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APRIL 2012

Edition 007

We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we have always sought

I am the Change
Lizie Kha'doyo, 21 it, says Kha'doyo. others and s h o u ld a l s o avoid getting involved in drugs and substance abuse. If you can't embrace change you'll end up hating Samson Mkanda, 23, argues that if you are not pleased with how things are around you, there are only two things to do: either you turn to a contemplation of the past or think of a


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hey say change is as good as rest. And for the Kenyan youths, a er waiting in vain fo r o t h e r age g ro u ps to change their lives, never before has this rest been so desirable. Our recent trip to Umoja One, Nairobi where we spoke to members of the Straight Talk Club established that not only are the young people eager for change, they also have brilliant ideas on how to realize the same. Martin mwaniki, 17, says: Change will not come if we wait for some other person or another time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we have always sought. We need to start by stopping irresponsible sexual relationships and live a chaste life. My challenge to our parents, teachers and elders should set good example to the younger generation. Lizie Kha'doyo, 21, says that youths should work hard and stop being used by politicians for bad causes; they should get involved in income generating activities to avoid depending on

solution to move on. We should not wait for leaders to give us money, he adds. We need to work hard and come up with our own initiatives; we should also be on the forefront in ghting HIV/Aids which is affecting many of us and rendering some of us unproductive. My advice to my fellow youths is to know their status by visiting the nearest VCT centre and be part of the change. Jaguar, a popular musician of the kigeugeu hit, concurs saying celebrities should be good role models to the youth and mentor them. Thats why Im always excited to engage in helping youths initiate economic empowerment, they should also join youth activities like Straight Talk and engage in positive behavioral change activities, challenged Jaguar. Rose, 23, says: We need to acknowledge one another in signicant ways and get involved in activities that can change our lives because change actually begins with us. We also need to keep ourselves safe from drugs and violence and change from being silent on our issues and start speaking up. Lets delay sexual activity until the right time; lets instill the dignity that comes with virginity among the youth and make it a swag. start speaking up, Lets delay sexual activity until the right time, lets instill the dignity that comes with virginity among the youth and make it a swag.

Jaguar Kenyan artiste

lk session, g our regular ta se, ub - Umoja durin Straight Talk Cl : Julia Kimuli, Ro le talking). From shia wazi' (Straight 'Gumzo Mkanda and Fre Juliet, Samson Lizie Kha'doyo,

Kataa hiyo!
Many youth think that abusing drugs is a swag. Weve all witnessed what it can do. But we still just cant keep our hands off them! What really then is the problem? Is it our parents, teachers, role models or peers? The fact is the problems lies deep within you. No matter how bad our society is, YOU have the POWER to say NO to drugs! My close family member started abusing drugs. It was a sad experience seeing him go crazy and talking a lot of nonsense before he was taken to the rehab. It spelt disaster to our f i n a n ce s a n d a ls o brought us great shame. He lost his job and friends. What I learnt is that abusing d r ugs k i l ls a n d t h e sooner we stop the better for us and our future generation.

Stop the cut

Yvonne Makokha

FGM is next to slavery and the highest form of abuse of human rights and justice. We must join hands and ght this vice which has deprived many young girls the right to enjoy life which God planned for them...OPERATION MALIZA FGM must be conducted to campaign against this inhuman act.

Michael Mwashighire, Old Mombasa

HIV/Aids has become a major threat to the society and its spreading at an alarming rate especially among the youth who are considered to be the most productive segment in any society. Therefore, if we dont nd a way of stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS among them, our economy will be adversely affected. Ignorance and lack of proper education are some of the main contributors to the spread of HIV. Make sure you use a condom every time you have sex but the best way to protect yourself from being infected is Abstinence.

