its long handle
L La Fa F = = = = 200 N 2m 1.5m ? L L a = F Fa 200 N 2m = F 1.5m 400 N m = F = 600 N 1.5m L L a = F Fa 900 N 0.5m = F 1.5m 450 N m = 300 N 1.5m


4. La = 0.5m

Fa = 1.5m

L = 900 N

6. The handles of the shears are longer than the blades in order to multiply the force applied on the handles enough to cut the metal.

Figure 3

Figure 5

5. The bicycle pedal system is made up of 2 one-sided lever moving alternately, where the load is the pull needed to keep the bicycle running.

7. La = 0.5 m Fa = 1.0 m L = 600 N F =?


L x La = F x Fa 600 N x 0.25 m = F x 1.0 m 1.5 N.m = F x 1.0 m F = 150 N.m = 150 N 1.0m

Figure 4 Figure 6

TL - 4

TL - 4 TL - 4

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