College of Technology and Engineering: A Training Report ON

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Submitted by: Krishan Gopal Yadav

Submitted to: Dr. DHARM SINGH

Training Incharge IT & CSE


I wish to acknowledge the encouragement received from Mr. Naveen Choudhary (HOD, Computer Science and Engineering Department, C.T.A.E. Udaipur) & Dr.Dharm Singh (Training Incharge) for initiating my interest in training.

I earnestly acknowledge my profound sense of gratitude to Mr.Atual Jain(Director of the core info pvt. ltd) under whose supervision I have been able to complete the project.

Their mastery & work helped me in covering out this work smoothly. I am also grateful to all the workers of various departments who have helped me to improve practical knowledge.

Finally, I wish to add that I am indebted to god & my parents for everything good that has happened to me.


Practical training is a way to implement theoretical knowledge to practical use. To become a successful engineer it is necessary to have a sound practical knowledge because it is the only way by which one can acquire proficiency & skill to work successfully in different industries. It is proven fact that theoritical knowledge is not sufficient because things are not as ideal in practical field as they should be.

It is a matter of great pleasure that our college authorities have recommended a practical training of 30 days to supplement our theoretical knowledge acquired in the college.

krishan gopal yadav



This is certified that Mr. Krishan Goapal Yadav the student of Information Technology has worked on the Project of Tutor search and Registration System. He took interest in all the meeting and our requirement and has put in all him efforts to develop a successful project. Him conduct has been good and he is sincere towards him works. We wish him all success and a very bright future.

Mr.Naveen Choudhary (Head ofthe Department)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Certificate Chapter 1 About Core info (p) limited 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Area of training(tech.) 1.3 Area of training(non tech) 1.4 Procedure 1.5 Performance Chapter 2 Project Profile 2.1 System Requirements 2.2 UML class diagram 2.3 flow diagram 2.4 Use case diagram Chapter3 Development Environment Chapter 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4.1 module 4.2 Web Page Description of Project Chapter 5 Database Description Chapter 6 Sample codding Chapter 7 References

Chapter 1
ABOUT CORE INFOCOM (P) LIMITED CORE INFOCOM Pvt. Ltd. is a one of the leading Software Development, IT Company cum Professional Computer software Course Training Provider Based at Jaipur, with all the Dimensions of IT services. We are specialized and experienced to provide unique IT/Software solutions. Our aim is to provide our customers with high professional Standard and to ensure satisfaction at each task. CORE INFOCOM bridges the gaps and strengthen ties between the corporate and academia. CORE INFOCOM Pvt. Ltd. services strategic points in the talent value chain with the objective of enhancing skills, employability and facilitating opportunities. 1.1Training(tech.) In-House Training Refers to the trainings for the college going students or trainee members of graduation courses and other Post Graduate courses like B.E. / B. Tech / M.Sc.(IT) / B.Sc.(IT) / MCA / BCA

o o o o

Core Dot Net Intermediate Dot Net Advance Dot Net Professional Dot Net

o o

Core Php Advance Php

Job Oriented Php

o o

Core Java Advance Java

Software Testing
o o

Manual Testing Automation Tools

SQL/Oracle Website Designing Desktop Publishing Computer Basic Course C Language C++ Language Computer Hardware and Networking IT Expert (Basic Coumputer + Tally)

1.2Training(non tech.) - Human Resources - Finance - Marketing - Materials Management

1.3 Procedure Project Training: The colleges are required to forward a letter/email giving the details of the students and areas in which project training is required along with the CVs of the students . On acceptance of the project training, a communication will be sent to the college indicating the schedule of the Training along with a attestation form which need to be filled up and countersigned by the Principal/HOD of the College. In-Plant Training. The colleges are required to forward a letter/Email giving the details of students who wish to undergo training along with the dates of Training. The In plant training will have two batches commencing from 1st and 15th of every month. On acceptance, a communication will be sent to the college indicating the schedule of the Training along with a attestation form which need to be filled up and counter signed by the Principal /HOD of the College

Chapter 2

TITLE: - Tutor Search And Registration System Aim :-Tutor registration system is focused on providing individual students with convenient, affordable, tutoring. Submitted to: - Core infocom (p)limited,jaipur salient features : By using this s/w, you can learn how you prepare your records in standard manner Also you can find the previous session papers and current news related to anystudent or employees. By using this s/w, administrator can manage all

records in standard manner. Accurate calculations are made. Less manpower required. User Accounts to control the access and maintain security Simple Status & Resolutions.