Let's chill


Brian G Chiteri Nairobi

Straight Talk magaazine

APRIL 2012

Clubs and Project Flicks

Q.Whats your Q.Whats your take take lesbianism aboutabout lesbianism in schools?
Anne Taskie Nkatha Could be curiosity, could be bad experiences with men (which I think takes a big part of it), could be a life of sexual ful llment that does not come with heavy responsibility and consequences to mention but a few. John Paul Githiri Its not right at all especially in our African culture and traditions not forgetting its a deadly sin according to the sacred Scriptures. Rouzze Nonnie Its truly unethical and immoral, I think most of them do it due to peer pressure and it should not be supported. God knew what he was doing when he created man and woman. Josephat Mbugua The only way to save the girl is make sure that the school administration copes with it seriously. Let their be rules to be followed in schools . Don Makaveli The problem is women are outnumbering men , real men are decreasing by time. In short women are nding their way to sexual satisfaction Derek Scho eld Ouma Well this happens but it all comes down to ones choice so lets not lie to ourselves uphold morals to the boy and girl child from a tender age basically lets be real with ourselves.
Share your ideas, experiences and opinions. Your medical questions will be answered and claried by Dr. Straight. Include your name (s) and address to enable us acknowledge you. We wont publish your name(s) if you request us. Remember, your snap can appear next to your article and we will send it back with a copy of Straight Talk. Remember to indicate your Post Ofce Code. Write to; The Editor, Straight Talk.Box 2971200100, Nairobi. StraightTalkFoundation Email: Straight Talk is published by Straight Talk Foundation Kenya

Straight Talk Club

There have been many Straight Talk club activities during the year. Straight Talk clubs have been submitting their reports to update us on their activities and progress. Keep submitting your reports and share with other clubs how your clubs are faring on and challenges you meet along the way. Straight Talk clubs are also encouraged to invite other schools for inter-club activities in their regions.

Activities 2012

Elated pupils of Mukuru Kwa Njenga Primary School receiving sanitary towels from Joyce Njambi, a peer educator and volunteer with Straight Talk . Str8 PLUS team leader Dorcas Kawira speaks to the youth about her experiences living with HIV

Club members of the newly launched Straight Talk Club at HighLink Sec School in Donholm, Nairobi

PCEA Ngon'g Hills High School students keenly go through the Straight Talk magazine. The magazine has proved to be popular with High school students

he ongoing crusade by coastal leaders to use the youth to agitate for a cessation is in bad taste. While its true the coastal region has endured historical injustices, I call upon the youth to unite with fellow Kenyans and ght these issues togethHary Sanja, er. What the Coast youth are Mombasa facing is what the rest of the country is facing. Going the Pwani si Kenya (Coast region is not in Kenya) way will only lead to bloodshed and destruction. Look at the two Sudans, what have they gained? Its only a handful of people who gained while the rest waste away. The MRC have genuine issues. But war and separation isnt the answer. When a trigger is pulled, the bullet has no eye to choose not to hit a 'Coastorian'.

Sober up!

here are so many things and information these days that entice young people into sexual fantasies, this has led to increased exposure into pre marital sex thus exposing them to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, as youths we should take full control of ourselves and not just practice whatever we see or hear, because the change always start with you.

Chukua Control

ba Bethsheori Mig Awuor,


Join our discussions on Twitter: @StraightTalkKe

Straight Talk magaazine

APRIL 2012

Straight interactive


Dr. Straight


Dear Dr. Straight,

I sometimes get confused and wonder when girls talk about their monthly periods yet they are virgins. My question is, does the liquid/blood pass through the vagina or urination part? And if a girl is a virgin, is it di cult to break that layer that makes her to be a virgin or not? My last question is, if someone is HIV positive with a lover who is negative and they have oral sex. Can the HIV virus be transmitted if that partner has wounds in the mouth. M.H, Kakamega.
Dear M.H; The wall of the uterus/womb is prepared during the cycle in readiness for a fertilized egg to come settle and mature into a baby. The preparation includes increase blood vessels, thickening of the uterus lining and all this is aimed at enabling the fertilized egg incase it arrives to have the best for survival. Incase there is no egg fertilized,then the uterus lining breaks down,the products leaving through the cervix, into the vaginal canal and out into the environment as menstrual bleeding. The hymen is some thin skin at the vaginal opening, normally only covering just the edges, though at times it can cover the whole vaginal opening. Thus one can have menses while still a virgin. The hymen can break while doing sports or during sexual intercourse. Virginity is broken only through sexual intercourse.

HIV is easily transmitted in body uids especially where there is break in the skin which is the rst defense line against infections. The main mode of transmission is through sex, contact with contaminated body uids. The risk is high at the point of sexual contact if there is a break in the skin.

