Sgbs Course Structure - Ist Year 2011-13

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TRIMESTER Credits 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 NC NC 2 months Duration 36 Credits should be decided and will be allotted ( generally 8 credits will be allotted ) Resource Person / Faculty Prof. SSP chaganty Dr. Prof. N. subramanyam Prof. SSP. chaganty Prof. maytrai reddy/MP Shiv Kumar Dr. Sunderashan Prof. Mahipal Reddy. Prof. B R. M. Rao

Course Name Cost Management (CM) Business Analysis and Valuations ( BAV) Working Capital Management ( WCM) Marketing Research ( M R ) Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations Operations Research ( Production and Operations Mgt) Sales and Distribution Management ( SDM) 5 Days workshop on SPSS + SAS ( 5 DAYS starting of the Trimester ) 1-Day workshop on Summer Project Work

1. COST MANAGEMENT ( CM) Objectives:

( 6 credits)

To familiarize the students with cost records /statements and principles underlying them and to develop their skills in undertaking and appreciating cost information. To acquaint them in brief with cost and management accounting mechanics, process and system, but emphasis is laid on sound concepts and their managerial implications. To Develop an appreciation about the utility of cost information as a vital input for management information and decision making process. TOPICS: 1, Introduction to Cost Management & Implementing Strategy 2. Cost Analysis , concepts and Classification ( cost Drivers and Cost Pools) 3. Preparation of Cost sheet ( Unit & Operating Costing) 4. Costing and Control of Overheads ( Treatment of Overheads) 5. Activity Based Costing & Activity Based Management ( ABC &ABM) 6. Job Order and Contract Costing 7. Marginal Costing, B E analysis, CVP Analysis 8. Relevant Cost and Differential Cost and Transfer pricing. 9. Budget, Budgeting, Budgetary control 10. Standard Costing & Variance Analysis 11. Process , Joint and By product costing. 12. Responsibility Accounting and Decision Making 13. Balance Score Card and Value Chain Analysis. Book for Recommended : 1. Cost and Management Accounting by Thukaram Rao , New Age International publications. Books for Reference: 1. Management Accounting by James Jiambalvo , John Wiley Publications. 2. Cost Accounting by Charles .T. Horgren/ PHI 3 cost Accounting by MN. Arora , Vikas Publications. ************************

2. BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND VALUATION ( BAV) Objectives: ( 4 credits)

It is aimed at students who expect at some point in their careers to evaluate the performance , prospects , and value of a business. TOPICS: 1. Financial Statement Analysis 2. Statement of Cash Flows 3. Approaches to Valuations: - 1 a ) value added and share holder value analysis b ) financial forecasting and Balance score card c) valuation of Rights, valuation of convertibles d ) valuation of warrants. 4. Approaches to Valuations II a ) Valuation of shares and Business b ) investment Appraisal and Capital Rationing 5. Lease or Buy Decisions. 6. Life Cycle Costing & Replacement Decisions. 7.Scrip Dividends and Stock Splits 8. Estimation of Term Structure and Interest Rates. Books for Recommend : 1. Financial Management by S.N. Maheswari , Vikas 2007 Books for Reference : 1. Financial Management by Rajiv Srivastav & Anil Mishra , oxford 2. Financial Management by Dr Prasanna Chandra / TMH 3. Financial Management text and Problems by MY Khan & Jain/TMH *********************

3.MARKETING IN PRACTICE (MIP) Objectives: ( 4 credits)

1. To provide the to be Managers in the marketing area a practical Exposure. To ensure the illustration of application of marketing theories in practice. This would be achieved in two different ways : Lectures by Practitioners ( executives from various fields of marketing) TOPICS: 1. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning 2. Brand awareness, Brand Management 3. Portfolio Management 4. Bench Marking , Responding to competition. 5. Production Decisions, Pricing Decisions , Advertising Decisions. 6. Sales Force Management, Distribution Decisions. 7. Utility of Marketing Research Studies 8. Budget Decisions 9. R and D , New Product Launch. 10. Development and Execution of Marketing Plan. Books for Recommend: 1. Marketing Management ( Text and Cases) by K.Karunakaran./Himalaya Publications. Books for Reference: 1. Marketing Management by Tapan K. Panda / Excel 2. Key Marketing Skills by peter Chevton / Kogan page *************************

4.MARKETING RESEARCH (MR) Objectives : ( 6 credits)

The Objective of the course would be to give the students an understanding of marketing from both users ( management) and doers ( the researchers ) Perspectives. TOPICS: 1. Introduction : A decision Making Perspective of Marketing Research. 2. An overview of the Marketing Research. 3. Problem Identification 4. Methodology 5. Qualitative Research 6 Factor Analysis 7. Multi Dimensional Scaling 8. Pre-Processor to MDS 9. Co-joint analysis 10. Discriminant Analysis 11. Cluster Analysis 12. Segmenting and Positioning 13. New Product Development 14. Pricing Research 15. Media Research 16. Strategy Formulation 17. Brand value 18. Selling the Idea of MR Reference Books: 1. Marketing Research by A parasuraman / Addision/Wesley
2. Marketing Research by Naresh K Malhotra/ pearson publication. 3. The essence of Marketing Research by Peter M Chismall/ prentice Hall India. 4. Marketing Research by Donald R Lehmann Sunil Gupta & Joel Steckel / Addison / Wesley


