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The Chaldean Gambit

Lost In the Shadows Edition Including Secrets Trapped In The Black Hole 2012 Benjamin F. Kaye

The Chaldean Gambit

The Chaldean Gambit

Part I Aunt Emily

1. Remember, No Orchids 2. Maybe It's Deserted For A Reason 3. Everyone Loves A Circus 4. If "The Hunter" Can Do It, So Can We 5. Girl's Night Out 6. Looking For Mr. Right 7. Showdown At The Not-So-OK Corral 8. A Time To Exhale, A Time To Sleep 9. The First Thing I Remembered When I Woke Up 10. Aunt Emily is Dead

4 10 15 20 26 32 38 43 48 53

Part II Cousin Olivia

1. Today Is My Birthday! 2. Im Board 3. 4. 5. 6. Normal Whats That? A Change of Scenery, A Change of Heart Now You Museum, Now You Dont The Pine Street Pack

59 64 69 75 80 85 92 98 103 109 116 123 130 1

7. Spreading Your Wings Is The Easy Part 8. Royal Blush 9. Pass It On 10. Blood Thieves 11. The Back Room 12. Nice to Meet You, Again and Again 13. This Is A Kiss Youll Remember

The Chaldean Gambit 14. Annabelle 15. Blood And Shadow 16. The Cockroach King 17. Dr. Goethe 18. Busted 19. Kiss and Tell 20. SOS (Save Ole Seth) 21. Its Pointy and Makes a Great Paperweight 22. Lighthouse 23. The Good, The Bad, and The Cosmic Order 24. By The Book 25. Till Death Do Us Part Part I 26.Till Death Do Us Part Part II 135 142 149 157 166 172 177 184 190 196 202 208 214

Part III AnaMathiat

1. My Family, My Strangers 2. Revenge 3. The Yellow House 4. Veil 5. Two Step Vacation 6. Dont Push Your Luck 7. Old Friend, New Danger 8. A Place For You To Go 9. Seth 10. Get The Point 11. Photo Albums 12. Double Edged Danger 13. Cut The Strings 14. Now To Deal With The Puppeteer

220 225 231 236 241 247 252 259 264 269 277 282 288 296

The Chaldean Gambit

The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In The Black Hole

The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

It was a gray June morning, unusually cold and unusually damp. As Alex came closer to the house, he crossed the street. He knew he was being stupid, but why take a chance? As he walked by, he looked at the sad place out of the corner of his eye. There really wasnt anything peculiar about the house it was a typical gray, two-storey cookie cutter mansion in the middle of the suburbs. It was just the history that bothered him. I mean, how could somebody die in a house and not be found for a whole year? Most families had secrets, but some he didnt want to even know or even imagine. His cell phone rang and he jumped. Dont do that! Alex yelled into the cell. He nervously looked around to see if anyone in the house might have heard him. He chided himself for being so girly. Pizza party, Ten Oclock. His brother Rob drably stated. Yeah, yeah I know. Alex was annoyed at the interruption. Really? You sound surprised. Actually, you sound jumpy. Wait where are you? Are you on Niagara Ave? Ohhh..I see Shut up. Alex flipped the phone closed and almost took one last backward glance.

The pizza party, called a slopper because one of the dogs, usually Zeus, got one or more slices and played with it, was nothing special. Several guys sat out on the front porch pizza in one hand, beer in the other. Shouts of victory (The Marlins were trouncing the Jays) came from the living room. Buddy.why so glum? Rob said between mouthfuls. Whatever. The reply was almost swallowed by the beer can as Alex raised it to his lips. Give me a break. She is not going to show. Alex you have got to learn. Just because you guys had the same class Whatever, whatever. Alex mumbled as he went into the house. A car drove up and a blonde poked her head out of the window. Alex home?

The Chaldean Gambit I think so. Rob was a master of the game and even with a few beers in him, his reply was flawless. He went inside and found his brother staring intently at the TV. First, you are gonna be out ten bucks theyre gonna lose. Second, well.I was wrong. Shes here. Before Alex could move an inch, Rob grabbed him. Cool..slow.friendly, *nice*. Repeat after me, my student. Cool.slowfriendly, what was that last one? Piglet. His brother playfully slapped the back of his head as Alex headed out the door. Two tickets to Sleeping Bees and one empty passenger seat. Sarah smiled as Alex walked up to the car. Wow.I thought that was sold out. He scolded himself for being such a super goof as he got into the car. I am ready I am! Time to let the hair down and have just a little fun. Sarahs words bounced out joyfully as she tapped the steering wheel in time to the Bees latest tune. So..uh.wheres Andy? Dont know and dont care! Now this was an opportunity. A smart, hot girl, whose boyfriend was MIA. The possibilities seemed endless. As he looked at her, her hair almost seemed like a halo as it reflected the suns final glory. The concert was a blast, but everything must come to an end. As they stopped in front of Alexs house, she looked at him and smiled. I had a great time. What? Alex pretended not to hear. You heard me, sissy boy. They werent that loud. Are you hungry? We probably have some pizza left over. Alex wasnt sure if he should press his luck, so he decided that would be his only invitation. Yum.Pizza. Just then, her cell rang. She looked down and sighed. Aunt Emilys getting restless.Im going to bedbe here in 15 minutes. The text read. Dammit. She cursed. SorryI gotta go.

The Chaldean Gambit As usual, the house was a mess. There was some cold Chinese takeout that mom had taken out of the fridge and Sam had nibbled on. As she quietly took off her sneakers and walked across the living room, there was a loud crash from the cellar. Emily! For Petes sake! Stop it! There was the sound of scuffling and something else crashed. Sarah! Her mother yelled Get down here! Sarah raced downstairs and found Aunt Emily on top of her mother, playfully wrestling with her. To an outsider, Aunt Emily would be a modern day nightmare she even gave Sarah the creeps some nights. She was a small, shriveled up woman with a wisp of white hair clinging to her bald head. Equally sparse were her teeth she only had four left and they looked like tiny, sharp daggers. Her limbs were gnarled and twisted like branches of an ancient oak. But most frightening of all were Aunt Emilys eyes - which were clouded over in a milky red mist, like blood saturated cataracts. Aunty Em! Cmon, get off mommy! Sarah commanded. She felt like a lion tamer in the circus. Emily grinned a wicked grin and sprang into the air. She landed just in front of the old couch. She sniffed the air and cackled. She then lifted and tossed the couch aside like it was a football. She rushed towards Sarah and pressed her against the wall before she had time to think. Her breath smelled like an abandoned toilet dipped in rotten eggs. It was all Sarah could do to keep from vomiting. Aunty Em, please, use the Scope OK? Yeah, yeah, guy, real cute. Sarah pushed Aunt Emily away. Where were you? Dammit Sarah, you know Grandpas out of town, so its just you and me. You should have been home 2 hours ago! Julie looked at her daughter for a moment and then down at her arm, the band-aid was coming loose. Emily sensed this and leaped on her again. No, stop! Enough! Youve had enough tonight. Sarah said, pulling Emily off her mother. In response to this severe scolding, Emily slowly went to a corner and sat down. She examined her nightgown and found a few spots of blood, which she tried to lick up. Sarah stayed up with Aunt Emily and endured her favorite shows, Family Found, Real World, Real Crime, and Spook Chasers. She could never figure it out, but Aunty always burst out laughing when someone on Spook Chasers went into a yellow house.

When Sam came down to relieve her the next morning, Sarah was nodding off. Aunt Emily was sitting against the wall, licking the large needle and playfully batting the tourniquet that was sitting next to it. She gazed hungrily at the jar on the table nearby, wishing there were more than just a few red drops in it.

The Chaldean Gambit I gave yesterday morningyour turn. Sarah sleepily mumbled. Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, Emily darted off into parts unknown. Whatever. Aunty Em, you hungry? Sam called out. The old gal was nowhere to be seen, but Sam had no patience for hide-seek-and-ambush today. There was a low chuckle and a bald head slowly rose from behind a musty old chair. Nothin in the fridge? Sam lamented as he walked over to the needle. Nope. Aunty Em.breakfast! Sam announced as he jabbed the needle into his vein. Sarah then went upstairs and began the next phase of the night watch. Making sure that everything was just like Aunty Em wanted it. Shades on the east side drawn halfway, good. Marbles in the blue dish (not the red one), good. No articles of red anywhere she might see them, good. Favorite CDs (Squelch Cats, Sierra Jones) out where they can be played, good. No orchids, well that was an easy one. Orange roses only in the vases, check. No apples (where she can see them of course), check. Fans next to her favorite chair, right on. Sarah wearily trudged to bed and plopped face down.

Meanwhile, 200 miles away, in Eagle Lake, Daniel was getting ready to go home. As he packed his things in the motel room, he sighed and was thankful for his 70 years and gruesomely thankful that he was near the end of his life. He paid the clerk at the front desk. Great day. The young man smiled at him. Didnt notice. The old man replied offhandedly. Dude maybe you should. The clerks surprised reply seemed to jolt him out of his macabre rut. Maybe it could be a great day after all maybe. Before leaving Eagle Lake, he stopped at the Right-Mart just outside downtown. He wandered the aisles, picking up toothpaste, bread, milk, and Scope. As he turned a corner, his eye was drawn to a colorful display of flowers. Those tulips are magnificent. He addressed the flower-girl tending the display. Actually, she was a woman close to his age. Why thank you. She smiled back at him, genuinely grateful for the compliment. We have a sale going on better grab the orchids before theyre gone. Thank you, youre too kind. But, Daniel sighed, mysisterdoesnt like orchids. Doesnt like orchids? Really? I never heard of a gal who didnt love orchids.

The Chaldean Gambit Odd, but true. My cousin is funny that way. Cousin? The lady replied raising an eyebrow. Sister, I get those two finicky ladies confused sometimes. Wellyou have to keep peace in the family. Then again, your whole life cant revolve around your sisters eccentricities. Just one what do you say? No, no thank you. But some of the tulips and daisies would really brighten her day. Hmmmmm..lets see. The gal mused as she put together a nice little bouquet. How about that? As Daniel was fumbling in his wallet for some cash, the woman gave him an innocent surprise and slipped an orchid into one of his grocery bags. Home sweet home. 459 Sunflower Ave. Daniel breathed out. He pulled the car into the driveway of their little white home. He was determined to have a good night with Aunt Emily. As soon as he opened the car door, Sam and Sarah walked out of the house. Hey! How are my little gum-drops? The cheer in Daniels voice was forced. Aunty Em is in the back bedroom, playing with her marbles. Sarah reported. Did you get apples? Sam asked. Yes sir, I did. Daniel gave Sam a mock salute. Mom went to play poker with her girly friends, shell be back late. Sarah added. Then the kids left Sam to spend a few days in Eagle Lake and Sarah to spend the night at a girlfriends house.

Emily? Daniel called out as he walked into the house. From the back bedroom, Emily hummed and giggled. He looked around. Everything was in its right place. Perhaps today was a great day after all.

When Julie got home that night, it was quiet too quiet. She fumbled with the keys and reluctantly opened the door. There were no lights on in the house. Emily? Dad? She called out as she turned on a light in the living room. Still too quiet.

The Chaldean Gambit Thats when she noticed it. A trail of blood from the cellar to the back bedroom. She cursed Emily for being so sloppy. Dad? You asleep? Remember what Emily did to you last time you nodded off. She didnt know what was worse, an aunt that never slept or one that had a continual hunger and a quirky sense of humor. As she turned on the kitchen light, she saw them. Orchid petals. Her heart froze in fear. A cardinal rule had been broken. She followed the trail of blood to the back bedroom. She turned on the light and stared at the blood stained covers. Aunty Em, Julies voice shook with terror as she looked under the bed. Nothing there. She braced herself and opened the closet door. Nothing. This was not the time to be playing hide-andseek. As she looked out the bedroom window for signs of Emily and dad, she felt trapped. No matter how far they went, they were always pulled back to Emily. The thought of her stunted freedom, mixed with her anxiety were too much and she turned her back to the outside world. She checked behind the dresser, a favorite hiding spot nothing. The curtains gave way and she felt something soft, yet heavy fall upon her. She spun around and her fathers headless body fell to the rug.


The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

Alex couldnt believe it: someone was moving into the gray house. He watched out of the corner of his eye as boxes slowly made their way from the moving van into the house. He sighed as he wondered how stupid or desperate the new owners were. Someones moving into the gray house. Alex called Rob and reported. When you get home, Im dragging you off to a shrink. You need a life, better yet, you need a woman. Well you can tell the shrink how you used to scare the crap outta me with all those stories. Dude none of them were real. Rob was getting annoyed with his brothers macabre fascination. To Alex, his brothers efforts to dismiss the rumors were hollow and flimsy. Even though no one knew what really happened, everyone was too scared to discover the truth. He knew he shouldnt have, but at the corner, he turned around for one last look.

Despite Alexs fears little Ben was having a ball. The rambunctious six year old raced in and out of the house, up and down the stairs, and almost got himself killed when he darted across the street. Benjamin Gorki! His mother shouted at him. Yes mama. The boy slowly returned to his mothers side. One of these days your antics are going to cause big trouble, young man so you had better learn how to behave.

One of these days, your antics are going to cause big trouble, Aunty Em. Julie chided. They were all gathered in their fenced off backyard and dressed in their Sunday finest. Julie held a small, used urn in her delicate hands. Sam and Sarah stood there quietly, this being their initiation into this sad, bizarre ritual that was unique to their family. Emily was sitting on the ground, playing with a ladybug. OK, does anyone have anything they want to say before we say good-bye to grandpa? Julie spoke up, too tired to be sad, to numb to be shocked. Silence. Alright. Thank you grandpa for all the 10

The Chaldean Gambit love you gave us. Well miss you. With that, Julie scattered Daniels ashes on the wind and watched her father float away on the late August breeze. When they got back into the house, Emily ran over to the needle and jar. She bounced up and down eagerly like an impatient five year old. Oh my God Emily! Are you still hungry? Julie breathed out, exasperated. Ill do it mom. Sarah offered as she walked over to the donation chair. I hope I never have to do that again. Sam shyly mumbled. Well, honey, I hope you dont either. But this isnt the first time something like this has happened, and probably wont be the last. Julie pulled Sam close. What do you mean this isnt the first time? Sarah asked as her blood flowed into the jar. There have been others who have gotten on Auntys bad side- just like grandpa. Julie held Sam a little tighter. Really? Now Sarah was truly interested in what kind of creature she was feeding. Lets see, there was Joshua, who was your great-grandfathers second cousin. Grandpa used to tell me stories about how he used to practically torture Aunty in all sorts of mean ways. Anyone else? Sam asked. He was starting to feel smothered. Hmmmm..I think grandpa mentioned an Oliver once he was grandpas great-grandfathers second cousin. So, yes guys its happened before and it could happen again. And if it does, we will all move on and stick together, right? Yes, mom. Both Sam and Sarah replied in unison. What do we do if the cops come back? Sams muffled voice drifted out into the basement. You just keep following my lead. Trust me guys, no one is ever going to know the truth. Protecting Emily has been a long family tradition and we wont screw up now trust me. Julie walked upstairs to finish tidying up the house.

Another party, another pizza, another beer. This was getting boring way too boring. That is, until Sarah showed up. Hey. Alex walked down the driveway of his brothers house. Hey, hey, hey. She smiled at him. She had a great smile.


The Chaldean Gambit Whats goin on? On my way to the park, to hang out with some friends. Whats goin on with you? Sarah looked into his eyes and hoped this time it would be different. Just makin sure Rob doesnt destroy the place. He smiled back. OhI know that game. Not really much fun. Wanna play mine instead? Sure. He jumped in the car and they drove off. As they cruised down Niagara Ave, Ben rushed out in front of them. Sarah barely stopped the car in time. Whew! That kid couldve been killed. Alex blurted out. Or worse. Sarah whispered under her breath. Whats worse than being killed? Alex looked at her for a moment, but Sarah just stared straight ahead. The picnic at the park was great, but it was too short. As usual, Sarah had a lot of chores at home and couldnt stay as long as she (or Alex) wanted. The ride back was awkward and quiet. You know, next Saturday, I could swing by.. Alex spoke up. Nothats ok. No, really it wouldnt be any trouble at all. Alex, thats really sweet, but I dont know what next Saturdays going to be like for me. Want me to come over and help out? Alex decided that he would push it just a little. No..but thanks. Sarah pulled into Robs driveway. This was it he just couldnt take all the mystery anymore. Sarah.weve been hanging out for a couple months now but it feels like were still strangers. I dont even know where you live. I mean, are you the girl next door or are you from Strathmore City, or what? Alex, would I keep hanging out here if I lived 30 miles away? OK, fine. Alex got out and walked inside. Sarah watched him go into the house and wiped a tear from her cheek.


The Chaldean Gambit Mommy, I want some too! Ben whined. Honey, this is grown up candy, not for little boys. His mother replied, putting her anxiety meds back in the bathroom cabinet. Now off to bed with you! What a crazy day! John said as he walked through the door. His wife, Carlene was just coming down the stairs. Well, we live in a crazy town. She smiled back at him. You dont believe all those silly stories do you? Well, when everybody talks about what happens at the graveyard during a full moon, you start to wonder. Carlene replied, plopping down on the couch. They turned on the TV and spent the rest of the night watching old re-runs of Spook Chasers just to prove that they werent scared. Meanwhile, Ben had gotten up. He looked at his bright orange Space Commanders watch and knew it was time for his secret mission: have some of mommys candy. He was very naughty and had more than he should, so he hid the bottle under the sink. He then craftily snuck back into his bed and went to sleep. Within an hour, he was dead.

The screaming from the basement had stopped hours ago and that was just fine with Sarah. She looked out the window over the kitchen sink at the full moon. Then she finished washing the dishes and reluctantly checked on Aunty Em. Aunty Em, hows it goin? Sarah called out as she walked down the stairs. Everything was still. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the empty blood jar. At least I wont have to fill that tonight, she thought to herself, thank God the full moon makes her allergic to blood. She walked over to the little room in the back of the cellar and knocked on the door. She expected to hear the rattle of the chain as Emily charged the door. Nope. Aunty Em, you ok? She knocked again. She took out the key and unlocked the door. Instead of finding a red, blotchy, intensely angry Emily, all she saw were shadows. The small window above had been broken. MomOh my God, Auntys escaped again! Sarah called her mother in a panic and her hands were shaking so bad that she could barely hold her cell. OK, calm down. You know that shell go for the dead when the moon is full. You take Oakwood Cemetery and Ill search Morning Star Cemetery. If were lucky, we can get to her before she devours a whole body.


The Chaldean Gambit Emily eventually returned, but not under the escort of her family. She sat silently in the back bedroom, refusing to look at anyone. She would not be judged for her behavior by mere mortals. To make matters worse, all day there were updates on little Ben. It started with his disappearance, then the parents desperate plea. By mid-morning they had found the little one, stuffed in one of the heating vents of the old gray house. Actually, they didnt find the whole body: his left arm was missing. When she heard this, Aunty Em scampered down into the cellar as if she had just remembered something. She came back wearing a bright orange Space Commanders watch.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

Wheres Aunty Em? Julie asked while tying her sneakers. Already in the car. Sam answered. The horn honked loudly. Is Sarah with her? Julie went to the kitchen to grab the thermos. She opened it and took a whiff it was fresh. She just hoped that they wouldnt have to fill it again. .She knocked me flat, threw me out of the house, I hate the damn game of cat-and-mouse Vance Vicks of the Squelch Cats sang from the car. Turn that down! She yelled as she stormed out of the house. Sarah and Emily were having a ball. Sorry mom! Sarah sheepishly apologized. Emily only smiled. Now remember: Objective one is to have fun. Objective two is to make sure Emily doesnt tear anyone limb from limb. Julie instructed as she adjusted the rear-view mirror. I dont think thats gonna be a problem. Aunty Em is in a good mood. Sarah smiled and put her arm around Emily. Lets hope it stays that way. Julie grumbled as she pulled out of the driveway. Kids and their damn ideas. She thought to herself.

No sooner than they had left, a car pulled into the driveway. Tell her that we need the notes from last week. Brett mumbled as he looked over the house. We also need the notes from the beginning of the semester . Craig remarked as he got out of the car. Cmon Sarah, answer the freakin door! Craig cursed under his breath. He had only come here once before and never got past the front door. That was just fine with him. A chill went down his spine as he remembered the odd noises and the spots of blood on the wall. Sick dog my ass. He didnt believe Sarahs explanation for a minute. If he and Brett didnt need those notes so bad, he wouldnt even be on this street. As he turned to leave, he accidentally kicked something into the bushes. He searched around for a minute and found a bright orange Space Commanders watch. 15

The Chaldean Gambit

As Julie pulled up to the corner of County Route 59 and Route 44, she sighed. Another rule, another burden. She looked in the rear view mirror and found Aunt Emily happily bobbing her head and wearing ear buds. Awww mom! Lets just go straight. Aunty Em wont notice. Sam protested. Shell notice. Julie growled. How long has it been since she went by Silver Creek anyways? Sarah was in agreement with Sam. About 25 years. Trust me, she went ballistic then shell go ballistic now. Ill bet that she doesnt even remember that Uncle Seth is buried there. Sam argued. Honey, did you ever have a cheap slut break up your marriage? No. Sam replied. Trust me shell remember. There are just some things you dont forget. Julie made a left turn and the long detour began.

When they got to the parking lot, Emily almost climbed over Sarah to get out the door. It had been at least five years since she was last (legitimately) out of the house. The "Carnaval Mystres" banner beckoned seductively. Aunty Em! Sarah called after her. She rushed up to Emily and put sunglasses on her. Cant go without our Herni Colombes can we now? Emily felt special. She was getting a dose of positive attention for once and she soaked up every ounce of it. The traveling circus was full of sights and sounds that seemed to both frighten and fascinate Emily. Several times the family had to get between her and an errant child, for fear that she would have a quick snack. As they were heading back, a tall gentleman rounded the corner and almost bumped into them. He was carrying a pail and a shovel and his overalls were decorated with hay. Good afternoon. He said with a good Scottish accent. Just then, a starling landed on his right shoulder. Good afternoon. Julie replied, surprised and taken aback. The starling took off. Hope you are enjoying our circus. Its great. Sarah spoke up. Im sorry where are my manners? Im Tobias. The starling landed on his left shoulder. Cool trick with the bird. What else does he do? Sam asked. Oh you mean Woodstock here? He does what he wants. Tobias smiled as he gently petted the bird. 16

The Chaldean Gambit The bird however, was staring intently at Emily. It took off and dive bombed the old woman, snatching her glasses off her face. Emily hissed which gave even Julie a chill. Dont be a bad little birdie! Tobias chided as he grabbed the sunglasses from the bird. He did it so quick that it was like a magic trick. Here you go milady. Just before he put the sunglasses back on Emily, their eyes met. The bloody fog disappeared from her left eye ever so slightly and briefly. Tobias then turned and walked away. Emily was very quiet for a long time. She had a lot to think about. Ive never seen anybody that comfortable around Aunty Em. Sarah remarked, hoping to get more information from her mother. Im just as shocked as you are Sarah. There was definitely something special about him. Julie said as she forgot to take the detour. Mom. Sam was the first to notice. He pointed out the approaching tombstones of Silver Creek. Oh shit! Julie cursed as she did a quick U-turn. Sarah, its time to do the turtle song with Aunt Emily. It was too late. Emily could smell him. She uttered a low growl. Sarah ducked and her fist went through the window. Emily! Emily! Its ok, were turning around! Julie yelled, her voice shaking with fear. Emily began to rip out the drivers seat and Julie lost control of the car. It rolled down an embankment and crashed into a large tree.

Julie bolted upright in the hospital bed. She frantically looked around and tore out her IV. She was still a little shaky as she wandered down the hall. Mrs. Maraswaine get a nurse down here! An orderly yelled. Emily? Wheres Emily? She was put back into bed and sedated. Later that evening, Sarah wandered in and stared at her mother. Then she went and checked in on Sam. Her patience with Emily was starting to grow thin. When they were released from the hospital, their first task was to find Emily. They searched the local cemeteries (except Silver Creek of course), but found no trace of her. They then went to the gray house. Its still boarded up. It doesnt look like anyones been here in a while. Sam observed as they sat in the rental car. It looks that way. Remember, Emily is a master of squeezing into small places. You two stay here and Ill check the back. Julie then opened the car door and quickly walked around back. But someone saw her. The curtain from the house across the street then fell back into place. A phone call was made. Before they could call their mom, the police pulled in behind them. The lights werent flashing, thank God. Hopefully this would be brief. Can we help you officer? Sam rolled down the window. I was about to ask you the same thing. He replied. We lost our dog. A friend of mine said he saw him run over here. Sarah chimed in. 17

The Chaldean Gambit Wait a minute, now I recognize you. The Maraswaine kids. Yup. Thats us. Sam nonchalantly remarked. Im so sorry for your loss. The officer offered. Oh. Thanks. Sam started to feel uneasy. Your mom told me that your dog died a few months back. Thats why there was so much blood in the back bedroom of your home. We got a new one. Sarah explained. Nope. Not there. Julie shrugged her shoulders as she walked up to the car. Cmon kids, I know where else we can look. Will there be anything else officer? No. Have a good day Mrs. Maraswaine. The officer looked hard at all three of them for a moment. Then he turned and walked back to his patrol car.

When they got back to the house, Emily was downstairs in the basement, watching baseball. There was a full jar on the table next to her. I thought we were out. Julie said, as she looked at Sam and Sarah. We were. Sam affirmed. While Sam and Sarah stayed with Emily in the basement, consoling her, Julie headed up to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and found two more full jars. I didnt know Aunty Em had an angel watching over her. Julie closed the fridge and thought long and hard about how all this couldve happened. The starling watched her from the tree in the backyard. Then it flew off.

Craig looked out his window. Across the street, the cop car was still there, parked in front of the gray house. Dude! Are you gonna wait for the answers to march outta the house or what? He grumbled. He got on his cell and started dialing. OK, Ive had enough of this. We gotta do something the cops are idiots. Are you still on that thing? Alright. Tell me what youre going to do. Brett shot back.


The Chaldean Gambit Were gonna get some answers and I know who to ask. Craig replied as he help up the bright orange Space Commanders watch.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

It was like any other street. No one knew except the blood thirsty mongrel and me of course. She thought she were so clever, so much better than anyone else. I had already come up with an attack plan and was toying with the idea of doing the job with a little flair, just to spice things up. Elimination after elimination gets boring, which could be your worst enemy. As I stopped the car and stared at the grey house across the street, I decided on a simple kill and go. Hmmmm.I had the trunk open like a five year old looking in the fridge wondering if she wanted chocolate cake or strawberries. I took a few wooden stakes (its always good to have more than youll need) and some holy water. Hmmm.which crucifix? Simple wood, Goth, or fancy gold? I chose Goth: it mirrored the black mood I had been in ever since Snickers had died a few weeks ago. Lets see, garlic wheres the garlic? I searched the trunk cursing myself and time (which is running out, by the way). Then I remember that I stashed it in the back seat. I grab everything, including grandmas bible and cross the street. I circled around the back and unlocked the gate. It was so quiet, like the whole world was in suspended animation. The sun would be up in an hour; this was the time she would be getting sleepy and careless. No matter how many jobs I did, right before the kill my mind snapped into this maniacal, cold awareness. It was like I could hear an ant crawling on a blade of grass two blocks away. I mean, I know thats a big baloney sandwich, but if it got me in the mood, it was alright with me. The back door was within feet, it was so close. If anything were to go wrong, now would be the worst time. Whew. Now all thats needed is a little finesse and a quick decisive move. The lock is easy to pick, to my surprise. A quick thrust forward and Im on the battlefield but wheres my enemy? Looking around everything is dark and dank. I feel like the shadows are teasing me, like they want me to fail or maybe they want me to die. This isnt like me, to be distracted. I quickly get my head into the game and put the garlic and holy water in key spots around the perimeter. Then, I start the hunt. Now I feel good alive, powerful, hungry. Hunting the top predator on the planet gives you a rush like nothing else. I move silently through the basement like a panther this is my turf now. My arrogance is curtailed by a small trail of blood however, which is good. Humility has saved me more than once. I start to move slower and my eyes dart around the room, looking searching. It suddenly feels like Im the one being followed. I quickly spin around, fully expecting to see her standing there. Nothing. Yet I cant shake the feeling thats making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turn around again, but there are only shadows. Is she watching me? Is she teasing me? After what seems like an eternity in this gloomy hell, I reach her bedroom. A door defiantly sits in the cellar floor in a particularly nasty corner. I try to pick the lock damn no good. The 20

The Chaldean Gambit crowbar will have to get me in. As I descend a slippery staircase drenched in blood, I wonder about the family that used to live here. What were they like? Did they all die at once, or did she pick them off one by one, savoring their grief and horror? The air itself seems to throb, like a dying heartbeat. The coffin is only a few feet away, but in this kind of situation, that might as well be two miles. I ever so slowly and gently make my way forward in the pitch dark, almost slipping on the pools of fresh, slick blood. I can almost hear her breathing in her casket with every step I take. Im finally there. Her expensive, well polished wood coffin feels smooth and unnaturally warm. I take a big gulp of holy water and yank open the lid. I spit the holy water out right in Snickers face. I got it all wrong shes not even here. I gently lift up his head and notice the fangs peeking out under drawn lips. Im so angry and disgusted that I dont even say goodbye and the stake goes through his chest. Im sorry. I whisper as I pick up the dust that was, just a few moments ago, my best friend. I let it run through my hands and wonder how Im gonna break it to his mom and dad. Then, something sits up in the dark. I can feel its triumphant smile and sick, gleeful stare. She outmaneuvered me and before I know it, she has me up against the wall. Her hands are warm and sticky. Her breath is so bad that it stings my eyes and makes me want to vomit. Her hand slowly constricts my throat, while the other is pressed against my chest. Shes savoring this, deciding between ripping my throat out or disemboweling me. But Im not going down like this. I look deep into her eyes and see her pain and she sees mine. Then she falls for it. She pulls me close for one last kiss. She pulls back and screams mustve tasted the holy water still on my lips. I drive the stake through her heart. Good night and goodbye witch. I say as I walk out, kicking up the ashes that shes become. Next time on The Hunter - Snickers ghost is out for vengeance and his first target is The Hunter! Thats how you do it dude thats how you do it! Craig shouted as he sloshed his beer on his pants. Dude, youre drunk, youre stupid and yes, youre crazy. Brett said between mouthfuls of Cheeky Doodles. Ive gotta be crazy, its the only way I can screw up enough guts to do the right thing. OK, dude, now youre scaring me. What do you mean by the right thing? Just a quest for the truth, bro just a quest for the truth. 21

The Chaldean Gambit

Sarah looked in her rearview mirror. The black mustang was there again. She had seen it on the street several times in the past few months. She was getting scared. As she pulled into driveway, she quickly got out of the car and went into the house. She felt like she was being watched every step of the way. The black mustang is back. She told her mother. Oh honey. Youre watching too many horror flicks. Julie said without looking up from her garden catalog. Mom, there is something going on, I know it. I think if we were really in trouble, Emily would have reacted somehow by now. Julie flipped the pages back and forth. Aunt Emily! Im home! Sarah shouted down the stairs. A faint burp was the only reply. Yeah, I can see that shes really on the job. Even in this state, I think she knows when danger is prowling about. Sarah just wasnt satisfied with her moms answer. It seemed that things had gotten worse over the past several years and she wondered how much more she would have to take.

Look, I know that you think Im crazy, but just look at this. Craig announced to Brett, Chad, and Adam. He put the CD into his computer. A friend of my cousin shot this about a year ago. This is the real deal. The scene was a moonlit night with the wind rustling the trees of Morning Star Cemetery. The camcorder was panning around and tombstones could be seen poking up out of the ground. The crunch of autumn leaves could be heard underfoot. All we have to do is wait. Shell come. A voice on the video said. Dude, you sound like youre gonna see The Great Pumpkin. Another voice laughed. Shhhhh! You dont want her to find us here. Shell be really pissed and then theres no telling what she could do. Then something darted into view from the left. It moved on all fours, like a baboon, but it was unnaturally fast. It stopped and looked to the left and right. The camera hid behind a monument. Then feeling the coast was clear, the thing started tearing up great clods of earth with its hands.


The Chaldean Gambit What really startled the boys is that the creature pulled out the casket as if it weighed no more than a Twinkie. It carelessly tore off the lid and then grabbed the body. It sniffed and licked its prize, but suddenly felt as if something was wrong. It then spotted the film crew and in a rage, tore up the headstone and threw it at them. It crashed into the monument and almost toppled it over. Then the picture got shaky and scary. There was screaming, cursing, and heavy breathing as the boys made it out of the cemetery barely. Dude great special effects. I bet your little brother peed his pants when he saw this. Chad laughed. I knew you were gonna say that. Craig retorted. They drove around Morning Star Cemetery for a good hour. The sun was setting and the full moon was rising. Finally Craig stopped the car. This is it. Cmon. He walked over to the monument that the other boys had used for cover on that fateful night. A large chunk was missing where the tombstone had struck it.

A green car pulled into the Maraswaine driveway. Adam looked at the house and a chill went down his spine. This was crazy. Somehow the whole thing was a practical joke. Then again, there seemed to be an aura of death surrounding the house, almost like a thin coat of paint. He took a sip of beer and then got out the garlic. Before getting out of the car, he made the sign of the cross. Everything was going according to plan. From what Craig found out, Sarah would be the only one standing between them and it. Her mom and her brother were out of town for a day or two. He quietly crept around the house and put the garlic in strategic spots. He kept one eye on the windows, but saw nothing inside but an empty house. Thats when he tripped on an old tree root. He quickly hid behind the tree, fearing he had been discovered. Just as he was about to make his move for the front door, the back door opened and Emily sprang out. She looked around and cautiously sniffed the air. Aunty Em! Get back in here! Sarah shouted from inside. The old woman took no heed and slowly made her way to the tree. Adam was on the other side, breathing as quietly as he could. He heard the sound of digging. After several long, terrifying minutes, Emily came up with a human bone. She brushed the dirt off and sniffed it. Then she turned and went back into the house. Before she closed the door, however, she turned around. She felt someone was watching her, but couldnt be sure. Adams heart was pounding as he knocked on the door. It was 6:12 PM. The cavalry would arrive in 3 minutes.


The Chaldean Gambit Adam! Hey, I didnt know you were in town. Hows Kelly? Sarah smiled as she opened the door. Hey. Uh Uh.yeah cmon, spit it out. She grinned. The Squelch Cats have got a gig coming up at Strathmore next month. Adam blurted out a little too nervously. He gripped the hunting knife behind his back tightly. He desperately prayed that she wouldnt get in the way. If she did.he would do what he had to. I mean, would he really do it? Could he take a life? Really? Sarah lifted an eyebrow. Yeah. That was the only reply Adam could muster. His hands were getting sweaty.

One block over, the black mustang came to a stop. Craig, Brett, and Chad quickly got out and clumsily raced to the trunk. They packed it all in their backpacks: the stakes, the holy water, and the bibles. They then kissed the crucifixes around their neck for luck and almost got hit by a car as they crossed the street. Their approach was announced by the dog that chased them through the adjoining back yard. It made so much noise that a neighbor opened the window to see what was going on. Probably just some kids playing vampire hunter. Her husband chuckled as she looked out the window. I dont know honey. They dont look like kids to me. She replied as she searched for her cell.

Meanwhile, the boys were hiding behind some bushes awaiting a gruesome, gory death. After a few moments of silence, Craig peeked out. Oh my God. We are so lucky. She must be out like a light. Cmon. He said, getting up. Are you crazy? Brett whispered. Yep. Are you chicken? Craig shot back. That was enough to motivate his accomplices. Within a few moments they were on either side of the Maraswaines back door. The sound of the TV could be heard. Craig tried the door it was unlocked. He looked at the garlic and he gave a smile and big thumbs up.


The Chaldean Gambit They crawled into the basement and used the old furniture as cover. Craig gripped the wooden stake tightly while Brett and Chad got out their holy water. They were only going to get one shot at this. Emily was watching baseball on the couch and humming a little tune. They charged her and caught her by surprise. Brett and Chad doused her with holy water and Craig sank the stake deep into her heart. Emily sat there, somewhat surprised. Then she let out a soft fart. She chuckled and giggled, which became an unstoppable roar of laughter. This was the funniest thing to happen to her since the yellow house. She absent mindedly pulled the stake out of her chest and then shoved it back in. Then, for some unknown reason, she remembered her manners and offered the boys some of the popcorn that was next to her. This was too much for them. They ran out of the house screaming, yelling, shouting, and cursing. They tried to hold onto what little sanity they had left as they escaped.

Adam heard the commotion and knew something was wrong. He drew out the knife and attacked Sarah. She barely ducked in time as he tried to slash her. That was the only move he made. Aunty Em. Please no. He was just playing a silly game. Please Im ok. Sarahs voice was trembling in fear. With one hand, Emily had lifted up 6 foot four 275 pound Adam. She shook him as if he was a rag doll. Oh my God! Help! Help! Adam screamed. Aunty Em. Hes just a silly boy. Sarah cautiously stepped forward. Emily wasnt buying it. She had forgotten a lot of things and she knew she was confused, but she always remembered her family. No one would threaten them ever. She pulled Adam close to her and looked deeply into his eyes. Oh my God Emily, please dont. I cant take it anymore. Please dont do this. Sarah was crying. This seemed to soften Emilys outrage. She simply tossed Adam over her shoulder like a crumpled piece of paper and went back downstairs. Sarah quietly closed the front door and things went back to normal in the white house at 459 Sunflower Ave.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

The basement light had been turned off. The game had begun; it was a game Sarah didnt want to play. The donation chair was barely visible in the gloom and the basement reeked of unwashed laundry. There were a million other places she would have rather been. Aunt Emily. I know youre down there. There was nothing but silence. She didnt want to say it, but she knew she had to: Im coming to get you. There was an ever so faint giggle; even though she had heard it a thousand times before, it still gave her the creeps. Sarah quietly crept down the stairs, trying to guess where Aunty Em was. Was she hiding behind the old chair? Too obvious. Maybe behind the couch? She did that one last month. Or maybe inA gnarled hand shot out from between the wooden steps and grabbed Sarahs ankles; down she fell. There were only four steps to go to the bottom, but she still took a hard fall. She got up and looked around. Emily peeked out from under the stairs. Dammit! You couldve killed me! What the hell is wrong with you? Sarah yelled. Emily seemed sorry that she hurt her, but quickly ran over to the donation chair and held up the empty jar. When Sarah hesitated a moment, Emily threw the plastic jug at her. Thats all you think about isnt it? Fun and food. While the rest of us give and put up with your crap. Do you know how much trouble weve had over the past couple of months? Do you know how screwed up this family is because of you? She ranted. Sarah knew better than to expect a reply from Emily she hadnt spoken a word for several generations. However, she at least wanted some expression of remorse to come over the old gals face. Emily, for her part, turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. Thats it! Ive had it! Sarah screamed. She ran up to the kitchen and opened the kitchen cupboard above the sink. She moved the cereal boxes: there they were, nice and fresh. She took down three apples and put them in the blender. When she was done she got the bronze dagger out of its hiding place. She then marched downstairs. Emily smelled the apples and turned around, shocked. It was like some kind of nightmare that she had all of a sudden slipped into. She stared at Sarah in disbelief and slowly backed away. I should have done this a long time ago. Sarah approached menacingly. She dipped the bronze dagger in the applesauce. No one ever wanted to give up hope. Shell get better someday they


The Chaldean Gambit all said. No one ever wanted to realize that you werent going to get better, just worse. Sarah splashed some of the applesauce on Emily. As it burned her flesh, she yelped in pain. Then something snapped in Emilys head. The fear, rejection, and guilt gave way to anger. She growled and slowly walked toward Sarah. Sarah slowly backed away and Emily shoved her aside. Emily then strode angrily up the stairs. There was sudden commotion followed by a loud crash. When Sarah got upstairs, the front door had been ripped off its hinges and was lying in the middle of the living room. She was numb beyond tears or panic, so she left too.

Later that evening, Sam pulled into the driveway. He finished singing along with the song playing on the radio and turned off the engine. He looked at the house and sighed: another night with Emily. It actually took him a moment to notice that something was wrong. Sarah! Aunty Em! Sam yelled as he ran through the open doorway. He thought of those boneheads who tried to hurt Aunt Emily and Sarah a few weeks ago. Sarah! Sam shouted. Mom.Aunt Emilys gone - so is Sarah. Sam spoke as slowly and calmly as he could into his cell. This was one of those times that he didnt know what to do and it scared him. Oh shit. I was afraid this might happen. Julies tone was remarkably calm. Or was she also too numb to care? No full moon, so dont bother with any of the cemeteries Where could they be? Dammit Sam! I dont know! Find Sarah first, maybe she knows where Emily is. Exasperated, Julie flipped her cell closed and tossed it in the back seat. She pulled over to the side of the road and tried to think. Thats when the tears started. She defiantly brushed them away, but they just kept on coming. Soon she was crying uncontrollably.

Sarah pulled over on the side of the road and turned off the car. She got out and simply stared at the stars. When was the last time she looked up and saw so many? Always giving blood, always making sure Emily stayed inside, always making sure everything was just the way Emily liked it, always covering up for Emily. She thought about how much money she had in the bank. She started making plans for getting her own place. That was it she was done. Sam and mom could play the game without her.

Emily had gotten away from them and that was just fine with her. Free. No more house. No more behaving. No more apples and no more bronze. Just like the good old days? It seemed to her that she had always been this way, like her whole life was this suffocating, frightening thunder cloud. It 27

The Chaldean Gambit was only during times like these that she thought there might have been more to her life than this craziness? No, it wasnt crazy, it was it was she didnt know what it was. AnaMathiat. The voice was faint, fleeting, and ancient. Barely a whisper in the soft wind. A vision of a distant land and a distant past flashed before her for a fraction of a moment. She couldnt make out any details, only a vague feeling. The whole experience was over quicker than the flash of a camera bulb. Soon a new sensation came over her: hunger.

Sally? Hi. Its Sam. Sam? The voice on the other end of the line sounded annoyed. Im Sarahs brother. I was- Not interested. Sorry. Shit! Dont make this harder on me-please. Sam hit redial. Sallys cell rang and kept on ringing. With every moment, Emily could be closer and closer to suppertime. Sam look, youre a nice-Sally began. Have you seen Sarah? What? No. Why? Sally was genuinely confused. Shes gone. Thanks. Sam flipped his cell shut, tossed it on the passenger seat, and kept on driving. His cell rang and he almost got into an accident when he picked it up. Whats the matter? Is she ok? I dont know. I cant find her. I was hoping you might know where she was. No. I have no clue. Where are you? On Franklin Blvd., heading south. Sam replied, trying to remain calm. Theres a little park that she likes a lot just a few miles west of where you are. Nixon Park? Yeah. She might be there. Ill check her other favorite spots and call you if I find her. Sally said as she got in her car.

Sally walked into Jumpin Jacks grill and grind with her eyes peeled and butterflies in her stomach. She didnt know Sarah well (they had two classes together in high school), but she knew that 28

The Chaldean Gambit she just wouldnt take off like this. The bar was packed with people and noise. The last person she wanted to meet was the last person she bumped into. Sally! Wow. What are you doin here? Brett grinned. Have you seen Sarah? Nevin? NoSarah Maraswaine. Sally shouted above the music and chatter. That chick? No. I didnt even know she went to bars. Thanks and dont even think about it. Sally made her way out as quickly as she could. Hey. I got some news you might want to know. Brett was outside in the parking lot, leaning against his black mustang. His cell lit up his face in an eerie, sinister way. What? Craig asked. Maraswaines on the loose. Which means that blood-witch is out there somewhere too. This time well do it right. Ill be at your house in thirty minutes. Save me an eggroll. Brett tucked his cell into his leather jacket and got in the car. In the seat next to him lay articles on the Turkish Monastery of Weeping Roses.

Happy. They were all so happy. It nauseated her. Emily stared out of the darkened alley like a beaten mongrel. Which one to choose. How would they taste. Play first, or just eat? Her indecision was almost as powerful as her hunger. She thought there was a time when she called the shots, but she couldnt be sure. All she seemed to know is being treated like some kind of pet: fed, cared for, groomed (occasionally) and kept on a short leash. A scream interrupted her daydreaming. She went farther back into the alley and saw a group of men, surrounding Sarah? Within moments, she was upon them. No, it wasnt Sarah, but the young men, they looked delicious. Chase after which one? Actually, they werent running, which was fine with her. They thought they were going to have a little fun with her. So odd, since donating was never fun and there was no needle. Yes, this would be sloppy and definitely not fun. As they closed in on her, brandishing knives and bricks, she tried so hard to make up her mind. What was that rhyme that Sarah used to use? Eenie, meenie, miney moe? Who cares? She grabbed the biggest one and bit into his arm. The rest tried to save him, but she tossed them aside like dirty rags. Such screaming. How annoying. One bite to the neck and all was quiet. Now she could have a snack in peace.


The Chaldean Gambit Sam pulled into Arlenes driveway. He checked his cell, but no word from mom, Sarah, or Sally. He took a deep breath and walked up to the door. Sam. Good to see you. Whats up? Arlene smiled as she opened the door. Have you seen Sarah? No. Why? We cant find her and Im getting worried. I can honestly say I havent seen her. The sadness in her voice was comforting and soothing. Thanks. Sam turned to go. Hey wait! If you got a couple of minutes, I can find out if anyone else has seen her. I just dont have the time. So, what are you going to do? Wander around the whole county all night hoping to get lucky? Cmon, let me help. I bet somebody knows where she is. Trust me, I know people, who know people, who know people. OK. Sam surrendered. He plopped down on the living room couch while Arlene went into the kitchen to get a beer for him. Heyhave you seen Sarah Maraswaine? Arlene held the cell in one hand while reaching for some chips in the cupboard with the other. Nope. It seems like everybody is looking for that chick. Brett retorted. Let me know if you see her, OK? Sams here and hes worried sick. Tell him to stick around Ill call the brothers and see and get back to you. Brett hung up and then called Craig. Youve got to be kidding! Sam is at Arlenes? Craig couldnt believe their luck. Are you thinking what Im thinking? Brett asked. A hostage would go a long way in taming that blood sucker. On my way. Brett hung up and changed course.

She was tired, and for now she had no other home. Sarah turned her car back to the prison on Sunflower Ave., knowing that her mom (and Sam) would be worse to deal with than Aunty Em. As she


The Chaldean Gambit pulled into the driveway, she noticed the light was on in the living room. She could see her mom sitting in a chair, crying. Oh my God, Sarah! Thank God youre OK. Julie hugged her long and tight. Mom.Im sorry. I know, honey, I know. Watching Aunt Emily can be a real chore on her good days and she hasnt had many good days lately. Wheres Sam? Hes out looking for you. Ive tried to call him, but he has his phone turned off. That not like him. Sarahs panic was starting to surface. The batterys probably dead. Lets not worry about Sam right now. Wheres Emily? I dont know. Mom, are we going to be OK? The tears were starting to fall down Sarahs cheeks. Yes. I dont know how, but were going to be OK. Julie pulled her daughter close to her.

Is he here? Brett impatiently asked. Yeah and hello to you too. Arlene indignantly shot back. Hey buddy, Brett addressed Sam as he walked into the living room, I hear youre lookin for your granny. Hey, no trouble man alright? Sam got up out of the chair and looked for an alternate escape route. Hey, no trouble at all just have a seat. Brett pulled out a gun.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

Have you seen Sam? Sarahs voice was shaky. Her family and her world were falling apart. He went out looking for you two days ago. Hes not there? Sally replied. She almost dropped her cell out of shock. No. Dammit! Where is he? OK, lets put our heads together. Hes out there somewhere somebody must have seen him. Ill call Trish. Sam Maraswaine? Trish was actually surprised the name had come up, she hadnt heard it mentioned in years. I know its been a while, but were running out of hope. Sally sounded like a general running a war. If anyone saw him, it would probably be my cousin Arlene she knows everybody. Trish hung up the phone and got in her car. She had a bad feeling this would require a personal touch, since Arlene knew everybody including people who nobody should really know.

Arlenes place was pulsing with loud music and sloshing with beer. There were several cars in the driveway and on the street, including a black mustang. Shouts could be heard inside. Cmon in cousin! Arlene yelled over the noise. Have you seen Trish began, but Arlene yanked her into the basement. I have just got to see the latest Slippery House this ones going to be a killer. Arlene chattered away, trying to hide her fear. She turned on the TV and plopped down. Arlene Shhhh.this is the best part, watch Brett Marano hes my favorite. Arlene looked into her cousins eyes, desperate for some sign that she was catching on. After a few minutes, Craig and Chad walked downstairs. Arlenes blood ran cold. Hey ladies. Chad smiled. Hi guys. Trish smiled. She shot a glance at Arlene, she was smiling too much. 32

The Chaldean Gambit Oh, wait, I just remembered. I am such a pin head. Cmon, I got something for you. Arlene yanked Trish up the stairs. Arlene, its Sam Trish tried again. Just then, Brett walked out of the bathroom. Say no more, Arlene flashed her a grin, Youre gonna love this. She then yanked her into her bedroom. OK cuz, what the hell is going on? Trish was getting impatient. I wanted you to hear the latest from Smoking Gun theyre my favorite. She turned the music up and bopped her head in time to the beat. Gary, Craigs brother, stuck his head in the room. Is that their latest? That sucks! Gary then turned and went back to the living room. Arlene, whats with you? Trish demanded after the song had ended. Oh wait, before you go OK, enough games. Trish was getting impatient and worried something was wrong. Heres that book I wanted you to read. Its my favorite. Arlene handed the book to Trish. The title was Hostage. Oh yeah, give Professor Butterfield a hug and a kiss for me out of all the professors, hes my favorite. Arlene told Trish as she escorted her out of the house. They walked past Brett and smiled. Trish left very frustrated and somewhat confused. She knew her cousin was ditzy and had her own ways, but sometimes even she needed an interpreter when going to visit her. Favorite everythings her favorite. She sarcastically mumbled to herself. Then she got it: Brett, Gun, Hostage, Butterfield. Sarah. Brett and the boys are holding Sam hostage on Butterfield Ave Craigs uncle lives there, but hes down in Florida for a few weeks. Arlene excitedly stammered into her cell as she drove to Sarahs house. Oh my God, thank you, Trish. I wont forget this ever. Sarah was about to hang up the phone. Sarah wait be careful, Brett has a gun.

Meanwhile, Julie was at home, brushing away the tears and following a wild hunch. She was staring at the web site of "Carnaval Mystres". The next show was in Elmwood Lake, 300 miles away. Cmon, this is ridiculous! I cant be there by tonight! Julie shouted at the computer.


The Chaldean Gambit She was about to throw the laptop out the window, when a little poem in the lower left side caught her eye:

A name came to Julie: Tobias. She had suspected he was special when Emily first saw him. But when she saw the odd birthmark behind his ear just like the one Emily had she knew that he was the only one that could save her. As she opened her eyes, a starling flew from the tree in their front yard.

No cops. Number one Maraswaine rule. Sarah repeated to herself as she sat in the car outside the police station. If she couldnt call the cops, who could she call? She didnt want to betray the family code. What she really didnt want is for Aunty Em to get hauled off to some lab somewhere and get dissected like a frog. She was suddenly taken aback by the realization of how much Emily meant not only to the family, but to her personally. Hell with the rules. She got out and walked across the street. Just as she was going up the steps, two officers were dragging a very uncooperative Jay-Z up the steps. The kid had an amazing amount of fight in him and almost didnt make it through the doors. After a scuffle with plenty of bad words, he was escorted inside. What no one noticed was that Jay-Z had lost his cell in his tussle with the police. Sarah noticed though, and a broad grin crossed her face. I know who punked us out. The text message was the war cry that West Side Boyz had been waiting for. Within moments, they would be paying a visit to the bone heads on Butterfield Ave. Sarah smiled and started up her car. When she got there, all was quiet. She parked a few houses up from her target. She only had to wait a few minutes. Two cars pulled into the driveway and six of the West Side crew got out. She opened the car door and stealthily made her way to the back door. The yelling and denying and threatening were getting louder as Sarah tried the back door. It was locked. As she wondered how to sneak in, a gunshot rang out. After two unsuccessful attempts, she finally kicked the door in.


The Chaldean Gambit She found herself in a spacious kitchen and quickly ducked behind the center island. She looked around, but didnt see anybody. The yelling was getting louder and someone was screaming in pain. No matter what she imagined, those assholes deserved it. She grabbed a knife and quietly made her way into the back hallway. The door at the end was locked. She quickly ducked into a side bedroom before anyone could see her. Here she was, the rescuer needing rescuing. She heard sirens in the distance and knew she had to act fast. She kicked the bedroom door in and hoped no one heard. Sam, its ok, were getting outta here. Sarah said as she removed his gag. Sarah, you gotta get outta here Brett is stupid, but Craig is absolutely crazy. Sam protested. You should take Sams advice. Craig said, cocking the gun against Sarahs head. Sarah slowly got up. She was shaking with fear and anger. She had had it. It was too much. The sirens were getting closer. Now drop the knife. Craig stared into her eyes. He always had some feelings for Sarah, but he wasnt going to jail for her. Two more cars pulled up into the driveway The West Sides cavalry had arrived. Craig its a lost cause. Time to go! Brett shouted from the living room. We can holdem off theyre just punks! Craig shouted back. He let his guard down and looked towards the living room for just a second; thats when Sarah plunged the knife into his arm. He yelped and dropped the gun. Sarah and Sam got out the back door just as the cops were arriving. blocks when Sarah had to stop. You think the cops saw us? She asked, huffing and puffing. I hope not. Thats one relationship I dont want to pursue. Sam replied, trying to catch his breath. They ran for about five

When they got home, the house was empty. They almost checked to see if everything was just like Aunty Em wanted it. They realized how crazy that was and started to laugh. Eventually, they came back to their senses. The door was still not fixed and seemed a silent testimony to the familys recent failures. The silence, which had always been so eerie, actually seemed comforting. A note from their mother was on the kitchen table:


The Chaldean Gambit

Dear kids,

Went to get help. By the time you read this, Ill hopefully be on a flight To Yorkshire Plains. Be back in a few days with someone who can help. Pizza is in the Fridge. Remember, no cops.

Love, Mom
They plopped down onto the couch, helpless, wondering what was coming next.

On board the plane, Julie took the time to fulfill her curiosity. She looked up "Carnaval Mystres" on her laptop. The circus was old, quite old in fact it dated back to the sixteenth century. It had a large audience the performers had traveled all over Europe, Asia, The Middle East, India, and even Africa. There were also several unexplained trageidies and disappearances associated with the traveling troupe. She found some images of some of the eighteenth century sideshow attractions and found them quite disturbing. She closed her laptop and tried to get the images out of her mind. Was she really doing the right thing ?

