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JOHNSTON FRESHMAN ACADEMY 1:1 LAPTOP INITIATIVE Student/Parent Laptop Handbook August 2011 Overview/Introduction Johnston County Schools (JCS) is committed to preparing students to be successful citizens in a global economy. The South Johnston Freshman Academy 1:1 Laptop Initiative will immerse our students into a technology-rich instructional environment to ensure that our graduates are prepared for the workplace and life. Understanding of and adhering to the following policies is necessary for the success of the program. I. Deployment Parent/guardian(s) will be informed by latter and/or a ConnectEd call of location, date and time of mandatory orientation/meeting for freshman and new students. The Program and Student/Parent Laptop Agreement will be explained. The parent and student must sign the agreement in order for the student to be issued a laptop. A. Prior to students being issued a laptop: 1. Parent/guardian must attend an initial orientation/meeting (mandatory) 2. Students must attend an initial orientation/training (mandatory) 3. Parent/guardian and student must sign Student/Parent laptop Agreement. Parents of returning students will receive access to the Laptop Handbook and must sign the Student/Parent Laptop Agreement of this AUP and return to school before students are issued a laptop. B. The district will send a report of all model, asset and serial numbers of student laptops to local pawnshops and law enforcement agencies to assist in the event of loss or theft. Parents of returning students will receive access to the Laptop Handbook and must sign the Student/Parent Laptop Agreement of this AUP and return to school before students are issued a laptop. II. Terms of Laptop Loan A. Terms of Loan 1. The Wilson county school district will loan a laptop to South Johnston High School students upon compliance with the following: a) Student Orientation/Training session for new students b) Parent/Guardian Orientation/Meeting session for new students c) Payment of yearly nonrefundable $25 fee (paid in cash) d) A signed Student/Parent Laptop Agreement for all students 2. Legal title of the property (laptop) is with Johnston County Schools. A students right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with the Board Policy Acceptable Use Policy for Technology, Copyright Compliance Policy, Internet Use Guidelines, and other Guidelines as outlined in the Student/Parent Laptop Handbook. 3. Students may be subject to loss of privilege, disciplinary action and/or legal action in the event of intentional damage and/or violation of policies and guidelines as outlined in the Student/Parent Laptop Handbook as well as outlined in the JCS Internet Use Guidelines. 4. A students possession of the laptop terminates no later than the last day of the school year unless there is a reason for earlier termination as determined by the District (e.g. drop- Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines 1

out, expulsion and transfer to another school). B. Loss or Theft 1. In the event of loss or theft of the laptop, there will be a deductible of $250. 2. The student or parent/guardian is required to immediately notify a school administrator and file a police report in all cases of stolen or lost laptops. After filing the police report, the student or parent/guardian shall notify the school and submit a copy of the police report. 3. Failure to report stolen property within 5 days of the last documented network login could result in compensation for the entire price of the laptop. 4. JCS will coordinate with the police department to alert pawnshops and area law enforcement C. Damage 1. The student and/or the students parent/guardian shall be responsible for compensating the school district for any losses, costs or damages 2. If unapproved changes or software installs are made to the laptop, the laptop will be re-imaged, and the student will be charged a $25 fee. D. Reposession JCS reserves the right to repossess the laptop at any time if the student does not fully comply with all terms of this agreement. E. Appropriation Failure to return the property in a timely manner and the continued use of it for non-related school purposes may be considered unlawful appropriation of JCS property. III. General Care of the Laptop A. Students are responsible for the laptops they have been issued. Laptops in need of repair or damaged must be reported. B. Technical support will determine whether the laptop can be repaired onsite or if a loaner should be issued. A limited number of classroom computers are also available for student use. Classroom computers and loaner laptops are also covered by all rules and regulations as outlined in this document C. Guidelines to follow: 1. Always close the lid before moving you laptop. 2. For prolonged periods of inactivity, you should shut down completely before closing the lid. 3. The laptop must be transported in the students provided laptop backpack at all times. 4. Please be aware that overloading a backpack will damage the laptop. Take precaution when placing the laptop bag on a flat surface. Undue amounts of textbooks, notebooks, binders, etc. are not allowed in the school issued laptop backpacks. Never sit on the laptop or backpack. Personal laptop bags or backpacks should have a padded laptop compartment and be labeled with the school issued tag. 5. When using the laptop, keep it on a flat, solid surface so that air can circulate. For example, using a laptop while it is directly on a bed or carpet can cause damage due to overheating. 6. Liquids, food and other debris can damage the laptop. You should avoid eating or drinking while using the laptop. DO NOT keep food or food wrappers in the laptop bag. Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines 2