Designed by: -Krishan Gopal Yadav (B.E. IInd Year IT)

2.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:Software Requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and pre-requisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an application. These requirements or pre-requisites are generally not included in the software installation package and need to be installed separately before the software is installed. PLATFORM: Windows XP or newer TOOLS : o FRONTEND o BACKEND 2.1.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor RAM Hard disk OUTPUT DEVICE INPUT DEVICE Network :intel Pentium or more : 512 : 15 GB or more : Color Monitor : Keyboard & Mouse : Network supporting TCP/IP : C#.Net : SQL SERVER 2008

2.1.2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Language Technology Database IDE Operating System Web-Server : : ,, : Ms Sql Server 2008 : visual studio 2008 : Microsoft Windows XP or Later Version : IIS



The Data Flow Diagram takes an input-process-output view of a system. That is, data objects flow into the software, are transformed by processing elements, and resulting data objects flow out of the software. Data objects are represented by labeled arrows and transformations are represented by circles. DFD provide an additional insight into system requirements and flow. Low level diagram-session life cycle


6.1 User Search Criteria

6.2 Build Query

6.3 Execute Query Results


8.1 User Close Session

8.2 Redirect Home Page

2.4 USE CASE DIAGRAM Use case diagram illustrates the manner in which an actor (in this case, the data entry operator) interacts with the system.

Chapter 3 Development Environment

The website is developed using ASP & HTML as a GUI / Front-end tool and Microsoft sql server as a Database / Backend tools.


1. Front End: ASP stands for Active Server Page a. Server-side programming technology b. Consists of static HTML interspersed with script c. ASP intrinsic objects (Request, Response, Server, Application, Session) provide services d. Commonly uses ADO to interact with databases e. Application and session variables f. Application and session begin/end events g. ASP manages threads, database connections
Asp. is the widely-used , secure and efficient alternative to competitors such as php.


IIS:- Internet Information Services

Designed to deliver high speed and secure information publishing Serves as a platform for developers to extend internet standard communication capabilities Runs as a Windows NT 4.0 (Option Pack) service Full Scale publishing includes following components Transport Services Client applications Administrative Tools Database Connectivity Encrypted Communication

3.Back End: MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2008 Transparent Data Encryption External Key Management Data Auditing (change tracking) Transparent Failover Policy Implementation Auto Synchronization (conflict detection) Development enhancements DATE and TIME data types New MERGE T-SQL syntax allows different operations (UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE) on a table based on user-defined conditions all in a single statement

4. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 delivers on Microsofts vision of smart client applications by enabling developers to rapidly create connected applications that deliver the highest quality, rich user experiences. With Visual Studio 2008, organizations will find it easier than ever before to capture and analyze information to help them make effective business decisions. Visual Studio 2008 enables organizations of every size to rapidly create more secure, manageable, and reliable applications that take advantage of Windows Vista and the 2007 Office system. Best tool set for Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista & Microsoft Office 2007 .NET Framework 3.5 design surfaces Office 2007 support including ClickOnce and VSTO MFC support for Vista common controls Improvements for Web Developers HTML / CSS designer enhancements Integrated AJAX and JavaScript support Language advances .NET Framework multi-targeting support Improved Data & Language integration in VB / C#


Tutor registration system is focused on providing individual students with convenient, affordable, tutoring .it is basically systems with online support and it is based on managing the database of the online application, student, faculty, cources,recent notice, Student Forum records. It is divided with two parts one is server part and the other part is client part.So, the category of this project is online college information system.