Meanwhile, on a lear jet bound for Eagle Lake, a neatly dressed gentleman in his forties sat staring out the window. On the table in front of him were two black cases and a glass of wine. As he reached for the wine, his stainless steel black crusade cross ring gently clinked against the glass. He checked his watch and was satisfied that everything was still within the desired schedule. His cell rang and he carried out the following conversation in Medieval Latin : "Good evening, Your Holiness. Yes, all is ready. Actually we will be using Braeburn Apples, they seem to have the most potency. Alexander the Great ? It is truly an honor to have such an artifact accompany me on this quest. Well, unfortunately yes, I do believe the hounds will be necessary. I understand, they will only be used as a last resort. Thank you for your blessings and well wishes, Your Holiness. I will inform you when the task is completed. " 36

The Chaldean Gambit

The gentleman opened the case on the left to reveal a beautiful bronze sword, decorated with ancient Greek script. To think, this blade was once gripped by Alexander the Great. His quarry must be very special to deserve such extreme measures. When he arrived at the airport, he was immediately wisked away in an ordinary black car. Three hours later, he was in an open field just outside Livermore. Two trucks with horse trailers were awaiting him. "Jacques. Get the equipment from the trunk. I want to say hello to Tiamat and Apsu. " The gentleman walked over and looked into the window of the trailer on the left. The trailer rocked slightly as the creature within awoke and stood up. "Tiamat, are you ready to hunt ?" There was a loud happy barking which made the whole trailer vibrate. "Let them out, theyve been too couped up in these tiny little bread boxes." The normally civilised and refined gentleman could not hide his frustration and disgust over how his beloved hounds were kept. The doors were opened and two pit bulls, each one as big as a horse, trotted out. They sniffed the air and growled.

"Yes, she is close very close. It has been quite some time since I hunted Straszny
Opiekun. This will definitely be a challenge.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

Messy, messy. But better than begging. Freedom, wonderful freedom. Lonely thoughmiss Sam, Sarah, and Julie. Even miss Daniel maybe. These thoughts kept whirling around in Emilys brain over and over and over again. She dropped the arm on top of the body and scampered off into the nearby woods. What to do next? Another game of hide-and-scare? Boring. Want to look at the stars tonight; rain, rain go away, want a clear night. Find pretty flowers, nice smelly flowers. Want to hear Sierra and Vance. Vance is cute, really cute. Downtown window shopping got to go window shopping. Emilys aimless reverie was interrupted by the distant sound of barking. There was something about what she heard that triggered a brief vision. It was like she was seeing something beyond her foggy wall of confusion; it lasted only one millionth of a moment, but it terrified her. However, she couldnt really tell where the noise was coming from. All she could do was try to navigate through the confused tangle of her emotions and premonitions. As she became more and more disoriented, her pace quickened and became more erratic.

Julie nervously looked at her watch: 11:15 PM. The show would be tomorrow at noon. Who knows how far Emily could get in the hours in between? By the time she got home (with help hopefully), Emily could be in another state. She looked out the window of the cab at the street lights rhythmically going past and slipped back in time. 1985, what a year. She was having a ball at Yorkshire University and surrounded by friends. She excelled in class and at romance. She made friendships that would last a lifetime. Then the accident happened. It seemed like just yesterday that mom was tucking her into bed; she couldnt even go to the funeral. She sat alone, very alone, with Emily; she cried while Emily played marbles in the back bedroom. As Julie opened the hotel room door, she toyed with the idea of just starting over, right here and now. She turned on the TV and was greeted by The Hunter. She laughed if they only knew the real horror, sorrow, and responsibility that are attached to a creature like Emily. Suddenly, a starling flew through the open window and landed on the night stand. He chirped and tweeted as if he had something important to say. Julie stared at him a moment. Woodstock? The bird, realizing that it just couldnt get through to her, gave up and flew out the window.


The Chaldean Gambit Outside the hotel, a dapper young man in his late twenties sat inside his car. His stainless steel black crusade cross ring seemed to dissolve in the shadows. His eyes darted to the hotel, the surrounding buildings, then to the back seat. In the back seat, cradled by darkness, sat a syringe, candles, and an old, tattered leather bound book. He picked up his cell and started to converse in Medieval Latin: She just checked in. No, alone. How long? Why not take her before she gets to the other one? You want both of them? I see, Brother Augustus it is then. I will call him immediately. You already have? I should have known - you always seem to be living several steps ahead of the enemy.

I have just received good news from Brother Sebastian in Yorkshire Plains. God has delivered another Straszny Opiekun into our hands. Brother Barnabas smiled as he strolled through
the woods just to the south of Livermoore. I hate to counter good news with bad, but the dogs have lost her trail. Jacques replied. Bad news? That? No, dear friend, thats to be expected. The Straszny Opiekun have survived for hundreds of years. They are the wolves of the supernatural realm, cunning, clever, and very resourceful. Even in her current state, I knew that she would be elusive. Dont worry, well find her. Brother Barnabas gave Jacques a reassuring pat on the back.

We cant just sit around and wait for mom. Sam headed out to the car. Wait! You dont even know where Emily is. Sarah argued. Then Ill start looking in all her favorite spots. She doesnt have any favorite spots, Sam! Shes had dementia for longer than weve been alive. She sometimes doesnt even remember what day it is. Then Ill start driving and pray I get lucky! Sam yelled back. You start driving and Ill start praying. Sarah jumped into the passenger seat. They headed north, along route 44 as it winded its way through corn fields. Sarah said prayers as she anxiously scanned the scenery for signs of Emily. You know whats great about having a lawyer for a daddy? The message flashed on Sarahs phone. Oh shit! Sarah cursed under her breath. She turned around. The black mustang was gaining on them. No jail time. Sam, floor it! Sarah screamed. A bullet shattered the back window. Hold on. Sam sped up and started to swerve, hoping that a moving target would be harder to hit. She was running as fast as she could. She hadnt run this fast this long in decades. She could hear them behind her now, barking and growling. She looked over her shoulder and tripped. First mistake. She got up and kept on going. The trees started to thin and she saw a farmhouse with a barn up ahead. Hide. Second mistake.

In other news, the French circus that had come to town has cancelled its show unexpectedly. The manager of the circus could not be reached for comment. Julies heart sank as the announcement


The Chaldean Gambit seemed to throb in her head like a migraine. She turned off the TV and headed downstairs to check out. Sorry my dear, change of plans. Brother Sebastian stuck the needle into Julies arm as she closed the door. She went limp in his arms. Son of a Bitch! Sam yelled as the black mustang rammed the back of the car. Faster! Sarah yelled. This is it sis she wont go any faster. Cmon think! Youre the brains of the outfit. Sarah looked around the car and racked her brain. A bullet shattered the side mirror next to her. As she searched for some solution to their current dilemma, Brett pulled alongside and Craig smiled. Sam and Sarah both instinctively ducked as he fired into their car. Thats when she noticed a bottle of windshield wiper fluid. She grabbed the bottle and read the ingredients. A spark of optimism lit up in her eyes. She frantically searched the car as Brett tried to run them off the road. Gotcha! She said triumphantly as she came up with a roadside flare. She then tore off a section of Sams shirt. What the hell are you doin? Sam asked, shocked. Windshield wiper fluid contains Methanol. Methanol is flammable. She excitedly explained while shoving the part of Sams shirt she had torn off into the bottle. She then broke open the flare. Slow down. Slow down, slow down! Sam did as he was told, wondering if he was going to survive the next few moments. As Brett again pulled alongside them, Sarah opened the window and lit the cloth. As she leaned outside the car to throw the bottle, a bullet grazed her side. Dammit! Sam cursed as he pulled the now screaming Sarah (who was still holding the bottle) into the car. How many times do I have to tell you to leave the destructive stuff to me? Go on, get in the back seat. Sam took off what was left of his shirt. Put this on the wound hold it down good! Sam took hold of the still flaming concoction, said a quick prayer as Brett came closer, and tossed it out of the passenger side window. Then he slammed on the brakes. The jug landed in Bretts lap and exploded. The black mustang burst into a ball of flames and kept on going. When Julie woke up, she was in the middle of a dark room surrounded by candles. A tattered, leather bound book was a few feet in front of her. Ahhh.good. Let us begin. Brother Sebastian sat down in front of the book. Who are you? Julie demanded. Brother Sebastian began chanting from the book, speaking in ancient Greek: With a sword I pierce thee. In the doing, lies the undoing. Cut the thread of your fate. Who the hell are you? Julie screamed. For some reason, the world around her started to blur, then everything went black. Brother Sebastian sprinkled holy water, frankincense, and myrrh on her forehead. He then went on to the next passage in the book, which was written in ancient Sumerian: A poultice of sweet apples removes the curse. I trap you in an under-cage of gloom. The mixture on Julies forehead began to smoke and wander toward the candles. Just as the smoke reached the small dancing flames, the candles went out. The next part of the ritual was spoken in Old High German: The cursed shall suffer the curse. Exile to Hell. Brother Sebastian repeated this several times as he lit a large candle and placed it next to his captive. A clear liquid started to trickle out of her ears. The final part of the ritual was performed in Aramaic: The Holy shall prevail. The Holy shall prevail. Brother Sebastian and Julie said in unison. 40

The Chaldean Gambit

The sun was rising and Emily was hiding and being a good girl. She was oh so quiet and had been very careful to disguise her smell. But, you can never be too careful. She took some of the clover she had picked yesterday out of her pockets. She rubbed it over her face and arms. She then took some wildflowers out of her pockets and rubbed them on her legs. Uh-oh. No more clover and no more flowers. The bad dogs would find her sooner or later. Apsu thrust her head through the rickety planks and almost bit Emilys arm off. Emily shrieked and backed away. Tiamat slowly entered the barn as Apsu forced her way in. Good evening madam. Brother Barnabas walked into the barn. He was holding the bronze sword and had a crossbow slung across his back. Ironic that I use such a term, but you must have been a lady once. Emily was thoroughly confused and frightened. She hissed as the dogs slowly circled around her. She dodged Tiamat as he lunged for her. But she had forgotten about Apsu. The pit bull grabbed her. Apsu! No! Hold her. Even though the monster could have bitten Emily in two, it obeyed. Barnabas came closer and knelt down. He stared into those bloody eyes and seemed to be reading Emilys history, which she had forgotten. Now I understand. You are special. Well then, a quick stroke and then we shall be done with it. He raised his sword. Before it could reach its target, it was intercepted by Tobias blade. Not today sir. Not today. With a quick shove, he knocked Barnabas on his feet. A half second later Apsu lost her head. This enraged Tiamat and soon Tobias was in a struggle for his very life. Even he could not hope to match the dogs strength. Before Emily could help, a bronze crossbow bolt pinned her left arm to the center beam. She let forth an unearthly howl that sent shivers down Barnabas spine. As Barnabas approached she tried to escape. Enough is enough. I will not continue to suffer at the hands of creatures like you. He raised his sword. As the sword descended, Emily (ever the quick contortionist) was able to avoid being beheaded. She sunk her few teeth into Barnabas wrist. The crusader dropped his weapon and cursed. In the midst of all the pain and struggle, Emily suddenly discovered her strength. She realized that, no matter what happened, she could endure. She pulled the bolt from her arm and the pain shot through her body. Barnabas took advantage of the moment and cut Emilys left foot off. Emily shrieked and howled as the apple juice from the blade worked its way through her body. She knocked the sword from Barnabas hand and had her fingers around his neck. Tobias noticed how grim things were becoming and fought even more fiercely. He ducked and dodged until he was able to grab a pitchfork. After several tough moments, he drove the pitchfork through the dogs neck. Sebastian. Bring her quickly or all will be lost! Barnabas gasped. Sebastian brought in Julie. She lurched forth unnaturally as if she were sleepwalking. Brother Sebastian began chanting from the book, speaking in ancient Greek: With a sword I pierce thee. In the doing, lies the undoing. Cut the thread of your fate. Julie matched his words, creating an eerie, supernatural duet. Their voices seemed to be one voice, and yet it seemed like both of them were talking, along with an invisible third person. Both Emily and Tobias felt light headed, as if their spirits were being sucked out of their ears. Tobias lunged for Sebastian, but was easily blocked. Emily fell to the ground, dazed. Julie continued the chant, her voice sounding hollow and distant, as if she were whispering from the bottom of a deep well. She spoke slowly, in ancient Sumerian: A poultice of sweet apples removes the curse. I trap you in an under-cage of gloom. 41

The Chaldean Gambit But Emilys love for her family drove her onward, despite the pain and weakness. She grabbed Julies clothes and pulled herself up. She looked into Julies blank eyes and tenderly touched her face. The cursed shall suffer the curse. Exile to Hell. As Julie repeated this phrase, her voice regained its natural quality. The Holy shall Julie suddenly stopped, as if she had woken up from a bad nightmare. She turned around and knocked Sebastian to the floor. Then the three of them left, leaving the brothers where they lay. Were going to be OK. Julie whispered. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

Emily Lisettes soft yet quirky voice floated down the dark stairs. She then quickly bounced down the steps into the unknown. Im coming to get you. Her slight French accent seemed to tease the gloom. Emily pounced on her from behind and the lithe acrobat shrieked with joy and wriggled from her grasp. She smiled as did Emily. Emily tried to pounce again, but the agile brunette jumped out of the way. She gave Emily a hug and led her to the donation chair. After donating the two of them sat down to watch TV. Are you sure youre going to be alright? Julie worried as she walked out of the open door. Mom, lets go! The movie is going to start in an hour! Sam called as he honked the horn. Everything will be fine. Tobias assured her. Please, madam, trust us trust us. Enrique gently implored, his beautiful Spanish accent gracefully rolling out of his mouth. Remember, the oven is labeled in US units not metric! Drew called out to Czeslawa in his thick Australian accent. I lived in Maine for 3 years, remember? Czeslawa called back, tempted to add something in her native Polish. It wouldnt have mattered since Drew turned on the vacuum cleaner. As they backed out of the driveway, Julie had a hard time letting go. Or perhaps she was just too proud to accept help. Since Sam was driving however, off they went to have a good time. Sarah looked back too, as the house grew smaller and smaller. Mom, theyre gonna be OK. Sarah shook off her worries and looked straight ahead. Yeah, Aunty Em and a house full of circus people. What could go wrong? Sam added.

Now thats quite a woman! Drew exclaimed. A shaft of sunlight fell upon a painting of a beautiful, graceful brunette. It must have been sitting in the attic for fifty or maybe even sixty years. What a beauty you are. He gently brushed away the cobwebs and blew away years of dust. Why would they be hiding this up here?


The Chaldean Gambit He went downstairs with the masterpiece in his hand. After looking around, he actually found the nail it must have originally hung upon. He gently placed the painting on the wall. Quite a lady. Enrique remarked. Were supposed to be cleaning, not redecorating. Czeslawas sharp words interrupted their daydreaming. Emily pounced on Drew and was quickly strangling the life out of him. Although everyone was told something like this could happen, they were in shock. Any attempts to rescue their comrade were in vain. Emily, be a good hostess. No killing the guests. Tobias sarcastically chided her as he easily pulled her off Drew. She tried to fight him, but he was too strong for her. She relaxed somewhat, then without warning slapped him. Put that back where you found it! Tobias barked at Drew. Emily was shocked she was not prepared for someone who was stronger than she was. She was even more shocked that a knock-down-drag-out fight didnt commence. As she stared at Tobias, the bloody cloud in her right eye dissipated for a brief moment. She then pushed him away and went back downstairs.

Cmon Mom, dont be a scaredy cat. Youve faced a lot worse. Sam cajoled. Well, let me think. Hurry mom! Hurry! Sarah urged. Peanut Butter Banana Twist. Julie told the girl at the ice cream counter. Damn little impatient rug-rats! She teased, poking her children. They sat in the car, simply looking at the clouds, laughing as the ice cream started to dribble down their fingers. To Sarah, it was almost like a weird dream. She had almost forgotten what her mothers laughter sounded like. She looked at her and then at her brother; was this the start of their new lives? She smiled and went back to eating her ice cream she still felt a little tense. No, this wasnt a miracle; this was too good to be true she concluded. Hey! Imagine bumping into you at a place like this. Alex smiled. Alex! Sarah jumped. She quickly wiped her mouth and hands. Good to see ya. Still got a little bit just over there. He pointed out. She applied the napkin again. Mom? Go on, kiddo. Dont let us hold you back. Julie smiled. 44

The Chaldean Gambit So, what have you been up to? Alex asked as her family drove away. Not much just livin life. She winked. No matter what else changed, the lying would always go on. I was headed over to the dog groomers to pick up Ronnie. Wanna tag along? Sure. They spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Ronnie at Nixon Park. The day seemed to go on and on as if Sarah somehow demanded time slow down and was granted her request. However, the setting sun brought her back to reality. How about some pizza? Alex looked at her. What was she thinking? Why didnt she have to go home? Bring it on, white boy! Sarah shot back. At the restaurant, things were going smoothly. Sarah was shocked at how much she opened up. She didnt realize that she had so much to share. She also didnt realize that she and Alex had a few things in common. Oh my God. Sarah whispered. Adam stepped through the door. Whats the matter? Just some psycho stalker jerk I knew from freshman year in college. Can we go? When Adam saw Sarah, he turned pale. A look of fear washed over him and he quickly left. Alex looked at Sarah. Did she do something to him? If so, what could she have done to make such a huge guy run away like that? You wanna stay? Alex offered. Actually, I really lost my appetite. You alright? This was all Alex dared ask. He was starting to suspect that there might be something going on in Sarahs life something strange. Aunt Emily misses you. Sarah stared at her phone, about to complain. Then she realized that, for some strange reason, she missed her family.

Cmon Emily. Lets have a look. Tobias had cornered her and there was no escaping him. Emily felt awkward, almost as if she were an open book. She sat back on the couch as Tobias gently unwrapped the bandage on her left leg. The stump was beginning to look like a foot again. Youre healing nicely; youll be dancing in no time. 45

The Chaldean Gambit Emily kicked at him and turned away. She then went off to find Lisette. Tobias consoled himself by sitting down and watching TV. Emily, you arent ashamed are you? Lisettes soft voice was like a soothing balm. Emily, in reply, stared at the rug. There were still blood stains from when she killed Daniel. I think shes just not sure. Julie walked into the back bedroom. Not sure? Seth, her husband, cheated on her. She loved him so much it drove her mad. It turned her into well, this. The lady in the painting was that Yes, thats what Emily used to look like.

I just got a call from Augustus. Hes eager to start up again. Enrique announced as he sat down on the couch next to Tobias. Not yet. You can go. Shes not ready yet. It could take a long time. She might not She will. You know, Drew and Czeslawa are getting restless too. You have no obligations here, feel free to leave. You have no obligations in this matter either. Enrique argued. I do. You know that.

Emily pounced on Sarah as soon as the front door closed. They playfully wrestled, knocking into the wall and laughing. Sarah had never gotten this kind of welcome home before. Ouch! Aunty Em, careful with the snacking. Sarah protested as Emily nibbled on her arm. Allow me. Drew stepped in, offering to take his turn in the donation chair. Wait. Aunty Em, open up. Something didnt feel quite right. Sarah looked and saw something amazing: a new tooth. Mom, Sam! Quick. Aunt Emily has a new tooth! Sarah excitedly yelled.


The Chaldean Gambit The three of them stood around, thinking it was too good to be true. However, there was no denying what was right in front of their eyes. That night, Julie, Sam, and Sarah fell asleep with something they thought they had lost forever: hope.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

The door to the trailer blew open and the door banged on the outside. Augustus looked up and frowned. Before he could get up to close it, a sleek, leather jacketed beauty strode in, followed by two male companions. She was so beautiful she could make any mans heart skip a beat; but Augustus heart skipped a beat for another reason. It was her pendant: an eye above a candle, all within a circle. They had come. He had waited too long. Where is he? She demanded. Her sweet Gaelic accent seemed to float upon her icy breath. Augustus pulled out his gun and fired. The bullet seemed to slow down and grew blacker than the cruelest midnight. It shattered like dainty china when it hit the womans chest. Oh, Im sorry, where are my manners? She moved so fast that she seemed to blink out of existence. She then seemed to reappear behind the old man. She pressed a wicked looking dagger against his throat. Hes not here. Augustus stammered. He left, hes not coming back. Perhaps he misses you. She reached for his cell. After a moment of silence she began, in a voice exactly like Augustus: Tobias, lad, we cant wait any longer. Its now or never. You dont have to sit still because of me. Dont tell me youve run out of helpin hands. Is that all you think you are? We miss you we cant wait to hear all about your adventures in America. And I cant wait to hear all about your tales from the latest tour. Tobias grinned. You should see it here in Dublin, absolutely gorgeous. Dublin? The old neighborhood must be getting pretty dull, even for a hum drum fellow like yourself. When Im done here, Ill catch up with you. Tobias flipped his cell closed and went back to making supper. OK, the woman said as she tossed the cell to one of her companions, if he wont come to us, well just track him down. What about him?


The Chaldean Gambit Well, this trip cant be a total waste. She blurted out, exasperated. Just get what you can from him and lets go. She walked out of the trailer. With a quick stroke of a dagger, they took everything they could from the old man. They left his lifeless body slumped over his desk.

The fog of confusion seemed thinner today than it had been for quite some time. Emily hummed a happy tune while playing with her marbles. Suddenly, something came to her, something about a letter. A letter of the alphabet? No, not that kind of letter. A note a note written long ago. Someone wrote a note especially for her. Where was it? Did she lose it? You seem to be on a mission today. Drew remarked. Emily smiled at him and realized that she hadnt smiled in some time. She went downstairs to look for the letter. As she rummaged through boxes and in closets, her curiosity grew: who wrote the letter? What did it say? Today is my sister Clarices birthday. Lisette remarked to Enrique. I didnt know you had a sister. Thats how well you know me. Clarice. That name rang a bell. But why? Clarice. The letter. Oh, that letter. It was as if a gust of wind had blown the fog away. She could distinctly see some of the sentences now: I know you

love him, but so do I. Please forgive him, since I am the one who

tempted him
Her anger grew like a thundercloud. Without a moments hesitation she threw the TV across the room. Lisette and Enrique ran upstairs. Emily then tore the back door off its hinges. Emilys losing it! Enrique shouted as he ran into the kitchen. Get the mirror. Tobias sternly ordered. Emily! Settle down! Tobias yelled as he came down the stairs. Emily was even more furious that Tobias would try to tell her what to do or how to feel. She hissed at him as he got to the bottom of the stairs. She picked up the couch and threw it at him. This day has been a long time coming, girl. Tobias caught the couch and set it aside. She was going to lunge at him, but wondered if thats what he wanted. No, he wouldnt get his filthy hands on her. He was just like all the rest a cheating, heart breaking, bastard. By this time, 49

The Chaldean Gambit Enrique and Drew had brought down the mirror. Emily saw it and hid. She growled and hissed from behind the couch. Nope no hidin today. Youre going to face the truth! Tobias dragged her in front of the mirror. Kicking, screaming, punching, and biting did no good. She tried pitifully yelping and squealing that didnt work either. Look at yourself. Look! This is what your pain had done to you. Tobias held her in front of the mirror. I saw the painting. You were beautiful once. Look at how your anger has twisted you. Emily was in shock. There were no mirrors in the house and it had been a hundred years since she had seen herself. She closed her eyes. She opened them again, expecting to see a beautiful young woman, but all she saw was a horrific creature. She surrendered to her despair. Tobias put her on the couch and sat with her as she stared at the floor. I almost want to say Im sorry, but Im not. Emily slapped him. Tobias heart skipped a beat as he realized that maybe just maybe the beautiful girl inside was trying to find her way out. She looked up at him quickly; to see if was going to stay. Her eyes then darted down to the floor. The bloody haze was thicker than ever.

Mom, its awfully quiet. Too quiet. Sarah remarked as she parked the car in the driveway. I thought worrying was my job. Julie joked. Mom, Im serious. Everything was just the way they had left it. Almost everything. Mom! Theres a mirror in the basement! Julie excitedly stammered as she ran up the stairs. Did you bring that mirror in here?! Julie walked right up to Tobias. She didnt care how big and strong he was. No one was going to harm her family no one. Everything is going to be fine. I promise. Tobias gently responded. Get out! Get out! Get out!! Julie screamed. All the commotion summoned Emily up from the basement. She seemed slow, old, and almost lifeless. She looked around, half dazed; her mind was racing with a million thoughts and emotions. Shes going to be alright. Shes strong youll see. Tobias shot a glance at Emily. Emily didnt seem to notice.


The Chaldean Gambit Youve outstayed your welcome. We dont need your help anymore. Julie hissed. Mom, maybe-Sarah began. Stay out of this honey. I know you think these people are the good guys, but Ive done my homework. Its time for them to go. Pack it up. Tell Augustus that well be leaving in the morning. Tobias told Enrique. Within an hour, everything was in their van. It was surprising to see how fast it all happened. Drew, Enrique, and Czeslawa bade farewell to their hosts and waited outside. Emily, sweet Emily. Lisette called downstairs. There was no reply. She brushed a tear from her cheek and quickly walked out of the house. Let me know when youre in town, OK? Sarah hugged Tobias. Sure. Front row seats and cotton candy sound good? He smiled at her. As he turned to leave, Emily tugged on his sleeve. Why Miss Maraswaine, come to say goodbye? Tobias searched her eyes, but the bloody fog held fast. In fact, it almost seemed as if Emily was blindly groping for him. After a few moments, he tried to leave, but she wouldnt let go. Aunty Em, hes got to leave. He doesnt belong here. He doesnt understand how we do things around here. Julie begged. Emily pulled Tobias toward the cellar. He followed, looking over his shoulder at Julie. There was nothing she could do but approve.

Several weeks later, Lisette bounded down the steps to the cellar. Emily was sitting on the couch flipping through the stations; somehow nothing she saw seemed interesting. Animal Rescue, please. Lisette smiled. Emily obliged and got up to wander around the cellar a bit. She stopped in front of the mirror and stared. There seemed to be something different about the reflection she saw. When she heard Tobias come through the door, the bloody fog lifted, revealing deep blue eyes. What a beautiful blue. Lisette sweetly remarked. Emily blushed and the red fog descended again. Im chilly. Sam complained. He was upstairs in the kitchen making supper.


The Chaldean Gambit You can borrow my sweatshirt, just dont mess it up. Sarah offered. Mom, when are we gonna get that stupid furnace fixed? Sam was fed up with the cold and it showed. Honey, maybe Tobias can take Emily out next week and then the furnace guy can come in and work his magic. Julie sighed. How would they ever come up with that kind of money? I can take a look at it. Tobias spoke up. I am good for something besides brawn you know. Blaaanket. It sounded like a half-dead frog was croaking out its last request. What was that? Sarah asked. They found Emily in the hall, with the closet open, looking up. There, on the top shelf, was a blanket. Blaaanket. Emily croaked, pointing to the blanket. Oh my God. I think shes asking for the blanket. Sam replied, dumbfounded. Is that how Aunt Emily sounds, mom? Sarah couldnt believe her ears. I dont know, honey. Ive-Ive never heard her talk before. Tears of joy started to run down Julies face. Blaaanket. Emily repeated her request. Julie took the blanket down. She, Sam, and Sarah wrapped up Emily and hugged her tight.



The Chaldean Gambit

Aunt Emily

She sat there, staring at her blood flowing into the jar. Occasionally, she would glance at Tobias sitting there on the couch, watching TV. She had never done this for anyone else besides Aunt Emily before. It felt, well, intimate sensual. Sarah blushed as she wondered if this would make Aunty Em jealous. The last thing she wanted to do is come between her and Tobias. Think of it like putting on a pot of coffee. Tobias kept on staring at the TV, but felt that Sarah was uncomfortable. It just feelskinda- Special? Tobias shot a glance at her and then resumed watching TV. Yeah. Thats how its supposed to feel. Sarah finished up and quickly went up the stairs. When she had left, Tobias walked over to the jar. He held it in his hands and let the warmth of Sarahs blood sink into his skin. This was the first taste of her and he, too, felt a little awkward. He opened it up and wanted to just gulp it down, to get it over with. He then chided himself. How many people had he drunk from? Hundreds. Did he ever have to share someone with another black dog? Of course. He just never had to share with someone he was falling for. He opened the jar and slowly drank Sarahs blood, grateful for the Maraswaines hospitality.

I think I look silly. Emily frowned at her reflection in the mirror. Her blue eyes took in the whole scene: a bandanna to cover her bald head, a hooded sweatshirt, and baggy jeans. Her skin was shriveled and sagging. No matter how loose the clothing, it couldnt hide the fact that her limbs were still twisted and gnarled. Smile. Julie stood behind her. Emily smiled, revealing a mouth full of beautiful, white teeth. When she saw this, she blushed and looked away. Why dont you go by yourself? Cmon you need to get out. Youve spent too much time cooped up in here. Julie gently tugged at her arm, smiling. In the back of her mind she realized that if Emily really didnt want to go,


The Chaldean Gambit there was nothing she could do about it. Emilys body might have changed, but she was as strong as ever. Aunty Em were all set. Sam came into the room. All set? Emily gave Sam a quizzical look. We are ready to go to the store. Sam remembered that she was just getting acquainted with how people spoke today. Alright. I guess its time to get into the automobile and go to the store. Emily took a deep breath. Julie was right. It was time to go out. She awkwardly made her way out to the car, not used to her new body, which was now several inches taller than her old one. At the store, Emily just stared. Although she had been to the store before, back then it was all a reddish, muffled, hazy dream that she couldnt quite comprehend. Now the images were vivid, sharp, clear, and colorful. A multitude of sounds washed over her, from Sam and Julie to the squeaking of the grocery carts. Aunty Em, uhyou sure? Sam stared at Emily as she held a single orchid. I need to buy this. Sure, I just thought- Samuel, please. We all need to forget the past. I know what I am doing and why I am doing it. Emily had a gentle, pleading look in her eyes. Sam just couldnt get over how beautiful her eyes were. You need only one of those? Emily asked Julie as she pulled out her debit card. Yup. Julie quipped, eager to get out of the store before the awkward conversation drew too many stares. I thought you would need more. And why does money now look so strange? Its so stiff and colorful. Emily felt the debit card in her hand as they walked across the parking lot. Aunty Em. Its not money. Its well, like a-hmmm.key to your bank. Sam was finding it kind of hard to explain things that he took for granted every day. Is this another modern thing, just like the magic signs? Magic signs? Julie asked. Yeah. Just like the magic signs. The ones that tell mom when to stop and when to go when shes driving.


The Chaldean Gambit This seems to be an age of magic. Perhaps we had better return home before Tobias becomes too enchanted with the magic box. Emily laughed. She had the most beautiful and charming laugh that Julie had ever heard.

When they got back, they found Tobias making supper. The smell of blood wafted up from the basement. When it hit Emilys nostrils she felt nauseated and dizzy. Have a brownie. Lisette helped Emily into a chair in the living room. I do not feel hungry. Emily gently protested. It will make you feel better. Lisette put the treat in her hand. When Emily bit into it, she felt a surge of warmth. Her head cleared and her stomach felt better. It tasted like chocolate and ash. Good, no? Lisette put her hands on Emilys shoulders and looked into her face. Thank you. It was very good. You must be feeling it a bit early. We still have a few hours to go till the full moon. Tobias remarked, walking in to check on her. I dont understand. Emily looked up at him. When the moon is full, you wont be able to stand the sight or even the smell of blood. Youll crave something else. Tobias carefully explained. Like brownies? Emily had a puzzled look on her face. She was starting to feel very foolish. Theres a special ingredient inside. Tobias winked. He was starting to become a little worried that Emily was asking too many questions too soon. Animal Rescue is going to start! Lisette interrupted. She raced down the stairs, determined not to miss the show. Are you coming? She called from downstairs. Yes, yes. I am coming. Emily carefully made her way down the stairs. As they watched the show, Lisette chatted about her life in the circus. She asked Emily questions about her life, but Emily provided few answers. At one point in the show, a small black and white dog raced across the TV screen. Emily? Are you alright? Lisette asked as Emily got up. Im fine. I just want to find it. She softly replied with a faraway look in her eyes.


The Chaldean Gambit Find what? The painting. We put your painting in the attic. No. Not that one. Emily went upstairs and Lisette followed. There in the attic they sorted through old boxes and musty chests. Finally, after an hour, Emily pulled an old painting from a large wooden crate. It was of a small dog running through a sunny field. I miss you. Emily tenderly addressed the canvass. Who is that? Lisette came up behind her. Sunny. I know it is a funny name for a dog, but I found him on a sunny day. Did you paint that? Yes. It was a good memory. I had much fun with him. Emily smiled.

That night, the house was quiet, as Emily wanted it to be. They had suffered too much under her tyrannical grasp and they deserved their sleep and so much more. Friend. She placed the tiles on the scrabble board. She was frustrated. Thats all she could come up with? Hmmm.lets see. How about this? Tobias put the word Boy in front of the word Friend. Tobias! Are you getting fresh with me? Emily smiled, blushing only slightly. It was all I had, honest! He showed her his tiles. This really is delicious. Emily took a bite from a brownie. But Yes? Is this brownie dead? Their eyes locked. Its made from bone marrow. Tobias hoped that this would be as far as it would go. Did you kill someone to make this? Emilys voice rang with outrage. No. They were dead a long time before we ever got there. Emily this is part of what we are.


The Chaldean Gambit We are monsters. She pushed the plate of brownies away from her. Look, think about supper. Sam, Julie, Sarah, and Lisette had chicken. The chicken had to be killed first. They also had salad. Even the lettuce had to be ripped up out of the ground. When one thing eats another has to pay the price with its life. We all eat dead things, whether its chicken or asparagus. In our case, its bone marrow from dead bodies. I just am trying to adjust. Ever since I woke up from that bad dream- Emily, youre doing fine lass. You have more courage and grace than a lot of others I have seen. Thank you. Not to mention wisdom. I wouldnt have thought of having a funeral. I may not be the beauty I once was, but Im not the horrid creature either. I thought this would be a good way to put the past to rest.

That morning, a picture of the old Emily was in the backyard in a fire pit. It was surrounded by beautiful flowers. The sunlight danced through the trees and birds sung in the warm summer air. We are gathered here today to say goodbye and hello. Julie began. Everyone was standing around in a circle. Emily was wearing a summer dress and a hat with a daisy in it. Today we are going to say goodbye to Emily. She was an important part of our family. But now shes gone and its time for the family to say farewell and move on. I remember Aunty Em always had a keen sense of humor. Ill miss that. Sam spoke up. Ill always remember the way Aunt Emily protected us. Sarah added. Emily was always playful and made time for fun. I liked that. Lisettes soft words seemed to flutter like a butterfly. I really didnt know your Aunt Emily well, but I remember the first time I saw her. I knew that she had great potential more potential than she could ever realize. She was a grand lady. May she rest in peace. Tobias finished, his head bowed. And now, a word from our guest of honor. Julie looked at Emily. Thank you for your kind words. However, I feel that this ceremony needs to have some honesty. What you said about Emily is true, but she was also a frightening monster. Emily wiped away tears from her face. Lisette put her hand on her shoulder. I hope to keep alive all the wonderful qualities that you have just mentioned, but it is time to put the monster to rest. Emily took a lighter and set the picture ablaze. 57

The Chaldean Gambit Now, it is time to say hello. Miss, would you please introduce yourself? Julie gracefully motioned for Emily to take her spot. Thank you very much for the warm introduction. Emily said as she limped to where Julie had been standing. My name is Olivia and I am looking forward to my new life in this wonderful, loving family.

Are you sure about this? Tobias asked as he parked the car at the entrance to Silver Creek Cemetery. Yes. Emily got out and hobbled toward the center of the cemetery. It was a long and arduous journey, both physical and emotionally. She stopped in front of a weathered, cracked tombstone marked Seth Maraswaine. Hi. Its me. Her words were so soft they were barely a breath. She gathered her courage and spoke up: Its been a long time. She placed the orchid on his grave. You used to give me these all the time - I thought I ought to give one to you. She stared at the grave, not sure of what to do next. We had some good times.I guess this is the part where we both say were sorry. Silence. She sunk to her knees and sobbed. As the tears flowed down her face, her hair grew; a beautiful mane of raven black hair. Her flesh and body regained their youthful, healthy, and beautiful form. What knelt down at the grave may have been a twisted, shriveled shape, but what arose was a stunningly gorgeous woman in her mid twenties. Goodbye Seth. Oliva whispered. She then confidently walked away and began her new life.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Today Is My Birthday!

Are you getting excited? Lisette asked Julie as they walked through Eagle Lakes outlet mall. The whole past year has been exciting. Its like having a whole new person in my life. Julie turned to her shopping companion. You dont sound very enthusiastic. As bad as she was, I knew her habits. Now, shes changed into this unpredictable character under our roof. I know that shes essentially the same person, but no one in my family has seen this side of her before at least not for several generations. Change is good, no? Yes, I suppose it is. Julie resolved to look at the glass as three quarters full instead of almost empty. Excuse me maam! Im awfully sorry. The young man who bumped into Julie spoke with a slight Ukrainian accent. Julie smiled. Lisette didnt. Im glad you like change, because things have just changed. Time to go. Lisette steered Julie to the parking lot. Whats the matter? What happened? Julie did her best to maintain her poise, but panic was starting to creep out from under her cool faade. Did you notice the gentlemens pendant? No. Was there something special about it? An eye above a candle, all within a circle. Does that symbolize something? Yes trouble.

.She knocked me flat, threw me out of the house, I hate the damn game of cat-and-mouse Olivia ended the line with rock star flourish. Bravo! Bravo Ms. Rock Star. Tobias gave her a standing ovation. 59

The Chaldean Gambit Thank you, thank you my adoring fans. Oliva smiled. How about an autograph? Lets not be hasty now. We just met. She winked. Look at them! Isnt it great? Sarah asked Sam from the kitchen. She sure is happy she deserves it after what shes been through. Shes different too. Ill say. How did you get her into a pair of jeans and a Smoking Gun t-shirt? Sam watched Cousin Olivia flirt and laugh with the new love of her life. That was her idea. Really? Yup. Id say that Olivia kept the best parts of Emily. Sarah tugged Sam back to the task at hand so Olivia and Tobias could continue unobserved. Tobias! Lisette excitedly babbled as she came into the house. Theyre here! Why didnt you answer your cell? Calm down. I turned off my cell. Whos here? Tobias walked over to her and gave her that paternal look that always calmed her down. It didnt this time. Theyre here. Lisette tapped on Tobias amulet. The amulet was a sleeping eye in a triangle. Lisette, Lisette. Trust me, Johnny-Be-Bad is nothing. I tackled his thugs before without any problem. Johnny-Be-Bad? Sarah asked. A small time thug from Morocco. I still owe him some money. Nothing to worry about. Tobias smiled. He was not the best liar. Were they buying it? Do you think they followed us home? Julie was now genuinely frightened. No. I was very careful. Lisette assured her. I think it would be a bad idea for them to follow you home anyways. With Tobias and I here, they would be in a galaxy of hurt. Thats world of hurt, Olivia. Sam corrected her. Trust me, it would be a lot bigger than just a world Sam. Olivia corrected him.


The Chaldean Gambit OK, OK - the theatrics are over. We have a birthday party to plan. In fact, I think that the cake and ice cream are still missing. Tobias picked up the keys. Chocolate ice cream for me please. Sam ordered. How about vanilla? Sarah piped up. How about Peanut Butter Banana Twist for the lady here? Oliva tilted her head towards Julie.

Czeslawa, I can hardly hear you. Where are you? Tobias asked from his cell while sitting in the car. He looked around the parking lot warily. Tynda. Its in Amur Russia. Theyre nearby. Julie and Lisette bumped into one of them in a mall about 200 miles from here. Tobias, you should have come home; we I mean you wouldnt be in trouble now. Czeslawa stammered. How the hell did they get so close to me? Are you still wearing the talisman? Of course. You know Im not sloppy about such things. Tobias resented the implied accusation. Then its not you. They must have sensed someone else. Oliva. Oh no. I I have been rather stupid, havent I? The painful memories started to come back like waves lapping a sandy shore. No you havent. You arent stupid youre in love. The Children of Cytholos are very determined and very powerful. Its a miracle that youve evaded them for so long. Czeslawa tried to be strong but her fear was getting the best of her. She looked at the picture of Augustus hanging from the wall in the trailer. Ill take her and get out of here. Im on my way. Tobias was about to start up the car. Dont be nave Tobias. They will find her. Ill make up a talisman for her. It will take a little scrounging around, but I will send it as soon as possible. Just keep her home for a little while. That will be easy tomorrow is her birthday.


The Chaldean Gambit Czeslawa then raced around her trailer, frantically rummaging through chests, tins, and boxes. She grumbled and murmured as she went. At some points she screamed in frustration as she raced against the clock. Finally, she had everything she needed almost. She went out to the staging area and whistled. A jackal came running up. It sat in front of her and tilted its head, as if wondering what all the fuss was about. I have a task for you Bond. Take this note to Xavier. She slipped a note into a pouch and tied it around the animals neck. As it ran off she shouted And no stopping for romance or snacks! Three hours later, in Mandera Kenya, Xavier heard a scratching at his apartment door. Why Vagabond! Its good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure? The elderly Kamba shaman smiled. Grocery shopping, eh? Xavier read the note. Oh, this is not good. Not good at all. Tobias has gotten himself into trouble again this time over a woman. Xavier grinned as he remembered all the things he had done for his late wife. He went to a jar and took out some reddish powder and put it in a little Tupperware container. Hurry, you little rascal Olivias life depends on you! Xavier gave Bond a treat and then shooed him out. That night, with Bond resting in a corner of her trailer, Czeslawa began. She took out the talisman and placed it in the center of a triangle of white powder. She sprinkled crushed Ajowan on the object. .goddess of the hidden. She quietly murmured. She lit three black candles and placed one at each corner of the triangle. .daughter of the submerged.. The words seemed to roll from her mouth like a mist. empress of the forgotten realm. She threw the red powder that Xavier had so graciously provided and it hung over the triangle like a cloud. The white powder slowly made its way to the talisman and slithered over it; then it corkscrewed upward. When it reached the red cloud above it, the candles went out. Then the red and white powders burst into flame and disappeared. Its done. Czeslawa told Tobias as she put the artifact into a small wooden box. She closed the lid and closed her eyes. Thanks. I was getting worried. Nothing to worry about. Tell Olivia that I hope her birthday is a blast. Czeslawa turned off her cell and put it in her pocket. When she opened the small wooden box, it was empty.

Who wants more ice cream? Olivias voice melodically rang out. She was wearing a top hat that had Birthday Girl splashed across it in outrageous letters. I do! Sarah raised her hand. Two scoops for you! Where do you want them? Olivia teased. 62

The Chaldean Gambit On the plate please. Sarah laughed. Olivia took a generous gulp from her birthday babe mug. She put down the mug and wiped a little bit of blood from her mouth. She then went into the kitchen to get more cake for Julie. Tobias went to the cellar and opened his small wooden box. He breathed a sigh of relief and took out the talisman. It still felt warm. A sudden painful memory pierced his consciousness. He vowed that the past wouldnt repeat itself and walked back upstairs. One last gift. Tobias announced theatrically as he slipped the gold bracelet on Olivias wrist. The most curious feature of this piece of jewelry was the sleeping eye within a triangle. How cute. Matching jewelry. Julie noted. Next theyll be doing the whole photo booth thing. How mushy. Sam said. Tobias its absolutely lovely. Olivia looked at the bracelet and then at Tobias. Its not just for glamour its also for protection. He explained, running his fingers over its braided gold surface. From what? Julie wanted to know. Evil.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Im Board

Draconian. There. Julie put the tiles on the scrabble board carefully, so as not to upset anything. Thats good. Your score is really getting up there. Olivia smiled. Hmmm..Carnage. Her word intersected Julies. Suffocate. Julie slowly put the tiles out on the board, her whole body moving in slow motion. She was about to place the last letter when Olivia suddenly grabbed her hand. Wait a minute. Theres no way you couldve come up with that word. Olivias eyes locked with hers. She stared deeply into Julies soul and seemed to be reading her inmost thoughts like an open book. Im not cheating. Julie gingerly argued. You have to be. Your score is better than mine! Youve never beaten me before. Olivias hair started to fall to the ground. I swear Im not cheating. Youve been cheating all along. Olivias voice was cruel and hard. More of her hair fell out. Her arm started to twist into its old familiar shape. Look, well start over. Hows that? Julie tried to hide her fear, but it wasnt working. You think we can just start over? Olivias eyes clouded over and took on a sickening red hue. Julies eyes abruptly opened and she sat up in bed. Everything was quiet. She looked around; everything was the same, right down to the pictures on the nightstand. She picked up the picture of her father and tenderly stroked it. There was her dad, Daniel, with his arm around his little girl. But she wasnt a little girl anymore; she was strong, she had won some tough battles. Maybe it was time to put the past behind her. She got up, picture in hand, and opened the closet. She took out a shoebox labeled photos and was about to make another deposit. She stopped herself and put the photo back on the nightstand.


The Chaldean Gambit In the kitchen, Olivia was preparing breakfast. The window was open and she was humming a tune that she knew well. The mystery was where and when she had first heard the song. She tried so hard to remember, but like so many things it was just a dot on the distant horizon of her consciousness. She sighed in frustration for it seemed that her memory was stuck in a very confined, stifling place. In response to her distress, a bee flew through the open window. It landed on her cheek and Olivia gently smiled. The tiny visitor made his way to her ear and then crawled inside. After a few moments, the bee crawled out of her nose. After lingering for a few more seconds, it flew away. Youre up. Good. Olivia smiled. Theres coffee and toast. The eggs will be ready in a minute. OK. Julie responded. Her voice was jittery and timid. How did you sleep last night? Olivia gently explored. Julies fear and mistrust hit her like a wave of cold air. She did her best to hide her sadness and hurt. Great. Looks like the eggs are ready. Olivia smiled. Was she smiling too much? Was she trying too hard? Ive got some errands to run. Sarahs out jogging and Sam is still sleeping. Wheres Tobias and Lisette? Julie had to know where everyone was; she felt better that way. Theyre on a shopping trip. Theres a full moon coming up, and well, were out of brownies. Olivias words hesitantly and awkwardly slunk out. Theyll be back. Ill leave you alone with the sunshine and the morning paper. Then she quickly left.

At the garden store, Olivia hemmed and hawed over the flowers. Orchids were abundant. She fingered them gently and almost got some. No that wouldnt be right. Its time for something totally new. Something different. Tulips would be nice. She walked over and picked out several varieties. As she was walking down the aisle, she saw a swing set. As she stared at it, she had a brief vision: she was pushing a little boy in a swing in the backyard. Was the little boy Daniel? No, it couldnt have been. Who was it? Perhaps it was Samuel, Daniels grandfather? She resolved to stay rooted to the spot until she solved this mystery. She focused on the boys hair, his skin, and his laugh. Of course it must have been Zeke, Daniels great-grandfather. Here, let me help you with that. A young man approached her and helped her put the bags of fertilizer in the trunk. It was Adam. What a gentleman! Thank you. Olivia flashed a beautiful smile. Always willing to help a lady. Such chivalry is a rare thing nowadays. Olivia closed the trunk. 65

The Chaldean Gambit Well, I try my best. Im Adam. Im Olivia. Adam, have we met before? No, I wouldve remembered a girl like you. Adam blushed. He couldnt get over how sexy she was. You look so familiar. Are you sure? Im positive. Wait a minute. Do you know my cousin Sarah? Maybe thats where I know you from. She mentioned an Adam to me. Sarah Johnson? No. Sarah Maraswaine. Olivia looked him up and down. Now she remembered. You related to her? Oh. Adam nervously backed away. She told me that you two dont get along. I hope you arent bothering her. There was something in Olivias voice and body language that made Adams blood run cold. No, no. Not at all. Adam blurted out. He felt like he was pleading for his life. He made a quick exit and got in his car. Olivia watched his every move.

Back at the house, Sam had finally gotten up and was eating breakfast. Julie had gone out. Wheres your mom? Olivia asked, walking through the door. She went out. Where? Dont know. She wouldnt say. Sam looked up from the morning paper. Uh-oh. A new rule was broken. Now what? Sam, I just feel better knowing where everyone is. Olivia made sure her response was firm, yet soft. She didnt want a repeat of this morning. Then again, how could she protect her family if she didnt know where they were? What about your e-Wizard? Sam relaxed somewhat. Oh youre right. Sarah bought me this thing; I really ought to use it once in a while. Olivia took a small device the size of a calculator out of her pocket. She touched the screen and brought up her e-mail. Oh. Heres an e-mail from Julie right here. 66

The Chaldean Gambit See. What does it say? She went to the mall and she mentioned some other stuff. Im sorry about this morning. The last part of Julies e-mail was like a warm ray of sunshine. I understand. It will take some time. Olivia replied. So what do you have planned for today? Not much. Sam answered with a mouthful of eggs. Well, thats got to change young man! Olivia playfully tousled his hair. When they got back from the toy store, they went down to the basement. Olivia spread out an old blanket on the cold floor and sat down. She eagerly tore the wrapping from the box; there was a devilish grin on her face. Are you sure about this? Czeslawa said these things can be dangerous. Sam argued. Czeslawa thinks e-Wizards are dangerous. In fact, she thinks putting chocolate syrup in coffee is dangerous. Have a seat Sammy. Time to live dangerously. Olivia grinned and patted the blanket. Olivia unpacked the Ouija board and put it between them. She looked at Sam for a moment. Boo! She quickly said. She laughed when Sam pulled back. Trust me; I wont let anything happen to you. She put her hands on the board and felt its smoothness. It felt cold, very cold. A very thin layer of ice slowly covered the surface. Just below the ice water could be seen boiling. Olivia was fascinated, but Sam was about to run upstairs. No, wait! Ive got everything under control. Sam, something is happening something Olivia found herself walking through the streets of a small Spanish village. It was eerily deserted. She was supposed to do something, anything for the people here. She opened the door of a small house and drew back in horror. The family lay still; their bodies covered in tumors. She had arrived too late: The Black Death had gotten here first. Olivia pulled her hands away from the board. The ice melted. She seemed a little confused, as if temporarily caught between the present moment and somewhere else. What just happened? Did you tune into some dead guy? I dont think so. I I think I was tuning into me. Olivia stared at the board, a million questions swirling in her head.


The Chaldean Gambit Over the next few days, the board sat on one end of the couch. No one touched it. But, whenever someone suggested that it should be thrown out, Olivia would stop them. Its just not safe darlin. Tobias told her one evening. I need it. I want to know more about myself. Olivia stammered as they sat on the couch. She looked at the board warily. Then why havent you used it? Im not ready to try it again. Whats the big deal anyway? I didnt get hurt. Olivia shot an accusing look at him. Not this time. Are we going to have the big-bad-world discussion again? No. This time I dont know whats going on. Olivia, lass, I just dont want anything to happen to you. I know. Its just that the board opened up something inside of me. I want to know more someday. She dropped the conversation and turned on the TV.

Two weeks later, Tobias and Olivia were driving by Silver Creek Cemetery. Tobias looked at the tombstones, then at his love. "Souhdo you want to go see him?" Tobias awkwardly offered. "Nowhy?" "Well, you seem to be on this whole 'exploring your past' thing." "Yeah - but I know all about that part of my past. I don't want to go back." She planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. He kept on driving and neither one of them looked back.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Normal Whats That?

To The Editor:

The gray house on Niagara Ave has sat unused for more than a year now. Its time to fill it again with homeless kids who need a place to stay. There must be some organization out there that can make something good happen in that house. I know the house has a bad history, but its not haunted. Theres no such thing as ghosts or monsters.

Olivia Maraswaine

Olivia clicked send and just knew that someone out there would agree with her. She then took a sip from her mug. The blood was warm and felt good as it coursed through her body. It was exactly what she needed on a gray, rainy morning. Good news. Tobias announced as he walked into the living room. We have a buyer and he is willing to pay quite a high price. How high? Olivia had a shrewd, calculating expression. He wouldnt give me an exact figure, but he promised it would be a better deal than the last three offers. Are you sure about this? Yes. I dont need that stuff anymore. You just have to let go of some things, you know? OK. I just dont want to hear any regrets once the deal is done. What you have is very special; you just cant walk into a local Right-Mart to get new ones. I know. Thats why I have you around, hunky to shower me with expensive gifts! Olivia teased. So, all youre interested in is my wallet? Tobias laughed.


The Chaldean Gambit No, you have other uses too; now get to the store with that list! Olivia planted a kiss on him and shooed him out the door. If you dont do a good job, Im gonna send Bond next time! She playfully called after him as he opened the car door.

Then she went about the task of getting the house ready. She wanted everything to be just right; she didnt want to blow it. After all, they deserved so much for putting up with her for generations upon generations. To top it all off, they had treated her like a queen for the past year. It was time to give something back. After a couple of hours, the house was spotless; well almost. There was just one little thing she had to do. She took some carpet cleaner and went to the back bedroom. Daniels blood was still on the rug by the night stand. Well, after she was done, it would be gone. She scrubbed and scrubbed, but the stain just wouldnt come out. Finally, she brushed some tears from her face and moved the night stand over the stain.

Surprise! They yelled as Sam walked through the door. Olivia, Sarah, Julie, Tobias, and Lisette had birthday hats on. Julie and Sarah were holding a cake with 19 candles on it. Oh my God! guys didnt have to do this. Sam was dumbfounded. Have a seat birthday boy! Tobias led him to the dining room. The party was lavish with gifts, ice cream, and cake. There was plenty of laughter, but not much reminiscing. Olivia spent the whole time serving and making sure everyone was happy. You know, you didnt have to do this. Julie remarked to Olivia as they watched from the kitchen. I think its time that this family revolved around someone else besides me. Olivia responded with a genuine smile as she went to get more cake.

Later that day, Olivia stood in front of a small tombstone in a sunny part of Morning Star Cemetery. The name Ben Jamestown was inscribed in the cold marble. "Hey - I wanted to return this to you. Well, it's not yours - I don't know what happened to that one, but I hope this one is ok." She didnt dare do more than whisper. She placed a new Space Commanders watch on Bens grave. The birds singing in the trees provided little comfort. Ummm..excuse me. Are you a friend of Bens? Carlene tried to be as soft and tactful as possible, but her words startled Olivia. Well, uh, no. I just heard about what happened. Its so sad.


The Chaldean Gambit You have no idea. But thank you, its a really sweet gesture. Wait, did you show up at the fundraiser we did for Bens Scholarship? Yeah I was there. I thought the whole thing was really touching. A nice way to remember him. You gave a lot not only money, but also time and effort. Thanks for helping out. It was the least I could do. Wait, you know, I think Ben would want you to have this. Carlene put the Space Commanders watch on Olivias wrist. Thanks. Olivia quietly replied.

