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Spreading out Key words Previous objectives Particles, Diffusion, Concentration, Movement, Liquid, Solid, Gas Changes of state

Main learning objective(s) (Knowledge/skills/enquiry) Knowledge Skill Pitch Level 4

Diffusion is the spreading out of particles Teamwork and skills in using scientific apparatus.
Learning Outcomes/Assessment Describe how particles spread out

Level 5

Explain how particles spread out in gas/liquid/solid

Level 6 Homework

Explain how these particles respond to different temperatures


X Q&A X Move & Monitor X Pupil self assessment

X Pupil peer assessment O Classwork Marks O Marking Books

Key questions What is happening to the particles in the balloon? What is happening to the particles in the water? What is happening to the particles in the solid?

O Marking homework O Test O Other To who

Data NC / Syllabus links V A K References used in planning or to be used Differentiation

Class 7Y3


Boys 14

Girls 13

Target grades 9 L4U; 18 L5L

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Power point. Worksheets Power point and questions Diffusion experiments

SEN provision: Behav/Learn/ Eal/G&T/etc Citizenship/Lit/ Num/ICT/ x-curric etc

X Activity O Interest X Task X support X learning Style O Outcome G&T Explain to other students what is happening Support weaker students with questioning

X Resource X Questioning O Other

ICT - Power point Lit - Handouts

Health & Safety

Handle dye with care as it can stain. Be careful with hot water from kettle

Resources Shoe Box, Balloon, scent, Lab Coats, Air Freshener, food dye, Beakers, Ice Cube, APP Cards, Kettle, Thermometers Follow up of incidents in the less on Evaluation

Monitor Tom and make sure he feels supported

What did the pupils learn?

How do I know?


Time 0-3

Pupil Activity . Settling Down & register Write down L.O

Teacher Activity Take Register Demo: Balloon Magic Trick Move class round table. Set up Balloon Magic Trick. Pass box around ask them to suggest what is happening. If the balloon is closed how can the smell get out? Get suggestions


Starter/ Hook Diffusion in 3 states of matter Balloon Magic Trick Write in books what they think is happening using the particle model


Pot Perm: Try and explain what is happening in the water

Class expt: Pot Perm Move questioning towards two types of particles expanding out Class expt: Ice Cube


Ice Cube: Why did nothing happen?


Role Play: Outside (if weather is good). Half the students wear white lab coats. Get class to model diffusion in a gas/liquid/solid

Take outside for role play

Tell class this process in the L.O is called diffusion


Write down definition and explanation of diffusion in book using the particle model

Which states of matter did we look at? Why is there no diffusion in a solid? Why is diffusion faster in a gas? Class expt: Pot Perm in warm water Point out L.O Ask what can affect the movement of these particles? Explain Balloon answer


Class discussion


Explain how diffusion rates are affected by temperature etc. using particle model in books


Plenary APP Cards

Have we hit all our L.Os? Remind students to use level ladders and L.O and to answer the question using the particle model is L5+

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