4.1 Modules: According to the need we can categorize the Bug Tracking System into following modules. Admin Module. Tutor Module. User module

4.1.1Admin Module:

The Administrator acts as a Power User that manages all the Details of each User of the Tutor search and registration System. He assigns each user a unique login ID and password. The administrator manages Employee registration,subject . Admin will also maintain all necessary information about the employee like Department and Designation to which employee belong and personal information which is necessary for making contact from them with edit, block and view rights.

functionality : Admin Login Change Admin Password Change User Password Create Department Create Stream Create Employee Assign Stream Search

4.1.2 tutor Module: tutor Module provides the basic description and detailed overview of subject and stream. All the Controls to manage and Permission to Access the Database is being given by the administrator to some particular employees who can access and can make changes to them. Some Sort of information is managed by User Modules. tutor login Change password Select stream Select subject Select area . search

4.1.3 User Module: In this module the user has limited is also called as student Module. All student who want to search tutor in particular area can register here and search for that. Student login Change password Search stream Search subject Search area Search tutor

4.2 Web Page Description According Admin Module of Project

Home page

Tutor registration page

Name Name Add Button stream

Control Textbox Multiline Textbox Button Radio button list

Function Description This control gives facility to enter the Name. It accepts the information about the Add. Submit the information Accept the stream field

Tutor search page

Tutor name Strem Search

Control Textbox

Function Description This control takes the name of the tutor Drop down list This control will post the stream name on another form Button This control submit the information

Administrator log in

Create Employee

Log in panel for user

CHAPTER 5 Database Description for Teacher registration system

Table Format: - table_stream

Primary Key: -strm_id

Table Format: - tbl_student

Primary Key: - id

Table Format: - tbl_subject

Primary Key: - sub_id

Table Format: tbl_tutor

Primary Key : id


using using using using using using using using using System.Linq; System.Web; System.Web.Security; System.Web.UI; System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; System.Web.UI.WebControls; System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; System.Xml.Linq; System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class Search : System.Web.UI.Page { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("data source=MY-PC\\SQLEXPRESS; initial catalog=tutor; integrated security=true "); SqlDataAdapter adp; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from strm", con); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList2.DataSource = dr; DropDownList2.DataTextField = "strm_nm"; DropDownList2.DataValueField = "strm_id"; DropDownList2.DataBind(); dr.Close(); con.Close(); } } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "select * from tutor where "; int flag = 0; if (TextBox1.Text != "") { str += "tutor_name='" + TextBox1.Text + "'"; flag++; } if (DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text != "--Select--") { if (flag == 0) {

str += "area='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } else { str += "or area='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } } if (DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text != "--Select--") { if (flag == 0) { str += "stream='" + DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } else { str += "or stream='" + DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } } if (DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text != "--Select--") { if (flag == 0) { str += "subject='" + DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } else { str += "or subject='" + DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text + "'"; } } adp = new SqlDataAdapter(str, con); adp.Fill(ds); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind();

} protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from subjects where strm_id=" + Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value), con); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DropDownList3.DataSource = dr; DropDownList3.DataTextField = "sub_nm"; DropDownList3.DataBind(); dr.Close(); con.Close(); } }


Through training at Core infocom (p) ltd, I came to know various development techniques. The project which I submitted give a very good exposure to programming and its database connectivity. Here Microsoft sql server is used . Through training I come across to various aspects of industries and its working and also make me feel confident in ASp.. The development of software includes so many people like user system developer, user of system and the management, It is important to identify the system requirements by properly collecting required data to interact with supplier and customer of the system. Proper design builds upon this foundation to give a blue print, which is actually implemented by the developers.


ASP.NET 2.0 Black Book (By Belmaks Solution Content Team, Dreamtech Software Development Team)

HTML:the complete reference by Thomas a powell Database Management System- by Korth

REFERENCES: Technical references provided by company .

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