The life of the Young & positive

Someone once said Dont wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there.and light the thing yourself (Sara Herderson). Its so sad we Angela Mungai the youth Kikuyu. are always waiting for handouts from politicians and our families instead of going the extra mile to fend for ourselves. We complain that there are no jobs when we havent even tried our best Our leaders take advantage of us just because we want to succeed the easy way and someone ends up hurt. This is not our calling. We are the leaders of today and not tomorrow as we are made to believe. We need to take a step now and rise up. Take a stand and do something. Our parents wont always be there to help us even our friends and that politician or leader will turn their back on you the minute they get what they want Before you dismiss your dreams, wait until theyve come true. Before you go looking for happiness, Make your own where you are.

Rise Up!

s Kawira, a 21-year-old second year law student at Moi University in Eldoret and Straight Talk O cial and peer educator has moved students and teachers to tears when she takes to the stage to talk about her status. Through the Str8 PLUS initiative, Straight Talk visits schools and campuses and holds regular GumzoWazi (Straight Talking) sessions where students engage in open and candid talks about issues such HIV and sexual reproductive health. Quali ed peer counselors moderate these talks. Kawira was born with the virus, and lost her parents at the tender age of six. Together with her

A world free of Aids is what Dorcas Kawira wants to see, and with good reason: she has lived with HIV all her life

younger brother, they had to rely on

Dorcas Kawira, 21, Str8 PLUS

well wishers for upkeep and education. HIV is with all of us because even if we are not infected, we are a ected in one way or the other. So we need to treat the victims with compassion, says

Ms Kawira, who joined the universitys Annex campus two years ago after scoring a clean A in the 2009 KCSE examinations. She says: The government and other institutions need to look at ways of reaching out to such youth instead of dwelling on boardroom meetings as the virus spreads, Ms Kawira said during Unescos reproductive and HIV Youth Seminar at the Serena Hotel last year. he has sworn to conquer the virus she has lived with for two decades. She is the program coordinator of Str8 PLUS, a Straight Talk initiative for adolescents living with HIV/ Aids. The initiative offers psychosocial peer support program for adolescents living with HIV. Ms Kawira, who was born in Nanyuki says she wants to be admitted to the bar so that she champions the rights of people with HIV.

Take charge!
The only person who can change you is you. What you choose to believe in has a great e ect to the outcome of your future. We as teenagers are exposed to many in uential habits be it drugs or other immoral behaviours. We ought to set our goals straight and remain focussed. However, as we pursue our daily endeavours we should not forget those around us. Michael Ndege, Our friends, 16, Starehe neighbours, Boys Centre. relatives and any member of t h e society play a big role in building us to an all round adult. After all we are tomorrows leaders, arent we?

Youth Friendly VCT Centres Youth Friendly VCT Centres Youth Friendly VCT Centres
Young people in are encouraged to visit the following VCT centers :- Nairobi, Umoja VCT Center , Liverpool VCT centers, Stay Alive VCT center, Kayole Hospital LTD VCT Centre ,Soweto Kayole Clinic VCT Center, KISUMU :-Nyaweri (VCT) Centre, Liverpool VCT centers, Agape VCT Centre , Lumumba Health Center VCT ,

Straight topic
Celeb Bite

APRIL 2012

Get it straight from Cecile S

traight Talk: Have you ever visited a VCT centre? Cecile: Yes, in Jamaica. Every year our Ministry of Health does a workshop for World Aids Day (December 1). I have been a part of their mobile events a few times, where not only do entertainers perform, but we get to speak to people with HIV and also see site testing being done. ST: What are the main challenges for the Jamaican youth, maybe in comparison to Kenyan youth? C: The challenges are very similar. I think knowing oneself and having self worth. Once you have this, there are many situations you just wont get involved in. ST: What can you tell the youth about drugs and substance abuse? C: I just feel that to knowingly start something thats harmful to you is foolish, regardless of any reason or so-called excuse. Ive lived around people who have been abusing drugs and I have no tolerance for them. Im very hard on them and I cant bring myself to lend support to someone who knowingly started it, so I prefer to talk about staying away from drugs in the rst place, as opposed to trying to get people o drugs. S T: Wh at i s t h e b i g g e s t challenge you ever faced as a youth? C: Ive never had a relationship with either my mum or my dad. That is, being extremely close and having that bond whereby I could tell them anything, so Ive had to rely on reading, and Im happy that it worked for me. I dont like to complain about
opment, food and clean water programs directly to the people where it matters. Make A Change is currently working with The Straight Talk Foundation Kenya in various initiatives intended to empower and i n s p i re K e ny a n youths through schools and youth programs. Along with the beautiful Kenyan model and humanitarian Ciru Maina who is the Make A Change brand ambassador. The 'Make A