The Objective of the course is to equip students with knowledge , skill and competencies to manage people along with capital, material , information and knowledge asset in the organization. The course has been designed keeping in mind not the specifically the need of HR Managers but all managers Fundamental assumption being that all managers Finance, Market , approaching are accountable to their Organization in terms of impact of their HRM practices and systems. The effectiveness of human resource management in organization depends largely on individual perception , assumption and belief about people. The course will provide students logic and rationale to make fundamental choice about their own assumption and belief in dealing with people. TOPICS: A) HUMAN RESOURE MANAGEMENT. 1. The course Begins with HRM- Management Perspective. It will help the students formulating their own managerial style , their assumption and belief about People. 2. Why HR matters more than ever new? HR to collaborate in creating organization than can change , learn, and act faster than competition- a key to future success. The topic deals with changing paradigm , validity of HR function , HR efficiency and HR Competencies. 3. Compensation and Reward Management Introductory concepts , Definitions and approach to compensation and Reward Management , forces driving theory and practice , trends and developments. 4. Performance Management Different Elements of Performance Management , process and evaluation techniques , issues and dilemmas, context and design model of system. 5. Human Resource Accounting 6. Balance Score Card- Factors that led to thinking about score card approach, idea underling, BSC , Research by Kaplan and Norton Introducing BSC - Step by step - case studies project work.

B) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Objectives: The objectives of the course is to give a good understanding of dynamics of Industrial Relations against the backdrop of monitoring and regulatory environment in India. TOPICS: 1. Industrial Relations Approaches, frame work 2. Collective Bargaining - Frame work , levels 3. Negotiating techniques and Skills 4. Tripartism and Social Dialogue- types , level , Reform process in strengthening tripartite social Dialogue. 5 ZIST of the following Labor Legislations.\ Trade Unions Act, 1926 Factories Act , 1948 Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 Industrial Disputes Act, 1948

Reference Books: Dynamics of Industrial Relations by Memoria and Gauskar , Himalaya publ Industrial Relations by Arun Monappa . TMH Managing of Human Resources & Industrial Relations- Tapamoy Deb , Excel Human Resource Management by Subba rao Himalaya publishing Human Resource Management by VSP Rao: Himalaya publishing



( POM) ( 6 credits )

To get acquainted with the basic aspects of Production Management. The course attempts to discuss various important planning, organizing and controlling aspects of Operations Management. Through text and case studies , this course prepares for a study of different operational issues in manufacturing and services organizations. The course is to reinforce the concepts of Production Management through various operational aspects of Production Management. Various important production Management techniques will be covered with different problem solving methodologies . case studies and assignments will further augment the understanding of the subject. TOPICS: 1. History and Overview of Production Management 2. Capacity planning 3. Location Planning 4. Types of Production Processes, Layout Planning 5. Productivity Management 6. Deterministic and Probabilistic Inventory Management Models 7. Purchasing and Warehousing 8. Methods study, Motion Study, and work Measurement 9. Job Evaluation 10. Wage Incentive Schemes 11. Value Analysis. 12. Forecasting 13. Aggregate Planning 14. Scheduling : Gantt Charts and Sequencing 15. Project Management with PERT/CPM 16. Material Requirement Planning ( MRP1) 17. Manufacturing Resource Planning ( MRP II) 18. Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP)

19. Total Quality Management ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Quality systems Statistical Process Control ( SPC) 20. Maintenance Management : Reliability and Maintenance Replacement Techniques 21. Logistics and Supply Chain Management .( ZIST ) REFERENCE BOOKS: Production and Operations Management by Aswathappa HPH Theory and Problems in Production and Operations Management by SN chary/ TMH Production and Operations Management by saxena , TMH Production and Operations Management by Kachru, Excel publications.



To provide an understanding of the concepts, attitudes, techniques and approaches required for effective decision making in the areas of Sales and Distribution. To pay special emphasis on the practicing managers problems and dilemma To develop skills critical for generating , evaluating and selecting sales and Distribution. TOPICS: 1. DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT MODULE: Sales and Distribution Management Distribution Objective / strategy Interface between sales force and channel Channel Design. Implementing Channel Design Managing the Channels Members Channel Power and Conflict Channel Evaluation. 2. SALES MANAGEMENT MODULE : Territory Allocation. Managing Accounts Effective selling Salesman Recruitment Compensation and Motivation of sales Force Supervisory Styles Sales Organization Evaluation and Control of Sales Personnel.

Reference Books: 1. Sale and Distribution Management by SL Gupta , Excel 2. Sales Management by Tanner , Pearson publication 3. Marketing Strategy by Subhash C. Jain , Cengage 4. Marketing Management by Kazmi , Excel publications 5. Sales and Distribution Management by Krishna K. Havaldar & Vasant M Cavale.


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