On the way back home, Olivia calmed down and got herself together. She burst through the door smiling, minus the Space Commanders watch. Im home! But soon I wont be! She happily called out. Soon you wont be home either! She gave Sarah a wink. He took your offer. Tobias came up to her and gave her a hug. What a relief! Olivia sighed. What offer? Sarah asked. Its a surprise. Olivia explained as she grabbed Sarah and pulled her out of the house. Where are we going? Sarah was a little disoriented with the fast pace of the day. Where there are lots of boys! Olivia grinned. Why? Time to brush up on your studies, young lady. The music at the Black Hole was loud and pulsed through their veins. The dance floor was crowded with bodies which seemed to flicker under the strobe lights. The club itself was somewhat unusual: Catholic Prayers were inscribed, in French, upon the floor, walls, and ceiling. At the bar, strange names were carved into the wood. You used to watch me now watch me. Olivia looked over her shoulder as she moved deeper into the bar. A glance here, an accidental bump there. Dancing and smiling, talking and whispering, subtle gestures, and seductive body language. Within an hour, Olivia came back with twenty phone numbers.


The Chaldean Gambit Olivia! Youre taken, right? Sarah was surprised and shocked. She also was a little worried; Olivia and Tobias were such a good couple, she didnt want to see them break up. Oh Sarah! Dont be such a prude. These are just little trophies. Consider it a demonstration of my skills. Skills you should learn. Olivia leaned in closer and breathed deep. Skills you should learn if you want to keep , Olivia sniffed Sarahs hair, Alex. Aunty Olivia. Sarah gently backed away. Sarah, please. Think about the future. I dont want you to spend the rest of your life alone. Olivia had this sweet, pleading look in her eyes that won her over. She has a point. Beautiful ladies like yourselves shouldnt be alone. A Haitian accent interrupted. And you are? Olivia turned to the bartender. The owner. He grinned and poured two drinks. He slowly pushed them toward Sarah and Olivia, being careful not to cross over the names inscribed in the wood. Do you always offer beautiful girls free drinks? Olivia began her inquisition. Only to very special ones. The owners eyes locked with Olivias. He was waiting to see what she would do. Im driving so I have to pass. She politely pushed the glass away. The owner stopped her before her glass got to one of the names. He gingerly picked it up and put it aside. I saw you out there. You have a way with people. I could use a girl like you. The owner continued. What do you mean exactly? Olivias words were sharp. Olivia, please, hes probably just drunk. No trouble, ok? Sarah pleaded. No matter how much she had changed, Sarah was still worried. No, no. Nothing like that. You would be very good behind here. You have a way of healing. Your pain has made you strong and your new life has made you even stronger. The owners words were delicate yet somehow mystical. Ive had enough. In fact, Im really getting hungry. How about we call it a night? Olivia turned to Sarah. We have a good menu; something to satisfy every taste. Even yours. The bartender took a risk and put his hand on Olivias.


The Chaldean Gambit I dont think you could ever satisfy me. Olivia slipped out from under his grasp. She and Sarah slowly walked out of the bar. Dont underestimate me love. The bartender grinned as he watched them leave.

Hey, cutie! One of the guys Olivia had been flirting with was walking toward them. He had about ten friends with him. Guys, its been fun. But its also been a long night; were tired and were going home. Olivia stepped in front of Sarah. The nights still young. Just party with us a little longer. The young gentleman walked up to Olivia and put his arm around her. He tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. Olivia, lets not get wild. Sarah gently begged. Oh. I like wild. The leader of the pack pulled out a knife. Please put that away before someone gets hurt or worse. Olivia warned. You give us a little something, you wont get hurt. He put the knife to Sarahs throat. In a tenth of a second, Olivia had snapped his neck like it was a toothpick. Several others rushed her, knives drawn. One of the knives plunged deep into Olivias heart. Another sank into her side. They didnt even slow her down. After several more seconds, three more attackers were dead. The rest fled. Rats. I really liked this shirt. Let me guess, I have to clean up this mess. Olivia sighed. Olivia, youre not going to- Drink these little grease balls? I could smell the fast food on them before I got into this joint. Yuck. Olivia? Sarah quickly turned to her as they were driving down a dark stretch of road. Yes? Olivia kept her eyes on the gloom ahead. Its not going to end, is it? You mean the lying, the killing, and the covering up? No. Not as long as were a family. Now my question. Do you know why youre my favorite? No. Sarah was a little surprised. Because you ask the hard questions. 73

The Chaldean Gambit Even though Olivia had very cleverly stashed the bodies in Oakwood Cemetery, they were dug up just minutes after they left. Well, at least you did me one favor Olivia. The Haitian bartender chuckled as he loaded the bodies into his van.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
A Change of Scenery, A Change of Heart

Its here! Olivias voice melodically rang out. Did she keep her word? Tobias anxiously asked. Did she ever! Baby, we have some serious money! She gave Tobias a triumphant hug. Now all we have to do is spend it. Tobias got up off the couch, but Olivia was already out the door. They went from one neighborhood to the next, Tobias trying to sell the places he liked to Olivia, and Olivia hemming and hawing. She had an extensive list Tobias thought it was too extensive. But Olivia was in charge of this venture and things had to be done her way; after all this was her family. She knew that they could make a new beginning. So, everything checks out on the list. Its a good neighborhood. I like the backyard not too many trees, spacious, and a good fence. Tobias was only giving a half hearted sales pitch by now. All good points; something just doesnt feel right though. Olivia frowned. Where to next? Hmmm..north. Lets go north.

In a back room at the Black Hole, the Haitian bartender sat in front of a white candle. Behind that was a clear glass of water surrounded by flowers. He said some prayers in English, Creole, French, and Latin. He then took a petal from one of the flowers and dropped it into the water. The petal swirled around the glass, faster and faster. It quickly dove down and then jumped out of the glass. Ahh.the love birds are looking for something special. Perhaps we can be of assistance? He smiled to something only he could see. The flower petal began to hop about on the floor. Its path exactly mirrored the one that Olivia and Tobias were taking through the suburbs.


The Chaldean Gambit No, no, turn left. Olivia commanded. Yes Madame. Is there anything else that Madame Parkhurst would like? Madame Parkhurst? Olivia had a quizzical look on her face. From Parkhurst Palace you know, the show about the mean old witch who rules her hotel empire with an iron hand. Oh right. Well, Im not like her. Im a lot prettier and a lot meaner! Olivia poked him playfully. Now get going or no allowance! Yes Madame. And you can stop calling me Madame I prefer the title your most beautiful, elegant, classy, royal highness. You got that? Sure babe. Do you know what happens to bad employees? I send them to stop! Stop! Olivia almost got out of the car before it stopped. The house was cozy and nestled in between two giant trees. There was a chimney and a white picket fence. There was a rose bed in front. She was absolutely, positively in love.

Back at the Black Hole, the flower petal had stopped, pressed down by an unseen finger. It seemed to unfold and a beautiful white rose sprang up from the floor. Excellent! The bartender clapped his hands. Thank you so much papa for helping them. There was a brief rush of wind and then all was silent and dark.

Are we there yet? Sam asked. I sure hope so. Julie answered. Were here. Olivia smiled. She led Sam, Sarah, Julie, and Lisette, all of whom were wearing blindfolds, out of the car. She savored the scene for a moment: the sunshine, the singing birds, the leaves swaying in the breeze. This was it, the new start. Oh my God. Olivia is this ours? Julie was shocked.


The Chaldean Gambit Julie, Sam, Sarah welcome to your new home! Olivias joy seemed brighter than the daylight. She drew them close to her and said a prayer of gratitude in her heart.

The move from Livermore to Strathmore City proved quicker than they thought it would be. The cleaning and covering up was the worst part, but it eventually got done. There were many questions at the bank and some unusual, creative answers. Finally, the old house was put up for sale. This morning the yard sale would commence. Say..shes a real beauty. Anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like her? A man in his thirties remarked to Olivia as he looked over the painting. Really? Wow. Gosh. I- I dont know what to say, except that youre really sweet. Olivia poured out all her charms like honey. Only $5.00? Ill give you $7.00. The man fished around for some money in his wallet. Thanks! Olivia had a happy twinkle in her eye. Ill take the whole box for $10.00. An older gentleman said, carting away a box of records. Vance! Oh no! Olivia was about to stop him, but Lisette put her hand on Olivias arm. You have your little Pocket Jukebox remember? Lisette reminded her. Well, yeah. I mean, its not the same. Bye Vance. Olivia blew the records a kiss. You dont get that sad when I walk out the door. Tobias remarked. You cant sing like Vance. And dont try. Sarah teased. What are those stains? A woman in her fifties asked. The small red drops on the donation chair were eerily out of place with the fabric. Oh, those? We had an old cat that required a lot of medical attention. Sam replied. This little box would be perfect for my recipe cards! An old lady exclaimed. She held up the wooden box and examined it thoroughly. How did that get there? I am so sorry madam, but that is not for sale. Tobias quickly stepped up. You should be more careful next time! The old lady answered. Oh I will maam I will.


The Chaldean Gambit That night, they arranged things in the new house. The downstairs was much nicer than what they were used to. It was very well lit and had finished walls. The white rug made Oliva frown. This is going to be impossible to clean up! She threw her hands up in the air. You loved this house at first sight and now youre worried about the carpet? Tobias was starting to feel like his life was zig zagging out of control. I dont know. Something just came over me when I saw this house. It was as if someone told me that this is where we ought to be. Oh, dont worry about it. Ill deal with it. She gave him a reassuring hug and kiss. Then she went upstairs to help Sam and Sarah. Well, thats about it. Julie announced as she walked down the stairs. See? That wasnt so hard now was it? Tobias winked at her. Im sorry about your box. I didnt know that it had such sentimental value. Thats OK. No harm done. Im actually kind of surprised that you havent had more of your personal belongings shipped over from the circus. Julie was arranging the pillows on the couch. She looked up at Tobias and studied his face. I like to travel light. I did notice that all you brought are books on druidic sacrifices. An unpleasant topic, I know. I hope it doesnt frighten you too much. I can assure you, no ritual hocus pocus around here. Tobias flashed a devilish grin. I hope you dont mind, but I looked at some of the pictures. Not at all. I didnt know that you were a student of Celtic religion. Ive actually seen some of those pictures before. Julie gathered up her courage. Really? Yes. I saw the same kinds of pictures when I looked up your circus on the web. I see. Tobias breathed out slowly. Julie- How many? How many did you kill? It wasnt me. I swear upon my mothers grave. There was a certain pain in Tobias eyes that made it harder for Julie to judge him. Who then? That thug? Julie wanted answers and she wanted them now. 78

The Chaldean Gambit I dont know. There are certain groups out there that few people know about; brutal, cruel, bloodthirsty folks, who do the most evil things in the world. And then, there are things out there that make them look like kittens. Something stalked us for decades, like a panther, taking what it wanted when it wanted. I couldnt stop it, no matter what I tried. Then, one day it left just like that. Tobias snapped his fingers for dramatic effect. You never found it? No. Could it come back? Julie did her best to sound calm. Yes.

An unassuming green car drove by 459 Sunflower Ave. It stopped for just a brief moment and then slowly pulled away. The young man flipped open his cell, his black crusade cross ring reflecting the light from the street lamp. He carried on the following conversation in Medieval Latin: Were too late, theyre gone. These are good hunting grounds. She will still be nearby. Brother Barnabas explained. We will just have to make adjustments.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Now You Museum, Now You Dont

Thanks Sam. Im really hungry this morning. I dont know why. Olivia sat down across from Sam as his blood flowed into the donation jar. She had an eager look in her eyes. No problem. It was my turn anyways. You dont mind, do you? Olivia pulled out a long straw. Sure I guess its OK. Breakfast, here I come! Olivia proclaimed hungrily. She stuck the straw in the jar and started sucking. taste soooo good. Um, thanks. Just cant get enoughjust a little more. Olivia? I dont feel so good. Can we stop? In a minute. Just a little more. Olivia gently pushed Sam back into the chair. His arm was starting to shrivel, like a balloon that was losing air. Please. I really want to stop. Sam begged. OK, OK! Just let me get a little more. taste great! Olivia kept on sucking. Cmon! Please! Stop! Look, settle down and be a good little breakfast. There was a cruel twinkle in Olivias eyes as she held Sam down. She kept on feeding till Sam was nothing more than a deflated pile of flesh and bone. Sam woke up in a cold sweat. Olivia began to suck harder and harder.

Morning sunshine. Tobias was putting on a pot of fresh coffee as Sam walked into the kitchen.


The Chaldean Gambit Sam went to the fridge and looked at the schedule. A shiver went down his spine: He was to be breakfast for Olivia this morning. He pushed back the dream and resolutely walked down the stairs. When he got to the bottom, Olivia was there, waiting for him. Morning. Her voice had a bouncy, cheerful quality to it. Morning. Sam walked over to the other side of the couch and sat down. He eyed the donation chair warily. Sleep good last night? Yeah. You hungry? Im starving. She kept her eyes on the TV. Well, I got plenty. Sam still wasnt getting up. Sam, are you alright? Olivia turned to him. Fine, moving a little slow this morning. There was an awkward silence. Olivias stomach growled and Sam cringed ever so slightly. Olivia decided that there had been enough silence. You know Sam, one of the things I remember is that we started you young too young. That first year, you would kick and scream you were even worse than me. Her attempt at humor fizzled. Im not afraid. But he was. Then your mother started holding your hand while you gave. She would run her fingers through your hair and sometimes even sing to you. Im not a baby! Sam shot back. But you are human. Weve all been through a lot all these years. When I look at you in that chair, and think of all that youve already given up my heart wants to break. There was a soft, gentle look in her eyes that penetrated Sams defenses. Its just hard with two of you, you know? I sometimes feel like I wont have enough. OK, thats alright. I probably need to go on a diet anyways. Olivia smiled. Just then Lisette walked downstairs. She looked at Sam and Olivia and stopped dead in her tracks. She turned to go back upstairs. You can stay. I was just about to go. Olivia spoke up.


The Chaldean Gambit Olivia, you dont have to go. Here, Ill do it. Sam walked over to the chair and plopped down. He found a vein and stuck the needle in. As if receiving a subtle clue from Olivia, Lisette sat down next to Sam and held his hand. Everything alright down there? I thought I was going to have to call the National Guard. Tobias was making an omelet. Everything is OK. Lisette is with him now. Lisette. Really? Yes. Lisette. I think this is an opportunity for both of them. By the way, are you hungry? No. Why? Just wondering. Olivias eyes darted to the schedule and she started to feel guilty.

Later that afternoon, Sam and Olivia were sitting at the kitchen table. There was a scrabble board between them. Youve got a little bit on the corner of your mouth. Sam pointed out. Olivia wiped a small spot of blood off with a napkin. So do you. Olivia smiled. Sam wiped a small bit of chocolate cake from his mouth. This is really good. Thanks. No, Sam. Youve got it backwards. This is Thank you Sam day. Its a new tradition in the Maraswaine clan. Does that mean that I also get extra letters? Sam joked. You dont need them. You give everyone else extra letters. Lets just say that they need extra help. You dont. Olivia winked at him. College. Sam put the letters on the board. Good. Now lets see. Hmmm. AnaMathiat. Unlike the first time, the voice was much clearer now. Olivia could almost feel soft breath upon her ear. Ishtar. Olivia quickly put the letters on the board.


The Chaldean Gambit Thats an interesting one. Goal. Hey! Twenty points for me!

Why Sammie, you might come close to me. How charming. Now wait a minute. She drew some letters. How about this one? Etemenanki.
Thats pretty good. Sam replied bewildered. He drew more letters. Lethargic. Nice one! Olivia reached for more letters but before she got to them, paused. Her agile fingers then quickly changed course and she chose her tiles. Heres a good one: Nebuchadnezzar. You know theres an ancient Babylonian exhibit in town, right? Nope. C.O., youre creepin me out. How do you think I feel? She stared at the board. She was tempted to run down and get the Ouija board, but didnt quite feel up to it. Im home! Sarah called out as she walked through the door. I dont know about this. Alex cautioned. Why hello! Who do we have here? Olivia walked into the living room. Olivia, this is Alex. Sarah smiled nervously. Alex. Hmmm..that name rings a bell. You must be the Alex Sarah talks about from time to time. Im Olivia. I apologize for the mess. It looks OK. Alex complimented. Where are my manners? Would you like some coffee? We also have some Danishes. Olivia smiled. Was she smiling too much? We just stopped by so I could get my laptop. But thanks for the offer. Sarah started to relax. Well, I wont be a bother. Good to finally meet you Alex. Same here. Alex replied nonchalantly. Or at least he tried to. His heart skipped a beat. He didnt realize that Sarahs cousin was drop-dead gorgeous. See that wasnt so bad. Sarah said as they sat in the car. No. Not bad at all. Alex had a puppy love look in his eyes. Yo. Alex. Sarah snapped her fingers. Back to earth. You act like youve never seen a girl before. She was a little stunned. She used to be afraid of Emily, but she never imagined that she would be jealous of Olivia. Was this the time to practice those skills Olivia mentioned? Im starting to think I might have to do something to keep your attention on me. Like what? Sarah just grinned as she backed the car out of the driveway. Later that night, Sam, Lisette, and Olivia arrived at the Strathmore Exhibition Compendium. The banners hanging from the front read: The Treasures of Nebuchadnezzar. People were filing into the brightly lit building. This is going to be so cool. I wrote a paper on Babylon in 10th grade. Now I get to see the real thing. Sam parked the car and turned to Olivia. You two go ahead. I want to breathe in the night air for a moment. Olivia smiled. When they had left, Olivia opened the trunk and got out the Ouija board. She sat with it in her lap. It felt cold, very cold. A very thin layer of ice slowly covered the surface. Just below the

ice water could be seen boiling. She was shackled in bronze, terrified. She looked around she was in a monastery. She sensed that it was July, sometime in the 17th century. There was a bucket over her head. It tipped and apple juice splashed against her skin, burning the flesh.

The Chaldean Gambit With a sword I pierce thee. In the doing, lies the undoing. Cut the thread of your fate. Let me go! Olivia screamed. Her words seemed muffled, distant. A poultice of sweet apples removes the curse. I trap you in an under-cage of gloom. Olivia came to in a cold sweat. Sam. Get out of there. Now! Olivias panicked voice came over the cell like crackling electricity. When everyone had left for the evening, a young gentleman walked through the exhibit. He inspected the items to make sure everything was in good order. As his hand ran over the glass cases, his black crusade cross ring reflected the lights overhead. His cell rang and he answered in Medieval Latin: She didnt come. I thought the bait would be irresistible. What did we do wrong? He allowed a tone of disillusionment to wrap around his words. We did nothing wrong. Brother Barnabas answered in Medieval German. She did something new, something unexpected. This is not a cause for lamentation. This is exciting. This is a good hunt. In a modern building enshrouded in glass, a gentleman looked out the window. The view of Brussels from the top floor was amazing. Her name came to him again, the second time in the past year and a half. AnaMathiat. His words were barely a breath, but to him they sounded like a shout. He absentmindedly fingered the ancient Babylonian coin in his pocket. Did you say something sir? His personal assistant asked. A name came to me, Reginald. A name I havent thought of in a long, long time. An old friend sir? One day you will understand. He laughed. That men such as I do not have friends. Come, lets not keep the board of directors waiting.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
The Pine Street Pack

For some reason, the Black Hole was pretty much desolate that night. The music seemed slow, languid, yet enticing. The bartender took the whole depressing scene in while cleaning glasses. The door opened and a rush of musky, wild scents blew in. Soon afterwards, a young lady followed. Did something just change? Alex mused, sniffing the air. Cool down there, Al. Youre acting like youve never seen a girl again. Sarah poked him. I didnt mean that. The air smells feels different. Huh? Never mind. Barkeep, how about another one for me and my toy? Sarah playfully slapped the back of Alexs head. Coming right up. The answer seemed laced with a little tension. You know, Ive been here so many times, and you still havent told me your name. Sarah noted, accepting the drink. So, you want to know my name, or just what they call me? The owner replied, keeping his eye on the newcomer. Either one. Its getting kind of awkward calling you barkeep all the time. Sarah locked eyes with him. Uncle Shadow. But you should be paying more attention to him than to me. Id hate to see a pretty young thing like yourself lose her toy. Alex had his eyes on the new girl the whole time. It was like something deep inside her head was calling out to him. OK, I think its time we changed the scenery. Sarah walked out the door without looking back. Alex sat there for a moment too long and then followed her.


The Chaldean Gambit Soon after, the door opened again; the air smelled of fresh pine, like it just blew in from a secret little spot in a long deserted forest. A husky male walked in and settled down in front of the bar. Ill have a special. He softly ordered. Yet there was something in his mannerisms that seemed hungry. No trouble, you hear? Uncle Shadow warned as he got a glass and filled it. This bars so dead you wouldnt have any trouble even if another pack showed up. He laughed darkly. Whats shakin honey? The mysterious girl walked up to him and sat down. Nothin absolutely nothin. So that guy is the one youre interested in? Yeah. Hes taken. Dont stir up trouble you cant put down. Uncle Shadow interrupted. The two seemed not to hear. Did you let Cheri and Vicki know? The man asked. Yeah. They like him too. Liza whispered as she came closer to collect a kiss.

Welcome to The Hive

The webpage seemed overwhelming to her. For a moment, Olivia just sat in front of the screen, unsure of her next step. Then she hesitantly clicked the join button. Wow. C.O. are you gonna join The Hive? Sam asked, looking over her shoulder. Yep. Olivia tried her best to sound confident and tech-savvy. One small step for Olivia Sam began. One giant leap for whatever I am. Olivia awkwardly finished. I give up! I am so through with that guy! Sarah stormed into the house, slamming the door behind her. Ill leave this one to you. Sam left quietly. Sit. Cmon, sit right here. Olivia patted the spot next to her on the couch.


The Chaldean Gambit What a complete jerk, he cant keep his eyes off other women, and then when I ask him about it, he acts like Im a jealous witch Deep breath. Olivia interrupted, quickly putting her hand over Sarahs mouth. Olivia, I really like him. I really do, but he doesnt feel the same way. Just because he looks at other girls? No, its more than that. Sometimes, its like hes afraid of me and I dont know why. Really? You dont know why? No. Sarah insisted. Perhaps hes afraid of your family? Well, I mean Sarah stared at the rug. Maybe hes even afraid of your cousin. Olivia suggested. No of course not! You certainly havent invited him over, so you must be hiding something. I think he might be afraid of what youre hiding. Olivia walked away and let that thought sink into Sarahs brain.

Olivia? Czeslawas voice sounded urgent and nervous. Czes baby! How are you? Olivia happily snapped while pulling some cookies out of the oven. Good, good. Any moment now youre going to have a visitor. Really? A visitor at this time of night? Yes. I hope you can help him out. Is Tobias around? No, why? Well, Im making him a surprise for his birthday. This is just between us, OK? Sure. What kind of surprise? Cant say. Gotta go, OK? Czeslawa turned off the phone and said a quick prayer. She parted the curtains to her trailer ever so slightly. The night was black and disquieting. Drew was missing.


The Chaldean Gambit Olivia heard a scratching at her door. When she opened it, Bond was sitting there, waiting to come in. What a cute little doggie! Olivia cooed. She bent down to pet him, but Bond barked insistently. My, someone is very impatient. Very well, come on in. After Bond walked in, he barked again. Whats this? Olivia untied a small pouch from Bonds collar. Inside was a note from Czeslawa asking her for a lock of her hair.

Oh! Excuse me! Cheri exclaimed as she bumped into Alex the next day. They were standing in the bread aisle of the local grocery store. No problem. Hey! Are you Alex? Robs little brother? She smiled a sweet smile. Yeah. Im Cheri. Rob and I went to Lake Academy. Cool. He told me that you were good with dogs, like you know, studying to become a vet. I know a thing or two. Alex replied, hoping it didnt sound like he was showing off. Could you come over and look at my pooch?

Cheri led him back to her home on Pine Street. On the outside, it looked like an average brick house. The inside however, contained several different types of exotic plants and lots of incense burners. Alex spent the rest of the morning looking over Cheris dog and getting to know Cheri quite well. Well, I dont think its anything serious, but you might want to get him checked out. Alex concluded. Thanks. What do I owe you? Nothing. Oh cmon. Let me at least buy you dinner tonight. Well, its just Friends only. I promise. 88

The Chaldean Gambit He is cute! Vicki came up behind her and watched Alex leave. Oh my God! He cant see you like this. Go on shoo! Cheri panicked and ushered Vicki away from the window. Hes gonna have to know sooner or later, right? Well, how about later? Like after a few dates, alright? Dont rush it.

A few weeks later, Alex showed up at The Black Hole alone. The bar was packed and the music was throbbing. Only Alex seemed to notice the unusual, wild scent that floated in the air. He scanned the crowd, almost hoping that Sarah would be there, but no luck. Nice place to say a prayer, huh? Vicki sat down next to him, motioning to the Catholic Prayers on the ceiling. Oh yeah. Alex replied somewhat startled. Cheri couldnt make it. Shes not feeling well. Im Vicki and Ill be your date for tonight. OK. Vicki! Liza happily called out. She gave her old friend a hug. Hey. Wheres Conner? Out there. Liza pointed to the husky male in the center of all the action.

Back at the house on Pine Street, Cheri put on her robe and pulled the hood over her head. They would be here any moment. She took out the cinnamon jar and sprinkled in some finely crushed leaves. Muttering in Latin, she began the preparations: Enchantress.welcome our guest.enfold him in your embracelet his soul be joined with ours.

When Alex, Vicki, Conner, and Liza left the bar, Uncle Shadow went into the back room. He lit a candle and stared deeply into the flame. He then puffed quickly and the candle itself disappeared but miraculously the flame remained, hovering in mid-air with nothing beneath it. Sarah was sitting at a red light on her way home from the grocery store. Suddenly, candle wax splattered across her windshield. Slowly, it formed into a message: Alex 232 Pine Street


The Chaldean Gambit

You gotta be kidding me. No really, cmon. Alex laughed as Vicki led him through the door. Conner and Liza were right behind him. Alex, be a little open minded, huh? Vicki flashed a wonderful grin. You cant say that all witchcraft is BS. If it was all fake, nobody would practice it and trust me a lot of people are. You mean you know people who cast spells? Alex stumbled into the living room, having had a wee too much to drink. Yeah, we know people. Conner grinned. We could even show you a small trick or two. Liza offered. Yeah, like a magic trick. You could use it to impress your girlfriend Sarah. Vicki led him to a seat at the kitchen table. She proceeded to rub a red powder on his hands. It felt hot and tingly. Then everyone else rubbed the powder on their hands. Conner turned off all the lights. Liza lit several candles. OK, now hold hands. This is going to be really cool. Liza announced in a low tone. Everyone held hands. Spirit of the wolf, we are family. Spirit of the wolf, we are family. Cheri said as she walked into the room. She had a cup in her hands. Cheri? Alex asked. Shhh.. Vicki replied. Drink this. Conner urged in a hushed tone. Alex raised the cup to his lips. It tasted like milk with cinnamon and something else. His head started to swim. He wasnt sure if he was dreaming. Alex, before we can show you any more of the trick we have to be honest with you. Cheri explained. At the end of the trick were going to ask you an important question and you have to realize what the stakes are, OK? Yeah. Alex thought his voice sounded like it was coming from across the room, not from his mouth. You see, we are really close, and we all share a unique gift. Liza spoke up. Sometimes, I get to use it, sometimes, Conner does, sometimes, Cheri does. Kind of like sharing a car. Get it? I I think so. Alexs voice sounded more distant than ever. His limbs felt heavy.


The Chaldean Gambit This gift, this power, there was a hint of hunger and anticipation in Cheris words, is unlike anything youve ever experienced. Its almost like you are a wolf, but so much more. Cheri pulled the hood off her head. Two canine ears peeked up through her hair. As she smiled, large canine teeth could be seen in the flickering light. The door flew off its hinges. Conner, Liza, and Vicki turned around, startled. Cheri just grinned. I hate to interrupt your fun, ladies and gentlemen, but its past Alexs bedtime. Tobias announced. Ill get Alex and Olivias words were cut short as Cheri leapt upon her. Cheri was just as strong as Olivia and the two were locked in a deadly contest. I hate to use the enemys tricks then again, I dont feel like being here all night. Tobias pulled out a pendant; it was an eye above a candle, all within a circle. Conner took the opportunity to charge him, but with one swipe Tobias knocked him across the room. Tobias then dipped the pendant in the cup and pressed it into Cheris forehead. Cheri screamed and a white mist rushed from her body. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious. Olivia helped Alex out the door. Vicki and Liza looked at Tobias, scared out of their wits. Next time, read the whole recipe before baking the cake ladies. Tobias turned and left.

Alex, you alright? Sarah softly whispered as he came to. She was kneeling by him as he lay on the couch in the Maraswaines basement. Yeah, what happened? You got mixed up with the wrong kind of people. The wrong kind, huh? Yeah, the wrong kind. From now on, youve gotta get mixed up with the right kind of people. And who would that be? Me. Sarah gently kissed him.

Bfk 91

The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Spreading Your Wings Is The Easy Part

Damn it! You guys are driving me crazy! Olivia yelled at the crumpled pile of clean laundry. Sorry Olivia! Julie called out as she hurried down the stairs. Im sorry; Im just a little grumpy today. Ill do that, you dont have to. Julie started folding shirts. Was it her imagination, or were her hands trembling slightly? Olivia walked up the stairs, feeling slightly guilty for her outburst. She looked at the schedule on the fridge; it was Julies turn tonight. This wasnt going to be a fun day for her. She looked around the house and felt so confined, but she didnt know why. She went lots of places; in fact she was out of the house more often than not. She opened the fridge and looked inside. There was only a small bit of what Sarah had given last night. She would have to wait. Then she realized that she was tethered to them. She loved her family she loved them more than anything else; but she felt so dependent on them. Top O the day to you maam. Tobias smiled as he walked into the house. Howdy stranger. Where have you been? Olivia planted a kiss on him. The hardware store Man Paradise. The old homestead needs a little fixin. Hmmm.I think I will see whats happening on The Hive. Maybe someone out there is leading an exciting life. She sighed. A trip to Yorkshire Plains would spice things up. Its not about another trip. I feel like my life should be more than this. Olivia headed off into the living room and left Tobias to figure out what she meant. She was confronted by the sight of Sam typing away on the lap top and staring intently at the screen. She looked at him for a few moments, and then headed back downstairs to help Julie with the laundry. An hour later, she found the lap top free. She logged into her account and read her mail:


The Chaldean Gambit Ollie,

A gilded cage is still a cage.

You simply cant spread your

wings surrounded by your family. That is all I will say on this matter for now. clock is running. The ball is in your court and the


If it only were that simple. She muttered. Isnt there anyone else out there? A clever idea came to her, like an unexpected guest. She clicked the Create Group button and typed in I Dont Drink Apple Juice. Hmmmm. She mused to herself. She clicked the Create Group button again; this time she typed in I Dont Wear Bronze Jewelry. After a moments hesitation, she created a final group called Ive Been Around for a Really Long Time. Excited, she went back to the groups and was immediately disappointed:

I Dont Drink Apple Juice

Members Ollie

I Dont Wear Bronze Jewelry

Members Ollie

Ive Been Around for a Really Long Time

Members Ollie

She was getting nowhere fast and tiring herself out doing it. She walked out the door and headed for Nixon Park. She sat in the car looking out at the sunny fields, wondering if she should just turn around and go home. Finally, she got out. Excuse me! A little help? A young man called out as a frisbee landed at her feet. She threw it and it sailed over his head. Sorry! Now she knew that she didnt belong here. 93

The Chaldean Gambit You want in? The young man motioned for her to join him and his girlfriend. No. Thats OK. You sure? Its a lot more fun than standing around. He issued a very tempting offer and Olivia gave in. The rest of the afternoon was delightful. Olivia was a little uncoordinated at first, but she eventually caught on. The impromptu field trip had eased the sense of being chained to her family. Thanks. This was wonderful. Olivia smiled. Glad you enjoyed it. Pete replied, shaking her hand. What are you doing tonight? Brittany hinted at some nocturnal fun. Brit! I dont think Adam and Joel would go for it. Pete cautioned. Oh Pete, come off it. Brittany shot back. Were going to a cemetery in Livermore were looking for monsters. Monsters? A cemetery? Sounds a little far-fetched to me. Oliva nonchalantly replied. I didnt believe either, till Adam showed me this video; its really wild. No way you can fake something like that. Brittany took it upon herself to be the official group spokesperson. If even monsters really did exist, which Im not too sure of, it sounds a little creepy. Olivia politely declined. After she had left, Pete got on his cell and complained to Adam: Your kid sister has a really big mouth. You know that? What did she do now? Adam sighed. She told some chick about our recon mission tonight. Was she hot? Adam joked. Well, yeah, but thats not the point. Do you think we should do something about her? Who, Brittany? No, that new girl. Did she believe you? No. Then no problem. 94

The Chaldean Gambit Aw, cmon man! This could be a disaster. What if she blabs to her friends? Then everyone will be crawlin all over there tonight! Pete argued. OK, OK. I dont know what I can do, but, if I do something, will you get off my back? Thank you! She was a brunette, about five-six. She weighed about 130 pounds. I like her already. Did she have a name? Olivia. Oh shit. Today was your lucky day. Stay away from that chick. Adams blood ran cold. Why? Trust me, I dont know what it is, but you dont wanna mess with her.

Olivia got back home and settled in downstairs to watch some TV. Everyone was out it was just her and the Ouija Board. She tried to focus on her favorite show, but she peeked at the board out of the corner of her eye. If she couldnt go forwards, maybe she could go backwards? What are you waiting for? Tobias asked, walking down the stairs. I dont know. Why do you make it sound like using the board is a nasty habit? You know, we used to have a really talented guy at the show. Tobias started his story, sitting down on the couch. He would put on a blindfold, jump over spikes, duck under razor wire, and then finally, jump through a flaming hoop. One day, someone else tried it; they thought it was simple. But they missed the mark by about of an inch; the poor soul almost bled to death. You see, the first guy knew exactly where he was going, the second didnt. When you use that thing, its like youre blindfolded with no clue of where youll end up. But I always make it back in one piece. Dont you have any faith in me? I do. But I dont have any faith in that thing. Please Olivia, give it up at least till you learn more about it. OK. Fine. She got up and walked away.

The next Saturday, Olivia walked into the living room and saw a new laptop, wrapped up in a red bow. She approached cautiously, thinking it was too good to be true. She then reasoned that it must have been a gift for Sarah from Alex. Oh, Alex. You are a sweetheart. Olivia whispered through a smile. 95

The Chaldean Gambit Hey, arent you gonna untie that? Sarah asked. Oh, no! Olivia stammered, surprised. I wouldnt dream of it. Go ahead. Olivia its for you. For me? Yeah, for you. A certain someone noticed that you needed your own computer. Would that certain someone have a Scottish accent? Yeah. Sarah giggled like a schoolgirl. Then lets open this baby up! Olivia squealed with delight. The first thing she did was to log onto The Hive. She checked her groups: I Dont Drink Apple Juice Members Ollie Chad Morgan I Dont Wear Bronze Jewelry Members Ollie Chad Morgan Ive Been Around for a Really Long Time Members Ollie Chad Morgan

In her London apartment, Clarice eagerly checked her mail. Nothing yet, but she knew that Ollie and Chad would contact her any day now. It had been so long since she talked to any of her own people. She felt guilty for the deception, but she thought it best to stick to Morgan for now. She had to be cautious; after all she didnt want Emily to find her, not until she could find out the truth.


The Chaldean Gambit Speaking of the truth, she thought to herself, time to get cracking on the circus mystery. She then opened up the London Times webpage and clicked on the story titled: Member of Carnaval

Mystres Circus Disappears.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Royal Blush

The new chair was definitely more comfortable than the old one. For some reason, Sarah put down the magazine she was reading and watched her blood flow into the jar. There it goes me. Liquid me; shell drink it and Ill be a part of her. What does that feel like? She thought to herself. How are you doing? Olivia looked over from where she was sitting on the couch. Im OK. Why? Sarah was surprised at the question. She wasnt sure if Olivia ever asked before. Just wondering. Olivias stomach growled; it wasnt easy sharing them with Tobias. She looked at Sarah out of the corner of her eye. After fidgeting for a few moments, she went upstairs to her bedroom.

She logged onto the Hive and sought companionship there. She checked her groups:

I Dont Drink Apple Juice

Members Ollie Chad Morgan Griswold

I Dont Wear Bronze Jewelry

Members Ollie Chad Morgan


The Chaldean Gambit Griswold Ive Been Around for a Really Long Time Members Ollie Chad Morgan Griswold

She sat there for a moment, wondering if she should really pour out her feelings on-line. Then, impulsively, she typed: I feel guilty because I am asking for more from my family. I have a boyfriend and now my family has to support both of us. What do I do? Knock, knock. Tobias announced, standing in the doorway. Its show time. Oh! Olivia quickly closed her laptop and rushed out into the backyard. There were so many of them, flickering in the warm summer air. Fireflies flew past them winking in and out of the darkness. It was like a graceful, psychedelic ballet. Olivias stomach was still growling and she went back inside to get something to drink. Want some? She offered Tobias a sip from her mug as she came back out. No thanks. You sure? Youre not hungry? Im fine. OK. Are you worried about the supply and demand around here? Tobias turned to her. No. Not at all. Which in Oliva means Yes, yes I really am. One phone call and Drew would be here in a couple days. No, Im fine I mean were fine. You dont like Drew? No. Thats not it. I just dont know him that well. Honey, blood is blood. 99

The Chaldean Gambit Is that what you think? Olivia frowned. This isnt just blood its Sarahs blood. Maybe men are just different. To me, this is intimate. This is a person, not a shake from the local burger joint. Im sorry. Its just that if we need more, well get more. Theres no need to starve. You know, maybe you should apologize to Sarah, not me. Shes the one youre taking for granted. Olivias words hit him like a bucket of cold water. The rest of the evening was spent in silence. The next morning, Olivia made a big breakfast for everyone. When Julie came into the kitchen, she was confronted with a table full of pancakes, eggs, and orange juice. There was so much syrup that she thought it would overflow the plates and drip down the legs of the table. Wow. Whats all this for? She asked. Cant a girl say thank you now and then? Olivia smiled confidently. She was getting better and better at hiding her guilt. Someone must have been bored this morning. Sam remarked as he walked into the kitchen. Youre welcome! Olivia playfully tapped Sams nose with a spatula. Im starving! Sarah was the next one in. Olivia, did you do this? Youre awesome! Thanks! Sam, where are you going? Olivia wondered as Sam headed downstairs. Im taking Lisettes place. His words hung in the air as he walked down the stairs. My! What a gentleman! Olivia smiled.

After breakfast, Olivia logged onto The Hive. There were several responses to her question:

Chad: Im sure there are a few blood banks around. A little variety is the spice of life. Morgan: Time to marry off one of the kids and bring some fresh bodies into your family . Griswold: Only a girl would feel bad about having a can of soup. Theyre yours act like it!

There was also an e-mail. Intrigued, she opened it:


The Chaldean Gambit Ollie,

I know youre feeling guilty, but you dont have to. Your family loves you and would do anything for you. You also have friends who are closer than you think. I feel so bad for you; so much of your past and identity are shrouded in a mist. You do have one solution though you know what it is. Dont be afraid of the board !


She did a little research on Jean-Baptiste: He was a member of the group Voodoo Theater. He was also a dealer in trinkets and antiquities. He described himself as a spiritual healer. You sure youre not coming? Julie asked as she headed out the door. You guys go. Ill be fine. Anyways I want you to surprise me! Olivia smiled and shooed Julie out the door. Now get going! The Flower Show isnt going to be here forever! Youre not going? Tobias wondered what was up. She watched Julie, Sam, and Sarah drive off. Im not really in a flowery mood today. I dont feel blue, just not flowery. She smiled, looking up from her crossword puzzle. By the way, were out of flour, sugar, rice, and a couple of other things. Im on my way. Want to come with me? You really want the worlds worst grocery shopper tagging along? Right. Ill be back.

Olivia waited ten minutes after Tobias had left. Then, mixed with fear and anticipation, she rushed down the stairs. OK board. Its just me and you. She opened the box and sat down in front of the board. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Should she concentrate on something or just let her mind go blank? Maybe it would go better if she asked a specific question. Or perhapsAnaMathiat. The word seemed to issue forth from an unseen visitor sitting opposite her. Her hands felt magnetically drawn to the board. Ice crystals formed not only on the board, but also on her fingers. 101

The Chaldean Gambit She was standing in the center of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Everything was so green, lush, and fragrant. She was adorned in rich, seductive silk. Gold and precious stones hung from her neck and shoulders. Nebuchadnezzar is waiting for you. A eunuch announced as he walked into the garden. I will obey in a moment. Just a moment longer it is so beautiful here. Do not delay, or you will lose your status as his favorite concubine. The eunuchs warning was gentle yet slightly ominous. Olivia pulled her hands from the board, blushing deeply. Instead of feeling cold from the ice, her hands felt very warm. She quickly put the board back in the box and took it out to the garage. However, she just couldnt bring herself to throw it away. Im home! Tobias called out as he walked through the door. I got everything that you wanted, plus some coffee and bread. Oh! Thanks. Olivia was still blushing slightly. Youre blushing. Youre not hiding a spare boyfriend around here, are you? No, no. Not at all. Now that youve got that done, I think the bathroom faucet is leaking again. Olivia quickly changed the topic.

How are you coming with your efforts? The gentleman asked while straightening his tie. His gaze shifted from the view of Brussels to his assistant. We are close, sir. Very close. Reginald answered. Good. I want to know more about Ollie much more.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Pass It On

Too small. Olivia frowned as she looked around the posh loft apartment. We have other openings like a nice expansive little nest at The Hanging Gardens. The young woman was perky, informative, and smart. Hanging Gardens? No thanks. Olivia looked out the window onto the busy thoroughfare below. Teens walked in and out of the trendy shops. Perhaps something at Silver Creek Meadows? Silver Creekwell, no. Sorry. Olivias voice was quiet, pensive.

This is a great location, right between the middle of nowhere and the burbs. The gentleman smiled. He had a nice leather jacket, clean cut shirt and trousers, and most of all - great aftershave. Dishwasher with three settings, very nice. Olivia mumured. The skylight is very easy to clean. He noted as they walked through the large living room. Beautiful view, so nice and quiet. Olivia remarked looking out the front window. Too quiet which means boring. She thought to herself.

This hasnt been used for about twenty five years. Father McVale explained as he tried to open the stubborn door. He was a thin, elderly priest with a streak of silver in his hair. Allow me, father. Olivia gave the door a bump and it popped open. The room was cold, gray, and dusty. Light passed through grimy windows and cut through the murky atmosphere. As she slowly walked across the floor, her footsteps echoed, hung in the air, then disappeared into the neglected corners. She wiped one of the windows and looked down. There, on the dingy street below, a few homeless people were barely staying alive. A stray dog trotted from one urban refugee to the next, hoping to get some charity of his own. How much father? 103

The Chaldean Gambit Seeing as it needs work, and the neighborhood has gone downhill, $500.00 a month seems a fair price. I like it. When can I move in? As soon as you wish, although Although? This might not be the best neighborhood for a lovely young lady such as yourself. My boyfriend will be moving in with me. And, trust me father, I can take care of myself. Olivia wrote a check and handed it to her new landlord.

When can I see it? The text read. When Im not embarrassed to show it. Olivia texted Sarah back. When you told me it needed a little work, you should have included a photo. This place is a mess. Tobias grumbled. We just got here an hour ago. Tell you what, you get some more boxes from the old place and I will surprise you when you get back. Olivia grinned a devilish grin. Ill be back. Tobias words were dripping with anticipation. How are you coming along, if I may ask? Father McVale knocked on the door. Its coming along quite nicely, thank you father. Im not quite used to cleaning up a mess, but Im getting better at it all the time. If you like, there are some Danishes left over from yesterdays brunch. Thank you father, thats really sweet of you, but Im not really a coffee and Danish kind of gal. Is there anything I can get you? No father, thats OK; but I really do appreciate all the help youve given me so far. Thanks for the equipment, Im sure I will put it to good use. Olivia was about to give him a hug, but then stopped. She wasnt really sure how to behave around father McVale this was going to be somewhat of a challenge. Im back. Wheres my surprise? Tobias melodically called out as he stepped through the door. Right here! Olivia was behind a large white sheet. Ready? 104

The Chaldean Gambit Quite ready. Tobias smiled as he took a step forward. No, no. You have to stay there. Olivia tried her best not to giggle. Do you really want me to drop this sheet? Yes, yes I really do. Do it now before the anticipation kills me! Tobias responded theatrically. Ta-Daa! With a grand gesture, Olivia let the sheet fall to the floor. There she was, in all her glory, in old coveralls standing next to a tower of paint cans. Why Ms. Maraswaine, you look absolutely ravishing. And that color its exquisite, its so very purple. Its going to look so very sexy on the walls. It will almost be as beautiful as your eyes. Tobias gave her a long, lingering kiss. Hmmm.maybe if I accidentally spill enough, we can switch to a more acceptable color. He thought to himself.

Well, thats the last box. Julie stated. Yup. Olivia remarked, loading it into the trunk. Now remember, tomorrow at seven. You dont think I would be late for my own goodbye party, do you? Olivia teased. No, no of course not. Julie apologized. After all this time, there was still the slightest hint of terror in her voice. I will be there, trust me. Olivia gave her a warm hug, but Julie was tense. It was then she was absolutely convinced that moving out was the right thing to do. Olivia! Sarah called out as she came up from the cellar. Yes darlin? Dont forget this. Sarah put a family photo in her hands. Hey, you act like Im moving across the galaxy. Im just going to be a few miles away. Ill be over every Sunday, OK? Oh yeah, I know. There was sadness in Sarahs voice that she just couldnt mask. You guys are going to be alright. Its time for the family to change just a little bit. Olivia hugged Sarah for a long, long time. 105

The Chaldean Gambit

Julie walked through the house, stooping every once in a while to pick up a small piece of wrapping paper. Olivia had been so happy it was a joy to see her face light up as she opened her presents. Sometimes, she still seemed like a little girl. Julie washed the dishes and relished the fact that there would be no more donations, no more worrying about what kind of mood Olivia was in. She turned out the kitchen light and headed upstairs. She fell asleep in the security of knowing that everyone else in the house was asleep too.

So, shes just gone? Alex asked. Pretty much. I mean, shes going to come over on Sundays, but that probably wont last long. Sarah cradled her cell while watching TV and eating popcorn. She had gotten Olivias bedroom; but, sitting in the middle of it, she didnt feel any better. More room for you I guess. I guess. You dont sound happy about it. Its just that Olivia could be demanding, I mean really demanding. But then, she was great to be around. I felt safer with her around. Safer? I didnt know that she had a black belt or a gun. No, dont be a goof. Its hard to describe, but Im gonna miss her.

So, you miss her? Lisette asked. No. Shes coming back. Sam nonchalantly replied, sitting in the donation chair. He felt a certain sense of triumph, like he had finally completed a grueling marathon of blood. No more donations ever. Are you going to visit her? Oh yeah, sure. Maybe Ill even crash there every once in a while. I think shell miss your scrabble games. We can play over the internet.


The Chaldean Gambit Oh Sam. Wi-Fi, the internet, The Hive its no substitute for actually being there. Its no substitute for this. Lisette ran her soft, warm fingers over Sams arm. She climbed on top of him and started to kiss him. Then, before he knew it, she had him strapped down. Lisette, whats goin on? Im hungry. Lisette pulled out a long needle and stuck it right into Sams heart. Sam woke up in a cold sweat. Next to him, Lisette slept soundly. He got dressed and got in his car.

The next morning, Sarah arrived early at Alexs house. She tapped her fingers to a classic Sleeping Bees tune. She honked the car horn several times. Hey sleepyhead! Its 7:30 AM! Get your cute bum outta bed! She yelled out the window. There was no reply. She looked at the house; the front door was open. Alarmed, she got out of the car. Hey. Alex mumbled, holding an ice pack over his left eye. His lip was still bleeding. The house had been ransacked. Oh my God. Who did this? Sarah rushed to his side and tried to help. Just some pissed off asshole from down the street. Are you hurt bad? Cmon well go to the hospital. Ill live. He replied, waving her off. He winced in pain as he got up. Alex, please, let me help you. You can trust me. Sarahs soft voice finally convinced him. At the hospital, it was a long wait. As the minutes turned into hours, Sarah tried to keep her eyes off of Alex. She buried herself in a gardening magazine, but her guilt wouldnt let her concentrate. Weve been here for two hours. Sarah walked up to the reception desk. Im sorry, it should only be a few more minutes. The weary nurse replied. If you gotta be somewhere- Alex began. Im not going anywhere.

Later that afternoon, with Alex resting comfortably downstairs, Sarah paced the backyard. Finally, she made the call. 107

The Chaldean Gambit Sarah! Hows my favorite girlie? So, you have everything you need? Father McVale patiently stood a few feet away. Yeah, thanks father youre a real hero! Dont mention it. Father McVale turned, passed through the wall, and continued his rounds. So, honey whats up? Olivia turned her full attention to Sarah. I want to do it I want to be like you.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Blood Thieves

In other news, the TV blared, the mysterious robberies at the local blood bank continue. Police are still looking for a suspect. You dont think its Olivia, do you mom? Sarah stared at the TV in hopeful disbelief. I dont know honey. Lets hope not. Julie pulled her daughter closer to her. Have you heard anything from her lately? She sent me an e-mail a few days ago. Is she coming over this Sunday? She wouldnt say. Mom, do you think Olivia still feels comfortable here? Sarah turned to Julie. I think she does. Its just that she needs a little freedom. After all, shes been bound to our family for several generations. Shes just spreading her wings.

Boy that was close! How did you manage to squeeze in there? Tobias panted, out of breath. He sat down in the nearest pew. Everything was dark and the sound of something fluttering came from the rafters. Natural born skill, baby, natural born skill. Olivia responded, equally out of breath. You know, if were going to keep doing this, we might want to get in better shape. Im not planning on doing this forever. OK, so what are you planning? I dont know yet. There has to be a better way than this though. Olivia looked down at the stolen blood. Her stomach growled. I heard that. Why dont we go upstairs and have a nice, romantic candlelight dinner? Ill race ya!


The Chaldean Gambit When they got to the door of their apartment, they found a present waiting. It was a champagne bottle with colorful ribbons attached. A note next to the bottle read: Welcome to the neighborhood. There was also a business card:

The Dusk Syndicate Lyle

Hmmm..looks like the natives are friendly. Olivia smiled as she picked up the bottle. The Dusk Syndicate Ive never heard of them before. Are they one of your on-line friends? Nope. Olivia opened the bottle and sniffed. She opened the door quickly and pulled Tobias in after her. Its blood and its fresh. Oh my God, Tobias, do you think someone knows about us? They shouldnt, unless youve been a little too liberal with your Hive buddies? Tobias! No of course not is that what you think I am, stupid? No, but there are folks out there who are very good at putting two and two together. Look, I didnt mean it that way its just that I know a lot of tricky people. I know how they operate and how good they are at prying clues off of casual conversations. I have been careful, very careful. So has someone else and their diligence has paid off. Olivia quickly logged onto the Hive and began her investigation. She looked at the members of her groups, but no Lyle. She tried to look up The Dusk Syndicate but had no luck. As she was staring at another dead end in cyberspace, she got an e-mail:


Havent heard from you in a while, hope everything is ok. Things here are going well, especially my writing. I miss you! Drop me a line.

Morgan 110

The Chaldean Gambit

Might as well take a break from searching for the needle in the haystack. Olivia sighed. She scrolled down the growing list of members in her Hive (there were over fifty of them). She checked out Morgans profile first. Hmmmspent some time in America, but didnt have any fun. Ill have to ask her about that someday. Olivia clicked on Morgans poetry page and began to read:

Between Night and Day

Here I stand trapped in a curtain of dusky silk, Listening to the whispers of malcontented ilk, Rejecting gifts before they bilk.

For all those sweet gifts have strings attached, Tied to nefarious plots others have hatched. Accept one too many and your freedom gets snatched.

Youll soon get sick of their cruel, twisted morality play, As you drown in a thousand shades of gray.

For they know who you are and where you live, How much you want it and what youll give, Turn away now if you want to live.

The Chaldean Gambit


A shiver went down Olivias spine and she turned off her computer. She went to the window and looked out into the rainy night. As she sipped her supper, Morgans words came back to haunt her: How much you want it and what youll give. She shuddered. Was someone watching them right now? A week later, there was another bottle at the door. This time the note read: Loved your work with the blood bank. We could use a girl with your talents. They are definitely on to us. Tobias, what are we gonna do? Olivia panicked. Ive been tapping every connection I have, but no one knows who these cretins are. Well have to move. And keep moving? What if they follow us? Then we stand and fight. Forget step one. Lets stand and fight now! With what? Olivia, we dont even know what were up against. Ill keep checking the Hive, maybe someone knows something. She threw her hands up in frustration.

Later that evening, when the church was abandoned, dark, and quiet, Olivia went into the confessional. Ive really blown it this time. She muttered to herself. How long has it been since your last confession? Father McVale asked. Father, is that you? Olivia asked, surprised. She thought the old priest had gone to bed hours ago. You sound troubled Oliva. I just wanted to start living on my own, you know? When I was with my family I had everything that I needed except my freedom. Now Im running low on medications and sometimes theyre hard to get.


The Chaldean Gambit Hard to get by legitimate means. Um, well, I mean Olivia, you are a wonderful girl; dont let your condition make your choices for you. You are the one in control, not your hunger. Well father, its really not about my tummy I need this stuff to survive. No woman or couple for that matter is an island. What you and Tobias really need are friends. Its kinda hard to make friends when youre like me. Look around, Olivia its not that hard. Just be careful about the company you keep. Olivias cell buzzed. The text read: 783 South Hurst Street. Come Alone, we have a job for you. Its either us or the cops, your choice. I gotta go father. Be careful Oliva and be wise.

The rain seemed to pick up as she got out of the car. There was an alley right next to the little flower shop. A neon bee in the window winked sporadically. Down the alley. A voice called out. Im here. Olivia mustered all the courage she could. So are we. A whisper caressed her ear. A bronze dagger pressed against her throat she could smell the apple juice on the blade. Theres a rare collection of artifacts due in from Europe in two weeks. We absolutely, positively must have them. The address will be in your glove compartment. And after that? Well let you know. Olivia walked back to the car, shaken but unhurt. She looked in her glove compartment and found the note: The Black Hole. Dont go there early or youll screw up the deal and your life. She never felt more alone.