Vox Pop
Forget HIV, here's the real scare
HIV/Aids is what I fear most, that is according to many youths. But are you aware that there is another enemy within that Lucy Ng'ang'a, is threatening and even Nairobi County. claiming many lives? This is Hepatitis B. This being one of the most dangerous disease (it has no cure), you can prevent yourself by getting vaccinated. The disease is sexually transmitted too, therefore make sure you protect yourself or abstain!

my hardships in life; there have been many, but Im a rm believer in shutting up, getting up, and making your own life. One day I will write a book and you will see! ST: What songs of yours do you feel highlight the rights and wrongs in relationships? C: Honestly Im not the one to say whats right or wrong in a real persons relationship because people are di erent and what works for one relationship may not work in another. However, when I sing about stu like Waiting (being monogamous), or Ride Or Die (sticking by someone through thick and thin), its my hope that these general rules will help push some form of decency in relationships because I nd that people can be very promiscuous which Ive never been, will never be, and dont like! ST: What would you have been if you were not a musician? C: A writer, school teacher of English language and literature!

Make VCTs youth friendly

Most VCT Centers are not youth friendly because some of the counsellors are aged , They always wear that stone face and look so serious. Julia Kimuli This scares the youths and Deliverance Church, so many won't open up Umoja even when they are having problems. We need to have youth friendly HIV/Aids testing centres that gel with the youth.

Jamaican star CeCile developed a passion for Kenya and its people during her rst Kenyan appearance in March 2011. When she learned of the su ering caused by the drought emergency in Kenya and the rest of the Horn of Africa she was inspired to write a song to support good causes and motivate listeners to become active contributors to their communities. CeCile and Christopher Grey of lm and music production and artist management company Greyology Inc - whove also provided their creative expertise on major internationally successful lm and music projects, have unveiled the exciting new music and multimedia campaign designed to assist, inspire and motivate African citizens and people of African descent from around the diaspora, to participate in solving the issues they care about. The Make A Change charitable campaign leads up to a major televised multi artist bene t concert in Nairobi later in 2012 and with international support from the elite of the worlds music, lm and fashion industries, the cause w i l l


ST: What advice do you have for the Kenyan youths? C: Im genuinely in love with my roots and I feel a sense of kinship for the Kenyan youths. Dont use my songs (or all of them) as a model for your life but instead take inspiration from the person that I really am, the real CeCile who says No to drugs, No to hate, Yes to hard work, Yes to being positive, Yes to loving who you are, No to being promiscuous, Yes to being smart and Yes to giving back among others. Im aware of the power of music and I feel the pure, real love from Kenya. Thats why I extend myself so much on social media like Twitter. Also, I rmly believe in being a star, whoever you are, on your own level, acting like a king or a queen, commanding respect and earning it.
Change' campaign song features a first time ever collaboration from some of the cream of Jamaicas most popular recording artists including CeCile, Alaine, Christopher Martin, Sherieta Lewis, Mavado, Gentleman and LUSH . To download Make A Change ringtone and full song to your phone in Kenya text MAC to 7273

Based on movies and other media po rtrayals, you might think all teen agers and young adults are sexuall active. This is sim y ply not true. We kn ow it might seem like youre th e only person in yo ur school who is a virgin, or that youre the only on e virgin college student, but the tru th is, there are m any people like you. Even those wh o dont choose to wait till marriage. In short, young pe ople (dare to say, particularly young males) tend to lie about their virginit y status

Myth: Fact:

Everybody is havi ng


Myth: Girls can't get preg

Ciru Maina

benet community initiatives, giving opportunities in Kenya and Africa wide in education, healthcare, youth economic devel-

There is a chance that you can get pr egnant if you have sex during yo ur period. Once in the vagina, sperm can stay alive for several daysthat means that, even if the last time yo u had sex was thre e days ago during your period, you co uld now be ovulatin g and therefore you could get preg nant. You just need to abstain and wait for the right time, apart from pr egnancy you can still get infected wi th HIV and other ST I.


nant during their


Straight Talk is published by The Straight Talk Foundation Kenya. This Straight Talk edition is proudly supported by:

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