7. Take extreme caution with the screen. The screens are very susceptible to damage and excessive pressure or weight. In particular, avoid picking up the laptop by the screen or placing your finger directly on the screen. 8. Allow you battery to completely drain monthly. Dimming the LCD brightness of your screen will extend the battery run time. 9. Never attempt repair or reconfiguration of the laptop. Under no circumstances are you to attempt to open or tamper with the internal components of the laptop. 10. Take care when inserting cords, cables and other removable storage devices to avoid damage to the laptop ports. 11. Do not write, draw, paint or place stickers/labels on your laptop or school issued backpack. Remember the laptops are the property of Johnston County Schools. 12. Do not expose your laptop to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or ultraviolet light for extended periods of time. 13. Keep you laptop away from magnetic fields, which can erase or corrupt your data. This includes but is not limited to large speakers, amplifiers, transformers and old style television sets. IV. Cleaning Your Laptop Routine maintenance on laptops will be done by the district technology team. However, students are encouraged to perform simple cleaning as outlined below: 1. Always disconnect the laptops from the power outlet before cleaning. 2. Never use liquids on the laptop screen or keyboard 3. Clean the screen with soft, lightly dampened, lint free cloth or use anti-static screen cleaners or wipes. 4. Wash hands frequently when using the laptop to avoid buildup on the touch pad. Grease and dirt can cause the cursor to jump around the screen. 5. Clean the touch pad with lightly dampened cloth. V. General Security A. Never leave your laptop unattended or unsecured. Laptops should be secured in a designated storage facility or an approved and secured locker. B. During after-school activities, you are still expected to maintain the security of your laptop. Unsupervised laptops will be confiscated by staff and disciplinary actions may be taken. C. Each laptop has several identifying labels (i.e., JCS barcode and computer serial number). Under no circumstances are you to modify or destroy these labels. VI. General Use of the Laptop A. Students are EXPECTED to bring his/her laptop to school each day with a fully charged batter. Students WILL NOT be given the use of a loaner laptop if he/she neglects to charge the computer or leaves his/her laptop at home. Students leaving laptops at home will be required to complete assignments using alternate means (as determined by the teacher). B. Students will receive disciplinary referral from their teacher for repeated refusing to bring the laptop to class. C. Be mindful not to cause a tripping hazard when it is necessary to plug in your laptop. D. Avoid using your laptop in areas which may lead to damage or theft. Do not use your laptop around sporting events or activities. Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines 3

F. Laptop use is not permitted in the dining area (cafeteria) during lunch periods. The laptop may be used in designated common areas (away from food or drink) during this time. This is critical to remember during POWER Lunch. G. Laptop sound will be MUTED at all time unless permission is obtained from teacher. H. Do not delete any folders or files that you did not create or that you do not recognize. Deletion of files could result in a computer failure and will interfere with your ability to complete class work. I. Student laptops will be subject to routine monitoring by teachers, administrators, and technology staff. J. Students will provide access to any laptop computer and/or accessories that they have been assigned upon the districts or schools request. An individual search of the laptop and other stored student files may be conducted if there is suspicion that policies or guidelines have been violated. K. Students will be assigned a space on the server for storing educational files (home directory) VII. E-mail A. E-mail transmissions and transmitted data stored on servers shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at anytime by designated staff to ensure appropriate use. B. Students will abide by E-mail guidelines as outlined in the JCS board policy on acceptable use of technology. VIII. Virus Protection All laptops have virus protection software installed. The virus software will be updated automatically through login to the district network. Do not remove or add any virus protection software. IX. Internet Access/Filtering A. As required by the Childrens Internet Protection Act, a current filtering solution is maintained by the district for school and home use on this laptop, the district cannot guarantee that access to all inappropriate sites will be blocked. It is the responsibility of the use to follow guidelines for appropriate use of the network and the Internet. JCS will not be responsible for any problems suffered while on the network or the Internet. Use of any information obtained through the Internet is at the users own risk. B. JCS will not serve as the Internet service provider for home use. However, JCS will provide filtering of the laptops while connecting to the Internet from home. In order for a student to access the Internet, the parent/guardian must contract with an Internet service provider. X. Login Procedures A. School Use: Always remove check from workstation only box. This is very important and allows the computer to receive updates. Students will be given a unique username. Students will choose a password. Always change you password when prompted. B. Home Use: Always place the check IN workstation box. Use same name and password. C. DO NOT share passwords. Students are responsible for anything done using their login. XII. Copyright Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines 4

Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all. Copyright is legal protection for creative intellectual works, which is broadly interpreted to cover just about any expression of an idea. Text (including E-mail and web information), graphics, art, photographs, music and software are examples. Copying, distributing, downloading, and uploading information on the Internet may infringe copyright. Evan an unintentional infringement violates the law. Internet Use Guidelines for Johnston County Schools: Internet access is provided to support the educational goals of the Johnston County Schools. The privilege of Internet access is provided for all staff and students upon receipt of a signed Acceptable Use Agreement as found in this document and on the district web page. The following are guidelines intended to support and help define appropriate use: - All users must sign the appropriate Acceptable Use Agreement in order to access district network resources. The agreement must be on file with the school or appropriate department - The use of network resources must be in support of educational goals. - Teachers, administrators and staff must supervise student use of electronic information resources in a manner that is appropriate to the students age and circumstances of use. - Students are not permitted to play games, download files (MP3, jpegs, real audio, etc.) or install applications unless the activity is supervised and related to curricular studies. - Users are only allowed to use JCS approved activities involving instant messaging, chat rooms and peer-to-peer file sharing (this excludes Facebook and Twitter without specific, written permission from a faculty or staff member). - Users are prohibited from using district Internet access for product and/or service advertisement or political lobbying - Users are responsible for their actions over the Internet and through electronic communications. - Unless security and authentication technology is in use, any information you submit to a system is being transmitted over the Internet in the clear, with no protection from sniffers or forgers. - Attempts to bypass or disable any filtering and security devices are a violation of policy. This includes, but is not limited to, attempts to crack passwords or operating systems. - Requests to unblock filtered sites must be approved by the principal and forwarded to the district technology department. - Users experiencing trouble accessing network resources should complete a request. Provide as much information as possible in order to help debug the problem Student Acceptable Use Agreement Student: I have read (or it has been read to me), understand and will abide by the Johnston County Schools guidelines regarding district technology resource use. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. Parent or Guardian: As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the above-referenced guidelines regarding district technology resource use. I understand that network/Internet access is intended for educational purposes. The Johnston County Schools have taken precautions to restrict my childs access to questionable material. However, I recognize that it is impossible for the Johnston County Schools to restrict access to all questionable materials, and I will not hold the school system responsible if my child accesses or acquires such materials on the network. Further, I accept full responsibility for any costs that my child may incur when using the Internet outside of class time. I hereby give permission for my child to use network resources provided by the Johnston County Schools. Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines 5

Receipt Number ______________________ Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy 1:1 Laptop Initiatives Student/Parent Laptop Agreement PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION IN LEGIBLE HANDWRITING

STUDENT: Last Name Parent/Guardian: Last Name Street Home Phone

First Name

Middle Name

First Name

Parent/Guardians Drivers License #



Work Phone

Another Contact (name and phone)

Acceptable Use Policy Agreement I hereby agree to the above statements. I also understand that my right to use and possession of the property terminates the day before the announced pickup. I understand if the laptop is not returned as requested, it will be considered stolen. Student Signature _____________________________________________________ Date _____________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________ Date _____________

Johnston County Schools South Johnston Freshman Academy Laptop Guidelines

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