The Chaldean Gambit On the appointed evening, she walked into The Black Hole without Tobias. She glanced around and took a seat at the bar. The owner clinked some glasses together and she jumped. A little jumpy tonight, arent we? The bartender chuckled. Not tonight Shadow tonight its business only. I see what kind of business would that be? The kind you dont want to know about. Ill keep quiet then. Watch the bar for me while Im gone OK? What? Are you nuts? Where are you going? Its easy dont worry Ill be back in a few. Come back here you crazy little muffin! Olivia panicked. She looked around and got behind the bar. Howdy maam. Conner grinned as he walked up to the bar. Liza was hanging on his arm. Oh no not the pups. Go away shoo! Olivia urged. Sorry, no can do were part of your team. Pretty exciting huh? Lizas bubbly voice gushed forth. I cant believe this. Go away now or Ill Youll what? Conner dared. Think of something something you wont like. Look, enough games, these guys are dangerous. Danger is fun, serious fun. Conner grinned. Ill make you a deal. Im gonna count to three, close my eyes, and when I open them you squirts wont be here. One- The lights went out. There was screaming, shouting, and gunfire. A warm rush of air ran through the place and she thought she saw several faces leering at her. She raced toward the back room and kicked in the door. Several ominous shapes crowded around Uncle Shadow. Olivia took a step forward. The safe is in the floor. Get the goods! An eerie voice commanded her. Instead, Olivia grabbed Uncle Shadow and shoved him out of the room, hoping he would be safe. 114

The Chaldean Gambit Stay there! She yelled as she struggled with the dark shapes. It felt like she was being sucked into a tar pit. A black, sticky goo started to pour out of her nose and eyes. She started to grow weaker as it filled her lungs. The candle, light the candle! He threw a lighter to her. Miraculously, she caught it before it could get intercepted. Olivia used all her might to pull away from her attackers. She used her remaining strength to fumble forward to where she thought the candle might be. Just before she blacked out, she opened the lighter. The flame licked the wick and the candle flared up. Two burning eyes slowly appeared; they surveyed the scene calmly. Then a chuckle was heard; smoke escaped a barely discernable mouth. There were several yelps, shrieks, and screams. Then all was quiet.

Oh God, my head feels like its been run over by a truck. Olivia groaned. She sat up on the couch. She was at home, in the basement. Sam was in the donation chair. You should see the truck. Tobias smiled. Next time, dont leave me out, OK? He gently kissed her. I didnt want you to get hurt. Id rather get hurt than risk losing you. Youre sweet I love you. I love you too. Now shhh! Spook Chasers is about to come on. Tobias passed the popcorn to Sarah.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
The Back Room

Bobby looked around nervously. He hadnt been to too many clubs and The Black Hole was undeniably different. The music wasnt too loud, but it was low, pulsing seething. It seemed to seep into his very skin. Bobby! Glad you could come. Uncle Shadow slapped him on the back. Thanks! Bobby was so startled he almost fell out off the stool. Hey, whats up? You arent nervous are you? Nope. Not at all. Bobby looked him right in the eye. That had to be one of the worst lies Ive ever told. He thought to himself. Stay here. Ill get everything ready for you. And Bobby dont worry. Uncle Shadow is gonna take good care of you. Uncle Shadow went to the back room and knocked on the door. No response. He tried the door it was locked. First customer honey. You alright? Fine! Just give me a minute. OK, OK. Dont worry Uncle Shadow is gonna take good care of you. He better. The words were impatient, high strung, and a little ominous.

Bobby walked into the back room. It was lit by several candles. A sweet, faint odor hovered in the air. A soft, out of focus guitar track looped endlessly. He stood there, not sure if he wanted to take another step. Indecision is like a drug. You can get hooked on it. The words were warm yet foreboding. The woman who spoke them had long curly blonde hair and piercing green eyes. She had high cheekbones and a long graceful neck. She wore a red robe. So, what do I do? 116

The Chaldean Gambit Sit listen. OK, Im listening. Bobby sat down across from the mysterious woman. I know youre in pain. I cant promise a cure. I am hoping that I can open your eyes to a new path in life. This might not be easy. It could take a long time or a few minutes. Do you still want to do this? She looked deeply into his eyes. Y-yes. Are you sure? Yes. Roll up your sleeve. She stuck a needle into his arm. In order to gain wisdom, you have to sacrifice a little of yourself. Bobbys blood started flowing into a nearby jar. How much? I dont know. A wicked smile played across her face. Do you want me to stop? No, just a little more. Bobby was getting a little woozy. His blood continued to flow for several more agonizing moments. Now it is time for you to speak. She withdrew the needle from his arm just in time. Had he given too much? My girlfriend Sheila doesnt love me anymore. There was a long moment of silence. Do you love yourself? What? This is about Sheila, not me. It is about you. You are, after all, the one who is sitting here. Well, of course I love myself. Why? Why? I dont know why I just do! This is stupid. Is it stupid or not what you expected? Well, both. So, what do you do when life takes an unexpected turn? Like I was saying, this isnt about life, this is about Sheila. Bobby was getting frustrated.


The Chaldean Gambit You mean the Sheila who did something unexpected like stop loving you? Well, when somebody does something I dont expect And dont like. Her green eyes met his. I just get frustrated and I dont know what to do. Thats honest. There was another long pause. Whats the cure for uncertainty? I guess Shhhno. Theres no quick answer to this one. She put her finger on his lips. Then they just sat there for a few minutes taking in the sounds, sights, and smells. Finally, Bobby sensed it was time to go. He got up and quietly walked out.

The woman closed the door and turned on the lights. She gently blew out the candles and turned off the music. She tensed her face and opened her eyes wide. Her high cheekbones disappeared and her eyes went back to their normal shade of blue. She tensed her body and shrunk four inches. She shook her head vigorously and her blonde hair turned as black as midnight. She took out the scissors and cut her hair to just the right length. Finally, she changed back into her street clothes. Hey, first customer. So, how did it go? Uncle Shadow congratulated her as she sat down at the bar. It was a success I think. Olivia replied. Did you get enough? Yeah that was no problem. I had to stop him, he certainly was generous. She squirmed. Did it sound like she was making fun of the whole affair? Dont worry, it will get easier. I have a whole lot of sad, sad people out there for you to help. Im not sure if I should hang out with someone who knows lots and lots of sad people. Olivia quipped.

Honey, Im home! Olivia called out as she walked through the door. How did it go Mrs. Freud? Tobias gave her a kiss. Pretty good. I hope. 118

The Chaldean Gambit Oh, dont worry. Youre a natural. Pretty soon youre going to be neck deep in crazies. I already am neck deep in crazy you! She playfully pinched his nose. Now, cmon lets have supper. She opened up the thermos. I already had some, thanks. You mean the family? Tobias, you are so impatient. I told you that I would be home in a few hours. No, not the family. What do you mean? Olivia was alarmed. Some punks were harassing this young lass- And? And I took care of the situation. One of them was a bit too unruly and I drank him. Tobias! Do you know what kind of trouble you can get into? What if someone saw you? What if the kids parents start looking for him? Hey, I was as careful as I could be. I threw the kid off me and he went through an old window just sitting in the alley. Olivia, trust me, there was nothing I couldve done for him. He wouldve bled to death anyways. Wheres the body? Where a dead body ought to be in the morgue. Look, Im sorry. I think its romantic that you protect young girls and fight for whats right, I just worry. About being discovered? Yeah. Please tell me youll be careful. I will. I promise. She wanted to be mad at him, she really did. But, as always, there was something in his eyes that banished her fear and won her over. As she hugged him, she looked out at the dark night outside their window. She couldnt help it; the street below somehow looked safer.

Surprise! Olivia smiled as Julie opened the door. Olivia was holding a birthday cake in her hands. 119

The Chaldean Gambit Olivia, you didnt have to do all this. Well, let me in so the pigging out can begin! She hadnt been this happy in centuries. Mmmm..cake. Sarah was almost drooling. Not yet. Sam! The cake is here. You have to share. Olivia carefully put the cake on the dining room table. Hey, cake! Alright! Breakfast of champions. Sam eyed the cake greedily. Oh boy my own personal pack of hyenas. Maybe I should have brought two cakes. Oh wait! Can Alex have some too? Sarah piped up. Sure. The more the merrier. Olivia replied.

After the birthday party, Alex and Sarah went to his house. The new door handle was tricky and, after several frustrating attempts, finally yielded. The house just didnt seem the same since the attack. So we got everything? Lets go. You sure are in a hurry to get out of the house. Sarah commented, looking around. Well, its a great day out there and times a wastin. You know, it seems like we dont hang out here anymore. In fact, it seems like youre never at home. Home is boring. Alex, if you need a safe place to stay, you can always stay with us. Sarah put her hand on his shoulder. I dont know, I mean, with your mom and brother and all. Maybe its time for another option like us getting our own place. Are you ready? Alex looked into her eyes. Are you?

There. Right where it belongs. Olivia declared as she put the donation chair out on the curb.


The Chaldean Gambit Are you sure you wont be needing that anymore? Julie looked at the chair. It actually felt strange to let go of it. Im sure. My employer assures me that I will have enough for myself and my boy toy. Thats good. Yes, its very good. Things are going to change for the better for this family. Olivia gave Julie a warm hug. Hey girlie. Whats up? So, whats your answer? Sarah was calling from Alexs car while he was in the store. Julie, could you excuse me? My new employer is calling about one of my clients very confidential stuff. Oh sure. Julie went back into the house. Sarah honey I just dont know if its a good idea. To pass on the curse can be dangerous, very dangerous. Im willing to take the risk. Are you just as willing to lose Alex? I wont lose him; hes the reason why I want to do it. Have you even hinted at the truth? No not yet. Let me know when you start being honest with him and with your mother and brother. Then Ill make up my mind.

A blue car slowly passed by as Olivia went back into the house. A telephoto camera took several pictures. Thats it, we found her. Brittany declared. Good. Now to see how Pete is doing on his end. Adam dialed Petes number. Well? Were in luck. The guy Im dealing with says he knows a guy by the name of Lyle who can get what we need. Will they do the trick? Adam was anxious to end the threat once and for all.


The Chaldean Gambit Hell yeah. Pure bronze. Shell never know what hit her.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Nice to Meet You, Again and Again

Everything is a struggle. Accept that and you can put all your efforts into finding a solution. Olivia softly murmured. The candles in back room fluttered nervously. You make it sound like its all so easy its not. Beth sighed. You can trust her mommy shes special. Gabriel, Beths five year old son, looked into Olivias eyes. Well, now what? Beth blurted out after several moments of silence. Gabriel, ever impatient, tugged on her sleeve. After a moment, they left. When they had been gone for a few minutes, Olivia wearily got up and turned on the lights. She knew it was a mistake to let the kid in with the mom, but she just couldnt say no. There was something about the child that seemed to demand her attention, even though he barely spoke a word.

Julie called, wanted to know how things were coming along. Uncle Shadow looked her over. He was worried, but not sure why. Ill give her a call. Things are coming along great. Olivia plopped down onto the stool. Youve been going at it pretty hard. Even someone like you needs a vacation. Sounds nice. What would sound even nicer is the house special. Im just sayin. Uncle Shadow poured some blood into a tall dark glass. And Im listenin All I ever do nowadays. Then listen to me the club is off limits for one week. You have plenty of refreshments, so I know you wont get hungry. But you want to know if Ill get bored? Olivia took a long sip. Oh I suppose I can think of something to do that might be called fun. Thats my girl. Go on, theres a big city out there go enjoy it.


The Chaldean Gambit Someone was watching Olivia walk across the parking lot through a scope. Her neck was right in the cross hairs. Not here. Adam whispered. Why not? Brittany pouted, putting the cross bow down. Think its a club. Too many people around. Well when? Brittany was almost getting too eager. Well see. Adam replied.

When Olivia walked back into The Black Hole, she seemed refreshed. She calmly walked behind the bar and pulled up her list. She frowned as she saw Beths name on it. Hmmm.repeat customer never good for business. She thought to herself. As if on cue, Beth and Gabriel walked through the door. Beth headed straight for her and Gabriel followed behind. It was strange, but Olivia thought that Gabriel had grown a few inches since last week. What can I get ya? Olivia smiled. How about some hope? Beth smiled weakly. Sorry, honey. We dont serve hope here, just good spirits to make you forget your troubles for the night. Is the lady in the back room yet? Judy looked anxiously towards the back. Mom, this is the lady from the back room. Gabriel quietly observed. No honey, it cant be. That lady was a few inches taller and had blonde hair. Beth gently corrected him. Mom it is her. She changes. Gabriel insisted. Gabe, dont be silly. Beth tousled her sons hair. Gabriel? Ive heard a lot about you. My oh my youre growing like a weed! Olivia flashed a smile at him. So, do you know when shes coming? The mysterious oracle? The red robed lady in the back room? You dont believe all that mumbo-jumbo, do ya? Olivia poured a drink and handed it to her. 124

The Chaldean Gambit I dont know what to believe. Thats a pretty good place to begin. Beth and Olivia spent the rest of the night talking and laughing over everything: careers, kids, love, lust, trust, and most importantly men. When it was closing time, Beth was loath to leave her new friend. So, drop me a line on-line. Olivia gave Beth a hug. Count on it. And Ill see you soon cutie pie! Olivia smiled at Gabriel. Yes you will again and again. Itll be just like it was a long time ago. Gabriel looked at her, studying her, then followed his mother out.

A month later, Olivia was in the supermarket in the pet food aisle. She hemmed and hawed, looking over the ingredients on the packages. If only he were here right now. I could do a taste test just like in the commercials. She thought to herself. Finally, she picked a bag and walked down the aisle. Sorry Bond, but youll just have to put up with it if you dont like it. She mumbled. Oh! Excuse me! Olivia bumped into a handsome teenager as she rounded the corner. Thats OK. No harm done. How have you been? The youth asked. Do I know you? Olivia studied the youth hard. Gabriel? She whispered in shock and disbelief. Yeah. Whats happening to you? Long story that you already know. You just forgot. With that, he turned and left. Olivia just stood there, bewildered. When she got home, she got the Ouija board out of the closet. She sat down in front of it with only one thing on her mind: the unusual boy who she kept bumping into. She was walking through the snow to the little Hungarian village with a tiny baby in her arms. The snow crunched beneath her feet and the sky was crystal clear. Then everything seemed to blur. She found herself playing with a small boy as the March sky opened up and the rain poured down. Then it was summer, where a ruddy youth was bringing her a pail of water. Another dizzying blur and it


The Chaldean Gambit was autumn where a middle aged gentleman knocked on her door. Finally, she found herself burying an old man in a lonely field in late December. She quickly pulled her hands away from the board. She was puzzled by two things: first she saw the same person in every one of her visions; second, the visions only spanned one year of her life. Suddenly there was a crash. She whirled around and it was too late. A bronze bolt, soaked in apple juice, pierced her throat. She gasped for air and hit the ground hard. It took all of her strength to pull the bolt out. Oh my God. She survived. Brittany was stunned. Because you didnt use enough apple juice -idiot. Joel snapped. Time for plan B. Pete youre with me. Adam took his cross bow out of its case. You two, stay here. Well flush her out. Adam and Pete snuck into the church and quietly approached the stairs. Luck be a lady tonight. Tobias sang as he entered the church from a side entrance. Oh shit. The other one. Pete panicked. Before Adam could say anything, he fired and hit Tobias in the shoulder. Thanks, Pete. You know, there was another way we couldve handled it. Adam responded. He fired a shot and hit Tobias just above his left knee. Tobias buckled and sank to the ground. Joel. Change in plans. We need you in here to take care of the other one. Hurry, you dont have much time. Adam whispered into his head set. On our way. Cmon rookie, youre gonna learn how to behead a blood sucker. Joel said as he drew out his bronze scimitar. Meanwhile, Adam and Pete quickly made their way up the stairs. Olivia, is everything alright up there? Father McVale called out from the bottom of the stairs. Go, go, go! Adam yelled. Pete kicked in the door. What they saw was Olivia helplessly flopping about in a pool of her own blood. The look in her eyes was one of pure terror. Oh my God. Pete was astonished. Do it! No pity! Remember thats not a person its a monster! Dont let it fool you. Do it, kill it! Adam shouted. However, Pete hesitated. Adam grabbed the bronze scimitar and prepared to strike the fatal blow.


The Chaldean Gambit

When Olivia opened her eyes, she was in a private room in the local hospital. Two gentlemen in expensive suits were standing outside. A young man in his twenties approached the door. After speaking a moment with the guards, he was let in. How are you? He stood a few feet away from the bed, out of respect. Weak, my head hurts. Wheres Tobias? Olivia sat up and looked around. Hes not doing so well, but he might make it. Where is he? Your family is taking care of him, but they cant provide the same kind of care that youve had. I want to see him. Dr. Goethe wont let you go just yet and youre too weak to argue. Ill help Tobias. Please, just dont rock the boat. Dr. Goethe? Hes his personal doctor. Itll be OK; hell let you leave in a few days. Please Olivia, dont cause trouble or youll try his patience. His doctor? His patience? Who are we talking about here? Is this the same person who came to our rescue? I cant tell you his name. Gabriels eyes darted to the bouquet of flowers on the night stand next to her. Why? Because you told me not to mention it ever again. Next question: When? When we were in Morocco. Then Gabriel left. Olivia looked at the dark night sky outside the hospital window. Occasional flashes of lightning ripped across the blackness. The thunder seemed muffled and distant. It made her feel uncomfortable, as if she was trapped in a cocoon. Then her eyes were drawn to the bouquet of flowers. A small note was attached:


The Chaldean Gambit

Ollie, Sorry I couldnt come to the rescue earlier. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Chad
It was late December. Olivia and Tobias were sitting in the family basement, along with Sam. Thats it, I give up. I used all the tricks I know and some I learned from some pretty shady people. Sam closed the laptop. Sam. People just dont disappear from the face of the earth. Not even Czeslawa knows how to pull that one off. Tobias frowned. These guys did. No hits on social sites, like The Hive or People Place or Get-Together. No DMV records, no medical records, no birth records, no death records, no marriage records. No federal, state, or local records. No military records. No tax records. No employment history. No court or adoption records. No hospital or psych records. No police records or newspaper articles. No admissions to emergency rooms. The 911 call center has nothing in their database. No utility accounts or credit cards or bank accounts. No hits on the genealogy sites like My Family or My History. I tried five different private eye sites no addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail accounts. I even searched for their friends and family nothing. So Adam, Brittany, Pete, and Joel just vanished? Olivia refused to believe what she was hearing. Yep. Sam turned on the TV and hoped it would distract them all. Olivia, its time to go. Sarah called from upstairs.

I only just met him, but he grew on you fast. Olivia began, standing in the church, next to Gabriels open coffin. He was gnarled and withered from old age, but he had a serene smile on his face like it was all a secret joke that only he knew. He had a way of making you feel as if you had been friends for a lifetime. She looked out at the small crowd and then walked past the coffin. See you soon Gabe. She whispered.


The Chaldean Gambit Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
This Is A Kiss Youll Remember

Olivia was very careful. She didnt get any on her hands. When she was done, the apple lay there, neatly cut up. She stared at it for a moment and thought of Gabriel. Did he feel trapped by eternal life, like she sometimes did? Sarah. Im ready. Olivia called out. OK great! How do we begin? Sarah happily bounced into the room. Sit. Get comfortable, because this might be the last time you feel comfortable for awhile. Is that an apple? Whats that for? Youll find out. Olivia picked up a slice and put it in her mouth. She started to feel nauseous. Oh my God! Dont! Its OK. Im alright so far. I told you there were risks. Olivia picked up another slice and slowly ate it. No, please dont. I didnt realize Im sorry! We have to finish. Otherwise all this would be for nothing. Olivias lips were turning blue. Sarah watched in horror as Olivia finished the last piece. Blood was starting to drip from her ears. This is a kiss youll remember. Olivia grabbed Sarah and kissed her mouth. No what? Sarah meekly asked. Her head was starting to hurt and her body was on fire. We wait. Olivia faintly replied. For what?

Blood pressure is falling fast! The EMT cried out as he rushed Olivia through the hospitals clean white corridor. This ones worse no pulse. Another EMT said as she wheeled Sarah behind Olivia.


The Chaldean Gambit They worked frantically to save them, but it was no use. Olivia and Sarah were gone. In his office, Uncle Shadow took a sip from his bourbon. Something didnt taste right; it tasted like blood like death. A small crack formed along the side, followed by another. After a moment, the glass shattered. Tobias. Uncle Shadow wiped away a tear as he spoke into his cell. Good morning to you Shadow. What can I do for you? Its Olivia. Shes made a terrible mistake. You had better get to St. Vincents as soon as possible. He sank back into his chair and threw the cell phone in the trash. Stupid girl! You shouldnt have asked her to do that. He mumbled to himself. Olivia Maraswaine Im looking for Olivia Maraswaine. Tobias was frantic as he rushed into the hospital. Im so sorry. Was all the nurse could say. Im sorry. Tobias whispered as he caressed Olivias face. I just wish you wouldve told me. I would have stopped you. Tobias sobbed. Tobias? A tall, graceful blonde stood in the door. Clarice? Tobias, what happened? She didnt tell me. By the time I knew it was too late. She kept it a secret on purpose. She knew I wouldve said no. She is so stubborn! Thank God I was on my way to visit you. Clarice wrapped her arms around her younger brother. Come, Ill get you out of this mess, just like always.

The room was dark. Several candles were lit. Olivia and Sarah were stretched out on the floor. Clarice held a circular bronze amulet in her hand. In the center of the amulet was a triangle with a closed eye at each tip. She picked up the dagger with her other hand and walked over to the nearby bronze basin. You cannot do this. It is unholy. Father McVale warned. It is simply something you have never heard of. Now be gone! Clarices words seemed to tear the very air in two. Father McVales form turned whiter than snow as if a strong gale had stripped all the color from him. Next his flesh was torn away. The skeletal image feebly reached out before it too was banished. 131

The Chaldean Gambit That was a little harsh. Tobias spoke up. Shhh! This isnt like tying your shoe or changing a tire. The only reason why I want you here is to teach you a lesson on how dangerous this is. Clarice put the bronze dagger in the basin and it sank beneath the small pool of apple juice. She lit a candle and stared into the flame. Secret goddesstwo have passed your way.we want them back Clarice took the dagger from the basin; as she gripped it tight, her skin started to smoke. Clarice! Shhhh! Clarice slit her left palm. She was reeling from the pain. Hidden empress.two have left usbring them home Clarice slit her right palm. Several hours passed by; Clarice was growing weaker from her wounds. Her incantations were fainter and fainter. Then two white bees appeared; one landed on her left palm and the other on her right. They stung her wounds and died. A surge of adrenalin rushed through her and Clarice immediately took the talisman and pressed it between her palms. When she put the amulet around her neck, all three eyes were open. They greedily searched for two people in exchange for Olivia and Sarah they saw far and wide. Goddess, they are ours take whom you want, but give Sarah and Olivia to us! Clarice spread out her hands; a bee stinger several inches long protruded from each palm. She sank the stingers into Sarahs and Olivias hearts. Their bodies arched upwards as if they had received an electric jolt. Then they sank back down. Now what? Tobias spoke up after several agonizing minutes of silence. Now we wait. Several hours passed. The rain seemed to pelt the window as if it wanted to seek the safety of the apartment. Lightning lit up the room, briefly exposing the still bodies to Tobias nervous glances. So, how have you been? Tobias put a card on the table. Busy. Clarice rearranged the cards in her hands and frowned. Too busy to call? Tobias I know youre in love and thats great. Did you ever take a look around? Do you know whats happening out there? Same old story. No, Tobias, it isnt. Theres a war between the Children of Cytholos and The Turkish Monastery of Weeping Roses. See? Just like old times. You always worried too much. 132

The Chaldean Gambit Its different this time. Clarice picked up a card. How? Theyre trying to finish each other off for good. Clarice took a sip of blood and put the mug on the table. So? You know neither side will win. Its just a little neighborhood scuffle. Thats what I thought. Until I saw this tattoo. Clarice took a piece of paper and drew a symbol. It was a triangle with the left side shattered, as if something was escaping from the center. I dont know what this symbol is and neither does anyone else. Not even Xavier.

Xavier sat in his chair reading. Suddenly the lights flickered. He smelled a sweet odor and got up to investigate. He checked the lights and everything seemed to be working normally. He turned around to resume his reading and saw her. She was a luminous apparition with a flowing robe and flowing hair. She had three eyes on her face and three eyes on each palm. She reached for Xavier and he started flailing about, like he was drowning. His body was covered in a watery cocoon and bubbles of air escaped his mouth. After several moments, he was dead. Olivia sprang up and gasped for air. Tobias rushed to her side. Thank God youre alright. Thank God. He hugged her tight. Czeslawa looked to the left and right nervously. The past few weeks she felt as if they were being followed. She had tried everything she could to get out of closing up the act, but in the end she found herself walking between the cages and tents. There was an unusual bright light behind one of the tents. She gathered up her courage and slowly walked toward the eerie glow. The three-eyed goddess met her there and took her life. Sarah opened her eyes and coughed uncontrollably.

Ill be ok. Really, Im alright. Sarah assured Olivia. Ill come in with you. Olivia opened the car door. Olivia. This is something that Sarah has to do alone. Tobias argued. Hes right. It was my choice. Sarah got out of the car and walked into the house. Sarah! Oh baby, what happened? Julie rushed up and hugged her little girl. Mom.


The Chaldean Gambit Whats the matter? Are you OK? I called and called but there was no answer. Mom I did something kinda stupid. No, dont say that. Im sure it was just a mistake. It was my choice. Sarah kept looking at the rug. What, what was your choice? Mom.I wanted to be like Olivia. Theres no harm in copying someone elses fashion or lifestyle. No. I mean I wanted to be immortal and strong like her. W-what? What are you saying? Theres this ritual that Olivia and I went through, to try to make me like her. It didnt go right and Olivia and I died. Sarah started to cry. Sarah! Julie was shocked. But some lady brought us back from the dead, but two other people died because we were brought back. How could you? After all that we had gone through with Emily? We had just gotten free from the blood giving and you wanted to start all over again? Julies words angrily bounced off the walls. I-Im sorry! Get out! Get out! Get out! Julie shoved her sobbing daughter out of the house. She slammed the door and locked it.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia

You shouldnt have come tonight. Hot date Shadow? Olivia teased as she leaned across the bar. Yeah, something like that. Shadow ran his finger across a name on the bar. Well, Ill be in the back room. I wont get in your way. Im worried about you, not me. Shadow uttered in a low voice as he watched Olivia walk away. The name on the bar that Shadow had so tentatively touched started to fill with blood. Oh, honey, Shadow mumbled, dont you ever get enough?

Come in. Sit. Olivia beckoned with her hand. The flame from the candles seemed especially dim tonight, as if something was trying to smother their light. Th-thanks. Im a little nervous. Youre also honest. Not many people would admit their fear. Olivia smiled, trying to make her latest customer feel at home. Im Arthur. Why are you here Arthur? Im having trouble with my mother. Dont get me wrong, I love her, but sometimes she drives me crazy. For some inexplicable reason, the flames fluttered even though the door was closed. So, who are you here to fix? I dont get it. Are you here to fix your mother, or yourself? I dont know.


The Chaldean Gambit So, you dont know where the problem lies or if there is even a problem. Olivia tilted her head to one side. Oh theres a problem alright. I guess I just dont have the courage to come out and say it. Say what? That my mother is becoming a burden. I just dont know how to tell her. As Arthurs words gushed out, Olivia thought she saw something walking behind him. It was like a faint mist slowly strolling behind dark, distorted glass. Olivia just dismissed it as a trick of the light. Why is your mother a burden? Dont get me wrong, shes a lovely gal. Its just that her blindness makes her a high maintenance lady. Shes only been this way for a few years, so its really frightening for her. I have to visit twice, sometimes three times a day just to reassure her. Just as the last words left his mouth, the candles went out. Out of the corner of her eye, Olivia saw a wispy something gracefully melt into the shadows.

A few moments later, the lights went out in Sandys home. She didnt notice however. But she did notice a faint perfume in the air. Arthur is that you? Did you bring a friend with you? Sandy called out. Sandy. A sweet voice seemed to seep from the darkness. Whos there? You

dont deserve this.

A delicate, milky, semi-transparent hand reached out and

touched Sandys eyes. A moment later, the lights came back on. I dont believe this. Sandy whispered quietly. I-I can see!

What the hell did you do, mojo man? Conner stormed into the Black Hole and grabbed Uncle Shadow. OK, Connor, settle down. Before he knew it, Olivia was there. Connor, however, knocked her across the room with a mean back hand. Connor, I dont know what youre talkin about! Give me a clue. Shadow protested. Lizas blind, Hocus-Pocus! Ill give you to the count of three to undo it.


The Chaldean Gambit I didnt do anything speakin the truth here! I dont believe you! By the way, your times up. Sorry Connor. Uncle Shadow took a small pin from his pocked and jabbed it in Connors neck. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his skin turned blue. As he fell backwards, Shadow caught him and gently laid him on the ground. Uhhh.Junior here packs one heck of a punch. Olivia groaned as she got up. Dont worry; hes as tame as a kitten now. Youll have to show me that trick. Olivia complimented him as she leaned over Connors body. Connor. What happened? What happened to Liza? Shadow sat down next to him. She went blind. Connor murmured as if he was in a trance. When? Tonight, about two hours ago. More Connor, tell me more. Were you there? Yes. What did you see? Liza. Yes, yes Liza. Anything else? Mist no a hand maybe it was just mist. Uh-oh. Did you notice anything else? Words This is what you deserve. Then Liza went blind. Oh boy. I hope this isnt what I think it is. Shadow sighed as he looked at Olivia. That bad, huh? Olivia looked at Shadow and then at Connor. This is only the beginning of the badness honey. Didnt you say that this Arthur had a mother who was blind? Yeah, why? Can you call him? 137

The Chaldean Gambit OK, sure. Olivia pulled her cell out of her pocket and started dialing. Ask how his mother is doing. Hi Arthur. Its me. Oh Im good. I was just checking up on your situation. How are you and mom getting along? No, youre kidding. Are you lying to me? OK, OK, I believe you. It must be. Well Im a believer. Glad to know that shes cured. Olivia closed her cell. And? His mom is cured. She can see. Shadow, whats going on? Annabelle. Whos Annabelle? A vengeful spirit who takes suffering from one person and gives it to another. Great. So, we have a Casper-The-Payback-Ghost on our hands? That pretty much sums it up. So, is there any way to cure Liza? Find someone who is more deserving.

Olivia opened the door to the apartment just as the sun was coming up. She looked in the fridge and saw a full plate of brownies with a note on top: The ones with the pecans are on the bottom. Mmmm.pecans yummy. Hunky, you have outdone yourself. Olivia smiled to herself. Hmmmm.he left his e-Wizard. Tobias, you would forget your head if it wasnt attached. She sighed. Well, at least I can work on his birthday list; lets see who we have here. Lisette oh thats easy. Drew, hmmm.he might be hard to please. Well, Sam I can figure out what he wants. Olivia stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the next name: Clarice. She threw the e-Wizard against the wall and ran out of the apartment. Back so early? The words came out casually as Shadow was cleaning up the bar. Stay the hell away from me! Olivia screamed. She stormed into the back room and slammed the door. I know youre here somewhere! Damn it! Come out where I can see you! Olivia was wiping tears from her face.


The Chaldean Gambit Im away. You want someone more deserving than Liza? Have I got the bitch for you. In fact, I hope you make her blind, bald, and bitter. Who? Clarice. I hope her eyes fall out! I want to be there when you do it though. I want to see her suffer, just like I suffered all those years. I want to see that bitchs life become a living, unending hell! Not


Annabelle took a step forward from the gloom. It still seemed like she was miles

guilty. guilty.

What?! What do you mean Not guilty?! Olivia screamed. Not

You come back tomorrow night. Ill have proof.

Luck be a lady tonight. Tobias softly sang as he turned the key in the door. For some reason he couldnt get that song out of his head. When he opened the door, Olivia doused him with apple juice and threw him to the ground. You lying son-of-a-bitch! She pressed a bronze dagger to his throat. When were you gonna tell me, huh? Olivia, are you crazy? Tobias yelled. Ill kill you, just like Seth. Seth was hard, but youll be easy. Olivias eyes had that bloody haze in them. What are you talkin about? Tobias threw her off him. Clarice! No, no. Its not like that. How dare you lie to me! Olivia Clarice is my sister. My sister, not my love. Why should I believe you? Good question. Ill let you find the answer. With that, Tobias walked out.


The Chaldean Gambit

Hi father, its me. Im here for my weekly soul searching. Olivia wiped some tears from her face as she sat in the confessional. Her eyes were slowly regaining their natural color. Im really not sure how to handle this one. Im-Im just so angry! I dont know who to believe or who to trust anymore. Looks like you have a mystery on your hands. The words werent Father McVales, but they sounded eerily familiar. Whos there? After a moment of silence she recognized the voice. Seth is that you? Olivias breath quickened and she jumped out of the confessional. She searched, but she was all alone.

The next night, she sat in the bedroom of the apartment with the Ouija board in front of her. She waited and waited for something to happen. She started to cry in the silence. This

is all the proof that you need.

A yellowed letter fell from nowhere into her lap.

It wasnt just any letter it was the letter. The one that had shattered her life so long ago. Olivia placed the letter on the board. The letter seemed to whiten and the lines became sharp. She saw a male hand writing those infamous, hurtful words that haunted her for so long. There was an odd tattoo on the hand; it was a triangle with the left side shattered, as if something was escaping from the center. Then the letter turned black and crumbled to dust. Olivia? Tobias gently knocked on the door. Come in. She meekly responded. You arent armed are you? He hoped a little humor would lighten the mood. No. Im sorry I didnt tell you earlier. I understand. I just didnt know how to tell you. Tobias, you dont have to say anything. I know it wasnt Clarice who wrote the letter. It was someone else. Who? Someone who wanted to make me suffer, as well as Clarice and Seth. Well the past is the past. Its over now. 140

The Chaldean Gambit No, no its not. Olivia lifted up the board. The broken triangle symbol was burned into the wooden floor beneath.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Blood and Shadow

Its Wednesday. Shadow nonchalantly declared as he stepped out from behind the bar. Ladies night. Olivia stepped behind the bar. Wait a minute. How come I always do the bar on ladies night? Ill be in back. Just keep the customers happy with that beautiful smile of yours. Shadow winked. Are you saying that Im the main attraction? Whats next, me in a mini skirt dancing in a cage? I couldnt find bars to hold you honey. Shadow laughed as he walked away. You better walk away mister my boyfriend will beat you up! Olivia called after him. Then again, he just might like that kind of thing men. In the back room, Shadow was busy on his network. The buying and selling was particularly ferocious that night. Above him, a droplet of blood appeared. It hung there, weightless for a moment, and then quietly splattered against the ceiling. Another droplet appeared, hovered, and then raced upwards. This continued over several minutes until there was a pool of blood lurking above Shadow. The pool congealed into a serpent, composed entirely of blood. It quietly slithered across the ceiling and down the wall. Olivia! Dont forget to clear out the special parking space for the band. You know how- ow! Shadow looked down and saw the snake. Then he collapsed on the floor. You called O Annoying One? Olivia flung the door open in disgust. She was growing tired with his banter. Shadow? You OK? Blood S..serpent. Shadows voice was hoarse and feeble. Oh my God. What happened? Imrus. Shadows eyes rolled back and he lost consciousness.

How is he? Tobias rushed through the door. 142

The Chaldean Gambit The bar had been closed down for the night. Even when you were alone in The Black Hole, you always sensed that someone was there. That feeling was stronger than ever. Whoever they were, they were unseen yet crowded around Shadow like family. Alive. For how long I dont know. Olivia was sitting by Shadow as he lay on the couch. UmHi. Clarice nervously whispered. Olivia this is- I know who it is Tobias. How? When youre a woman, you just know. Hi. Olivia shook Clarices hand. May I? Clarice approached Shadow. She looked at the wound and her eyes grew wide. I take it thats bad. Olivia commented. Very bad. Very potent magic. Clarice punched a number into her cell. Argin, yeah its me. He struck again. Just outside of Strathmore. Yes, it is possible dont underestimate him. We can track him this time. Meet us in Yorkshire Plains and bring Victor and Gretchen with you. Sounds like were going to war. Olivia spoke up. Not war. A suicide mission. You in? Sure. Where hunky goes, so do I. Olivia elbowed Tobias. Hunky? Clarice shot her brother a look. Well, you know. Tobias blushed.

The plane ride was quiet. Too quiet. Olivia tried to read more about Hungary, which was where they were headed, but she finally put the book down. How did you know him? Seth was my child. I made him. Clarice continued gazing at her laptop. You mean for years I was jealous of my mother-in-law? Here, why dont you try this it might get your mind off the subject. Clarice brought up a profile of Imrus.


The Chaldean Gambit We dont have a lot, do we? Olivia looked over the dossier. After a moment or two, she gasped and closed the laptop. Is that true? Did did he really do those things? Yes. If youre not careful, hell do them to you. Clarices words were cold and unfeeling. A shiver ran down Olivias spine. You OK? Argin looked at Tobias. Yeah, yeah. Its just that the closer we get, the clearer things become. I could swear Ive crossed paths with this bastard before. Tobias looked out the window as the city lights came into view. They walked briskly through the departure gate at the airport in Budapest. They were met by two more people dressed in black. Trevor, Corinne, what are you doing here? Clarice was genuinely surprised. We wanted to come with you. Trevor said. We dont want anything to happen to you. Corinne added. How did you know about this? Clarice then glanced over at Tobias. Tobias! How could you? These are my children. Theyre also the best in the business. Tobias answered unapologetically. Wow. How many kids does she have? Olivia whispered to Tobias. A lot. Theres something we wanted to show you. Trevor led them to the other end of the airport. One of the bay windows was covered with bees. See? Hes grown even more powerful. Youll need all the help you can get.

Feel free to unpack the black boxes. Argin began as he drove the old school bus down the winding road through the countryside. Well be paying a visit to an old friend a few miles ahead and then its on to the main mission. This is the mission: kill the snake and then get out. What bit Shadow was nothing more than a doppelganger. The real snake is somewhere inside here. Gretchen pointed to a photo of an unassuming farm house. Bronze tipped bullets. Very nice. Although if these worked, he would have been killed by now, right? Tobias looked into Victors eyes. The Nerf Guns were too expensive, so we had to go with these. Relax T-Bone, we have a few other tricks up our sleeves. Victor laughed. 144

The Chaldean Gambit After a few more miles, they came to a little clearing. There, waiting for them, was a woman standing next to a bonfire. Behind her were three SUVs with horse trailers in tow. Celine, you brought friends. Argin happily hugged her. I told you I wouldnt disappoint you. Friends? Olivia walked up to one of the trailers. She gently put her hand on the cold metal and a loud bark shook the whole trailer. Youre kidding me right? I remember these things from my Aunt Emily days. Trust me, Argin has a way with the dogs that even the Weeping Roses cant match. Celine reassured her. Larry, Curly, Moe! Cmon out here! Lets have a look at ya. Argin opened the door and three pit bulls, each one as big as a horse, trotted out. You know, with this much firepower, I should feel safe and happy-go-lucky. Olivia commented as she watched Argin play with the gigantic dogs. But you dont, since you know that you need all this to go up against one creature. Celine answered. OK, OK enough horsing around! Everyone, gather round the fire. Clarice opened a black box and passed out amulets. Each amulet was triangular with a bee in the middle. These will keep us safe I hope. Its kind of like a bullet proof vest. Celine explained. Breathe deeply. She threw some apple blossoms on the fire. Oh! I feel a little woozy. Olivia almost fell to the ground. Just a little inoculation things will get messy. Celine whispered in her ear as she caught her.

Im thinking that a direct approach or even an indirect one wont work. Tobias handed the binoculars to Corinne. They were a quarter of a mile away from the farmhouse. Just wait Celine promised one more thing before we left. Clarices tone was low yet spellbinding. A fog started to slowly creep in. As it settled over the area, a red ring of weird letters could be seen hovering a foot above the ground. It seemed to phase in and out of focus. The dogs were growing impatient.


The Chaldean Gambit Clarice quietly snuck up to the edge of the ring, followed by Gretchen and Argin. She cut her finger, and the other two did the same. They then dipped their fingers in a bowl of apple juice. Ready? Go. Clarice commanded. All three traced the same intricate, winding pattern on the ring at the same time. The ring sputtered and faded. Clarice held up her hand. Thats the signal. You guys go. Ill follow behind with the three stooges. Victor jumped out of the bus. When Clarice, Gretchen, and Argin were on the roof, Clarice held up her hand again. Victor let the dogs loose and they charged the house. The house shook as the dogs forced their way in. They could hear someone shouting inside. The battle had begun. Gretchen cut a hole in the roof and jumped inside. Argin followed. There was a yelp and Larrys lifeless body crashed through a window into the front yard. More commotion. Soon Moes dead body was ejected from the house. More screaming and cursing. That was to be expected. So far we havent lost the battle. Its up to you two now. Be careful. Victor sent Trevor and Corinne into the fray. What are their chances? Tobias asked. fifty-fifty if theyre lucky. Victor answered as he walked toward the house. Inside the house, everything was a mess. Gretchen was searching the attic. She could hear the screaming and shouting below. Where are you? She thought. Wait, is that it? The light from her flashlight fell upon an old cage several yards ahead of her. I hate dogs. Imrus whispered in her ear. He turned her head completely around, snapping her neck. Outside, Tobias was examining one of the dead dogs. The bruises and cuts were all too familiar. He had found his villain. Now Ive gotcha. Tobias words were steely and gruesome. It no longer mattered how powerful Imrus was this would end tonight. He ran into the house as Curly was thrown out. Tobias no! Clarice yelled. She jumped into the hole Gretchen had so neatly carved out. You big dope! Youre gonna get yourself killed! Olivia shouted, running after him. Welcome to my home. Glad you could stop by. Im sorry I dont have any popcorn or soda how about some blood? Imrus was standing over Gretchen and Victor. Both had been decapitated. Imrus was covered from head to foot in their blood. Corinne and Trevor were lying unconscious several yards away. 146

The Chaldean Gambit You hell bound bastard! It was you who killed them! Tobias yelled. Ahhyes. The little circus. I admit, it was me. Circus performers are such a tasty little treat. A boy has to have his guilty pleasures, no? Imrus grinned, revealing sharp teeth. In the blink of an eye, he had Tobias by the throat. Why I havent had a circus member in some time. I love it when snacks are delivered to your door. Drop him! Clarice plunged a bronze katana, dripping with apple juice, into Imrus chest. Ow. That feels a little itchy. Imrus winced a little and then pulled out the sword. In a flash, he cut off Trevors right arm. You are a sneaky one, he addressed Trevor, but not sneaky enough. Let them go. Olivias words welled up from inside her. AnaMathiat. Why its really you. I never thought I would be in the presence of royalty tonight. Imrus stepped forward and pushed everyone else out of the way like they were flies. Let them go. Olivia had tapped into a courage she didnt know she had. She didnt know why, but somehow she knew Imrus. I suppose Ive had my fun. Im sure the other one has found and killed my black mamba by now. I dont suppose that you would help me clean up this mess? Imrus chuckled. He was then yanked up towards the ceiling and hit with a sickening splat. There was a gleam of devilish delight in his eyes as he simply melted into a huge pool of blood. The sickening stain was absorbed into the very plaster.

Olivia? Shadow weakly murmured. He opened his eyes and found himself in the hospital. Its OK. We killed the thing that bit you. She smiled at him. You foolish girl. Youre lucky youre alive. He sat up. Some of us werent so lucky. Clarice answered. Im sorry. This was my personal business Ill finish it someday. Shadow vowed. Youre not the only one who has business with the bastard. Tobias growled. Hey, dont forget about me. I want to talk to this guy before you fry him. I want to know why he called me AnaMathiat. Olivia said. AnaMathiat? He called you that? Shadow looked at her as if this was the first time he had seen her. Yeah, why? Olivia was slightly taken aback by Shadows stare.


The Chaldean Gambit

AnaMathiat is a legend. She is the queen of the Straszny Opiekun.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
The Cockroach King

That was really nice. Alex smiled. You too. Sarah gave him a slow kiss. So, I doing everything you like? Alex sat up in bed. Everything and more! How could she tell him about that special thing that she wanted from him? She pictured him in the donation chair, looking at her with puppy dog eyes. How would his blood taste? WowIm that good? Yes. Alex, why do you act like youre not good enough for me? Its just that youre such an incredible girl. Beautiful, smart, strong. Still nothing. Sarah sighed as she checked her messages. Your mom must be really mad at you. How long has it been? Five weeks. Wanna talk about it? Not much to really talk about your typical mother-daughter junk. Just be grateful youre a guy! OK, I wont pry. He smiled as he got out of bed. Just another Maraswaine mystery to be solved. He thought to himself.

Come in. Sit. Olivia motioned to the spot opposite her. Thanks. Kyle mumbled. He was a tall, lanky, unkempt youth. He plopped down in front of her and stared into her eyes.


The Chaldean Gambit I cant promise that you will be cured or healed. I do hope to open your eyes to a new path in life. Sure. Kyle, you dont sound very enthusiastic about this journey. I dont know. Its just that everything else Ive tried has failed. I thought I would give this a shot. Its a long shot, huh? Yeah, you could say that. Why dont you tell me what made you hurt so bad that it pushed you through that door? Well, its this girl that I like. OK. You know how it is with girls. But I dont know how it is with this girl. She doesnt like me. How do I know? Ive tried for months to start a conversation with her and it just fizzles. There was a slight skittering sound. Olivia thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. So, a girl wont talk to you. Is she shy, maybe she has a lot on her mind? Olivia looked at Kyle, but he was staring at the floor. Its hard to describe. Its kinda like Im an obstacle she wants to get around. Perhaps she is headed in a certain direction in life and wants to get where shes going. Well, thats what Im thinking. Just another person who wants to put distance between themselves and little ole me. Again, there was a skittering sound. Olivias eyes darted to Kyles sneakers. Something crawled into the dark just before she could make out what it was. Sounds like its a pattern. Patterns can be broken. Sometimes they cant. Well, whatever thanks for listening. Kyle got up and slowly shuffled out of the room.

Whats his problem? Tobias watched Kyle bump into a table as he left the bar. Low self confidence. Itll take a while, but what goes down, eventually must go up right? 150

The Chaldean Gambit Hey, dont look at me for answers, youre the shrink. Hey Shadow, we need to talk about the conditions in here. Olivia took a sip from her mug. Conditions? What conditions? Everything is fine. Shadow stepped behind the bar and put a bowl of nuts on the counter. Weve got some uninvited guests. Tiny ones. Creepy crawly ones. She whispered to him. What? No way. This place is cleaner than your mommas nose. Trust me. I think I saw one or two in the back room. Shadow, dont be cheap just call in the exterminators. Well, it looks like its going to be family night. Tobias noticed that Clarice walked into the bar. Olivia, I hate to drag up bad memories, but. But youre getting closer to solving a mystery. Well, Ill do my best. Olivia poured a cup for her. Did Seth keep a journal? Not that I remember. But if he did, I might be able to find it. He liked to use safe deposit boxes registered under cryptic names. Good, at least well have a place to start. If we can find his journal, we might be able to find out more about AnaMathiat. Ill have to go back home and see if he left any clues. Hopefully, Julie will let me in. Olivia sighed. She still blames you for trying to pass it on to Sarah? Tobias asked. I was the one who agreed to it not my wisest move. So, I can see why shes mad at me. What about Sarah? Clarice spoke up timidly. She wasnt sure if she should get involved in Maraswaine family politics, but she felt that they were her family. Julie is really mad at Sarah last I knew. Sarahs really sorry and feeling stuck between a lie and a hard place. Im just trying to hold the family together.

Kyle youre back. After last week I thought I wouldnt see you again. I tried to break the pattern. He sat down.


The Chaldean Gambit Well, youre here. I guess it didnt work. But, this is the second time that youve come to see me, so its a new pattern. Trust me, this wont last. Kyle mumbled. Something crawled onto his sneaker. Why not? Ive seen this happen before. Oh Kyle. We all have our ups and downs. People come and go. Relationships start and end and start again. Its just the natural cycle of life. Not for me. Relationships never seem to start. All I have are endings. His head was bowed and his voice defeated. As Olivia took in his shabby, limp form, she saw a cockroach crawling on his shoulder. Um.Kyle, youve got, well a little friend there. On your right shoulder. Who cares? Hes probably the only friend Ive got. Cmon now. Everyone has friends or family. Mine died a long time ago. Surely you go places, right? Talk to people? I used to. I gave up about fifty years ago. Fifty years ago? Thats a long time to be without friends. I havent had a friend in over one hundred years. The last family I had did nothing but use and abuse me. Youve been around a long time. Not as long as you. Kyle looked up at her. I know what you are Im one of them too. Really? Yeah. Kyle, I have a group of friends who would really like to meet you. Were all in the same boat. Maybe if you hung out with your own kind Id have better luck? Ive had seventeen relationships with our kind. They treated me like garbage. Another cockroach crawled up his right leg.


The Chaldean Gambit Now Kyle, youve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your princess. One of my friends had twenty four husbands before she met her soul mate. Theyve been happily married for thirty years now. Im sorry Olivia, I just dont know if I have enough faith to try again. Kyle walked out of the room.

Ugh.Shadow, did you call the exterminators? Im about to run for my life. Olivia was looking herself over to see if she had any bugs on her. They just left this morning. No bugs. Shadow took a peanut from the bowl and popped it into his mouth. I just saw two crawling over my poor little guy in there. They must have missed something. Im not callin them back. Next time you see a bug, kill it. Think of it as a promotion: Head Exterminator. Funny. Im done for the night. Time to check the collective wisdom of The Hive. Olivia walked out the door.

She got home and fell into the couch. She looked around and noticed the new blinds. Oh, Father McVale, you shouldnt have. She whispered to herself. Thats it you are getting a wicked sweet batch of cupcakes whether you want them or not. She then logged onto The Hive. She was shocked: there were over fifty new members of her groups. That brought the total to well over two thousand. She then got to work on the walking conundrum that was Kyle.

Ollie: I am trying to help someone whose self confidence is so low, its stuck to the bottom of his shoes. According to him, his life is nothing but a series of painful mishaps.

Chad: You would think that someone who is hurting so badly would decide to give up.


I would think that, but he keeps coming back. 153

The Chaldean Gambit

Chad: Why does he keep coming back?

Ollie: I dont know.

Chad: Everything gets hungry. Everything feeds.

With that, Chad logged out, leaving Olivia scratching her head. What was it about him? She looked at his profile. He was a gentleman in his fifties who worked in the British Embassy in Iceland. His hobbies were photography, scuba diving, piano, and archeology. Shopping for a new boyfriend? Tobias looked over her shoulder. Well not a new boyfriend, just a second one. Just in case I break you I want to have a spare. She winked. You just might you can be pretty rough at times. Tobias laughed. So, who are you checking out? Chad. Hes cute but dont worry hes not as cute as you. I like the pictures. Hey, Ive been to that coffee shop. Ive gotta take you sometime, its the best coffee shop in Brussels. This isnt Brussels honey. Its Reykjavik Iceland. Nope. Sorry. See that clock tower in the background? Its famous in Brussels. Ive been to it four times. I gotta show you that too. It cant be. See the caption under the picture? Olivia pointed to the words underneath the photo: Great place to unwind after work I dont think he drops into a coffee shop several hundred miles away each day after work. Im tellin ya, Olivia, I know that place. Its in Belgium, not Iceland. Thats why I dont get into all this Hive stuff too many shady characters.


The Chaldean Gambit Several nights later, Olivia waited eagerly in the back room. The past three sessions with Kyle had seemed like a boring plateau of self pity. However, there had been gleams of hope, however tiny. Or was she imagining things? Maybe, just maybe, if he showed up one more time, she could turn him in a new direction. Hey. Kyle was standing at the door. Kyle, come in. This is getting to be a habit. A good habit. Well, maybe. So, whats new? Olivia smiled her friendliest smile. Not much. So why are you here then? I dont know. I just got tired of walking around and this is the only place that I feel welcome. I think we can fix that. I bet there are other places you are welcome. Youve just got to keep trying. I want to, but theres this line Im afraid to cross. A cockroach crawled over his hand. Kyle its time to cross the line or else Im gonna push you! Olivia teased. It doesnt matter anyways Ill just run back to safety when things hurt too much. Kyle, youre so negative. Everything you say is depressing. You know, happiness is a gift that you give to others. That kind of gift wins friends. When I was younger, much younger, I was happy. But people just mistook it for naivet and took advantage of me. Even my happiness turned sour, just like this will eventually. So, until this thing implodes, youre here to- I dont know. Maybe Im just wandering around and too dumb to find the exit to this dark mansion called life. Two more cockroaches crawled on him. Its not my fault though I feel like others have locked me in here. Every time I try to escape, someone throws me back into my dark mansion. Before she could say another word, Chads statement echoed in her head: Everything gets hungry. Everything feeds. You know, Kyle, I just realized something: you dont want to get better. I guess youre right.


The Chaldean Gambit Ive listened to you for a while now, and someone whos hurting as much as you would have done one of two things: get better or end the pain once and for all. See? Its happening all over again. Im sorry Olivia, but I cant break the pattern. You dont want to. What? A friend of mine told me that everything gets hungry. What youre hungry for is attention. You want an audience. Thats why you keep showing up, youre feeding off my sympathy, just like youve been feeding off the sympathy of others.

Olivia and Tobias stood in front of the grave. The tombstone read:

Kyle Jones December 15th 1986 April 4th 2011

This isnt right. Tobias argued as he stared at the cockroaches crawling over the granite. Ill check on him every ten years or so. Olivia, this is cruel. Tobias, Im a helper its what I do, whether people want it or not. With that, Olivia walked away.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Dr. Goethe

Your book is here. Tobias walked through the door holding Water Boy Blues. He turned a few pages. Hmmmm..didnt think that these kinds of books were your cup of tea. Ill take that, thank you very much. Olivia snatched the book from his hand. You know, we could do one of those murder-mystery dinners, if want to. Really? Sounds like fun. Sure, but we should do it right go to one in Scotland. You miss your home dont you? I never thought a vagabond such as yourself would get homesick. Have you ever been to Scotland? No. When I take you, youll find out why I miss it so much. Speaking of home, I have to get over to the Maraswaine Ranch. This will be weird sneaking into a home I bought for my family. Shes still mad at you, huh? Well, more uncomfortable than mad. Julie thinks that this whole thing is growing beyond her control. I mean, she had barely gotten used to having me in all my various forms around the house. Now she has to deal with Sarah and her aspirations as well. Maybe in time shell come around. Maybe. Im off Operation: Sneaky Babe has begun. Good luck agent Olivia. Tobias saluted her. Id rather do this. Olivia gave him a hug and a kiss.


The Chaldean Gambit Every family needs a pack rat. Sam was rummaging through the attic. And you volunteered for the job? Olivia was going through some old wooden crates. No one else would do it. Here it is. Sam pulled out a painting of Emily. She was standing in a garden wearing a beautiful Victorian dress. In her right hand she held a single orchid. A key dangled from a silver chain around her neck. It looks familiar, but something isnt quite right. Orchids. Seth really had a thing for them. No, Sam. Orchids are the key. I see it now. You have to understand how Seth thought. O Oreseil Ave. R- Renwick Drive. Theres a bank there its all coming back to me. C Columbus Street. H- Hurst Street. Theres a bank on that corner too. I Ilion Avenue. D Downwick Lane. Thats it the locations of the safe deposit boxes! Seth was a genius a sneaky genius but a genius. Olivia and Sam walked out of the first bank with a simple wrought iron key. The only unusual thing about it was the letter N engraved on it. I dont get it, what does N stand for? Sam turned the key over to see if there were any clues. Im sure well figure it out. The second key had an E engraved on it. Olivia stared at the keys; something was familiar about them, but she couldnt put her finger on it. The first two banks were easy to find. However, when they arrived at the corner of Ilion Avenue and Downwick Lane, they found a laundry mat instead of a bank. Did Seth screw up? Sam sat in the passenger seat looking at the people coming and going. Have a little faith in your grandpa Seth. Theres no bank here now, but there must have been one sitting on this corner years ago. So how are we going to get out of this dead end? Well have to do some sleuthing. Lets start with the local newspaper. Maybe the bank burned down or met some other kind of untimely end. Back at home, Sam scoured the internet. After two hours, he tapped Olivia (who was watching Spook Chasers) on the shoulder. Got it. Fifty years ago, the Savings National Bank burned down right on that very spot! Good. Now what happened to our safe deposit box?


The Chaldean Gambit I knew you were going to ask that one. The Savings National was bought out by a bank that itself was bought out. But dont despair; the fire company that responded was the East Strathmore Fire Department. Lets pay them a visit.

Fifty years ago? Well, Im not sure if we even have anybody around who knows who was working here fifty years ago. Chet squinted as the late afternoon sun got in his eyes. Please, its really important. Olivia used her best helpless damsel look. Let me go check. Why does it seem that the only chances we have are slim and none and Slim just left town five minutes ago? Sam leaned against the fire truck. Trust me, Sammy, Im good friends with Slim he didnt leave. Howdy folks. The name is Abner. An older gentleman strolled out. Abner, we really could use your help. Fifty years ago, the Savings National bank burned down they were holding a family keepsake for us. Fifty years agohmmm.There are one or two names that come to mind. One of our legends is of Dick Schroeder a great guy. He would help you even if he was on his deathbed. Try the Schroeder family. Theyre still around living somewhere on the south side of town, I believe. See, Sam? I told you Slim was still in town! Olivia smiled as she knocked on the door of Bessie Schroeder. May I help you? Mrs. Schroeder opened the door a few inches. Maam, Abner from the fire department told us that your husband used to work for the East Strathmore Fire Department. Olivias voice was pure honey and sunshine. Yes, he did. Did he help put out the fire that burned down the Savings National Bank? Why yes, he talked about it all the time. Mrs. Schroeder opened the door a few more inches. Savings National was holding a family keepsake for us; we were wondering what became of it. Come in. Lets go down to the basement.


The Chaldean Gambit The basement was small and stuffed full of odds and ends, including opened safe deposit boxes. The only light came from a tiny light bulb near the stairs. Which one? Sam wondered. Thank you so much for your help. Olivia was genuinely grateful. Most of the items were destroyed in the fire. Only a few people came forward to claim the things that survived. Lets see. Bessie rummaged around and pulled out a rusted safe deposit box. Try this one. Still locked. Olivia frowned. Dont you have the key? A look of disappointment welled up in Bessies eyes. That silly husband, he would lose his head if it wasnt attached. Olivia shook the box, but didnt hear anything. She fiddled and pulled till it popped open. My, you have some grip there! I work out. Olivia flashed a quick smile and looked inside. She pulled out a piece of paper:

Hope is what you should clutch, Otherwise, youll lean on despair like a crutch. Morning brings its happiness your way, Evening solitude gives your dreams room to play.

How sweet. Bessie cooed. You gotta be kidding me. Nope. Cmon Sam, lets go. Thank you so much Mrs. Schroeder youre an angel! Olivia gave Bessie a big hug. How is this gonna help us? Sam, Sam, Sam. Remember, you have to think like Seth. Look at the first letter of each line. Home. Thats our next destination. 160

The Chaldean Gambit What Sam didnt know however, was that home was a small farm just outside of Corinthia, which itself was twenty two miles south of Strathmore. The farm was in disrepair. A red sign that read: Public Auction limply swayed in the breeze. You lived here? Sam got out of the car and looked over the dilapidated structures. Yes, yes I did. Oh Sam, it was all so wonderful once. Olivias voice died down to a wistful sigh. She looked at the keys, then a spark flashed in her eyes. Cmon, I know where it is! She ran off. Sam, go get a shovel or something to dig with. Olivia was standing beneath a gnarled old oak. On the ground beside her were the remains of a wooden swing. How did you know where to look? Sam said, coming back with a shovel. The keys N and E. The northeast corner of the farm. Olivia started digging. After a few minutes, the shovel hit something metal. They brought up the box. It was metal and had brass bands. There was strange writing engraved on the top corners. Do you recognize it? No, but I can tell its older than your Sunday school teacher. Olivia turned the keys in the locks. As the chest opened it played a strange little tune. Inside was an old leather bound journal.

Olivia, Tobias, and Clarice spent the rest of the night going over the journal. One name kept on coming up over and over again: Dr. Henrick Goethe. Hes mentioned several times. Are you sure you dont remember anything? Clarice looked into Olivias eyes. What was she thinking? Why was she such a mystery? She was beginning to understand why her son had fallen so madly in love with her. Im sorry, nothing . Or maybe something you dont want to remember? Clarice observed. Hey, back off. Tobias spoke up. No, shes right. Im sure there are a lot of things I dont want to remember. This however, is now in the want to category. Lets tap into our collective brain. Maybe someone else has heard of him. Clarice opened up her lap top. She navigated to a gardening and recipe web site. Book please. Here you go. Olivia handed her copy of Water Boy Blues to her.


The Chaldean Gambit Clarice turned to the last page of the book. She looked at the last word and chuckled. What? Tobias looked over her shoulder. Automatic. A funny word to end a book on. She then typed in waterboybluesautomatic into the password box. She was directed to a new site. This one displayed a picture of the earth with a large shadow covering several continents. Clarice then typed her username and personal password into the login screen.



The Chaldean Gambit

OK, now weve got a good mystery on our hands. Tobias took a sip from his mug. Well just let our players solve this one. A wicked grin came across Olivias face. Huh? Tobias and Clarice said in unison. You know the on-line game Vampire Cheerleaders From Hell? The one everybody plays on The Hive? I dont really play that one. I like the Happy Farm game. Clarice awkwardly confessed. Tobias shot her a look. What? I like it, you grow flowers and help poor little chickens and piggys. Now, we just feed everything we know about Dr. Goethe into the mission maker. Olivia quickly tapped the keys on her laptop. There! The mysterious Dr. Goethe. Is Dr. Goethe man or myth? Find Dr. Goethe and solve the mystery! Olivia proclaimed theatrically. And this will work? Clarice gave her a doubtful glare. Yup. Several people have used it already to do everything from finding rare artifacts to killing off in-laws. Olivia leaned back on the couch and turned on the TV. And most people dont know that these missions are real? Tobias asked in disbelief. Nope. Just the members of The Shadow Nation. How many members of the Shadow Nation play? Clarice asked. Lots and lots probably over 417,000. Now Shhh! Family Found is about to begin.

A week later, the game provided the answer: Dr. Goethe was in Madagascar. Olivia, Tobias, and Clarice boarded a flight that night. Mananjary. A nice little coastal town. I should have brought my surf board. Tobias looked over the towns profile. Think surf and turf later, little brother. Were going after the truth. Clarice sternly reminded him. 163

The Chaldean Gambit Id like to find out why he had his hands all over my family. Olivia sounded like a stalking tigress. The townsfolk they talked to only mentioned a cave of bones and the hooded ones who walked in and out during the night. After driving several miles along the coast, they spotted Dr. Goethes office. There were several piles of human bones around the entrance. As they drew nearer, a sickening smell greeted them. Lets make a house call of our own, shall we? Olivia got out of the jeep and walked toward the entrance. Tobias, watch her. Dont let her jeopardize the mission. Yes Maam! Tobias gave his sister a salute. The cavern was large but narrowed to a sinuous, twisting passage after thirty yards. The ceiling was dripping with a gooey, viscous substance that smelled awful. The farther in they went, the thicker and more plentiful the goo became. Also, they noticed cuneiform drawings on the walls. Hiii-ssss-Hiiii-sssss-Hiiii-ssss The sound emanated from a pitch black cavern ahead. Olivia shone her flashlight on the sound, but nothing was there. They kept on walking. I heard something. Hes here somewhere. Olivia broke the silence. Something dropped down behind her. In stood there blinking in the dim light from Tobias flashlight. It vaguely resembled a man. Its legs were over six feet long; its spindly arms were over six feet as well. Its bald head was twice the size of a normal one and its sharp, pointed teeth glinted in the dim light. Sssolved the myyyystery at lasssst. How clever of you. The monster hissed. Are you Dr. Goethe? Clarice stepped forward. For many miiiiillennia IIIIIII wasssss namelessss. Then, the ancient kiiiing gave me a name. The creature cocked its head in an unusual way, as if puzzled by his own title. He called me Goethelandra-MPakalam. Then who is Dr. Goethe? Olivia wanted to know. My diiisciiiiplesss. You have some kind of cult? Why? Tobias asked. To help me keep myyyyyy end of the bargin. When the ancient kiiiiing gets what he wantssss, he giiiiivesssss me what IIIIII want. What does he want? Clarice didnt like where the conversation was headed. 164

The Chaldean Gambit Oh, no cant tell. We all have our liiiiittle sssssecretssss. The monster flashed a cruel grin. I want to know. Olivia leapt at the creature and knocked it backwards. She sat on its chest and pressed her sword against its throat. No, pleasssssse. The creature begged. He wiiiiiill break our bargin. IIIIIIIve waited sssssso long, all IIIIIIIIII need iiiis jusssst a liiiiittle more tiiiiiiiime. IIIIIII promise, iiiiiiit wont hurt. Iiiiiit never hurtssss. What does the ancient king want? Olivia shouted. Olivia No! Seth said that this guy had his hands and needles in my family for several generations. Olivia turned back to her prey. Olivia, honey- Tobias took a step forward. What does he want?! Tell me! Weaknessss. Olivia cut the abominations head off with a single stroke. It rolled a few feet like a swollen pumpkin. Dammit Olivia! Clarice cursed. She walked over to the head and shone her light on it. What is that? The teeth were covered with the same cuneiform writing that they saw on the walls. Tobias, help me open its mouth while I remove its teeth. Why do I get the dirty jobs? There, thats the last one. Clarice held the last tooth under the light. She turned it around and carved into the back of the tooth was the symbol that had been haunting them for months: the broken triangle.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia

Miss Olivia Maraswaine? The detectives words were formal, polite, yet rigid. Yes? Olivia looked up from the crossword she was working on. The bar was empty; the lunch time crowd had just left. Please come with us, maam. Why? Whats going on? Olivia wasnt sure if this was really happening or if it was a practical joke. Well discuss the matter at the police station. Please, come with us. At the police station, things were busily speeding along: there were the usual customers, the addicts, the prostitutes, and the shoplifters. This was just another typical day, but Olivias intuition told her that something was out of place. Two days ago, Hailey Delacroix went missing from her apartment. The detective began. I knew Hailey. Yes, Im aware of that. She mentioned you several times in her journal. She mentioned a lot of things. We had a lot to discuss. By the way, I never got your name. Detective Easthill. As you were saying, Detective Easthill- One of the things I was curious about was the ritual involved in your sessions. You mean drawing her blood? Olivia was unafraid she looked the detective straight in the eye. Quite interesting. She describes it again and again. He slid the journal across the table so Olivia could read it. The detectives black crusade cross ring glinted under the overhead lights.


The Chaldean Gambit Its part of the therapy. In order for one to achieve true healing, a sacrifice must be made. Olivia was just slightly flustered. It was quite a sacrifice. Token gestures mean nothing; especially when one has been seeking redemption for a long time. Tell me, are you a licensed therapist? Just then, a young man wearing a three piece suit walked into the room. He had short blond hair, which was spiked. He had tan skin and an athletic frame. You dont have to tell him anything Olivia. Im sorry, where are my manners? Im Safford Webb, your lawyer. As he reached out his hand, Olivia saw a tattoo on his wrist: Darkstar99. Why thank you. Olivia was genuinely confused and surprised. She recognized the nickname from the Shadow Nation. Right this way Miss Maraswaine. The paperwork will only take a few minutes and then you will be a free woman once again. Safford gently escorted her through the station. Its an honor to finally meet you, Shadowlover. He whispered in her ear. Thank you again, Mr. Webb. Olivia shook his hand as they stood outside the police station. My pleasure. Oh by the way, heres something for Sarah. He opened the trunk of his car and pulled out a guitar case. Go ahead, open it. Inside was a guitar with a note attached. The note read:

Wait a minute that name sounds familiar. Its always on Sarahs tongue. Josh T, Josh T isnt he the lead singer for the Sleeping Bees?


The Chaldean Gambit The one and only. Now, if you excuse me, I have another appointment. Alas, a lawyers work is never done. With that, he got in his car and drove off. As he disappeared into the afternoon chaos, Olivia noticed his license plate: SHDWNTN99.

When Olivia got back to the apartment, she found flowers with a note attached:


I hope your stay at the police station was not too long or unpleasant.

Olivia was now starting to feel uncomfortable. She heard footsteps on the stairs below. Dont be alarmed. Its only an old man. Father McVales voice slowly wafted up the stairs. Father, did you see who left this? Im sorry Olivia. I didnt. This is getting really creepy. First the flowers in the hospital, now this. Youre in good hands Olivia. Trust in God as well as your friends and family. I suppose youre right. Im not going to let this spoil my day. Thanks for being so kind and supportive Father.

Oh Sarah Olivias voice melodically rang out as she knocked on the door. Go away! Im sleepin! Ive got something for you


The Chaldean Gambit Leave it at the door! Its a special present from a special boy Olivia..cmon, I had to get up at 5:30 AM today. Sarah grumbled as she opened the door. A friend of mine thought you might like this. Olivia handed the guitar case to her. A friend, huh? Mr. Safford Webb. The Safford Webb? The lawyer for the Sleeping Bees? The one and only. Youre kidding. Open it, open it. Oh my God! You werent kidding. Sarah gasped. This is the guitar Josh played when they did their show at Longhorn Stadium back in 08. Oh my God! Sarah squealed. Ill leave you two alone for a while. I just hope your boyfriend doesnt walk in on the two of you. Olivia winked.

Back at the apartment, it was down to business. Olivia had her laptop open and her cell phone in her hand. Yes, Im looking for Detective Easthill. Oh, I see. What? Tobias looked up at her from his laptop. He was transferred; the operator couldnt give me any more information. Call his boss, tell him you want to file a complaint. Trust me, that will get their attention. You sound like youve had a lot of experience in the realm of complaints. Olivia flashed a wicked grin. Hey, Im the complainer, not the target of the complaints. Thank you for your time sir. Oh, one more question, is Detective Easthills partner in? Oh, I see. Thank you again. Olivia frowned as she turned off her cell. No luck?


The Chaldean Gambit Tobias, Detective Easthill was transferred, so was his boss, and so was his partner. Thats kind of odd, isnt it? Very. Who has that kind of power? I have one or two suspects in mind, but that will have to wait for another day. Were on our own.

Bond, oh little Vagabond, I have a job for you. Olivia called out. Bond scampered out of the back room and jumped up on a bar stool. I need you to go to Haileys apartment and bring back an article of clothing like a sock or something. Bond ran out the door of the Black Hole. I hope he doesnt get- Oh Tobias! Stop being such a gutter brain. Olivia chastised him. Half an hour later, Bond was scratching at the door. He had a pink sock in his mouth. Olivia scratched his head. Good boy! Youve been a very good boy. Now, let me give you a little reward. Bond jumped on the bar and started eating the peanuts out of the bowl. Oh no! Get off there! Shadow will kill us both. Olivia quickly scooped him up and set him on the floor. She put the bowl in front of him. I knew there was a reason why I didnt eat the peanuts. Tobias remarked. OK. Now, lets find out what happened to Hailey. Olivia put Haileys sock on the Ouija board. She ran her fingers lightly over the wood and closed her eyes. There were several minutes of uncomfortable silence. Anything? A black crusade cross ring on the floor, a business card from the Dusk Syndicate on the kitchen table. Whatever it was, it was bad.

Brother Serge, the Vicar of The Turkish Monastery of Weeping Roses, sat impatiently in the plush office. The stunning view of Brussels did little to comfort him. Thank you for coming Vicar. The gentleman walked through the door. Edan Matou. Brother Serge motioned to the fancy name plate on the desk. Is that your name now? 170

The Chaldean Gambit Do you like it? I always have difficulty choosing names. One would think it would be easy by now. Its actually not. But you didnt call me here to discuss names, did you? I distinctly remember telling you that Olivia Maraswaine was not to be harassed. Edan looked out the window. She is more dangerous than you know. One day she will bring about unmentionable suffering. If you only knew the whole truth. He sighed. But we shouldnt stray from the topic. Olivia is off limits. You have no authority over us. The Vicar sneered. I think you are forgetting the fact that I was the one who eliminated the Children of Cytholos. If it werent for my assistance, you would still be at war with them. This is how you repay me? We are allies out of necessity; we are not your personal lackeys. That is an interesting topic, one that has resurfaced time and time again. Who are you to me? An ally? An opponent? Or perhaps even a pawn? Right now, all you are is lunch. Edan pulled out a small knife from his coat pocket. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed the Vicar and held him down. A half hour later, Edan made a call. He sat nonchalantly in his office, which was now spattered with blood. Brother Sebastian? Is Brother Augustus available? Thank you. He took out a handkerchief and wiped blood off his mouth. Augustus Ive decided to change things just a little. Im moving up the timetable; rip the roses out of the garden. You and your brothers can have all the spoils; drink as much as you want. You know my policy, no evidence. Youre welcome let me know when theyre all dead. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Kiss and Tell

Nope it wasnt there. Are you sure you didnt forget something? Hailey Delacroix looked around her as she sat near a fountain in Florence Italy. She cradled the cell phone to her ear while looking over the notes she was given. No, I didnt lose any of the notes. Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. Yeah, I was pretty awesome, wasnt I? She grinned. I still cant believe she fell for it. Well, yeah, I did do a great acting job. Yes, yes, Im being careful no evidence, no mess. She thought of the museum guard last night: the look on his face, the taste of his blood. Call you when I find it. She got up and resumed her hunt.

She was so thirsty she thought she would shrivel up. Sarah opened the fridge and remembered the rule (the one she almost broke the first time): no liquids for 8 hours before the ritual. She was about to close the door when she took a swig of orange juice. Where are you off to? Alex asked as Sarah was putting on her sneakers. Maybe Im headed to a game of Kiss and Tell maybe not. She teased. As long as the guy youre gonna kiss isnt cuter than me, Im OK with it. He laughed. Alex waited until she left and then opened her laptop. Hopefully he would have enough time to figure out her password.

Olivias apartment was dark, lit only by a single candle. Classical music was softly playing in the gloom. The scent of apples hung heavily in the air. Youre sure about this? I dont wanna get in trouble. Sarah sat down across from Olivia. We need all the help we can get. Im sure. So, you made all the arrangements on your side? Alex, Sam, your mother? Olivia was cutting up an apple. The candle between them flickered nervously. Theyre all cool with it. Alex has even teased me about it he calls me Sarah, Mistress of The Night! Then lets begin. Olivia slowly put the apple into her mouth. 172

The Chaldean Gambit I hate this part. I hate seeing you suffer. Its the only way. Why isnt it painless? I wish I knew. Perhaps someday I will. Olivia thought of what Goethelandra-MPakalam had said: The ancient king wanted weakness. OK. Im ready. Good. Olivia gently kissed Sarah on the mouth. Now we wait? Sarah was starting to feel sick. Yes. Olivia weakly replied. After several long, agonizing moments, a buzzing was heard. A white bee landed on Olivias neck. It crawled over her face and then took off. Is that what we were waiting for? Sarah, no matter what happens, just relax. The bee landed on Sarahs shoulder and made its way to the back of her neck. It stung her and then died. This went pretty well. Youll feel sick for about two days, but boy when you recover. Olivia forced humor through her nausea. Olivia, I dont feel so good. Sarah fell backward.

No pulse! The nurse yelled as they wheeled Sarah into the ER. Olivia could barely stand and was leaning on Tobias. They watched as Sarah slowly slipped away. The TV was blaring, but if Sarah was watching, you couldnt tell. The flowers smelled almost too sweet. Olivia hesitantly stepped into the room. She drew the curtains around the bed. Sarah, honey? Its time to wake up now. If you dont wake up, Im gonna sing, and I know you dont want to hear that! Olivia joked as she wiped away a tear. Hows our patient today? The doctor asked as he whisked himself into the room. Same as yesterday. Olivia was getting sick of doctors. Are you sure you gave me her full medical history?


The Chaldean Gambit Yes doctor. Ive never seen anything quite like this. If you think of anything anything, please tell me. If we dont come up with something soon, she could spend the rest of her life like this. Ive heard that people sometimes wake up from comas. Sometimes. The doctor looked at Sarahs chart, frowned, and then walked out. Sarah, please. Wake up! Olivia cradled her and pressed her forehead to Sarahs.

Olivia then found herself in the middle of a sunny meadow. There was a picnic basket sitting on a brightly colored checkered blanket. The birds were singing in the trees and the flowers nodded in the wind. A little old lady was sitting there, rummaging through the basket. This is truly a grand day! She warmly exclaimed. Come, come, sit and have something to eat. I planned this little outing just for you. Youve been through so much, you deserve a rest. The woman looked up at her. She had three eyes. I was just in the hospital a minute ago. A stunned Olivia stammered. And now were having a picnic. The old woman smiled and handed Olivia a sandwich. Go on, eat it, dont be so fussy Olivia! She gently chided. Honestly, I spent a long time preparing all this and youre acting like a fussy two year old. But Sarah- Olivia, dont be such a worrier. The baby will be fine. Shell get better. Who are you? You dont remember me? That nasty man truly did some awful things to you. Have some tea. Just be patient, it will all come back to you. Just keep using the Ouija board. How did you know about that? Ive been looking in on you from time to time. Youre my favorite girl. Always so helpful, so strong! The old woman gently put her hand on Olivias shoulder. Oh, no. She looked toward the west. Thunderheads were gathering. I really did hope we would have more time to chit-chat. Well, no use bemoaning our situation. Its time to get moving! Olivia, theres something you have to do for me.

Hey, come back to earth. Gabriel put his hand on Olivias shoulder.


The Chaldean Gambit What? Olivias eyes popped open. You were dreaming. Gabe, what are you doing here? I had a feeling you two would be here. I dont dream. I dont sleep. What just happened? Sarahs standing in a doorway. When you touched her, you were standing in the doorway too. I saw an old woman. She knew me. Hopefully you two had some quality time together. Shes really fond of you, you know. Who was she? The secret goddess the hidden empress. She goes by a thousand names. Gabe turned and left.

The hours turned into days, but Sarah still didnt wake up. One morning, Olivia walked down the hall to Sarahs room and stopped dead in her tracks. Sarah, Sarah. Julies voice was trembling. I brought your favorite blanket. See? Dont go, please. Sam was behind her. We need to be a family again. So Olivia, Sam, and Julie sat with Sarah for the rest of the day. That night, Olivia sat in the confessional. She let the silence fill her ears. Do you want to begin, or shall I? Father McVales words seemed gentle, yet sharp. Father, if I really was an evil person, I could accept that. I could just say it was my destiny to be a monster. I would say to myself Every garden needs a snake; otherwise there would be too many rats. But Im really trying to be a good person. You are a good person, Olivia. A good person in a world of lies. Well, maybe I can push the lies back a little bit, just this once. Uh oh. Im not sure I like the sound of this. Father, youre such a worrier. Dont worry Ill be back and Ill be good.


The Chaldean Gambit The next morning, Olivia knocked on the door of Alexs apartment. Oh Olivia, hi. I was just on my way out. Lets have a talk Alex. Im sorry that I havent come to see her more often, I I just cant bear to see her like that. Then you should do something about it. What do you mean? I mean tell the truth! You know something, and youre holding back. I dont understand and I dont like your tone. Alex looked Olivia in the eye. What did she do? She must have done something before the ritual. Ive never had someone fall into a coma before. Alex, tell me the truth. OK, now youve lost me. What ritual are you talking about? She never told you, did she? Olivia was stunned. She had come here demanding the truth and now she was going to have to give the truth to Alex. Whats going on? Alex, just come sit down. Theres something you need to know if youre going to be a part of the Maraswaine family. OK, Im listening. He sat down in a chair across from her. Do you remember what your mother used to tell you about the things that go bump in the night?



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
SOS (Save Ole Seth)

What do you mean its the only specialty shop in the state? Olivia was not happy. Its the only shop. Anything to win, remember? Shadow tried his best old school coach tone, but he wasnt convinced Olivia was buying it. All this for a secret ingredient? Just take it off the menu Shadow. Its a cornerstone of the establishment- Dont call me honey, just give me more money. Ill be taking your car, since mine is a little low on gas. Before he could react, Olivia had the keys to his car and was walking out the door.

The drive was uneventful until she passed by Silver Creek Cemetery. The sun was setting, weaving its final rays through the autumn leaves. Olivia remembered the voice she had heard in the church and her curiosity got the best of her. Was that you, back in the church? Olivia addressed the tombstone. Silence dead silence. Can you hear me? Are you somewhere nearby? More silence. Oh Seth, Im getting sick of these one way conversations we keep having. Cmon, give me a sign or something. What Olivia didnt notice was that several figures were watching from a good distance away. We could get them both. Two for the price of one. One of the mercenaries uttered. His voice was cold, calculating. No. Too complicated. Shes got a lot of friends. The mercenary leader replied. We can do it; weve got the right stuff and the opportunity. No. With that, Lisette and her companions retreated into the shadows.

Heres your precious herb, you tyrant. Olivia tossed the grocery bag at Shadow. What took you so long?


The Chaldean Gambit I made a little detour. Detour? To see an old friend. Let me guess Silvercreek Cemetery. Olivia, hes gone. Dont let the ghosts of the past come between you and Tobias. Its not like that. I just want answers. Ever since I heard Seths voice a few months back, Ive just felt unsettled. Dont focus on your past, girl focus on your future. Theres a lot more at stake than you think. I am focused on the truth. Im sick of lies, unanswered questions, and clues. Just for once I would like to wait a minute. My ring. Oh crap! It must have slipped off when I was at Seths grave. I gotta go back Tobias gave me that ring for our one year anniversary. Dont tell him about this, OK? I thought you were focused on the truth. Shadow looked her in the eye. I am Shadow. But theres a time and a place. I want to choose the time and the place.

She made it back to the cemetery just about midnight. As she pulled over to the side of the road, a mist was spreading over the grounds, like someone pulling a blanket over a bed. The moon was high in the sky and crickets were serenading the lonely dead. For some reason, Olivia remembered the time she was interrupted in her night time feeding by the teens. She remembered tearing up the headstone and hurling it at the film crew. She was thankful that no one was hurt. I never thought I would have to retrieve a ring from my new boyfriend from my old husband. She muttered. Boyfriend that word was getting on her nerves. It was about time that Tobias made the next move. She would have to corner him one day and force him to propose. It was hard to see them at first, but they were there. Faint, shadowy figures, dressed in black. They seemed to fade from reality with every other step. Olivia quickly turned off the lights and watched. She didnt like what she saw they were headed for Seths grave. She jumped out of the car and ran at full speed. She crossed the last one hundred yards in five seconds. OK, back off. Nobody fools around with my ex-hubby except me. Olivia stood between Seths grave and the intruders. Take the shot, just do it! One of the mercenaries urged. No. Well come back at a later time. There are other ways; we just have to be patient. Lisette commanded. She was wearing a hood and her voice was distorted. 178

The Chaldean Gambit Im doin it. This is too good to pass up. Another mercenary pulled out a crossbow. Then I will leave you fools to your fate. Lisette stepped back and dissolved into the night. The fight was over before it began. Olivia, ever the quick learner, had adapted to crossbows and bronze bolts. And nowadays, she never ever went anywhere unarmed. Three out of four of the mercenaries were down; the fourth decided to run. Olivia gave him a head start, then pursued. Well, it looks like I got my exercise tonight. All this running makes me hungry and look I have a snack right here in my hands. Olivia held up the grave robber with one hand. Do it. Do it? Olivia sneered. Have you been watching too many The Hunter episodes? Olivias grip around his throat tightened. You wont get what youre looking for. Which is? The truth. Hmmmmmwe shall see what I get from this little picnic. Olivia dragged him off to a nearby mausoleum. Over the next two hours, alone with her victim in the dark, Olivia tempted, teased, and tortured. All the while, she was slowly draining him of blood. In the end, all she got was one clue: Ashworths.

Shopping? We always go shopping. Tobias grumbled. I need some things from the ladys department. Olivia was looking for a good parking spot. Really? Uh-huh. Like what? Ill just let your imagination run wild. Now come shopping-bag-carrying-boy. Thats shopping-bag-carrying-man. Well see about that. If you can carry enough maybe you can be a man. She winked. As they walked out of the store, Olivia pulled her cell out of her pocket.


The Chaldean Gambit Pajamas. I thought you would pick something a little more exciting. Tobias looked into the bag. Pajamas are exciting. Even you cant make pajamas exciting. I was excited when I bought them because they were half off. Anyways, what are you complaining about? You got more stuff than I did. Hey, I needed these drill bits. And the wrench set was too good to pass up. Whatever. I hope you put that stuff to good use. Olivia then dialed Sam. Did you get in? Yup. Once they rang you up, I was able to sneak into their wireless network. Sam was sitting in his car somewhere in the parking lot. Youre not encouraging the boy to live a life of crime, are you? Tobias opened the trunk. How long before you have anything for me? Give me an hour or two. Sam answered and closed his laptop.

Olivia showed up at the house with donuts and coffee. Sam eagerly let them in and opened the box before she could set it down. Chocolate cream, blueberry, apple filling! Olivia youre the best. I know what my men like. If you did, you wouldnt have bought pajamas. Tobias mumbled. If youre good, youll get what you like. Now Shhh! Not in front of the boy. Olivia grinned. The only thing that stood out was a credit card account for a publishing company. Monolith Publishing. Never heard of them. Tobias looked in the fridge. Surprisingly, there was a jar of blood there. Sam? Tobias had a quizzical look on his face. Just in case you guys come over and are hungry. Sam how sweet! Olivia gave him a hug. She was genuinely surprised by Sams thoughtfulness and sacrifice. Were a family, we always will be. Sam replied.


The Chaldean Gambit So, what kind of stuff does Monolith publish? Olivia looked over Sams shoulder. Mostly religious and paranormal books and articles. Do they have a way to contact them? Tobias took a swig out of the jar. No. All they have is a generic e-mail address. Maybe I can get more information. Tobias opened his cell and started dialing. Hmmmm..thats odd. Lisette always keeps her cell on. Well have to do this my way. Olivia responded in sing-song fashion. After two more hours on the Shadow Nation site, the only response she could get about Monolith Publishing was a rumor that it was the horns of the beast. Monolith Publishing? Shadow asked while tending bar. Ever heard of it? Olivia sat on the other side, sipping from a long necked, smoky glass. Ill have what shes having. A young man sat down next to her. Sorry, were all out. Really? Olivia was a bit worried. Well get a fresh batch tomorrow, come back then. Tobias shooed the young man away. Now, lets see Monolith Publishing. Odd place, no stores, no catalogues. In fact, the books I ordered were hand delivered by a courier. They werent in a box or anything, so I never knew exactly where they came from. Sounds like they dont want to be found. Tobias sat down next to her. Ill have what shes having. You come here often? I come here all the time because I have to. It sounds like theyre part of the Dusk Syndicate. If they are, then we should get to Seths grave. Tobias reluctantly observed.

Surprisingly, they found Seths grave undisturbed. The wind was the only thing moving through the tranquil grounds. You think they would have tried again. Sam looked at Seths grave and tried to remember the last time he was here. It takes time to mount an operation like this one. Mercenaries have to be hired, preparations have to be made. Tobias explained. 181

The Chaldean Gambit Preparations? Sam had a puzzled look on his face. In case they run into resistance. Tobias replied. Well, they certainly werent prepared for me. Olivia started digging. Sam, keep an eye out while we work. Tobias instructed. Work? This is more like a game. Why did they want Seths bones? I love a good mystery. Olivias voice was dripping with anticipation. What would she find? Here we are. Tobias lifted the coffin out of the ground. Will you do the honors? He glanced at Olivia. Hi honey, its me. Olivia opened the casket. A lifeless skeleton greeted her, its hollow sockets staring at the sky. Wow, you really sent Seth off in style. Sam noted. He knocked on the coffin and a small board came loose on the left side. This was Seths idea. Thats why it looks good but is, in reality, flimsy and cheap. He could be so cheap. No wait. Theres a compartment or something there. Without permission, Sam started to tug at the loose board. Sam, please! A little respect for your kin. Olivia stopped him. No, hes right. Theres something there. Tobias spoke up. Nobody messes with old Seth except me. Olivia pulled the board out and reached into the compartment. Whats that? Sam asked. Sam stared at the object in Olivias hand. It was a small metallic pyramid, about the size of a golf ball; it was covered with cuneiform writing. I dont know Sam, I really dont. Olivia replied.



The Chaldean Gambit


The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Its Pointy and Makes a Great Paperweight

Hows it goin guys? Olivia knocked on the door of the back room. Slow, very slow. Shadow mumbled. Did the new shipment of snacks come in yet? Yeah. Theyre sitting on the bar. Olivia glibly answered. Inside she was a little shocked. This little trinket could solve a mystery or at least provide an important clue as to what was going on. Thats all he could think about, supplies? You might want to have someone sample those before you put them out there. Sam offered, not looking up from his laptop. OK, just one. Shadow looked at him. Then he returned to his notes. So, what do we know about this thing so far? Olivia sat down across from Shadow. Its pointy and makes a great paperweight. Shadow quipped. I give up. I am totally out of my league. Shadow picked up the pyramid and felt the writing with his fingers. Cmon Shadow. Whatever happened to Anything to win? Olivia felt like a cheerleader. Thats just business. This this is cosmic order kind of stuff. I bet somebody knows something. Olivia started dialing on her cell. Hi! Hi! Lisette answered. She was strolling through the streets of Johannesburg. Were stuck here. Weve got a small pyramid on our hands, but we dont know anything about it. I might know someone who can help. Ill send him over. Lisette was in a rush to end the conversation. Did Olivia notice? I hate keeping secrets. She mumbled to herself.

Two days later, a Kenyan man in his thirties knocked on Olivias door. He stood there smiling, his dark eyes almost glowing with anticipation. You must be Giles. Come in. 184

The Chaldean Gambit Thank you. As soon as I heard I boarded a plane. May I see it? Giles was polite but to the point. What is it? Im not sure. Lets tinker with it for a while and we might find out more. He took the pyramid to the kitchen sink and then pulled several bottles out of his bag. Each bottle contained an exotic powder, liquid, or paste. The powder in one bottle convulsed rhythmically, as if some creature was buried underneath the concoction. Wow, you must be a pro. Where did you get all that stuff? Olivia asked in fascination as she watched Giles sprinkle powder on the artifact. My dad taught me the trade. Your dad was a shaman too? One of the best. Perhaps youve heard of him? His name was Xavier. Oh. I heard what happened to your dad. Im really sorry. Its OK. He died to save you. Youre a very important person Olivia, more important than you think. Thanks. Olivia felt uncomfortable. Did Giles really know the truth? Dont thank me yet. Hmmmmthis is interesting. This is going to take awhile. Then perhaps some refreshments are in order? Father McVale was standing in the door with a bag of pretzels and some root beer. Why thank you sir. Giles was taken aback by Father McVales sudden appearance. He looked hard at the old man and then took a pinch of red paste from one of the bottles. He then painted a cross on his forehead. Father McVale simply chuckled and then left. Are you alright? You look like youve just seen a ghost. You keep very interesting company Ms. Maraswaine.

Three hours later, amidst snacks and Chinese takeout boxes, Giles plopped down on the couch. Bond jumped on him and started licking his face. No luck huh? Olivia sat down next to him. They both stared at the pyramid as it sat quietly on the kitchen table.


The Chaldean Gambit Im sorry Olivia. Ive solved many mysteries in my time, but this is one enigma that is way beyond me. Somebody must know something. This thing just didnt fall from the sky. Olivia threw her hands up in frustration. She got up and went to the fridge. Somebody does know something. Its just a matter of finding the right person. Giles was watching her intently. Giles youre staring. Olivia put down her glass. Im sorry; its just that Ive been fascinated with the Strasny Opiekun since my childhood. And Im the first one youve met? You shamans got to get out more, were all over the place. Again, I apologize. Getting back to the heart of the matter, though, I think there is a resource that you could tap into. See? I knew that there was hope. There is hope and it lies in Lithuania. There is a secret library, known only to a few. Only about 40 or so people have actually stepped into it. Wow they must have opened just a few months ago. The library has been in existence for 3,000 years. Only very special people are allowed to walk through its doors. Well, I guess its another vacation for me and Tobias. Olivia flipped open her cell. Olivia, this is something you must do alone. Giles looked deeply into her eyes.

The streets of Jonava, Lithuania were quiet. A few Sunday shoppers were strolling about, looking for bargains. Flocks of pigeons circled overheard. And in a little church, mass was coming to an end. Well this is weird. Olivia thought to herself as she watched the ceremony. I wonder how everyone would feel if they knew who was sitting beside them. She wrinkled her nose at the notion. Cmon Olivia! She chided herself. Youre more than just a blood drinker. Stop going along with the idea that youre some kind of monster. She then gathered her courage and walked to the altar as the patrons were leaving. You have come at last. The priest smiled. You were expecting me?


The Chaldean Gambit For some time now. Before you can gain entrance to the library, you must share one of your secrets. Im not really good at sharing. In fact, Ive raised my children to be very secretive. Olivia did her best to be persuasive and even seductive. The priest just kept smiling. Do you know what I am? Olivia tried a different method. Yes, yes I do. The priest would not budge. A secret, huh? Just one secret? Olivia realized there would be no way around it. Just one. I think Im still in love with my husband, Seth. Olivia blurted out like a child saying Open Sesame! Come now. Thats not a secret. Tell me a secret. How do you know thats not a secret? Who else would know? Look, Ill tell you a secret my patience is running out! Olivia struck the priest, but it was like hitting a pile of flour. Her fingers simply passed through his face, ejecting a spray of fine, white powder. He stood there, headless; yet Olivia somehow sensed that he was smirking. After a moment, the gentleman simply recollected himself. I really do have pressing business elsewhere. Im sorry that you dont have the courage to enter. The priest turned to leave. Wait! I have to get into the library. Its my last chance. Come, sit. For a long time now, Ive realized that I was, well, involved with some sort of emperor or someone like that. I know that he saw me really saw me. I I dont really know how I feel about him; sometimes I want to run away and hide from him. Some days I want to kill him. The worst part about it though is that hes hidden behind some wall of fog and I dont know who he really is. Am I going crazy? No, youre not going crazy. Under the circumstances what youre feeling is very normal. What do you mean, under the circumstances? How much do you know about me? Ms. Maraswaine you came here to solve mysteries, not interrogate an old man like me. The priest got up and led her to the basement of the church. In a dark corner was a grate that was chained and padlocked. The priest unlocked the padlock and handed Olivia a flashlight. The Great Secret Library was nothing more than a hole with several trunks of books. Earthworms wriggled out of the earthen walls as if they too were eager to read the rare tomes. What startled her was that, even though some tomes were written in ancient text, she recognized many words. After several days of research, she found what she had come for: hope. 187

The Chaldean Gambit Have you ever been to England? Tobias asked her while they were waiting for the plane to take off. Im sure I have, I just dont remember it. Olivia responded while looking through a tour guide. The pubs there are phenomenal. He grinned. Oh no you dont. Clarice interrupted. Cmon, I wont get in trouble. He protested. Thats what you said the last time. No bars. Clarices word was final. Why did she have to come along? He grumbled. So the girls would outnumber the boys! Olivia teased him. Now be quiet or well make you come along when we go shopping for tea pots. After driving for two hours, Stonehenge finally came into view. They pulled the car to the side of the road and got out. Well, lead on Ms. Expert. Tobias piped up. Im not an expert Ive just done my homework. Olivia kissed him. She then took out her notes, which included a map she had drawn herself. Do you know what those symbols and diagrams mean? Clarice looked over her shoulder. I do now! Lets go! Suddenly, it all made sense to her. Olivia ran to the monument. Surprisingly, it only took about twenty minutes of searching before they found the stone. Olivia got out her little shovel and started digging. Start talking or something! Dont just stand around like dopes! You two look more suspicious than foxes in a henhouse. Olivia griped. After removing a small pile of earth, she found the lock. The pyramid fit perfectly. As she turned it counter-clockwise a low, soft rumbling could be heard. Then they raced to the center. There was a cavern where one of the stones had been moments earlier. However, after exploring the burial chamber for an hour, they came up with nothing. Maybe theres another secret chamber. Clarice tried to sound optimistic. Nope. This is the only one. Olivia was resigned to the fact that they had lost this round. Whats this? Tobias noticed something shining in dark.


The Chaldean Gambit It was a silver ring with Latin crosses on it. It looked relatively new. It was the only thing left in the room. This is the ring worn by the Vicar of The Weeping Roses. Clarice explained. So, whatever was in here, they have it. Olivia sighed.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia

Three daffodils 3 Oclock. Hell be here soon enough. Clarice looked around Mourning Dove Cemetery. The grounds were littered with willow trees. A large stand of white aspen trees to the west marked the end of the official part of the cemetery. Good. I dont like this place. Olivia looked at her watch. Whats not to like? Tobias smelled the daffodils. Theres just something about aspen trees they bring up bad memories. Cmon, lets go. This is one meeting I dont want to be late for. Clarice walked toward the aspens without looking back. Well, if we must, we must. Olivia sighed. Thats my girl. Tobias gave her a quick hug. I will, of course, deserve something special tonight for doing this. Of course! Tobias was already making a list of jewelers he would have to visit later this afternoon. Youre early. Brother Augustus quietly noted. His black crusade cross ring reflected the afternoon sun. If you want, we could leave and come back in five minutes. Clarice quipped. She was desperate, but she wouldnt let him know that. No, youre fine. Are you ready? Yes. Clarice pulled a small stone from her handbag. It looked like a blue marble. If you just stand a little closer together. Brother Augustus took out a long garland of rowan leaves from his bag. He strung the garland around three aspens and cordoned off a triangular area. Clarice put the blue stone on the garland and it rolled along the barrier of its own accord. The stone started to travel faster and faster until it was only a blue streak. Now that were safe from prying, well begin. Whats the scoop? 190

The Chaldean Gambit The Weeping Roses have been eliminated. There are probably fifteen or so brothers left alive. Augustus replied in a cold, no nonsense fashion. Youre kidding, right? Olivia was in shock. No. It was a surprise to everyone. We thought that whoever destroyed the Children of Cytholos would need more time to launch his next major attack. Who could be so powerful as to pull that one off? Tobias wanted to know. There are several possibilities. No one knows for sure yet. Augustus replied. Edan Matou must be one of our top suspects though. Clarice observed. What do we know about him? Very little. Hes a powerful businessman who lives and works in Europe. Thats it? Thats all you know? Some secret agent you are. Olivia griped. On to the next topic. Clarice would not be distracted by Olivias impatience. We discovered an empty burial chamber beneath Stonehenge a few weeks ago. All we found was the ring of your vicar. Whats the scoop on that? Brother Serge was looking for a powerful artifact. He hoped that it would turn the tide of the battle in the coming war. Coming war? Tobias raised an eyebrow. The Children of Cytholos, now the Weeping Roses someone is trying to eliminate all the players until hes the only one left on the board. One day hell come for us. With that, Augustus rolled up his sleeve. On his forearm was a tattoo of a rose pierced with a bloody dagger; underneath was the moniker Blood & Roses. Oh my! Is it really you? Olivia took a step closer and then gave him a hug. Wow this is incredible. Thank you Olivia. Its an honor to meet you too. Augustus shyly acknowledged. Ill have you know that Augustus here is one of our top people. If the Shadow Nation had an employee of the month award, this guys house would be full of them. Back to the artifact. Clarice would not deviate from her interrogation. We dont know what it is; it might be a dagger of some sort. Were putting out an intense effort to find it. With only fifteen gents, that must be quite a challenge. Tobias observed.


The Chaldean Gambit When I mean we, I mean my new partners. Which brings me to the next item of discussion. Have you ever heard of Lighthouse? No but it sounds quite interesting. Clarice looked him straight in the eyes. It is beyond interesting its revolutionary. Augustus responded. We have the jacks. He pulled out a deck of playing cards. He separated the jack of clubs and the jack of spades from the rest. He waived his hand over the cards and an image of a man appeared on each card. I think youll remember Lyle Olivia hes the jack of spades. The other gentleman is Nate. Both were members of The Dusk Syndicate. Then we have the Kings. The king of diamonds and the king of hearts were separated from the deck. The king of Diamonds is Brother Stephen. I myself am the king of hearts. Then we also have the queens. He pulled the queen of spades and the queen of clubs from the deck. The queen of spades is Maureen one of the most powerful Children of Cytholos. The queen of clubs is Colleen, her protg an absolutely amazing lady. Im not sure of where to begin. Talk about strange and possibly fatal bedfellows. Clarice answered. It does work, quite well actually. Weve even recruited several Strasny Opiekun or Black Dogs as you like to call them. Whose idea was this? Tobias was still trying to take it all in. You know the dealer quite well, Tobias. Would you like to meet her? Augustus smiled. He pulled out a red satin sheet and threw it up into the air. It slowly fell down and then settled on something invisible, about five feet two inches tall. Brother Augustus quickly yanked the sheet away. Hi guys! Lisette gave Tobias a hug. Oh my God! Lisette! Olivia gave her a big hug. You did this? Wow! I know, an opportunity just came along and I pounced on it. She smiled. Speaking of opportunity. We still have to convene a meeting to discuss strategy. Perhaps Jaston would allow us to use his establishment? Jaston? Olivia had a puzzled look on her face. Oh. I see. He hasnt told you his real name. I think you know him as Uncle Shadow. Augustus replied.

Olivia, Im coming to get you. Lisette called out as she walked through The Black Hole. The lights were low and a hushed silence seemed to blanket the bar. She thought she heard the slight creak of a floorboard somewhere in the gloom. She quietly honed in on the sound. When she reached the 192

The Chaldean Gambit spot, she heard a slight giggle to her left. As her eyes adjusted to the shadows, something grabbed her from behind. I got you! Olivia shouted. Both girls laughed and squealed. Now that was fun. Youre getting even better. Lisette complimented her. So, whats your pleasure? Olivia stepped behind the bar. You know the meeting is in an hour. I shouldnt be tipsy. Soda. Olivia poured a light bubbly soft drink into a tall glass. OK. Soda. Lisette gave in and sat down on a stool. With a pinch of lemon and hint of vanilla.

Over the next hour or so, members of Lighthouse slowly filed in. They appeared normal in all respects except for the small red star under their right eye. Despite the fact that they had worked with each other for months, the atmosphere was still tense, as if the current state of affairs could dissolve at any moment. I think were all here. Shall we begin? Lisette started the proceedings. Jaston, could you put out some refreshments for our gests? Olivia teased. Whos gonna pay for all the refreshments? Shadow grumbled. Here you are chap. Colleen put several fifty dollar bills on the bar. Ahhhh..Olivia, you finally have made some rich friends. This might be a very good night. I think tonight is going to be absolutely special, dont you? The words came from a stranger wearing a leather jacket and bowler hat. His sunglasses barely masked the blood crazed fury of his eyes. He sat in a dark corner of the room next to the pool table. Oh no. Get down! Everybody get down! Shadow yelled. Maureen was too startled to react quickly. A drop of blood hit her in the forehead. It started burrowing into her skull. She quickly closed her eyes and held her hands out. The droplet turned black and fell to the ground, where it shattered like a piece of glass. My, you are strong. I always wanted a feisty girl. Imrus smiled a devilish smile. He took a step closer.


The Chaldean Gambit Feast on this! Maureen was so quick that she was upon Imrus in a tenth of a second. She drove a long, bronze dagger right through his skull. The renegade staggered back for a moment, but then recovered. Youre quick, very quick. Imrus pulled the dagger out of his head. However, you should learn some tactics it would really help. At that moment, several drops of blood fell upon her face from somewhere above. Unable to fight off all the small sinister blood-blobs, they quickly ate her alive. And who have we here? Imrus laughed. Brother Augustus and Brother Stephen laid hands on him. You two gents are strong; you must eat plenty of oatmeal in the morning. He grunted. All your cheap bragging cant hide the fact that youre hurt. Stephen growled. Hold him! Colleen took her pendant off her neck. Colleen no! Are you crazy? Lisette screamed. I know what he wants death and blood. Colleen sank the amulet into her arm. Her blood flowed over the intricate spirals. She then slammed the talisman into Imrus chest. He screamed in pain. This is going to be more of a challenge than I thought. Imrus mustered his strength and threw Augustus and Stephen across the bar. They hit the wall so hard that one could hear bones breaking. Imrus. Youve come for me. Leave them alone. Shadow somehow mysteriously appeared behind him. Well settle this once and for all. Shadow extended his hands. Why Shadow all these years youve been running from me. Now you want to settle old accounts? Gladly. Imrus near fatal wounds were almost healed. Imrus and Shadow locked hands and simply stared at one another. They became more and more transparent until nothing more than two barely visible human shapes occupied the center of the bar. One shape started to dominate the other, its victim slowly falling to its knees. A dark red stream started to slowly trickle out of the kneeling figure. However, the kneeling figure started to rise, slowly, painfully. After much struggle, it began to get the upper hand. Soon the other figure was convulsing and throwing up a foul smelling, viscous black goo. The figure who was now suffering simply popped like a bubble. All that was left was a charred skull. Moments later, Shadow gradually came into view. Oh my God! Shadow, are you alright? Olivia caught him before he hit the floor. Ill be fine in a month or so. Shadow weakly smiled. He had small cuts, bruises, and burns all over his body.


The Chaldean Gambit A week later, Olivia was tending bar. Colleen came in and sat down. They didnt talk to each other for a long time. How are things on your end? Olivia quietly began. Stephen and Augustus wont get out of the ICU for a month the doctors say. Stephen might never walk again. How about you? Shadow is still in a lot of pain. He barely has enough energy to feed himself. I thought we were invincible. You know, like a group of superheroes. Honey, youve been reading too many comics. This is the African savannah. Were nothing more than sheep that almost got eaten by a lion. Thank God we had a lion tamer. Colleen meekly joked. Yeah. Lets hope he knows how to keep this whole crazy circus going. You want to learn how to be a bartender or just sit on your butt and feel sorry for yourself? Really? Cmon, give it a shot.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
The Good, The Bad, And The Cosmic Order

If they only knew. Olivia looked into Tobias eyes for any hint of remorse. Honey, its done we cant go back now. He bluntly replied. What a cruel thing to do to a child. Whats done is done. Can we salvage the rest of the night? Thank you. There was a knock at the door. Trick or Treat! A little ghost held out his bag. Youre adorable! Here you go. Olivia dropped a piece of candy into his bag. Hopefully well have enough. She mumbled to herself. I heard that. Too bad you didnt hear me say that the candy was off limits. Olivia, honey, youll have enough weve got ten bags. Well see. Tobias drove off to the store, not out of guilt of course. The wind played with the leaves in the trees and happy youngsters could be heard up and down the street. She thought of all the Halloween nights in the past, where Sarah and Sam were stuck with a real monster. Im off. Sam announced. Im glad you have plans for tonight youve missed out on too much fun in your life. Olivia gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. Dont be out too late! Julie called from a back room. Trick or Treat! Olivia opened the door and a three foot tall fairy princess was standing there. Arent you a cutie. Here you go. The storm is getting closer Olivia. The child responded. She had three eyes. 196

The Chaldean Gambit Olivia was stunned. When she looked again a normal two-eyed child was smiling at her.

Trick or Treat! Hailey squealed as she yanked the sheet away. Edan placed his hands on the wooden crate. Well done my dear! Well done. You have exceptional hunting skills. He opened the crate and removed the straw. Yes. Edan gently lifted up a five foot mirror, framed in tendrils of bronze. The surface had a watery sheen to it. In the silence of the moment, one could hear a low rhythmic throbbing. So, when can we use it? Ms. Delaxroix, this is not a toy. It will be important at the proper time. Which is? You will know when I tell you. Although Edans words were soft and refined, there was something menacing in them.

Trick or Treat! There was Clarice, dressed up as a fairy godmother. Youve come to grant my wish! Olivia laughed. Sorry, fixing the boyfriend is beyond even my powers! She grinned. How about an extra one then? Olivia! You wicked little thing! That will be a conversation for another time. I came not only for treats but to let you know that were getting closer. Closer to what? A chill ran down her spine as she remembered the childs warning. The truth. I have been working my network of friends and contacts and hit pay dirt. Really? Hailey Delacroix, the missing girl, was getting money from Monolith Publishing. Why? I dont know, but the more we find out about Monolith, the clearer the picture will become. You alright? Im fine. 197

The Chaldean Gambit No youre not. Youre good at covering up your feelings, but not that good. I have a bad feeling about whats on the horizon its something really big. Im not sure whos going to be left when its all over. Olivia, youre just worrying too much. Thats natural the battle with Imrus, learning about Lighthouse, Sarah thats a lot. No, its just the beginning. Thanks for the news. OK, Ill leave you be. Just call me if you need anything, alright? I promise.

In the basement of the Maraswaine house, Olivia got the Ouija board out. Her hands were trembling with anticipation and fear as she set it before her. She was about to put her hands on it, but hesitated. Finally, she drew a deep breath and put each hand on the board. It felt as if her hands were held by some icy grip. She stared as an eye appeared on the back of each hand. A third eye appeared on the top of the board. It felt as if she was underwater and she tried to break free. A sudden calmness came over her and she relaxed in her watery cocoon. Thanks for trick or treating with me. The three-eyed fairy princess beamed as they walked down the street. Why am I here? Olivia looked at her costume; she was dressed as a pumpkin. Im afraid the bully is going to get me. He wants to take my candy. Ill protect you. I hope so. Youre my best friend Olivia. The child gave her a long hug. They came upon a chalk drawing on the sidewalk. Olivia recognized it immediately: the broken triangle. Ive seen that symbol again and again over the past few months. Dont you know what that is, silly? The little girl giggled. I have no clue. It represents good, The child hopped on one corner, bad, She hopped to the next corner, and people who choose between the two! She landed on the final corner.


The Chaldean Gambit Oh, it all makes sense to me now. The good, the bad, and the Cosmic Order. Olivia replied sarcastically. Just then, a teenager came along and yanked the childs bag from her. He pushed her down and laughed. Olivia could hear the childs sobs and the teenagers laughter forming a sickening duet. That little punk! Olivia was angry. Please, please help me dont let him steal my candy! The poor child was crying her heart out. Well, were going to need help. Maybe someone in that house over there can help us. The house up ahead was dark except for a few candles in the window. No! Not him! Hes a really bad man. The child tugged on Olivias sleeve, desperate to avert an even greater tragedy. Dont worry, itll be OK. Trust me, no ones going to hurt you again. Olivia knocked on the door. There was a sound inside, she couldnt tell what it was. Then the door swung open. Olivia, no! The fairy princess screamed. She was thrust from the board so forcefully that she hit the wall. When she came to, Tobias was standing over her. Ive had enough of this thing. He took out a lighter and walked toward the board. Tobias, No! Olivia stopped him. There was a look of fear in her eyes that he had never seen before. Its staying here and were going home.

There was a knock at the door. When Tobias opened it, two college students in jeans and hooded sweatshirts greeted him. Hi. Sorry to bother you. Im Jack and this is Andy. Were from Spook Chasers. Wed like to ask you a few questions. Olivia I think this is right up your alley. Tobias growled and walked away. Spook Chasers is one of my favorite shows! Id love to help. Good. Now I dont mean to alarm you, but this old place has a ghost. Jack flashed a charming grin. A ghost? Really? 199

The Chaldean Gambit Yes. Have you seen her? She was a college student. Legend has it that when her boyfriend broke up with her, she hung herself from one of the rafters. Sorry, I havent seen anyone. Perhaps youve heard something? Like footsteps, or even crying? Andy broke in. No, sorry. We havent been living here very long. You know, you could ask Father McVale hes been around here for a long time. If anyone would know something about your ghost, it would be him. Father McVale? Jack was genuinely puzzled. Andy was looking up something in his notes. Yeah. Hes around here somewhere. Trust me, hes the guy you wanna see. The two guys walked away scratching their heads. When they got to the main floor of the church, all was quiet. So what do you think? Jack mused, looking around. There are dozens of stories and eye witness accounts of the ghost. Its just really odd that they havent seen her. Maybe shes shy. Nope. Shes definitely an exhibitionist. Jack quipped. Turn on the EM indicator maybe well pick up something. Gentleman. Father McVale appeared at the far end of the church. Andy. The EM its going crazy. Its off the charts! Shes got to be here somewhere. You are trespassing on private property. Father McVale took a step forward. Were sorry father, well be out of your hair in a moment. Jack looked up from the instrument. You are causing me a great deal of trouble. Father McVale took another step forward. What the-? The glass in the instrument shattered into a thousand pieces. Smoke started to curl upward from inside. Jack, its him its the priest! Gentlemen, I am ending this folly. Now. There was something ancient and powerful in Father McVales words.


The Chaldean Gambit The building shuddered and the boys screamed. The sounds brought Olivia and Tobias to the scene within seconds. Guys! We heard screaming are you alright? Olivia addressed the darkness. There was a sobbing and mindless gibbering echoing throughout the shadows. Over here! Tobias called out. Hes here.hes here.God help us! Hes here, here, here, here he is-he is. Jack was crouched behind a pew. Hey, pal youre OK, youre alright. Tobias gently lifted him up. Oh my God. Jacks eyes were gone; it looked like they had been burned out by a red hot poker. The three-headed goat..hes here.hes- Andy started sobbing all over again. His eyes had also been burned out. Father McVale? Olivia called out. There was no reply.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
By The Book

Eureka! Sam proclaimed. A breakthrough Sam? Lisette peeked over his shoulder. I finally found out where the Black Hole got its name. You need to be working on Monolith Publishing. No progress no donuts. Olivia teased. But.but I need donuts to survive! Then your survival is in doubt till you come up with some fresh leads. Dont be so hard on the lad. Here It will be our little secret. Tobias handed him a cream filled donut. Thanks! No problem. Actually I like being the good cop. Tobias leaned back and put his feet up on the kitchen table. Seriously Sam, no clues? The despair in Lisettes voice was palpable. Nope. Ive checked all the leads I know and all the leads you guys know. Its like they dont want anyone to know that they even exist. I cant even get a hold of any of the people who wrote books for them. Like Brother Serge. Tobias noted. It seems that entering into a business partnership with this publisher is more like a fatal attraction. Clarice quipped. Well Sam, just keep trying I have faith in you. Olivia gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Olivia then checked in with the Shadow Nation. Perhaps a fun break would give her new inspiration. Inevitably, she was drawn to Chads profile. She felt hesitant to look, but her curiosity overwhelmed her. A poem, freshly written, graced his page: 202

The Chaldean Gambit

She turned off her laptop and was silent for the rest of the day. She was still quiet when she went downstairs as the sun was setting. Sam was just getting into the donation chair. Sam, didnt you already give yesterday? Hey, no problem. Im a big boy now and I can handle it. Youre so sweet. Olivia put her hand on his shoulder. There was a spark in Sams eyes that confused her. She went over to the couch and turned on the TV. She couldnt help glancing at Sam from time to time. Whenever she did, he quickly turned his eyes away. Poor Sam, he seemed all alone. Isolated by Emily and not knowing how to cope now that things had changed. She thought that Lisette would be a good match for him until she left on her own crusade. She looked at him again this time he didnt turn his gaze away so quickly. Then it hit her did Sam have feelings for her? She all of a sudden became embarrassed and quickly left the basement. You OK? Tobias looked up from his hand as Olivia ushered herself into the living room. Im just thinking about a poem I read today: how the mystery survives. Hmm..look: every company needs money to stay afloat, right? Well if we cant find any tax records or parent corporations, how do they survive? Donations? Clarice guessed.


The Chaldean Gambit OK, but how would we find out who or where the patrons are? Tobias wanted to know. Banks. Lisette blurted out. We could trace the donors by the checks they write to Monolith. No, too easy. They probably pay in cash. Clarice argued. But, Olivia sat down at the table, A secret organization cant have many members. I mean if half of Texas knew about this company, it really wouldnt be a secret now, would it? So, were looking for large cash withdrawals from a few bank accounts. Tobias put a card on the table. I think were faced with the needle in the haystack dilemma. Hes right. There are thousands of banks all over the world. It would take us years to look at all their records. Clarice added.

The next morning, Olivia looked in on Sam as he slept in his room. Perhaps when all this was over, Lisette would stay. She went out to get some groceries, determined not to be bothered by this lingering enigma. She passed by the Pleasant Valley credit union. Their logo disturbed her: an apple tree with a bee hovering next to it. It might have looked innocent enough to everyone else, but to her it was a perverse joke. Never saw that one before must be new. She mumbled to herself. Hopefully theyll get bought out by First National or someone like that. Did you get the peanuts? I cant find them. Shadow was on the phone. Oh Jaston did you look under the pretzels in the back room? Olivia seductively replied as she walked down the dog food isle of the grocery store. No. And you can call me Shadow, by the way. Better yet, I like the title boss even better. Oh Jaston, Jaston, how sweet is your name. Why deny it? So, who was the last person to call you by your real name? Dont try any of your psycho mumbo jumbo on me girl. Shadow warned. Im sorry did I touch a sore spot? Cmon Shadow, even you need someone you cant marry that bar you know. I have my own ways, thank you. And by the way, were out of dishwashing detergent. So stop by with that. Yes boss. Olivia giggled. Here in the midst of all the uncertainty and danger was a new role: matchmaker.


The Chaldean Gambit Heres your dish soap boss. Olivia tossed the detergent to him. Maybe we should just stick with Shadow. He replied, going to the back room. Whatever you want. She called to him. Hey is this one of the books you got from Monolith? She turned the pages casually. Yeah. Are you guys still trying to figure that one out? We havent gotten very far. Olivia looked at the first page. Next to the companys name was a picture of an apple tree with a bee hovering next to it. Her blood froze. You alright darlin? Shadow asked as he went behind the bar. That symbol! She pointed to the first page. I just saw it on the Pleasant Valley credit union.

Give me a little time. Sam was feeling pressured. Im sorry Sam. Im just a little excited sorry. Olivia stopped looking over his shoulder. I found it! Sam called out as supper was cooking. Oh Sam! I knew you could do it! Olivia gave him a warm hug. She didnt care anymore what he might be thinking or feeling they would deal with it eventually. Several large cash withdrawals from Pleasant Valley credit union by an account registered under Med-Arc Technologies. So, we know where the money is coming from, but who is making the withdrawals? Let me see if I can find out. Sam smiled.

Two days later, Sam stared blankly at the laptop. Too little to eat and too little sleep finally took their toll. Tobias caught him as he slid off the chair. Poor lads exhausted. I know, I think I pushed him too hard. Olivia confessed. I wont accept defeat. Clarice opened her laptop. Med-Arc looks innocent and homey enough. A mom and pop company started from scratch. One of their employees even designed the web page. .you must recognize the mark of the craftsmans hand. Olivia whispered to herself.


The Chaldean Gambit So Sammy, what do you think? Is there anything unusual about Med-Arcs website? Olivia looked at him, hoping that eight hours of sleep had been enough. Theres a program that lets you look at the coding behind a web page. I could use that to find any unique codes or a quirky programming style. Thats my Sam! Olivia went into cheerleader mode. Then, I could search the internet for websites with similar characteristics. It would take a while. Take your time Sam. Clarice put her hands on his shoulders. Sam woke up five hours later and looked at his laptop. Goosebumps covered his arms. He remembered him; and how he tortured the family. He was the only one Emily had ever been afraid of. Dr. Goethe. His webpage is an exact match to Med-Arc in coding and programming style. Sam announced. So, Dr. Goethe appears to be working for Med-Arc. Im guessing hes also the one donating to Monolith. Clarice suggested. Sounds like a good theory. How would we prove it though? Tobias asked. Well just have to keep an eye on Dr. Goethe or several eyes. Olivia was busy typing something on the Shadow Nation web page. I also want to know more about Med-Arc. Clarice started her own investigation.

Several weeks later, everyone gathered at the apartment above the church. There were snacks for the regulars and refreshments for the non-regulars. Who wants to go first? Olivia began. I will. You were right Clarice. Several of our team members were able to confirm visually that Dr. Goethe is contributing money to Monolith Publishing. Augustus announced. Lighthouse does very good work. Olivia congratulated him and Lisette. Thanks. Lisette smiled. It seems that he is simply leaving packages of cash in an empty building. Later, someone comes by and walks out with the package. We were able to confirm that the person walking away with the money is working for Monolith. How were you able to do that? Sam asked. 206

The Chaldean Gambit Samuel it is better that our methods remain a mystery. Augustus gently replied. Now, on to Med-Arc. Clarice was eager to change the topic for Sams sake. Med-Arc receives a huge grant from Eagle Lake University. One of the most generous and infamous- alums is Edan Matou. But how do we know that Edan is funding Med-Arc, which supports Monolith? Perhaps its another rich alum. Augustus argued. Look. See? Theres a check written by Mr. Matou to the grant account at ELU. Clarice triumphantly stated. So, weve connected all the dots. Dr. Goethe works for Med-Arc, which gets a good portion of its money from Edan Matou. Lisette piped up. So, if we follow Dr. Goethe, he will eventually lead us to Edan. Clarice hypothesized. Hopefully. Tobias interjected. Probably. Clarice reassured him.

Everyone was happy. They were close to solving all the mysteries and the final confrontation. Soon they would know who was hunting them. Was it Edan? If not, would he know who this mysterious enemy was? Olivia wasnt happy. She was in the shower, hoping that the now quiet apartment and the warm water would calm her. They had connected the dots too quickly. Why, after months of frustration and uncertainty, did the clues suddenly appear? Why now? AnaMathiat. A disembodied male whisper caressed her ear. She felt something cool on her right hip, despite the warm water yes, it was definitely cool, like a frosty quill pen was tracing something on her. She looked and shrieked: she had now been tattooed with the broken triangle symbol. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Till Death Do Us Part Part I

The grey house is for sale. Tobias mused as he looked through the paper. Again? Olivia sighed. Im sorry love the place just has a bad reputation. Tobias took a sip from his mug and wiped a bit of blood from his chin. What that little house needs is someone with an open mind and an open heart. At that moment, Olivias cell buzzed. Meet me at Stringer Park tomorrow at noon. I need to talk to you! Please come alone, youre the only one I trust. Hailey. The text sent a shockwave of curiosity through Olivias blood. Who was that? Just Shadow why cant he run his own errands? You dont look like youve had much luck. Tobias greeted Lisette as she walked through the door. I hate this game of cat and mouse! Its driving me crazy! She plopped down on the couch. Hes clever; we have to give him that. I dont know how he found out we were following him, but he did. Olivia blithely replied. Hang in there, Im sure hell slip up soon then well catch him! She playfully grabbed Lisette. I hope its soon we just lost another member of Lighthouse. Lisette could not be comforted by Olivias optimism. Cheer up. Well stop the bloodshed I promise. Olivia looked into Lisettes eyes. Where are you off to? Tobias asked as Olivia got up to leave. Just have to take care of some loose ends. Olivia grabbed her leather coat and sunglasses. Want some company? He offered.


The Chaldean Gambit Sorry, love. I have to do this on my own.

Oh, hi. Julie stammered. She wasnt expecting Olivia to show up on her doorstep. Hi. Olivia was about to ask if she could come in, but stopped herself. Whats up? Julie did her best to regain her composure. Julie. You have to leave town for a while. What? Things are getting dangerous. Im afraid that you might not be safe here. Why? Whats going on? Theres someone who wants to hurt or maybe just control me. Im afraid that he might use you and Sarah to get to me. Sarahs in danger?! Nono.Julieno. You know that you, Sarah, and Sam are my family. I would give my life for you. Ive made arrangements - Sarah and Sam are safe. I just need to know that youre OK before I make my next move. Look, just leave us alone. I wish you had never been a part of our family. Julie started to close the door. Julie! Please you cant handle this alone. I have a friend coming over, his name is Augustus. Please, if you dont trust me trust him.

Hey honey. Olivia gently sat down by Sarahs bed. Remember him? Pookles? Olivia put an old stuffed bear next to Sarah. I dont know why, but he just showed up in the bottom of my closet. I thought he could keep you company for a while. Ive got some things Ive got to take care of but Ill be back. I promise. I wont let anything happen to her. An elderly, well dressed gentleman put his hand on Olivias shoulder. I know you wont Gabe. Thats why youre the one I called.

Weve got something! Clarice yelled out. 209

The Chaldean Gambit What? Lisette almost jumped out of her seat. Darkstar99 just reported that Dr. Goethe entered the British Genetics Corp building in Brussels. I knew Safford would come through for us. Tobias smiled. He always had a good feeling about that chap. We can leave tonight. Thats it were one step closer to finishing this. Clarice solemnly declared. Olivia were ready. Weve found Edan. He works for British Genetics in Brussels. Good news. When do we leave? Olivia was on her way to Silvercreek Cemetery. Tonight. Tobias! I cant go tonight. I still have to make arrangements for Julie, Sam, and Sarah. Olivia its tonight or never. For all we know, Dr. Goethe knows that were following him. If we wait another day, Edan could disappear. And if I dont do this, my family could disappear. Im sorry Tobias they come first. I wont leave you alone. Not now. Then wait for me. Ill be home soon. I love you. Olivia flipped her cell closed and drove faster. Time was running out.

Yes Olivia. Im on my way there now. Augustus was flawlessly juggling his cell phone, coffee, and driving. If I may be so bold, for a blood drinking, immortal creature, you do worry to excess at times. He ended the call and gently tucked the cell into his coat pocket. A detour? Hmmmmthe traffic report didnt mention that. How unprofessional. As he obeyed the orange signs, Augustus was readjusting the timetable of his plans in his mind. He had every intention of passing by. However, his years in the Monastery of The Weeping Roses had ingrained in him a sense of duty and compassion that he couldnt ignore. He pulled to the side of the road and walked up to the stranded car. He studied the scene carefully. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but then again, with modern vehicles, who could tell? Still, an odd premonition kept his pace slow and cautious. Ah.the cavalry has arrived. The man looked up from the engine. May I be of assistance? I hope you can. These things baffle me. 210

The Chaldean Gambit I am afraid modern cars are not my forte either. Augustus confessed. I think the problem might be there. As he reached for a wire, Augustus noticed his tattoo: Darkstar99. Mr. Webb? Didnt expect to find me out roaming the back roads of America, did you? He smiled. No, not at all. I thought you were in Europe. A change in plans. Im sure youre familiar with that song and dance. As new lyrics are discovered, the tune changes. Safford pulled out a bronze dagger from his coat. Although Augustus had two centuries of martial arts training under his belt, it was over in mere moments. Safford lifted his dying body and whispered in his ear: Edan is disappointed. He knew you spared some of the Brothers that was acceptable. But, to be collaborating with the enemy, that is unacceptable. With a final, quick thrust of the dagger, he ended Augustus life.

Stringer Park was quiet, subdued by gently falling snow. Olivia scanned the area expectantly for several long moments. She then turned to leave. Oh! She bumped into Hailey. It was as if she had appeared out of nowhere. Hailey. How long have you been standing there? Not long. Just a few minutes. She smiled. I must have been lost in my own thoughts. A lie. Olivias senses were alive like never before and she didnt even know Hailey was just a breath away. Her skin tingled with fear. Hey Her voice was beyond comforting it was eerily mesmerizing. Olivia, its OK. Youre alright, youre among friends now. I am? Yeah So, whats.whats up? Olivia was having a hard time concentrating. Although she had plenty to drink that morning, for some reason she was craving Haileys blood in the worst way. It unnerved her, since she never felt hunger like this before. You hungry? Olivia fumbled for the right words, but they just wouldnt come out. As Olivia drank Haileys blood from her finger, a warm sensation washed over her. It was far beyond what Tobias or even Seth had given her. 211

The Chaldean Gambit OK, OK, leave some for me. She gently laughed. Actually, I didnt come here for a snack. I wanted you to meet someone. Olivia. It is good to see you again. Edan stood therewaiting. Who, who are you? Dont you recognize me? Chad? Call me Edan for now. Do you know how long I have been waiting for you?

Any sign of her? Clarice was calling from a car outside the British Genetics building. No. Im headed to Stringer Park now. Tobias ended the call and threw the cell down in frustration. Dammit girl! I wish you would stop lying to me! He yelled to no one in particular. Lets move. At Clarices signal, three other cars moved into position on either side of the building. Several shadowy figures quickly infiltrated the complex. Theyre here. They will be in position in a few moments. Dont underestimate them. Safford flipped his cell closed and watched from a nearby caf. He then gulped down his nightcap and made sure that no one would find the waitress body. He stretched and headed over to British Genetics.

It was a disturbing sight: Olivia talking to the thin air. She seemed drowsy. Tobias pulled up and slowly got out of the car. Olivia. Something told him to stay put. How long have I been lied to? Olivia was ignoring him and carrying on her mysterious conversation. Olivia. Tobias repeated, a little louder this time. But why did I have to wait? Olivia was still oblivious to his presence. Olivia! You. You bastard! She turned to him. Whats going on love? Edan told me all about you. How you lied to me, tried to separate us. Just like Seth. You little, sniveling bastards! She drew a bronze katana. 212

The Chaldean Gambit HeyheyIm not the enemy here. Get away from me! I cant believe that I actually gave myself to you! She took a step closer. Olivia! Come to your senses girl! Edans bewitched you. Cmon, you can do this fight him! Get the hell away from me! She screamed. With that, she swung at him. Dont make this harder for me! Tobias was genuinely struggling with her. How did she get so strong? You took advantage of me! You lied to me! I was nothing more than a toy in your arms! Olivias strength was growing by the moment. Olivia wake up! Edans the villainhes got a hold of your soul. Youve got to fight him! It was too late. Edans grip on her was too strong and Olivia was too strong for Tobias. With a lightning quick stroke, she cut off his head. Youll never come between us again. Olivia turned and walked away.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cousin Olivia
Till Death Do Us Part Part II

Are you in position? Clarice whispered into her headset. Yes. Its not as cramped as I thought it would be. Cornelius replied. Glad to know that youre comfortable. Five minutes then go. Clarice put the headset in her pocket. Cornelius was the best of the best; she had worked with him for over three centuries. Its his talkativeness that worried her, especially at times like these. She prayed he wouldnt start humming. Lisette looked at her watch. She didnt want to stay in the car, but everyone had a job to do. She looked at the building, and then her eyes darted to the street. Something wasnt quite right. She took a silken veil out of her bag and lit it with her cigarette lighter. As the flames spread over the delicate material, they transformed into a watery substance. She held the damp veil up so that it blocked her view of the British Genetics building. She blew on the veil gently and it turned to crystal clear ice. She didnt like what she saw. There were several figures at key points in the building, waiting for Clarice and the others to arrive. She could see the bronze swords and cross bow bolts. There was an odd antiseptic smell. Lisette sniffed and realized that it was intended to cover the scent of apple juice. Clarice! Clarice! Abort! Abort! Abort! Lisette frantically whispered into her headset. The only reply she received was an eerie static. Clarice slipped quietly into the hall. The plush gray carpet, girded by the dark oak panels gave her a claustrophobic feeling. She walked quickly to the door, pulling out her thieves tools as she did so. The door was locked. She looked at the access panel and then at the camera overhead. Hopefully Lisettes spell would hold. The first number is 7. Ill be a fair sport. But the other eight numbers youll have to come up with on your own. Clarice turned around and saw Safford standing there in the subdued lighting. She drew her daggers from their sheaths. She took a step forward. Safford, for his part, just stood there smiling. He was enjoying this. She then started to slowly walk towards him. Edan told me I could have anything I want. I have watched you for a long, long time. He was suddenly behind her. With one arm he held her tight; he pressed a sword to her throat. 214

The Chaldean Gambit She twisted and elbowed him so quickly that it caught him by surprise. As they fought, it was clear that Safford had the advantage. Yet he was careful he didnt want to damage his prize. All that changed when Clarice drove her dagger through his left hand. You little witch! The deals off. Ill watch you smolder for this! He threw her from him. Ollie, sprinkler 7-4! Safford barked into his headset. Apple juice rained down on Clarice, in profuse amounts. It burned her flesh to the very bone. After a few moments, she had lost all her hair and her right arm. Ollie, turn it off. I think shes learned her lesson. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Clarice, are you in? Cornelius whispered. Nothing. Shes down. Im going to look for her. Cornelius! Clarice told us that if she didnt make it we should fall back. Petra pulled on his arm. Petra dearest Im not in the habit of going backward. I go forward especially when a dear friend is in trouble. Let me and Phineas come with you. No. You and Phineas split the team. Three for you three for him. He felt something on his palm, as if someone was writing on it. Back in the car, Lisette had just written a message on her palm. Are you crazy? No. Just improvising. I am afraid things might be more challenging than we first thought. He looked at his palm; there in fresh ink was a message: Theyre waiting for you.

Oh Edan! This is too much. A private jet? Olivia looked about in wonder as she boarded. Nonsense. You deserve this. You are a very special lady. Oh stop. Im just another girlfriend, right? Come, sit. He motioned her to a comfortable leather seat. Where are we off to? First, I have some business in Brussels, then we will go home. He smiled. Home? Im sorry, AnaMathiat. I forget that things are still foggy for you. 215

The Chaldean Gambit Why do you call me that? Olivias nose wrinkled. I believe its time you remembered. My lovely AnaMathiat, see me with the eyes of your youth. Edan waved his hand over her face and she became drowsy. AnaMathiat was transported back to ancient Babylon. She was in the middle of The Hanging Gardens. The smell of fresh fruit and the warmth of the morning sun intoxicated her. Birds called from overhead and the breeze danced in her hair. She turned and there was her king and lover: Nebuchadnezzar II. Itsits so beautiful! What happened? The words softly escaped from her lips. Lies. Thats what happened. But now the deceit has been swept away, like so much filth. So, were going home? AnaMathiats words seemed to hover in the air as she came to. They were back on the jet. Yes my love. Were going home. When we get there, you shall be my bride, my queen, my empire. He softly kissed her.

Excuse me gents. Im looking for a friend of mine. Cornelius addressed several mercenaries as he stepped off the elevator. The only reply he received was several cross bow bolts, which he adeptly blocked. In the first three seconds of the encounter, Cornelius had killed two of them. The other five were down in two minutes. So this is how we are going to spend the evening, eh Safford? I have to admit, our games of hide-and-seek were legendary. There was the faintest sound of metal turning. Cornelius eyes shot upward and then he raced forward. Do you remember that time in St. Petersburg? I thought I had you, but you had the audacity to hide in the ladies bathroom. He barely missed being drenched. He crashed through a wall and slid into a dark empty space between panels. I thought you would have given up resorting to tricks. You were always better than me, Cornelius. Safford replied. I would have thought resorting to trickery would be a compliment. A compliment? Cornelius laughed. A compliment is My what a sharp looking suit that is or Thank you for your wisdom. Mr. Webb, I would have thought that after all these years, you would have learned what it means to be a gentleman. A sword pierced the panel behind Cornelius and went through him effortlessly. Although he was in great pain and dire peril, he was too stoic to let it show.


The Chaldean Gambit I may not have learned how to be a gentleman, Cornelius, but I have learned a great deal about you. Saffords voice seeped through the panel. Yes, you certainly have. Perhaps its time for me to come up with some tricks of my own. At that moment, the floor gave way under Saffords feet and down he went. Cornelius! Are you alright? Lisette couldnt hide the panic in her voice. Was that the real reason why she was told to stay in the car? You silly girl. Im fine. Now get out of here! Stay there. Im coming for you. She replied.

Later that evening, the helicopter landed on top of the building. Nebuchadnezzar gently led AnaMathiat to his office. It seemed like a dream to her too good to be true. Would you like something to drink? He offered her a glass. Yes, please. The blood was warm and tangy. How are you feeling? I know that this must be a lot for you to take in at once. Im alright. For the first time, I finally know who I am I feel comfortable. Good. Why dont you stay here while I take care of my business? No. I want to come with you. Were king and queen partners. Remember? Its rather unpleasant. Im not a child.I can handle it. Very well. He escorted her to the parking garage below the building.

Well. Now that we are all here, lets get this over with, shall we? Nebuchadnezzar stood before Clarices broken and defeated team. You wont win. There are too many of us. Clarice painfully whispered. One of her teeth fell out. Please! No speaking out of turn. Roberts Rules of Order, remember? Safford snapped. Ever the lawyer. Safford, I think we can do this in an informal way. Edan gently chided him.


The Chaldean Gambit Informal doesnt really agree with me. He shot back. So to summarize we have a failed attempt on my life. Any questions? Nebuchadnezzar looked about. Others will take our place. Clarice defiantly spat out another tooth. Im sure they will. Fortunately, I know their weaknesses. In fact, it was I who gave you your weaknesses. He walked over to Clarice and pulled out her bronze dagger. Never create something you cant kill. He slowly, gently ran the blade across her cheek. With the help of Dr. Goethe, I bred a weakness for apple juice and bronze into your very being. He sank the dagger deep into her shoulder and Clarice refused to scream. Weaknesses can be overcome. Lisette replied. Are the charges in place? Edan looked at his watch. Yes. Safford answered with pride. Charges? AnaMathiat had a puzzled look on her face. My lovely queen. There is a time and place for truth and time and place for lies. I dont think it would be in our best interest to have the world discover what actually happened here tonight. What the world will learn is that terrorists bombed the British Genetics headquarters in Brussels. There will be an investigation, which will be futile, and the matter will be settled.

So, now we go home. AnaMathiat had a happy look in her eyes. She looked back at British Genetics as the helicopter sped on its way. Yes. Home. Nebuchadnezzar took her hands in his. The building exploded in a spectacular pillar of flame. Then what? Then we change the world into what we want it to be.



The Chaldean Gambit

To be a slightly different fashion.


The Chaldean Gambit

My Family, My Strangers

Ooooh! I like that one. AnaMathiat cooed as she picked up a pink handbag. Really? Hailey raised an eyebrow. Yes. I want to get it. I just dont think its your style. Hailey ran her fingers over the handbag and found her way to Anas delicate fingertips. The three black dogs with them chuckled. This was the game: Ana wanted it, but Hailey talked her out of it. What do you mean? AnaMathiats voice suddenly took on a school girl quality. Too pink. Look at this one! It goes great with your shoes. She has a point, Ana. Then again, I think the red handbag looks good too. Safford walked in from outside. Red, Pink, BlueI I just dont know which one to get. AnaMathiat appeared confused, lost. Outside the posh store in Al Hilah, Iraq, angry eyes took in the whole scene from the back of a black car. You ready? The driver asked. Yeah. Its time. The lovely, leather clad girl took a needle and jabbed herself in the stomach. Keep the car runnin this shouldnt take too long. Hey be careful. You only got an hour. Dont worry. She opened the door and stepped out into the street. Excuse me, miss. If you could just wait outside the store for just a moment. One of two well dressed gentlemen stepped forward. Well, well. At least you two have manners. She snapped their necks before they could make another move.


The Chaldean Gambit I I just cant decide. Ana looked over one handbag, then another. Ive come to make a decision for you. The young girl replied. Her blonde hair seemed to glow in the bright sunshine. The three black dogs rushed her, but she made them look like drunken toddlers. She took out her bronze daggers and grinned. In less than a minute, they were dead. Who have we here? Very, powerful and pretty. Safford circled her. Look, Im sorry to ruin your theatrical moment, but I dont have much time. She threw Safford across the store. Youre strong; too strong to be Strasny Opiekun. Who are you? A freak. She and Safford struggled for a moment; then Saffords head came off in one quick, clean stroke. Just take what you want please leave us alone! Hailey was hiding behind Ana. What I want is my family. With that, the blonde maneuvered behind Hailey faster than she could think. She slit Haileys throat and took Ana by the hand. No, please, dont! Its OK, youre gonna be alright. Just drink this. She forced Ana to drink some blood out of a vial she had brought with her. S-Sarah? Is that you? Yeah its me. Cmon, lets get outta here. Wheres Jaston? Hes waiting for us at the airport. As the car sped through the narrow streets, AnaMathiat sat in the back seat, lost in a fog. Sarah texted Shadow: Sweet Tooth: Ive got Mamma Bear. Were on our way Sugar Daddy: Ive got the tickets.

The airport was crowded and hot. People were waiting in line, sitting in uncomfortable plastic chairs, and getting in the way. O- AnaMathiat! How are ya, girl? Shadow gave her a big hug. 221

The Chaldean Gambit I missed you so much! She wouldnt let him go. Guys, Im feeling kinda drained. Are we ready to fly yet? Sarah sat down. Hey, hey! On your feet girl. Shadow lifted the woozy Sarah to her feet. Dont worry, I got your bags. Several gentlemen dressed in black suits were waiting for them at the gate. Before they could do anything, a circle of Nebuchadnezzars elite formed around them. I hope you have some tricks up your sleeve. Sarah whispered to Shadow. Jaston? Do you know these men? I believe I do. Shadow reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of red leaves. I think they have been in the bar several times. Shadow crushed the leaves in his hand and opened it. A red drop of blood hovered an inch over his palm. What can I get for you thirsty fellas? The droplet of blood grew larger until it enveloped them all. The world about them was tainted with a crimson glow. The guards started to slowly float upwards, through the ceiling. Shadow made a small gesture with his hand and a pinprick of reality appeared. He pulled Sarah and Ana through it.

Sam and Julie were waiting for them when they pulled in the driveway. A big sign that read: Welcome Home AnaMathiat! Was strung across the garage. We missed you! Julie gave Ana a big hug. For some weird reason that she couldnt explain, she really did. Ana, not being comfortable with all the attention from strangers, did her best to be gracious. Welcome home Olivia! Sam gave her a big hug. Olivia? Whos that? AnaMathiat pulled away. Hes got a crush on a girl down the street, so that name slips out all the time. Sarah explained as she shot her brother a glare. Im starving! Suppers ready. Julie smiled. It was almost like old times. Good night, ladies and gents. Shadow said as he got into the car. Jaston please stay. AnaMathiat begged. The bar needs me. Who knows what kind of trouble Colleen has gotten into? Please? A tear ran down her eye.


The Chaldean Gambit They sat around the table, eating, laughing, and having a good time. All except for Ana of course. She meekly sipped the blood from her glass and looked about her in wonder. Was this really her home? And these people, were they really her family? It was all too much to comprehend. So, now what, Hocus Pocus? Sarah whispered to Shadow. Give it time, just a little time. He whispered back. I hope you know what youre doing. Shes gone through enough. And she doesnt have to go through any more right now.

That night, when everyone was sleeping, Ana was in the basement, going through the photo album. Thunder rumbled in the distance. She remembered a warning about a coming storm, but everything seemed so fuzzy and distant. A slight breath came from a dark corner. Whos there? Silence. Ana got up and looked around the basement for the unseen visitor. She stumbled upon a single orchid. How lovely! What are you doing here? She tenderly picked up the flower and caressed it. Bond scampered into the room and leapt up on the couch. He happily barked at the gloom and wagged his tail. Hello there! Ana laughed. Will you keep me company tonight? She petted the jackal but he was focusing on something else.

The next morning, Ana was busy making breakfast. Sam wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Was it his blood she was sipping on last night? How did you sleep last night? She began. Good. Good. What are your plans for today? Are you going to see Olivia? Nah. Thats over. She moved away. Well, nothing is ever over. Im sure that you can call her or e-mail her or something like that. I doubt it. Its time for a new chapter anyway. Thank you for the orchid. It was very sweet of you. How did you know that was my favorite flower?


The Chaldean Gambit Just a wild guess. Sams blood froze. He quickly left the kitchen. Hey! Dumb Ass! Whats up with giving Olivia I mean Ana orchids? Sam shook Sarah awake. I didnt do it. She looked for a vial, but she was out. Youre lucky I cant tap into my sweet mojo. Go ask mom, it was probably her idea. She turned over and went back to sleep. No honey, I would never think of doing that. Julie looked annoyed. Go ask her crush. She sighed. Look, Im the last person who wants to rock the boat. Shadow cradled his cell as he wiped down the bar. Its not me. Sam flipped his cell closed and stared at the orchid.



The Chaldean Gambit


Nice one! Vince worked furiously to keep up with Darius, but he was too fast at the controls. He was dropping a lot more bodies. Youre a little rusty buddy. With one quick move, Darius finished Vince off. If you two keep sitting in here playing games, youre out. Mandy walked in with a duffle bag. The hit isnt till tomorrow night, whats your problem? Vince glanced up from the TV. My problem is you two. She threw the duffle bag down and walked off into the kitchen. You sure she should be comin? Darius put down the controller and reached for some chips. We need all the help we can get. I know shes a little weird, but beggars cant be choosers ya know what I mean?

Hey! Look whos back! Colleen came from behind the bar and gave AnaMathiat a big hug. Why hello Colleen. Did she get that right? So many new faces and places. Have a seat. Are you hungry? No, not really. Is Jaston here? Sorry. He went out for pretzels and other stuff. Colleen wiped down the bar and tried to be as nonchalant as possible. Why? Why wasnt she coming back? Olivia was in there somewhere, she knew it. Thats alright. Its kind of quiet here tonight. Business has been slow. Weve had to take some things off the menu. Really? What kind of things?


The Chaldean Gambit Well, we used to have someone working for us, well, she used to be a really great gal she helped a lot of people. Colleen went to the back room to get some napkins. Ulp! Careful girl, dont say too much dont want to give the wrong impression. Colleen thought to herself. Can I help? Ana was suddenly standing behind her. Oh my God! Please dont do that. Colleen jumped. Im sorry. I just wanted to make myself useful. Actually Im good. Is this where he sits? Ana ran her fingers over the leather chair behind the desk. Yup. Thats where Captain Ahab runs the ship. Captain Ahab? Jaston cant be that bad. Wait till you start working for him. Youre a terrible liar Colleen. Ana locked eyes with her. What do you mean? I dont get it. A shiver ran down her spine. Im not ready not for this. She slowly inched her way to the door. I know that Jaston is out buying me something something special. There was a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. Then she walked out the door.

The next night, Ana was at home with her family. She was wearing the wooden heart shaped pendant that Jaston had given her. What I dont get is the rose and thorns in the middle. Julie remarked. Jaston said that I would figure it out in time. Ana blushed. So, whose turn is it next? She quickly changed the subject. I hope she figures it out sooner than later. Sam whispered to Sarah. I miss Olivia. Lets see dogma thats 20 points for me. Sarah put the tiles on the board. Excellent Sarah! I wish I was as good as you. Ana complimented her. She then looked at her watch. Hes late. She frowned. Oh boy. I dont think this is going to end well. She is too crazy about him. Sam thought to himself. Thats OK. Tonight its just family. Sarah reassured her. 226

The Chaldean Gambit But Jaston is part of the family. At least thats how I feel somethings wrong. Ana was interrupted by a bronze bullet. It hit her in the shoulder. She fell to the ground screaming. Oh shit! Sam exclaimed as he looked around. More bullets. The smell of apples was heavy in the air. Ana Ana! Julie demanded her attention. Its going to be OK. Lets go, cmon well be safe in the basement. Gotcha! Mandy proclaimed as she kicked in the door. How the hell did she do that? Vince said from outside. Shes been eatin her Wheaties! Who cares? Go, go, go! Darius yelled. Sarah, please tell me you got some juice left. Sam backed away as the intruders came in. Where is she? Darius pointed his gun right at Sam. No, please dont hurt him. Shes not here. Sarah slowly stepped in front of her brother. You know, these are bad little mothers they can go right through two people. Darius looked her in the eye. A red marble rolled up the wall beside him. Hey D whats goin on? Vince asked, eyes fixed on the marble. What? Before he could say another word, the marble shot past him, narrowly missing his head. Shit! What was that? Even Mandy was getting scared. This wasnt what she was expecting. In the momentary confusion, Sarah pulled out a vial from her pocket. The needle was on the dining room table. Something threw Vince across the room. The front door slammed shut. Sarah ran for the table. I dont know what youre pulling on us, Mandy grabbed her hair just as she reached the table, but it wont work against me. Youre a Black dog? Yup. That and a lot more. Those jokers want AnaMathiat. I want you. Stafford was my boyfriend. I dont know how you did it, but maybe it has something to do with this? She snatched the vial away from Sarah. Mandy, a little help here! Something was holding Darius and Vince to the ceiling.


The Chaldean Gambit Thats your problem boys, not mine. Mandy cocked the gun. I never killed one of my own before. First time for everything. Pure bronze soaked in the sweetest apple juice you know how thats gonna feel when it rips right through your skull? Mandy fired and Sarah fell to the floor. Well boys, its been nice knowin ya. Thanks for the invite. Hope Casper the Friendly Ghost plays nice. Leaving so soon? Sarah stood up behind her. What? No way. I hit you at point blank range. Yes, yes you did. Sarah pointed to the scar which was already slowly healing. What are you? Mandy grabbed Sarah by the throat. New kid on the block. The invisible entity, having become bored with Vince and Darius, grabbed Mandy from behind. It was time to send a message. It thrust the black dog against the wall. Call off your invisible friend, or else I swear everyone you love is dead! Mandy threatened. A watery coat began to cover her. She struggled and squirmed. Then she disappeared. Whatever you are thank you. Sarah whispered. Something rushed past her and the basement door was torn off its hinges. There was a scream from the basement. Sam and Sarah raced downstairs. Ana was pinned to the wall. Sarah- Sam began. Im on it. She ran upstairs for the needle. Hold on Olivia Its gonna be OK. Sam slowly stepped over his unconscious mother. Who are you? Ana managed to get out amidst her panic. Someone you murdered. A disembodied voice rattled in the dark air. I didnt murder anyone. Yes you did! The entity pushed so hard that Ana sunk into the concrete. Its time to end this now. Sarah jabbed herself with the needle and the fluid poured through her veins. You you were late! You didnt take care of her! I had to face all her anger alone! The voice yelled. Sarah found herself pinned to the floor. No matter how hard she tried, she couldnt get up. Please, dont do this, please, Im sorry. Ana begged. 228

The Chaldean Gambit I begged, but you still killed me why should I be merciful to you? I dont understand I dont remember. Dont remember? Dont understand? You killed me! The voice shook the house. Please, dont do this. Ana, its going to be alright. Sam put his phone in his pocket and raced upstairs. He came back down with a kitchen knife coated with apple juice. Please, I dont wanna do this but its the only way. He cut her arm and she yelped. A small amount of her blood dripped onto the blade. The invisible thing sensed that the game had changed and switched its attention to Sam. It seemed to circle him, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Goddess of the hidden, Empress of the unseen, Sam slowly uttered, Show me your favor, help me defend your beloved, open my eye. A third eye opened up on AnaMathiats forehead. Its gaze darted to and fro. Sam! Behind you! Ana shouted. Sam wheeled around and struck. A faint human form splashed into reality for a split second, then was gone forever. Grandpa? Sam whispered in disbelief.

So, I dont get it. Why be all hush-hush about it? Sam asked Shadow as he sat at the bar. About what? He looked up at him. You know, the anonymous text the other night. Huh? Oh cmon dont play dumb. Why not just let Olivia I mean Ana - know you were the one with the bright idea about her blood and the knife? That wasnt me. I mean it. Then who was it? When you find out, let me know.

Bfk 229

The Chaldean Gambit


The Chaldean Gambit

The Yellow House

The curse I carry is one I cannot share with you. Xavier whispered from the shadows. Living apart like this is the curse. I want to be with you always. Melody replied. A shaft of sunlight marked the border of his world and hers. She stood there, in the middle of the desolate Blackstone mansion. She would wait for him forever. You would give up your soul just to spend eternity with a soulless creature? Yes. Xavier reached out. As his hand crossed the sunlight, it started to burn. Melody took his hand and held it tight. Then together A faint buzzing from below told Sarah that the clothes were dry. She hit the pause button and went downstairs. She brought the laundry up and began to fold Alexs clothes. The clock on the wall read 3:14 AM. It was just so quiet; there wasnt anyone to talk to. Halfway through she walked down the hall and quietly opened the door. Alex was sleeping soundly. I love you. She whispered. He lay there, oblivious to her words and feelings. It was kind of weird, but he did look, well dead. Tonight will cheer me up, yeah definitely. A smile played across her face.

Just remember, the nuts are running low. They wont last the night. Shadow instructed Colleen. Understood. Ill try my best to talk people out of eating nuts. And the tap on the right is still acting up. Just be careful. Shadow, shouldnt you get going? You promised. Im on my way out the door right now. Shadow stepped out from behind the bar. And remember, no freebies! He called out before the door closed. 231

The Chaldean Gambit Are you on your way? Sarah was anxious. Her cell lit up her face as the shadows lengthened. Yeah, yeah. Im on my way. What do you want, a siren on top of the car? Shadow was annoyed at least thats what he wanted her to think. Hey Im sorry. I didnt know who else to call. Its just that this thing has my girlfriend scared out of her mind. Oh honey. Its just a little spook. Itll be gone in an hour. Shadow flipped his cell closed. Oh baby girl, he laughed to himself, you dont know who youre messin with. He glanced at the back seat. It was all there. Mom! Mom! Sarah whispered excitedly into her phone. Im here honey and why are you whispering? Hes on his way. This is gonna be great! Are you sure about this? Mom this is going to be so fun, itll be monumental! OK. Emily I mean AnaMathiat and I will be over with everything in about 5 minutes. Kids. She looked over at Ana, who was in the passenger seat. You dont approve? There was something in her eyes that was so sweet, so trusting. It felt unnatural. Where was the mischievousness of Emily? The sass of Olivia? Oh I dont know. With all thats happened, I guess that Sarah and Sam need a second childhood. What happened to their first one? Its a long story.

118 Carter Street yellow house. The windows were dark and the garage door seemed slightly ajar. The morning paper was still sitting on the porch. This was the place. However, things would not go as planned. People just never learn. Shadow chuckled. This is going to be the most fun Ive had in a long while. He put on his gear. The knife was sharp and shiny. How much longer? Sam whispered in the dark. Geez Sam! Cant you hold it? I told you not to drink that beer. Sarah angrily whispered back. 232

The Chaldean Gambit Shhh! Both of you hes coming. Julie ordered. I dont think thats him. Ana quietly observed as the car drove by. Hes lost probably wont be here for another ten minutes. Im hittin the bathroom. Sam took a step forward in the dark. Ow! Oh sh-Before another sound could come out of his mouth, a soft thud was heard. What was that? Julie wanted to know. Nothing mom. Sam said while picking up the cake from the floor. He carefully put it back on the table. At least he thought he did. Sam what are you doing? Sarah felt something soft leaning against her. Sam! Sam! Are you sure you told him the right address honey? Julie was getting impatient. Momof course I did. 118 Carver Street. Now for the big show. Shadow crept toward the house. How should he make his entrance? Front door? Too obvious. He slowly lifted the garage door and lowered it behind him. Thats the way he liked it no escape. Now to get into the house. His shoe hit something metal and there was a slight clang. He stopped dead in his tracks. Did anyone hear him? Everything was silent. Damn shoes. I wish they werent so blippin big. Oh well. After tonight, never again. The door was locked. Of all the times to lock the door to the garage. Its like they wanted to drag this out. Did they really enjoy the suspense that much? Were they really that comfortable sitting in the dark? OK, time to get creative. He took out his flashlight and looked around. A screwdriver exactly what he needed. As he was removing the door, he wondered what was going through their minds. At one point, he thought that what he was doing was cruel. Then again, they shouldve known better. Why did they think he never mentioned this? Tonight would be a clue they would never forget. Mom..I think theres cake on my butt. Sarah whispered. What? Julie was beginning to regret having children. I think Sam knocked the cake over and put it back on the table except that he didnt put it all the way back on. It tipped over and its leaning against my butt. Is he here yet? Sam tiptoed back into the room. No. And the cake is on my butt. If youve ruined these jeans Im gonna kill you. Sarah honey dont worry, well wash your jeans when we get home. Mom! Ill have to stand the whole time. I gotta wash them now. Youll miss it. 233

The Chaldean Gambit No I wont. Ill just get a spare pair from Jess bedroom. Sarah ran off. When Sarah opened the cellar door, there was a beeping sound. Whats that beeping noise? Ana was starting to giggle. Something about this seemed familiar. Oh shit! I forgot to deactivate zone 1 on the alarm system. Sam fumbled his way to the security panel. He accidentally knocked down the banner overhead. So what does that mean exactly? Julie growled. It means that Sarah tripped the alarm. Samuel Maraswaine. What is going to happen next? Thats up to the cops. Theyll be here in three minutes. Now the door was off. He snuck in quietly. The look on their faces would be worth it. Maybe they could do this again next year. Meow. He wasnt expecting that. Shadow started to sneeze. The tiny welcome wagon purred and rubbed against his legs. Only one thing to do. Downstairs you go mate! Shadow opened the cellar door and shooed the cat away. Honey is that you? A voice drifted through the gloom. Honey is that you? I was expecting something like Surprise! Is this gonna get kinky? Shadow thought to himself. The lights went on. Two policemen stepped through the front door of 118 Carver Street and found a total mess. The Happy Birthday Shadow! banner was lying on the rug, amid cake icing. Sam, Julie and Ana stood there, hands up. Surprise! Sarah yelled as she jumped into the room. Oh. Do any of you live here? Well, officer, as you can see we were about to throw a surprise birthday party for our friend. Julie began. The lights went on. There, in the middle of the living room of 118 Carter Street, a clown was holding a knife high above his head. 75 year old Maude, dressed in her flimsiest lingerie, screamed. Shadow screamed too, and then he ran from the house.


The Chaldean Gambit So thats where you were! Ana was laughing so hard that Colleen had to keep her from falling off the bar stool. So, how pretty was Maude? Did you get in a goodnight kiss? She was laughing so hard, she was crying. Oh goodness, this reminds me of the time Seth went into the wrong yellow house. That was odd. Who was Seth? From now on, no birthday parties, OK? Shadow tried to be angry, but underneath he was worried. I think its time, Shadow. Sarah whispered to him. Just give it a little more time, just a little more. She isnt ready yet. Shadow. Sarah looked him in the eyes. OK. Ill get everything ready. Just remember, this is going to be hard for all of us.

That night Ana was in the shower, letting the warm water run over her. Seth. She knew someone named Seth, but she didnt know how or why. But she could clearly see him running out of a yellow house, many decades ago. She erupted into laughter all over again. The toilet flushed and the water turned boiling hot. She screeched and jumped out of the way. She poked her head out, but no one was there. In the stillness that had descended upon the house, she could almost hear laughter.

In the Department of Antiquities, in Al Hilah, Iraq, Nebuchadnezzar unlocked the basement door. He flipped on a switch, and there, in the middle of a large room, sat the mirror. On the floor, the broken triangle symbol had been burned into the cement. AnaMathiat, my queen. Why did you defy me? He slowly circled the ancient artifact. I would have given you the world. You would have been safe with me. He stopped in front of the mirror and put his hand out. Something was trying to break the watery surface of the mirror. Daniel was just the first. There are so many you have killed through the centuries and they all want revenge. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit


Why is there a veil over the kitchen table? AnaMathiat walked past the table, perplexed. Oh that. Ill just remove it. Julie quickly yanked the veil away. Hello? Jaston? Are we on for tonight? Ana smiled as she spoke into her cell. Of course honey. Shadow was in the back room arranging foxglove plants. I cant wait! Im so excited! Me too. Gotta run. I have some errands to take care of. OK. Love you. Shadow flipped his cell closed. Love you? was that too much? Ill be back in an hour maybe two! Ana was practically bouncing with happiness. Have fun if thats possible. Julie went down to the basement.

The cellar was quiet and dark. The donation chair sat in a corner of the room. Julie sat down and prepped herself. Then she just sat there just her and the donation jar. She flipped through the spring schedule of the local community college. Someday. She sighed to herself. Mom! Are you home? Sarah called from upstairs. Down here honey! Mom what are you doing? Sarah stared at her mother in disbelief. Just giving a little of myself dear. Mom! You gave yesterday. You cant keep doing this. Ill be OK. 236

The Chaldean Gambit Why didnt you tell me? I wouldve had Alex come over and give. Oh, I dont think its right to burden him like that. Hes not family after all. Well. Sarah started to fidget. When hes a part of the family he can assume some of the responsibility. There was a sly grin on Julies face. Hes getting closer to popping the question, mom honest. I think hes just not ready for all of the weird junk that goes on around here. Hes a good one Sarah dont let him get away.

Lets see. Corn Flakes or Fiber Crunch? Ana looked at the labels, hemmed and hawed, and then finally put both in her shopping cart. You must be hungry. A young stock boy observed. He had a tattoo of a red star under his right eye. No, I just cant make up my mind. Its its a long story. You dont know how long it is or how tragic. The young man quietly said as she walked away. He pulled out his cell. Shes here and in good spirits. Whatever youre doing isnt working. Oh its working all right. Very slowly. Nebuchadnezzar answered. This is it Im out. If the others caught me- They would kill you? And I thought Lighthouse was so very sweet and noble. Ill be expecting to hear from you in a few days. He flipped his cell closed and looked out the window. A storm was approaching.

That was so wonderful. I cant remember the last time I was at the opera. Well, I cant remember much actually, but it will come back eventually, right? Ana looked up optimistically at the stars as they crossed the parking lot. Eventually. Is that what you really want? Jaston stopped and looked in her eyes. What are you getting at? I envy you. We all do bad things, or just plain stupid things. I mean, people drink themselves to death trying to forget what theyve done.


The Chaldean Gambit Are you saying Im a bad person? No, Im saying that memories are a double edged sword. Some are good some are bad. So you think I have more bad memories than good ones. I dont know. Theres so much about you that I dont know. Im just wondering if this amnesia of yours is what you need right now. I dont like it. Even if I did some catastrophic, horrible things, I would want to know. I would want to deal with them. There was a determination in her eyes that he had never seen before.

The next morning Ana was still happy. She wasnt going to let Jastons pessimism bring her down. The living room seemed unusually dim. For some odd reason, there was a veil over the window. She took it down and savored its softness between her fingers. First the kitchen table, now this. She thought to herself. Good morning, Miss Maraswaine. Alex awkwardly greeted her as she walked into the kitchen. Why good morning Alex. You can call me Ana. Wheres Sarah? Still asleep. Alex, do you know why this veil was over the living room window? No. Sorry. Im still somewhat of an outsider. Sarah doesnt tell me everything. Its frustrating, isnt it? Not knowing? Yes, not knowing. Theres something out there and you cant make it out. You know its important and you feel obligated to find out the truth. But youre scared. You cant be scared forever Alex. Thats not a lifestyle anyone would willingly choose.

Jaston? Are you there? Ana parted the veil that was covering the doorway to the back room of the Black Hole. Right here. Shadow mysteriously appeared behind her. Dont do that! You scared me. 238

The Chaldean Gambit Didnt you hear me coming? You used to have heightened senses - especially smell. I guess Im still not myself. Whats up? The past two days Ive been coming across veils two at home and now this one. Veils very symbolic. They are soft, silky, and obscure the view. Im starting to discover that I dont like them. And you want to get rid of them? Yes. No matter what the consequences are? Dont answer too quickly. Yes. Whatever you have to do, do it soon. Come back tomorrow night. Shadow looked away. Would she ever forgive him?

So, youre getting ready for a big date with Shadow? Sarah sat down on Anas bed. A big date yes, I guess thats how I would describe it. Ana put her hair up. I wish I could go with you. I dont. Are you OK? I will be. It might take a long time, but I will be. The Black Hole was shut down for the evening. There were candles everywhere. The smell of foxglove and periwinkle pervaded the room. There was absolutely no sound; everything had been frozen in place. Ana, come to me. Jastons voice seemed to be right next to her and miles away at the same time. Yes. She numbly replied. She felt oddly exposed. Sit. Jaston was sitting on the floor in the back room. He was in the center of a star that was painted on the floor. Running along the outside of the star were names and pictograms. Yes. 239

The Chaldean Gambit You have entered here of your own free will, Jaston began, lighting an incense stick, but from here on out, your memories will have control. Yes. You are beginning a struggle that few can imagine. It has begun. Yes. The floor beneath them took on a smooth feeling. Its appearance was like smoky glass. Slowly the glass became clearer and clearer. Then her memories came flooding in, playing out underneath them. AnaMathiat in Babylonia, Rachel in Jerusalem, Helen in Madagascar, Abigail in Spain, Eva in Siberia, Agatha in India, Maria in Chile, Kate in France, Charlotte in Japan, Susan in Ottawa, Emily in New York, and finally Olivia in Livermore: all her past lives came rushing at her like a flock of birds. A thread of pain, suffering, and death seemed to bind all of her disparate lives together. AnaMathiat sat still for a moment. Then she started to tremble. She let out a sound that was like a scream and a wail mixed together in a tragic duet. As the reality of her existence sank in, small purplish blotches began to cover her body. Ana, Ana are you there? Shadow gently whispered. The only reply he received was sobbing and wailing. The sound threatened to shatter his heart like a hollow porcelain vase. Its OK. Its going to be alright. Gabe had mysteriously appeared. He held her for a long time. Then, he led her out of the room. Take her straight home. She needs her family now more than ever. Shadow instructed. I will not. Gabe quietly replied as he led her out the door. Gabriel! Please, shes in no condition- Shadow raced out after them, but they were gone.



The Chaldean Gambit

Two Step Vacation

Turning the TV on didnt help. The continual blare of news and commercials did a poor job of covering up the emptiness of the house. Cleaning just emphasized how empty the house was. Sam and Sarah were out, each living their own lives as best they could. AnaMathiat was still missing. Isnt this what she wanted? Julie plopped down on the couch and blankly stared at an infomercial. There was a knock at the door. Julie froze for a moment. When Olivia she caught herself. When AnaMathiat was around, she felt safe and confident. But now, being all alone in the house, she was uneasy. The knocking persisted. Could I borrow your ladder? A man was standing there one she had never seen before. He was handsome, clean shaven, and polite. Oh sure. Are you new in the neighborhood? Im Jack. I moved in across the street about 8 months ago. Pleased to meet you Jack. Im Julie. She smiled. How can someone new be living across the street for 8 months without me noticing it? She thought to herself. Thanks, Ive gotta clean out the gutters. Ill have it back soon. Take your time. Nice meeting you. Nice meeting you too.

Colleen, two more for the back table. Shadow called out. How come you never do the tables? She shot him a cold glare. Youre more coordinated than me. Oh, and I own the bar. He flashed a devilish grin. Excuse me, where am I? A confused AnaMathiat appeared out of nowhere just behind Shadow. Tears were running down her face. The blotches covering her skin were still there. Oh my God! Ana, honey! Are you OK? He caught her as she blacked out. 241

The Chaldean Gambit Am I back home? She tried to sit up, but felt too woozy. Hey, girl. Take it easy youve been out for an hour. Where were you? Nowhere somewhere just out of reach. Well, just dont do that again. You had all of us scared. I I want to go back home. When she got home, she headed straight for the basement. After a few minutes, Sarah and Sam were sitting beside her on the couch. The TV was on, and it filled the awkward silence. Eventually everyone in the house fell asleep and Ana made her rounds, just like she always did. She pulled the blanket up over Sam and gently kissed him on the forehead. Sam sweet, sweet Sam. Im glad you havent decided to move out. The house would be too lonely without you. She whispered. Her cell phone quietly rang. Meet us at Crown Park in 1 hour. Come alone. The text message was like a tear in her quiet little night. Who are you? Well find each other in the dark, just like we always used to.

Crown Park was a little unusual. It seemed that some demented arborist had gone wild. There were trees everywhere. Surrounding the park was a 30 foot hedge of wild roses. Ana walked into the park, slowly, unsteadily. When was her killer instinct going to come back? She longed for the days when she could face anything. Ana Im coming to get you. A sweet, familiar whisper greeted her. Before she knew it, a female figure knocked her down and her infectious laughter filled the night air. Lisette! Oh my God! Lisette! Ana hugged her and wouldnt let go. Surprise! I thought you were- Dead? Clarice stepped out of the shadows. Clarice! Ana embraced her. Its good to see you too. Clarice replied. How did you two escape? 242

The Chaldean Gambit Last minute trick. Lisette snapped her fingers. Im glad to see youre in one piece. I was wondering if you would get our message in time. Clarice took a sip from a mug. Message? You know, about the ghost remedy. Lisette piped up. That was you two? Yup. Lisette replied. How did you know- What was going on? Again, thank our resident sorceress. Clarice shot a glance at Lisette. WellI dont know if Im a sorceress. I just have a few tricks up my sleeve. This calls for a celebration! Ana happily announced. Sorry. We cant. Nebuchadnezzar is still looking for us. Clarice hated to splash cold, hard reality on the happy moment. Well be in touch again. Soon. Lisette promised. With that, they simply melted into the shadows.

So, that was that. They just wanted to let me know that they were alright. Ana explained while nursing a cup of blood at the bar. Well, finally some good news around here. Shadow quipped. You act like youre the one whos a target. I dont like seeing the people I care about in danger. But you didnt mind messing with my head. AnaMathiat shot him a cold glare. It was preferable to you being Nebuchadnezzars love doll for the rest of eternity. And youre the one who says whats best? No. Julie, Sarah, Sam, and I all agreed we wanted you back and we were going to get you back, no matter what. Even if it meant forcing me to relive every sin I ever committed? Ana unconsciously touched one of her many blotches. 243

The Chaldean Gambit Youve done more good things than bad things- I dont wanna hear it Shadow. Ana walked away. In the middle of the bar, she felt slightly woozy. She took a step forward and crossed some kind of thin, watery boundary. She was still in the Black Hole of that she was sure. However, it looked like it had been abandoned for 30 years. In the corner, an old man stood alone. He was waiting for something. Just stop playing games and come out. He said softly. Shadow? Ana was shocked. Happy to oblige. A figure stepped forward. He was followed by two others. Imrus and I settled this a long time ago. You kids just go home. Shadow commanded. Its not over. The first intruder snapped. There was a sound like the sizzle of eggs in a frying pan. Imrus was more than our teacher he was like a father to us. The second intruder added. No! Ana lunged forward, past a second watery barrier, and fell to the floor. Ana! What the hell happened? Where did you go? Colleen helped her up. I- I dont know. Where ever it was, it wasntnow. She turned back and saw a 30 something Jaston staring at her. Cmon. Time for a talk. Shadow led her to the back room. It wont do any good. I just dont know what happened or why. She stopped at the doorway. So you just took a two step vacation from reality and thats it? Thats it for now. When I know more, you will too. I promise. She left the bar.

Two days later, AnaMathiat was home folding laundry. She was afraid to go out. There was a knock at the door. Alex. How good to see you. She put on her best polite smile. Is Sarah home? She and her mother went out shopping theyll be back in a moment. Ill come back.


The Chaldean Gambit Nonsense. Come in, come in. Youre almost like family. Ana drew him in. It just feels kinda awkward. Because youre not one of us? Well.. And youre not sure if being one of us would be a good thing. Please, dont get me wrong. Youre great and Sarahs great too its just that- This is something youve never imagined. Youre not sure what to make of it. You dont know if youll be trapped and unable to escape. Its OK Alex. Theres more to this family than me. It wasnt always that way, but things have changed around here. Did I come across like that? Alex was embarrassed. No. I just can read people. Especially people who are in love. Tell you what; lets start off with something simple. Ana walked to the kitchen to get Alex a soda. When she came back, she crossed another watery barrier. A 7 year old Sarah was standing at the front door. Emily was down the hall, making a mess of her dinner: Daniels blood. Im sorry Alex, my Aunt Emily is really sick today. I cant come out to play. You promised. Alex whined. I know. Its just that Aunt Emily needs our help. Whats that on your arm? A band-aid. What happened? I was at the doctors. They took some of my blood. Alex, please just go. Ana unconsciously touched her face. As her finger ran over one of her blotches, she fought back a tear. She stepped forward into the present moment. Were home! Sarah called out. Not for long. AnaMathiat replied. I dont get it.


The Chaldean Gambit Here, you two go out on the town, heres some cash. Ana put two one-hundred dollar bills in Sarahs hand. Ana Oh my God, where did you get this? I dont know what to say. Sarah, Alex, please just go.



The Chaldean Gambit

Dont Push Your Luck

Take the shot! Take the shot! Team leader Ramses barked. The sniper squeezed the trigger and the bullet raced toward AnaMathiats head. It shattered the living room window. Ana, Ana. A voice softly called. Yes? She turned around. Ive been looking everywhere for you! Its time you and I had another little talk. An old woman with three eyes hobbled toward her. Ive been right here. I suppose that Ive been looking in all the wrong places. But the last place you should be is home, my sweet girl. She gripped her walker a little tighter. Are you alright? AnaMathiat steadied the old gal. Ive seen better days. We dont have much time left. Time for a little trip. She smiled. The next step they took brought them to a casino. It was quite odd. Half the casino was upside down; the chairs, games, and even the visitors were on the ceiling. Crawling along this border between right side up and upside down were thousands of white bees. The sounds were muted and muffled, as if they were underwater. Ahhere we go! Black Jack! I find it so relaxing. The old woman grimaced slightly as she took her seat. You gamble? Dont we all? So Why now? Why here? I like things accomplished sooner rather than later. The storm is still a long ways off, but its getting closer all the time. Storm you mentioned that before. What do you mean? 247

The Chaldean Gambit Such a bright little girl shes my favorite. The old woman leaned toward Clarice. I used to be able to keep a balance between your realm and mine. Everything in exact balance. Now someone is upsetting the balance. Terrible, just terrible. No amount of reason will stop him. Do you mean Nebuchadnezzar? Ana looked around the room and was surprised to see Lisette at the poker table. Hes a bad one. But hes not the worst. Lets just take care of the Chaldean Fool first and then well figure out how to handle the other problem. Ah, thank you Gabriel. She smiled as he put a drink in front of her. Gabe? Now, back to business. The Chaldean has something he shouldnt have. Such a mess! I knew this would happen, but the others wouldnt listen to me. I wanted to destroy it they thought it might come in handy some day. What what does he have? At this, Nebuchadnezzar came over and sat down in between them. After a few minutes, he stuck a straw in the old womans drink and began innocently sipping. Ive had enough of you you cad! I know what youre up to! Now stop! The old womans ferociousness took him by surprise and he quickly left. The encounter left her feeling weaker, however. No, dont. Dont waste your energy. Hes too strong for you. Besides, hell just slip from your grasp. I wont let him do this to you. Youre like a mother to me. Not to worry we have a game plan. Which is? A sword. I forged it right under their noses. The old fools! Sooo trusting, soooo nave I knew what would happen if the mirror fell into the wrong hands. Now it has. She hissed. So the sword will kill Nebuchadnezzar? AnaMathiat was beginning to like what she was hearing. Theres just one little detail we must attend to first. Like a spell or a ritual? We have to find it.


The Chaldean Gambit What? I thought you were the one who made it. You lost it? Ana chided her. After the words tumbled out of her mouth she wasnt sure that was such a good idea. Even in her weakened state, the goddess could still wreak havoc. No. I did not lose it. It was stolen. By. By someone who wished to remain anonymous! Oh, use your head child! If I knew who had taken it, I would be giving it to you right now. Now it was the old womans turn to scold. A chill ran down Anas spine. Im sorry. I didnt mean to be disrespectful. Oh dear, I know you didnt. Youre just concerned about the old lady. You were always my beautiful adopted daughter. She kissed Ana on the head. One of the reasons I took you under my wing is because of your honesty. Now, back to business- At that moment, a tall dark gentleman entered the bar. He was dashing in his black tuxedo with his gold cufflinks. The reason why everyone was nervous around him was that he walked on two goats legs. Its time to go to the ladys room dear. Despite her weakened state, the old woman escorted Ana to the bathroom quite quickly. Who is that? Thats the bad man I warned you to stay away from. Promise you wont go near him, OK? The little three-eyed girl implored. Hey, its OK its alright. Hes bad; hes really, really bad. I wont let him get you. He took my sister far away. He chopped her up. The goddess started crying. Ill just peak out the door and see if hes gone. Ana no! AnaMathiat ended up at the front door, looking out into a hazy, cosmic void. She quickly closed the door and turned around. All she could see were gamblers enjoying the evening. The three eyed goddess was nowhere in sight. She frantically pushed through the crowd for what seemed an eternity. For some unexplained reason, she found herself at the poker table. Lisette! Have you seen the goddess? 249

The Chaldean Gambit Nope. Have a seat. Join us. I have to find her. Dont worry, shes around here somewhere. You cant lose someone like that. She probably locked herself in the bathroom again. Poor thing. Poor thing indeed. The stranger with the goats legs sarcastically intoned. He was sitting at the table, looking at his cards. Who are you? Right now, I am a frustrated card player. I just cant seem to get the cards that I need. Im not afraid of you. Oh AnaMathiat! How charming. You know so little you dont know who to be afraid of. What does that mean? Do your homework young lady. Then youll know what kind of game youre playing and who the players are. Ana! There you are! Its time to go dear. You have some very busy days ahead of you and I dont want you to be distracted. The old woman led her young charge away quickly. You arent telling me everything, are you? Its a long, complicated story. We dont have time for an in-depth history lesson. Thats what he wants, time. He wants to distract you, to mislead you. He was always so good at that. The past is the past, Ana. Dont let it distract you or hold you back. The goddess touched one of Anas blotches and it disappeared. I just want The truth. I know. The truth is that I am getting weaker by the day. Any sins I might have committed in the past will be washed away in the coming storm. If we dont act, there will be no one left to accuse us. OK. Youve been like a mother to me. Ill trust you. Thats my girl. Now, take one step to the right. AnaMathiat did as she was told. She was back in the living room. The bullet grazed her ear.


The Chaldean Gambit The assassin fled, chased off by two mysterious heroes. After Ana cleaned up and repaired the window, she went to the kitchen. All the commotion and revelation had made her hungry. She opened the fridge and took out a jug. She poured a cup and savored the taste slightly salty. It was Julies blood. She turned around and there they were. It seemed like a lifetime ago when she last laid eyes on them. The N and E keys sat there innocently on the table. She picked them up and her mind drifted back to her beloved farm. She absent mindedly touched her face and expected to find an ugly blotch, but surprisingly that part of her face was clear. But sometimes the past can heal you. She whispered to herself.



The Chaldean Gambit

Old Friend, New Danger

Have a seat, Josh have a seat. Shadow motioned to a simple gray chair across from his desk. Thanks. So, how long have you been with Lighthouse? Just a couple months. Pretty strange bedfellows, huh? Shadow lit a cigar. Tell me about it. Im surprised that the grocery store was the only job you could land. You seem like a bright fellow. Well, I needed a job fast and there was a help wanted sign. You ever work in a bar before? Shadow lit a candle on his desk with the cigar. No. But I can learn quick. Really? Just how fast can you learn? I graduated a year early from high school. When I put my mind ugh! Im sorry. You OK? Im alright. A small drop of candle wax dripped out of Joshs ear. So you were saying that youre a quick learner; thats good. Around here things sometimes move fast very fast. It makes sense this is a pretty popular place. So my little bar is getting a reputation? You mean that I can stop promoting the place and it will start promoting itself? A smile played across Shadows face.


The Chaldean Gambit Hey, everybody in my college knows about..about..ow! Another drop of candle wax dripped out of his ear. A second later another drop of candle wax spattered down from his nose. Youre sure youre OK? Yeah Im fine. So getting back to topic. You know why I like quick learners? Things get resolved more quickly. Problems just seem to disappear! Shadow emphasized the last word by snapping his fingers. Tr-trust me I wont be..II..I wont be.a probl- problem. By this time, small rivulets of wax were trickling out of Joshs ears, nose, and eyes. A moment later, he fell down dead. Good cause I have enough problems without Nebuchadnezzars little rats scurryin round my place. Shadow puffed on the cigar. He looked over his desk Joshs head had split open revealing a small lake of candle wax. Colleen! Bring the mop up from the basement! Ive got a special job for you. He chuckled.

Im going out what the hell is that? AnaMathiats face contorted into an expression of disgust. Thats your little birdie whos been tweetin all over town love. Dont worry cleanup crew is on the way. Youre gonna pay her extra for this right? Sure. Shadow Shell get an extra $500.00 plus I won a gift card to Steak and Break that Im not gonna use. Cmon now! Im not that bad. Just treat her right Captain. Ana walked out the door. Ahab! She quietly mouthed as she left the bar.

It wasnt going to be fun. It wasnt going to be easy. But it had to be done. She sighed. Of all the times Clarice had to come back into her life, she had to pick this one. She went over the apology one more time in her head. The old church was just ahead. The door was chained. Clarice mustve been late. Good time to get into the old apartment and at least whisk some of the dust away. Ana snapped the chain like a thread. She opened the door and the dark empty church welcomed her like a tired old man seeing his long lost daughter. 253

The Chaldean Gambit Anas steps echoed through the old church as she slowly walked down the main aisle. Suddenly, she felt a bit tipsy. She stumbled forward and crossed a thin, watery boundary. She looked up and was horrified. Outside a parade was passing by. Glen Miller was crooning from car radios as throngs of people were hailing the returning soldiers victory over Japan. But it was the scene right in front of her that grabbed her attention. There were five of them, clad in black robes. The pendant each wore was unmistakable: an eye above a candle surrounded by a circle. The Children of Cytholos were here and they were about to sacrifice their next victim. That was the most disturbing part; the person helplessly squirming on the altar was none other than Father McVale. She screamed and ran forward. When she crossed the second watery barrier, she found herself in the present day alone. She looked around for the intruders, but there was nothing but shadows and the sounds of the outside world desperately trying to penetrate the old sanctuary. As she calmed down, she felt a slight cool tingle run along her skin. An ever so faint odor wafted on the air, it smelled like something rotten was burning. A distant crackling noise crept underneath the walls and then bled out into the stale air. Hey. Clarice was standing beside her. Clarice! You scared the daylights out of me! Dont sneak up on me. AnaMathiat jumped back, startled. You alright? No. Im not and youre not safe here. Go just go! Whats the matter with you? Clarice looked into her eyes. Ana was afraid she had never seen her so afraid. What did he do to you? She wondered to herself. AnaMathiat, youve returned. Father McVale was sitting in a pew behind them. Father, I thought you would have packed up and gone somewhere a little livelier by now. Ana stepped forward and made sure Clarice was behind her. Hopefully it didnt realize that she saw Father McVales murder. I always have something to do around here. This old church is coming apart at the seams Ive not only become the parish priest, but also the handyman! He laughed. The world could always use another man who knows how to wield a wrench, padre. Im really sorry to barge in here like this I guess I just wanted to revisit the old haunts. She regretted that last word would it figure out that she knew the truth? Be careful Ana, Memory Lane is paved upon a slippery slope. Father McVale got up. 254

The Chaldean Gambit I guess youre right father. Again, I didnt mean to bother you. My friend and I will leave you to your chores have fun! AnaMathiat took Clarice by the hand and yanked her forward. Ana- Clarice protested. See you soon father! Ana would have none of it; she tightened her grip on Clarices hand and kept moving forward. When they got outside, Clarice started gasping for air. She fell to her knees and started shaking violently. Then she passed out. Several passersby gathered round. Please, just give her some room! Ana shouted. I can help miss Im a doctor. A handsome young man pressed his way through the crowd. No, I dont think you can. Please, just let me try. The young man put his hand on AnaMathiats arm. I said back off! Ana tossed him like a rag doll. The nave doctor flew thirty feet and landed on a car windshield. Hey. Take it easy miss. No one wants to see your friend die on the street. A cop approached her, hand on his taser. Look, I have a friend who can help. But I have to get to him now! Miss your friend has to get to a hospital. Im really sorry. The officer fired his taser, but it had no effect. Yeah Im sorry too. Send me your doctor bill. Ana snapped the officers arms like they were dried twigs. She then picked up Clarice and went on her way. Whatever it is its powerful. Where did this happen? Shadow flashed a light into Clarices eyes. On Pinehurst Blvd., just south of the gas station. I know that area. Isnt there an old church there? So can you help her or not? Ana was eager to change the subject. Whatever it was, Shadow didnt need to get near it or even know about it. When I was a kid, my cousin and I were fooling around just outside of town- Shadow, nows not the time to share your personal history. We were fooling around outside of town when a snake bit my cousin. 255

The Chaldean Gambit Shadow! Can you help or not? When we got back, I did everything I could to hide the truth and my cousin got worse and worse. Finally I had to tell my pops that a snake bit him. I had to describe what it looked like, how big it was, what color it was. Once my pops knew what kind of snake it was, he was able to cure my cousin. Ana what happened? Clarice doesnt have much time left. The church seemed darker than before. It wasnt her imagination; it was like something dark was starting to coat the very air. She watched helplessly as Jaston prepared his ritual alongside a failing Clarice. Oh girl I wish you wouldve told me about this ages ago. Somethings just not right about this place. Shadow sprinkled some red powder over Clarices forehead. I didnt know not till today. Is she going to come out of it? Just.just give me some space. I need some time to think and observe. The ritual was long, whispered, and complex. Just beyond their perception, the shadows seemed to be heaving forward, trying to overcome Jastons efforts. Ana kept walking back and forth over the spot where she had her vision, but she remained firmly in the here and now. Do you smell that? A worried Ana broke the silence. Nope. Cmon girl youve gotta give me some quiet time. Ana. Back so soon? Father McVale was standing by the altar. I guess I cant keep away from the old homestead padre. Ana was starting to tremble, but she had to keep it together. Your friend is she feeling well? Shes just a bit under the weather father, shell be fine. Tell you what Ill get some tea for her. Shell be back on her feet in no time. Thats OK father Before she could finish her sentence, he had disappeared. I hope he has something good in that tea, because Im comin up with nothin. Shadow leaned back against a pew, discouraged. Here we are. This has been in my family for generations. Father McVale lifted Clarices head and got a little tea into her. Ana remembered what the three-eyed goddess told her about the others and a sickening feeling started to wash over her. Ana? How long have we been here? Clarice weakly muttered.


The Chaldean Gambit Too long. She shot back. Cmon twinkle toes, on your feet. Shadow helped her up. Thanks father remind me to get that recipe sometime. Ana smiled. There was definitely something going on that the goddess wasnt telling her about. She was determined to get to the bottom of this if it even had a bottom. A half an hour later, Clarice was walking around the church, feeling great. In fact, she seemed a little livelier and friendlier than usual. Well, it looks like were done here. Ill be out in the van. Shadow was eager to leave. Im right behind you. Ana called after him. Lets get out of this dingy old place. You know, theres this club that I passed by for years and I dont know why. After all weve been through, we should just go out and let our hair down, you know? I mean, we cant spend every minute of the day and night saving the galaxy, we have to be fun loving girls sometimes! Ill call Lisette. Trust me youll love this place. Clarice happily chirped as she headed for the door. However, when she stepped outside, she was gasping for air again. Quick, get her inside! Shadow yelled. Once inside, Clarice was fine. They sat there absolutely helpless and mystified. Is everything alright? Father McVales voice seeped out from the shadows. Uh.everything is fine father. Shadow answered. Clarice, youre still here. Father McVale was on the balcony overlooking the sanctuary. It seems the air outside doesnt agree with her. Ana was getting sick of the games. Well, I have been doing some painting and the exterminators were here just recently. Unfortunately, the air around here is a noxious chemical broth. Perhaps Clarice is undergoing some kind of reaction. Then its best that we get her to a specialist. Ana argued. Oh, Ana. Dont be silly. I can look after Clarice. Im just glad you two arent affected by it. Ill stay with her. Ana looked at Shadow. Theres something wrong here and its all about the old man. Well come back for her I just need an hour two tops. Ana, you and your friend should go. The fumes seem to get worse at night for some reason. Father McVale warned. As if on cue, Shadow and Ana started feeling sick. 257

The Chaldean Gambit Im.not.going! Ana coughed. Hes won this roundjust get out of here! Clarice threw them out of the church. What do..we Shadow wheezed while sitting on the steps outside. Our homework.



The Chaldean Gambit

A Place For You To Go

Why doesnt this ever get any easier? AnaMathiat clutched the dagger tight. Her blood was slowly dripping down the blade. The apple juice on the weapon made her slightly nauseous. Not what I was thinking right now. Lisette held out her hands. In between her palms, suspended in the air, tiny beads floated. A coin floated in mid-air behind her back. This isnt going to work forever. We have to come up with a plan. about kill or be killed? That sounds good to me! Anas third eye darted to the left. She lunged and sliced into something. There was a disembodied shriek. Something tackled her from behind. Ana the other two are too fast! I cant hold them off forever! Lisette kept the beads between her and the entities. Be right there. Ana thrust her blade and missed. She tried again and hit something. There was a roar; then she squirmed out of an invisible grasp. No no anger. A new voice whispered in her ear. Another one? Ana growled. But the only reply was a gentle pressure on her arms. The voice sounded so familiar, so noble. She gave in. This new entity repositioned the blade in her hand and softly guided her arms. This is not going good. I think-Lisettes words were interrupted by slap to her face. The coin dropped to the floor. fear. Focus. II remember. Ana whispered in disbelief. She moved forward in one fluid, graceful step. The blade sank into her unseen adversary, dispelling him. With three more graceful arcs, the other two ghosts perished. Where did you learn that? And why didnt you do it sooner? Lisette got up, wincing. Are you there? Ana addressed the darkness. There was no reply. 259

The Chaldean Gambit

Im home! Ana called out as she opened the door. Welcome home. Julies voice floated through the air. Whatever youre cooking, it smells great. Thanks! Julie smiled and then shot a glance at Jack. Whos this? Ana was slightly annoyed at having a stranger in the home. Hi. Im Jack. I live across the street. Nice to meet you Jack. Ana put on her best smile. A new neighbor? And now in the house? I really have been out of touch with my family. She thought to herself. If you dont have any plans for the evening, the lasagna is about ready. Youll love it its an old family recipe. Thank you so much thats so sweet. But I already had dinner. Ana nervously glanced at the fridge. Did he discover it? Did he know the truth? Jack here really knows his way around a kitchen. Imagine my surprise when I opened the front door and found him standing there with dinner! Julie sensed Anas worry. A man who knocks on a ladys door with goodies? I thought that was a myth. Ana looked them over. The secret was safe she relaxed. You sure about dinner? Jack tried to tempt her. Sorry. I have a research project that demands my full attention. She went downstairs to get her laptop. The TV was on, mesmerizing Sarah and Alex. She stood there a moment, wondering if they were going to pay attention to her. Ahem. She softly broke the silence. No reply. Alex! What are you doing holding Sarahs hand?! Have you two been kissing?! When I was your age, I wasnt even allowed to have a boy in the house. Oh my God! You scared the hell out of me! Alex almost fell out of his seat. I thought you were mom. You nearly gave us a heart attack. Sarah replied. Now that I have your attention, what are you watching? Just a show about archeology. Sarah was glad the subject had changed. Really? May I join you? 260

The Chaldean Gambit Sure. Alex answered, trying to regain his composure. I think Ill just sit between you two to make sure theres no hanky panky. Alex and Sarah blushed Ana loved it.

Well, it is a place to start. Clarice observed. She adjusted her web-cam a little and then leaned back and took a sip from her mug. Could you move your camera-thingy up a little? Sorry. Hows that? Im not used to video chatting over the web. Ana replied. She turned down the lights in the basement. Neither am I but it definitely has its advantages. He still wont let you go? No. If he wasnt an ancient god I would go over there and kick his butt. Well, he is, and I think he likes having a bargaining chip. So, what do you think? The University of Torontos Archeology Department sounds like a good place to get some good leads. I like the idea. Ill keep searching here. Searching there? I was in the basement yesterday and I noticed a few loose bricks in the wall. I didnt think much of it at the time, but Ill check it out. You think Cytholos is going to ever let you go? Look, lets just stick to the matter at hand. Ill find out more about the old man, and you find that sword.

The sword, Clarice, her family, the ghosts it was all too much. Ana closed her laptop and hid her face in her hands. Maruhanabachi! One! As the familiar invisible voice rang out, a pillow flew at her. Without thinking Ana deflected it. Two! A toy truck hurtled through the air but she blocked that one too. Three! An old ashtray was zipping through the darkness aimed for the back of her head; she turned around and caught it with her left hand.


The Chaldean Gambit Ayumu. You didnt leave me There was a tear of joy on Anas face. It does not matter if I left or not, Charlotte. You had my gift and that was all you needed. I became unnecessary. Ayumu replied. So why have you returned? Simply to remind you of what you have. I am so grateful for what you gave me but you never let me pay you back. After teaching you for twenty years, I knew there was something special about you. It was never about receiving a reward I was obligated to help you achieve your destiny. Even if I didnt know what it was? One cannot know where one is supposed to be if they keep looking over their shoulder. Which is what Im doing right now. Do you remember the forest? Yes. Anas mind drifted back to the beautiful forests just outside Tokyo. They were so alive with birds, water, wind, and peace. Did you need to look up in the sky to know that a bird was overhead? No. Did you need to turn around to know that a fox was behind you? No. Stop chasing the past. When a problem arises, you will know its there. I guess Ive been trying to solve everything at once: the past, present, and the future. Its just that there are so many people depending on me. Do you remember the painting in my studio? The triangle? Yes, it was lovely. Ana saw the studio once again in her minds eye. It was beautiful, majestic, and secluded. She had spent a mere seventy-five years there only a brief heartbeat in her eternal existence. Yet she had experienced enough to fill ten lifetimes. What did the triangle represent? I never figured that out. Ana sheepishly replied.


The Chaldean Gambit One point represents what others want you to be. Ayumu touched a blotch on her left arm and it disappeared. The second point represents what you have to be. He touched another blotch a few millimeters away and it too vanished. The final point represents what you want to be. He touched a third blotch and it was gone. What was left in their place was a tattoo of a bee surrounded by a triangle. Is that your final lesson? The tears were welling up in her eyes. Farewell Maruhanabachi. You will always have a place to go. My studio is only a memory away.

The brick was easier to remove than she thought it would be. Clarice placed it to the side, carefully. She shined a flashlight into the hole and saw something wooden. Her curiosity was definitely aroused now. She started removing more bricks. Behind her, three eyes slowly formed out of the shadows. Then a hand, then an arm. The three-eyed goddess was getting nearer. But when she was only a foot away, she retreated, as if something was stuffing her back into her own dimension. The darkness cradled its newest toy, unwilling to let it go. All the while, an unsuspecting Clarice kept removing bricks, hoping that the wooden box would hold answers.



The Chaldean Gambit


They thought it was hail tapping on the windows during the night. So, they ignored it. However, in the morning, the lawn was covered with them. Julie, Sarah, and Sam stood there, shocked. It was so quiet that they could actually hear some of them trying to escape death. The morning sun was just starting to filter through the trees. The dappled light cast an eerie pall over the entire scene. There was an ever so slight sweet-sickening odor; they were pretty sure it wasnt the flowers. Whats going on? AnaMathiat came up behind them. They silently stepped back and she saw. She slowly stepped out and knelt down. There were tears in her eyes. She picked up a dead white bee. She tenderly caressed it with her finger. After sitting there for an hour or so, she slowly went back inside. They realized that the house was surrounded by dead bees. What was even more unsettling was that there was a zone devoid of dead things it formed a triangle around the house. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the bees simply dissolved into fluffy, white flakes and floated off on the wind. Ana picked up the phone, ready to call Shadow or Clarice for help. She looked back towards the lawn and was simply overwhelmed by the sight. The call was never made. She turned her phone off and put it on her nightstand. The rest of the day was spent in silence. Julie and Sam eventually made it out of the house, so Ana could have some space. Faithful Sarah, however, stayed behind. Ana numbly went through her daily routine. She was brought out of her self-pity by a warm hand on her shoulder. Sarah, please.Im just not in the mood to talk. Ana turned around but no one was there. Hey, she knocked on Sarahs open bedroom door, I didnt mean to scare you away. You really took off like a shot. Huh? Down there in the basement. I wasnt in the basement. I havent been down there since last night. Then who touched me? Ill go get the knife. 264

The Chaldean Gambit Ill get the apple juice. They crept into the basement. Sarah had a vial of insulin ready, just in case. They dreaded every creak of the old stairs, although Sara wondered if one could ever ambush a ghost. The sun was setting and the final rays seemed to be eager to vacate the cellar. It was so tense that they could hear their own breath. There was something electrifying in the air, imparting a sense of infinite possibilities. Several agonizing minutes of silence passed; their sense of dread increasing with every second of calm. From out of a dark corner, a tiny mechanical melody wafted on the air. Is that? Sarah began. The music box. Anas skin was beginning to tingle. The one you never play. Yes. Thats the one. But why- Sarah. Its OK just go upstairs. I wont leave you alone to face this thing. I know who this is honey. Please.I I need to be alone for a little bit. OK? There were tears in Anas eyes. She instinctively walked over to a painting of her beloved farm. The painting depicted a sunny day. The farm was in the background, girded by fields of grain. There was a grand old tree with a swing. Sitting in the swing was a young woman, talking to a handsome young chap. If only she could go there now! She felt so cold, so alone. She wanted him beside her again. So she waited. The seconds turned into moments, and the moments seemed to turn into forever. Was it a trick of the light, or was the young man in the painting moving? He walked behind the young woman and started pushing her gently. Ana watched, mesmerized. Hello Emily. A familiar voice seeped into the air. Seth? Yes its really me. Im really here. The keys? The orchid? Yes. I was responsible for that. I wanted to let you know I was near. Thank you. Youre welcome love. 265

The Chaldean Gambit Why didnt you say something earlier? The barrier between places was too strong before. It has become weak enough that I could easily find a crack to sneak through. I was always had more wit than muscle. I remember. Your wit was your charm. We had a lot of good memories. Seth started up after an awkward silence. Seth you know the truth, right? I didnt mean towell Ana started sobbing like a little girl. My sweet Emily pretty love. I know everything. It wasnt your fault. Then why do I still feel guilty? I love you. I always will. You will always be my beautiful Emily. There was a gentle pressure on Anas lips an unseen kiss. Several of her blotches simply melted away. So many times, even when I was angry and twisted, I thought of you. Our hopes and dreams have followed me around all these years like my own shadow. Some dreams werent meant to die. When I was at your grave, were you there? Yes. And when I was with Tobias? No. You had moved on. It seemed like an appropriate time for me to do the same. But now youre back. Ana wiped the tears from her eyes. I dont like to see you so sad so alone. Seth, honey you meant so much to me. And what about now? You still love me dont you? Yes. Thats why this hurts so much. Seth you dont belong here. But I could belong here once more. It is possible. I dont know much about magic or the balance between worlds. But even I know that its been too long. Oh Seth, could you even begin to imagine the consequences if the goddess brought you back? You were always the prudent one you always were my moral compass.


The Chaldean Gambit And you were always the adventurer the passion in my life that kept sweeping me along. This is one passion we cant indulge. I love you I love you so much! But I cant be happy with you knowing that others have suffered. I still dont want to leave you alone. Im not alone I have our family and I have Clarice. Yes, yes you do. I suppose that my love for you has blinded me. Ill always love you. Good-bye Emily. There was another unseen kiss.

Are you sure? Im not. Lisette confessed. She was sitting in the back room of the Black Hole with her laptop in front of her. Look, we both know, deep inside that this has to be done. Clarice answered from the center of the abandoned church. Hey, if you dont mind I want to get to the books. Shadow interrupted. OK, OK. Just a few more minutes of girl talk. Lisette impatiently shot back. Girl talk? I have a feminine side you know. He winked. Sorry. This is private. Very private. Clarice added. Which is what I dont like about it. Lisette frowned. We cant tell her, you know that. You act like youre in charge. Until Olivia I mean Ana can get her head back in the game, I am. Alright. I just hate secrets. So do I, but were taking a gamble here and I dont want anyone worrying. Its going to all work out, youll see. And if it doesnt?


The Chaldean Gambit Then well just have to pick up the pieces and reach for the glue. Now, just get the items. Ill continue to work out the mechanics of this whole thing it might take me a while, Ive never gone this far before. And what about the books you found in that old crate? Quite interesting. Theyre both written in some odd combination of Aramaic and ancient Greek. Im working with some pretty good linguistics experts, but even theyre having trouble with them. Do you think theyll help? Lisette tried to keep her optimism in check. Oh most definitely. But the question is: who will they help? Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Get the Point

Kinshasa, Congo was not her place at all. To her it was too hot, dirty, noisy and crowded. She looked at the map one more time and then scanned her surroundings. Im looking for the Snake Pit. Ana yelled as politely as she could above the honking horns and bustle of the city. Two blocks down. Was the response from a young man. As she went on her way, he eyed her hungrily. New mouse for the Asp. He laughed into his cell phone. He discreetly followed Ana down the street. The Snake Pit was a small bar with dusty windows. Music played in the background and men drank in the foreground. Odd sigils were carved into the door frame; they seemed to throb in the morning sun. The bartender smiled when he saw the latest victim. Good morning. Ana politely began. She blithely stepped into the bar, unaware of the staring eyes. Good morning miss. How may I help you? The bartenders smile betrayed his lustful heart. Im looking for Brother Asp. Is he in? Hes out on an errand. Have a seat. When will he be back? Anas question was met with low, sinister chuckles. In a little while. Feel free to have a look around. You lookin for the Asp? A large man sat down next to her. He put his machete on the bar. I am. Anas stomach growled. She hadnt eaten in a while. She was hungry. Hes a dangerous man. You sure you want to meet him? Yes, yes I do. It was hot, she was hungry, the bar smelled Ana was beginning to lose patience. What would your husband think? His pretty girl, all alone, meeting a strange man in a bar? 269

The Chaldean Gambit OK. I can see that Ill have to come back. Ana got up to leave. I want you to stay. The man grabbed her from behind. The long flight, the heat, dust, smell, and now the rudeness. It was all too much for her. Ana lifted the man with one hand he squealed like a baby. She slammed him down on the bar and cut off his right thumb with his own machete. She greedily drank from his bleeding hand. Hey, not too bad. Not too bad at all. Ana grinned with a bloody mouth. At least she was getting some satisfaction. The bar patrons looked on, horrified. Please! Dont kill me. Please! Stop! The man begged for his life. Shut your mouth. Stop whining. A big, strong, muscular man like you has plenty of blood to spare. She then resumed her feeding. Enough! Stop it! Brother Asp yelled as he ran from the back room. Just a little more. Ana coyly replied. After sucking for another moment or two, she tossed her victim over her shoulder like a wet towel. You must be the black dog from America. That would be me. Brother Asp I presume? Come into the back room with me, where you wont scare my customers. A fragile little thing like me scaring customers? Ana looked around. She walked over to the man she had mutilated. Are you afraid of a pretty little girl like me? She hadnt indulged her wild streak in some time it felt good. No..noplease. Was the only reply that came from his trembling lips. Well Ive gotta go do some business, but why dont you hang around? I might get hungry tonight. A shot rang out. A bullet hole appeared in Anas chest and then closed up. She was upon the perpetrator in the blink of an eye. She snapped his neck. I dont like being shot at. Youve got some pretty rude customers here, Mr. Asp. Now lets get down to business.

The back room was thick with smoke and vice. Booze, drugs, and women plastered the walls. In the center of it all was a poker game, with one seat curiously vacant. Brother Asp took his seat and started playing.


The Chaldean Gambit So, if you can wait a little while and not kill all my customers my boy will be along shortly. He drew a card. He pushed two red chips into the pot. Well, I cant promise anything, especially since Im not in a good mood. But Ill try to leave you with one or two customers. Ana was disgusted at the sights that hit her eyes. Good. Make sure the ones you leave are rich! He laughed. Raising the stakes, cousin? Brother Asp looked at the vacant seat. An invisible hand drew one card and pushed all his chips into the center. Anas cell rang. Hes laughing at me, isnt he? Jaston sneered. Who? Julius. Who? Julius my cousin. I hate playing poker with him. I only do it to teach him a lesson. Shadow was sitting in the back room of the Black Hole. What? How are you playing with him? Are you pulling some kind of hocus pocus? Yup. Whats he doing now? Eyeing one of his customers. Shadow hes a pig! Well not a total pig. Ill make a good man out of him someday. Anyways, hes got what we need, so just be nice. Ive been too nice for too long. Ana growled. When you get home, Im taking you to My Fair Lady if you can be nice. Oh, all right. I know what youre up to cousin. I fold. The Asp cradled his cell phone on his shoulder. How about another hand? Jaston leaned back in his chair. Ive had enough. Its been a long day already. Your girl here really spooked up the place bad. Why dont you serve some lessons in manners along with the drinks? Then maybe you could start a Ladies Night. Jaston smiled. Let this be a lesson to you. He flipped his cell closed.


The Chaldean Gambit An hour later, a man with a rifle walked into the back room. He sat down at the table. Someone passed him a drink and he drank at a leisurely pace. He was in charge. Or so he thought. Ana ushered everyone out of the room and sat down across the table from him. OK, tell me what you know. You dont make demands- Yes I do. Ana lifted him off the floor with one hand. She then gently set him on the poker table. Im making a demand right now: tell me what you know. OK! OK! We looked around the monastery and found papers referring to the Sanctus-pe. They were very secretive the papers were very well hidden in the Abbots Office. I think only he knew about them. Do you have the papers with you?

On the plane to Alsace, France, Ana studied what she had been given. The Sanctus-pe, the Order of The Holy Sword, was a fanatical branch of The Turkish Monastery of Weeping Roses. Their duty was to guard a mythical weapon; a sword. The reason for their enthusiasm was the power of the weapon; although harmless to mere mortals, it could kill a god with a single stroke. Through the centuries, they had stayed just beyond sight, their footsteps just beyond the ear. They were feared even by the Weeping Roses. According to the documents, there was nothing left to fear, this zealous chapter of their history was closed two centuries ago. Hey! Look whos come to the picnic! Lisette squealed with glee as Ana got off the plane. Thanks for coming! Hows it feel to be in your hometown? OK, Im alright. Its only for a day or two, right? I promise.

The entrance to the cave was barred by a chain-link fence and padlock, which puzzled Ana. If this sanctuary was so secret, how did anyone know where it was? Who wouldve put up a fence? I think well have to invite ourselves in. Ana grabbed the padlock. Agreed. Lisette snapped her fingers and the padlock appeared in her hands. Nice. Youll have to teach me that one someday. Maybe I can get a hold of Captain Ahabs wallet and give myself a raise.


The Chaldean Gambit What was awaiting them was a chest full of papers, written in French, Latin, and Aramaic. They took them back to the hotel. A pair of cautious eyes watched them leave. Im sorry AnaMathiat, but the sword is too powerful. It must remain hidden, even from you. The words floated out on the sunny breeze and simply drifted away. There seems to be a pattern to all of it, but thats all I can figure out. Ana scratched her head. I thought you took a course in Latin. Lisette remarked to Clarice. She was in her pajamas, sitting in Olivias old apartment. I did and I remember it well. This however, was crafted by intelligence far beyond me. She adjusted her web-cam. May I be of assistance? Father McVale stepped into the picture. There was an awkward moment of silence. What choice did they have? So, the first letter of every third word in this paragraph spells out a name: Minas Gerais. Sounds like a lovely name for a girl. Lisette observed. No, not a girl a place. Its a region of Brazil that was hit by a gold rush at the end of the 17th Century. Seth was there. Clarice replied. So, were off to Brazil. Ana announced. Deep inside, she was hurt and even a little jealous that Clarice knew something about Seth that she didnt.

Present day Mato Grosso seemed to agree with Ana better than Kinshasa. The rich local culture and the lush vegetation, punctuated by an occasional waterfall, made the trip enjoyable. The only frustration was that they had run out of clues. Where do we begin? Museums, tourist attractions? Lisette wondered. Too obvious. Lets hit the nearest library. What are we looking for? The unusual of course. After two days of research, they were ready to give up. Ana poked a straw into her favorite travel mug and sipped pensively. She noticed that the band-aid on Lisettes arm was coming loose. Here let me fix that for you. Ana got out a new band-aid. Thanks. Hey! Wait heres something unusual. A murder in the mid 17th Century it was quite gruesome and the place where it happened is supposed to be haunted.


The Chaldean Gambit Haunted? Anas eyes lit up. Oh no. Ana we cant. This is top secret stuff you cant tell them. Look, she excitedly babbled, if it really is a clue to the swords location, then it will just stay in the family. But, if its not, what harm would it do? Ive always wanted to be an honorary Spook Chaser. I wont have to be on camera, will I? No I promise. The site was an old village overgrown with trees and bushes. Several stone foundations were peeking from the grass. The air was still and there was no sound. A light rain began to fall. So much death, so much destruction. Lisette whispered. This has to be the spot. I can feel something something odd. It feels cold, but its like a burning sensation. Theres a gravestone over here. Finally! A clue for the clueless. The gravestone was nothing more than a rock with a name chiseled into it: Diabhal- Garinon. The words seemed to be bleeding. I know that name. Colleen cradled her cell while cleaning the bar. Its a legend. The rough translation is Devils Granddaughter. She was supposed to have been sired by a woman named Unathanae. Unathanae herself was supposed to have been sired by Cytholos. Its really incredible that you found her gravesite. So, what does it mean? Ana wanted to know. It means that whomever killed her must have used something pretty powerful like an enchanted sword. Good hunting. Colleen flipped her cell closed. Theres something were not seeing here. Lisette sighed. Theres something here we cant see today. Ana countered. What do you mean? See over there? How it almost looks like a waterfall? The way the air seems to flow and ripple. I dont see anything.


The Chaldean Gambit I do. Ana walked toward the anomaly. When she reached the place, she crossed back into the past. For a moment, she was in the village at the exact moment of its devastation. There was a beautiful woman wielding a sword walking past. On the ground, the word Viviane was written over and over again. She took another step and stumbled back into the present day. I did not want to come back here. A voice from behind them said. A beautiful woman, clad in white armor and a green cape, stood before them. In her hand she held a dazzling sword. Within the blade itself, dark clouds laced with lightning could be seen. Are you responsible for this? Ana asked. She took a step forward. I am. And Im guessing thats the object that the Sanctus-pe were hiding for so long. It is. I need that sword. The universe itself needs that sword. Ana took another step forward. AnaMathiat you are nothing more than a pawn in their game. She is using you to get back at him. He is using the Chaldean to destroy her. Viviane raised the sword. Ill take my chances with the goddess. Deep inside, however, Ana wasnt so confident. I cannot allow anyone to have this weapon. I am truly sorry. Ana no! Lisette moved to intercept. The sword passed through her, but did no physical damage. She felt light-headed and then lost consciousness. Ana was not so lucky however. As the sword sunk deep into her body, her blood spilled onto the ground. Viviane withdrew the blade and left her to die. Before her last breath could escape her lips, something pushed her spirit back into her body. She stood up and looked at the place where the sword had penetrated there wasnt even a scar. Ana! Are you OK? Im fine thanks to the goddess. Actually, the goddess is too weak to perform such duties nowadays. Father McVale was standing next to them. You did this? Ana was shocked. Yes. I am feeling much better thank you. I even feel well enough to take a stroll and do a good deed. That Joan of Arc chick said that you and the goddess were involved in some kind of war. Ana looked him in the eye. 275

The Chaldean Gambit Is that what she told you? Hmmmmthats not very informative. If I were you, I would ask myself two questions: who started the war and who is winning the war. Then Cytholos turned and walked away.



The Chaldean Gambit

Photo Albums

I can get some assistance sir. That wont be necessary Reginald. Nothing like the blood of a goddess to bolster ones virility. Nebuchadnezzar took off his coat and tie. He rolled up his sleeves and eyed the thirty foot statue of Isis. He put his hands on the stone and slowly pushed it to a corner of the basement. His assistant shuddered when he saw the ease with which his master accomplished his task. Still no word on the location of Lighthouse. Unfortunate but acceptable. They will soon be irrelevant. What about the weapon? Our sources point to a location in Europe. Possibly England. Focus all our attentions on that matter please. Yes sir. What about the guest? I have been very uncouth havent I? Its not every day that one entertains the last surviving member of the Sanctus-pe. Bring him up; we have much to discuss.

AnaMathiat sat in her room, going over the family photo album. Every photo brought back a mix of emotions and stories. She caressed a photo of Seth and wiped away a tear. Have you seen mom? Sam knocked on the door. No. Why? I havent seen her since Friday night. Welcome to the new Maraswaine clan. They come and go as they please. This house is getting like Grand Central Station. Go ask your sister she probably knows where mom is. Maybe she took off with that new boyfriend of hers like Ive been telling her to all along! Ana winked. When Sam left the house, Ana went down to the basement and rummaged through the closet. The Ouija Board was at the bottom, neatly preserved. She took it out of the box and set it on the floor. 277

The Chaldean Gambit She came close to touching it, but drew back at the last moment. This would be the first time in a long while. All I need to do is go back to Friday. She announced to the board. I can do this. She put her hands on the board and felt its smoothness. It felt cold, very cold. A very thin layer of ice slowly covered the surface. Just below the ice, water could be seen boiling. She stared as an eye appeared on the back of each hand. A third eye appeared on the top of the board. Ana Mathiat; my sweet little child. A beautiful woman with dark hair picked her up and held her close. fussy you are! She cradled the infant and sang to her. The warm Mediterranean air flowed over her soft skin. The sea pounded in the distance. Mother? Ana was completely spellbound. She focused all her attention and energy on the womans face. The board was slowly turning into a block of ice. The color bled from the scene and the edges became blurry. No! Mother! Dont go! Please let me stay! Please theres so much I have to ask you. I..I dont even know your name. The board shattered beneath her hands. Now? Shadow turned his back to the bar. Honey, youre gonna be the death of me. Now. Please Shadow. Ive got to know who my mother is. OK, OK. Colleen is here and I can round up Lyle and Stephen. I hope you know what youre doing. Actually, I dont. Thats why I need your help. Ana sped through the streets while cradling her phone. The bar had closed for the evening. Shadow had placed a table in the center of the bar, surrounded by three candles. Above the table, flower petals floated, kept aloft by an unnatural air current. Outside, an unusually strong storm rattled the windows. Please, please dont. You have no idea of what might happen. You could make things so much worse. We just cant afford to take a risk like this. Clarice begged. Im sorry. I have to know who my mother is. Ana wiped away a tear. Sometimes theres a good reason why family photo albums are buried. Please just let it go. I cant. Ana turned off her cell and sat down at the table. Is this where? Colleen began. Exact spot. Shadow answered. This is where our time traveling friend first boarded the cosmic express. So, were sitting on history like the place where Cytholos devoured his first victim. Lyle observed. 278

The Chaldean Gambit Dont be so disgusting. Stephen shot back. Hush! Everyone focus on Ana. This is going to be harder than rolling a wet joint in a thunderstorm. Shadow took command of the situation. Up till now, youve only seen a little of the past or future. Think of it like cracking open a door and peeking inside. He looked deep into Anas eyes. Tonight were gonna help you open the door all the way and go wherever you want to go. Thank you. Ana meekly whispered. They put their hands on the table and concentrated their gaze on Ana Mathiat. The storm outside suddenly ceased. The floor beneath them felt wet. An eye appeared in the center of the table. Then another, and another. Soon the whole surface of the table was covered with eyes.

Ana was at the bottom of a mountain range. A storm was gathering, building in intensity. Lightning lit up the sky and was answered by thunder. She looked around, bewildered. Where was her seaside home? Where was her mother? I have to go! I have to find them! A young man shouted to his wife above the tempest. No! No! Theyre only goats! We can get more! Please, come inside! She pleaded with him, but he strode off. Ana followed him up the twisting paths and across the deep gorges. The rain was getting heavier.

The Black Hole was starting to flood. The water was up to their ankles. An eye appeared on the wall behind them. A faint shrieking and wailing could be heard coming from one of the dark corners. Hold on! If we let go now well lose her! Shadow was not going to let Ana slip from him again. I think were out of our league Shadow. Cant you bring her back? A worried Colleen looked at Ana. No. This is her journey. Shell come back when she wants to.

Meanwhile, Ana was running after the young goat herder. She had lost track of him in the darkness and now she felt lost herself. Thats when she first heard it: the banging of metal on metal hidden within the peals of thunder. She followed the sound, climbing over rocks and squeezing through narrow passages. After some time, she came to a clearing and bore witness to something mortal eyes had never seen.


The Chaldean Gambit The young goat herder was hiding behind a rock, spying on the lady with the three eyes. She was hammering a sword on a large flat stone. Each time the hammer hit the metal, lightning arced into the sky. Soon, soon it will be complete. Then their arrogance shall end. Her voice sounded like a chorus of millions of souls, each one slightly out of sync with all the rest. The goddess suddenly stopped and turned around. Anas blood turned cold; there was nowhere to hide. Come out, young Cytholos. My reign shall begin with you. You will bear testimony to the penalty of intruding on the affairs of the gods. She gestured and the rock he was hiding behind turned into water.

The water in the Black Hole was now up to their waists. Eyes covered the floor, walls, and ceiling. The wailing was so loud it shook the establishment. Master? Colleen was the first to feel the dark presence. Colleen focus on Ana! We have to keep the door open for her! Shadow yelled above the noise. Yes. I understand. Her voice was a multitude of odd, quivering demonic echoes. A black liquid started to trickle out of her nose. Then it started to pour out of her ears. Soon it was pouring profusely out of her eyes and mouth as well. Then Colleen shriveled up, as if all her bones and internal organs had been sucked out of her. All was quiet. The eyes and water disappeared. The moaning had stopped. All they could do was look at Colleens remains in utter horror.

In the mountain clearing, the goddess held the young goat herder transfixed with her gaze. He stood there trembling, awaiting his fate. So, you wish to know what I was doing? You wouldnt understand, even if I had an eternity to explain it to you. What should be your punishment, young goat herder, for trespassing? She then gestured and the goats came into the clearing. You should have pursued your goats. Now you shall have them forever! The goats rushed upon Cytholos. They crowded around him and leapt upon him until nothing could be seen but a mass of hairy bodies and horns. The bodies congealed and convulsed and rolled about in a great spasm of agony. What arose was a monster: it had the legs of a goat, the body of a man, and three goat heads.


The Chaldean Gambit Please, please dont punish me. I am sorry for my sin! Please have pity on me. Cytholos pitifully croaked. This sin cannot be forgiven. The goddess replied. Then the earth opened and swallowed the dark god.

Yes, I was the one. The three eyed goddess told Ana as they sat in the casino. It was an impetuous, rash harsh thing to do. I regret it to this very day. Cant you undo it? Ana felt slightly disoriented. She wasnt sure, but she felt like, for an instant, she was somewhere else. No, but you can. Cytholos is using Nebuchadnezzar as an instrument of revenge. If you can find the sword, this will end I promise. Oh Ana! I wish you would have just trusted me and let this go! I buried that old photo album for a purpose. But I have to know I want to know who my mother is. She started to cry. My dear I think you already know. You just dont want to believe it. With that, the goddess kissed her on the forehead.

Ana was pulled back into the present. She looked around and when she saw Colleen, she gasped. What happened? She was in a state of shock. She just died. Lyle answered. She just started oozing this black goo-Stephen couldnt take his eyes off her deflated body. Colleens skin suddenly sat straight up. The eyelids opened and the mouth formed a sickening smile. Now you know who started the war. Soon you will find out who is winning the war. Then the skin fell to the floor. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Double Edged Danger

The library was in sad shape. It looked like it hadnt been dusted since the fifties. The stairs groaned too loudly to be considered safe. The shelves would certainly come down if a fly crashed into them. AnaMathiat looked out the dirty window as the rain drizzled on the streets of Victoria, British Columbia. A faint, hazy aura in the shape of a man crossed the street. Its happening. The wall between our world and theirs is starting to collapse. A shiver ran down her spine. The light from her cell seemed to be brighter than the dingy lamp overhead. Nows your chance to be a spook chaser. Clarice tried her best to boost Anas mood. Weve got a job to do. When this is all over and Ill make sure that it is well go out and have fun till we go blind. Ana pulled some books from the shelves. She felt along the shelf. Got it. She pressed down on a hidden panel and it swiveled upward. She reached in and pulled out a key. By the way, hows your research coming with those arcane cookbooks? Very frustrating. Weve found out that one of them is describing some kind of ritual. The other is some sort of lineage. One group of weird symbols keeps showing up in the family tree. No matter how we look at it, we cant seem to translate it into a word. Are you tempted to box them up and put them back in that little hole in the church? Not yet. By the time this is over though, Ill be a linguistics scholar! Clarice laughed. She couldnt remember that last time that she did. Outside, behind the library, Ana turned into a dark alley. Something ran past her and knocked over a trash can. It was waiting in the darkness, watching its target. Ana was startled by a noise in back of her. She turned around but all she saw was the evening traffic. Before she could decide what to do next, she was knocked down her attacker had her pinned. Look Ive just about had enough! She growled while picking Bond up. Last time I took you with me you raided two bakeries. I swear if youve gotten into trouble again- The jackal whined and looked at her with his big brown eyes. It wasnt working. He squirmed out of her grasp and playfully nipped at her new boots. That wasnt working either. He decided it would be best to lie down and hope for a second chance. 282

The Chaldean Gambit Dont try the pity game on me Vagabond. It wont work. She shook her finger at him. It wont. Bond whined faintly. He wagged his tail slowly in a gesture of innocence and despair. Oh all right. Here take this to Lisette. Ana tucked the key into a little pouch around his neck. She gave him a dog biscuit and a kiss on the nose. Fifteen minutes later, her cell rang. She picked it up and looked out the window of the caf. No more auras they were only little cracks. Was he good or was he bad? A worried Lisette bent down and petted the jackal. We probably will never know. So, now that we have the key, what next? Theres a private library under a famous family crypt here in town there are lots of rare books inside. Sounds like fun. Be careful, Boston isnt what it used to be. Of course not the last time you were here was in 1879.

A day later, she stepped through the door of the Maraswaine house. Sarah and Alex were busy printing more flyers; Julies face seemed so happy. There was no indication of what she had gone through the past 47 years. Sam was busy updating the Search for Julie Hive page. So youve got all the stuff? Shadow was smiling as he cradled his cell. You know how to run a bar. He laughed. Well be over in an hour. Im so sorry Im late. I was held up-Ana began. Dont you worry. Uncle Shadow is runnin the show. Were gonna find Julie and have her back home in time for breakfast. He gave Ana a warm hug and then got into his car. As he sat in the drivers seat, he spread his hands and a thin, soapy film appeared between them. The house looked very different when seen through this small window. It appeared drenched in a watery glow. Julie honey I hope youre happy where you are. He sighed. She wasnt sure why, but she went down to the basement. Ana stared at the icy patch of concrete where the Ouija board had shattered. The ice just wouldnt melt no matter what. Do you know where she is? I know you can hear me. I.I thought we trusted each other. Her words seemed to fall like tears. There was no answer from the three eyed goddess.

At The Black Hole, volunteers were organized and a search strategy was mapped out. The place was buzzing with hope and positive energy. Shadow did his best to hide his doubt and misgivings.


The Chaldean Gambit So this is it. The unauthorized version of Collingwoods Timeless Legends. Ana opened the book. They say that he was threatened by the church when he first published it in 1769. He had to go around Boston and retrieve all 349 copies. Then, with the local parish looking over his shoulder, he wrote the well known official version in 1779. And Mr. Collingwood didnt mind parting with it? Not at all. In fact, he showed me where it was. Actually, he umwell Wants to come with us of course. Yeah. So his first hand knowledge of the Arthurian Legends will be immediately available. An absolutely smashing idea isnt it? Lisette pitifully joked. What Mr. Collingwood wants is to put his hands all over my little body just like he tried to in 1879. Like I said, a bloody good idea! Lisette tried to make the best of an awkward situation.

Surprisingly, Ana sat right next to Mr. Benedict Collingwood on the flight to England. He fidgeted and fussed; he just couldnt seem to get comfortable. He searched Anas eyes for the smallest spark of romance. And what about Isabella? Ana caught his hand before it could reach her. Isabella.Isabella. She was so demanding. I couldnt spend more than a day with her before I got claustrophobia. Benedict nervously stuttered. And Caroline? Too meek too intellectual. She spent most of her time in the library. And Chloe? Too wild too dangerous why didnt you know that she got herself killed shortly after World War I? Benedict you are hopeless! Those were the women that I remember setting you up with. I simply cant remember the other six or seven I introduced you to. Emily, my sweet you are my hope! 284

The Chaldean Gambit Benedict do you remember what I told you before we got on the plane? Yes but- The knife is ready and Im not afraid to use it. Its just- Hush! I dont like whiners or complainers.

The drive through the English countryside was unusually quiet. Benedict held his tongue out of puppy love not fear. The lake was sitting in the moonlight, reflecting the heavenly jewels above. As they approached, owls hooted in the trees nearby; their calls lingered in the chill air. So youre certain about this? Lisette looked around. Yes, yes, quite certain. The Viviane that you met in Brazil is none other than The Lady of The Lake straight from the Legends of King Arthur! Benedict was quite proud and quite confident that this would impress Ana. And this is where she lives? Ana took the book from him and looked over the drawings. Amazing isnt it? He was beaming with joy and pride. I just discovered her whereabouts fifty years ago. I never dreamed this tidbit of knowledge would be put to use in a quest to save the world! Is she in? Do we ring the doorbell? Where do we go from here Mr. Collingwood? Ana was not impressed. She was getting impatient and feeling guilty about getting impatient with Mr. Collingwood. Roman numerals. Really? Lisette peeked over his shoulder at the open page. Oh yes, yes! You see, the clues are hidden throughout the text in the forms of roman numerals. You see, look at this passage see how certain names and places appear in exactly the same order as on- he furiously flipped the pages forward -this paragraph right here! Interesting theory. Ana commented. And tonight, we shall put the theory to the test! Benedict snapped the book closed.

A few minutes later, they had all the equipment unpacked. Five prisms were put in their designated locations, forming a pentagon. A candle was lit in the center of the pentagon. Benedict stood outside the pentagon and took a deep breath. 285

The Chaldean Gambit You see, when pronounced in the correct way, her name has just the right acoustic properties. To do what? Watch. He raised his arms like a conductor commanding a symphony. Viviane! The flame of the candle popped out, like an old light bulb. In its wake, a circle of light spread out and hit the prisms. This circle of light also vanished. A low hum could be heard and felt. The water of the lake seemed to vibrate and then dissolved into a multitude of rings composed entirely of light. In the center, Viviane sat on her ivory throne. So, the dark Cytholos has taken up your cause. She stepped forward. Every footstep momentarily increased the luminosity of the ring beneath. But there is no one to make sure that it will end in balance. She drew her sword. We cant turn back. The goddess has already said that there is no balance. Im just trying to save the world not balance it. Ana stepped forward. Who do you trust? Viviane stepped onto the shore. What do you mean? Benedict was puzzled. This was not in his notes. Who do you trust AnaMathiat? The three eyed goddess? Cytholos? I trust the goddess. She replied. You dont sound so confident. Thats why you cannot have the sword. Look, we dont have time for this- Lisette interrupted. I will give you a choice. Viviane waved the sword. The scenery around them seemed to blur and collapse. Then the world emerged once again. They were next to a large rock. Oh my. Benedict whispered in awe. Benedict? Ana didnt take her eyes off Viviane. This is the rock that Arthur drew the sword out of! Benedict looked at the rock and then at Viviane. I think we should run. I dont imagine what will come next will be very pleasant. Your choice. Viviane grabbed Ana so quickly and pinned her on the rock that her victim was totally caught by surprise. Die as a god or live as a mortal. Ana gasped as the sword pierced her heart and sank into the stone underneath. Her blood flowed and she tried in vain to remove the blade. Her eyes widened and a small prayer escaped her trembling lips. No one can help you. This is my domain. You must choose and quickly. 286

The Chaldean Gambit In those few seconds Ana spent an eternity weighing the consequences and alternate futures. Finally, the blade sank into the stone all the way up to the hilt. Ana rolled off the rock, gasping for air and for life. She spent several frightened moments on her hands and knees. Finally, Benedict gently helped her to her feet. She was too embarrassed to look at him.

I hear youre having trouble reading one of the texts. Father McVale stepped out of the shadows of the abandoned church. Are you scared of what well find? Clarice put the book down. Scaredworried.happy.sad.angry.all such pathetic terms to apply to one such as myself. Although, if I must indulge you, perhaps you could say that I am becoming impatient. He stretched out his hands and one of the tomes darted towards him. He caught it and opened it. I do believe its time to put all of this into motion. He started chanting in a bizarre, echoing tone. Kneel down Clarice. No. However, Clarices body was not under her control. She fell to her knees. Good girl. Now take the dagger over there. Thats it.! I wont. However, Clarice took the bronze dagger and cut her wrist. Nonono! Her blood fell upon the floor and formed the broken triangle symbol that she had seen so many times in her nightmares.



The Chaldean Gambit

Cut the Strings

Ana sat on the floor the concrete was cold. She was surrounded by flyers with Julies picture on them. No one had come down to the basement in two days and she barely went upstairs. She slowly spun the sword in a circle and watched as it turned round and round. The house was quiet and empty deserted. Each revolution of the blade marked another second gone. Time was her enemy. She would now have to make the most with the years she had been allotted. Time was her temptation. No longer living endlessly, dragging around her sins like a ball and chain. Ana! Ana! Sams voice cut through her self-pity. Down here. Its begun. Sam sat next to her and started up his lap top. What are we looking at? Ana was apathetic, lethargic. Watch. Youll see. On the computer screen, an on-line video of Mexico City streamed away. It was 8:00 AM and traffic was snarled. People were coming and going on the sidewalks. An occasional pigeon flew past the camera. Then one crossed the street; a faint human aura aimlessly wandering in a foreign world. After two minutes, it was joined by three others. No Sam. This cant be happening. Not now. It is. There are already two other videos like this from Seoul and Montreal. The police in Miami, Moscow, and Johannesburg have gotten three times the normal amount of missing people reports. Theres nothing I can do. Im mortal now, just like you and Sarah. Dont you want to do something? What I want to do now is die. Thats what I chose when Viviane ran me through with this. Her words were soft and slow as she held up the sword. Deep down inside I wanted to be human to end just like you, Sarah, Julie, and Daniel.


The Chaldean Gambit No. I wont accept that. Sam got up and walked away. Is that what you really want? The three-eyed goddess was sitting on the couch. Yes. Ana didnt even turn around. You have plenty of sharp knives around the house; plenty of sleeping pills. Why are you still here then? I guess I dont have the courage to face death. Come here. Ana slowly got up and sat down on the couch. She kept her eyes on the floor. Look here. Go on look deep. Ana stared at the goddess third eye. Either it grew larger or she somehow grew smaller; she couldnt tell. A watery barrier descended in front of her. She instinctively stepped through. She was still in the basement, but something was different. There was an odd smell. The light didnt work. She went upstairs and tried the lights there no good. The carpet underneath her was soaked. She went to the kitchen to get the flashlight when she stumbled over something heavy yet soft. She turned on the flashlight and pointed it down. It was a body. There were several of them. The rug was soaked with blood. She heard a cracking sound coming from the garage. She crept to the door, shaking. The sound died down. She put her hand on the doorknob and started to turn it. There was a loud snap and she jumped. Paint cans could be heard falling down as something moved toward the door. She quickly hid in the closet by the front door. The door to the garage opened slowly, cautiously. There was the squish-squish sound of something methodically searching the area. Whatever it was plopped down and all was quiet for a moment. Then there was the sickening sound of chewing. As the sun crept up over the horizon, the thing got up and grunted. It walked past the closet door. Ana had it opened a crack and saw what had invaded her home. It looked like a man, but was horribly burned. It had been cut open and was missing one eye. Oh my God. Ana pulled away in disgust. You see, my dear, his realm is underneath mine. Thats why hes doing this, so his children can get to your world. You cant allow that. Youve got to stop him. I cant do it alone. I- The goddess was suddenly yanked from her. Ana was alone.

A day later, AnaMathiat was on the plane with Jaston, Lisette, and Sarah by her side. She stared out the window, eyes and mind locked on her target. 289

The Chaldean Gambit This is Captain McVale. The trip may get a little bumpy but well be at our destination shortly. Ana jumped. Lisette and Sarah were reading magazines; trying to distract themselves. Did you guys hear that? No. Ana are you OK? Lisette put down her magazine. Um.yeah. I guess Im just imagining things. Can I get you something? The flight attendant offered. She was horribly burned and her left hand was missing. No. Thats OK. Im fine. Now Ana was really spooked. Uh-oh. Trouble up ahead. Sarah pointed to the thunderstorms outside the window. But well get through them. Isnt that right, Ana? Shadow grabbed her hand. Yes. Yes we will. Her courage was bolstered somewhat.

When they landed in Al Hilah, Iraq, the others were waiting for them. Lyle and Stephen had arrived with reinforcements, three black dogs. They smiled when they saw Ana walk into the airport. were ready to roll. Our leader is here. Lyle gave Ana a big hug. Well, I dont know about that. I just want to help in whatever way I can. Julius? Shadow looked around. He is at the motel, going over strategy with Siobhan, Angus, and Titus. Stephen took Anas bags. She held the black case that contained the sword tight. I understand. He looked her in the eyes and let her keep it. He is doing his best, despite never having worked with the Children of Cytholos. And how about you? Need help with your bags? Lyle offered as he looked at Sarah. Nope. I just need to know if youve got my stuff. Three vials of insulin. He handed them over. Youre not gonna use all three are you? If I have to. The two gentlemen in the car behind us are Brother Cornelius and Brother Ulysses; the elite of the Monastery of Weeping Roses. Stephen explained as they got into the car. Looks like Lighthouse is back in business. Sarah smiled.


The Chaldean Gambit The sunshine fell upon the concrete of the drab looking compound. The walls were high and the gate was made of iron. Several cars were parked outside. Dogs were rummaging around in the streets, picking up the scraps that had been tossed away. I dont suppose knocking on the door would work. Ana spoke up as they sat in the car. Theres that classic Maraswaine humor Ive missed so much. Stephen smiled. See the cars there and there? Lyle pointed out. Traps. Julius answered. How? Sarah stared at the vehicles but they didnt look dangerous to her. Look at the license plates. Siobhan noted. The numbers and letters on the plates seemed to slowly rearrange themselves. After a while, they disappeared altogether, melting into the white background. Then the letters and numbers would re-appear again. Anyone gets near those cars and zap! Theyre transported away. Julius snapped his fingers for emphasis. How far away? Ana asked. Lets just say theyll be in a different time zone. Julius answered. You got this? Jaston asked. Hey Ill leave it up to you. Youre the magical carjacker of the family. Julius handed a small metal rod to Shadow. Shadow took the metal rod in his hands and pressed it flat. He worked it into the shape of a pentagram. He got out and walked towards the first car. He stopped twenty feet short of his target. He held the pentagram out and then let it go. It stayed aloft, attached to something invisible. Jaston then took another small rod and tapped on the corners of the pentagram. He worked faster and faster until the metal vibrated with an uncanny fury. A small black crack appeared out of nowhere; then another. After a few seconds, there was a shattering sound and the car disappeared. One down, one to go. Do you think anybody heard it? Lisette looked at her watch. Maybe maybe not. Dont worry. Hes got plenty of time. Lyle reassured her. Forty seconds later, the second trap was down and the black dogs were planting the explosives at the gate. Twenty seconds later, the door was down. The cars raced through. So far so good. Ana hoped that her optimism would spread.


The Chaldean Gambit Im afraid that was the easy part. Stephen replied. No reception party? Titus looked around. He doesnt need one. Jaston took his bag out of the car. Hes his own army. Now remember, you keep him occupied. Jaston addressed the black dogs. Julius and I will set up the circle. Once we have it up, he looked in the direction of the Children, You will have to reverse the flow. Reverse the flow? Ana had a puzzled look on her face. Hes been draining the goddess of her power. If were lucky, we can reverse that and drain him. Julius explained. And if were not lucky? Ana looked him in the eyes. Then were out of luck. Its as simple as that. Shadow retorted. What about us? Lisette asked. You, Sarah, and Ana deal with any distractions that come up. Shadow said. Like? Hes almost a god Im sure hell have one or two surprises waiting for us.

The compound was quiet. Too quiet. They made their way down to the basement. When they stepped through the door, the lights went on. It was a large warehouse. It was empty except for the mirror in the center. My goodness I have guests. To what do I owe the pleasure? Nebuchadnezzar stepped out of thin air. There was no reply. Well then, right down to business is it? He removed his sport coat and tie. The three black dogs moved in closer. They circled him, but Nebuchadnezzar didnt seem to care. In the blink of an eye, one of them was down. The other two took their time, waiting for the right moment, but it never came. Another black dog was killed. Im sorry, Im not being a very good sport. Perhaps if I closed my eyes for a moment? Nebuchadnezzar closed his eyes and stood still. The last black dog rushed him, but he easily stepped aside. Brother Cornelius took the opportunity and thrust a bronze sword into his heart. Ouch! That does sting somewhat. He lifted Cornelius off the ground with one hand. And that was a very expensive shirt. He threw him across the room. Ana watched helplessly.


The Chaldean Gambit Meanwhile, Siobhan, Angus, and Titus linked hands. They started chanting in Aramaic and Gaelic. A fine black mist surrounded Nebuchadnezzar. The tiny droplets made a sizzling noise and seemed to drain the light from the immediate area. It slowed him down somewhat, but he was still too fast. Jaston and Julius worked frantically, pouring red powder around their prey. Lyle had his own plans. He took out a Tarot deck and picked out a particularly nasty card. He placed it face down and then lifted it up. A hole appeared and a small serpent slithered out. Lyle stood the card on its side and the snake passed right through it. As Nebuchadnezzar fought his way through Cornelius exorcism, the snake crawled closer. Now this is getting challenging! Nebuchadnezzar grunted as he picked up the snake. He crushed it with one hand. Then he killed Ulysses with his own sword. Hailey, I hate to inconvenience you, but I am afraid I will need your assistance after all. Want to play. Hailey Delacroix, or what was left of her body, shambled forth. She went straight for Ana. No, Hailey! I need you over here. You can play with Ana later. Nebuchadnezzar was tiring somewhat. Its so hard getting loyal staff. Nebuchadnezzar put his hand into the mirror. Very well, I shall end this myself. Before Ana could react, Hailey had her pinned to the floor. The abomination slowly gripped her throat, enjoying Anas terror. Hailey raised a sharp, bony hand, ready to tear Anas heart out. Her skeletal fingers descended quickly, but were stopped at the last moment. Oh no you dont girlie. Tobias pulled Hailey off. He tossed her across the room. Tobias! Ana shouted and hugged him. Here to serve maam. But how? I dont know. Right now we have more important matters to worry about. Ill deal with Hailey you go help the others. But it was too late. Nebuchadnezzar had the three-eyed goddess by the throat. His teeth sank in. Her blood dripped down his chin. No! Ana charged him, but he tossed her aside. No? No? Nebuchadnezzar laughed. Do you think I am going to kill her? Why would I do that? After all, she is the source of my power! He dropped the goddess and she fell to the floor like a rag doll. Why you taste particularly good today, my dear. He picked up the goddess and tenderly stroked her face. With a gesture of his hand, the circle of powder blew away. I think we have officially run out of luck. Julius said to Jaston. 293

The Chaldean Gambit Maybe. Lets see what an all out assault will do. Jaston raised his hands and closed his eyes. Siobhan, Angus, Titus, Lisette give me your hands. Cmon Lyle you too. No, you arent even close. Not even with me and Cornelius. Julius warned. Do you want to die standing or die fighting? Siobhan shot back as they formed a circle around Shadow. As they laid hands on him, Jaston grew more and more transparent, until only his eyes could be seen. He then stepped toward Nebuchadnezzar. The ground under his feet smoldered. Impressive.very valiant. However, I dont believe you understand the kind of power youre dealing with. Nebuchadnezzar put his hands on his opponent. They struggled, but within moments, he had the upper hand. He beat Jason mercilessly. Sarah jabbed herself with a needle. The insulins power rushed through her veins. She grabbed the sword. In the blink of an eye, it passed through Nebuchadnezzars chest. He staggered and fell to his knees, howling in pain. He put his hands on the sword, but his grip on the hilt was feeble. His blood started to trickle onto the floor. Jaston slowly got up. Then he returned the favor, striking Nebuchadnezzar so hard that he broke his ribs. But before victory could be his, Nebuchadnezzar pulled the blade out. He threw it across the room and winced in pain. But the pain was fading. Everyone was shocked. The fear in the goddess eyes turned to fatalism. You are what you eat is a myth. That sword does hurt, I admit that. However, since I was never a god to begin with, it is in the end useless. Then he knocked Jaston across the room. He turned his attention to Sarah and Tobias Sarah get out of here! Ana yelled. Dont worry- Just get out! Ana screamed at the top of her lungs. AnaMathiat. The goddess whispered. Just stay there Ill get you out of this mess. Cut the strings. She pleaded. I dont understand. Ana knelt down beside her. Hes just a marionette. Cut his strings. You mean Cytholos? I am his power. This will only end when I end. 294

The Chaldean Gambit No. No. I cant..theres another way. There is no other way. Nebuchadnezzar answered. He had Tobias by the throat. Im sorry Ana but shes right. Sarah cut off the goddess head. The goddess head rolled off to one side. A bronze eye fell from her forehead. Her body shrank to the size of a Barbie doll. What have you done?! Nebuchadnezzar roared. He tossed Tobias aside and charged Ana. He pinned her to the floor and slowly choked the life out of her. He was too angry to even enjoy the moment. The bronze eye of the goddess lay there innocently. After a moment, a white bee crawled out of it. It was followed by another; then another. After a minute or so, there was a swarm of bees buzzing around the artifact. The swarm repeatedly stung Nebuchadnezzar. Every sting was like a thousand bronze daggers piercing his very marrow. He fell to the ground, trembling in pain. When the attack was over, he slowly got up. He staggered about for a moment or two, but then regained his composure. He swung at Ana, but missed. He grabbed her by the arm, but she broke free. His power was gone he was mortal. Cytholos! Help me! You promised! You promised! The only response was a sinister, echoing laugh. AnaMathiat didnt hesitate to pay him back for all of the misery he had given her over the centuries. Though he tried his best, her skill and anger were too much for him. She struck him and hurt him again and again. It lasted well over two hours. It made everyones blood run cold. Finally, she drove a bronze dagger through his chest. Goodbye bastard. She whispered in his ear. Time to go home, love. Tobias stood by her side. The eye wheres the eye? A note of panic rose in Anas voice. They searched the compound from top to bottom, but the bronze eye was gone. Bfk


The Chaldean Gambit

Now To Deal With The Puppeteer

Shadow leaned over his desk and held the tweezers steady. Just one more pin to set. He lowered it slowly into the triangular copper talisman. It was tempting to be distracted by the graceful arcs and swirls that surrounded the cuneiform etched in the metal, but his determination held. When the final piece was in place, the artifact crackled and arched upward. Then it settled back down on the desk. He put it in a pile of ten others. OK, Im done. Your tickets to the funky express are ready. Shadow walked out of the back room of the Black Hole. He was exhausted. Excellent! Stephen seemed indifferent to Shadows current state. Now remember, you just get one shot. Shadow explained. Just one? Ana asked. Just one. Stick it on your body and poof! Youre a mile away from where you were. Teleportation the ultimate cop out. Sarah disdainfully commented. Hey! I worked all night to save your butt girl Shadow was ready to explode. OK, OK. Shadow, its alright. Trust me, everyone will be thanking you when this is over. But Ill thank you right now. Ana stepped between the two. Hello! Siobhans voice melodically rang out as she stepped through the door. Hello! Angus chimed in as he stepped in next. Hello! Titus completed the chorus as he popped his head in the door. Hello! All three exclaimed. Im back and I had to bring back the stooges with me. Tobias sighed. Has Ana figured it out yet? Lisette thought to herself. By now she must be wondering how Tobias came back and why Julie disappeared. She glanced at her. She cursed the three eyed goddess


The Chaldean Gambit under her breath why did she have to take Julie in exchange for Tobias? Why not the paperboy or cable guy? Would Ana ever forgive her and Clarice for what they had done? Who knew that dark cultists had such a sense of humor? Julius smirked. The rods are placed. Siobhan sat down. The rods are enchanted. Angus poured himself a beer. The rods are linked. Titus grabbed some nuts. The will is written. Shadow announced. What? There was a spark of shock in Julius voice. The Black Hole. Its yours. Jaston what kind of craziness have you got in your head? Julius rose up out of his seat. You have to distract Cytholos so I can set up the final spell. The rods will augment your power so that you wont get killed in the first five minutes. I dont like the whole final spell concept. Tobias spoke up. Its not a final spell. Shadow wants to be an astral time bomb. No way in hell this is gonna happen. Its too late. I already started the spells last night. Ive got about 23 hours to live. But when I go blam! Im takin him with me. You stupid How could you be so blind?! This has a one in a million chance of working! Thats it Im done. Im not gonna watch you die. Julius slammed the door as he left the bar. Ill go after him. Lisette offered. Dont bother. Hell be back. Hell try to save me, but he wont know how. I dont want to do this to him, but Ive gone over all our options. This is the only way. Shadow handed out the talismans. Meet me at Taft Park now. The text on Anas cell flashed.

Taft Park was one of the neglected recreational areas. Over the years, weeds, grass, and shrubs had slowly taken over. That was actually a blessing, since they hid the cracked concrete steps and the plastic cups. The wind blew through the tangled clumps of trees and the branches swayed against the backdrop of the murky, gray sky. Why? Ana asked. 297

The Chaldean Gambit Why did I not help you defeat Nebuchadnezzar? Viviane looked her in the eye. It would have been so much easier. Four people wouldnt have died. Yet Nebuchadnezzar is dead. If things went differently, I might be dead. I needed time to find this. Viviane ran her hand over the silver star implanted in her neck. What is it? Ana asked in wonder. For some reason, she just noticed the strange metal object. Waves of black energy rolled over its surface. The Star of Husuth. Something that was created long before Cytholos. It has augmented my power tenfold. So youll help us bust goat boy back downstairs? I will dispatch Cytholos. You and your companions will stay home. My, my. Such assertiveness. Cytholos, in his guise of Father McVale, was leaning against a nearby tree. Did you bring the sword? Viviane turned toward the demon. Right here. I thought we might have a party crasher. Ana tossed the weapon to her. Ana. There is no battle. Cytholos was already upon Viviane. He placed his hand upon her forehead. Her body took on a smooth glassy appearance. It then shattered into a thousand pieces like a porcelain vase. There will only be a slaughter. Oh my God. Bring me the eye, Ana. Bring me the eye.

Ana drove as fast as she could to the church. Before she could reach the door, it swung open. The building itself seemed to breathe out a dark, rotting, stale atmosphere. Clarice stumbled out the front door. Clarice! Are you alright? Ana caught her friend as she fell. Rising up from below. Hunger torn flesh! Millions upon millions of bodies vomited up from the dark rotting pits! They want to eat us! They want to eat us! My flesh, my skin, their feast! So many millions upon millions of clawing hands, so many hungry mouths. All coming up from below, all coming up from below. Clarice started weeping.


The Chaldean Gambit Where are you? Ana demanded. Im right here. Cytholos answered. He stepped out of the dark to reveal his gruesome appearance: a monstrosity with three goat heads and goats legs. The church was soaked in blood and refuse. The floor undulated chaotically, as if many things were trying to break its surface. If youre so powerful, you must know that I dont have the eye. Yes. I knew you would come anyway to try to negotiate a settlement. Or perhaps Im biding my time. So Jaston can sacrifice himself and save the world. Perhaps. And if you dont get the eye, youll start killing everyone I love. No. Ill start killing everyone. Then I will get the eye eventually. So, my incentive to help you is? You and your friends will die. You will not have to live like - this. Cytholos pulled something out of a nearby pile of refuse. It was Julie. Her skin was horribly burned and she had only one arm remaining. She was chewing on something soft and fleshy. She looked at Ana with an anger that transcended sanity and mortality. Mom! No! Sarah stepped in front of Ana. Sarah! What are you doing here? The young god-slayer; a pleasure to meet you. Change her back! Change her back! Sarah screamed. I have a little present for you. Cytholos picked up a spear. This is something even Viviane didnt know about - a very ancient weapon. I soaked it in apple juice and orange juice - just for you. Im gonna kill you. Sarah growled. Really? Cytholos hurled the spear at Sarah. Ana slammed one of Shadows talismans on Sarahs back and she disappeared. However, the spear went right through Anas body. How sweet. Youre always protecting your family, arent you? Cytholos bent over the dying Ana. Enough. Gabe stepped forward from the shadows. He had three eyes. Ahthere it is.


The Chaldean Gambit Now the judgment will begin. Gabes words circled about them. Cytholos could sense the presence of the others. He could feel the heat of their stares. NopleaseI was just re-paying her for her cant do this! KuluthGrun, Nyvyllidain, Cemphek, and all the rest are here. They must do this. The balance must be restored. A life for a life. Gabe stepped forward. A buzzing like a million bees could be heard, rising, swelling. The demon started to tremble as his body started to smolder. His groaning and howling could be heard over the flames. His charred remains simply blew away on the wind.

OK love. Time to rise and shine. Tobias sat down next to Ana. She was lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and machines. There were only two blotches left on her body. I really need you keeping all of them in line is too much for me. He held her hand, but there was no response. Youre looking lovely today, Ana. Gabe stepped into the room with a bright bouquet of flowers. I was wondering when you would show up. Ive been a busy god. Ive had to seal up the cracks between my world and yours. Ive found that you just cant walk into your local hardware store and get astral dimensional calk. Oh while I was busy repairing the boundary between this world and the next and stopping the evil one, I also removed the self-destruct spell from your friend. Shadow wont go ka-boom? Nope. Hows our girl? Its been three days. Tobias looked up at him, somehow expecting him to help. Shes still deciding. Deciding? Whether to live or die. I hope she makes up her mind soon. Tobias put his head in his hands. Go home Tobias. Theres nothing you can do here. When Tobias left, Gabe placed a necklace around Anas neck. Suspended from the fine silver chain was a piece of blood red amber that contained a single white bee.


The Chaldean Gambit When youre ready my sister, Gabe whispered, I hope youll resume your rightful place. Tobias wished he could sleep he really did. Even if he were mortal, however, he would have been pacing the quiet cellar of the Maraswaine house. He thought about turning on the TV, but the noise would only aggravate him. There would be no distractions tonight, no diversions only silence. The fluttering of wings brought him out of his sadness. What would a bird be doing down here? He walked over to the corner and turned on the lamp. There was a starling sitting on the table, chirping happily. In front of him was a pair of Herni Colombe sunglasses. Woodstock? What are you doing here? Something rushed out of the dark so fast that he didnt have time to react. It knocked him down. I love you. Ana was on top of him. She kissed him long and hard. The piece of amber around her neck was gone. So were the blotches.

The End



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

It was 2 AM. The bar was shut down tight, not that anything would want to sneak into The Black Hole at that ungodly hour. Shadow hadnt thrown it away, even though everyone begged him to. He wanted to get rid of it several times, but he just couldnt part with it. And he just didnt know why. Was it guilt? Was it love? Was it some kind of crazy mental if-only cocktail that you sip on in a lonely dark bar before dawn hits? I dont get it. Why why wont you get rid of it? AnaMathiat snatched the charred skull away from him. Hey! Be careful with that. Shadow took the skull back. She means a lot to me. She? Yeah I said she, didnt I? Shadow, have you been drinking? Ana laughed. No. She.Imrus was very important to me once. His voice trailed off into the gloom. Now Im getting confused. Was there something about Imrus that I didnt notice?

It was so many years ago. Things were so different then. I was young, foolish, and worst of all too eager for the wrong women. Julius and I had been drinking too much. The bar was loud and things were really curving our way, ya know? I saw her from across the bar. She she was incredible. Her hair, her face, her lips, legs..her curves all drew me in. I started scheming about how to bag this lovely. Julius saw what I was up to and held me back. He told me that this was forbidden territory; he said that she was bad news. I thought he was jealous. When I looked into his eyes and saw the fear there, something inside me wavered just for a moment. But being so young, so macho, so arrogant, made me twice as foolish. I marched right up to her, intent to prove my courage and have a great night. I was just drunk enough to slur half my words. Shadow laughed. As he looked into the skulls empty 302

The Chaldean Gambit sockets his laughter was hushed by something dark from his past, something he couldnt push down. Imrus gave me some kind of herb and I sobered right up really. It was like I had never sipped in my whole life. It was incredible. There I was, senses as sharp as a razor, skin tingling, and heart pounding. I dont know if it was magic or just experience with men, but she said all the right words. I knew that this was something unique. If I passed up this opportunity I would never meet a woman like this again. I dont know if I led her or if she led me. But we slunk through the streets like sinful black cats, just itching to go at it. The moon was full and there was a warm breeze which brought the smell of the ocean. After a little while we were alone in a little spot hidden away from the shanty towns. There are spots on the island where things live. They arent really spirits, more like basic essences of the soul, like hatred, love, jealousy, fear, joy lust. Here I felt there was a presence of masculinity and femininity - it was so thick it felt like sweat on my body. We sat in the sand, making small talk and planning our strategies. We both knew that the other one was trying to get the better of it. Not wanting to be outdone as a shaman, I cast a spell to, well, enhance our experience. No dont look at me like that. It was something spiritual, something of the soul. She said that she strictly forbid her dates to use magic, but for some reason she trusted me. It started out slowly, just gazing into each others eyes. Our hands did most of the talking and the discussion was pretty good. I moved in closer. I dont know why, but I hesitated just for a moment before the first kiss. It was like someone or something was making a last ditch effort to pull me back. But I wouldnt be denied. As the passion between us grew hotter, I could feel a battle going on around us. The essences treated us like pawns and the game had begun. I tried to ignore it I wanted it so badly. After a while though, I knew something had changed. I backed away.and..Imrus was now a man. SheI mean he didnt realize at first, but his face started twitching. It was like something had crawled under his skin and was burrowing into his soul. I Im not sure but I think something more than just her sex changed that night. I dont know if Imrus was evil before I met her, but he definitely was after I got done with him.



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

A-Ana? Sarahs voice was shaking. Sarah honey? Whats the matter? AnaMathiat held her cell while cleaning up the bar. The patrons had left and the only thing keeping her company were the shadows. Im sorry, I know I shouldnt have.but- Sarah, youre scaring me what happened? I wanted to borrow some of your jewelry and I came across this pretty silver ring. I tried it on for just a moment, but- Sarah, its not a big deal, you can always borrow my jewelry, just put it back where you found it. When I put it on and then looked in the mirror, I looked like a man. It was really freaky and I put the ring away. Im really sorry.I didnt mean to pry into your personal life. Thats ok honey. A chill ran down Anas spine. Dont worry about it. Ana started praying that this would soon be over. Ana? Yes? The guy I looked like seemed familiar, like I knew him somehow- Oh Sarah dont be silly. I started looking around the house and I came across this old photo of grandpa Zeke. Sarahs voice was laced with fear and confusion.


The Chaldean Gambit Sarah, its OK, just put it out of your mind.its its all over now. I just have to know its all too weird Sarah oh my God Sarah Anas voice was leaking out between sobs. What is it? Whats the matter? Whats wrong? Sarah started to panic. Youre an Ulhman. What do you mean? Youre not a Maraswaine youre an Ulhman. I was adopted? Oh God. Ana wiped tears from her face. She did her best to pull herself together. When I got to town I was still so wild and reckless. Seth tried to control me, but he loved me so much I sometimes dragged him into things bad things. We were looking for a place to stay for the night and came across a farm.the Maraswaine farm. Everyone was there, Grandpa Zeke, Uncle Oliver, Aunt Dorothy, even a few out of town relatives. It was raining, cold, and the wind just kept on driving the rain right through us. We just needed a place to stay. Seth knocked on the door and after a few minutes they let us in. I felt a little uncomfortable; we hadnt drunk anything for about a week. It all went well at first, but as the night wore on, so did the drinking. Zeke and Oliver started, well, looking at me I did my best to be demure and avoided them. But I couldnt not forever. They cornered me and tried to force themselves upon me. I never felt so violated in all my life. I remember the look in Seths eyes just before it happened. He always bore the brunt of the guilt for what happened that night. What did Seth do? It wasnt Seth it was me! Ana couldnt stop the sobs, her whole body shook. II just an instant all that was left was blood. You killed Grandpa Zeke and Uncle Oliver? Sarah was in a state of shock. I killed them allthere are no Maraswaines left in the county. Its all been a lie from Grandpa Samuel on down. The ring? Part of the lie; part of the masquerade. We got others who were willing to play our little gameSarah Im so sorry.


The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

They were gone finally. The last of the patrons had stumbled out the door. Glasses quietly clinked as they were picked up from the tables. Ana turned down the lights and walked over to the stereo. No she didnt want to play a song tonight. The Black Hole had been almost too noisy and it seemed best for silence to prevail. As she went from table to table, she felt someone watching her. This shy presence seemed reluctant to move from the shadows and was almost waiting for an invitation. You can come out. Ana addressed no one in particular. Are you sure? Was the reply. Yes. Whoever you are or whatever you are I can handle it. Ana put the dishtowel on the bar. It was so quiet, like all the sound had retired for the night. Slowly, a visage of a man stepped into the little light that Ana had let remain. He was a little fuzzy, but as he moved he slowly came into focus. He sat down on a bar stool, but he didnt have the audacity to smile. No. They destroyed you. Youre gone you cant be here. Ana stammered. It is a bit confusing, isnt it? Father McVale took off his coat and put it on the bar. Gabe! Gabe! Where the hell are you?! Ana, Ana. Father McVale put his hand on hers. Its me. Please, let me explain from the beginning. You have three minutes.


The Chaldean Gambit Fair enough. When I was a young man, and new to my parish, I had a lot of zeal. It was the kind of energy that picks you up out of bed every morning and says: Hey, get up! Youve got a lot to do today! But, he sighed, life is a long haul and after a few years I got frustrated. It really isnt good for a solitary man to have frustration as a bedfellow. So, I became content, occasionally bitter, and generally apathetic. That changed one evening. It was just another mass for me, another duty in an endless stream of obligations to fulfill. But for her, it was something magical. I could see it in her eyes. It lifted my spirit and things started looking up. As she continued to attend I noticed a change in myself. I smiled more; I talked about projects that I had abandoned years ago. I even found myself whistling a happy tune now and again. I was actually enjoying my calling or so I thought. What I was actually enjoying was her company. After a few months I approached her and complimented her on her steady attendance and enthusiastic participation. Her reply was a request to sit on a church committee or two. Why my lucky stars! I thought to myself. To have such a beautiful young lass, who was intelligent and had a desire to better her community was a true blessing. Committee meetings slowly evolved into brainstorming sessions over coffee. After a few months we were not only sharing plans for the church over dinner we were sharing bits of our personal lives. Oh Ana! What a fool I was! I wish I had joined the priesthood later in life. I had never been in a serious relationship before and had no idea of how to put the brakes on. I grew more enamored of her day by day and she knew it. I wasnt sure how she felt until one night when we went farther than a priest ought to go. It was then that I should have gotten out but I had no idea of who she really was. She tried to keep it from me. She did her best to avoid certain details and emphasize our love. She distracted me with her smile and little acts of kindness. Underneath the rosy picture I could sense that she was drawing me close to her, but trying to shut something up inside of herself. I I was just so nave. I went along with it all; ignoring the questions I had and focusing on our feelings instead. But, sooner or later, the darkest secrets of the soul come to the surface its inevitable. We were walking though the alley next to the church one starless night. Its hard for me to describe since it happened all so fast. There were two of them, just standing there, blocking our way. I was quick to reach for my wallet to appease them, but Sonja said no. It was the way she said it that surprised me most. There was no fear, no hesitation, no bluffing or bravado. She was in charge and she knew it. The rest was all so surreal. It happened so fast. Sonja simply broke those two young lads like cheap toys. She was on them like a ravenous jackal, sucking every last drop out of them. She turned to me, mouth covered in blood. The look in her eyes was so pitiful, so ashamed. My Sonja my beloved Sonja was a Straszny Opiekun. By this time however, my nave puppy love had shifted me past the point of rationality. I simply wanted to be with her. Nothing else mattered. She was quite happy with that ecstatic in fact. Our days and nights became happier and happier as our intimacy grew. She gave me everything a man could ever hope for in his wildest dreams. But I wanted more.


The Chaldean Gambit She had told me how I could become like her. At first, I let it go. The risks were too great. I would rather die and face the eternal consequences for renouncing the priesthood than put her life in jeopardy. That noble intention was slowly nibbled on by temptation, day after day. I would watch her hair wave in the summer sun and wonder how many? How many more summers? The more I put it out of my mind, the quicker it crept back in. Finally, I just did it. I asked her to be mine forever. I was quite surprised by her answer. When she said it, it sounded as if it came from the lips of a stranger. I wasnt prepared for a No. Swimming in that cocktail of lust, fear, and rejection, I threw away what little self-restraint I had left. I couldnt do anything at first, so I laid a trap for her for my beloved Sonja. So, as she lay there, incapacitated by the bronze and the apples, I forced her. I made her go through the ritual I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be immortal; I no longer cared if drinking human blood was the price. I would spend eternity with her by my side and that was that. 3 AM it was exactly 3 AM. She took her last breath and her body simply went limp. She was gone it had failed and I destroyed the one person I ever loved. Thats why Cytholos chose me. I had gone so far from the light that I found myself right under his shadow. So, when I was living in the church, that was Cytholos all along? A tear ran down Anas cheek. Sometimes it was, sometimes it wasnt. He wore me like a mask when it suited him. When he had other business to conduct, he would simply toss me aside like dirty laundry. Padre, I- Nonoyou didnt know. How could you. I didnt come to extract an apology Ana. I came to say thank you. And I came to bring you home. Gabe stepped from the shadows. His lovely adolescent skin seemed to glow in the dim light. Gabe! Why didnt you come when I called you? Ana demanded. I stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker. Gabe smiled. Cornelius! A blurry streak raced toward the old priest. When it reached him, it was a young, blonde woman with sparkling blue eyes and an innocent smile. How? How? Tears were running down Father McVales face. The three-eyed goddess paid me back for a good deed. Lets go home is waiting for us. Sonja took his hand in hers and they disappeared into the darkness.


The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

Next item up for bid: a Cirque de Nocturne poster, circa 1901. The television softly enunciated. The bar was empty. Tobias and Ana sat in the dark eating popcorn and nursing mugs of fresh blood. It had been a quiet, low key night and the silence was a perfect nightcap to an uneventful day. Outside, thunder rumbled in the distance. The usual presence that pervaded the room seemed just as interested in the TV, so the atmosphere was serene almost cozy. Damn thing. They should burn it. Tobias mumbled. Its not that gaudy. Some people like that kind of antique style. You know it might look good in the back bedroom- No! Hey, hey.whats the matter? Nothing. Tell me whats the matter. Ana gently turned him around so they were facing each other. Her eyes were impossible to resist. Theres a lot more to Cirque de Nocturne than most people realize. Thats because few live to tell the tale. That troupe of blood stained bastards has been around since the 16th Century and theyve been nothing but misery, torture, and death ever since. Its a magnet for black dogs because its so easy to eat and run and blame someone else. Sounds like you crossed paths with them once or twice. Ana Carnaval Mystres was Cirque de Nocturne.


The Chaldean Gambit OK this is where it gets interesting, right? Cirque de Nocturne did a lot of bad crap a lot. But then, in 1747, we got a new owner. Her name was Celeste. She was beautiful, charismatic, seductive, hungry and evil. The Cirque stooped even lower than before. It wasnt just about killing or eating. It was about feasting on pain, fear, power, immorality. I became Celestes right hand man, but was only in it for the blood. I could tell that she didnt trust me, so one dayone day she made me.well- Shhh.shhhh.its over now. Whatever she made you do its done. It drove me beyond what I could take. In the spring of 1788, I started quietly floating the idea that the Cirque was going too far. Oh honey I was so stupid. I was like a blind man sitting at a chessboard. Several members took my words as a battle cry and a mutiny began. It was over in just a few hours. Most of the dissidents were killed, but a few escaped. The survivors became Carnaval Mystres. I was lucky Celeste never found out. It had to stop, so I started working with the Children of Cytholos. Several times she almost caught me selling her out, but I was always one step ahead. In Bucharest, the Children were waiting. They had been following us for weeks. But at the last moment, I backed out of the deal. No matter how bad Celeste was, I just couldnt kill one of my own. I gave her enough clues and hints that she caught on. I left shortly after that, I knew that her mistrust and cruelty would get out of hand. She ended up killing one-third of the cult in Europe in only about 34 years. Enough time had passed that I could sneak into the Carnaval under a new identity. From then on, the Carnaval became the target of all of Celestes hostility and suspicion. But for her, revenge was a never ending tragedy. She and her troupe would torture and kill and then cleverly pin the blame on us. When she grew tired of that, she would devour one of our family. It was like they were an extra, unwanted shadow. Between running from them and the Children, we almost went insane on several occasions. And theyre still out there? Yes and now that theyre under new management, theyre even more unpredictable. What happened to Celeste? I didnt know for a long time; I thought she perished sometime in 1895. Most of us thought she was dead she was clever that way. But..he finally got what was coming to him. Tobias walked over to the shelf and picked up the charred skull. Imrus? He was Celeste? Yeah.I knew it was him when we tangled in Hungary. What he did to those dogs was just as good as a fingerprint. But the worst is over.


The Chaldean Gambit Or maybe yet to come.



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

So what do we keep and what do we throw away? Sarah was overwhelmed. Stuff she no longer needs. Tobias answered. The Black Hole was empty and he was closing up the bar. On the table before him was a to-do list. I didnt realize that Clarice was such a clutter-bug. Sarah walked through boxes of papers and mementos. Where did she get all this stuff? Flea markets and antique shows mostly. She loved to go to those antique shows. He sighed. Well, I just dont think that Im gonna ouch! You OK? Yeah, yeah.I just stubbed my toe on an antique chest. Its locked. Where would she keep the key? Why dont you skip over that? I thought you wanted everything organized. Well- Dont worry about it. I dont think well find anything shocking. OK the key would be in the kitchen cabinet, in the blue cup. Tobias reluctantly consented. Got it. Just give it a slow half turn. I dont want you breaking it. I wont. Sarah defensively shot back. 312

The Chaldean Gambit So what have we got? Papers, deeds, journalsand letters. OK put the letters in one pile and well sort out the deeds first. Wait a minute theres some letters from Seth here. Sarah thats private. Its also family business. I promise we wont tell anyone. Lets seewow. Did you know that Clarice died when she tried to make Seth into a black dog? No. She never mentioned that. Yeah, Seth goes on to say how he had to bring her back from the dead. Sarah rifled through some letters on the bottom. OK, now that weve indulged our curiosity, lets get back to the legal documents. Wow. Sarah? Just hold on a minute. Clarice died two more times while trying to turn Seth. There really must have been something between them. Did you know about that? One should never pry into his sisters love life. Sarah, you really shouldnt be reading that stuff. Oh my God. I think that explains it. What is it? Tobias was getting worried. After the third time, the three eyed-goddess refused to help him bring Clarice back. So, who brought her back? It was Cytholos.



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

The last patron had left an hour ago. The darkness seeped into the bar like a fog rolling off the ocean. Ana turned off the TV and settled in for the night. The only sound was the glasses clinking together as she rounded them up. The lights occasionally flickered, which didnt get her attention. In a place frequented by unseen benefactors and guardians, she had come to expect odd little things. But the stale, beer drenched air rippled; something from another place was trying to get through. Ana turned and stared at a corner of the bar nothing. She went back to work and put the incident out of her mind. An hour later, she heard a baby crying. A chill went down her spine. Nelson? Ana crept to the corner, half delirious with excitement, yet trembling with fear. There, underneath the table, sat a small baby, not more than 2 months old. He smiled and held out his arms. Ana instinctively picked up the child and held him close. She cooed and cuddled him, all the while nervously looking around. Ana. Gabe stepped from the shadows. His hair was grey, which contrasted sharply with his black suit. No. Im sorry, but you know he cant stay. Gabe took the child from her arms. Nelson, you shouldnt be wandering about like that. Its time to go home. No. II wont let you. Please dont make this harder than it has to be. Why? Why cant he stay? You know the child will simply feed off the souls of your victims. Look even now hes taking in the essence of someone you killed. 314

The Chaldean Gambit Rachel how nice to meet you again! I havent seen you since we bumped into each other outside the temple. The childs voice was shaky, faint, and slightly raspy. Nelsons eyes changed from blue to brown. Thats thats Ehud! He was an old priest I met in Jerusalem in the 4th Century. Ana was bewildered. He was also one of your victims. Gabe pointed out. Abigail, would you fetch me some water? Nelsons words had a sweet feminine ring to them. The toddlers eyes changed from brown to green. Sister Cornelia. No this isnt real this isnt happening! It has to be some kind of trick! Its not. Gabes reply had a terrible finality to it. Dammit Gabe! Give me my baby! You and Seth knew that this baby was never supposed to be. Two Straszny Opiekun were never meant to produce a child. Why? Says who?! Tears were running down Anas eyes. My dear sister, I love you so much, but this visit must come to an end. Gabe and Nelson melted back into the shadows.



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

What a night. Sarah sat down, exhausted. It was 1:30 AM and the Black Hole was finally quiet. You never told me this place could get this busy. Sam plopped down next to her. Its a pretty popular place in case you havent noticed! She playfully shot her towel at him. Hey, just because Ive been away to college doesnt mean that Im gone forever. He threw the towel back. Well look who we have here two little wee ones. The voice was young, lilting, and sinister. In the dim light, Sam could make out a little smile. Sorry were closed for the night. Sam rose to his feet. Good. I like a more private atmosphere when talking about family business. The words seemed to come from the very walls. Look Im not in the mood for games sister just get out. Now Sarah was on her feet. Ill leave, but Id like to take one of you with me. An older woman stepped forward. She wiped blood from her lips. Behind her, a dead body fell from a chair. Sam get the juice. Sarah stepped between the intruder and her brother. Thats quite alright Samuel. Im not thirsty. Before he could react, the woman was behind him. She put a knife to Sams throat. Look if its money you want, the cash register is yours. If you want blood, theres some in the back room. Sarah slowly backed away, toward her favorite table. I didnt come here for pleasure. Tonight, its all about business. 316

The Chaldean Gambit Whats your game? Sam asked. Revenge. Now this is the part where one of you says: But weve never done anything to you! So let me cut out that part and tell you a wee little story. You see, you were supposed to be mine. The Maraswaines were supposed to be my family. But your charming Aunt Emily stole them away. I was this close, She pressed the blade closer to Sams throat, to having a wonderful little family of my own. But, just one day before I was about to make my move, Aunt Emily stepped in. Sorry you were cheated; but thats life. Sarah was just one step away from the table. So it is. Well I just couldnt accept it. If I couldnt have the Maraswaines, no one would. Did your mother ever tell you that Emily killed Uncle Oliver and Uncle Joshua? Well..she had a little help. It was quite easy to trick her into doing it. And the orchids grandpa accidentally brought home? That was me too. What a rube! It was so easy to slip them into his bag. And mom? Sarah reached under the table and found what she was looking for. Oh yes, dear mommy too. There are certain spells that act like bait for old three-eyes. If I hadnt stepped in, the goddess probably wouldve taken the mailman. Im sorry, but its game over. Sarah jabbed herself with insulin and disarmed the woman in the blink of an eye. In a matter of moments their tormenter was dead. All this time.. Sam stared at their fallen enemy. We didnt even know who the real monster was.



The Chaldean Gambit

Secrets Trapped In the Black Hole

The late August wind swirled around her as she made her way to the car. Sarah walked across the parking lot, looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home. The wedding would go on the back burner just for tonight. She got to the car and smiled. She was a lucky girl to have Julius 1974 black Mustang. She reached into her pocket and panicked. The keys were gone. She turned around and headed back to the bar but it was gone too. Where the Black Hole once stood, there was an empty asphalt lot covered with glowing sigils. They formed a circle and wriggled this way and that. There was a smell of damp vegetation and sulfur. Sarah slowly walked up to the spot. She was utterly speechless. A sound of shuffling feet was emanating from the weird drawing. Shadow? Her hand trembled as she held her cell. Yes honey? His voice was as smooth as silk. Where are you? Right here behind the bar where you left me. Shadow? Yes? The bar is gone. Oooppps! Something must have gotten a little blood on one of the glyphs. What do you mean something? Where are you exactly? Oh Im fine. Dont worry about me. The bar is where its always been in Loohr. 318

The Chaldean Gambit Loohr? Yeah a little place at the bottom of one of the spirit realms. Now heres what I need you to do- Are you telling me that all this time Ive been working in Casperville?! Its not a big deal well, unless you get the dead angry. But hey run a nice, quiet little establishment and everything is cool. So, just step into the center of the circle- Nowait, wait, wait! Howis this even possible? How come nobody knows? Simple illusion and transportation spells are all you need to set up shop down here well that and some pretty big spirit connections. Some of the sigils give the illusion that the bar is up there. Other sigils pop you into the bar and back to the land of the living without you ever knowing it. So youre running a bar in the depths of Hell? Sarah warily walked around the circle. Of course not! Loohr is a bit to the east of Hades and northwest of limbo. Look, clean up the sigil and Ill give you a book or two on the place. Its actually not that bad. No way Im doing this. Trust me, if you follow two simple rules it will be like walking through the park on a pitch black night. No way. Will a five percent raise get your cute little feet moving? Twenty. Ten. Shadow leaned back against the bar. Fifteen. Ten percent is all Im gonna give you. Done. What do I have to do? Just step inside the circle and work your way to the center. Dont step on any sigil that looks like a Q inside a triangle. Also, no matter what, dont scream even if something grabs you, just try to wriggle out of it. Shadow! No really dont worry about it. I havent been groped in years. OK?


The Chaldean Gambit Sarah put one foot inside the circle. It felt solid enough. When she put her other foot inside, everything went black. The only light came from the illuminated glyphs. She slowly pushed her way past cobwebs, jagged rocks, and tangled skeletons. She was just about halfway through when she spotted the stained sigil. In her eagerness to complete the task, she stepped on a Q triangle sigil. The ground tiled violently. Hey! Hey! Whats goin on out there?! Shadow was clutching the bar for dear life. Chairs and tables were sliding toward the back; glasses shattered on the floor. I stepped on a Q what do I do?! Find a Z in a circle! Quick, quick, quick! Z in a circle! Got it! Sarah was sliding toward a murky abyss. She saw a Z surrounded by a circle and slapped it as she went by. The ground tilted back and was once again level. Good. Now find the stained sigil and just wipe it clean. OK.I think this is gonna be my last night. Sarah was trembling. Just find the sigil. OK. Its right here. Theres just a little blood on it. Sarah reached in her pocket and pulled out a little handy wipe. As she opened the package, she could hear something limping past her. She wiped the blood off the symbol and heard a commotion behind her. Something grabbed her arm. She broke free and started running. Something grabbed me! God! Get me out of here! Keep going straight. Wait, jump! Shadow instructed. Faster, you gotta go faster girl! Shadow was watching from the window. Sarah burst through the door and slammed it. She slid down to the floor. Shadow gently helped her to her feet and sat her down in a nearby chair. So, out of all the places in the world, why operate a bar down here? She looked up at him with a mixture of disbelief, terror, and disgust. Shadow went to the door and stepped through it. He could see the street outside, girded by streetlights. In the distance, a lonely taxi passed by. Location, location, location. He chuckled.


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